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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I thought it had to be a joke as well. I thought, maybe they're in the pics together. Maybe there's a few of Jenelle, but cookies with Jace or Kaiser on them as well. Nope. All Jenelle all day long. What in the ever loving fuck? She just won the narcissist of the year award. That, right there, should prove to the courts she does not deserve that boy back. 


According to the commenters who love Jenelle, it's Jace's pic on the little teeny tiny box Jace is holding. Jenelle has the big box full of a dozen or so cookies with her boobs all over them.  (argument being that Jace got his own special cookie(s) for his birthday - ohhhkay then)

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Re the clip with Jenelle bitching at Barbara about the timing of the parent-teacher conference, I am a long time elementary teacher and will conference with a parent/guardian at any time. I much prefer face to face as opposed to a phone conference. Telling a parent their child is a discipline problem can be difficult and a personal interaction usually is better. I don't blame Barbara at all for picking a time with the teacher. Barbara works, the teacher works, many teachers will not schedule a Friday end of day time slot. I wonder if Janelle does not have permission from Barbara to speak with Jace's teacher. If she did have permission, Janelle could just call the school on her own. If not, no one at the school can say much of anything to her. Barbara was quite calm during their exchange, Janelle, typically cussed and said "Dude" a lot.

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According to an interview The Ashley posted, Jenelle has been offered multiple jobs in the last few months relating to her field. She hasn't accepted any of them though. The interview is very pro Jenelle and refers to anyone who has a problem with her as a "hater", and also hints that Jace was "taken" from her by Barb, as opposed to basically abandoned by her to Barb.


Unclear whether The Ashley conducted the interview or just posted it from another source, but if it's the former, my opinion of her has dropped significantly.

  • Love 3

According to an interview The Ashley posted, Jenelle has been offered multiple jobs in the last few months relating to her field. She hasn't accepted any of them though. The interview is very pro Jenelle and refers to anyone who has a problem with her as a "hater", and also hints that Jace was "taken" from her by Barb, as opposed to basically abandoned by her to Barb.

Unclear whether The Ashley conducted the interview or just posted it from another source, but if it's the former, my opinion of her has dropped significantly.

I think it was an interview from a south Carolina radio station. The Ashley has been pretty solidly skeptical of Jenelle in the past. I wouldn't say anti-Jenelle, because she doesn't make fun of her excessively, but she makes a lot of jokes about her and Nathan, and she's really pro-Barbara.

In regards to the teacher meeting:

1) has Jenelle ever thought, maybe the teacher is only available on certain days? Maybe he/she has his/her own kids, and can only get a sitter on certain days of the week?

2) Barbara had to make it for her day off. Of course she does. Would it have been nice if Jenelle could have been there too? Sure (theoretically. I personally think it would have been a disaster, but I'll get to that). But even though Barbara is "just the grandparent," she's still the one who takes care of Jace, and raises him day in and day out. Jenelle blames his behavior problems on Barbara, so why shouldn't she be the one to be there?

3) can you imagine if they did teleconference Jenelle in? Or worse, if she showed up? How long before she and Babs were screaming at each other in front of the teacher?

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 But even though Barbara is "just the grandparent," she's still the one who takes care of Jace, and raises him day in and day out. Jenelle blames his behavior problems on Barbara, so why shouldn't she be the one to be there?



Barb's the legal guardian.  That means that she has the same responsibilities and rights as any parent who has guardianship of their children by default.   Jenelle needs to shut the fuck up and complete her Petition to Vacate the Guardianship.  Until then she needs to grow up, accept the way things currently are, and work to make them better. 

  • Love 6

According to an interview The Ashley posted, Jenelle has been offered multiple jobs in the last few months relating to her field. She hasn't accepted any of them though. The interview is very pro Jenelle and refers to anyone who has a problem with her as a "hater", and also hints that Jace was "taken" from her by Barb, as opposed to basically abandoned by her to Barb.


Unclear whether The Ashley conducted the interview or just posted it from another source, but if it's the former, my opinion of her has dropped significantly.

Jenelle must be confusing "You're under arrest" with "We'd like to offer you a job as a Medical Assistant."

  • Love 10

The sneak peek was great. Babs really sounds like she's done some work on learning better ways to deal with Jenelle. She remained calm and didn't get sucked into the screaming vortex. When Jenelle was screaming at her that she WAS going to listen to what she had to say, the hang up made me smile from ear to ear. Keep hitting that button to end the call, Barb! Jenelle actually seemed shocked to hear Barb hired an attorney. The way she raised her eyebrows and said 'oh really?' made me crack up. I guess she thought she'd just file some papers and the court would take her word that she's a pillar of motherhood since she hasn't ignored the Roll to death or been locked up for drugs for a few months.

  • Love 6

Seriously, that was the best fake rumor I've heard this entire year. Yes, doctors are tripping over themselves to hire a sociopath with a drug and arrest record the length of a football field.

Why, wouldn't every doctor or nurse practitioner in SC be scrambling to have that veritable ray of sunshine greet patients, weigh them and take their history? The added bonus of every patient being referred to as dude is just too much to resist!

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Love her quoted as saying:  "I'm enjoying being a mom," Jenelle said. "I just celebrated my first son's 6th birthday this weekend and it went fantastic. I am not looking to date anyone at the moment. I am focusing on myself."


She not dating, she's focusing on HERSELF. 

  • Love 2

Love her quoted as saying: "I'm enjoying being a mom," Jenelle said. "I just celebrated my first son's 6th birthday this weekend and it went fantastic. I am not looking to date anyone at the moment. I am focusing on myself."

She not dating, she's focusing on HERSELF.

Because it's Barb/Doris' job to focus on her kids.

I highly doubt she and Nathan are done for real, but if they are, I give it 2 weeks before she gets a new boooooyfriend.

  • Love 6

I think in real time Jenelle has said that she hasn't actually filed for Jace because with Kaiser and school, she'd never have any time for herself if she had Jace too.



Seriously? Jace isn't a frigging puppy or hobby that you don't have time for- he's your son! And what does she need time for herself for anyways? All she ever does is hang out on Instagram and read fan sites about herself.

not only that - hasn't she pretty much HAD time to herself for the past 5/6 years? it's not like she was actually, you know, raising him....

poor kid.


Edited by kaydub
  • Love 1

According to an interview The Ashley posted, Jenelle has been offered multiple jobs in the last few months relating to her field. She hasn't accepted any of them though. The interview is very pro Jenelle and refers to anyone who has a problem with her as a "hater", and also hints that Jace was "taken" from her by Barb, as opposed to basically abandoned by her to Barb.


Unclear whether The Ashley conducted the interview or just posted it from another source, but if it's the former, my opinion of her has dropped significantly.

I doubt she was getting job offers.  I think she may have gotten interviews and after they ran her background track the ran far, far away!! Hahaha She's just confusing the two. Interviews are not job offers.

  • Love 2

Eh, I think she's an equal opportunity deadbeat parent. She might spend slightly more time with Kaiser than Jace just because she lives with him, but I bet most of her "parenting" involves chucking a bottle at him while she walks by and sticking him in one of those rocker/bounce things for hours while she sits on her phone and gets in twitter wars with random people.

I think her wording is awkward, but I think she actually saying that she wants to work part time so she can spend more time with Kaiser during the week and then take Jace on weekends. In other words, she's choosing time with Kaiser over time working, not time with Jace.

Which we all know is bullshit. I am sure most of her interaction with Kaiser is prompted by either Nathan or the MTV filming. She only says she wants to spend time with him because there aren't miles of footage proving otherwise, as with Jace.

My bet is that even if Jenelle works "part-time," Kaiser will go to daycare full-time (which really is probably a better place for him than at home with Jenelle and Nathan). Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
Oh man, Gary. I'm not sure if you assaulted Jenelle or not, but when y'all got together, it seemed like you were a nice enough guy who had a job/career as a Marine. You were leaps and bounds above Kieffer and even seemed to treat Barb and Jace fairly well (compared to Kieffer and Nathan...so yeah, the bar isn't set that high, but still). Then you and Jenelle fought and domestic violence occurred (Gary denied it, Jenelle said he put bruises all over her body and strangled her with a blanket, etc). Gary lost his entire military career. He lost so much over this chick. Looks like he will never learn. *

And according to that article it sounds like Jenelle is either in complete denial whenever her and Nathan break up or she's just trying to fool her followers into thinking they're a perfect couple during break-ups. I bet her feelings for poor Kaiser "drop" when they're not together and that she and Nathan both use him to try to hurt each other. Poor baby.

She sure cycles through the same group of loser exes over and over. Will we see the return of Kieffah?

I cannot even explain how excited I'd be to see Kieffer and his hoodie back on my TV (but without ever having him spend too much time around Jace or Kaiser). I worry that even Kieffer has had enough of Jenelle's shit and wouldn't even get back together with her for the MTV money. (In which case, good for you Kieffer, but you make for some entertaining TV.)

I'm also waiting to see Jenelle rekindle her romance with her ex-husband Courtland, since we never really got to see that drama unfold on TV since the marriage mostly happened while TM2 wasn't filming and then he was in jail when it came back (and Jenelle had the abortion while checking online dating sites to find Nathan).

*ETA: if Gary did the things Jenelle accused him of, then he rightly lost his career.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 3

Well, well, well. Jenelle is not pursuing custody of Jace according to that link above:



Moving on from Jenelle’s sometimes fiance to Jenelle’s sometimes son, Jace celebrated his birthday over the weekend. Jenelle, who recently said she’s not pursuing custody of her son because she is too busy, spent Jace’s 6th birthday party promoting all the freebies she got for the party. #priorities


As some of us noted many times before, Jenelle was only seeking custody because Nathan was pushing her to get custody to get back at Barb. Now that the knucklehead is out of the picture (again), suddenly the "desire" to seek custody is no longer there and Jenelle is too busy.

  • Love 5

I'm sure Jace will be thrilled to learn that all of her talk about "Do you want to live here?" was just more Janelle bullshit.  Too busy for her first child, but not too busy to give birth to a second one. 


Nathan hasn't even moved all of his nipple shirts out of the house, and she's already got Gary hanging around again?  She doesn't give her crotch a chance to cool off between "dudes."


Pathetic excuse for a human being.

  • Love 5

Love her quoted as saying:  "I'm enjoying being a mom," Jenelle said. "I just celebrated my first son's 6th birthday this weekend and it went fantastic. I am not looking to date anyone at the moment. I am focusing on myself."


She not dating, she's focusing on HERSELF. 


Sure she's not looking for a man.  The "focusing on herself" thing I totally believe.  It's what she always does.

  • Love 3
Seriously, that was the best fake rumor I've heard this entire year. Yes, doctors are tripping over themselves to hire a sociopath with a drug and arrest record the length of a football field.


Not only that, but she's turning them down? Based on what? You made this big production of going to school and getting your degree, but now you have the luxury to just turn down all these jobs? Bahahaha, the entire thing is typical Jenelle delusion. 


I highly doubt she and Nathan are done for real, but if they are, I give it 2 weeks before she gets a new boooooyfriend.


Agreed. She's probably already planted her lazy ass on the couch, searching the dating app like mad. 


I cannot even explain how excited I'd be to see Kieffer and his hoodie back on my TV (but without ever having him spend too much time around Jace or Kaiser)


Don't worry, Jenelle barely spends any time with her kids as it is. I'm sure if a new (old) man was in the picture, the grandmas would be doing double time. 





I love how the article said that Jenelle and Nips broke up (*this time) over an argument about going out and finding a babysitter. These girls, smh. How are they seriously considering marriage when THAT'S the kind of thing they end a relationship over???

  • Love 3

Hmm. Must have missed that....and Google can't link me directly to anything. Rawr.


Yeah, I can't remember where it was- maybe Teen Mom Junkie or The Ashley or Wet Paint posted it? I just remember because the article referenced a tweet or a facebook status update where Jenelle was like, wow, you've (meaning Nathan) been dating her a whole week and you've already introduced her to our son? (as if Jenelle has ever shied away from jumping the gun when it comes to romantic partners) and then she goes on to say, I'll just focus on school and being a mom to my sons.


And then the website linked her dating profile to show just how serious she was about focusing on school and her kids. That particular profile was probably removed anyways during her latest reconciliation with Nathan.

Jenelle makes my head want to explode. I'm so glad she is too busy to go for custody of Jace. What a pile of crap. I'm glad that Barbara was never too busy to take care of him. Jenelle hasn't changed and there is the proof. She's too busy looking for a new dude on dating sites and doesn't want Jace around to cramp her style. She is such a waste of space.


I've been a single parent ever since my daughter was born and her excuse of being too busy just makes me so angry. I have struggled to make ends meet, pay bills, put food on the table, pay for car repairs, etc., I even went back to school at 35 and was never too busy for my child. I hope she never get custody of Jace, ever.

  • Love 8


I hope she never get custody of Jace, ever.


She won't. Mainly because she doesn't want custody of Jace. She'll go through all the motions and whine about how Jace was stolen from her, but if a judge was willing to hand him over to her right this second, no questions asked, no more hoops to jump through, Jenelle would be frantically fumbling for an excuse of why she can't take him at this time.

  • Love 7

If Jenelle is getting any job offers at all it would be wise of her to accept one, cos obviously that person must live in a cave deep under the sea and be deaf, dumb, and Google impaired. I'm thinking she's mistaking interviews for job offers. The only time I ever recall her having a job interview was at that daycare, and she sounded full on serial killer about how great she is with kids, yet doesn't have custody of her own. I could hear her now..."DUDE I am SO STRESSED. Leave me ALOOOOOOOONE!!!" at the first child who cried.

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Perhaps we can finally get that Jenelle/Adumb romance we've always wanted. I need this to happen, universe!

Landing strip and Keisha feathers, with enough tattoos for 20 average people. Sexaayyyyy.

Ok, had to look at the cookies. Is that a joke? Who the hell would think a 6 year old would want a picture of their non custodial mom on their cookie? M

TossYourCookies dot com.

  • Love 1

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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