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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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Seems like it. Mackenzie's tape is supposedly "leaked."


TMZ addressed that. Evidently, it is against their policy to discuss any sex tape unless all participants have already signed off on all the paperwork and TMZ has gotten confirmation. They've gone on record saying they have confirmation that this is an authorized release from Mac.


When are these stupid D listers going to realize how dumb it makes them look to insist the tape was distributed without their knowledge? Maybe it was a legit defense in the early days of Pam Anderson and Paris Hilton, but now, there's generally a paper trail a mile long that is available to anyone with an internet connection that proves those shown in the tape signed off on the release, and to say otherwise makes them look both desperate and ridiculous.


Mackenzie is especially stupid because this deal had to be in the works when she criticized Farrah for "opening her legs on camera" and knew her own time was going to be coming shortly.


Jenelle, please tell Vivid once the penicillin works that you changed your mind, just so we can watch Maci's head explode when she realizes her own odds of being mistaken for the teen mom porn star just tripled.

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I swear I can't wait until Jenelle finally commits a felony serious enough to land her in jail for good.  Am I wrong for that?  Probably.  But I seriously just can't anymore with this girl.  That young girls look to her as an example makes me sick.  That she had Jace - against her mother's will - and then abandoned him with her mother and then doesn't have the decency to be thankful for that and work hard to get him back makes me want to beat her to within an inch of her worthless life.  I don't tend to be a hater in general (an utter waste of time, energy and intellect), and especially with people on television because my exposure to them is voluntary.  But I hate Jenelle.  I think she is a sociopath, a burden to society, and she needs to be excised like the tumor that she is - not glorified and given blood money to keep up her antics.  MTV should be sued or removed from television for the part that they play in this.

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Susanne Daniels is the president of programming at MTV. Maybe some emails to her about this show and the need for it to be removed is in the near future. The very near future.



I swear I can't wait until Jenelle finally commits a felony serious enough to land her in jail for good.  Am I wrong for that?

No. Not at all. In fact, I hope she loses custody of Kaiser. I hope she never gets Jace back. I hope her pets are taken away from her. I hope she hits rock-bottom.

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I really got a kick out of the season's previews where the cops are throwing Nathan into the back of the police car and Jenelle is calmly looking on.  She's just standing there so self-righteously, as though a perfect citizen, and looking as though she just can't believe the crazy that is Nathan.  Meanwhile, tough guy Nathan is just bawling like a baby.  I can't wait for that episode.

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Has anyone ever seen Jenelle have a display of positive emotion? Like belly-laughing, or that special lovey-dovey look in the beginning of a relationship? I think I've only ever seen her yelling or crying, otherwise just straight-faced.


When she brought Nathan home from jail she looked happy for a while, and occasionally I've seen her laugh and play with Jace for a minute or two.

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Has anyone ever seen Jenelle have a display of positive emotion? Like belly-laughing, or that special lovey-dovey look in the beginning of a relationship? I think I've only ever seen her yelling or crying, otherwise just straight-faced.

I have never seen her look what I would call happy. Even when she smiles, it looks forced and fake, when she gave birth, nothing. I've never seen anyone be so dead eyed the first time they look at their brand new baby and I've never seen anyone with such a flat affect as Jenelle. It's like the only emotion she really feels is anger. 


I watched the reruns of last season again the other day and watched really closely when the Roll was born and the first few days they were home. Even when she's talking to him and feeding him, nothing but dead eyes and flat affect. I am beginning to agree with those who believe she's a sociopath. She doesn't seem to feel anything. Only anger when she believes someone is being mean to her or questioning her judgement. Scary.........

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I watched the reruns of last season again the other day and watched really closely when the Roll was born and the first few days they were home. Even when she's talking to him and feeding him, nothing but dead eyes and flat affect. I am beginning to agree with those who believe she's a sociopath. She doesn't seem to feel anything. Only anger when she believes someone is being mean to her or questioning her judgement. Scary.........

Gah, you just made me 'picture' her saying "you're so MEEEEANNNN!" in my head.  I remember seeing her look sort of like she was trying to care, but not much.

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I have never seen her look what I would call happy. Even when she smiles, it looks forced and fake, when she gave birth, nothing. I've never seen anyone be so dead eyed the first time they look at their brand new baby and I've never seen anyone with such a flat affect as Jenelle. It's like the only emotion she really feels is anger.

I watched the reruns of last season again the other day and watched really closely when the Roll was born and the first few days they were home. Even when she's talking to him and feeding him, nothing but dead eyes and flat affect. I am beginning to agree with those who believe she's a sociopath. She doesn't seem to feel anything. Only anger when she believes someone is being mean to her or questioning her judgement. Scary.........

When Jace was born, Jenelle said in a very matter -of-fact tone "Hey bud". That was it.

I have always said that Jenelle is the long lost child of Diane Downs.

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When Jace was born, Jenelle said in a very matter -of-fact tone "Hey bud". That was it.

I have always said that Jenelle is the long lost child of Diane Downs.


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Susanne Daniels is the president of programming at MTV. Maybe some emails to her about this show and the need for it to be removed is in the near future. The very near future.

Ms. Daniels is probably a clone of Mr. Burns on The Simpsons.  I envision her perusing all of the emails that are critical of TM, and saying, "Excellent, Smithers.  So many people disgusted with Jenelle's behavior...let's hope she never stops abusing her dogs and screaming at her mother in front of the children."

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What is it, Mackenzie bouncing on a semiconscious, grunting, snoring Jawwsh on the sofa with a bigass cowboy hat covering his face?


Mackenzie has confirmed Josh is in the tape. Her story so far: they made a sex tape using her phone, which was stolen, pictures were accessed and sent out, and then the phone thief kindly returned her phone to her. Yes, because an iphone is totally capable of capturing sexytime.


Sorry, I know this has no bearing on Jenelle. I needed a place to post about how ludicrous these claims are. If Jenelle does move forward with Vivid, I wonder what explanation she'll come up with to claim that the tape was released without her consent.


Also, ugh to Jenelle complaining to Nathan that her mom is "never" going to give Jace back. Barbara, pick a time when Jenelle is being filmed (for Jace's safety) and then call her bluff already! Tell Jenelle that you're going out of town and she'll need to watch Jace for an entire week. See the amount of sputtering and backpedaling Jenelle does.

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Mackenzie has confirmed Josh is in the tape. Her story so far: they made a sex tape using her phone, which was stolen, pictures were accessed and sent out, and then the phone thief kindly returned her phone to her. Yes, because an iphone is totally capable of capturing sexytime.


Sorry, I know this has no bearing on Jenelle. I needed a place to post about how ludicrous these claims are. If Jenelle does move forward with Vivid, I wonder what explanation she'll come up with to claim that the tape was released without her consent.


Also, ugh to Jenelle complaining to Nathan that her mom is "never" going to give Jace back. Barbara, pick a time when Jenelle is being filmed (for Jace's safety) and then call her bluff already! Tell Jenelle that you're going out of town and she'll need to watch Jace for an entire week. See the amount of sputtering and backpedaling Jenelle does.

It was laughable when Farrah did it. It's even sillier with Mackenzie copying Farrah's attempt right down to the beach photo shoot. And I could see Jenelle going ahead with it anyway, complete with a Gofundme asking people to donate money because she's so upset about the 'stolen' footage.

  Arrgh, and those pics...definitely make sure your 'safe search' is on if you ever Google for images of Jenelle for avatar ideas...what has been seen cannot be unseen.

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Ms. Daniels is probably a clone of Mr. Burns on The Simpsons.  I envision her perusing all of the emails that are critical of TM, and saying, "Excellent, Smithers.  So many people disgusted with Jenelle's behavior...let's hope she never stops abusing her dogs and screaming at her mother in front of the children."

I just found an interview Ms. Daniels gave, which happens to mention her reasons for putting the shows on MTV. I will post this on a general thread rather than here.

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Ms. Daniels is probably a clone of Mr. Burns on The Simpsons. I envision her perusing all of the emails that are critical of TM, and saying, "Excellent, Smithers. So many people disgusted with Jenelle's behavior...let's hope she never stops abusing her dogs and screaming at her mother in front of the children."

I can totally imagine that scene happening. The next scene would be down on Cletus' farm with Leah as his wife.

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Mackenzie has confirmed Josh is in the tape.

I thought the plot would be along the lines of Mackenzie driving all over the place looking for Jawwsh (if you follow her shenanigans on the TM blogs) and by COMPLETE COINCIDENCE, she runs into James Deen instead.


"While Mackenzie has yet to directly respond to the sex tape rumors -- the Ashley’s Reality Roundup is reporting she is currently away at church camp" --ibtimes.com.  Church camp. See? Back off, world, she's got morals!


And now back to the Jenelle discussion, before she screams and throws flipflops at me for going off topic too much.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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And now back to the Jenelle discussion, before shescreams and throws flipflops at me for going off topic too much.

Didn't Jenelle have a pair of flip flops on her wall last season?

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She's had those things on the wall at almost every house she's lived in (and there have been a lot). They're more constant in her life than her revolving door of boyfriends and friends, her kids, even Barb. However, I'm not sure I've seen them in the new place? 

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She's had those things on the wall at almost every house she's lived in (and there have been a lot). They're more constant in her life than her revolving door of boyfriends and friends, her kids, even Barb. However, I'm not sure I've seen them in the new place? 

Maybe her feelings for them have dropped.

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Susanne Daniels is the president of programming at MTV. Maybe some emails to her about this show and the need for it to be removed is in the near future. The very near future.

Kazu, you know you're my girl but I have to say that I don't understand this at all. You watch the show every week so I don't understand you saying something like that.

This isn't a documentary on PBS, it's a reality show on MTV. You'd have to be an idiot to put your life out there on a reality show without getting paid. That would be stupid as hell.

I also don't think e-mails to anybody is going to have any affect on anything.

I just don't understand begging for a show that you watch every episode of to be cancelled.

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You'd have to be an idiot to put your life out there on a reality show without getting paid.


I agree with this. I also think if TM2 offered the girls 6 figure college funds/trust funds for their offspring in lieu of a paycheck to the moms, these particular moms would probably walk. I understand they can't have someone like Jenelle on this show without paying her, so I wish they would just remove her from the show. Leah too. Replace them both with some random 16 and pregnant moms. I would still watch. I can't speak for all the viewers though. Jenelle does have her fans, shockingly enough.

Edited by Tatum
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Kazu, you know you're my girl but I have to say that I don't understand this at all. You watch the show every week so I don't understand you saying something like that.

This isn't a documentary on PBS, it's a reality show on MTV. You'd have to be an idiot to put your life out there on a reality show without getting paid. That would be stupid as hell.

I also don't think e-mails to anybody is going to have any affect on anything.




I just don't understand begging for a show that you watch every episode of to be cancelled.

I thought I clarified that I'd rather see this show cancelled altogether or stop paying these girls, but I know they won't stop paying them so, cancel the damn show.  There are people who do put their life out there for FREE, including on MTV. I don't think the True Life participants get paid although, I do believe some of them are in it for some fame. Trying to get their 15 minutes. It is not just PBS that showcases documentaries or docu-series.


I did post an interview that Susanne Daniels gave a year ago. I posted it in the general chat thread. She is a full-blown idiot. Her feeling is, MTV is not hiding the troubles of these girls and there is nothing wrong with what is being shown. That is a problem since these girls do tend to try and cover-up, manipulate the truth, or think we, the viewers, are idiots as they try to re-write history.

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I thought I clarified that I'd rather see this show cancelled altogether or stop paying these girls, but I know they won't stop paying them so, cancel the damn show. There are people who do put their life out there for FREE, including on MTV. I don't think the True Life participants get paid although, I do believe some of them are in it for some fame. Trying to get their 15 minutes. It is not just PBS that showcases documentaries or docu-series.

I did post an interview that Susanne Daniels gave a year ago. I posted it in the general chat thread. She is a full-blown idiot. Her feeling is, MTV is not hiding the troubles of these girls and there is nothing wrong with what is being shown. That is a problem since these girls do tend to try and cover-up, manipulate the truth, or think we, the viewers, are idiots as they try to re-write history.

The 16 and pregnant girls get $5,000, taxable, and nothing for any follow up shows. The real world kids in the late 90s got like $2,000 (but free rent and utilities). And I heard the engaged and underage couples got bedsheets. No cash. That's all I know for mtv documentary participants. I do believe you're right that true life people get no money.

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True Life is more of a documentary, not a reality show.

My point was that why call for the cancellation of a show that you watch every week? I'm not trying to be an ass, I just really don't understand. You watch it every week and comment about it here, yet you want it to be cancelled.

I don't understand why anybody would go on a reality show and not get paid. I would think the good money is why people do these shows in the first place.

I love ya Kazu, just trying to understand.

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Simple. As long as it remains on the air, I watch it to snark here. Being canceled will assure that these girls are no longer being paid for this fuckery. Chelsea is the only one, from this franchise, whom I don't worry about. She has her shit together.

Edited by GreatKazu
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If they paid them a fraction of what they get now, I'm sure they'd still take less money, just for all the opportunities for magazine stories, appearance fees, etc. 

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If they paid them a fraction of what they get now, I'm sure they'd still take less money, just for all the opportunities for magazine stories, appearance fees, etc. 

Don't forget the book deals. That is my whole point. This show has gone beyond what it started out to be and is now a joke. If you look up 16 & Pregnant, it is considered a documentary.


When young people look up to Jenelle and don't see anything wrong with her criminal behavior including drug use, anger issues, animal abuse, and DV problems in the home in front of a baby, that is when my blood boils and find that MTV is exploiting and enabling them. Chelsea is the only one who has a great support system, a career, a current job, no second baby, no porn tape, hasn't gone to jail, she has not been arrested or used drugs. Thank goodness for Randy.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I'm sorry my green alien friend. I feel bad. I was sincerely just trying to understand. I would miss the hell out of this show if it was cancelled. I love watching it and coming here and talking shit.

I don't want it cancelled god dammit!

The only one from Teen Mom 2 that I'm pissed is getting paid is Jenelle. I think every penny should go to Barbara with a small "friend of" stipend for Jenelle.

And you know I couldn't agree more about my girl Chelsea. She's the best of all of them from all 3 Teen Mom shows.

I hope there's nothing but beautiful things ahead for Chelsea and Aubree.

I feel strangely proud of Chelsea. She's come a long, long way.

She just seems like a good hearted, nice, sweet person. She's definitely a breath of fresh air for me after watching the other 3 losers.

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Don't forget the book deals. That is my whole point. This show has gone beyond what it started out to be and is now a joke. If you look up 16 & Pregnant, it is considered a documentary.


When young people look up to Jenelle and don't see anything wrong with her criminal behavior including drug use, anger issues, animal abuse, and DV problems in the home in front of a baby, that is when my blood boils and find that MTV is exploiting and enabling them. Chelsea is the only one who has a great support system, a career, a current job, no second baby, no porn tape, hasn't gone to jail, she has not been arrested or used drugs. Thank goodness for Randy.


I agree.  I watch the show--it's truly snarkworthy, but there is definitely a different feeling from the 16 & P show.  I honestly think they could have paid the girls on Teen Mom shows a fraction of what they're getting paid, and the girls would still sign up.  I stand by the idea that each girl should have only gotten a 16&P and a Teen Mom, and that's it.  All of this extra money they have isn't a true reflection of most lives of teen moms, which defeats the purpose, if that intent is to be a cautionary tale.

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What happened to that guy Barb was dating? He was around for awhile, IIRC. Is he still in her life?

Mike? He ran off with a Hootah's Waitress a couple of seasons ago. Barb told Dr. Drew all about it, and laughed hysterically the whole time.

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Mike? He ran off with a Hootah's Waitress a couple of seasons ago. Barb told Dr. Drew all about it, and laughed hysterically the whole time.

Oh geez. Well, at least Barb had a sense of humor about it.

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Mike? He ran off with a Hootah's Waitress a couple of seasons ago. Barb told Dr. Drew all about it, and laughed hysterically the whole time.

I thought he returned for a bit after that whole Hootah's mess?

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The real world kids in the late 90s got like $2,000 (but free rent and utilities).



I got to the last 100 candidates for Real World Miami (mid-90s) and I didn't even think to ask about money, nor did they give me any details about compensation. I was just happy to have free room and board, LOL. Those were before the days of reality-for-profit. We were so naïve.


On topic, I loved how Jenelle said on this episode, "Nathan's and my fights used to be explosive; but now our fights, are like, fine." So that's good news, LOL!

Edited by missy jo
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Why in the world does Jenelle expect anyone to believe she's really fighting for custody of Jace when literally any little thing is enough make him drop down the list of her priorities? Concerts, boyfriends, partying, and even apparently graduating - there's always a reason Jace is on the back burner. She doesn't even want to work full time so she can "spend time with Kaiser" (more like spend time doing anything but spending time with him since he seems to spend most of his time elsewhere) - even assuming she can find a part time job that will take her, if she can't handle having a full-time job and one child,  how is she going to handle a full time job and two children? And why does she think she can support two kids on a part time salary? 

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On topic, I loved how Jenelle said on this episode, "Nathan's and my fights used to be explosive; but now our fights, are like, fine." So that's good news, LOL!


That will quickly be negated in the episode where a screaming, crying Nathan is hauled off into a cop car. 

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That will quickly be negated in the episode where a screaming, crying Nathan is hauled off into a cop car. 

I caught the longer version of the arrest scene and wondered why the Oscar-nominated dramatics. He's been to jail before. He acted like they were going to execute him.

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I caught the longer version of the arrest scene and wondered why the Oscar-nominated dramatics. He's been to jail before. He acted like they were going to execute him.

Ratings? Maybe MTV promised him another trip (with "NOOO KIDS!!!!!") to the Virgin Islands ("where that at?") If he could give them something dramatic enough to be in the season trailer.

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I caught the longer version of the arrest scene and wondered why the Oscar-nominated dramatics. He's been to jail before. He acted like they were going to execute him.


Lol! Maybe he was inspired by Brando in a Streetcar Named Desire.  "Stella! Stella!"

Edited by zenme
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Why in the world does Jenelle expect anyone to believe she's really fighting for custody of Jace when literally any little thing is enough make him drop down the list of her priorities? Concerts, boyfriends, partying, and even apparently graduating - there's always a reason Jace is on the back burner. She doesn't even want to work full time so she can "spend time with Kaiser" (more like spend time doing anything but spending time with him since he seems to spend most of his time elsewhere) - even assuming she can find a part time job that will take her, if she can't handle having a full-time job and one child,  how is she going to handle a full time job and two children? And why does she think she can support two kids on a part time salary? 


Not to mention she was talking about Nathan getting his child back too. So 3 kids.

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Amen lovesnark. That is it in a nutshell.


I sure wish someone could post all the times Jenelle has said, "I want Jace back BUT..."  I'd love to see a timeline of all the times she has said it in every single episode, in every fucking interview, and her tweets.  I know it is in the millions. It would be reminiscent of that timeline that appeared on some website of Leah's dating life. That shit was long!

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I can't believe Jenelle has all these fans.

Jenelle is nothing but an egg donor. She's not a mother to Jace Barbs is. Can't believe how she's treats her mother. Jenelle ignores Barbs calls all the time. She also comes in and put of Jaces life. Her tears were such bullshit. Nathan just needs to go. He's emotionally abusive.

Edited by Darknight
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Except for the fact that it'd really hurt Jace, next time Jenelle starts bitching I'd love to see Barbara drop Jace off at her house and say she's going to be out of town/unavailable/on vacation/whatever for the next month.

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