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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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21 minutes ago, LBS said:

@Mkay I just subscribed to her Snapchat and holy hell!  Why are they going off-roading so late (for me it was posted an 1 hr ago and it’s almost midnight CST).  Him dancing with the mask? So creepy.  Where are the kids??

Unfortunately the kids are probably locked out of the house and roaming the Land. 

  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, LBS said:

@Mkay I just subscribed to her Snapchat and holy hell!  Why are they going off-roading so late (for me it was posted an 1 hr ago and it’s almost midnight CST).  Him dancing with the mask? So creepy.  Where are the kids??

I’m telling ya! I’m glad you saw it, too.   They went out, drank some more (which didn’t work out that well last Saturday) and no telling what kind of drugs they are on. 

  • Love 7

So many drugs... And one would think if your collarbone wasn’t bruised you'd show it.  Not hide behind your hair and a turtleneck.  

Also - since Maryssa is being homeschooled, why the fork are they gone for several hours during the school day?  WTF is she doing during those times?  Rhetorical question. She’s cleaning up their messes while the favorite child is taken out to eat. 

  • Love 18

Hmmmm. Two ignorant nimrods with absolutely zero redeeming qualities score a reality show where they make tons of money off of being ignorant nimrods, spew lie after lie after lie, and suffer no consequences other than continuing to make $$$$. They constantly contradict themselves with their outrageous lies (*picture of Jenelle holding a piece of pizza* Caption: I don't eat pizza. I hate pizza, so why would I even be holding a piece of pizza? Anyone who believes that is a hatter.), are abusive, psychotic sociopaths, and yet? They keep on truckin', and even have a lot of non-hating supporters. They are 'Merica 2018. 

  • Love 13
16 hours ago, SpitfireJess said:

There's just something about this picture that scares me.  It gives me the "Sleeping With the Enemy/Enough" vibes. How he's kissing the top of her head while holding her daughter and looking at the camera.  Her smile seems forced, too.  And I guess he's got the gun on him, too.  I can't stand her, but I really feel for her in this situation.


*edited to add after seeing the pic with David with the holstered gun

That photo looks like he's holding a gun to her back.

So it was all a drunken misunderstanding. Their life is wonderful as two drunken slags brawl it up with a house filled with helpless, frightened, children. Way better, Janelle.

  • Love 19
On 10/18/2018 at 7:55 PM, CaliforniaLove said:

My grandparents used to live by a park that had a duck pond when I was young. I used to love going to the duck pond & feeding the ducks bread (leave me alone, it was the 80's...no "don't feed bread to birds PSAs please :-)). The only thing I didn't like about the pond was the sludgy, duck-shitty, stagnant smell of that pond...it has been years since I've been to the pond, but anytime I see a picture of an Eason (including the kids, sorry), I smell that smell. Blech. 

Were you the brunette kid that always wore bugle boy pants? In New England? You just described my childhood in the 80s to a T. I’d cut through a duck pond on my way to and from school to feed the birds.

The way you described the sludgy white poop brought up so many memories for me. I used to play “avoid the crap” when trying to feed each ? individually ?- it was sooo disgusting. 


I just listened to the 911 call and it gave me bone chills. I hate Jenelle but I had 1% sadness for her during that call but then it quickly subsided when I think about how her kids are being treated poorly but UBT and she doesn’t take them away.

We all know how hard it was for Jenelle to leave David “who will want a girl with two kids by two different dads?” While talking to that weird lady on the couch few seasons back.

Now it’s worst “who will want a chick with THREE kids by three different dads and a CRAZY ASS FUCK EX!!” Some men don’t want the drama in their life if they discover what an ex is like and avoid the female.

I could just see the guy now “that’s your ex husband? He’s dangerous!!! I don’t want no part of that shit! Bye girl!” Which doesn’t leave Jenelle with many ideal suiters. So if she ever does leave UBT, it’s possible that the next guy will be even worst because she has nothing to offer any real good men — not even money because she will be broke. David has spent all of her money and has total control over her money. 

  • Love 14

I just scrolled past the story posted on FB on ET Online Page via a linked article from Fox News.  LMAO. Even Fox News hates you, David!  And those are supposed to be “your people.”

Part of me wishes the police would start ingnoring her.  Of course that can’t or won’t happen, but the local authorities must have some sort of opinion on the Eason family.  When someone on the land does end up dead or gravely harmed, it will be all “the police were called XXX time to the property and nothing was done.”  And that’s the kind of shit that pisses me off.  

“Just a drunken, dramatic misunderstanding??”  Who does that with 4 kids in the house and then the same day the story breaks goes on SM drunk?  No shame, none.  

Nice turtleneck Jenelle.  I know 80’s shit is coming back but come on.  Her and David both look like complete psychos.

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, druzy said:
He's proud of Barb and Jenelle- he's really a worthless piece of garbage. He's the devil.

This is so obviously the honeymoon phase after the big fight. Blowup, honeymoon, tension builds, blowup, honeymoon...on and on.  No abuser is awful 100% of the time. 

Barb sees it. We see it. The only one who chooses not to see it for what she KNOWS IT FUCKING IS is Jenelle. 

  • Love 21
3 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

This is so obviously the honeymoon phase after the big fight. Blowup, honeymoon, tension builds, blowup, honeymoon...on and on.  No abuser is awful 100% of the time. 

Barb sees it. We see it. The only one who chooses not to see it for what she KNOWS IT FUCKING IS is Jenelle. 

This is why I do not feel sorry for her.  She is not some struggling woman going to work every day trying to hide her bruises.  She is not trapped because she is broke and has no where to go.  This shit is about as public it can get and she is basically flaunting it.  She has a fucking TV crew living on her property.  Hard time backing that up, this is 100% her choice to stay.  

I’m still shocked she has not been knocked up with another David spawn.  ?. She’s quite the fertile myrtle.  Are the drugs catching up with them....???  If only.

  • Love 13

David is so creepy dancing with the Darth Vader hat on. What DOES she see in him? Not that she’s a prize but his face is getting creepier by the month. The beard is creeping me the F out.

He was actually decent when we were first introduced to him. He’s like a bad science project. He better be at least great with the D because that’s his only redeeming quality. Jenelle is so ugly in the inside, I guess she only deserves someone ugly both in and out. But those kids deserve a Gary or a Cole. ?

Edit to add:

I just thought of something. If this show continues on until the kids are teenagers do you think that the kids that are living in shitty situations will throw major side eye and jealousy towards Chelsea and Gary’s kids???

I mean, they get to watch Aubree and siblings and Leah and siblings grow up with nurturing parents (I know Leah had Amber but she was truly raised by the sweet, Kristina) while they get abused or ignored. I could totally see Jace and Kaiser being mean towards Aubree and Watson, etc. I don’t know but I hope not.

I just know that in middle school the poor kids that were constantly yelled at and ignored by their parents were always mean to the kids at school that had parents cheering at their sporting events or chaperoning field trips while their parents were at home getting stoned and sending them off to the store with food stamps to get their own dinner. Just Sunday morning thinking. Don’t mind me. ?

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I have a Snapchat (mainly to follow family who don’t live nearby- my godchild and cousins are on it), but I haven’t used it in like six months. I think I may have to start using it again and following Jenelle because...those videos are something else (something very, very drunk/high). What’s her Snapchat? 

Also, I have two kids 3 and under and there’s no way in hell we’d be having an in-home dance party with the music turned up at nearly midnight any day of the week- even a weekend. If we’re still awake then, we’re reading or watching Netflix with the volume where we can barely hear. We’re doing everything we can to NOT wake our small children and enjoy what little time we get together alone and the silence once the kids are in bed. We’re often asleep, though.

There’s also no way in hell we’d be going four-wheeling at midnight, either. Hell no...where would our kids be? Also, who four wheels at midnight at the isolated swamp? That doesn’t even sound safe. By midnight, I’m often too tired to even fold laundry, let alone go out on a four-wheeler for fun.

I know they don’t have real jobs or real schedules (and don’t have to wake up to bring kids to school since they homeschool), so I know their household isn’t necessarily one with the hours the rest of the world keeps, but DAMN. Way to not prepare your kids for the struggle of the fact that the world largely operates during the daytime hours & real world jobs don’t give AF if you’re naturally a night person (like I am) if you still have to be there at 8am. Those kids probably have no consistent schedule & poor Jace probably has a hard time adjusting from the hours they keep at his swamp visits & back to real life with a set schedule/early mornings in his real home with Barb. I’m sure dealing with those adjustment times over and over aren’t fun for Barb, either.

I bet these two swamp things sleep most of the day while Maryssa (& Jace, when he’s there) end up doing the basic caring for themselves and their younger siblings. They’re probably all terrified of what moods J & D will be in when they wake up hung over or jonesing. Poor kids. Sadly? the lack of schedule is one of the least of these kids’ problems given the violence and firearms at home. 

It is pbandjenelly_1 she is mostly posting click bait recently after blasting Kail for doing the same thing.

  • Love 5
23 hours ago, Mkay said:

Jesus God Leah!!

How on earth did the “pohleeeeccceee” leave 3 or 4 minor children with an armed, drugged up, drunk who just assaulted his wife?? 

We know Jenelle is an asshole moron, we know David is a sociopath/psychopath, both drug addicted narcissist drama queens, 

but what in world is wrong with the “POH-leeece”, the EMT’s, the social workers, and the CPS in their county???? 


Seriously!!! It reminds me of that guy who killed his wife, still got supervised visitation with his kids and one day the kids run in the house, he locks the social worker out, kills the kids, himself and burns the house to the ground. 


These people should be brought up under state or even federal investigation for gross incompetence for endangering children in that way! 

  • Love 21
14 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


On 10/20/2018 at 5:51 PM, FairyDusted said:

I can't believe I joined fuckin SnapChat to follow her. Fuck You Janelle. He shaved his fucking head. Makes him creepier yet!


I know they don’t have real jobs or real schedules (and don’t have to wake up to bring kids to school since they homeschool), so I know their household isn’t necessarily one with the hours the rest of the world keeps, but DAMN. Way to not prepare your kids for the struggle of the fact that the world largely operates during the daytime hours & real world jobs don’t give AF if you’re naturally a night person (like I am) if you still have to be there at 8am. Those kids probably have no consistent schedule & poor Jace probably has a hard time adjusting from the hours they keep at his swamp visits & back to real life with a set schedule/early mornings in his real home with Barb. I’m sure dealing with those adjustment times over and over aren’t fun for Barb, either.


I feel the same way about a majority of these TM’s.   Like it or not, the gravy train will stop.  And these kids have seen their parents loafing around with NO ambition, but all the entitlement.  That’s not reality.  They are not trust fund kids who have the luxury of security of a laid back life.  Their moms might like to think they are that status,  but they’re not.  

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I feel the same way about a majority of these TM’s.   Like it or not, the gravy train will stop.  And these kids have seen their parents loafing around with NO ambition, but all the entitlement.  That’s not reality.  They are not trust fund kids who have the luxury of security of a laid back life.  Their moms might like to think they are that status,  but they’re not.  

I agree. However, we have at least seen the other parents send their kids to brick and mortar schools and/or daycare, which means the kids are waking up around the same time during the weekdays and have some sort of set schedule then.  (I'm not including Amber here, since Gary & Kristina are the ones who have Leah on some type of sleep/wake/study/etc schedule for school days.  Leah Messer has had issues with being able to do this for the girlses at times, but seems to be able to do it when she has the girlses now.)

The other TMs largely don't work, but they still (except Amber) manage to get their kids off to school/daycare on some kind of regualr schedule, even if they just go back to their bed or couch after dropping them off. That's more than poor "home-schooled" Maryssa gets at her house now that she doesn't go to a school from 8am-2pm or whatever. 

  • Love 11
12 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I agree. However, we have at least seen the other parents send their kids to brick and mortar schools and/or daycare, which means the kids are waking up around the same time during the weekdays and have some sort of set schedule then.  (I'm not including Amber here, since Gary & Kristina are the ones who have Leah on some type of sleep/wake/study/etc schedule for school days.  Leah Messer has had issues with being able to do this for the girlses at times, but seems to be able to do it when she has the girlses now.)

The other TMs largely don't work, but they still (except Amber) manage to get their kids off to school/daycare on some kind of regualr schedule, even if they just go back to their bed or couch after dropping them off. That's more than poor "home-schooled" Maryssa gets at her house now that she doesn't go to a school from 8am-2pm or whatever. 

Does Sophia go to school too? 

3 minutes ago, littleB1rdy said:

Does Sophia go to school too? 

I forgot about Sophia since Farrah's not on TMOG anymore. I suppose she doesn't really have a set schedule, either.  Her mom does at least regularly leave her couch/bed and work/hustle, though, I guess...so she has seen some kind of "work ethic" modeled, I supposed (and seen a lot of other bad behavior modeled).  She has at least seen her mom "work" (even though some of it likely isn't child appropriate and all). 

Back to Jenelle and David - they suck. 

  • Love 5

I gotta agree with some other users here that I honestly don’t care what happens to Jenelle. Her call to police would be sad if I didn’t know she’s never been scared for her own children. It’s all about her and always will be. She always uses the “I was crying my EYES out and NOBODY CARED” yet we all see Keiser literally crying his eyes out onscreen while Jenelle and David yell at him. I just hope that if or when David kills her that the daycare of children they’ve collected isn’t around to see it or get hurt/killed.

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:


Seriously!!! It reminds me of that guy who killed his wife, still got supervised visitation with his kids and one day the kids run in the house, he locks the social worker out, kills the kids, himself and burns the house to the ground. 


Yes - whenever the police or CPS goes out to check on the kids, and LETS THEM STAY THERE, I am reminded of that awful story! 

I know a lot of the time, there is abuse in the home but no one notices, and you wonder how they kept it secret.  But we SEE this abuse RIGHT NOW and no one is doing anything to help the kids!  Every time someone tries to help, like Doris trying to keep Kaiser, the system fails them.  It is infuriating, and if I think about it too much I get too upset.  

  • Love 19

enelle Evans was willing to discuss her recent explosive fight with her husband David Eason while filming for the upcoming ninth season of Teen Mom 2… as long as her version of the story was told.

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Jenelle did talk about her latest incident (which, as The Ashley told you, left Jenelle frantically calling 911 claiming David assaulted while their four children slept), but MTV producers weren’t buying the version of the story Jenelle told on-camera, so they’re reaching out to the other ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast members to discuss the incident during their own segments!

“Jenelle filmed about it with [her mother] Barbara and basically said they were both super drunk and she just tripped and fell into David and they both thought the other was attacking them, so that’s how it got blown out of proportion and why she called 911,” a behind-the-scenes source told The Ashley. “The story was really out there.”

The Ashley’s sources tell her that, because Jenelle’s version of events were not really adding up, producers are desperate to get the incident discussed more in-depth on the show, so they are trying to get Briana DeJesus, Kail Lowry, Chelsea Houska and Leah Messer to talk about what happened and give their feelings on-camera about Jenelle and David’s relationship.

“Jenelle is not aware that the other girls were asked to do this, either, which is even more messed up,” a second source tells The Ashley.

The Ashley is not sure which of Jenelle’s cast mates, if any, agreed to discuss Jenelle’s incident on-camera. However, not everyone approved of the order, according to one of The Ashley’s behind-the-scenes sources.

“Once the crew members heard about it, a lot of them were talking about how wrong it was that the producers were being instructed to get their girls to discuss this just to make scenes out of it.”


Edited by druzy
  • Love 7
47 minutes ago, druzy said:

enelle Evans was willing to discuss her recent explosive fight with her husband David Eason while filming for the upcoming ninth season of Teen Mom 2… as long as her version of the story was told.

You know, I've half a mind to believe that the incident was staged just so Janelle would have something to talk about on the show. There were no charges pressed, everything seems to be going on normally (however that word is defined) in their relationship in the aftermath of it, and Barb sure was all smiles for David's camera over the weekend. I would think that if she really thought he assaulted her daughter, she'd have some misgivings about looking so cheery for his picture. This is a reality show after all and all of these thirsty girls need to provide content or their jobs are on the line. That coke isn't free, after all. 

Were they not filming?  Was production and crew not near by?  Why do they need to interview girls 1000’s of miles away?

where do the 4 kids sleep?  I’m still waiting for pics of all their rooms.  You know she would be posting that shit if it actually had happened.  Hell, I would be.  I brag my shit up when I re-do a room in my house DYI (seriously, I do.  No shame).  As far as I know since I quit watching years ago, the upper level was suppose to be the kids rooms - pretty sure “custom” was a word tossed about.  All I’ve ever seen is the downstairs bedroom that Kaiser was in and maybe a play room type area. 

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Were they not filming?  Was production and crew not near by?  Why do they need to interview girls 1000’s of miles away?

where do the 4 kids sleep?  I’m still waiting for pics of all their rooms.  You know she would be posting that shit if it actually had happened.  Hell, I would be.  I brag my shit up when I re-do a room in my house DYI (seriously, I do.  No shame).  As far as I know since I quit watching years ago, the upper level was suppose to be the kids rooms - pretty sure “custom” was a word tossed about.  All I’ve ever seen is the downstairs bedroom that Kaiser was in and maybe a play room type area. 

She filmed with Barb a couple days later. That must be when she told the "we were drunk and accidentally thought we assaulted each other" story. The last we heard, the upstairs is still unfinished. Don't know where all the kids sleep. Her saying they were really drunk is another thing Barb can add to her list. The visitation agreement has a stipulation in it that there would be no drinking to excess around Jace.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

She filmed with Barb a couple days later. That must be when she told the "we were drunk and accidentally thought we assaulted each other" story. The last we heard, the upstairs is still unfinished. Don't know where all the kids sleep. Her saying they were really drunk is another thing Barb can add to her list. The visitation agreement has a stipulation in it that there would be no drinking to excess around Jace.

Oh that’s right!  I forgot the no Corona clause.  But hey, Barb is a drunk who leaves the bar and drives Jace around. 

Didnt one of the posted reports about the 911 call say that the MTV crew was unaware of the incident?  Fuck that.  I can’t imagine that crew makes enough money to put up with this?  FFS.  I walk into work on Monday and someone tells me my co-worker assaulted someone in our office?  Oh yah no. That would be a quick call to HR  and that shit would be the end of it.  I can guarantee the co-worker would be on leave immediately and I would be offered services for medical and emotional support as needed.

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, geauxaway said:

Oh that’s right!  I forgot the no Corona clause.  But hey, Barb is a drunk who leaves the bar and drives Jace around. 

No Corona clause ? If I had it, I would offer Barb a million dollars just to sit down and talk for a couple days. I want to know WHY she hasn't tried to stop the swamp visits. She can still try to get along with Jenelle. And, if Jenelle breaks off communication again, too bad. Jace will be safe.

  • Love 12

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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