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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

My husband and I are temporarily in an apartment and are down to one tv. If he comes home and wants to watch Monday Night Football, I'm going to hand him $50 for drinks and wings and ship him off to the nearest sports bar. When Teen Mom brings the crazy, it must be watched at all costs.

You do what you gotta do. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Okay, now that I watched tonight's episode, what does Jenelle mean by her comment the episode is highly edited by a "friend" she no longer speaks to? What does Ryan have to do with MTVs editing? 

Maybe the Blonde annoying woman is the producer she no longer speaks to. Ryan tweeted a picture of him with the producer last week, which probably enraged UBT and Jenelle. He tweeted this after he tweeted to MTV and Radar Online that he wants to spill the beans on Jenelle.

I think Ryan knew that Jenelle would blame editing. 

Here are some tweets from @jenellousofwhat (Queen Ram) twitter:

The above tweets were originally from Ryan's account but I think he deleted them and people took screenshots. 

Edited by druzy
  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, druzy said:

Maybe the Blonde annoying woman is the producer she no longer speaks to.

I am thinking this, as well.  Kristen is the "friend" and maybe Larry is the "director".  The "highly edited" part could just be in reference to things being spliced together out of order.  Thing is, everything we saw happened.  You can only edit out actions that have been filmed.  You can't edit in actions that never took place. 

David totally forced her to delete her Twitter.  Or she did it to 'prove' her love and devotion to him.  

  • Love 11

Classic Janelle. Everything your seeing and hearing is t real. Shes the sort of sociopath who gets mad that you won't believe her blatant lies.  feed me is exactly what that kid said he didn't man speed me or nead me or shmead me he said feed me! And no one is photoshopping hand marks on videos janelle - that's not how that works.


whats really sickening is the producers messages oh we didn't know that? Why not just say Janelle he said what he said we're airing it. Not sure if gaslighting is the right word here but the way they interact with her is fucking gross and gives her so much cover. Because she's got "big time" tv people validating her sociopathy 24/7. 

  • Love 15

So I know we all joke around about "The Land" being a perfect backdrop to an episode on the ID channel but last night was the first night I was really, honestly worried for Jenelle. I am always worried about the kids but the way that Uncle ID was acting with the crunchy hair producer all I could think about is that these were going to be the clips that started out their show on the ID channel. The way they showed them not wanting to film the first day they were going to take their save the date pics, then the next day like everything is fine and we are soooooooo in love was just downright scary! It was the perfect backdrop, kids screaming they are hungry in the background, the parents ignoring them to take the "perfect" picture and then them acting as if NOTHING happened between them the day before and Jenelle just sitting there so calm while Uncle ID starts raging at the producer was very eerie to me. 

  • Love 10

Oh please, Jenelle. You and David are not ever going to get day jobs so your threats are meaningless. 

Everything that comes out of her over-inflated lips is meaningless. And if MTV doesn't treat them like human beings, I guess that's the ONE thing they've done right since these two MONSTERS are NOT human beings. They are evil, soulless wastes of space, who the sooner they take each other out, the better off everyone will be in their pathetic lives. MTV not only needs to fire her ass immediately, they should cut her out of the rest of this season. 

  • Love 15

If Jenelle had any parenting instincts at all, she would've stopped at McDonald's and grabbed some food for the kids to eat at home while she and David did the photoshoot. It would've kept Kaiser distracted and the poor kid's blood sugar wouldn't have been crashing, resulting in a meltdown. She's just so selfish and dumb.

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I just hope once UBT kills Jenelle, he then kills himself. 


The fear I have is, he will kill Kaiser and Jace to spite Barb and Nathan. He will spare his children. 


20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

If Jenelle had any parenting instincts at all, she would've stopped at McDonald's and grabbed some food for the kids to eat at home while she and David did the photoshoot. It would've kept Kaiser distracted and the poor kid's blood sugar wouldn't have been crashing, resulting in a meltdown. She's just so selfish and dumb.

Jenelle is a selfish cunt. Her selfish needs comes first beyond anything that concerns her children. She had to hurry to get to her house of horrors because 1) the sun was going down and she needed that "perfect" shot and 2) David was on her ass to hurry up. 

Thank you @druzy for clarifying. 

  • Love 16
28 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Why does Jenelle still have the speech therapy permission form?  Shouldn’t that have been returned to the school so the kid can get approved for services?

Also, is Kaiser on Medicaid? WTF. She makes a quarter million dollars. 

 Exactly.....Jenelle just signed the note that said he'd benefit from an evaluation (and still has it?). I'm not sure I believe there was any follow-up. 

Wait.....how do we know he's on Medicaid???? I spend at least $14k/yr out of my paycheck for my and my kids' health insurance, not counting deductibles, co-pays, etc....(and that's pretty cheap compared to what some people pay through their employers every month). How is Kaiser on Medicaid???? I feel like I shouldn't complain if he is though, because Jenelle would never buy private insurance for him anyway....she'd just not take him to the doctor ever.....

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Why does Jenelle still have the speech therapy permission form?  Shouldn’t that have been returned to the school so the kid can get approved for services?

Also, is Kaiser on Medicaid? WTF. She makes a quarter million dollars. 

That note is dated 9-4.  It was given to her way after this episode was filmed. MTV is supposed to be psychic now and know he has an impediment.  Ok Jenelle. 

37 minutes ago, CofCinci said:


Also, is Kaiser on Medicaid? WTF. She makes a quarter million dollars. 

I wondered that, too. 

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Jenelle: "But you want MEEEEE to throw his birthday so bad..."  Um, you are the one claiming to be his mother. Why wouldn't you want to throw his birthday party? And you want Barb's help? WTF? You hate her. Why do you need someone to help you? Shit. This bitch cannot do anything by herself. Does David wipe her ass and insert her tampons, too? 

Jenelle completely misses the fact that Barb is trying to get her involved with her son's life and do things for him that normal parents do. If she really wanted her son back( I don't think she REALLY does) then she should be making efforts like planning birthday parties to show she is ready to start transitioning him to live with her full time. DISCLAIMER: I hope she never gets custody of that sweet, innocent confused boy. 

  • Love 17
8 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Dear Jenelle, 

If you read here, I have an offer for you - I will find a way to pay for you to have your Fallopian tubes removed. I had it done and it's pretty easy, plus you get an excuse not to do much for a week and you get good pain killers. Plus, no more pesky children that will you know, be children. Seriously. I'll find a way to pay if you take me up on it. There's your offer. 


PS: doctors, hospital, etc have to be paid directly...no cash will be handed over to you.

I'd happily contribute to this fund. 

  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Dear Jenelle, 

If you read here, I have an offer for you - I will find a way to pay for you to have your Fallopian tubes removed. I had it done and it's pretty easy, plus you get an excuse not to do much for a week and you get good pain killers. Plus, no more pesky children that will you know, be children. Seriously. I'll find a way to pay if you take me up on it. There's your offer. 


PS: doctors, hospital, etc have to be paid directly...no cash will be handed over to you.

Oh, jeezismaryandjoseph.  This is a worthy cause I'd support.  Perhaps a GoFundMe ought to be set up ...

  • Love 11

I have a feeling Ensley will end up in full time daycare once she gets to the age where she can voice opinions and make her wants known. It seems like that's what happened to Kaiser. The poor kid probably asked for lunch one day and Jenelle was like "Omg, I can't deal, he needs to be in school!".

I wonder how many more unfortunate children will be brought into this mess before it's all said and done. 

  • Love 12

The good thing if Jenelle ever did quit the show (pardon me while I laugh hysterically for a second, ok better now) we know that Jace would be with Barb all the time.  And Kaiser would probably be Nathan's mom because Jenelle just wouldn't bother to pick him up.  Endtable and Maryssa would still be trapped though.

  • Love 16

Honestly, I'm disappointed Ensley hasn't been in daycare since she was 6 weeks old (or at whatever age Kaiser's daycare takes babies). She probably could have benefited from time with caring daycare workers, state-set limits on how long babies can be in bouncer, swings, etc., having a set routine, a break from pot smoke, and being in an environment that isn't a constant war zone.  I hope Jenelle and David send her soon, even though infant daycare is expensive. I see how infants can definitely benefit from being home with parents the first year (or in early childhood in general), but that's with parents like Chelsea and Cole, not Jenelle and David (or any of her soulmates). Jenelle's kids are 1000% better off in daycare. 

I imagine that the daycare workers who regularly work with Kai are pretty attached to him. I know the workers at our (granted, small) daycare who have been there a while have bonds with my kids. They'd be hurt to know that any of their daycare kids were being treated like Kaiser is treated at home. :( Many of the people who work in daycares naturally have what my MIL would call "a heart for children" and love kids....and their hearts likely break for Kaiser. I'd hate to be a worker who has to interact with Jenelle or David at pick-up/drop-off/when they pay, etc, though. Shudder. 

  • Love 20

I was just thinking the same thing about Ensley being in daycare. I'm happy knowing Kaiser gets love at his grandma's and daycare, and I wish Ensley would get the same. Some people (*cough *cough Jenelle) just aren't cutout to be a stay-at-home parent (no judgement, because I'm not) and the best thing for your kids is to place them with someone who will love them while you get to do whatever you need to do during the day and then return to them fully-charged and engaged at the end of the day. 

  • Love 13

I have a question for someone who watches this show or at least knows something about reality tv.  Are these kids getting paid?  Is Jace, Kaiser, Ensley say least (supposedly) going to have some sort of trust fund for college or more likely the best therapy money can buy?  

I am asking because in twenty years or so is MTV/Jenelle going to get sued by these now adult kids for not stopping the abuse/stealing their money?  I can see Jace a decade from now using unaired  MTV segments as a get out jail free card.  

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

I have a question for someone who watches this show or at least knows something about reality tv.  Are these kids getting paid?  Is Jace, Kaiser, Ensley say least (supposedly) going to have some sort of trust fund for college or more likely the best therapy money can buy?  

I am asking because in twenty years or so is MTV/Jenelle going to get sued by these now adult kids for not stopping the abuse/stealing their money?  I can see Jace a decade from now using unaired  MTV segments as a get out jail free card.  

They do, yes. I'm not sure how it all works, but Chelsea has mentioned Aubree's money being in a college fund. I'm sure Barb does something similar for Jace. The rest? Who knows where it goes.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Dear Jenelle, 

If you read here, I have an offer for you - I will find a way to pay for you to have your Fallopian tubes removed. I had it done and it's pretty easy, plus you get an excuse not to do much for a week and you get good pain killers. Plus, no more pesky children that will you know, be children. Seriously. I'll find a way to pay if you take me up on it. There's your offer. 


PS: doctors, hospital, etc have to be paid directly...no cash will be handed over to you.

I will contribute to this fund as well. I will even help pay for Jenelle to fix her dogs asshole bellybutton if she agrees to let Jace and Kaiser live out the rest of their lives in peace with Babs and Nathan's mom. 

  • Love 6
23 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

The being thin might take some work on your part, but those breasts?  Those are very much available to anyone willing to pay for them.  I think they look just awful.


She was a cute little cheerleader.  It's a real shame what she's done to herself.  She's approaching Farrah territory.


And if Barb does think she needs it on camera to serve as proof, there are cameras out there that don't belong to MTV, and whose footage wouldn't be subject to being aired on TV for all the world to see.


You're going to lose that battle.  To judge from prevalence, "Me and David" is acceptable grammar now.  It's everywhere.

It might be "everywhere," but is not acceptable grammar to me or most people I know.

I do agree with you about Jenelle's ugly, store bought breasts. Not a good look! 

  • Love 7

The people on this show aren't paid like actors and aren't obligated to follow the same guidelines as child actors with Coogan law. They are private contractors and MTV cuts them a check. They're responsible for paying their own taxes (remember when Kail got in trouble for not paying hers?) There is nothing that says they have to put any money away for the kids. Barb has said she puts Jace's away and Chelsea said Aubree's goes into her own account. We know Jenelle and UBT spend every penny they earn between seasons and probably don't even have a savings account.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, TexasGal said:

The good thing if Jenelle ever did quit the show (pardon me while I laugh hysterically for a second, ok better now) we know that Jace would be with Barb all the time.  And Kaiser would probably be Nathan's mom because Jenelle just wouldn't bother to pick him up.  Endtable and Maryssa would still be trapped though.

I've always felt that if Barb wanted to circumvent the visitation agreement, she could quit the show and refuse to allow Jace to be filmed.  I can just here the voiceover of how mean Barb won't allow Jace to film and it's caused Jenelle to be so depressed that she can't pick him up for visitation. 

  • Love 21
29 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

The people on this show aren't paid like actors and aren't obligated to follow the same guidelines as child actors with Coogan law. They are private contractors and MTV cuts them a check. They're responsible for paying their own taxes (remember when Kail got in trouble for not paying hers?) There is nothing that says they have to put any money away for the kids. Barb has said she puts Jace's away and Chelsea said Aubree's goes into her own account. We know Jenelle and UBT spend every penny they earn between seasons and probably don't even have a savings account.

Did Leah takes from the Girlses account as well?

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Did Leah takes from the Girlses account as well?

Yes, she stole the money from their trust account. This was when she was on pillses. 

36 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

The people on this show aren't paid like actors and aren't obligated to follow the same guidelines as child actors with Coogan law. They are private contractors and MTV cuts them a check. They're responsible for paying their own taxes (remember when Kail got in trouble for not paying hers?) There is nothing that says they have to put any money away for the kids. Barb has said she puts Jace's away and Chelsea said Aubree's goes into her own account. We know Jenelle and UBT spend every penny they earn between seasons and probably don't even have a savings account.


@Chaos Theory It is up to each parent to decide if they want to set up a trust fund. Amber was court-ordered to set up one because Gary took her to court regarding child support. Cory set up the funds for his girls. Too bad Leah had access to the accounts. She robbed her girls. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 13
25 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Yes, she stole the money from their trust account. This was when she was on pillses. 


@Chaos Theory It is up to each parent to decide if they want to set up a trust fund. Amber was court-ordered to set up one because Gary took her to court regarding child support. Cory set up the funds for his girls. Too bad Leah had access to the accounts. She robbed her girls. 

Is it wrong of me that I hope one day the kids find out about this, contact MTV for a special "where are they now?" episode and use the chance to read their parents for filth for all the crap their parents have pulled? 

  • Love 6

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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