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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Kim Richards
Arrest Puts Her On
'RHOBH' Chopping Block

4/19/2015 1:00 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF




If you don't see Kim Richards on the next season of "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" it'll be because of her drunken arrest earlier this week ... TMZ has learned.


Sources close to production tell us producers feel Kim's substance abuse issues make her a liability. There are insurance issues with the show, and serious concerns that if something happens to Kim, Bravo could be on the hook for keeping her on such a contentious, demanding show.


We're told a decision has not been made, but the alarm has been sounded and there's serious discussion about giving Kim the ax.


Here's where there's a split. Some production sources says Kim's substance abuse problem has been in full bloom all season. Several members of the cast and crew say they've watched Kim present a public picture of sobriety, but when the cameras are off she goes off the rails.


But other production sources tell us Kim actually did better this season in the sobriety department than she's done in years. They also think it's hypocritical for producers to turn their back on Kim now ... they say if she was such a problem she shouldn't have been exploited all year.


The show still has a few months before production starts back up again, so producers have some time to make their final decision.




  • Love 1

Not all addicts have the complete inability to make decisions for themselves and take responsibility for those decisions.  I just don't understand this insistence that somehow addiction = total helplessness, mental incompetence, and victimhood 4lyfe or that addiction = worse than anything else.

Addiction is a most likely a symptom of her problems. Reasonable minds can differ on this. It's just my opinion that she is ill and I think it's better if Bravo drops her and the public forgets about her for her and her family's sake.

  • Love 4

Like I said before, her being on the chopping block has nothing to do with them being concerned of her being an addict who got arrested. It has more to do with the Bravo-Evolution trying to be slick wanting out of her Kingsley lawsuit! They are not fooling me. Because had it not been for Kingsley, they would be rubbing their hands together in a board room trying to figure out how capitalize off her arrest/addiction.

  • Love 5

Addiction is a most likely a symptom of her problems. Reasonable minds can differ on this. It's just my opinion that she is ill and I think it's better if Bravo drops her and the public forgets about her for her and her family's sake.


I don't think many people will argue that Bravo needs to not re-hire her, or that addiction wasn't a response to prior trauma.  However, my point still stands that addiction doesn't automatically make someone helpless and without responsibility for themselves.   Even if she has other mental illnesses, it doesn't mean that, necessarily.  Plenty of us live every day with mental illness with varying degrees of success without being malignant assholes, users and abusers or criminals.  


How does one recover from addiction without being fully accountable for themselves and recognizing the harm they have caused, themselves and others?  

  • Love 10

Addiction is a most likely a symptom of her problems. Reasonable minds can differ on this. It's just my opinion that she is ill and I think it's better if Bravo drops her and the public forgets about her for her and her family's sake.

I agree with you. Plus, even sober, Kim never seemed particularly nice or thoughtful. When the show began many people had fond memories of her as a child and were rooting for her to be a likeable part of RH. It seems very cruel to continue to have her on once her problems became so obvious (S1). She's a mess, imo, way beyond her (ongoing) problem with alcohol. In real life, I'd stay far, far away.

  • Love 7

Not until June.  Usually drunk in public is cite and release.  The trespass will go away and I think the misdemeanor assault on a peace officer will probably be something she fights.  I think her attorney will cite an established anxiety disorder.  I just see Kim getting zero time and probably no probation.  For Kim the consequence is she has had a very public break from her sobriety and one that can be established by the number of drinks she ordered.  What I do enjoy is Kim will now have a record for an arrest for assault and battery the very thing she accused Rinna of having.

I thought arraignments were within 48 hours, but you're right, this isn't a serious enough offense for that; it's simply a cite and release. I also agree with your prediction over what will happen, and her public humiliation will definitely be her worst punishment. And your last sentence re: assault and battery is everything. Talk about schadenfreude!

* Also - I think the hearing is in May. A bunch of reports cited June 10th, but the press release lists May 10th, so I'm not sure why there's different dates going on. When is the big second wedding?

  • Love 1

My sister is bipolar and her illness influences her choices, but her stubborn willfulness influences her choices as well.  Her therapist confirmed this at our last therapy session. 


I attend DBSA meetings every other week.  I sit and listen to people who are mentally ill that have jobs, take their medications, date, enter into contracts, and struggle with managing their lives.  There are a couple of people who cannot sustain a regular job and its a blessing they can stay with their families.  For the most part, these non famous folks with no money, can manage themselves appropriately.  I have not known them long, but they seem to take responsibility for themselves and at the very least they commit to attending this meeting to help them manage their lives better.


There is nothing funny about Kim's addiction, but there is nothing wrong talking about it or finding humor in it because its real stuff. 


When my sister was manic the last time, she drove all night long to another major city so that she could fly to Atlanta to touch base with a guy that she liked in college (he did not like her).  Luckily for us, the flight crew knew she was not quite right and called the local police.  They took her to the nearest hospital.  We did not know this for a week.  We did not know she was in another city.  We were looking for her here.  This episode was the first time I looked for her in the local morgue.  I died a thousand deaths that day.


We found out where she was when she called my parents and she gave the phone to a nurse in the facility that she was in.  LOL, my mom did not notice that the area code that the nurse gave her was in another city so we all assumed she was in a hospital here with the same name. 


I am telling this story because this shit was not funny when it happened.  I probably had a million heart attacks and I know my parents had 5x as many as I did.


Now, its funny.  We live near the airport in our own city.  Our dad retired from working at the airport on our city.  We can laugh at this stuff because the alternative sucks.  Dealing with mentally ill people and/or addicts sucks.  I used to be a certified pearl clutcher.  Now, I rarely run my fingers over them.


Kim falling down drunk in the Polo Lounge of the Beverly Hills Hotel is funny, tragic, and devastating.  I hope her family can get to the funny part quickly.


Thank you for sharing, Toukie.  I'm sorry your sister has to deal with that disorder -- it's a bitch.  Glad, though, that you can look back on tough times and find kernels of humor in them.  That's the best medicine, sometimes.  


I'm not working right now because of my mental illnesses and it's hard.  Very hard.  My ex-FI, who has Bipolar I, is a mess with home life, money, and relationships (I had to do all of the heavy lifting there), but can get up and go to work every day and do well with that.  It's what keeps him going.  There's no one way, when it comes to these disorders, and no real way of knowing what's going on in someone's mind, from the outside.  In all of my years of therapy and from working on myself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, I've learned that taking full responsibility for oneself is the truest form of freedom -- The exact opposite of what those like Kim trick themselves into believing.  That cycle of blame locks us into patterns and keeps us tied to unhealthy people and environments and we're unable to grow and thrive. 


Something I will share that always makes me laugh at the absurdity of life and illness, is one time many years ago when I had been placed in a psych ward.  It was a terrible time for me, one of the worst in my life.  I was waiting in the lobby area of the hospital unit, for my boyfriend and family to come visit, sitting in a chair and journaling.  There was this old radio that was on one of the side tables and it was tuned to some local rock radio station.  All of the sudden I hear this familiar radio hit come on.  It was Matchbox 20 singing "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell".  The meta joke that that was, was just too funny not to giggle at and now when something reminds me of that horrible time in my life, or when I'm convinced that I am just crazy, I think about that time and that song, and I laugh and think to myself, "Nope, I'm just a little unwell!".  

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 17

Like I said before, her being on the chopping block has nothing to do with them being concerned of her being an addict who got arrested. It has more to do with the Bravo-Evolution trying to be slick wanting out of her Kingsley lawsuit! They are not fooling me. Because had it not been for Kingsley, they would be rubbing their hands together in a board room trying to figure out how capitalize off her arrest/addiction.

The lawsuit and the arrest are two totally separate matters. Bravo's lawyers can't use the arrest to finagle out of the suit. Under what grounds? (Besides, the motion to dismiss has already been heard).

  • Love 3

I don't know if nice is the word I would use. Last season was the the most clear/not shady I remember Kim.

I remember she seemed happier. I don't remember too much about her but at the beginning of last season she seemed open to talk about her addiction with kyle.

Had she just got out of rehab then?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 2

I don't know if nice is the word I would use. Last season was the the most clear/not shady I remember Kim.

I remember she seemed happier. I don't remember too much about her but at the beginning of last season she seemed open to talk about her addiction with kyle.

Had she just got out of rehab then?

She left rehab early I think before they started shooting season 3. On the Paris trip, she was definitely high as a kite.

Season 4, it appeared she was ok, until she flew off the rails in Puerto Rico going off on Ken and Lisa over Tabloidgate. Then I was like "Uhoh. Shes back!"

  • Love 4

She left rehab early I think before they started shooting season 3. On the Paris trip, she was definitely high as a kite.

Season 4, it appeared she was ok, until she flew off the rails in Puerto Rico going off on Ken and Lisa over Tabloidgate. Then I was like "Uhoh. Shes back!"

Thanks, I just remember there were moments in season 4 where she seemed more clear.

But yeah by PR she definitely had an agenda, and was back to the Kimmie we knew.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 1

Reading all these posts has made me sadder and sadder. I don't know Kim's story. I don't know if she has a personality disorder or a mental illness or an abused childhood. While I was reading the lyrics to Guilty by Bonnie Raitt, a woman who knows about alcohol abuse and recovery came to mind -- and in particular the last verse.

Well you know how it is with me baby,

You know I just can't stand myself

It takes a whole lot of medicine,

For me to pretend to be somebody else.

I can't hate somebody who is so messed up. I don't know what will help her. I hope something does.

  • Love 11

Agree.  I think some of us, instead of gleefully withholding our empathy and hoping she dies, are looking perhaps for a way to empathize with her, even if we don't like her or won't give her a pass for it.  It's also a self-comforting thing.  People like to know why others do horrible things, either in an effort to be understanding or to be able to distance ourselves from them.  The unknown is almost always scarier than the known, so if we know why people act like monsters we can either say "Oh, I can see how they'd be driven to do something like that.  That might have been me (at some point/if not for...)", or "I could never be like that.  That'll never happen to me".

I don't want to hear her "excuses" but I want to hear the "reasons" for her behavior because they are the way to understand the who, what, where, and why of Kim.


Addiction is a most likely a symptom of her problems. Reasonable minds can differ on this. It's just my opinion that she is ill and I think it's better if Bravo drops her and the public forgets about her for her and her family's sake.

There is no way at this point to know which came first, the emotional problems or the addiction.


She left rehab early I think before they started shooting season 3. On the Paris trip, she was definitely high as a kite.

Season 4, it appeared she was ok, until she flew off the rails in Puerto Rico going off on Ken and Lisa over Tabloidgate. Then I was like "Uhoh. Shes back!"

IMO, she was back to using last season when she went at Lisa/Ken about missing the graduation party despite the No RSVP and gift.

  • Love 8

Kyle is doing the same thing however.   Using Brandi as the supposed villain who is coming between her and her sister and as an excuse for her own behavior.

I respectfully disagree.  The way I see it (which doesn't mean I'm right,) is that Kim expects Kyle to be there for her 24/7 (hasn't she said as much?)  Kyle has a family and her own life.  Maybe she's tired of being on call for Kim and backed off a little (just a guess.)   Kim found a gullible friend in Brandi in order to cry on her shoulder. I think Kim used Brandi and decided to throw their "fabulous" friendship in Kyle's face so as to punish Kyle for not always being there for her - which I find to be utter bullshit after watching them all of these years.  Kyle has been on the sidelines watching Kim implode time after time, so I know it's got to be extremely painful for her and her family to witness.  It's very difficult to help somebody who doesn't want to help themselves.   I really feel bad for Kim's children.  What a nightmare.

  • Love 11

monty brinson @montybrinson  ·  Apr 17

@DoxingRx @Gabbycrts I do not have a girlfriend Terri Lynn Doss was my 2nd wife. Once I was I diagnosed with cancer I moved into Kim's


What the hell is wrong with people harassing Monty on twitter?  https://twitter.com/montybrinson/status/589200245587779585


Also people posting horrible things to Kim on her instagram, before this latest incident, and after?  I honest to God do not understand this kind of venom directed at someone who posts a holiday or family photo.  https://instagram.com/kimrichards11/ Many of these comments are disgusting. 

This one is fairly typical: 

Goodmorning you royal CUNT. Hope ya stumble across a bottle of vodka and drown in it. Be a even bigger discrace to ur kids than u already are


As for whether or not Kim has underlying mental issues that could have prompted the substance abuse (which is very common) I think we have seen evidence of that, both from things Kim has said and done on the show, and from the list of medications she was telling Adrienne's husband on camera.  Many of those were obviously to treat issues.  Yes, the argument can be made that she just trolls "Dr. Feelgood" types, but some of the ones she mentioned don't make you feel good, and frankly, I have a bit more respect for doctors than some, and think it's equally likely that they are trying to find a combination that works for her.


It would be lovely if there was one pill to take for bi-polar and another for depression, anxiety, etc.  but that is almost never the case.  You try to find the ones that will work for the specific problem(s) for the patient, but it's trial and error.   


I've never been any kind of fan of Kim's, or watched a single thing she's been in.  I couldn't stand her on this show.  The more I've watched her though, and seen very real struggles and failures, I do have compassion for those problems.  I see a woman in crisis, who has probably been in crises since she was a very little girl going to work.  It breaks my heart.


I think BRAVO loves it though, it gave them stuff to film, and to be "real!"  It gave Kyle her victim/martyr redemption story.  It gave Lipsa something to talk about, although that will probably backfire on her, since...hello!  Glass houses drunk tweeter, and lying about your "CONCERN" combined with nastiness is only appealing for a short time.  The entire season was about Kim, and BRAVO made that choice. 


Kim, mess that she is, is still being used by Hollywood to make them a few bucks.  And we go 'round and 'round and 'round in the circle game.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 8

I don't want to hear her "excuses" but I want to hear the "reasons" for her behavior because they are the way to understand the who, what, where, and why of Kim.



Exactly.  Tracing it back to its source, if possible, is helpful to recovery (not just from addiction, but all kinds of recovery).  The awareness of what we do, why we do what we do, and how we do it.  Taking responsibility for how we act and how we re-act to other people's actions is the only way, imo, we can change our future behaviors.  If we blame others and believe that they are the ones pulling our strings, then how are we to change ourselves?  Recovery is then left in the hands of other people and we do become helpless victims.  That's not a healthy way of looking at life, imo.  Victimhood transcends into survival and survival is transcends into sovereignty.   Kim is still wallowing in victimhood by blaming others.  She has a long ways to go.  

  • Love 5

I have only read a few of these pages since Kim's arrest and I am in tears. I have been in recovery for 17 years, have asked and received forgiveness from family and friends but it breaks my heart to know how deeply I hurt them after all your comments make that very clear. They never said all these things to me but had every right to. The only thing people said to me was "it's OK because we are so glad to have our Nancy back". I hope and pray Kim gets real help before it is too late.

These comments apply to Kim and they certainly can apply to some other addicts. They certainly don't apply to alll. My niece is a recovering addict. I only ever saw her as a truly good person doing bad things. She was not cruel or mean. She made mistakes and she did things she shouldn't but she was never a truly bad person. I truly believe that Kim would still be a bad person if you took away the substance abuse.  My niece has hurt me , yes. There are others in my family who have hurt me far more than she did and they are not addicts. We all fail or hurt people sometimes. We are human. Every addict needs to be judged as an individual. The fact that you are so bothered by this says something about your character.  

  • Love 12

Exactly.  Tracing it back to its source, if possible, is helpful to recovery (not just from addiction, but all kinds of recovery).  The awareness of what we do, why we do what we do, and how we do it.  Taking responsibility for how we act and how we re-act to other people's actions is the only way, imo, we can change our future behaviors.  If we blame others and believe that they are the ones pulling our strings, then how are we to change ourselves?  Recovery is then left in the hands of other people and we do become helpless victims.  That's not a healthy way of looking at life, imo.  Victimhood transcends into survival and survival is transcends into sovereignty.   Kim is still wallowing in victimhood by blaming others.  She has a long ways to go.  

Kim also seems to be defined by her addictions, by her illness. She is kim, the addict. Kim the person who is not struggling in her sobriety. It seems to be all she has. Very little of  Kim that we see on the show is not related to her addictions., Her addiction is brought up on nearly every episode mostly by her.  I don't define myself  by my HIV status. It rarely comes up in conversation in real life. It's not who I am, it's what I have. If I were a real housewife (And I live in Orange County Fl, so I could be, Hah!) My struggle with HIV would not be a storyline like her "struggle with Sobriety" . It doesn't define me. Marine, Mom, Student, Traveler, those things define me. Not AIDS. I am not  a victim. Kim needs to find something else to define herself with

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 10

Kim also seems to be defined by her addictions, by her illness. She is kim, the addict. Kim the person who is not struggling in her sobriety. It seems to be all she has. Very little of  Kim that we see on the show is not related to her addictions., Her addiction is brought up on nearly every episode mostly by her.  I don't define myself  by my HIV status. It rarely comes up in conversation in real life. It's not who I am, it's what I have. If I were a real housewife (And I live in Orange County Fl, so I could be, Hah!) My struggle with HIV would not be a storyline like her "struggle with Sobriety" . It doesn't define me. Marine, Mom, Student, Traveler, those things define me. Not AIDS. I am not  a victim. Kim needs to find something else to define herself with


You do have a very healthy outlook on your life, Jenny.  This is something that I have and still do struggle with.  What's my identity without my illnesses and abuse history?  It started so young with me, at age 3, that I used to get stuck feeling cheated out of life, because I'll never know who I would have been, if not for the abuse changing me in my developing years.  And since I continued to be abused, that felt like my identity that I sort of just accepted  -- SwordQueen: Perpetual Rape Victim.  I have had to learn that it's not who I could have been that should be my focus; but on who I will become.  


I'm lucky though that I also have many other things in my life, hobbies, passions, beliefs, goals, so I know that I'm not just defined by one thing.  I agree, that Kim only seems to have her addictions and her memories of the past.  That's a sad way to live, and it's not really living.  Been there, too.  The show has really struggled with showcasing Kim doing anything else that doesn't involve her recovery, her family issues or her past as a child actor.  I remember she did some racecar thing maybe last season?  I'm guessing that was a one time thing for the show?  Not everyone has big dreams and big hobbies, so I know for some, staying at home and being with family is how they live their life.  But Kim's home life doesn't seem to fulfill her, so she really should branch out and start developing herself as her own woman and not just what she was to others -- mom, child star, sister, wife, daughter, etc.  She seems like an empty husk and I don't know if that's just part of a personality disorder or if it's something she can change with effort and desire.  

  • Love 7

What the hell is wrong with people harassing Monty on twitter?  https://twitter.com/montybrinson/status/589200245587779585


Also people posting horrible things to Kim on her instagram, before this latest incident, and after?  I honest to God do not understand this kind of venom directed at someone who posts a holiday or family photo.  https://instagram.com/kimrichards11/ Many of these comments are disgusting. 

This one is fairly typical: 

As for whether or not Kim has underlying mental issues that could have prompted the substance abuse (which is very common) I think we have seen evidence of that, both from things Kim has said and done on the show, and from the list of medications she was telling Adrienne's husband on camera.  Many of those were obviously to treat issues.  Yes, the argument can be made that she just trolls "Dr. Feelgood" types, but some of the ones she mentioned don't make you feel good, and frankly, I have a bit more respect for doctors than some, and think it's equally likely that they are trying to find a combination that works for her.


It would be lovely if there was one pill to take for bi-polar and another for depression, anxiety, etc.  but that is almost never the case.  You try to find the ones that will work for the specific problem(s) for the patient, but it's trial and error.   


I've never been any kind of fan of Kim's, or watched a single thing she's been in.  I couldn't stand her on this show.  The more I've watched her though, and seen very real struggles and failures, I do have compassion for those problems.  I see a woman in crisis, who has probably been in crises since she was a very little girl going to work.  It breaks my heart.


I think BRAVO loves it though, it gave them stuff to film, and to be "real!"  It gave Kyle her victim/martyr redemption story.  It gave Lipsa something to talk about, although that will probably backfire on her, since...hello!  Glass houses drunk tweeter, and lying about your "CONCERN" combined with nastiness is only appealing for a short time.  The entire season was about Kim, and BRAVO made that choice. 


Kim, mess that she is, is still being used by Hollywood to make them a few bucks.  And we go 'round and 'round and 'round in the circle game.

Kim is not the only one to get these types of tweets. People are going after LisaR just as harshly as some are Kim, the same with LisaV, Eileen, Kyle and even Brandi are getting them. And Yes, they are wishing the others die as well as have horrible things happen to not just them but their families as well. Most of the husbands that have public twitter/IG accounts get these type of tweets/messages as well. Kim is not being singled out anymore than the other HWs are and that goes across the HW franchise, not just BH. Just to give you an idea, Taylor received death threats toward herself and Kennedy after Kim/Kyle staged the fake "intervention" for her. Kyle had to tweet/blog that what was shown on TV was not what really happened to get viewers to back off Taylor.


Other than anxiety and addiction, there is no evidence/proof that Kim suffers from any other mental health issues, anything else like BPD, depression or whatever, is just supposition, Kim has never admitted to any other current MI except addiction and anxiety. She is not some helpless person that has no recourse or no ability to get help for whatever ails her. 


Kim could just as easily walk away from this HW job, she is just as guilty as Bravo.

  • Love 8

You do have a very healthy outlook on your life, Jenny.  This is something that I have and still do struggle with.  What's my identity without my illnesses and abuse history?  It started so young with me, at age 3, that I used to get stuck feeling cheated out of life, because I'll never know who I would have been, if not for the abuse changing me in my developing years.  And since I continued to be abused, that felt like my identity that I sort of just accepted  -- SwordQueen: Perpetual Rape Victim.  I have had to learn that it's not who I could have been that should be my focus; but on who I will become.  


I'm lucky though that I also have many other things in my life, hobbies, passions, beliefs, goals, so I know that I'm not just defined by one thing.  I 

I've not been abused. And certainly not as a child. I think that is a whole different issue. and I understand why someone who experienced that would have a tough time getting past it. I've had 25 years to come to grips with this and frankly, I can't imagine  my life has been anywhere near as traumatic as yours.  I was a full grown adult when this happened to me. I had a fully formed identity before AIDS, and I still have it now. It's not quite the same when things happen as you are forming an identity. And if Kim's issues started in childhood, its a bit more difficult for her.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 6

Monty isn't even on the show.  He was shown very briefly.  The man is DYING.


Yet he has to put up with this kind of shit?  At least he cleared it up.

monty brinson @montybrinson  ·  Apr 17

@DoxingRx @Gabbycrts I do not have a girlfriend Terri Lynn Doss was my 2nd wife. Once I was I diagnosed with cancer I moved into Kim's


This is Kim's thread so I was talking about her.  I don't understand people tweeting hateful things to any of  these women, and mentioning bad tweets to others doesn't excuse these.  Especially to Monty. 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5


Other than anxiety and addiction, there is no evidence/proof that Kim suffers from any other mental health issues, anything else like BPD, depression or whatever, is just supposition, Kim has never admitted to any other current MI except addiction and anxiety. She is not some helpless person that has no recourse or no ability to get help for whatever ails her. 


Kim could just as easily walk away from this HW job, she is just as guilty as Bravo.

Unless being an asshole is now considered a mental health issue, which wouldn't surprise me.

  • Love 9

I've not been abused. And certainly not as a child. I think that is a whole different issue. and I understand why someone who experienced that would have a tough time getting past it. I've had 25 years to come to grips with this and frankly, I can't imagine  my life has been anywhere near as traumatic as yours.  I was a full grown adult when this happened to me. I had a fully formed identity before AIDS, and I still have it now. It's not quite the same when things happen as you are forming an identity. And if Kim's issues started in childhood, its a bit more difficult for her.


Very true.  I think maybe that's why Kim is so stuck on stardom and her contribution to her family's lifestyle (as perceived by her).  That was her identity growing up and who knows, maybe that was really the only identity she developed.  Then she became a mother and that eclipsed her old identity for awhile.  Now that her kids are grown and beginning their own adult lives and her career has long been over, she's lost and trying to reclaim/hold onto whatever she can but she's so bitter and hateful that she can't allow herself to let go of the past.  The drug use, though, has been in effect long before this, even before she had all of her children.  I really hope Kim starts to put in even a fraction of the effort that we have put into her, into figuring herself out.  lol  

  • Love 8
Here's where there's a split. Some production sources says Kim's substance abuse problem has been in full bloom all season. Several members of the cast and crew say they've watched Kim present a public picture of sobriety, but when the cameras are off she goes off the rails.


This is the thing that I've wondered about since I read of Kim's arrest.  When did Kim start drinking again?  Has she been drinking all season and we didn't know it, or has she been drinking only since she took the pain pill?  Does anyone but Kim know the truth?  She might have told Brandi, but I can't quite believe she would have since she's so sensitive about discussing it -- unless she got herself totally pickled and slurred out the truth to Brandi.  I'd think the answer might determine the decision that Bravo makes.  If she fell off the wagon after taking the pill, that might be more understandable, but if she's been drinking all season, I'd say that her chances of staying on the show are over.  I think she'd better get herself into rehab as soon as possible (like NOW), not only for her health but also to show Bravo that she's working on the problem (if that would do any good).

  • Love 6

I think it is safe to say that Kim will not be back next season in the same capacity, meaning we won't see her on a regular basis.  She may pop into an occasional gathering.  Or she will not be signed, at all.  And the best thing about that?  We won't have a 41+ page thread on alcohol abuse!!  And that is not counting the other threads where this same topic mentioned in regard to reactions of other cast members.  The topic has taken over this season.  It used to be so much better.  So much better. 


It is fun when we have things to talk about on every cast member in varied subjects.    


Now Kim, keep yourself out of the fucking headlines so this topic can die with dignity!   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 6

I'd like to go back to Kim's funds for a bit. If what was posted is close to being correct, Kim's had tons of child support payments over the past, what 20 years? Are illegal drugs that expensive? IOW, where did all that money go?

Those of you who know folks who've used, can you give me an idea of the costs per month that Kim snorted or ingested or shot into her arms?

I have sooooo much trouble figuring out where her assets went. Seems to me, she should be a multi-millionaire.

  • Love 1

Monty isn't even on the show.  He was shown very briefly.  The man is DYING.


Yet he has to put up with this kind of shit?  At least he cleared it up.

monty brinson @montybrinson  ·  Apr 17

@DoxingRx @Gabbycrts I do not have a girlfriend Terri Lynn Doss was my 2nd wife. Once I was I diagnosed with cancer I moved into Kim's


This is Kim's thread so I was talking about her.  I don't understand people tweeting hateful things to any of  these women, and mentioning bad tweets to others doesn't excuse these.  Especially to Monty. 

But he did appear on the show and Kim herself used him and his illness as an excuse and as a shield, so blame Kim for bringing Monty,  dying man, into and as an integral part of her storyline this season. Monty even had to defend himself this season against the allegation Kim gave that he gave her 1 of his pain pills, something he came out and denied BTW.


ITA, there is no reason to go on some HW's/husband's/SO twitter/IG account and leave a nasty/angry post/message to them but my point is, they all get them and they all have to deal with it. Kim is not special, nor is Monty, when it comes to nasty/angry/ugly tweets/messages, it comes with the territory/job.

I'd like to go back to Kim's funds for a bit. If what was posted is close to being correct, Kim's had tons of child support payments over the past, what 20 years? Are illegal drugs that expensive? IOW, where did all that money go?

Those of you who know folks who've used, can you give me an idea of the costs per month that Kim snorted or ingested or shot into her arms?

I have sooooo much trouble figuring out where her assets went. Seems to me, she should be a multi-millionaire.

I don't see Kim as a responsible adult, sober/clean or drunk/high. IMO, what she did not spend on drugs/alcohol she then spent on trying to buy her kids forgiveness. JMO

  • Love 8

I'd like to go back to Kim's funds for a bit. If what was posted is close to being correct, Kim's had tons of child support payments over the past, what 20 years? Are illegal drugs that expensive? IOW, where did all that money go?

Those of you who know folks who've used, can you give me an idea of the costs per month that Kim snorted or ingested or shot into her arms?

I have sooooo much trouble figuring out where her assets went. Seems to me, she should be a multi-millionaire.


It can be expensive.  I think it depends on who you are and who you know.  If you're lucky, you get a lot of shit for free because people want to be seen with you, etc.  But good drugs cost money, and a good (reliable) dealer costs more.  Some of the old rockers have said they've spent millions.  But they were probably much more hardcore users out on the road, on tours and everything, than Kim was, with four kids at home and rotating husbands.    


We know from previous seasons that Kim was a shopaholic, too, so drugs weren't her only addiction/entitlement to indulge.

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 4

Monty isn't even on the show.  He was shown very briefly.  The man is DYING.


Yet he has to put up with this kind of shit?  At least he cleared it up.

monty brinson @montybrinson  ·  Apr 17

@DoxingRx @Gabbycrts I do not have a girlfriend Terri Lynn Doss was my 2nd wife. Once I was I diagnosed with cancer I moved into Kim's


This is Kim's thread so I was talking about her.  I don't understand people tweeting hateful things to any of  these women, and mentioning bad tweets to others doesn't excuse these.  Especially to Monty. 

Here is an idea-why don't Kim and Minty shut down their accounts.  Or did Kim get arrested just to get more Instagram followers?  Kim's arrest has pretty uch brought a halt to all the cast's Twitter accounts.  Not good for the show.


Actually Tamara Tattles is reporting that Minty lives at another location.  I did find it somewhat interesting that the clod that was making the accusations about Minty not living with Kim employed Kim's tactics.  Touche.

  • Love 5

Not all addicts have the complete inability to make decisions for themselves and take responsibility for those decisions.  I just don't understand this insistence that somehow addiction = total helplessness, mental incompetence, and victimhood 4lyfe or that addiction = worse than anything else. 


I really loathe that mindset when it  comes to addiction -- in no small part because it feels like it diminishes the hard work of those who don't retreat into the safe haven of "I can't", and instead choose to struggle on and forward. (Like Robert Downey Jr, for example: His childhood could go toe to toe with Richards -- his own father gave him drugs when he was seven. Seven and stoned. By his own father.  I can't even process that, it's so sick; a little kid hooked on drugs,  while his brain was still FORMING, and the pusher is dead old Dad. And yet, Downey fought through every relapse to get clean and sober -- unlike Kim, that is the inspiring, unrelenting struggle of a 100 percent, goddamn grown-ass human.)

Edited by film noire
  • Love 7

My best guess is all the time Kim has spent with Brandi during this season (and probably before taping began) was for a reason. I can hear Brandi now.... "Awww, one little drink won't hurt you."

That's all it takes. Someone telling you it's OK.


And it seems, that up until this season with Lisa R, no one had ever really told Kim Richards that it wasn't OK.  

  • Love 8

I cant with this show any more. The skank and the addict have ruined this franchise

If i wanted to watch and read about addiction this isn't a site I would come to. I come here to snark. To laugh

To have fun. The forum at Vanderpump Rules was more fun than the show. People that want to snark get scolded and then feel the need to defend their positions. None of it entertaining.I dont give one single fuck that the addict got caught being the addict she is. I know she's not going to do time, she probably wont even be fined but she's bern humiliated and thats good enough for me. I dont know if she will be back but not because of this.if anything this would only secure her return. Then we can watch as some more redemption bullshit. YAWN. I know if the addict and the skank are back I'm not. That will leave me with only NY and OC to watch which is probably a really good thing in the long run.

  • Love 11

I really loathe that mindset when it  comes to addiction -- in no small part because it feels like it diminishes the hard work of those who don't retreat into the safe haven of "I can't", and instead choose to struggle on and forward. (Like Robert Downey Jr, for example: His childhood could go toe to toe with Richards -- his own father gave him drugs when he was seven. Seven and stoned. By his own father.  I can't even process that, it's so sick; a little kid hooked on drugs,  while his brain was still FORMING, and the pusher is dead old Dad. And yet, Downey fought through every relapse to get clean and sober -- unlike Kim, that is the inspiring, unrelenting struggle of a 100 percent, goddamn grown-ass human.)


Yes, it really bothers me, too.  There are already so many stereotypes and prejudices against those with mental illnesses that, making it seem like we're all a bunch of entitled yet helpless assholes who can't and won't do shit for ourselves, doesn't help matters, imo.  That's often what our illnesses tell us -- that we're hopeless, helpless victims, and we'll never be able to change.  We don't need other people reaffirming those thoughts for us, imo again.  


He's a great example.  And for every Kim Richards, there's a RDJ, who takes charge of his life.  It isn't an easy process, but it is a process, which means that it should be in continuous motion, not stagnant. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 7

Here is an idea-why don't Kim and Minty shut down their accounts.  Or did Kim get arrested just to get more Instagram followers?  Kim's arrest has pretty uch brought a halt to all the cast's Twitter accounts.  Not good for the show.


Actually Tamara Tattles is reporting that Minty lives at another location.  I did find it somewhat interesting that the clod that was making the accusations about Minty not living with Kim employed Kim's tactics.  Touche.

Got it.


It's Kim and Monty's fault for having social media accounts.  The things you learn!


Tamara Tattles is just a Sucks poster.  I tend to believe Monty over her.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

Okay, is it time for us to stop guessing, speculating and commenting on Kim's situation? Everything that can be said has been said. The people who have commented on Kim's arrest (including me) don't really know what happened, why it happened or anything else about it. None of us know, for sure, what her mental health issue is or what her alcohol issue is beyond her arrest at the Polo Lounge. This is just a tragic situation for everyone involved and it should make us all sad for her and her entire family. I know it truly makes me sad for all of them and I hope the best for the entire family. I believe it's time to just shut this down. I hope we can pray for the whole family and just move on. 

I respectfully disagree. The way I see it (which doesn't mean I'm right,) is that Kim expects Kyle to be there for her 24/7 (hasn't she said as much?) Kyle has a family and her own life. Maybe she's tired of being on call for Kim and backed off a little (just a guess.) Kim found a gullible friend in Brandi in order to cry on her shoulder. I think Kim used Brandi and decided to throw their "fabulous" friendship in Kyle's face so as to punish Kyle for not always being there for her - which I find to be utter bullshit after watching them all of these years. Kyle has been on the sidelines watching Kim implode time after time, so I know it's got to be extremely painful for her and her family to witness. It's very difficult to help somebody who doesn't want to help themselves. I really feel bad for Kim's children. What a nightmare.

This could also be why Kim loves to throw Kathy in Kyle's face too. All of Kathy's kids are adults. Of course outside of being LeToya Jackson's bestie on her show on OWN what else does Kathy with her spare time? So if Kim can call Kathy that much in her day (which could be a lie too) then that explains why she just bows at the feet of Kathy.

  • Love 3

Got it.


It's Kim and Monty's fault for having social media accounts.  The things you learn!


Tamara Tattles is just a Sucks poster.  I tend to believe Monty over her.

All they have to do is make their twitter/IG accounts private, it really is simple. Although Brandi's twitter account is public, her IG account is private. Sadly, that is what you have to do when you are in the public eye now days. Kim/Monty are no more special than anyone else and have to make decisions if the comments they are getting upset them that much, go private or just ignore nasty messages/questions. Obviously, the comments do not bother then that much as they have made no changes to any of their social media accounts.

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