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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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This may make me sound selfish but ...I hate the fact that my husband and I struggle with infertility but Jenelle seems to be able to get pregnant and have have kids whenever she wants. It doesn't seem fair that two people who want kids, and take care of and love the one we have, can't have more, but she can have all the kids she wants and either ignores them or gives them away. Makes my blood boil! Poor Jace! OK, rant over.

Not selfish at all.

You know what is selfish? That Jenelle kept Jace to spite her mom instead of placing him with a loving family. That Jenelle and Nathan purposely decided to get pregnant & bring an innocent child into their mess of a relationship and lives for MTV money, attention, and whatever else (cause it wasn't because either of them was desperate to have a child - they both have children they don't have custody of, but instead of working to get that custody back, they just had another baby).

What is selfish was keeping Jace and purposely getting pregnant with Kaiser. Lorrie298, you aren't selfish. Jenelle is.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13


Quick question regarding Janelle. Is it possible that her degree would lead to one of those medical transcription/billing jobs that I hear about where you can work from home?

Can you imagine Jenelle doing any sort of work at home? With all the drama and chaos that goes on there on a daily basis, the bitch won't get shit done.

  • Love 3
I'm thinking it may be a good idea to remove pharmacy tech from her career aspiration list. Not only would she likely be sampling the goods, can you imagine her dealing with customers in a long line at Walgreens? Grumpy sick people that get snappy about prices and insurance? Yikes!


No kidding! I worked as a pharmacy tech for 6 years before I had my first child and it can be incredibly challenging. Some customers are just nasty! And you cannot try to fist fight them, Jenelle, no matter how badly you want to.And when things get super busy and you're trying to answer calls, deal with tricky insurance claims, get a little girl her cough syrup as fast as you can - you can't just have a crying meltdown. You have to buck up, stay calm, and multi-task like a boss.  Yea, that's the completely wrong career for her. In fact, any job where she has to deal with people or stress or boredom would not work for her. What does that leave????


Each time I see Kaiser, I see Nips.  Sorry Kaiser, you look just like your daddy, and your daddy is one fugly guy on top of being an asshole douchebag. Poor Kaiser. I just can't.


Totally. He is just a spitting image of that brokedown Val Kilmer. Poor kid. It's not working out for him. 

  • Love 5

I think Jenelle's poison personality will prevent from ever holding down a job in any field.  Here's my mental image of Jenelle's first day on any job:


Person training Jenelle- " Hi Jenelle, you can put your coat here."


Jenelle- "Shu up!, shu up!, shu up! (because she doesn't seem to know that the word shut ends in t) Leave me alllllooooooonnnnnne!"


  • Love 9

MyPeopleAreNordic, I agree with your entire post.  I do think it's commendable that Jennelle actually followed through on something, and realizing that some kind of training or schooling is important, and I'm impressed that Jennelle could see that.  This is all for naught if she can't use this training for an actual job.  The girl needs rehab and some intense therapy, not to mention the fact that she needs to take her medication.  She's going to also need a lucky break or someone who knows of Jennelle and is willing to give her a chance.  If she can manage not to fuck that up, she might be okay.  (This is all a very tall order, and unlikely to happen.)

  • Love 3

Technically, you don't even have to have a degree to be a pharmacy tech. At least you didn't as late as 2008 when I quit working. I supposed you could get a bit more money, but in retail pharmacies, you're never going to get paid a ton anyhow. I never went to school. I did study my ass off and become nationally certified in 2005, though. And towards the end of my career, I heard talk that our company (Fred Meyer) was looking towards requiring national certification for all pharmacy techs, but I don't know what it's like right now. Either way, if that was something she REALLY wanted to do, she didn't HAVE to go to school. 


IMO, Jenelle went to school because it made her look good. And it gives her another excuse to stall getting Jace back - "I'm just so busy". I just don't believe she was truly interested in bettering herself or has a passion for a certain field or anything. Sorry, just don't. 

  • Love 6

I ran a major pharmacy back in the day. At that time the pharmacy techs are nothing much more than senior rung cashiers counting pills and collecting money. The pharmacist counts the pills back twice. No way would a major retailer put her in that department or even uses her on delivery day for that matter.


My daughter does medical billing from home, she got into it through a plastic surgeon she worked for before she decided to stay home with the kids. Its on the up and up but the money is horrible.   

  • Love 2

No kidding! I worked as a pharmacy tech for 6 years before I had my first child and it can be incredibly challenging. Some customers are just nasty! And you cannot try to fist fight them, Jenelle, no matter how badly you want to.And when things get super busy and you're trying to answer calls, deal with tricky insurance claims, get a little girl her cough syrup as fast as you can - you can't just have a crying meltdown. You have to buck up, stay calm, and multi-task like a boss.  Yea, that's the completely wrong career for her. In fact, any job where she has to deal with people or stress or boredom would not work for her. What does that leave????





Totally. He is just a spitting image of that brokedown Val Kilmer. Poor kid. It's not working out for him. 

I have worked as a pharmacy clerk for two yrs next month.  I'm the first and last person these customers talk to, and you are right, they can be absolutely cruel and you can't do a thing about it. Tomorrow is my first day as a tech in training. Eeeek! I'm so nervous! At our pharmacy we have clerks (Cashier's) who process the orders every day and wait on the customers both at drop off, pick up, and drive thru.  Techs handing the data, pills, anything to do with filling the meds.  They are last in line for waiting on customers or answering phones.  I'm doing tech in training meaning I don't have to go to school. I'll train until I am comfortable enough that I feel I can pass the state test.

I think Jenelle's poison personality will prevent from ever holding down a job in any field.  Here's my mental image of Jenelle's first day on any job:


Person training Jenelle- " Hi Jenelle, you can put your coat here."


Jenelle- "Shu up!, shu up!, shu up! (because she doesn't seem to know that the word shut ends in t) Leave me alllllooooooonnnnnne!"

My feelings for this career field have actually dropped. (says Jenelle in her voice overs)

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4

I shudder to think what will happen once the gravy train ends. Jenelle with her criminal record is basically unemployable and I doubt she has saved a dime of her TM salary. Then there is the certainty of Nips is going to get ghost as soon as the bank balance says zero. I doubt he'll have anything to do with Kaiser after that so it will probably be Nathan's mother who will have custody of him after Jenelle dumps him on her door step or CPS inevitably gets involved or Jenelle actually goes to prison(I can see her back on drugs and committing more serious crimes)because she can no longer afford Dustin to work his legal magic. Lol

  • Love 5


And when things get super busy and you're trying to answer calls, deal with tricky insurance claims, get a little girl her cough syrup as fast as you can - you can't just have a crying meltdown. You have to buck up, stay calm, and multi-task like a boss.  Yea, that's the completely wrong career for her. In fact, any job where she has to deal with people or stress or boredom would not work for her. What does that leave????



Screaming "you're sooooo mmmeeeannnn to me" doesn't work? 

  • Love 6
I have worked as a pharmacy clerk for two yrs next month.  I'm the first and last person these customers talk to, and you are right, they can be absolutely cruel and you can't do a thing about it. Tomorrow is my first day as a tech in training. Eeeek! I'm so nervous! At our pharmacy we have clerks (Cashier's) who process the orders every day and wait on the customers both at drop off, pick up, and drive thru.  Techs handing the data, pills, anything to do with filling the meds.  They are last in line for waiting on customers or answering phones.  I'm doing tech in training meaning I don't have to go to school. I'll train until I am comfortable enough that I feel I can pass the state test.


That's interesting. When I was still working, techs basically did everything - we took in the prescriptions and ran them through insurance, we counted the pills (Pharmacist only double counts CII narcotics), and we also rang up the customers. We answered phones, did all the ordering, stocked the shelves, etc. It seems like they are moving more towards having two separate jobs back there - clerks and techs? That, honestly, sounds like a good idea, because we had some older ladies in the pharmacy who really only wanted to ring people up or stock shelves and not do any of the more involved work. And, personally, I hated running the register. 


Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do great. =)


At any rate, Jenelle wouldn't be fit for ANY of that. I'd want a camera trained on her all the time, to make sure she wasn't pocketing pills. One little old lady accuses her of not faxing the doctor about a refill and she's going to go into full on meltdown mode. Nope.

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 5

Jenelle would fail miserably at any job that requires customer service of any kind. I was at the pharmacy yesterday and witnessed a guy going off on the poor girl behind the counter because his doctor's office hadn't ok'd a refill. She was amazingly polite while he very loudly reamed her for something she had no control over. He was so obnoxious, one of the pharmacists came to the counter and pretty much told him to shut the hell up and call his doctor's office because they were the problem. Jenelle would have been screaming 'Dude, it's not my fuckin' fault! Stop being so meeeean to me!'


The little bit of Barb we've seen this season has me thinking maybe she's been going to some sort of counseling and/or parenting classes. Her choosing to not engage the beast by ignoring her calls and in the preview for this week's episode, she tells Jenelle she doesn't want to argue about what Jace calls her in front of him. My heart broke again for Jace when he kept correcting himself for calling Babs mom. Poor guy has probably been screamed at by both of the beasts for not calling the thing that gave birth to him mom so many times, he's terrified every time he needs to address her. When Jenelle is yelling at Barb that she's the mom, I so wanted Barb to say 'Not really' and take Jace's hand and leave.

  • Love 15


Jenelle would fail miserably at any job that requires customer service of any kind.


Well yes, but also add any job that requires punctuality, professionalism, accountability, initiative...


What does that leave? She'd quit any job she had the first time she got into a fight with whatever loser boyfriend she had at the time and was "too distraught" to focus on work.

  • Love 4

Well yes, but also add any job that requires punctuality, professionalism, accountability, initiative...


What does that leave? She'd quit any job she had the first time she got into a fight with whatever loser boyfriend she had at the time and was "too distraught" to focus on work.

I can just hear the phone call to her employer..........


"Dude, my boyfriend was being soooo meeeean to me last night, I had to call the cops again and they took him to jail. Now, I have the kid by myself and am waiting for someone to come take him for a week so I can sleep. I'm so fuckin' exhausted, dude! I'll try to remember to let you know when I might be able to come to work, dude."

  • Love 11

Two things:


Has Jenelle ever had a job? I can't for the life of me remember


And why would you uproot your son from the only home he has known. Sure you want your son back so you can play house with Jace, the Roll and ValHulk. But seriously Barb has given him a stable home, he's in school, why would you want to uproot him from that. It breaks my heart that she just wants to uproot him without thinking anything about what that will do to him. Much less poor Barb.


I'm sorry I love Barb. I know she yells at Jenelle and in front of Jace at times. But Jenelle yells at everyone and I feel like that is the only way Barb can get heard because Jenelle never listens.



  • Love 9


Has Jenelle ever had a job? I can't for the life of me remember


I know she briefly worked at a restaurant. I believe she either quit or got fired during the whole Jenelle Steals Barb's Credit Cards and Goes On an Impromptu Trip to New Jersey debacle.


And I thought I heard something about her boss having nude photos of her that he published. Not sure if that was the restaurant boss or a different boss. I think she's had the few odd jobs here and there but she likely quits or gets fired shortly into her tenure.

  • Love 3

I'm not at all a Jenelle fan but good on her finishing her program. I think I saw on Instagram she's doing another one? I just struggle with the idea of any reputable medical practice hiring her.

Regarding Nips, god he's terrifying. Does he work? Go to school? One would have to wonder what he does all day besides bark at Jenelle, lift weights, and apply bronzer?

  • Love 1

Does everyone remember her interviewing for a position in childcare?  I can't decide whether that is funnier than her in any capacity in a medical field.  Good for her for trying to do something to have a career, but she is never getting a job.  Who will hire someone who told a veteran she wished he had died in combat?  She is a PR nightmare for anyone.  She had better open her own business as that is the only way she is getting a job.

  • Love 5

Regarding Nips, god he's terrifying. Does he work? Go to school? One would have to wonder what he does all day besides bark at Jenelle, lift weights, and apply bronzer?

I thought I saw shaving cream on his torso in that last episode. He probably has some kind of web cam setup with a sexual angle, maybe in that bathroom where he spends so much time.

Can you imagine Jenelle doing any sort of work at home? With all the drama and chaos that goes on there on a daily basis, the bitch won't get shit done.

And of course, divide that scant productivity further by her need to selfie-document every trivial thing for her goggle-eyed army of Minions. And since she's taking selfies, gotta stop and change into another outfit, do the hair and makeup, move the lighting...

  • Love 2
I can just hear the phone call to her employer..........

"Dude, my boyfriend was being soooo meeeean to me last night, I had to call the cops again and they took him to jail. Now, I have the kid by myself and am waiting for someone to come take him for a week so I can sleep. I'm so fuckin' exhausted, dude! I'll try to remember to let you know when I might be able to come to work, dude."


This is so spot on, I about died. 


I can't stand how liberal she is with the word "dude". Every damn person on the planet is a dude. "Kaiser, dude, just go to sleep". Cop pulls her over - "Dude, I had to speed, I was late to the Ke$ha concert". Judge takes her license away - "Dude, how am I supposed to drive my boyfriend to and from the gym, dude? Come on, dude, that's so unfair". 


If we made that a drinking game we'd all drop dead. 

  • Love 4

I'm not at all a Jenelle fan but good on her finishing her program. I think I saw on Instagram she's doing another one? I just struggle with the idea of any reputable medical practice hiring her.

Regarding Nips, god he's terrifying. Does he work? Go to school? One would have to wonder what he does all day besides bark at Jenelle, lift weights, and apply bronzer?


I think he mostly gets disability from the military plus whatever he gets from the show. I remember early on he was also a time-share salesman (which probably cracked me up way more than it should).

I have worked as a pharmacy clerk for two yrs next month. I'm the first and last person these customers talk to, and you are right, they can be absolutely cruel and you can't do a thing about it. Tomorrow is my first day as a tech in training. Eeeek! I'm so nervous! At our pharmacy we have clerks (Cashier's) who process the orders every day and wait on the customers both at drop off, pick up, and drive thru. Techs handing the data, pills, anything to do with filling the meds. They are last in line for waiting on customers or answering phones. I'm doing tech in training meaning I don't have to go to school. I'll train until I am comfortable enough that I feel I can pass the state test.

My feelings for this career field have actually dropped. (says Jenelle in her voice overs)

I'm shocked anyone is cruel to a Pharmacy Clerk! Why? This is news to me.

If I was said Pharmacy Clerk, as described above, I'd be slipping the Pharmacy Tech a Benjamin to fill those jerk customers bottles with some cyanide pills.

I thought I saw shaving cream on his torso in that last episode. He probably has some kind of web cam setup with a sexual angle, maybe in that bathroom where he spends so much time.

/me hurls

I'm not at all a Jenelle fan but good on her finishing her program. I think I saw on Instagram she's doing another one? I just struggle with the idea of any reputable medical practice hiring her.

Regarding Nips, god he's terrifying. Does he work? Go to school? One would have to wonder what he does all day besides bark at Jenelle, lift weights, and apply bronzer?

Don't forget cutting his tee shirts.  Hahahaha 

  • Love 2

I'm shocked anyone is cruel to a Pharmacy Clerk! Why? This is news to me.

If I was said Pharmacy Clerk, as described above, I'd be slipping the Pharmacy Tech a Benjamin to fill those jerk customers bottles with some cyanide pills.

/me hurls

I've been yelled at as a clerk more times than I can count.  If the dr doesn't respond to our fax, it's the clerk's fault (because we are conveniently right there).  If they said fill all of my rx's and we miss one, it's my fault.  If the co-pay is too high, it's my fault.  If they get the white Hydro's instead of the yellow's like last time, it's my fault. If insurance didn't pay, it's my fault.  I'm definitely not going to miss clerking that much.  The first pharmacy manager I had hid behind the counter the first time I was yelled and cussed at so horribly I cried. All because I asked for the date of birth!! Thankfully, we have a new manager.


I could not imagine  Jenelle even being allowed to walk into a pharmacy.  That thought is scary!  She would be in Heaven!

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 5

Yup, everything that goes wrong is OUR fault in the pharmacy. Not only are customers rude to you, but doctors and nurses can be rude as hell too. I actually once had a doctor, from out of state, walk into our pharmacy and try to write a prescription for his wife. It was for a pain medication, he said it was an emergency - she had badly injured herself on their vacation. He actually just grabbed our RX pad off the counter and started writing it! I asked to see his DEA card, and he got all nasty with me. "Why do you need to see it? I wrote the number on here. I am a DOCTOR! Who are you? You are nothing!" He was so fucking snotty and condescending that I walked out and refused to help him, told my pharmacist she could deal with it. 


But I didn't scream or cry or curse or get in anyone's face. I just went to the break room and composed myself and waited until he left. Jenelle would have jumped over the counter and starting beating on him. She wouldn't last a day, I kid you not.

  • Love 7


But I didn't scream or cry or curse or get in anyone's face. I just went to the break room and composed myself and waited until he left. Jenelle would have jumped over the counter and starting beating on him. She wouldn't last a day, I kid you not.


As much as I hate to give Jenelle credit for anything, if someone acted like a pompous asshole and was rewarded by having Jenelle jump over the counter and scream at him/her...well, I'd kind of enjoy seeing that. No pharmacy experience, but I can think of several people I've met over the years that I'd like to see get the "Jenelle Treatment".

  • Love 4

A life size pneumatic prop of Nathan popping up, pointing the finger and hissing "Stop It!": so many sales possibilities.

Deer and rabbits in your vegetables?  Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"

Burglar breaking into a window?   Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"

Dieting and need a little help with willpower near the fridge? Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"

None of the props from Spirit Halloween scary enough for this year's party?  Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"


See Nathan? You don't even need to do webcam porn or "modelling". Look at Farrah,  she'd have this idea patented and for sale online in five minutes.

  • Love 7

I used to work in a pharmacy too, one of the larger chain ones. I did both pharmacy tech and front of store. People are rude to the pharmacy staff, but that's nothing compared to what I would get bitched out for in the front store. Retail....do NOT miss that shit. Never again. I am now a medical assistant (like Jenelle....minus the gazillion arrests/drug charges). I've worked at primary care offices, gastro offices, and Hershey Med Center in their post surgical doctor visit suite. It's a good job, but nursing is where the real (good) money is. MA's get a decent salary, but it's nothing compared to an RN. If my health didn't suck so bad (I'm on disability already at 33....thanks birth defects finally catching up with me) I'd go for my RN. I already have a good 75% of the knowledge anyway, between school and real life experience. 


I better never get sick in South Carolina....lest I run into Jenelle in a doctors' office. If she as much as tried to take my vitals I might just reflexively punch her in the throat. She deserves it, and we all know it. Once a shady motherfucker always a shady motherfucker. If she had access to ANYTHING that could give her a high she'd be all over it....and the slippery slope would start.

  • Love 3

A life size pneumatic prop of Nathan popping up, pointing the finger and hissing "Stop It!": so many sales possibilities.

Deer and rabbits in your vegetables?  Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"

Burglar breaking into a window?   Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"

Dieting and need a little help with willpower near the fridge? Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"

None of the props from Spirit Halloween scary enough for this year's party?  Boinnnnng! "Stop It!"


See Nathan? You don't even need to do webcam porn or "modelling". Look at Farrah,  she'd have this idea patented and for sale online in five minutes.

If that were to happen, I'd love to send one to Kail and Javi.  The alarm sensor on this prop would turn on when it hears Kail's screeching voice and senses her quivering chins as they vibrate. In a very loud booming voice with a big cardboard finger pointing at Kail - "STOP IT!!" It would continue until Kail stops.


It can be used as a home alarm as well when a potential burglar or trespasser steps near the home. Or, a prop can be made of Jenelle in that ugly cry face she makes. That would deter anyone from even passing by any home that had that as a prop outside on the lawn.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 2

If she had access to ANYTHING that could give her a high she'd be all over it....and the slippery slope would start.


That's my thinking too. I mean I know there are a lot of controls and such, but there are also an awful lot of people who still manage to get access to this stuff through doc's offices. It was kind of funny when I broke my kneecap - by the time they saw me it was the middle of the night and was going to be difficult to get to a pharmacy to get the vicodin prescription filled, which I actually didn't even care about because it didn't hurt at all - long story, but luckily(?) for me I have nerve damage and no feeling in that knee. I told them that repeatedly in the ER and they insisted on giving me both the scrip and a half dozen or so from a pill station thing they had right in the ER to get me through the night. I never even took them, but the nurse was freaking me out how completely obsessed she was with me having the pills. Especially the ones she got out of the "pill machine" for me. The doctor kind of shrugged and said "up to you if you want to fill it, take the prescription just in case" but the nurse was really insistent.

That's my thinking too. I mean I know there are a lot of controls and such, but there are also an awful lot of people who still manage to get access to this stuff through doc's offices. It was kind of funny when I broke my kneecap - by the time they saw me it was the middle of the night and was going to be difficult to get to a pharmacy to get the vicodin prescription filled, which I actually didn't even care about because it didn't hurt at all - long story, but luckily(?) for me I have nerve damage and no feeling in that knee. I told them that repeatedly in the ER and they insisted on giving me both the scrip and a half dozen or so from a pill station thing they had right in the ER to get me through the night. I never even took them, but the nurse was freaking me out how completely obsessed she was with me having the pills. Especially the ones she got out of the "pill machine" for me. The doctor kind of shrugged and said "up to you if you want to fill it, take the prescription just in case" but the nurse was really insistent.

If it was Jenelle I could see her insisting you take it with you only to try and score some off of you once you are in the parking lot.  hahaha 

  • Love 1

If it was Jenelle I could see her insisting you take it with you only to try and score some off of you once you are in the parking lot.  hahaha 


The funny part was I accidentally dropped it somewhere between the ER and the parking lot (that tells you how not-worried about having it I was).  Between fumbling with trying to get around, non-functional left leg, carrying a bunch of stuff, etc. I think it slipped out of my purse. My husband went back to look for it and couldn't find it. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out 'someone' rapidly picked it up after I dropped it.

  • Love 1

Gosh, I love this show. I am a week behind though. Quick question. Does anyone think that Janelle really wants custody of Jace, or is this her story line for the year? Jace sure seems to be happy and thriving with Barbara. I realize that Janelle has done well recently- graduating from college and not getting arrested, BUT she and Nathan have an awful relationship and every time when I check this forum, I fully expect to read that one of them has been arrested.

  • Love 1

Barb used to beg Jenelle to take Jace for just a weekend so that she could get a moment for herself. Now Jenelle is supposedly distraught that she can't see "her" son when she is going away for a week? Well Jenelle.


I'm guessing that if Barb had answered her phone, Jenelle would have blown in, spent a token 15 min with Jace, then bounced, patting herself on the back for being such a great mom for making an effort to see Jace (when she likely cancelled her "parenting" time with him in the first place to go on vacation).

  • Love 2

I firmly believe it's for a storyline. She hasn't actually gone to court or anything yet has she? Granted, she's had basically the same story line the past few seasons but "getting Jace back" gives her something new.

You bring up a good point. Has there been anything that proves Jenelle filed court docs? Usually we get a link to a story or a website that has the documents since they are available to the public. I have yet to see anything linked here unless I missed it.

  • Love 2

Happy Birthday Jace. So sorry your incubator wants to make your special day  all about her.




I'm thinking a six year old might think it's cooler to have cookies with his image on it, not his sister's or birth mother's.  Hell, even a cartoon character would probably have been preferable to Jenelle's pic. 

  • Love 6

Happy Birthday Jace. So sorry your incubator wants to make your special day all about her.


Wow, so her son's birthday was turned into a shameless paid product endorsement. What a freaking selfish bitch. Because every six year-old boy wants cookies with his non-existent "mother's" picture on them. God, I just want to beat the crap out of this girl.

  • Love 10

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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