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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Oh dear. What a mess.  While I'm not happy that Kim has relapsed, at least we do know that Lisa R. & Eileen were justified in their concerns/suspicions of her behavior.  They were right all along.

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Just read a report on this in US Magazine. What was interesting were the comments. Some lady named Tara is coming to her defense and blaming the show & the other women on the show for driving her to this! That didn't take long for someone to come out and blame some of the other housewives. Comments along the lines of being driven to drink & dragging this stuff out on camera which is what has caused her shame & humiliation...OMG the blaming of everyone but the alcoholic is just astounding to me. Wonder if "Tara" is a relative, best buddy or Brandi...we know Tara is not Kay or her dog trainer.

Tara also comments that Kim had no other choice but to stay on the show for the income because she's a "life long" actress who has no other sources of income. When someone else said they heard she was doing real estate for Hilton, Tara's response is that she's not properly trained in sales & hasn't done much in sales...using that as an excuse for not being able to perform well...what denial-land with these people. Kim has a huge advantage that her connection/relations to established realtors in town & other connections from her celebrity that most other new INexperienced realtors would kill for...

Edited by IKnowRight
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So, does the locked-herself-in-the-bathroom part suggest she was under the influence of something in addition to alcohol?As hateful as Kim has been this season - and, well, for most of the series' duration - it's sad that this transpired in such a public manner due to the emotional stress I have to imagine it is going to place on her children (unless they've all progressed to resignation after embarrassment/worry/fear). I think it's clear that Kim hasn't been consistently sober since the show premiered - or, quite probably, at any point in her adulthood - but, despite her personality (which I don't think is intermarried with her addiction), I still feel sympathy for her. Child abuse still seems like a plausible causation for her psychic state, and even if it didn't occur, I'd still contend that some manner of non-chemical mental illness and emotional damage is at play. I never really viewed Kim as representative of the "wounded bird" paradigm save for the limousine brawl, but just because one is destructive and harmful toward others doesn't mean that one isn't fragile in certain capacities, as well (and self-loathing pathos asserts itself in Kim's conduct pretty definitively, imo). Unfortunately, I kind of suspect Kim is beyond help and/or reform. I just a read a brilliant novel (gorgeous, harrowing, profoundly upsetting) entitled A Little Life that addresses related themes, and it raises some really interesting and salient questions about the efficacy of therapy, the mythology of redemption, whether salvation from and triumph over emotional trauma is really possible, etc. And I feel that, tragically, Kim is probably too old and myopic to change and that it likely doesn't make any difference whether Bravo retains her for season six or not because she'd be using/abusing/languishing in much the same way regardless.

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So, does the locked-herself-in-the-bathroom part suggest she was under the influence of something in addition to alcohol?As hateful as Kim has been this season - and, well, for most of the series' duration - it's sad that this transpired in such a public manner due to the emotional stress I have to imagine it is going to place on her children (unless they've all progressed to resignation after embarrassment/worry/fear). I think it's clear that Kim hasn't been consistently sober since the show premiered - or, quite probably, at any point in her adulthood - but, despite her personality (which I don't think is intermarried with her addiction), I still feel sympathy for her. Child abuse still seems like a plausible causation for her psychic state, and even if it didn't occur, I'd still contend that some manner of non-chemical mental illness and emotional damage is at play. I never really viewed Kim as representative of the "wounded bird" paradigm save for the limousine brawl, but just because one is destructive and harmful toward others doesn't mean that one isn't fragile in certain capacities, as well (and self-loathing pathos asserts itself in Kim's conduct pretty definitively, imo). Unfortunately, I kind of suspect Kim is beyond help and/or reform. I just a read a brilliant novel (gorgeous, harrowing, profoundly upsetting) entitled A Little Life that addresses related themes, and it raises some really interesting and salient questions about the efficacy of therapy, the mythology of redemption, whether salvation from and triumph over emotional trauma is really possible, etc. And I feel that, tragically, Kim is probably too old and myopic to change and that it likely doesn't make any difference whether Bravo retains her for season six or not because she'd be using/abusing/languishing in much the same way regardless.

I'm not sure, but the reports I read gave me the impression she was hiding in the bathroom to avoid arrest. She was camping out thinking they couldn't come in after her?

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OMG that Beverly Hills Police Department logo sent me right back to Axel Foley getting arrest for getting thrown thru a plate glass window.


If she kicked Rosewood or Taggart I'll be PISSED.


"I GOT THROWN THROUGH A WINDOW!!!  What's the charge for getting pushed out of a moving car????  Jaywalking????"


One of my favorite movie quotes ever.

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Like when Tom Hanks/Uncle Ned downed vanilla extract in the Keaton's kitchen?  Good times. 

Or when Sandy, Carole's boyfriend on Growing Pains got into an accident drunk driving? 

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A lot of us didn't see an alcoholic in sobriety.  We're happy to see her caught drunk.  See, that is the only way she'll address her disease.  I would not be happy about a relapse but I am happy that a lying liar who claimed sobriety has been outed.  And it has nothing to do with Kim.  I'm happy for the people that don't want her to die.  The rate she was going death was eminent.  That is what LisaR was seeing.  She got kicked just like the cop.  Drunks don't like people interfering in their disease.

Hell yeah! IA



I'm not sure, but the reports I read gave me the impression she was hiding in the bathroom to avoid arrest. She was camping out thinking they couldn't come in after her?

Kim was being escorted off the BH Hotel property by hotel security. She then asked to use the bathroom. That is when she locked herself in there to avoid them removing her from the premises. That is when the BH Police were called and that is why she is charged with trespassing because once you are asked to leave and you don't, that is trespassing.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Not to excuse relapses or anything, but I felt a little sympathy for Kim.  I know I would have collapsed under everything that's happening to her (even if it were my own doing, it's still quite a lot to deal with).


But then I read "kicked one of the officers" and climbed back on the Kim hate-train before it left the station.

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Kim was being escorted off the BH Hotel property by hotel security. She then asked to use the bathroom. That is when she locked herself in there to avoid them removing her from the premises.

...or to flush something down the toilet before the cops showed up...


ETA: Looks like GreatKazu said it first.

Edited by erikdepressant
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...or to flush something down the toilet before the cops showed up...

I actually posted that same comment an hour ago in the reunion thread. I do think she may have had something on her person and she was trying to get rid of it or snort it. She probably didn't think the cops would be called. She pulled out her old "I'm Kim Richards!" card.

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I actually posted that same comment an hour ago in the reunion thread. I do think she may have had something on her person and she was trying to get rid of it or snort it. She probably didn't think the cops would be called. She pulled out her old "I'm Kim Richards!" card.


Whoops  -- sorry, GreatKazu.  I hadn't made my way over there yet.

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Had she just been honest and said she was struggling rather than throwing out barbs at Lisa R and Kyle about their family members while also trying to destroy the credibility of her niece who is nothing but an innocent victim I'm quite sure people would hold their tongues about it.



This. I'd have 100% sympathy for her if she were a decent human being outside of her addictive behavior. Based on what we've seen, she's a WORSE person when she's "sober."


ETA: From the Beverly Hills PD press release: "belligerent insolent behavior." Yep, that sounds about right.

Edited by missy jo
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This is without a doubt has saved Kim's job with Bravo.  I expect Kyle/LisaR/Kim to be the center storylines of the season.  Watch!

Nope,I won't be watching if Kim or Brandy are on the show next season.

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Well, I guess she was telling the truth when she said she was "not struggling" with sobriety.


Her story will be that she "relapsed" because the reunion was so "stressful" (even though it filmed months ago).  And I'm sure her BBF is there for her, and she called her Best Sister Kathy Hilton.


ETA: OK Bravo, here's your official reason for cutting Kim loose. Now just do it.

Edited by mwell345
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Wow... I am surprised so many people are happy to see an alcoholic relapse.

I hope that Bravo will terminate her contract and that she will get into a legitimate rehab facility and turn her life around. She doesn't need this show, as much as they need her for the train wreck factor. It's time for "reality" TV networks to stop encouraging a total fail for ratings.

I can't blame the show as she has had zero connection for quite a long while.  I will say this is why truly clean and sober people do NOT say how confident they are in their sobriety.  Sobriety for someone in recovery is something you do one day at a time.  I have a feeling Kim probably relapsed shortly after Halloween and her family has (not Kyle) has been covering for her.  Old habits die hard but damn it folks it is the secret keeping that makes Kim's recovery so difficult.  No one expects her to be a perfect person but she gets way too shook for everyday normal bumps in the road.  Love her or hate her she should not feel the world has greater expectations for her because 40 years ago she starred in a Disney movie.  She needs to save herself and be the devoted mother she has always maintained she is.  BTW Brooke is in Dubai.  SO it falls on whiney Whitney's shoulders.


Old Kim before she was on the show had a history of being 86'd from places like the Waldorf Astoria.  I am sorry for her that her relapse became so public-I wonder if she was out to dinner with the good sister?

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This makes me sad as a sibling of someone in recovery for almost 3 years who hasn't relapsed- yet......   I really hope Kim can get it together and stay sober!!!  


Yes, Kim has all kinds of issues going back years but I'm sad for her kids, Monty, Kyle, Kathy and her nieces and nephews who love her and I'm sure are worried sick about her. 

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I'm not sure, but the reports I read gave me the impression she was hiding in the bathroom to avoid arrest. She was camping out thinking they couldn't come in after her?

Obviously she was having a Kyle flash back on Game Night in the bathroom and that is why she could not leave.  What is with Kim and bathrooms?  Does she not realize public bathrooms mean public?

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Wow... I am surprised so many people are happy to see an alcoholic relapse.

I hope that Bravo will terminate her contract and that she will get into a legitimate rehab facility and turn her life around. She doesn't need this show, as much as they need her for the train wreck factor. It's time for "reality" TV networks to stop encouraging a total fail for ratings.

And then Kim will do what for money? With her family, she'll always be looked after, but nobody enjoys being the poor relation. From Kim's side of it, losing the Bravo job is a catastrophe. Not that Bravo is looking out for Kim Richard's best interests, but what Kim thinks is in her own best interests can't be set aside, imo.

A "very special marathon".


Remember when a sitcom had a serious episode about drugs, alcohol abuse or some other taboo subject back in the days? *showing my age*

Like Bad Mary drinking the half-beer on 7th Heaven? Man, talk about you're only as sick as your secrets. There's a show I'll never lightheartedly snark on again.

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Well, at least she was not drunk-driving.

I hope that the judge shows her no mercy. It is her last chance at recovery.

In my opinion, she needs to be locked up for a long, long, time.

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ET just reported the story too so it's not just Radar Online. Sadly, it appears that this is only going to end with Kim's death. She's probably been an addict for at least 30 years. There's only so much her liver is going to endure.

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Well, at least she was not drunk-driving.

I hope that the judge shows her no mercy. It is her last chance at recovery.

In my opinion, she needs to be locked up for a long, long, time.

Very unlikely, unfortunately. Does she even have any priors? But, yeah, I agree that jail might be the best thing for Kim so long as it's not a cold turkey detox situation and she has some decent medical supervision. Is that what finally got Robert Downey, Jr. on the path to sober? I recall him doing some actual, no fooling around jail time.

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Well, at least she was not drunk-driving.

I hope that the judge shows her no mercy. It is her last chance at recovery.

In my opinion, she needs to be locked up for a long, long, time.

I don't think you get jail time for drunk and disorderly. I don't think she'll even get sent to rehab by the judge, unless she has priors. Probably just a slap on the wrist, maybe a fine. The worst damage is to her reputation, and that's where rehab might enter the picture (ie. her publicist will suggest it, not a judge. That's why she went to rehab the last time).

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Kyle who is in New York knowing the family is going to blame her for this.


Then the family is as sick as Kim is.  



And then Kim will do what for money? With her family, she'll always be looked after, but nobody enjoys being the poor relation. From Kim's side of it, losing the Bravo job is a catastrophe. Not that Bravo is looking out for Kim Richard's best interests, but what Kim thinks is in her own best interests can't be set aside, imo.


If losing the Bravo job is a catastrophe, then she shouldn't have been out drinking at the Polo Lounge. Who was she with and why weren't they taking care of her?  If she had a relapse back at her home with a bottle of Mateus, nobody would have cared. 


Frankly, I don't care what she does for money.  Her kids are nearly grown … she can get a nice apartment and go be a receptionist at a Hilton hotel or go work for MAURICE, as she calls him. 


RHoBH isn't Intervention and I'm not interested in watching another year of this sad story.  Get off my TV.

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Well, at least she was not drunk-driving.

I hope that the judge shows her no mercy. It is her last chance at recovery.

In my opinion, she needs to be locked up for a long, long, time.


Nope, it's class and style all the way with Kim Richards;  two shiny new bracelets and a luxury ride in the back of a cruiser.  Limos were so last relapse.  

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Very unlikely, unfortunately. Does she even have any priors? But, yeah, I agree that jail might be the best thing for Kim so long as it's not a cold turkey detox situation and she has some decent medical supervision. Is that what finally got Robert Downey, Jr. on the path to sober? I recall him doing some actual, no fooling around jail time.

Yes, he credited his prison stint for his recovery.

I wonder if it was just booze for Kim or if she was also high.

In any case, I wish her children well.

Kim sucks.

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Just read a report on this in US Magazine. What was interesting were the comments. 

I read some articles, Huffington Post among them and the comments are overwhelmingly unsympathetic and many refer to Brandi as well.


Bravo, I hope, is reading and taking note.  Because it's pretty clear what the general feeling towards Kim and Brandi is.

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Well, you know it will be all Kyle's fault.  If she hadn't posted that Instagram of Alexia that whole argument wouldn't have happened on the reunion that caused her to receive all those hateful tweets which drove her over the edge.  And I have no doubt that she could say this. 


I just have no sympathy for Kim.  I have for her family but Kim will never get it that she is responsible for her sobriety and her life.  I don't think she will ever hit the bottom that she needs to hit to become alcohol and drug free.  She will always blame someone else.  That someone else will most likely always be Kyle unless the rest of the family wakes up.  Sad but true.

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A lot of us didn't see an alcoholic in sobriety. We're happy to see her caught drunk. See, that is the only way she'll address her disease. I would not be happy about a relapse but I am happy that a lying liar who claimed sobriety has been outed. And it has nothing to do with Kim. I'm happy for the people that don't want her to die. The rate she was going death was eminent. That is what LisaR was seeing. She got kicked just like the cop. Drunks don't like people interfering in their disease.

Well ill fess up. I AM happy. First this isn't a relapse because that would require to have been sober. What this is as you stated a liar getting caught. Not that I expect her to admit it even now. Its all Kyles fault. Or Lisa or Eileen. Or maybe she was in 100 percent pain and Monty gave her another pill. Whatever. After watching her sneer that her niece, who was hospitalized for 5 freak in days "had a cut on her finger" and knowing that her selfishness will get K ingsly killed...well, what can I say. The only thing better would have been if Brandi had been arrested too. Edited by chlban
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Well, at least she was not drunk-driving.

I hope that the judge shows her no mercy. It is her last chance at recovery.

In my opinion, she needs to be locked up for a long, long, time.


As selfish as this twat is, I can totally believe that she indeed drove herself there and fully intended to drive herself back home...drunk.

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She wasn't really drunk and disorderly. She was hauled off to jail because people were TALKING about her being drunk. Thats the problem!


Kim and I don't understand why you people cant understand that!

Edited by chlban
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Wow... I am surprised so many people are happy to see an alcoholic relapse.

I hope that Bravo will terminate her contract and that she will get into a legitimate rehab facility and turn her life around. She doesn't need this show, as much as they need her for the train wreck factor. It's time for "reality" TV networks to stop encouraging a total fail for ratings.

IMO, just mine, this is not a "relapse", I don't believe that Kim was sober/clean for more than a few months at best after leaving rehab the last time. Sadly, again IMO, this is just a continuation of her active drug/alcohol addiction.

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IMO, just mine, this is not a "relapse", I don't believe that Kim was sober/clean for more than a few months at best after leaving rehab the last time. Sadly, again IMO, this is just a continuation of her active drug/alcohol addiction.

I agree, it's not the first time, but it's involving an arrest. And it's very public. And Bravo has no comment. I just feel bad for her and her kids.

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