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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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Lisa has also said he wears clothes otherwise he scratches incessantly. He also zonked on Benadryl . Maybe Lisar will have an intervention with him this season.

Our goldendoodle has skin problems, we have changed his diet and he only takes a Benadryl occasionally. He used to chew on his paws until we went to an avocado based food and that improved the condition.....Holding him down for colonics, lemon cleanses and photos without makeup came to an end, too.

  • Love 8

Giggy was not a rescue he was from a breeder.  He developed alopecia after Ken gifted him to Lisa and the breeder recommended that he be put down and they would give Lisa another dog.  Lisa went against advice and did not put him down - she has the resources to care for him and it has worked out well (for her, not sure about Giggy) because Giggy.has become a celebrity in his own right.  Lisa did rescue another alopecic Pomeranian not too long ago.

  • Love 2

Giggy doesn't look too stressed out to me. He looks perfectly chill. We should all be so lucky!


Giggy looked highly stressed in the helicopter.  He was panting so hard he looked like he was about to give up the ghost.   There was absolutely no reason he needed to be on that trip, but he's part of their entourage.  Your heart can be 100% in the right place, but that doesn't mean your decisions are correct, or in the best interest of your pet.


And BTW, my dog recently had a pinnectomy of the right ear due to cancer.  Prior to surgery, she was on a sedative, a steroid, as well as 50mg of Benadryl every eight hours (to help shrink the tumor which was histamine fed).  She's almost twelve, and she never looked like a stuffed toy.


I think that Lisa adores animals (at least certain ones), but she herself has admitted that's partly due to her unfulfilled craving for a grandchild.  I also think that you need to put an animal's needs before your own desires.  Giggy should not be dragged everywhere they go.  He has an immune issue which is exacerbated by stress.  I can't imagine how stressful it was for that swan to be caught, loaded into a car, then a crate, then have a feeding tube forced down his throat - all in front of a camera crew.  Ask any foie gras duck - no Bueno. 


And when Lisa walked away from that pathetic little horse in Ohio - well she can just stuff her animal loving claims.   With a snap of her fingers she could have saved that pathetic creature.  And I don't want to hear that she secretly helped - if she did, we would have heard about it.  That poor thing was a story line.

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Giggy was not a rescue he was from a breeder.  He developed alopecia after Ken gifted him to Lisa and the breeder recommended that he be put down and they would give Lisa another dog.  Lisa went against advice and did not put him down - she has the resources to care for him and it has worked out well (for her, not sure about Giggy) because Giggy.has become a celebrity in his own right.  Lisa did rescue another alopecic Pomeranian not too long ago.

IMO, that IS rescuing him. Most or many people would have put him down or returned him to the breeder so that the breeder could put him down and they get a new, healthy, puppy. We "rescued" our Malt from a puppy store even though they wanted to send him back to the breeder to be put down, IF he even survived the trip, but we said no, didn't have to pay a dime for him, the store made the breeder give back what they paid for him and they never got puppies from that breeder again. We threatened to go public (TV) if they continued to get pups from puppy mills and the store had a very quick change of heart/policies! LOL

  • Love 8

Well dogs simply don't belong in restaurants unless they're therapy dogs. How they get around that is beyond me.

Odd, isn't it. I figured G's role in cheering up kids has earned him official status as an emotional support dog, which Ken and Lisa invoke to get him into planes,restaurants etc, (semi-gaming the system as the dog is technically supposed to be with the person requiring support.) K or L may claim the need, which would be impossible to disprove since I think it's against the law for a business to ask.

  • Love 1

Well dogs simply don't belong in restaurants unless they're therapy dogs. How they get around that is beyond me.

Before the 'therapy dog' was in fashion there was the Guide Dogs for the Blind, Now you just have to go see a physician to write out a note that you need the dog for some kind of medical/mental support. There are places in the interwebz that give you all the into of getting your dog certified. You just need a doc to agree with your request..


I am not the kind of person that gets grossed out by having pets around the area where I eat, but putting a dog in a chair making it a plate and allowing it to eat or drink off of utensils, plates or glasses irritates me for some reason?

  • Love 8

The "ohio pony" storyline was interesting.


Small/boutique horses are bred to be small and thru that breeding - and pretty much any animal - some characteristics that make them unique are the same ones that make them undesirable. Small ponies were bred to work in mines in the 1800's. They were stout and able to pull ore cars thru the small tunnels. Because they are no longer used in that fashion, some people probably do not get them shoes -. The Ohio pony was walking on what looked like a dirt path and probably wasn't shod for that kind of ground.


A horse's hoof is basically a nail and a bottom softer part of the foot behind it. Without a steel or temp shoe a horse stepping on a pebble or rock would go limp and show that in his gait.


That said? LVP does have the means to have had a vet come in and check the horse - like you would have a mechanic look at a car you were going to purchase? Either way, that horse should have been looked at before or after and it's well being assured.

  • Love 3

I've been thinking for the last few episodes that Giggy has already died and has been either been stuffed or turned into a panting robot dog.  Yes, I know, YMMV, and I'm probably going to hell for it.  I feel sorry for that poor dog.

And they control it via a phone app?




A dog pants to control it's body temp, dogs don't sweat - they have no sweat glands, so when you see a dog with it's tongue hanging out and he is panting up a storm, it usually means it's overheating,

I at times find the way people place animals on a higher pedestal than their fellow human being especially heinous. I mean this "pet" (and Im not solely referring to LVP ) has been pandered to in ways some humans could only dream of. But, Im not going to hate the "playa" (Im looking at you Gigolo;-) Im going to hate the game. Btw, Lisar you are not cute stroking that swan as if you are some evil genius (if you only knew that you actually look as if you are about to engage in an act of bestiality) oops I forgot she is.

Edited by SparkleznConfetti

And they control it via a phone app?




A dog pants to control it's body temp, dogs don't sweat - they have no sweat glands, so when you see a dog with it's tongue hanging out and he is panting up a storm, it usually means it's overheating,

It may mean that it's cooling itself but are you implying that a dog should never pant or it is in danger?

And they control it via a phone app?


A dog pants to control it's body temp, dogs don't sweat - they have no sweat glands, so when you see a dog with it's tongue hanging out and he is panting up a storm, it usually means it's overheating,

Dogs have a small amount of sweat glands, mostly in their paw pads, nose, and hair follicles. But their primary source of cooling is by panting. At least that's what my Vet told me. A dog that pants while cool may have a potassium irregularity.

  • Love 1

Well dogs simply don't belong in restaurants unless they're therapy dogs. How they get around that is beyond me.


Someone in the know said she has been turned away from two major parties in Palm Springs a month or so ago because she brought the dog.  I adore dogs.  But I have refused people who I invited to my house for a party that unasked brought along their living toy.  Nope.  So sorry.  'Ta.


I would love to see that happen with her.  I find it a dull over affectation of an arrogant and entitled individual.   All it does it tell me even your farts are dull that you feel the need to accessorize to that degree for attention.    If you are so thin on personality you need props well too bad.  I don't sit under plastic at a Gallagher performance either.  Take your little dying bag of tricks in an overpriced outfit and peddle elsewhere.  Now I need to go make sure I avoid my own dogs' gazes for a little bit 'cause I almost feel guilty writing that.

  • Love 7

IMO, that IS rescuing him. Most or many people would have put him down or returned him to the breeder so that the breeder could put him down and they get a new, healthy, puppy. We "rescued" our Malt from a puppy store even though they wanted to send him back to the breeder to be put down, IF he even survived the trip, but we said no, didn't have to pay a dime for him, the store made the breeder give back what they paid for him and they never got puppies from that breeder again. We threatened to go public (TV) if they continued to get pups from puppy mills and the store had a very quick change of heart/policies! LOL

I consider the story of how you got your dog a rescue. IMO Lisa V. rescued Daddio (Giggy's dad) from a breeder, Harrison (the new Pom) from the SPCA and it seems like Pumpy was a rescue as well from a trainer or breeder.  I don't consider Giggy a rescue, he was purchased from a breeder and when it turned out he had a medical condition Lisa chose not to put him down, kudos to her for that assuming that Giggy has a good quality of life, which some question, but I don't consider that a rescue any more than if I bought a non-rescue dog from a pet store and a few years later it got injured, I was given the option to have the dog euthanized but chose to have the dog treated and committed to giving it the proper care for the rest of its life.  YMMV but I don't think I get to reclassify the dog from a dog I purchased to a dog I rescued.

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How is Lisa going to get in trouble with Black Twitter, when Faye has ever claimed to be black.As far as I know black people have neverclaimed her.I can see that Faye has more of the one drop look than lets say to singer Charlie XCX whose mother is of African descent who looks more caucasian when compared to lets say real housewife of Cheshire Ampika who is quite"ethnic looking"/ racially ambiguous but whose phenotype maybe attributed to her possible semi-permanent tan. I (as a person of color)personally think Faye is equal parts simian/shapeshifter:-!

Edited by SparkleznConfetti


Mohamed had always said they were fine, but that is their prerogative as parents, whatever medical issues or information they choose to divulge. I obviously interpreted that as they were not infected by this insidious disease, and as it is not contagious, I understood them to be healthy. I love and adore all three of them, for sure.

I regret even acknowledging the subject, but we live and we learn.


It may mean that it's cooling itself but are you implying that a dog should never pant or it is in danger?

Ummm, what kind of danger? I merely stated a fact about dogs, Which I was wrong about -  Dogs do have sweat glands!

As far as the panting goes, all the dogs I have ever had or met pant when they have been run, are out of breath or in a hot climate.

I wasn't implying anything past what I said.


There are some people that shouldn't be pet owners. They tend to collect animals of all kinds without the knowledge or ability to keep them and care for them. Take birds, for example? The proper way to transport ANY winged animal is in a cage. Holding a bird - especially a large, sick bird in your lap while you drive down the street is asking for trouble? Sometimes even the most well-meaning person can be dangerous to any pet they own?

  • Love 1

How is Lisa going to get in trouble with Black Twitter, when Faye has ever claimed to be black.As far as I know black people have neverclaimed her.I can see that Faye has more of the one drop look than lets say to singer Charlie XCX whose mother is of African descent who looks more caucasian when compared to lets say real housewife of Cheshire Ampika who is quite"ethnic looking"/ racially ambiguous but whose phenotype maybe attributed to her possible semi-permanent tan. I (as a person of color)personally think Faye is equal parts simian/shapeshifter:-!


Ethnicity wise, Faye reminds me singer Rita Ora who many assumed to be mixed with black but denied the claim (pretty eloquently too - 'cause that has potential to get ugly if worded incorrectly) and claims Albanian How Albanian is a race? Don't ask me.  




As far as Lisa basically calling Faye an orangutan? Not cute. I side eye anyone obviously white who calls someone who doesn't look totally white anything simian related. However, I am not gonna gather my pitchfork and torch about it.  As I have aged and gotten more hip to the BS and been left dangling by those that I assumed would have may back only to be left ass out on my own, I've become very selective on who and what I cape for and I don't cape for Faye. If she is offended, her and her own can get at Lisa if need be. It may sound terrible of me but I am just tired and through with fighting others battles who probably wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire. YMMV. 


(whisper to self: that escalated quickly). 

  • Love 5

How is Lisa going to get in trouble with Black Twitter, when Faye has ever claimed to be black.As far as I know black people have neverclaimed her.I can see that Faye has more of the one drop look than lets say to singer Charlie XCX whose mother is of African descent who looks more caucasian when compared to lets say real housewife of Cheshire Ampika who is quite"ethnic looking"/ racially ambiguous but whose phenotype maybe attributed to her possible semi-permanent tan. I (as a person of color)personally think Faye is equal parts simian/shapeshifter:-!

I think Faye is aiming for Jewish along the lines of Paula Abdul, who is actually Jewish. The name Resnick is Jewish sounding, one of the Challenger shuttle astronauts, Judith Resnik, was Jewish (Challenger incident coincidently was 30 years ago to this post) and I think Faye said something Yiddish "schpilkas". Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

How is Lisa going to get in trouble with Black Twitter, when Faye has ever claimed to be black.As far as I know black people have neverclaimed her.I can see that Faye has more of the one drop look than lets say to singer Charlie XCX whose mother is of African descent who looks more caucasian when compared to lets say real housewife of Cheshire Ampika who is quite"ethnic looking"/ racially ambiguous but whose phenotype maybe attributed to her possible semi-permanent tan. I (as a person of color)personally think Faye is equal parts simian/shapeshifter:-!

It doesn't matter what Faye declares herself to be , Lisa was using racist language, IMO.

I think Faye is aiming for Jewish along the lines of Paula Abdul, who is actually Jewish. The name Resnick is Jewish sounding, one of the Challenger shuttle astronauts, Judith Resnik, was Jewish (Challenger incident coincidently was 30 years ago to this post) and I think Faye said something Yiddish "schpilkas".

I do not think that it is her maiden name.

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Resnick is her married name. I think it was her second husband's name. Her maiden name is Hutchinson.

Back to Lisa and Giggy....

Faye had three ex husbands when Nicole died, she could've gone with any of their surnames, her maiden name, or her mother's maiden name. She went with Resnick. It actually probably was just a coincidence though, Resnick was her last husband's name, and she was coked out at the time of Nicole's beheading, but not when she said "schpilkas" on TeeVee.

Faye had three ex husbands when Nicole died, she could've gone with any of their surnames, her maiden name, or her mother's maiden name. She went with Resnick. It actually probably was just a coincidence though, Resnick was her last husband's name, and she was coked out at the time of Nicole's beheading, but not when she said "schpilkas" on TeeVee.

Anything is possible, maybe she speaks Yiddish.

She also has been around Mauricio and his family so she could have picked up some expressions here and there.

Who knows?

Ethnicity wise, Faye reminds me singer Rita Ora who many assumed to be mixed with black but denied the claim (pretty eloquently too - 'cause that has potential to get ugly if worded incorrectly) and claims Albanian How Albanian is a race? Don't ask me.


As far as Lisa basically calling Faye an orangutan? Not cute. I side eye anyone obviously white who calls someone who doesn't look totally white anything simian related. However, I am not gonna gather my pitchfork and torch about it. As I have aged and gotten more hip to the BS and been left dangling by those that I assumed would have may back only to be left ass out on my own, I've become very selective on who and what I cape for and I don't cape for Faye. If she is offended, her and her own can get at Lisa if need be. It may sound terrible of me but I am just tired and through with fighting others battles who probably wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire. YMMV.

(whisper to self: that escalated quickly).

I think Rita favors Beyonce in that pic, particularly on the night (of the Oscars) I believe when she wore that color-blocked black and white jumpsuit.

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LIMOM, on 29 Jan 2016 - 04:42 AM, said:

Maybe I am being overly sensitive, but I wouldn't appreciate being compared to primates.


Humans are primates, so I understand taking offense at being compared to some of them


And thanks to Bill Maher, I will never not think orangutan when I see Donald Trump.  ;-)

  • Love 6

Humans are primates, so I understand taking offense at being compared to some of them


And thanks to Bill Maher, I will never not think orangutan when I see Donald Trump.  ;-)

Good catch lol

I should have written non human primates. ;-)

Although between being compared to an ape and DT, an orangutan is more appealing....

  • Love 3

Lisa made a lot of mistakes last night.

That orangutan comment will cause her to feel the wrath of black twitter.

"Lisa,you in danger girl!"

Has it ever been acceptable to call someone out on their looks and compare them to ape, monkey, gorilla, orangutan? 


I like LVP for the show, and I don't know if she has just too much reality TV in her veins these days but it seems to me she is rapidly alienating people.  First there were the Hiltons, now Mohamed and of course orangutans everywhere.  She puts this aura out there that she needs to be the Queen.  I can see it on Vanderpump Rules with a bunch of confused, subservient wait staff, but she is in a group of women who not only have their own successes but have husbands with phenomenal success, and she treats them like bartenders at SUR.   Maybe it is an awareness issue or maybe LVP is really good at pushing a storyline along but she is coming off as unlikable. 


The first season her confessionals bordered on side eye but everyone had to feel sorry for her over the Cedric situation.  The second season she was cruel to Adrienne and Taylor (eventually after pleading her case to the Queen and Russell's suicide she lightened up on Taylor a little bit), by the third season she was way too overbearing and got called on it a little bit and Season 4 she got her crown handed to her on a platter, Season 5 she was coming back to lead the pack and this year she is surrounded by bitches.  I get LVP was tired of having Adrienne just doing promos for her family business, something she has certainly done herself.  It seems now though, LVP, is just not acknowledging the other RH have real jobs and responsibilities as great or greater than hers.  Kyle, Lisar, Eileen have real businesses and jobs and they support their families as well with their work.  Even Erika has a job she has to work at.  Uncomfortable moments with her comparing Ken and Tom Girardi.  There have been women on the show whose entire vocational career was tied directly to the show Carlton, Yolanda, Kathryn, Brandi, and Kim but I always feel like LVP feels the others careers aren't on par with her restaurant administration.


I will never feel sorry for LVP and her interactions with Faye.  I thought it odd she keeps expecting an apology when all she does is insult the woman.  And as far as Yolanda, be honest, not cagey, don't have Lisar do your dirty work, it is evident she loathes Yolanda.  I can't blame her after the stunt with Ken but quit with the I am so close to her children.  Lisa has never considered anyone's children before when she has had a beef with them. 


I also don't believe Mohamed, Ken and LVP haven't talked crap about Yolanda.  These are three people who seem to be of at least average intelligence and there is just no way they haven't discussed, as we have here, Yolanda's Lyme Disease journey.  I get that Mohamed wants a united front with his children but when Yolanda was stirring up crap about Joanna Krupa she sure didn't stand for Mohamed.  I think Lisa had a conversation with Kyle about the BS Lyme claim about the kids but once again LVP wanted to stay out of the fray and expected Kyle to blurt it out and leave LVP some plausible deniability.  Kind of a checkmate, bitch move.


LVP wanted to put Eileen on the spot and it was nothing about a love affair, it was about pointing she and Vinny had an affair.  Why when she and Eileen had nothing but good feelings between them?  My only thought is she wanted some extra screen time.  Eileen did say she was being grilled by LVP, a clear indication she wanted it to stop, and even after the Kyle and Lisar expressed discomfort she continued.


At this point although truly believe LVP and Ken have friends, I don't think they care any longer about friendships with the cast.  I get the feeling Ken and LVP consider the rest of the cast insolent.  LVP has seemed to rush these ladies introduction asking prying questions right out the gate.  I will say I thought it funny that Kathryn brought up the piles of swan shit.

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Insolent is the perfect word to describe their feelings toward the rest of the cast. Insolent children in fact.

The interaction, she had with Malouf was indicative of her insecurities, IMO.

She has to be top dog, IMO.

The Todds also relish the fact that they are self made British subjects and everyone else is subpar in their minds.

I am still a sucker for her accent, though. ;-)

  • Love 3

The other thing I think Lisa struggles with is she is definitely treated like  a 100 pounds of gold by Ken and ultra feminized.  At the same time she is selling us this tough as nails business persona, and I am a woman trapped in a man's body with the exception of the fact my man is along to defend me.  A sentiment she has in fact stated about Ken defending her at every turn.  So when an Eileen, who LVP has called out on her romance with Vince and an *, and now saying she can't be all that concerned about her private life if she wants to discuss domestic abuse, she comes off as uncaring.  There was a bit of an exchange between Ken and Eileen and Eileen reminded Ken she was having a conversation with his wife.  I think LVP missed Eileen's point that she had been self-supporting and self-supporting in her career, and could not depend on a man to defend her-quite the opposite, she had men that abused her.  LVP's career evolved from marrying a successful restaurateur who nurtured her and was a safety net for her career in the business and enjoyed the spoils of his success along the way.  No one is holding that over Lisa's head but it is something I think she needs to be cognizant of.

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This is an unaired scene, but VDP really dominates it.  She looks fabulous.  Kyle, looking ungainly, and Lisa floating around like a pro.  I wish it were longer and we saw the other "wives" really try it. 

  • Love 10

Maybe I am being overly sensitive, but I wouldn't appreciate being compared to primates.


I think you have to be from the moon not to know that one does not call anyone you even suspect is black a primate.  There is a history in this country of dehumanizing and calling a black person a "monkey" or "ape".  Lisa frankly knows better.  She's depending on her European history protecting her.  But even if she somehow doesn't know, she knows full well how close Kyle's family has always been with Faye.    Could you imagine if Kyle even hinted that Mohamed or Martin were imperfect?  How would LVP react to one of her friends being insulted in such a way?  They've been on the show multiple times, which should make them fair game too, right?


ETA:  It sounds like I'm preaching to you.  I'm actually agreeing with you, and then furthering the point.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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