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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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7 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

@druzy found it, but lol. 


That's funny...Mr. Guilfoyle has a severe allergy to penicillin (anaphylaxis/death - he almost died as an infant) and no physician has ever mentioned to be careful of mold. 

It's almost like mold and penicillin have only the most tenuous relationship and UBT doesn't understand that. Weird, huh?

I almost fell off my chair because he spelled anaphylaxis. His phone must have done it for him. Living in the swamp, I'd imagine mold is an ongoing problem. Wonder if UBT goes out and fills THE LAND with uppercuts if he finds something moldy laying around?

  • Love 11
14 hours ago, crazychicken said:

Wow what bad luck that they are both allergic enough to penicillin to die, now I am not a doctor nor play one on TV but while hypersensitivity is common (hive, rash, wheeze, cough) anaphylactic  reaction is rare and from my limited science mold on cheese is neutralized by the enzymes and it has to be the right strain to start off with.

On the bright side we now know how to kill her, any medical personal out there willing to get close enough to Janelle to give her a shot.

@guilfoyleatpp, please ignore the rest of my post as Mr. G is an anomaly and I wouldn't ever intend to speak on his behalf or devalue his diagnosis. It's a good thing he was caught earlyl


I found out when I was 10 yrs old that I am severely allergic to both penicillin and anything in the sulfa family. Apparently there is a common molecule or something, so if you're allergic to one, chances are you're allergic to both "drug groups."

Most people get big red hives along with the most terrible & unbearable itchy skin. That's it. (I can still remember the itching on my back and legs after all this time!)

I have never been told to keep an Epi-Pen around. Ever. Not even "just in case" as a little girl or now as someone who encounters all kinds of shit on any given day, germ wise. I know I've been in many places/buildings/rooms with mold (visible or not). I've been in bathrooms with mold. I have had moldy things in my classroom. I've never had a reaction. Ever.

If liars are going to lie, they should double check WebMD or something. I haaaaate stupid swamp people! Morons! Idiots! Someone please find that specific strain and head to The Land!

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 10
13 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

@druzy found it, but lol. 


That's funny...Mr. Guilfoyle has a severe allergy to penicillin (anaphylaxis/death - he almost died as an infant) and no physician has ever mentioned to be careful of mold. 

It's almost like mold and penicillin have only the most tenuous relationship and UBT doesn't understand that. Weird, huh?

I don’t know what’s worse, David thinking this is really a thing, or the people in the comments agreeing and sharing their own mold/penicillin near death experiences ?‍♀️

  • Love 8
On 2/12/2018 at 4:00 PM, MissMel said:

I don't think it is.  It's pretty thick and there's a puddle of gravy already on the plate.  It looks mayo-ish but I have no idea what it is.  It's whiter than the gravy, too.  Who knows with them.


That's not gravy on the plate; that's grits, a common breakfast side dish in the South.  And very tasty with butter and a bit of salt. 

And then there's this:

This significant other of a Teen Mom went on a rampage last week and slapped her several times before telling her she needed to start earning more money.   Jenelle Evans/David Eason

Edited by Fosca
Forgot the gossip!
  • Love 9

So, David tweets that Blue Apron dropped Jenelle because a few haters complained and how they can keep their "cheep" food but now it's Jenelle dropped them because she found out they worked with Kail? Do these people even bother to keep their story straight?

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 15
34 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

So, David tweets that Blue Apron dropped Jenelle because a few haters complainrd and how they can keep their "cheep" food but now its Jenelle dropped them because she found out they worked with Kail? Do these people even bother to keep their story straight?

They're HIGH they're both HIGH! 

  • Love 12
15 hours ago, druzy said:

Me? Most other moms (and/or dads) with small kids? 

Have a seat, Jenelle.  You completed your kids' Valentines at 7:30pm the night before Valentine's Day? So did most of us parents. We didn't all post about it on social media, but then again, I guess we just aren't doing #Momlife like you. 

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, Bridget said:

@guilfoyleatpp, please ignore the rest of my post as Mr. G is an anomaly and I wouldn't ever intend to speak on his behalf or devalue his diagnosis. It's a good thing he was caught earlyl


I found out when I was 10 yrs old that I am severely allergic to both penicillin and anything in the sulfa family. Apparently there is a common molecule or something, so if you're allergic to one, chances are you're allergic to both "drug groups."

Most people get big red hives along with the most terrible & unbearable itchy skin. That's it. (I can still remember the itching on my back and legs after all this time!)

I have never been told to keep an Epi-Pen around. Ever. Not even "just in case" as a little girl or now as someone who encounters all kinds of shit on any given day, germ wise. I know I've been in many places/buildings/rooms with mold (visible or not). I've been in bathrooms with mold. I have had moldy things in my classroom. I've never had a reaction. Ever.

If liars are going to lie, they should double check WebMD or something. I haaaaate stupid swamp people! Morons! Idiots! Someone please find that specific strain and head to The Land!

Allergic to penicillin here and holy shit balls I have never itched like that ever. EVERYWHERE! 

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

Allergic to penicillin here and holy shit balls I have never itched like that ever. EVERYWHERE! 

I was given a sulfa drug after surgery a few years ago, and my reaction was so bad that I thought I was surely going to die of symptoms I assumed were related to an infection I developed afterwards - but the symptoms were actually a reaction to the medication.  I had a high fever, rash, and even developed some sort of boil on my neck.  It was awful.  The infection ended up clearing on its own.  


12 hours ago, Bridget said:

I found out when I was 10 yrs old that I am severely allergic to both penicillin and anything in the sulfa family. Apparently there is a common molecule or something, so if you're allergic to one, chances are you're allergic to both "drug groups."

Most people get big red hives along with the most terrible & unbearable itchy skin. That's it. (I can still remember the itching on my back and legs after all this time!)

I have never been told to keep an Epi-Pen around. Ever. Not even "just in case" as a little girl or now as someone who encounters all kinds of shit on any given day, germ wise. I know I've been in many places/buildings/rooms with mold (visible or not). I've been in bathrooms with mold. I have had moldy things in my classroom. I've never had a reaction. Ever.

If liars are going to lie, they should double check WebMD or something. I haaaaate stupid swamp people! Morons! Idiots! Someone please find that specific strain and head to The Land!


I wish my doc had known that - I had a reaction to penicillin when I was very young (so young I don't even remember it) so I always note that to docs but was given bactrim.

Oh, and yes, I have no reaction to normal mold.  I can even eat stinky cheeses with no problem.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 3

The poor kids probably are going to have to listen to Jenelle screaming because babe didn’t get her what she wanted for Valentines today. Then babe will go crazy and become violent, they’ll have some sort of demented make up sex (??), then Jenelle will cry and ask him to leave her alone as she melts down in the bathroom. I hope they feed Kaiser beforehand. 

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Allergic to penicillin here and holy shit balls I have never itched like that ever. EVERYWHERE! 


3 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I was given a sulfa drug after surgery a few years ago, and my reaction was so bad that I thought I was surely going to die of symptoms I assumed were related to an infection I developed afterwards - but the symptoms were actually a reaction to the medication.  I had a high fever, rash, and even developed some sort of boil on my neck.  It was awful.  The infection ended up clearing on its own.  


I wish my doc had known that - I had a reaction to penicillin when I was very young (so young I don't even remember it) so I always note that to docs but was given bactrim.

Oh, and yes, I have no reaction to normal mold.  I can even eat stinky cheeses with no problem.


I would rather be tied to a chair and be forced to watch a live 24 hour feed from The Land than suffer with that again. Ever.

It was the worst, right @toodywoody? Can't even think of anything comparable. I was five when I had the chicken pox, but I'm pretty sure that was a walk in the park compared to penicillin.

@TexasGal I'm so sorry to hear about the boil! I had a fever & rash too, but I can't imagine what you want through. 

Based on my interactions with several different doctors, I don't even think the sulfa-penicillin link has been made official (even as recent as today!) or has been published or sent out as a memo to doctors. My current doctor told me it's one of those things "doctors either know if don't know about, based on their experience, professional development, reading journals for general FYI/advancements and patients.

If either of you, or anyone else reading this who knows someone who is allergic to penicillin (except Jenelle - that bitch can suffer!), haven't done so yet, update your medical info and tell your docs that you're allergic to both penicillin and anything in the sulfa family. Tell them you have the same reactions. When I have to have outpatient stuff done for my back, I have two bracelets to identify my allergies to both penicillin and sulfa. Anyone in the same boat should also have two separate bracelets.
Once anyone takes the first dose from a sulfa-based RX and suffers a reaction, I was told by my doctor that the patient has to wait a full week before starting a Z-pack (the "go to" antibiotic without penicillin or sulfa) to avoid any possible RX interaction with the sulfa drug. 

I could have taken Benadryl to alleviate some of the itching, but I'm in the rare group of folks who can't take anything in the "nighttime" or "might cause drowsiness" group because my heart races and I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin. I want to run a marathon because my legs feel like they're buzzing with energy (odd description, I know) and I can't stay still. It's actually quite painful.

Staying on topic, I hope to God when Endtable is free of her crazy "parents", this will be common knowledge. I wish her a speedy recovery from having her head reshaped at that age - you never know where modern medicine might be in 17 years! I hope for her sake that it's possible. I wonder if Kaiser and Jace are allergic too. UBT probably thinks it's "just a girl thing" to be allergic to anything. Then again, I assumed Kaiser and/or Jace would have ever had medical care of any kind from the swamp people - what the hell am I thinking?!?! I'm just all kinds of crazy!

Lastly, to @guilfoyleatpp and my penicillin and sulfa allergy friends (and to everyone else, just in case you ever find yourself in the position to say "Hey, did you know...?"), please take this last nugget with you too. I had to find out the hard way and once again, I'd rather watch a 24 hour loop from The Land along with DebEMBA's wedding vows to her groom, who had no right to violate the ancient tradition of sporting a kilt! I'm revoking whatever claim he has to being Scottish. :)

I was on vacation during a long weekend and had scraped my knees prior to the flight. I threw some Neosporin on the scrapes, covered them with Band-Aids...and spent the entire trip trying not to scratch the skin off of my knees. I couldn't even sleep because the itching was so bad. 

Neosporin contains neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B sulfate as two of the first three major ingredients. One of the main components of Neosporin is Neomycin Sulfate which is a type of antibiotic, so that's out. 

In Polysporin, polymyxin B sulfate is the main ingredient. That's another allergy inducing remedy that will drive you bonkers with itching, just like Neosporin.

Use Bacitracin instead for your cuts, scrapes and anything requiring a healing ointment. (Although allergic cross reaction with sulfa drugs has been occasionally reported, bacitracin-containing topical preparations remain a possible alternative to patients with a sulfa allergy.)

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 6

Toradol makes me pass out and major headaches. Sulfa rash and hives. Bendryl issues some as @Bridget. I had doctors tell me there is no possible way to have that reaction and just take it to sleep. UGH!

I am really really really hoping Blue Apron sends them a cease and desist letter or sues them for breach of contract!

  • Love 4

I'm clueless when it comes to this stuff, but how would they know Ensley was allergic to penicillin? How sick has she been in her first year that they stopped doing genera antibiotics and moved to penicillin? She is barely 1 year old.


My own experience is that when antibiotics don't clear up and infection, they give penicillin. I could be way off, please correct me if I'm wrong. 

  • Love 5

I'm allergic to the whole cillin family, but I've never had a problem with Neosporin.


My parents found out I was allergic to penecillin when I was an infant because of the reaction I had to it. My mom said it was pretty severe. So they could have found out the same way with Ensley. (Unless he was talking about Maryssa).

Edited by beckie
added thought
  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, Farmfam said:

I'm clueless when it comes to this stuff, but how would they know Ensley was allergic to penicillin? How sick has she been in her first year that they stopped doing genera antibiotics and moved to penicillin? She is barely 1 year old.


My own experience is that when antibiotics don't clear up and infection, they give penicillin. I could be way off, please correct me if I'm wrong. 


37 minutes ago, beckie said:

I'm allergic to the whole cillin family, but I've never had a problem with Neosporin.


My parents found out I was allergic to penecillin when I was an infant because of the reaction I had to it. My mom said it was pretty severe. So they could have found out the same way with Ensley. (Unless he was talking about Maryssa).

It probably is Maryssa since we know they probably don't take Ensley to the doctor!

If they did take Ensley, they wouldn't fill the RX or follow the plan of care. 

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

Just what they need. Guns.

@FlowerofCarnage What's up ? I haven't seen the news.

Florida high school shooting

13 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Am In the only one who thinks this is insensitive given what happened in Florida today? On top of that, knowing that someone like David owns and has access to firearms is terrifying.

It's beyond insensitive. 

  • Love 10

That's a terrifying photo, mostly because I fear that any weapon in that house is one that David will use against Jenelle and the kids. It's actually sickening. Not to go on too political a tangent, but I don't even understand why people with David and Jenelle's histories can legally obtain guns, let alone guns that look like automatic weapons.

On the other topic of conversation, I had no idea about the penicillin-sulfa connection. We found out my brother is allergic to penicillin when he was very young, but he can have the sulfa drugs. And my mom is allergic to the sulfas, but can handle penicillin just fine. 

  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Am In the only one who thinks this is insensitive given what happened in Florida today? On top of that, knowing that someone like David owns and has access to firearms is terrifying.

You aren’t the only one.  A lot of people are telling them how insensitive it is. But they do what they don’t care. 

  • Love 10

I had no idea what happened in FL. I quit watching the news after the election, it was stressing me out too much. But usually I somehow come across big stuff like that. 

I'm all for gun ownership, but no matter what the timing is, I think posting pics of your guns all over social media is a really stupid thing to do. 

I love how he hashtagged it safety first while Jenelle is tottering around in heels. Like it's some action movie. Morons. 

  • Love 13

Of course any woman who criticizes him is a bitch!  

Looking at picture, its perfect for Jenelle and David's imminent ID Channel special. I can see them using this pic and the voiceover going something like, " Here is a photo of Jenelle holding the rifle that authorities say, would later be used to kill her."

  • Love 24
12 hours ago, Mkay said:


It looks like the magazine is empty.  I'm fairly certain it is.  That opening down the center of the magazine is to visualize how many rounds are in it, and I don't see any.  I don't know where they got that rifle, but it isn't even fully outfitted.  If she was to fire it while holding it where her left hand is on the accessory rail, it would hurt her hand because there needs to be a hand guard or a foregrip down there.

There is nothing "bad ass" about this for many reasons.  I will say I'm happy to see her finger off the trigger!  At least they know that much.  Her stance is not good.  She doesn't have it tucked into her shoulder properly, and it isn't braced against her cheek enough.

This is a not very well posed photo, and they need to stop with bullshit like this.

  • Love 16

Couple things I feel uncomfortable making pointed opinions on theses people because i don’t watch the show and really don’t know all that much about them but I do like to read the board for kicks and giggles so on a couple topics discussed as of late:

1:  Blue Apron:  I looked into for myself and my dad did as well.  And we both decided that it is too expensive for what we needed it for.  It would be more useful for someone either like my aunt who works ungodly hours or ironically like the Easton’s who have a big family and might want to avoid packing up the kids to go on trips to the grocery store.   (This assumes they care about feeding and cooking for their kids)   I am single and live close to a couple grocery stores and in a bind I could always do a one time delivery so not really worth it for me.

2:  Dude I know girls with guns are sexy but so is timing.  Now isn’t the time.  People died in Florida dude.  Also do we really trust them with actual guns in the house.  Murder guns in the house.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 5

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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