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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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1 hour ago, SheTalksShit said:

Mhmm, that's my point - he has a drinking problem. 

I think he might have some mental issues, too, although not ones that he was born with. I think PTSD (from Iraq) probably. 

Is it known when and where he served in Iraq, btw? I know he was infantry, so it's not like he just sat around the Green Zone the whole time...

He's been diagnosed with PTSD in the past, but no longer gets disability probably because he failed to show up to his appointments with the VA or continue to get treatments or meds. 

I didn't notice the time before. Holy shit dude. 6 pm. Hardcore alcoholic. He has been for years though as it was in his visitation agreement with his little girl when she was a toddler that he couldn't be drunk around her, and he's had many many alcohol related arrests, so I don't see him going to therapy anytime soon...He'd have to admit a flaw then. He even defended the last choke and break in. 

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I'm really curious to know when and where in Iraq he served, because that makes all the difference in the level of exposure to death/near death experiences, along with head injuries (big issue among some Iraq vets due to IEDs). 

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There are lots of reasons why a kid can get depressed: chemical imbalance, long-term illness, predisposition to mental illness (and let's face it, he's got a rough row to hoe with Jenelle and Barb in his treeline because both exhibits signs of SOMETHING), and coping mechanism to emotional abuse and/or stress. I am guessing that his genetic makeup already puts him in the hot seat and that it wouldn't take much to create the perfect storm and trigger depression. My little dude has always been what we've called "sensitive", and I've lived with anxiety and depression for many years now. We think his mono just sent him over the edge. I worry about Jace more than any of the other kids. He seems like such a sweet soul. 

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6 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I'm really curious to know when and where in Iraq he served, because that makes all the difference in the level of exposure to death/near death experiences, along with head injuries (big issue among some Iraq vets due to IEDs). 

He hasn't discussed his service (avoidance quality of PTSD) but judging by the tshirts and camo print he was in early phases of Iraq.  


It was very "Wild, Wild West" during that time and the rules were made up as they went along. 

Edited by CofCinci
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I only watch this show sporadically but I was so struck by the language that Janelle used the other night - talking about how Barb needs to "give" Jace back - as if he's just a sweater Barb borrowed for week.

In addition to all the other reasons Janelle doesn't really want Jace back, I think part of it is because she won't have any reason to hate her mom anymore. She thrives on it and their problems are much bigger than Jace (and that's a huge problem in and of itself). Who would she yell and scream at and blame for all her problems if not Barb? Her "soulmates" come and go but Barb is always there as a good punching bag.

Edited by ExplainItAgain
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2 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:

I only watch this show sporadically but I was so struck by the language that Janelle used the other night - talking about how Barb needs to "give" Jace back - as if he's just a sweater Barb borrowed for week.

In addition to all the other reasons Janelle doesn't really want Jace back, I think part of it is because she won't have any reason to hate her mom anymore. She thrives on it and their problems are much bigger than Jace (and that's a huge problem in and of itself). Who would she yell and scream at and blame for all her problems if not Barb? Her "soulmates" come and go but Barb is always there as a good punching bag.

Give me my PHOOOONEEE! 

Give me my SOOONNN!

10 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I'm really curious to know when and where in Iraq he served, because that makes all the difference in the level of exposure to death/near death experiences, along with head injuries (big issue among some Iraq vets due to IEDs). 

Yeah-- and my unfortunately wide array of experiences with alcoholics tells me that if you have that many instances of alcohol related fights, arrests and drunk texts, homeboy is drunk pretty much all the time. You don't get caught every time by far. I doubt Nathan was emotionally healthy and nonviolent before serving, but PTSD has definitely fucked him up, followed by run ins with the law and extensive substance abuse that become their own brand-new problems. 

Edited by Lm2162
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3 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:

I only watch this show sporadically but I was so struck by the language that Janelle used the other night - talking about how Barb needs to "give" Jace back - as if he's just a sweater Barb borrowed for week.

In addition to all the other reasons Janelle doesn't really want Jace back, I think part of it is because she won't have any reason to hate her mom anymore. She thrives on it and their problems are much bigger than Jace (and that's a huge problem in and of itself). Who would she yell and scream at and blame for all her problems if not Barb? Her "soulmates" come and go but Barb is always there as a good punching bag.

Janelle strikes me as one of those people who always needs someone to be angry at -- if not Barb, then Nathan or her latest ex.  I agree, she does thrive on this kind of crap. When have we ever seen Jenelle truly happy?

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2 minutes ago, Adiba said:

Janelle strikes me as one of those people who always needs someone to be angry at -- if not Barb, then Nathan or her latest ex.  I agree, she does thrive on this kind of crap. When have we ever seen Jenelle truly happy?


@CofCinci do you think Nipples had mental issues prior to service? If so, how could his service in the military have magnified his issues?

I just had a conversation yesterday with someone who was informing me of the amount of DV abusers that exist in law enforcement and how departments cover it up. Not surprising since DV is about control, and what better career to get involved in where one can be in control of many people and hide behind their badge when they harm people. I imagine the same holds for the military.

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22 hours ago, lovesnark said:

The ONLY time Jace smiles or has a happy twinkle in his eye is when he's with Babs. When he's forced to be with Jenelle, he keeps his eyes lowered most of the time or is totally expressionless.

That producer makes me sick. She's so invested in keeping her job that she acts like Jenelle would be absolutely saintly behavior wise if Barb would only hand Jace over. When Barb said she was done with everyone and everything, I cheered a little. I'd love to see her tell Jenelle to piss off, contact my lawyer if you have anything to say to me. And, tell MTV that it's been fun but she's out. Barb has legal guardianship of Jace. If she says no more MTV for him, not a damn thing Jenelle can do about it. Jenelle has no legal authority to make decisions for Jace. 

When Jace hugged Barb when she was upset, I choked up a little. He loves her so much. We have never, ever seen him attempt to comfort Jenelle when she's having a meltdown over someone being sooooo mean to her. He sings to himself or tries to disappear. He has no love for her, just fear.

I agree and he doesn't have to be on a trip to a fancy amusement park or any of the other stuff he does with Jenelle and UBT. He was filled with delight that time they were playing with the fake red plastic lips. That producer is stupid and I wanted to smack her when she was talking because it's like, did you watch Jenelle's scenes before you took this job, you stupid cow? What an idiot.

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9 hours ago, CofCinci said:

He hasn't discussed his service (avoidance quality of PTSD) but judging by the tshirts and camo print he was in early phases of Iraq.  


It was very "Wild, Wild West" during that time and the rules were made up as they went along. 

Yes, early-ISH. Nathan was born on Sept. 19, 1987, which would mean the earliest he could have gone to Iraq was Sept. 19, 2005 (when he turned 18). Those photos look like they could be '06 or '07, maybe.  If he served anywhere in the notorious Sunni Triangle of Death, then he def saw some shit. But it's not really known when or where, so...who knows. 

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


@CofCinci do you think Nipples had mental issues prior to service? If so, how could his service in the military have magnified his issues?

I just had a conversation yesterday with someone who was informing me of the amount of DV abusers that exist in law enforcement and how departments cover it up. Not surprising since DV is about control, and what better career to get involved in where one can be in control of many people and hide behind their badge when they harm people. I imagine the same holds for the military.

Studies show a very disproportionate number of cops have been physically abusive to spouses or kids. 

I assume it's a mix, like most things. I really doubt Nathan was some responsible, nonaggressive person before. So he was both drawn to what he thought of as "macho" and messed up by PTSD/TBIs when actually in service. Then used a bunch of steroids and won't stop drinking. So hard to separate the factors. But I definitely have family members who are vets with PTSD and TBIs, one of whom was in a similar position to Nathan and saw an enormous amount of combat and violence in Iraq. They have had their issues but act nothing like this douche and would be disgusted by this behavior. So I assume a predisposition to violence on his part at least. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Jenelle realizes that once Teen Mom2 is finally cancelled, she loses the generous paycheck (although she'll get some residual pay for the reruns of the show, won't she?).  In any case, Jenelle knows that the guys she's been attracting since Teen Mom first aired have all had financial incentives for seeking her out, and for staying.  Jenelle's deep-seated insecurity speaks for itself as she dumps piles of verbal sludge onto her mother.  This is because Barbara has warned her about all of these guys and their ulterior motives -- the fact that none of them have real jobs, but all of them have criminal backgrounds, etc. etc., and that they are using Jenelle for her MTV money.   In other words, Barbara has stated the obvious, and the truth hurts. If Jenelle has anxiety it is, in part, due to her awareness that the money will run out and so will the boyfriend of the month.

Jenelle is aware of Barbara's foresight and astuteness and this infuriates her.  Barbara's truth telling also inflames David, the same way it did Nathan.  His duplicity is being exposed.  Hence, Jenelle and David have constructed a  campaign to punish Barb in various ways. One way is by trying to take Jace away from Barb.  Another way is by trying to manipulate how much "camera time" Barbara acquires.   And yet another strategy is to spread lies that Barb only wants Jace because of money (according to Jenelle, Barb only wants to maintain custody in order to keep herself in the camera's lens).   To the contrary, it appears that Jenelle is the one trying to get the camera time by creating these dramatic situations.  More drama equals more money, and more money equals one boyfriend who won't run away when the money runs out.  Jenelle can't allow Barbara another "win" in her predictions.  

If Jenelle's desire for custody were sincere, she would not expose her son to the repeated hostility that she perpetuates, particularly since these scenes are broadcast for the world to see, including employees of the court system.   No litigator or judge is going to hand over a child to someone who possesses poor judgment and who evidently behaves in a manner that is detrimental to a child's wellbeing.  

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Yeah, I don't see Jenelle holding out on us if she had one over on Barb. Barb does have a temper and she has said some borderline nasty things in the past (though not without reason in most cases), but somehow I doubt it is that much worse then what she's said on the show about Jenelle. And even if Barb did text some nasty shit, I'll bet Jenelle was giving it right back assuming she didn't start it in the first place. So she better show me the money or I'm chalking this up to her blowing smoke out of her butt yet again.

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20 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

Yup. At first, when I saw the clip of David reading it out loud, I figured it was one of those late-night drunken texts after having a few too many. But when I froze the clip and saw the time stamps (5:55pm, 5:56pm). smh. Ridiculous to be that drunk and irrational at 6 in the afternoon. 

First thing I thought of when I saw thise texts was PTSD. We know Nathan is a Veteran and is receiving VA disability for this. My own husband was Infantry in the Marines and also receives VA disability for severe PTSD. At his worst, he's told me that we would be better off if he went away, and reading thise texts reminded me of that. The difference is that my husband doesn't abuse alcohol and goes to therapy and rakes his medications. However, I really feel for Nathan. I wonder what kind of man he would be of he hadn't enlisted.

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And I think the operative word in Jenelle's tweet is that Barb texted her.  She didn't blow up on the phone in front of Jace.  She didn't publicly tweet insults or shade her on Instagram.   She privately communicated with Jenelle even if it was in anger.  Like a fricking adult should so to cause less harm to Jace.   And honestly if Janelle had the texts they'd be all over.  Janelle has no qualms about showing private messages.  

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6 minutes ago, mrsh said:

First thing I thought of when I saw thise texts was PTSD. We know Nathan is a Veteran and is receiving VA disability for this. My own husband was Infantry in the Marines and also receives VA disability for severe PTSD. At his worst, he's told me that we would be better off if he went away, and reading thise texts reminded me of that. The difference is that my husband doesn't abuse alcohol and goes to therapy and rakes his medications. However, I really feel for Nathan. I wonder what kind of man he would be of he hadn't enlisted.

I have a hard time feeling for him anymore. A close family member served around the same time as Nathan and even became an alcoholic and had some bad fights with his wife as a result of PTSD that resulted in throwing things (though not at her). But he'd cut off his own arm before he'd abandon a child and lose custody, threaten cops physically, or break into a woman's house and choke her to the point that she's scared for her life. To me that requires someone to be a piece of shit to begin with, or at least very prone to violent influence. Plus, Nathan has resources he could use through the VA and no longer does, given that he no longer receives disability. So he doesn't even try to improve. 

Most of these folks have had bad childhoods and trauma. Some have been sexually assaulted. But if you abuse people to that extent...You're just an awful person IMO. Lots of people were raised like Jenelle and they might not be incredible and great successes, they might get divorced or even use drugs for a time, but they don't treat people as abusively as she does and use kids as pawns. I don't think being in the military gives one a special extra pass. 

Edited by Lm2162
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22 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

Mhmm, that's my point - he has a drinking problem. 

I think he might have some mental issues, too, although not ones that he was born with. I think PTSD (from Iraq) probably. 


Yes, he has a drinking problem. So, it wouldn't be ridiculous for him to be drunk at 6 p.m. or even 6 a.m. That is why they are alcoholics. That was my point. : )

Jenelle mentioned he smokes pot, too. That scene where he came home after lying to Jenelle about his whereabouts was really scary.  Steroid use is of course the absolute worse.

1 hour ago, LBS said:

And I think the operative word in Jenelle's tweet is that Barb texted her.  She didn't blow up on the phone in front of Jace.  She didn't publicly tweet insults or shade her on Instagram.   She privately communicated with Jenelle even if it was in anger.  Like a fricking adult should so to cause less harm to Jace.   And honestly if Janelle had the texts they'd be all over.  Janelle has no qualms about showing private messages.  


1 hour ago, mrsh said:

First thing I thought of when I saw thise texts was PTSD. We know Nathan is a Veteran and is receiving VA disability for this. My own husband was Infantry in the Marines and also receives VA disability for severe PTSD. At his worst, he's told me that we would be better off if he went away, and reading thise texts reminded me of that. The difference is that my husband doesn't abuse alcohol and goes to therapy and rakes his medications. However, I really feel for Nathan. I wonder what kind of man he would be of he hadn't enlisted.

The way little Kaiser lights up knowing he will see his father, makes me wish the guy would get some help. Maybe others in his life have tried to intervene, but he resisted? Who knows. His criminal record is no joke and it is serious when one is accused of DV.

I will point out one thing, I have never seen Kaiser be excited to see Jenelle.

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It seems as a veteran he would have more mental health resources available than most, but chooses not to use them. In addition, after this many DUIs I'm confused about why he wasn't forced to complete treatment for alcoholism. I've known a few alcoholics with 3-5 DUIs like he had and they were forced to attend AA or 60-day rehab. Of course, maybe he did and then immediately relapsed. 

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Forcing addicts into treatment generally does not work. Addicts have to want to get help and have to want to be clean. Part of the treatment is facing the demons and working on what led you to your addiction in the first place such as having dealt with trauma. Until they are ready to complete those tasks, they are doomed to fail.

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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Forcing addicts into treatment generally does not work. Addicts have to want to get help and have to want to be clean. Part of the treatment is facing the demons and working on what led you to your addiction in the first place such as having dealt with trauma. Until they are ready to complete those tasks, they are doomed to fail.

I agree, but in my experience a detox/a forced period of sobriety can *sometimes* help someone make that decision if they are usually using. I don't think he's had a sober week in many years. 

I don't know what will push him to rock bottom, but if multiple arrests and custody battles with two children haven't...

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Many people have had it worse than Nipples and it still was not their rock bottom. Facing trauma or past abuse is just too much for addicts to face which is why they refuse to get help and continue to self-medicate or numb their pain. I have no clue what Nipples past is about. I don't know if he has endured any sort of trauma as a child or teen.. Being in Iraq would surely drive people over the edge. All I know is, he is a very scary guy to be around. 

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6 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

It seems as a veteran he would have more mental health resources available than most, but chooses not to use them. In addition, after this many DUIs I'm confused about why he wasn't forced to complete treatment for alcoholism. I've known a few alcoholics with 3-5 DUIs like he had and they were forced to attend AA or 60-day rehab. Of course, maybe he did and then immediately relapsed. 

Not all VAs are created equal. I'm a Veteran and a VA employee at one of the VA facilities that is in the top 10 in the latest SAIL reports. I'm proud of the work I do to help my fellow Veterans. My brother-in-law is also a Veteran (Iraq) and he drives all the way to my CBOC (smaller outpatient clinic) for services because the CBOC closest to his house is absolute shit.  I also don't use the CBOC where I live (I commute an hour to my office).  Nathan could live a mile from a VA medical center or CBOC but who knows the quality of service available there.  VA are (sadly) very hit or miss. 

Edited by CofCinci
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5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Not all VAs are created equal. I'm a Veteran and a VA employee at one of the VA facilities that is in the top 10 in the latest SAIL reports. I'm proud of the work I do to help my fellow Veterans. My brother-in-law is also a Veteran (Iraq) and he drives all the way to my CBOC (smaller outpatient clinic) for services because the CBOC closest to his house is absolute shit.  I also don't use the CBOC where I live (I commute an hour to my office).  Nathan could live a mile from a VA medical center or CBOC but who knows the quality of service available there.  VA are (sadly) very hit or miss. 

I totally agree and have worked with veterans myself-- but many also don't have the financial resources Nathan has. All of the veterans I've worked with and the ones in my family, and my ex who's also a veteran, would be ashamed, disgusted and angry to be associated with someone like him. None that I know would be anything but embarrassed, and it doesn't matter to your abuse victims whether you "served" or not...They're just being abused. 

And while yes, VAs are not created equal, my point was that many people with PTSD or who are not veterans have *zero* mental health resources at all, not even a faraway option. At least he has the possibility of options, a car, ample time during the day judging by his gym excursions and frequent travel, and a TV show that apparently pays him enough to live on, since he no longer receives disability yet seems to also not have any sort of job. I'm sure MTV could also set him up with counseling if he desired it in any way, shape or form, and AA meetings are available most places and free. If he wanted it, he could get help. He simply isn't ready/doesn't want it. 

Edited by Lm2162
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From the article @Lm2162 posted (for some reason I can't post your post)


“If you guys only saw the texts messages between my mother and I. Shows a lot of truth to why I freak out on her so suddenly,” Jenelle Evans wrote on Twitter on March 7. “My mother is ruining our relationship as mother and daughter. It’s only getting worse.”

Jenelle would have posted each and every text message that shines her in a brighter light! I want receipts Jenelle! 

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32 minutes ago, druzy said:


That reply is 24 karat gold! I' sure Jenelle  deleted the tweet and blocked her 30 seconds after it was posted.

Sure, Jenelle. The shitfest that is your life is all Barb's fault. The way you've treated your mother and encouraged every soulmate of the week to treat her has nothing to do with it. Delusional much?

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Every time I read a post from someone about our imaginary road trip, it makes me wonder how people in NC react to Jenelle when they see her. I'm sure she gets young girls fawning over an F list celebrity and wanting a selfie with her. But, I wonder if those who watch the show with a critical eye like we do tell her what they think if they run into her somewhere? Maybe that's one of the reasons she gets her soulmate of the week to quit their job and be her lackey? It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out people tell her what they think of her if they happen to run into her at Target.

It looks like we may have to rent two or three Suburbans for our trip and go caravan style. The west coast has already filled one :)

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Have you seen the new deleted scene of Jenelle, David and Kaiser visiting the property?


-It's creepy to see the woods where Jenelle's dismembered body will be found after David murders her.  (FYI: More women are killed by intimate partners — their boyfriends, husbands and exes — than any other type of perpetrator.)

-Did they buy land that floods AKA swamp land?  Now that David wears glasses he thinks he's an engineer and knows how to divert the flooding.  Good luck with that.

-Jenelle couldn't give two shits about David's precious pecan tree.

-Kaiser is too adorable.

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That picture of Jenelle in the article is enough to give me nightmares.  Those overly wide eyes, staring straight into you and the smile.... She looks like a serial killer. 

Also, someone needs to inform Inquistr of how maths is done because several ≠ seven 

"According to the Teen Mom 2 star, who lost custody of her oldest son, Jace, now 7, shortly after his birth, her relationship with her mother, who has cared for the child full-time for the past several years, is extremely strained — and it is all Barbara’s fault"

Let me rewrite it for them 

"According to the Teen Mom 2 star criminal, who lost custody voluntarily gave up custody of her oldest son, Jace, now 7, shortly after his birth because she was dick hopping and shooting up the car park, her relationship with her mother, who has cared for the child full-time for the past several years, who has cared for and loved Jace since the day he was born, more than 7 years ago,is extremely strained — and it is all Barbara’s fault"


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16 minutes ago, druzy said:

God, Jenelle is such a fucking bitch. My heart broke when Jace told her he'd help decorate if Nathan didn't want to and Jenelle couldn't even turn around and say something like "aww, Jace, that's so sweet" or "you're such a helpful boy." She just says "I know" flatly and goes right back to crying about Nathan. I really hope a judge watches these clips and never turns Jace over to Jenelle because she certainly doesn't deserve him.

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What I'd love to see is a Judge telling Jenelle that she can have custody but that filming TM is detrimental to Jace's emotional well being and she'd have to quit the show. My bet is in that case she'd give him up in a heartbeat.

Remember in mediation a couple of seasons ago when told that Barb had serious, legitimate concerns about Nathan and the recent incidents would seriously effect her custody case? Wah! But I really want to be with him! Meaning Nathan of course - not Jace. 

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40 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

What I'd love to see is a Judge telling Jenelle that she can have custody but that filming TM is detrimental to Jace's emotional well being and she'd have to quit the show. My bet is in that case she'd give him up in a heartbeat.

Remember in mediation a couple of seasons ago when told that Barb had serious, legitimate concerns about Nathan and the recent incidents would seriously effect her custody case? Wah! But I really want to be with him! Meaning Nathan of course - not Jace. 

Edited to add - then Nathan dumped her ass.

Nathan's a complete idiot, but my Handbasket to Hell chuckled when he told her she was white trash that won the lottery. Bad Nathan! Bad Jen! At least he had steroids and whatever as an excuse....

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

God, Jenelle is such a fucking bitch. My heart broke when Jace told her he'd help decorate if Nathan didn't want to and Jenelle couldn't even turn around and say something like "aww, Jace, that's so sweet" or "you're such a helpful boy." She just says "I know" flatly and goes right back to crying about Nathan. I really hope a judge watches these clips and never turns Jace over to Jenelle because she certainly doesn't deserve him.

I brought up her crying over men a little while ago. We've seen her bawl over Nathan and Keefuh. We saw her chasing Keefuh's car in a parking lot bawling that she loved him, dude (after she'd hit him). And, we saw her  bawling when she told Nathan she hadn't touched another mans skin for two whole years, dude! But, in the 7 years she's been doing this train wreck, she has NEVER shed a tear for Jace. She's only screamed, called her mother filthy names and berated her for having a stable job when she's ranting about not seeing him. Not.one.single.tear.

Edited by lovesnark
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Wow.  That scene where Jenelle is breaking down crying is eerily similar to the last episode where Barbara breaks down crying that she is tired of it all.  But with the huge difference that Jace comes to comfort Barbara and she acknowledges that, loves on him, and reassures him that she loves him too.  Jenelle cried for herself , didn't acknowledge his attempts of care even when he took his seatbelt off to presumably hug her, and drove off.  While he was singing!  With no attempt to soothe him or thank him or anything.   Fuck. Her.  

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11 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Every time I read a post from someone about our imaginary road trip, it makes me wonder how people in NC react to Jenelle when they see her. I'm sure she gets young girls fawning over an F list celebrity and wanting a selfie with her. But, I wonder if those who watch the show with a critical eye like we do tell her what they think if they run into her somewhere? Maybe that's one of the reasons she gets her soulmate of the week to quit their job and be her lackey? It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out people tell her what they think of her if they happen to run into her at Target.

It looks like we may have to rent two or three Suburbans for our trip and go caravan style. The west coast has already filled one :)

Every time I read about one of these heifers being here in California (Los Angeles), I sure wish I had a reason to be in the area and just come upon them as they are walking around acting like tourists, taking photos of Hollywood or going to the beach, like Leah did when she polluted our ocean with her filthy self.

This road trip, will we be stopping in the Holler? I want to give Adderrall my evil eye look and watch her cringe.

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8 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Every time I read about one of these heifers being here in California (Los Angeles), I sure wish I had a reason to be in the area and just come upon them as they are walking around acting like tourists, taking photos of Hollywood or going to the beach, like Leah did when she polluted our ocean with her filthy self.

This road trip, will we be stopping in the Holler? I want to give Adderrall my evil eye look and watch her cringe.

Oh, hell yes! My dad grew up in a holler not far from Leah and most of his family is still there. Since I'm kin, they'd be obliged to show a heapin' helpin' of hospitality to our posse while we're there!

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2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Oh, hell yes! My dad grew up in a holler not far from Leah and most of his family is still there. Since I'm kin, they'd be obliged to show a heapin' helpin' of hospitality to our posse while we're there!

Oh sweet! I imagine some great home cooking on the menu. : )  Not that slop Leah serves.

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If someone were to ask Jenelle what Jace's favorite color is or the name of his favorite sports team or even his favorite school subject, I doubt she'd be able to answer correctly. Jace is just a possession to her. She wants Jace back out of spite, not love.

She's been painting herself as the victim of Big Bad Barb who is so mean to her and punishing her by withholding her son. So of course her string of worthless boyfriends are going to instantly jump on that bandwagon because they believe her version of events. In reality they weren't even around when it all happened but they are willing to take her word for it, whether it's true or not.

Let's just say "what if" for a moment. What if, by some unimaginable circumstance, a judge actually awards primary custody of Jace to Jenelle (as cringeworthy as that sounds). Would she become a responsible parent overnight? Of course not. Will she help him with his homework, fix him nutritious meals, put him to bed at a reasonable hour, give him unconditional love and her undivided attention once in awhile? Of course not. Would she stop yanking him out of school for every whim of hers? Of course not. Would she take him along on a vacation? Maybe sometimes for a family trip. But what about the times (and for her there are many)when she just wants a getaway for two? Or some time aloooone?

Then she's really stuck. She has no paternal grandparents to turn to as far as Jace is concerned. So it's all on her. Who is she going to dump him off to if she is dead set against any contact with Barb. (or UBT won't allow it.) Will Jace be shuffled off to the Roll's grandmother or UBT's mom as part of a "bundle" deal? Of course it's not certain she'd be cutting Barb out of the picture, but from what we've seen of her vindictive and spiteful nature, I wouldn't put it past her to severely limit contact with Barb, should she ever get Jace fulltime.

But that would be cutting off her nose to spite her face. In reality, Jenelle wouldn't be able to handle taking care of 3 kids, even with UBT's help. Much less 5, if you count in his two, as it's been rumored his son is going to be spending some time with him.  So she'd be back crying to Barb in no time. Especially after the novelty wears off.

I really hope this never comes to pass, but with Jenelle's lucky court stahs working for her, ya never know. It's like that old proverb, be careful what you wish for, it may come true. But I'm praying it never does.

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1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

My kitchen smells amazing cuz I'm making big vats of Adult Brownies. Leah? yes she should get a visit. Then we can all go to Chelseas cabin!

Boy, those brownies must be good, because I think Chelsea's house is in the wrong direction.  However, it may be worth it to see Cole high.  I can just imagine the 2 of them with the giggles and poor Aubree wondering why SHE can't have a brownie, while Pete (that's the pig's name isn't it?) snarfs up crumbs like a Dyson.

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We can party with Chelsea and Cole on the way back. Gotta get our California Preverts back home. I'll hang for the return trip because my Husband works in Las Vegas. Vegas....I miss YE! The brownies are for the car ride and pain relief for kicking ass. I'll save a batch to share with Chelsea and Cole. The family cabin looks amazing! No brownie points for the targets. 

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