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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Any Codependents in the house? (Slowly raising hand....). The "dance" between Kim and Kyle is so familiar, but what I find even more interesting is how THEIR drama is playing out in this thread. I'm having a visceral reaction just reading the comments.

Both hands are raised over here!  I also have a visceral reaction to these comments and I'll bet if I talked to my dad or sister after spending time on here, it might not be good for either of us.  Actually, after watching the show, reading these comments and acknowledging my emotions, I really should go back to Al-anon.     

  • Love 10

Higgins, I have to agree with those that Kim has shown herself to be mean and nasty over and over again. Even if we only focus on this season, her behavior has been horrible so to me this isn't even close to being about kicking a dog when they are down. It's about being up to here with Kim and her rudeness and her lame ass excuses for everything. I don't see anything vile about calling Kim on her behavior. I don't support mean tweets and I don't think that it's helpful for people to tweet Kim that she should die or that her kids would be better off without her or anything like that.


But pointing out that she's being an insensitive jackass for repeatedly complaining about Kyle not defending or supporting her (Kim actually has the nerve to say that Kyle "never" defends or supports her) all the while sitting there as Brandi repeatedly trashes Kyle? I don't see that as kicking somebody when they're down, I see that as calling somebody on behavior that makes them unlikeable, hypocritical, and unsympathetic.


Umbelina, I don't think that anybody here is saying that they hate Kim for her disease/s. I personally don't hate Kim. I just want her to be off of the show because I don't think being on the show has done her any good. If anything her problems seem to have gotten worse. I also think that it would be nice to give another woman a shot on the show since Kim doesn't seem to be appreciative of the opportunity that she's been given. As much as Kim is a pain in the ass and seems to resent a lot of her participation and interaction with the other ladies, I imagine that she'd be all kinds of hurt if she were to get her walking papers while Kyle was allowed to stay. No doubt she'd be jealous as hell and she'd see it as disloyal if Kyle were to carry on with the show without her. JMO. 


When has Kyle ever said that she blames her bad behavior on Kim, Umbelina?


It's Kim who always has the excuses for why she shouldn't be blamed for something. Kim shouldn't have to apologize for her horrible behavior to Eileen because according to Kim she doesn't like Eileen or her hair. Kim shouldn't have to apologize for putting Harry on blast or have to own her mistakes here because Kim was being apologized to by LisaR. Umbelina, I know that you've repeated that you think that LisaR's apology was insincere but the fact of the matter is that an effort was made by LisaR and Kim decided to be dismissive of it and continue to be hostile. Kim also made the choice to repeatedly talk about her sobriety without anyone else bringing it up so that's on her. It's absolute nonsense that Kim has a problem with talking about her sobriety on camera because she's done it repeatedly. Kim however can't take responsibility for the fact that she introduced her sobriety as a topic of conversation this season so she wants to shift the blame for her choices and decisions on to people like Eileen and LisaR. 


I don't think Kyle was gleeful at all I think she was trying to get it through Kim's impossibly thick head that Brandi is no friend to her and that Brandi has been doing precisely what Kim is criticizing others of having done to her. 


Brandi is no friend to Kim and to me Kyle is being a good sister by telling Kim the sad and unpleasant truth. To me it would be wrong of Kyle to *not* warn Kim about what kind of person Brandi is since she's repeatedly seen for herself that how awful and untrustworthy Brandi is. 


I feel like it must be pretty bad when the best thing that Kim's BFF Brandi can say about her is that she's a "fucked up ray of sunshine". 


Your post is perfection.  I am so tired of Kim getting the "But she has a dissssseeeasseeee" excuse.  A lot of us do.  Maybe not the same dis-ease, but many, many, many people in the world got problems, and no one else is excused from behaving like a POS, so why should Kim Richards be excused? 


Combine Kim and Brandi and you've got "I got a disease, bitches!" as the catch-all reaction to anyone questioning their behavior.  Ooh, the next t-shirt idea for Kimmie.  lol   



Any Codependents in the house? (Slowly raising hand....). The "dance" between Kim and Kyle is so familiar, but what I find even more interesting is how THEIR drama is playing out in this thread. I'm having a visceral reaction just reading the comments. As the CoDA bible ("Codependent No More") so perfectly explains it: It doesn't matter if you (the martyr) know what's best for the addict. It doesn't matter that the addict's life would be so much easier if they took your "well-intentioned" advice. It doesn't matter that you are made to suffer over and over for "just trying to help" and it doesn't matter that the addict doesn't appreciate everything you've done for him or her. IT DOESN'T MATTER, IT DOESN'T MATTER, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because the only person you can control is yourself and no one can "make" you feel a certain way unless you allow it (*rolling my eyes because this is so much easier said than done.. But therapy helps!).

So even though I agree that Kim is a mean, nasty dry drunk, I can't go all in for Kyle because she is clearly getting some emotional need met every time she gets to tell Kim how mean and hateful she is. I'll start cheering Kyle on when she finally stops playing her well-defined role in the relationship and learns to DETACH with love. It would probably be the best thing for Kim, too.


Imma sit right here, next to you. lol  I've spent way too many years of my life trying to "save" a certain few people in my life from themselves.  I look back now and want to scream (sometimes I do) at how pointless it all was.  I wanted to save these people because I didn't think I could or should save myself.  So I get Kim and Kyle's "dance".  Very much so.  I have more, or any, sympathy for Kyle because I do know how it feels to want to help and to have someone throw themselves at you and beg you to help them (or have others expect you to) and then when you try, they tell you how much they hate you, how horrible you are, how this, how that.  It's confusing, that push and pull cycle. No matter what you do, you feel like a failure and yes, a martyr because of all of the time and effort you put into someone else, and it's hard not to expect something back from it, either change or at least appreciation from the other person.  Not gonna happen.  lol


I'm laughing at your "It doesn't matter" because I've struggled with that for years and I still don't have it all down.  Kyle needs to learn how to separate her reactions from Kim's actions -- even and especially her emotional reactions.  Kim is, like so many difficult people, predictable in her actions and attitude.  So Kyle needs to stop being caught off guard when Kim acts like Kim.  I just want to shake Kyle sometimes because she is never going to be able to "do" or "be" enough for Kim.  She needs to focus on her own actions and her own happiness and growth.  It's hard as shit though, especially when you've been, like Kyle, conditioned from childhood to need that co-dependency, because that's what you know love to be.       


I don't dislike Kim because of her diseases.  I dislike Kim because she is not a person I see as having many, if any, good qualities that I find admirable, respectable or worthy of my time, effort, and emotion. 

  • Love 18

CajunGirl, your post is right on the mark, IMHO.  I think it could serve as great advice for both Kim and Kyle.  Both of them (and most of the rest of us) seem to want to put the blame on one or the other of the sisters, but finding blame isn't going to solve the problem, IMHO.  Maybe the key word to ending all of this is "detach."

Or recast.

  • Love 2

Wait--was this taken at Kyle's PS house?? Aren't those the same outfits they were wearing during their fight scene?

Here's the video from the show...different outfits.  The internet article used an old photo from another season.


Here's the link from the last epi...







Both photos were next to this when I googled "Kim and Kyle Richards Gif"


"Kim & Kyle Richards Try To Have A Heart To Heart On 'The Real ...

www.bustle.com780 × 439Search by image

I didn't think Kim and Kyle Richards would sit down again, just the two of them, until the upcoming Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 5 reunion."




Kim & Kyle Richards Try To Have A Heart To Heart On 'The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' & It Goes Horribly Wrong







"Kyle needed to get to the bottom of this. She invited Kim out to her house in Palm Springs to have some alone time together to settle their differences and hopefully repair their relationship once and for all. Unfortunately, Kyle made a huge mistake.


Of course, Kim and Kyle rehashed the same argument we’ve been hearing for most of Season 5. Since Eileen Davidson’s poker party, Kim has felt that Kyle hasn’t backed her up on her sobriety enough, whereas Kyle feels like Kim doesn’t give her enough credit and gives Brandi way too much. She even told Kim what Brandi has been saying behind her back to Lisa R.


But Kim didn’t really seem that bothered to learn about Brandi’s deception. She was more devastated by the fact that Kyle would invite her out to her Palm Springs house to have such a discussion."




Edited by talula

Wait--was this taken at Kyle's PS house?? Aren't those the same outfits they were wearing during their fight scene?

No, that photo was not from Kyle's PS/PD house. I think it was at Kyle's BH home but I am not sure. This link is to the last episode at Kyle's vacation home, they are both wearing different outfits than this photo. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/episode-518/videos?clip=2853446

  • Love 2


Because the only person you can control is yourself and no one can "make" you feel a certain way unless you allow it

Very true, Cajungirl. Those words were pounded into me at Al-Anon and by a therapist. Stopped being a co-dependent so long ago and stopped enabling. Setting healthy boundaries is the key and detaching one's self from the relationship is the ONLY thing that one is in control in these type of situations. Of course, I am just rambling on what I have posted before a handful of times, but it seems to be lost time and time again, especially when it is mentioned how it would be cruel or wrong for Kyle to remove herself from Kim. Clearly, there are plenty of people who don't understand how addiction, co-dependency and enabling are nothing but a roller coaster ride in hell.

  • Love 10

I'm going to play The Stroke Card for the reason this had me giggling like a schoolgirl but I thought I'd share it.


Kim clearly has at least one die hard fan out there.


What a creep fest (and so meta; this video would be the moment in the 70's ABC afterschool special -- starring Kim Richards -- in which the school counselor (Judith Light) would realize a frickin' creep made the damn thing. And then they'd plan a sting to go down in the school auditorium, and the guy -- played by Robbie Benson -- would be arrested, and he'd turn out to be "misunderstood". Because stalkers are just so damn cute -- they're not pathological and dangerous,  they're just shy!)

Edited by film noire
  • Love 15

Here's the video from the show...different outfits.  The internet article used an old photo from another season.


Here's the link from the last epi...







Both photos were next to this when I googled "Kim and Kyle Richards Gif"


"Kim & Kyle Richards Try To Have A Heart To Heart On 'The Real ...

www.bustle.com780 × 439Search by image

I didn't think Kim and Kyle Richards would sit down again, just the two of them, until the upcoming Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 5 reunion."




Kim & Kyle Richards Try To Have A Heart To Heart On 'The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' & It Goes Horribly Wrong







"Kyle needed to get to the bottom of this. She invited Kim out to her house in Palm Springs to have some alone time together to settle their differences and hopefully repair their relationship once and for all. Unfortunately, Kyle made a huge mistake.


Of course, Kim and Kyle rehashed the same argument we’ve been hearing for most of Season 5. Since Eileen Davidson’s poker party, Kim has felt that Kyle hasn’t backed her up on her sobriety enough, whereas Kyle feels like Kim doesn’t give her enough credit and gives Brandi way too much. She even told Kim what Brandi has been saying behind her back to Lisa R.


But Kim didn’t really seem that bothered to learn about Brandi’s deception. She was more devastated by the fact that Kyle would invite her out to her Palm Springs house to have such a discussion."






No, that photo was not from Kyle's PS/PD house. I think it was at Kyle's BH home but I am not sure. This link is to the last episode at Kyle's vacation home, they are both wearing different outfits than this photo. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/episode-518/videos?clip=2853446

Thanks, guys!  I'll go back to my corner now...:)

  • Love 1

Any Codependents in the house? (Slowly raising hand....). The "dance" between Kim and Kyle is so familiar, but what I find even more interesting is how THEIR drama is playing out in this thread. I'm having a visceral reaction just reading the comments. As the CoDA bible ("Codependent No More") so perfectly explains it: It doesn't matter if you (the martyr) know what's best for the addict. It doesn't matter that the addict's life would be so much easier if they took your "well-intentioned" advice. It doesn't matter that you are made to suffer over and over for "just trying to help" and it doesn't matter that the addict doesn't appreciate everything you've done for him or her. IT DOESN'T MATTER, IT DOESN'T MATTER, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because the only person you can control is yourself and no one can "make" you feel a certain way unless you allow it (*rolling my eyes because this is so much easier said than done.. But therapy helps!).

So even though I agree that Kim is a mean, nasty dry drunk, I can't go all in for Kyle because she is clearly getting some emotional need met every time she gets to tell Kim how mean and hateful she is. I'll start cheering Kyle on when she finally stops playing her well-defined role in the relationship and learns to DETACH with love. It would probably be the best thing for Kim, too.

I am a completely recovered co-dependent.   10 years ago I completely cut ties with my brother.   Sounds harsh, but his issues were draining, exhausting and finally, literally one day I said no more!  I'm out!    We used to do the same dance Kim & Kyle do - the estrangement, the reunion thinking things will be better, the estrangement, and so it goes.    Once I made that decision I felt like a weight had been lifted.  We haven't spoken, or communicated in any way since.   What I came to realize is I have friends who give so much more to my life.  Friends who I would go to the ends of the earth for, and they would do the same for me.   I just didn't need to help him in his disfunction, his misery and have it impact my life for one more minute.     People like Kim will find others to help them, they always do.   Leave her to Kathy.  And, if people say "you're a bad sister", let them.   In her heart she has to know she's done all she can, and Kim will always be the victim - it's her title, it's her reason for being, it's who she is, so let her be the victim.

  • Love 20

I am a completely recovered co-dependent.   10 years ago I completely cut ties with my brother.   Sounds harsh, but his issues were draining, exhausting and finally, literally one day I said no more!  I'm out!    We used to do the same dance Kim & Kyle do - the estrangement, the reunion thinking things will be better, the estrangement, and so it goes.    Once I made that decision I felt like a weight had been lifted.  We haven't spoken, or communicated in any way since.   What I came to realize is I have friends who give so much more to my life.  Friends who I would go to the ends of the earth for, and they would do the same for me.   I just didn't need to help him in his disfunction, his misery and have it impact my life for one more minute.     People like Kim will find others to help them, they always do.   Leave her to Kathy.  And, if people say "you're a bad sister", let them.   In her heart she has to know she's done all she can, and Kim will always be the victim - it's her title, it's her reason for being, it's who she is, so let her be the victim.

I think Kim usually calls the shots when she will re-engage with Kyle.  For the past five years there has always been the show that forces the issue.  This time Kyle has the experience of rehab and significant support from viewers, like yourself, that can support Kyle's decision of no more co-dependency.  I was encouraged when I heard Kyle say, "Kim has four adult children."  it is time for them to step up and take care of their mom and her issues. 


This may be the year that Kyle doesn't give into Kim's need of a paycheck and let her back into her life and on the show.  My personal advice would be it did not work on NJ dragging out the SILs storyline and I don't think the audience wants to see anymore KImm and Kyle drama after this Reunion.  The producers need to get off their butts and find something that continues without the sister dynamic or for that matter Brandi.

  • Love 4

I am a completely recovered co-dependent. 10 years ago I completely cut ties with my brother. Sounds harsh, but his issues were draining, exhausting and finally, literally one day I said no more! I'm out! We used to do the same dance Kim & Kyle do - the estrangement, the reunion thinking things will be better, the estrangement, and so it goes. Once I made that decision I felt like a weight had been lifted. We haven't spoken, or communicated in any way since. What I came to realize is I have friends who give so much more to my life. Friends who I would go to the ends of the earth for, and they would do the same for me. I just didn't need to help him in his disfunction, his misery and have it impact my life for one more minute. People like Kim will find others to help them, they always do. Leave her to Kathy. And, if people say "you're a bad sister", let them. In her heart she has to know she's done all she can, and Kim will always be the victim - it's her title, it's her reason for being, it's who she is, so let her be the victim.

Don't they say, "jump into the lake to save drowning person. You may be a hero or he may drag you down with him?"

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 5

Well I'm going to need therapy when this season is over. My sister called the other day and asked if I was mad at her. I couldn't tell her that I strongly suspect that she is going to someday accuse me of stealing her God damn house and that I was mad in advance.

And as much as they love Big Kathy they have to know she is spinning in her grave with them airing all this out.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 12

Or Kyle could stop trying to save or change Kim and have the kind of relationship where she accepts her without trying to rescue her.

I don't think that's possible with Kim.  She's too needy.   She demands too much of her family/friends.   She takes even the slightest thing as an insult, a sign of betrayal, "you hurt my feelings".  There is no middle with Kim/Kyle.    I get the idea that's what Kyle has been trying to do, distance herself, and Kim finds a sympathetic ear (Brandi), and bad mouths Kyle.    No win.  So, just completely remove yourself, until Kim either changes, or realizes you aren't playing that game. 

  • Love 8

Or Kyle could stop trying to save or change Kim and have the kind of relationship where she accepts her without trying to rescue her.

Higgins, I know this is your field so I am always pestering you.  I think it is pretty clear that Kyle isn't sending any lifelines Kim's way these days, is there any point to try and resolve the issues (house Kyle not being there)or should these two just resign themselves to enjoying events that involve their children and be cordial.  I mean it is obvious they have ben to therapy before and the boundaries set in therapy were busted but I just don't see these two having a meaningful relationship.  All I can say is thank goodness there are no more estates to be settled.

  • Love 1

I think Kim usually calls the shots when she will re-engage with Kyle.  For the past five years there has always been the show that forces the issue.  This time Kyle has the experience of rehab and significant support from viewers, like yourself, that can support Kyle's decision of no more co-dependency.  I was encouraged when I heard Kyle say, "Kim has four adult children."  it is time for them to step up and take care of their mom and her issues. 


This may be the year that Kyle doesn't give into Kim's need of a paycheck and let her back into her life and on the show.  My personal advice would be it did not work on NJ dragging out the SILs storyline and I don't think the audience wants to see anymore KImm and Kyle drama after this Reunion.  The producers need to get off their butts and find something that continues without the sister dynamic or for that matter Brandi.


I would go a step further and say that it shouldn't be left up to Kim's children to have to take care of her either. If what Kim said is true that they will cut her out of their lives if they think she is no longer sober, it sounds like her kids for the most part have figured out that they can't coddle her and have to let her decide to get sober and stay that way without any enabling on their part. And, if that is the case, they deserve a standing ovation for being able to do something that their aunt has been incapable of doing. 


If you think about the effect Kim's addictions would have had on their lives growing up, separating themselves from her unless she stays clean, is probably the most healthy thing I have heard coming out of that particular branch of the Richards family. 

  • Love 3

Higgins, I know this is your field so I am always pestering you.  I think it is pretty clear that Kyle isn't sending any lifelines Kim's way these days, is there any point to try and resolve the issues (house Kyle not being there)or should these two just resign themselves to enjoying events that involve their children and be cordial.  I mean it is obvious they have ben to therapy before and the boundaries set in therapy were busted but I just don't see these two having a meaningful relationship.  All I can say is thank goodness there are no more estates to be settled.

I would do exactly that if I were Kyle. However, if someone like Lisa Rinna and Eileen came to me like they did, I would say, " Look, that's really Kim's business. I'm not discussing it."  On Poker night when Kim said, thanks a lot or whatever she said when she went back in, I would ignore it. That's what Kyle can't seem to do. Neither of them seem to be able to do it.

  • Love 6

That, too.  Either/or.  I think Kyle will have to do what you suggest because she doesn't have the backbone to completely cut Kim off. 


I don't think it has anything to do with "backbone".  It's not that she's a weak person, but she and Kim have this unhealthy bond that was created and sustained by their mother, who was I think, their only parental figure.  I'm disgusted at Big Kathy for making Kyle promise to take care of Kim as a dead bed promise.  That's a hell of a lot of guilt to shoulder.  I'm sure she feels like she's letting Kim down by not "being there" for her, but I can imagine she'd also feel like she's letting her mother down, too, from the grave.  Kyle is just as messed up in some ways as Kim is and maybe more so in others.  And it's all too easy when you have such a strong yet unhealthy bond with someone to slip right back into that co-dependent pattern without even realizing it. 


Which is why Kyle needs to work on herself, but she needs to be able to separate herself from Kim long enough to start that process.  And that's hard to do when she doesn't have the tools to be able to separate herself, which she could attain if she went to therapy and worked on herself.  Sometimes it's like a big old catch 22.  lol  


I didn't have the backbone to cut my brother off completely until my parents and then boyfriend finally stepped in and said enough was enough.  It was only because I had so much support that I was able to do it and stick to it.  But I'm still in daily contact with someone else to whom I was co-dependent and it's still a battle to not engage and care.  Hopefully this show -- most of the HW and the viewers -- will give Kyle the needed perspective and support so she can disengage long enough to gain some tools in order to move forward with whatever kind of relationship she can or wants to have with Kim. 


It seems so hard for Kim and Kyle because of their kids, who are so close to each other.  If they can get to a point where they would only engage as a family when it comes to their collective children, that could be a good middle ground.  However Kim also has to not engage with Kyle (either expecting her to clean up her messes or criticizing her for not doing so) if that's going to work, which is why Kim also needs therapy.  I don't believe it's Kim's children's' job to clean up after their mother either.  That's just repeating the cycle that Big Kathy started, imo. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 4

I would do exactly that if I were Kyle. However, if someone like Lisa Rinna and Eileen came to me like they did, I would say, " Look, that's really Kim's business. I'm not discussing it."  On Poker night when Kim said, thanks a lot or whatever she said when she went back in, I would ignore it. That's what Kyle can't seem to do. Neither of them seem to be able to do it.

I so agree with Kyle staying out of Kim and her alleged sobriety. I could never figure out if Kim wanted a reaction that night at Eileen's or she just decided she wanted to go home and see Monty.  She just seemed so happy when Brandi and Kyle both wanted her.  I noticed how many times Kim "touched" both Brandi and Kyle.  I do think it is a given the Lisas, Yolanda and Eileen are out as far caring, inquiring or intervening when it comes to Kim's sobriety-Kyle needs to follow suit.

  • Love 4

However, if someone like Lisa Rinna and Eileen came to me like they did, I would say, " Look, that's really Kim's business. I'm not discussing it."  On Poker night when Kim said, thanks a lot or whatever she said when she went back in, I would ignore it. That's what Kyle can't seem to do.


Seems so simple, doesn't it?  I agree she can't do this because she's getting some kind of stroke from continuing to deal with Kim like she does.


I don't think it has anything to do with "backbone".  It's not that she's a weak person, but she and Kim have this unhealthy bond that was created and sustained by their mother, who was I think, their only parental figure.  I'm disgusted at Big Kathy for making Kyle promise to take care of Kim as a dead bed promise.  That's a hell of a lot of guilt to shoulder. 


Imo, she is weak person.  If it's true that she's letting a woman who's been dead for 13 years contribute to her life's misery, then she's stupid, too. 


I was laying in bed with my dying MIL and made her a promise I knew I wouldn't keep.  I'm not a horrible person - I was merely giving an old woman who made an ignorant and selfish request some peace as she was dying. That's where Kyle went wrong because that's exactly the same kind of request Kathy made of her.  Am I about to let a ghost haunt me and make me, my kid and my husband (her son) toe a line because of something I promised 9 years ago?  Nope. Cuz I'm smrt.  And I'm a grown woman with a strong backbone and I don't believe in ghosts that make me feel guilty from beyond the grave.  It's ridiculous.  Kyle has a reason - whether she's fully conscious of it or not - why she continues dancing with Kim like this.  Change the dance steps or leave the dance.  Stop croak crying about how you're probably really the weak one and not the strong one. 

  • Love 5

I don't have one single issue with Kyle walking away from Kim.  In fact, I think it would be best for both of them.  Each is immature, and mean, and together they are mutually destructive.


What I have a problem with is the WAY she's doing it, pretending not to, wanting praise, and the attacks.   You can walk away by staying calm and firm, there is no need for cruelty or escalation, or justification, not from your friends, and certainly not from people who watch BRAVO.


"I love you, but I'm done.  This is why....  Good luck."


I think Kyle needs therapy just as much as Kim.  They are both trainwrecks.

  • Love 4

What I have a problem with is the WAY she's doing it, pretending not to, wanting praise, and the attacks.   You can walk away by staying calm and firm, there is no need for cruelty or escalation, or justification, not from your friends, and certainly not from people who watch BRAVO.


"I love you, but I'm done.  This is why....  Good luck."


In Amsterdam when she told us two times while croak crying that:  "Everybody thinks I'm the strong one and maybe I'm not...."


All I could think of is Mauricio and how many times he's had to wipe the snot and eyeliner off his shoulder as he's listened to that over the years. She loves that role.  And she loves it when people all chime in, just like they did in Amsterdam:  "You're NOT the weak one, Kyle.  You're NOT!" 


Maurice must be sick to death of both of them/all of it.  Maybe it will be him who puts his foot down and makes Kyle get (more?) therapy. 

  • Love 4

I think Kyle needs therapy just as much as Kim.  They are both trainwrecks.

False equivalency again. Kyle hasn't found the strength to deal with her co-dependent relationship with Kim (yet?), she cries too much, and it's hard to watch. But she seems to have contentment from other areas in her life - a happy, stable marriage, a loving, close family, friends, and successful business ventures. In fact, while it was Kim who nauseatingly said "I love my life" at Yolanda and King David's party, I think that this season has shown that it's Kyle who really loves her life. She's hardly a train wreck. Now Kim, on the other hand... She's such a wreck she makes Brandi look stable by comparison.

  • Love 13

Here's my take on Kim and Kyle: though they are not twins, they feel incomplete without each other, so they act out. When they're together and not mad at each other,  they're partners in crime and mean as snakes (the party where they went after Brandi for no reason and hid her crutches and thought they were hilarious). Those two are codependent as hell, and they're both awful when Kim is sober. The season they went after Brandi made Brandi my favorite, for about a minute. I have no words for Brandi at all. She should just go and take her Madame face with her. Can't stand Kim with her putting on her baby face and looking tortured. Bah! They are just crappy people. Grow the fu** up, you two.

  • Love 2

Kim's children seen to know they can come to her, or Kathy, anytime.   She can set up boundaries - that they are always welcome, but DO NOT DISCUSS Kim.   It's actually pretty easy once you make the decision to do it.   I have a great relationship with my adult nephew - he can come to me for anything, he knows he's loved beyond anything.   But, the one thing we do not discuss is his father.    I just don't want to hear it, worry about it, or think about it.   Once we both eased into the new boundaries, our relationship grew stronger. 


Kim's kids are adults, they have father's who seem to have it together (well, maybe not Monty), but they have extended families beyond the Richards.   I'm sure over the years they have leaned on their dad's and stepmothers for help.  

  • Love 4

‘Sharknado 3′: Kim Richards Joins Franchise With Exciting Cameo Role

Tue, March 24, 2015 9:00am EDT by Lauren Cox

Watch out, housewives! Kim Richards is ready to face the world’s most bizarre natural disaster in ‘Sharknado 3’!

Kim Richards, 50, is slowly but surely returning to her acting roots in a new role for the highly anticipated Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! In an EXCLUSIVE interview with HollywoodLife.com on the set of the film, Kim dished all about her role in the film — and whether or not we’ll see her get eaten by a shark!


“I’m in management at Universal Orlando, and I meet up with Claudia Shepherd (Ryan Newman) and her friend, Jess, and I make sure that they get their VIP passes so they can get to the front of the line,” Kim told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY about her role in the franchise’s third film.


Source: http://hollywoodlife.com/2015/03/24/sharknado-3-kim-richards-cameo-set-interview/

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Wait!  Didn't the Bette Davis wannabe say she has more pride in certain roles she takes???  But she takes Sharknado 3.  LOL!

I was just going to say the same thing. Oh the irony of Kim getting a cameo on Sharknado 3 on the same day a video clip is released of her turning her nose up at Lisa Rinna's career and saying she has more pride in her career choices!

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I was just going to say the same thing. Oh the irony of Kim getting a cameo on Sharknado 3 on the same day a video clip is released of her turning her nose up at Lisa Rinna's career and saying she has more pride in her career choices!

Kim is not even listed in the credits http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3899796/fullcredits/  Scale per day $842.00-that is what Kim will make.  Another under 5 role for Kim. 

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I think Kyle needs therapy just as much as Kim.  They are both trainwrecks.

But how - outside of Kim - is Kyle a trainwreck? She seems to have a great relationship with her in-laws, her children, her husband, and has lots of friends. She seems healthy, takes great care of herself, manages a business, etc. It is clear she struggles with the emotional dynamic of dealing with her sister, but she doesn't struggle in that same way with others. Brandi made a big huge deal at the beginning of the season out of the fact that Kyle has had an issue with most every other HW. No shit Brandi. Any HW who has been on a show for 5 years will have had an issue with pretty much everyone else at one time or another. That is just how it all works. What Kyle has always been able to do is move past it all. She said on WWHL last  night that despite whatever goes on with Kathy and Kim, they all stay close with the 12 kids. This is a huge deal IMO. 


Calling someone a trainwreck seems to imply that they are just a basic mess all the way around. I would just love to understand what outside of the toxic mess that is Kim would get that label posted on Kyle. 

  • Love 14

But how - outside of Kim - is Kyle a trainwreck? She seems to have a great relationship with her in-laws, her children, her husband, and has lots of friends. She seems healthy, takes great care of herself, manages a business, etc. It is clear she struggles with the emotional dynamic of dealing with her sister, but she doesn't struggle in that same way with others. Brandi made a big huge deal at the beginning of the season out of the fact that Kyle has had an issue with most every other HW. No shit Brandi. Any HW who has been on a show for 5 years will have had an issue with pretty much everyone else at one time or another. That is just how it all works. What Kyle has always been able to do is move past it all. She said on WWHL last  night that despite whatever goes on with Kathy and Kim, they all stay close with the 12 kids. This is a huge deal IMO. 


Calling someone a trainwreck seems to imply that they are just a basic mess all the way around. I would just love to understand what outside of the toxic mess that is Kim would get that label posted on Kyle. 

Agree. I am not a big fan of Kyle, nor do I  hate her, but she is so not a train wreck. She seems to have a happy life overall. She just has a narcissistic, addict, bitch for a sister that she cannot seem to turn her back on. That is a problem it's hardly a train wreck.   

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Waiting through two surgeries to find out if your daughter's mangled hand is all right, is all I need to know. Screw the past -- at this point, isn't that enough?

I would say yes. More than enough. That wasn't my point. My point was that the Kingsley thing made me think there may have been other really dangerous situations in the past we don't know about.

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Especially if she blamed it on Alexia.  Which now that I'm thinking of it, where did the idea come from that Kim was blaming Alexia for the bite?


Originally it was in statements the Kim released to gossip mags.  A couple of them published, none of them reputable.  I think ROL released it 4 or 5 times.


Now we have Kim in the reunion clip pointing her bony finger at Kyle saying, I'll tell you the truth about that and you won't like it.

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Originally it was in statements the Kim released to gossip mags.  A couple of them published, none of them reputable.  I think ROL released it 4 or 5 times.


Now we have Kim in the reunion clip pointing her bony finger at Kyle saying, I'll tell you the truth about that and you won't like it.


Hmmm.  Maybe that's the smoking gun.  Alexia attacked Kim and Kingsley was protecting her.  So help me dog, there better be a smoking gun or at the very least a explanation of what Kim meant while pointing her finger at Kyle.


So, Kim blaming Alexia has not been substantiated?  I've read it so many times here I just took It for granted that it was probably true.  But now y'all got me thinking about the evil doings of Kim Richards and what exactly is behind them.

Edited by ryebread
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I know that Kim has put Kyle through her daughter's mangled hand needing two surgeries --  so screw the past -- at this point, isn't that enough? Once someone you love has been damaged, the past becomes secondary to what you fear is coming next (which is why Kyle has backed away, I think.)

Did that happen because Kim is an alcoholic?


Did that happen because Kim is an alcoholic?

I agree.  It happened because Kim is a narcissist who only cares about what she wants.  She doesn't care who it impacts.  So she'll keep a dog that is hurting people, remember this was his third reported bite, regardless of the damage.  If her niece loses her hand?  She doesn't care.  I think a lot of people are calling her nasty self centered behavior part of being an addict (cuz we know it ain't just booze).  

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Did that happen because Kim is an alcoholic?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? LOL Was Kim always a complete self centered ass who doesn't give a crap about anyone other than herself or did the drug/alcohol addictions make her this way? I believe she has always been this way and that her addictions only made it worse because she can no longer fake niceness/compassion.


And Yes, Kim did blame Alexia for getting bit, just like she blamed KR for getting bit. Kingsley has now bitten 5 people yet it is reported/rumored that she has the dog back home with her after she renamed him to hide his bite history.



Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? LOL Was Kim always a complete self centered ass who doesn't give a crap about anyone other than herself or did the drug/alcohol addictions make her this way? I believe she has always been this way and that her addictions only made it worse because she can no longer fake niceness/compassion.


And Yes, Kim did blame Alexia for getting bit, just like she blamed KR for getting bit. Kingsley has now bitten 5 people yet it is reported/rumored that she has the dog back home with her after she renamed him to hide his bite history.



Oh yeah. That will work. Just give him a new name and introduce him as your new rescued shih Tzu. 


Kim is an idiot.

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