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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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6 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Leave Cheetos & Barb out of this, David.

I'm still confused as to what exactly "this" is. Let me try to get this straight...David very randomly decided to make a hypocritical statement about Gracie, Kail jumped in to the fray. Jenelle unleashed on Snapchat as a shit-talking dog. Now he is trashing cheetos and Barb? They make me feel like I'm taking whatever it is they're on. SMH. 

  • Love 17

In a little more than 3 years, Jace is going to be able to dictate when and where he goes as far as custody is concerned as you are able to plea to the courts when you are 12 and they will take your feelings into consideration with regards to mandated visits with his mother. David is walking a fine line posting shit like this. Everything I've seen of him makes it clear he is protective of his meme and has no connection to David whatsoever, if David is even around by then as it's completely possible Jenelle would've fallen on top of another penis by that time working on #4...Both of them better be prepared for Jace, the independent thinker because it would not be outside the realm of possibility that he completely shuts these fuckers out of his life for good.

  • Love 15

What the hell with the jaw contraption? Having your "jaw aligned" will somehow prevent someone from having cosmetic surgery? Wonder if they can fix her Jay Leno chin while they're at it? I've know several people that have had surgery to change jaw structure but it was to improve their bite along with a lot of orthodontia.

4 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Bullied?! Ha!! 

Translation: My husband isn't allowed on the set and MTV won't pay his expenses, so he won't let me go.

  • Love 22
13 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

What the hell with the jaw contraption? Having your "jaw aligned" will somehow prevent someone from having cosmetic surgery? Wonder if they can fix her Jay Leno chin while they're at it? I've know several people that have had surgery to change jaw structure but it was to improve their bite along with a lot of orthodontia.

Translation: My husband isn't allowed on the set and MTV won't pay his expenses, so he won't let me go.

That tweet is from 2 years ago. Who was "bullying" her then? I definitely see history repeating itself next month when it's time to tape the reunion.

  • Love 10
49 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

What the hell with the jaw contraption? Having your "jaw aligned" will somehow prevent someone from having cosmetic surgery? Wonder if they can fix her Jay Leno chin while they're at it? I've know several people that have had surgery to change jaw structure but it was to improve their bite along with a lot of orthodontia.

Translation: My husband isn't allowed on the set and MTV won't pay his expenses, so he won't let me go.

That tweet is two yrs old. Someone retweeted it and made it new again.  My bad on my part. 

  • Love 9
51 minutes ago, LegallyRed2 said:

In a little more than 3 years, Jace is going to be able to dictate when and where he goes as far as custody is concerned as you are able to plea to the courts when you are 12 and they will take your feelings into consideration with regards to mandated visits with his mother. David is walking a fine line posting shit like this. Everything I've seen of him makes it clear he is protective of his meme and has no connection to David whatsoever, if David is even around by then as it's completely possible Jenelle would've fallen on top of another penis by that time working on #4...Both of them better be prepared for Jace, the independent thinker because it would not be outside the realm of possibility that he completely shuts these fuckers out of his life for good.

My best friend's daughter did this when she was 13. At first, she said she was sick on the weekends she was supposed to spend with her father. When that wouldn't work any more, she made weekend plans with friends and would see her dad for an hour or so on Sunday before she went home. This went on for a few months and then the poor kid would get so stressed about it that she'd be a puking, nervous wreck when it was time to go. Her mom took her to a therapist and the therapist recommended the visits should stop. The dad went to court to try to force the visits but, the judge took the therapists's insight very seriously and the child never had to appear. There was no physical abuse going on, it was the father bad mouthing the mother and lying about everything.

  • Love 13
On 4/27/2018 at 6:08 PM, druzy said:


It looks like he hooked up a swing, without a harness, or safety belts.  They are pretty high up, kids cannot hang on.  This is a death trap.



On 4/28/2018 at 8:02 PM, akr said:

I don't know that I'd trust a zipline that David put together. I can't imagine a lot of thought has gone into the physics of it.


  • Love 10
26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

David, get your insults right. LEAH'S family is the Cheeto consuming clan. 

Plus, these idiots all know each other IRL (at least sort of I would suppose), so why do they always steal our snark from what is seen on the show? Calling Kail the Hulk, and referencing Cheetos is not original, or interesting. If you're gonna go after each other, give us some behind-the-scenes tea! for crying out loud!

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, druzy said:


This is what happens when too many dicks are being shoved into her mouth.

Maybe David is referring to Cheetos because Leah is the Cheetos eater, and we know Kail is bisexual (or pretends to be) and he is insinuating something about her fingers being covered with Cheetos because she and Leah are more than just friends. He is anti-homosexuality. Rotten POS.


It looks like he hooked up a swing, without a harness, or safety belts.  They are pretty high up, kids cannot hang on. 

I grew up in the 70s. This would have been the perfect thing to play on. lol And we did. No helmets, no safety belts, no harnesses...ahhhh memories.

Edited by Kazu
  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Looking at her in the jaw contraption again and remembering she's not the sharpest tool in the bong shed, I wonder if she meant reconstructive surgery? In Jenelle speak, I'm sure plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery mean the same thing. 

How could that be, she's a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL??!!? 

  • Love 21
14 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

How could that be, she's a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL??!!? 

I mean weighing patients and taking blood pressure = saving lives! Surely plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery mean exactly the same thing! I know reconstructive cosmetic surgery is an amazing thing that has enabled people to have a much better quality of life. But, this is Jenelle. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, Mkay said:

So if that's true, she had a gun that was THAT accessible with Jace in the car? *insert Roxanne DeJesus meme*

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, druzy said:

That was @mkay who posted it☺

I’m all messed up! You go @Mkay!

when the sponsors pulled due to David after the Parkland shooting and he was fired (I don’t care what he says, he was fired, he would not leave tv voluntarily) they really didn’t have any reason to fire Jenelle, but now they do (assuming this is all true which it’s a police report, so I’m willing to bet it is) looks like we better refresh that sponsor list and get to work.

  • Love 18
11 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I’m all messed up! You go @Mkay!

when the sponsors pulled due to David after the Parkland shooting and he was fired (I don’t care what he says, he was fired, he would not leave tv voluntarily) they really didn’t have any reason to fire Jenelle, but now they do (assuming this is all true which it’s a police report, so I’m willing to bet it is) looks like we better refresh that sponsor list and get to work.


And I agree! 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, leighroda said:

I’m all messed up! You go @Mkay!

when the sponsors pulled due to David after the Parkland shooting and he was fired (I don’t care what he says, he was fired, he would not leave tv voluntarily) they really didn’t have any reason to fire Jenelle, but now they do (assuming this is all true which it’s a police report, so I’m willing to bet it is) looks like we better refresh that sponsor list and get to work.

Let's get the names of the current sponsors. I am in.

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, druzy said:

@Kazu I remember you hit those sponsors hard the first time around with your emails. I'll see if I can find the current sponsors. 

I so appreciate it. Thank you.

I may not understand Twitter very well, but I do know how to complain in a tweet and emails are my thing! ;-)

Congratulations Jace! He should be proud of his hard work. His work ethic comes from his real mother, Barb.

Randy, I am always behind you when you tweet. TRUTH!

randy tweet.jpg

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

hmmm, wonder if David tweeted shit about Barb to start enough shit to deflect from the gun incident.

Things are heating up for Ms. Eason over on THE LAND. 

It apparently happened on the 26th.  Is she not going to get in trouble? Was she quiet on Friday? I bet it was to deflect from Jenelle. He had to know it would be reported soon. 

  • Love 11

I have a feeling BOTH of these fools (Jenelle and the other driver) are at fault. The other driver to some degree with Jenelle taking it further due to her anger issues and obviously, due to her need to pull out a gun.

Questions I need answers to:

Did she point it at him?

Did she make a threat?

Why wasn't she arrested if she did commit the above?

How is it these assholes get away with so much?

Why is this bitch still on this show?

Edited by Kazu
  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, Kazu said:

I have a feeling BOTH of these fools (Jenelle and the other driver) are both at fault, the other driver to some degree with Jenelle taking it further due to her anger issues and obviously, due to her need to pull out a gun.

Questions I need answers to:

Did she point it at him?

Did she make a threat?

Why wasn't she arrested if she did commit the above?

How is it these assholes get away with so much?

Why is this bitch still on this show?

Did she use that rifle?

18 minutes ago, Mkay said:

It apparently happened on the 26th.  Is she not going to get in trouble? Was she quiet on Friday? I bet it was to deflect from Jenelle. He had to know it would be reported soon. 

I checked her social media and she didn't post on the 26th.

  • Love 8

Wow.  I saw the Jen-yell road rage story on the fb group and I came here to check it out over here.  I'm not understanding why she wasn't arrested.

This much is clear...she chased the guy down, acted hostile and aggressive, followed him to his house, and pulled a gun. . . but she is the victim. (Edited to add:  In her narcissistic mind she is the victim.)

From reading the police report, that is not a reason to pull a gun.  The guy she followed would have most likely been in the right to defend himself with lethal force once she pulled a gun.

Edited by AirQuotes
  • Love 15
8 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Wow.  I saw the Jen-yell road rage story on the fb group and I came here to check it out over here.  I'm not understanding why she wasn't arrested.

This much is clear...she chased the guy down, acted hostile and aggressive, followed him to his house, and pulled a gun. . . but she is the victim. (Edited to add:  In her narcissistic mind she is the victim.)

From reading the police report, that is not a reason to pull a gun.  The guy she followed would have most likely been in the right to defend himself with lethal force once she pulled a gun.

Exactly!! With the gun and road rage being the worst part, she also hit two vehicles and ran over his mailbox.  How are there not any charges yet?

  • Love 14

If she wasn’t on CPS radar before, I’m guessing she is now.  I know there had been previous mentions of visits after Endsley’s birth.  

I’m no angel on the road, but it’s all verbal to myself in the confines of my vehicle (and sometimes in front of the kiddo.  Not proud).  

I’d be mortified to even get pulled over for a speeding ticket with my kid present.  It’s just never good to have encounters with the police EVER in the presence of your children.  IMO.  And again I’m not a perfect mom by any means but MY GOD JENELLE.  This is not normal!

  • Love 22

Sounds like by his own account he threatened her before she pulled the gun - but then again, she's the one who came raging on to his property! And, it's not clear whether that was before or after she hit two vehicles and ran over his mailbox.  Doesn't sound like anyone is a saint here, and I don't think she was still there by the time the police showed up (if she was, her account would probably be in the report, too) - so it may take a bit to figure out what there is probable cause to believe actually happened. Nothing pretty, though, that's for sure.

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, Kazu said:

I have a feeling BOTH of these fools (Jenelle and the other driver) are both at fault, the other driver to some degree with Jenelle taking it further due to her anger issues and obviously, due to her need to pull out a gun.

Questions I need answers to:

Did she point it at him?

Did she make a threat?

Why wasn't she arrested if she did commit the above?

How is it these assholes get away with so much?

Why is this bitch still on this show?

I think you are right, I have no doubt it was both of them at fault, he sounded like he could be David’s cousin based on the report... but what bothers me is it would have been easy to de-escalate she should never have followed him into his land, especially with kids in her car. 

My completely hypothetical scenario in my head is she was either snapchatting or texting and driving erratically, he got annoyed and was tailgating her, and then eventually passed her and slammed in his breaks again out of rage and she loses her phone which makes her rage and she follows him. I don’t buy her calling the police act, she wasn’t scared for one second, if she was there were many other options, again the most obvious being take his license number and let him go. If he was really driving so crazy have jace video on his phone (I’m not saying this is a great idea but I would consider it a better option than pulling a gun) and call the police to report it. She put not only herself, but her children and other drivers in danger just so she could be captain badass for a minute. 

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, akr said:

Sounds like by his own account he threatened her before she pulled the gun - but then again, she's the one who came raging on to his property! And, it's not clear whether that was before or after she hit two vehicles and ran over his mailbox.  Doesn't sound like anyone is a saint here, and I don't think she was still there by the time the police showed up (if she was, her account would probably be in the report, too) - so it may take a bit to figure out what there is probable cause to believe actually happened. Nothing pretty, though, that's for sure.

 Can you imagine if someone came raging onto the laaaaaaand????   Fucking would be lit up like the 4th of July.  I wouldn’t even be surprised if they had booby traps out there.  The gate with nothing around it ain’t doing shit and they know it!  

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I think you are right, I have no doubt it was both of them at fault, he sounded like he could be David’s cousin based on the report... but what bothers me is it would have been easy to de-escalate she should never have followed him into his land, especially with kids in her car. 

My completely hypothetical scenario in my head is she was either snapchatting or texting and driving erratically, he got annoyed and was tailgating her, and then eventually passed her and slammed in his breaks again out of rage and she loses her phone which makes her rage and she follows him. I don’t buy her calling the police act, she wasn’t scared for one second, if she was there were many other options, again the most obvious being take his license number and let him go. If he was really driving so crazy have jace video on his phone (I’m not saying this is a great idea but I would consider it a better option than pulling a gun) and call the police to report it. She put not only herself, but her children and other drivers in danger just so she could be captain badass for a minute. 


As quickly as Jenelle is to call the police when it involves her mom or any of her past loser boyfriends, she sure didn't call them during this situation.

  • Love 8

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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