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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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Kim enjoyed last season that Kyle and LVP were on the outs again!  She, like Brandi, hates that LVP and Kyle are friends not to mention not fond of LVP.  This is probably the only time on the show I've ever seen Kim "defend" Kyle was when it was against LVP.  Kim and Brandi were friends by this point so they must have giving each other pats on the backs when Puerto Rico happened.

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Kyle handled the situation appropriately imo. Lisa told Kyle one thing and Brandi & Yo told Kyle something different. Lisa use to say bg doesn't lie (LOL). Kyle broaches the topic (magazine-gate) when they are all present. I think Kyle was wanting Lisa to definitively say she had nothing to do with it rather than saying "I 'think' I didn't see the magazines until…" and saying "I didn't buy the magazines" (the later seems like deflecting). I think if the others hadn't interrupted and if Lisa and Ken didn't leave, Kyle would have believed Lisa. I think Kyle may have already believed Lisa and maybe wanted Lisa to hear what bg and Yo were telling her (kyle) behind Lisa's back.

Ken & Kim had to ruin it all by butting in. I don't really blame Ken since he was trying to have his wife's back but he should of let it play out.

Kyle did not plan to take down LisaV imo and was just used as a pawn by bg and Yo.

Yo really rehabbed her image since her gang up on LisaV and laughing at bg's bullying of Joyce days

  • Love 6

Kyle isn't the best with words.  Girl just isn't that articulate.  But I knew exactly what she meant when she said that "... preys on the weak" comment about LisaV.  LisaV is Omar.  "You come at the [queen] ... you best not miss."  As a Baltimorean, I am born and bred to love her.


Point is, if you're coming up against someone strong, you better come with strength or you'll get swatted like a fly.

  • Love 11

Kyle isn't the best with words.  Girl just isn't that articulate.  But I knew exactly what she meant when she said that "... preys on the weak" comment about LisaV.  LisaV is Omar.  "You come at the [queen] ... you best not miss."  As a Baltimorean, I am born and bred to love her.


Point is, if you're coming up against someone strong, you better come with strength or you'll get swatted like a fly.

I LOVE that you quoted Omar!!

(I miss him).

  • Love 5

Omar rules 


Kyle isn't the best with words.  Girl just isn't that articulate.  But I knew exactly what she meant when she said that "... preys on the weak" comment about LisaV.  LisaV is Omar.  "You come at the [queen] ... you best not miss."  As a Baltimorean, I am born and bred to love her.

Point is, if you're coming up against someone strong, you better come with strength or you'll get swatted like a fly.

Next up Brother Mozaic lol

  • Love 1

I don't care for Kyle, but I love having her on the show. She is fun to snark on minus the addicted sister drama. In all honesty, I just don't think the show would be as watchable without her. It's the fact that she is inarticulate, and gets caught up in the emotional drama, and can't tell a funny joke to save her life that makes her entertaining to me. 


When I snark on Kyle I don't feel bad. I feel like she has this great life and in the grand scheme of things can take some harmless snark. When I talk about Brandi, I feel disgusted with myself for even caring enough to unleash my bile on her. Same goes for Kim. So, in the grand scheme of things, I would love to see Kim and Brandi gone, while we keep the Lisas, Eileen, and Kyle. If they add another housewife, it would be great if it were someone like Denise Richards or even someone that I hadn't ever considered before like a friend of either LisaR or Eileen's. 


I don't think that Camille will ever allow herself to looking like she did that first season (which is too bad for us) so the only real purpose in bringing her back would be for the money and house porn. But, since Kyle has really stepped it up in that category, I don't see her being as needed there. 


Is it weird that as much as I dislike Kyle, I don't think I could ever watch the show without her on it?

  • Love 5

If Kyle reverts back to the behavior of the last few seasons, I will dislike her intensely as I did in past seasons.


I have watched BH from start to finish and I just don't see the bad behavior people talk about with Kyle.



She outed Kim, but people forget that Kim had just publicly accused Kyle and husband (who is a Realtor) of stealing her house.  No backlash for Kim

She took so much slack for not having Kim's back, both publicly and privately she went overboard on game night.  She apologized to Brandi before it aired and after.  Brandi herself investigated that night.  No backlash for Kim or Brandi


She was talking Taylor through how to deal with Lisa and says, maybe Lisa preys on the weak unfortunate word choice, but we the viewers now know this to be true.  When you speak to Lisa you have to come from a place of strength because she has a very dismissive attitude towards others and their feelings


The Lunch with Taylor and Lisa which she and Taylor were tipsy and she asked Lisa if she was jelly.  I really don't think that was a big deal, maybe if these women were middle school or high school girls yes, but they are grown women and two of them were tipsy and having a little fun.  Again this is why Lisa is a bitch she knew this but played up the Kyle is the devil for the public.


I really have not seen Kyle as the big bad wolf people pretend she it.  I mean Lisa attacked her husband and families livelihood and got no backlash, image if Kyle had gone to VB, Pump, or Sur and tweeted or said on the show the service was horrible and a waiter stole her money.  She would be accuse of slander and trying to ruin Lisa's business etc, etc.  She has given as much as she had gotten.  

That's the beauty of this board.  We all have different perceptions and hot buttons.   I think it's safe to say that we saw the seasons unfold differently.


Kyle and Lisa were established, talk every day friends before the show aired.  Lisa was a loyal friend to Kyle and it had to sting to see Kyle's TH calling her Bobby Fisher.  It doesn't matter to me whether it's a true statement, it's how Lisa found out.  Low blow IMO.  The Lisa-Kyle-Taylor lunch at Sur - that was supposed to be a lunch with Lisa and Kyle and then Taylor shows up as Kyle's surprise guest and Kyle fawns all over her.  Again, my opinion -  that was mean, especially since Lisa wasn't too fond of Taylor after that ridiculous tea party and I venture that Kyle had an inkling of that.


Lisa was loyal to Kyle and obviously knew a lot about the Kim situation before the first season began.  I do believe that Lisa bit her tongue out of respect for Kyle, I do believe she kept her opinions to a minimum about the frustrations of Kim not showing up and/or being late.    Being a former actress, LVP understood how filming was supposed to happen and she had businesses to run when she wasn't filming.  Kim's behavior impacted all cast members and some kept a lower profile while others didn't.


JMO - some of these friendships are like a house of cards once they signed up for the show.  One transgression by either party seems to be the flash point for disintegrating friendships.


I saw the meaness in Kyle was when I saw her enlisting Faye as her pit bull - Faye digging up the dirt on Camille and sitting there giggling in the limo as Faye showed all the dirt, and enlisting Faye again to reduce Brandi to tears at Kyle's house and not cutting Faye off as a good hostess should have. ( I don't include Faye's appearance at the vow renewal ceremony because it seems like Bravo wanted her there.)


I don't like defending Kim, but Kyle sat back and let Taylor skewer her at least 3 times without intervening.  That's not cool in my book.   If it were my sister, I would have gone Oklahoma on Taylor.


I didn't like either sister outing each other in the limo and IMO it was disgraceful behavior by both of them.  Both were dead wrong,


I don't think Lisa V is a saint by any means.  JMO I got the feeling that Lisa took the kid gloves off after 2 seasons of accumulated hurt feelings and decided to respond in kind.  She hit below the belt with the house listing comments and the tabloid rumors and it wasn't a good look for Lisa V.   Kyle got a taste of what it was like being on the receiving end.  Funny how when the season was said and done they are friends again. 


I agree with MatildaMoody - she is an important part of the show whether I like her or not.

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From S05.E22: Reunion Part 3 thread:



[Monty]  does not have a home in either LA or Las Vegas if he were such a good man to Kim why not buy her a family home to live in? Instead he had her living in places like El Centro.




Kyle graduated from high school in El Centro, did she live with Kim? Did their mother relocate to that area when Kim moved there or vice versa?

So in the midst of stories on Kim's arrest today, I also read an item saying that Alexia dropped out of college. During those episodes at the beginning of the season when they showed Alexia going off to school, I was a little critical of Kyle for giving her mixed messages - telling her that she could come home if she didn't like it there (U of A). It's funny because it might have been around the same time as the dog bite incident, b/c I remember seeing lots of pics of her with her mother and wondered - why is she in LA? Shouldn't she be in AZ? So either it has something to do with her hand and it's a lot more serious than a "fucking little bite on her finger" (per Kim), or maybe it's homesickness, or both.

  • Love 1

So in the midst of stories on Kim's arrest today, I also read an item saying that Alexia dropped out of college. During those episodes at the beginning of the season when they showed Alexia going off to school, I was a little critical of Kyle for giving her mixed messages - telling her that she could come home if she didn't like it there (U of A). It's funny because it might have been around the same time as the dog bite incident, b/c I remember seeing lots of pics of her with her mother and wondered - why is she in LA? Shouldn't she be in AZ? So either it has something to do with her hand and it's a lot more serious than a "fucking little bite on her finger" (per Kim), or maybe it's homesickness, or both.

In all fairness she did miss a month of school.  She was saying in December she was cramming for exams.  I think this is the story Kyle is disputing on Twitter.


Kiyle pretty much lays out what happened in her blog.  But I too have wondered why Alexia has so many pictures of the ocean if she is attending UoA. 

Edited by zoeysmom

In all fairness she did miss a month of school.  She was saying in December she was cramming for exams.  I think this is the story Kyle is disputing on Twitter.


Kiyle pretty much lays out what happened in her blog.  But I too have wondered why Alexia has so many pictures of the ocean if she is attending UoA.

Interesting theory about the Radar Online tweet. I wonder. Also interesting about Alexia cramming for exams (how do you find all this stuff?! I love it!). Maybe she was allowed to take classes online b/c of her surgery? Maybe she transferred?

  • Love 1

I wonder what Kyle is hearing from her immediate family right now, from her kids and her husband? And also from Mauricio's mother, who seemed level headed and who I believe is a psychiatrist? There is strong evidence to suggest that Kyle is receiving the usual pressure from the rest of the family to take care of Kim and sweep everything under the rug (although good luck with that at this point). I hope she feels supported by her immediate family (and her friends, on show and off) but I also hope Mauricio, Alexia etc. are really letting Kyle know that the time has come to cut ties with Kim. She can't fix or save Kim, but she could get herself and her family away from her at this point. And that might help Alexia feel supported. They don't need to play this out in public, but I just hope that Kyle has some strong support to let her quit trying to fix Kim and Kim's messes. She can still be in Kim's children's lives as much as they want her to be, but Kim can find another punching bag. Or, Kathy can take care of everything from here on out. It's a thankless job.

  • Love 3

I really think that Kim dealt the death knell to the relationship by threatening to out Alexia. I think that's the point of no return. No crisis, that only involves public humiliation is going to undo Kims actions. That's why I wish Andy and everybody else wouldn't contact

Kyle re:Kim. Let Kyle take a minute to figure out a response or no response if that's what she wants.

  • Love 8

I wonder what Kyle is hearing from her immediate family right now, from her kids and her husband? And also from Mauricio's mother, who seemed level headed and who I believe is a psychiatrist? There is strong evidence to suggest that Kyle is receiving the usual pressure from the rest of the family to take care of Kim and sweep everything under the rug (although good luck with that at this point). I hope she feels supported by her immediate family (and her friends, on show and off) but I also hope Mauricio, Alexia etc. are really letting Kyle know that the time has come to cut ties with Kim. She can't fix or save Kim, but she could get herself and her family away from her at this point. And that might help Alexia feel supported. They don't need to play this out in public, but I just hope that Kyle has some strong support to let her quit trying to fix Kim and Kim's messes. She can still be in Kim's children's lives as much as they want her to be, but Kim can find another punching bag. Or, Kathy can take care of everything from here on out. It's a thankless job.

I have wondered as well.  Kyle is fortunate to have Mauricio and his family as a support system and I have to wonder if his family has tried in the past to help her to understand that the family dynamic she has with both of her sisters is not healthy for her and her family.  I hope she listens to what they are saying and takes steps to remove herself from the Kim situation.

I really think that Kim dealt the death knell to the relationship by threatening to out Alexia. I think that's the point of no return. No crisis, that only involves public humiliation is going to undo Kims actions. That's why I wish Andy and everybody else wouldn't contact

Kyle re:Kim. Let Kyle take a minute to figure out a response or no response if that's what she wants.

I agree on the Andy thing.  He just doesn't get it.

  • Love 4

I really think that Kim dealt the death knell to the relationship by threatening to out Alexia. I think that's the point of no return. No crisis, that only involves public humiliation is going to undo Kims actions. That's why I wish Andy and everybody else wouldn't contact

Kyle re:Kim. Let Kyle take a minute to figure out a response or no response if that's what she wants.

I get what you mean. If the school of thought (well, ours, at least) is for Kyle to distance herself from Kim, Andy doesn't help things by contacting her when there's a crisis. It kinda puts pressure on her, or at the very least, makes her the point person on all-things Kim. I get it from Andy/Bravo's TV perspective, but people should stop regarding Kyle as her sister's keeper! Call Kathy instead.

  • Love 6

Interesting theory about the Radar Online tweet. I wonder. Also interesting about Alexia cramming for exams (how do you find all this stuff?! I love it!). Maybe she was allowed to take classes online b/c of her surgery? Maybe she transferred?

I check out Alexia's twitter from time to time because she loves the family dogs and has some pretty cute shots.  I think you may be right about the on-line study stuff.  I can't imagine Alexia just not doing anything and if she had dropped out I am sure Brandi or Kim would let it be known.

I really think that Kim dealt the death knell to the relationship by threatening to out Alexia. I think that's the point of no return. No crisis, that only involves public humiliation is going to undo Kims actions. That's why I wish Andy and everybody else wouldn't contact

Kyle re:Kim. Let Kyle take a minute to figure out a response or no response if that's what she wants.

I think the ball is in Kim's court and Kyle will let Kim tell her own story.  I think Andy may have been contacting Kyle as a bit of a empathy and she is the one who has contact with Kim's kids.  Now maybe Little Kathy will be auditioning for Kim's spot next year.  I think she is friends with Lisa V and Yolanda.  Eileen seems easy enough to get along with and of course Brandi has been a guest in her house -maybe she will be the one to tie Brandi back to the group.

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Saw this photo on another message board.  Yikes.  No wonder she couldn't get work.




THIS! This is why i want Kyle on the show. She is totally that mean girl that you hated in high school. She could be the star of the movie Heathers. There is nothing more fun than making fun of the Heathers (especially since they never realize that they are the Heathers). I just want to do it without the dread of her sister. I want to dislike Kyle for all of the fun reasons that I used to dislike Housewives for. 


I don't want to have to choose between my fun snark on a Heather and my PTSD trigger that is Kim. 


Gimme this Mall Rat, bitchy girl, leading her enviable life, over making me feel sorry for her because her sister is an abusive beast - yes, I said beast so that I could say to Eileen #notabeast!


I just want the simpler times... Like, remember when Kyle was awful for subjecting LisaV to the "you're so jelly" lunch? That was fun. Bitching about how big a bitch Kyle was during that lunch was the most fun I had prior to watching early episodes of OC and seeing Vicki get hit in the face with a football. I had only ever seen NY before I started watching this franchise, and I started watching BH season 1 episode 1.


I want those early days back. I want it to just be fun and frivolous and tons of money being spent and petty problems. I don't want to speculate about whether or not Brandi has a drinking problem, or whether Russell was abusive, or whether or not Kim is sober. I deal with that shit in my every day life. I want to see rich bitches showing me how rich they are and being easily made fun of because they take themselves so seriously.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 7

I wish Kyle could talk this way on the damn show similar to her tweets!


The Tweeter is talking about the end of the article where a source close to Kim says Kyle cares about making a scene


Edited by BlackMamba

Wow someone did a shame on you to Kyle for posting this picture-the first one after her sister's arrest.  Kim got arrested on a couple of misdemeanors she didn't take a bullet for the president, she didn't have a major health crisis, Kim just got drunk and made a fool out of herself.  This has gotten way to silly.  I am actually glad to see that Kyle and family enjoyed Coachella just like her nieces Paris and Nicki were doing the same.  Kathy Hilton was going out on date night with her husband https://instagram.com/p/1liNHepgez/  I see the real family crisis as Rick Hilton needing a tailor and a stylist ASAP.  Kathy seems to wearing sensible shoes.


I hope things return to normal soon.

  • Love 12

Wow someone did a shame on you to Kyle for posting this picture-the first one after her sister's arrest.  Kim got arrested on a couple of misdemeanors she didn't take a bullet for the president, she didn't have a major health crisis, Kim just got drunk and made a fool out of herself.  This has gotten way to silly. 


It's almost at hysteria levels now.  This blaming of everyone except the one who actually made a fool out of herself is the definition of ass backwards.



Kyle's reaching her limit?  Halle-fuckin-lujah.  

  • Love 13

Kathy is still a looker.

As far as people reacting to family members having a life, what are they supposed to do?

Sit around while Kim pretend to give a crap about sobriety?

The Umansky/ Hilton are selling a lifestyle, IMO.

They cannot go Mia.

Exactly. People just dont understand - Kim and Kyle are ESTRANGED.

Should the world stop moving for the rest of them because Kim decided to knock back a few and get throw in the drunk tank!


This family is known for having arrests anyhow. Paris, Little Ruler Peasants Conrad and Kim.

Just because Kyle decides to take a picture with Beyonce doesn't mean she doesn't have her sister on her mind.

Maybe she should had capped her IG picture with "Hanging with this beauty Beyonce. And, Kim, I love you."

Come on!

Kyle's reaching her limit? Halle-fuckin-lujah.


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 11

Loved the speech therapist scene.



I did too, mainly because I can relate


Only because I have a little girl and she is so self concious of everything, while mispronouncing words is cute on a little girl as they grow and start going to school, other kids can be really cruel and mean and mock just about anything. I can see how this would upset Portia.


Maybe boys are not as self concious? I am not sure because I have no boys. My daughter had a lisp and she never cared until she started 1st grade and one boy used that to slam  her and mock her pronunciation, she was really upset so speech therapy it was. It has work wonders on her and now she is back to her own bublling self.


I was LOL because I could totally see myself in Kyle on that therapist office. I used to do the same exercises my daughter was doing, I used to replicate everything, probably unconciously but watching Kyle do the same was hilarious to me because I thought I must have looked just that silly.

  • Love 9

The speech therapy scene, was great. I spend a lot of time in speech therapy and occupational therapy with my son.

I felt bad for Portia. I hope the therapy gives her confidence.

Kids can be cruel and sometimes it's just them not understanding. My son at 4 is just putting 3/4 words together and asking things on his own and not just mimicking what he hears. That is huge, but when his classmate asked me "what's wrong with him? Why can't he talk normal?" I explained as much as I could to a 4 year old about autism. I still went to the bathroom and cried a little. It is hard when your child is seen as diffrent.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 14

The scene with Kyle and Portia in the kitchen was just the sweetest scene ever. I loved it when Kyle asked her to say her name and she said "Farrah". Those girls clearly love each other to death. Kyle has done a great job of making this a priority for her kids, which isn't always easy when there is an age gap like the one between Farrah and Portia.

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She doesn't have to tell me twice, I never miss a meal




I don't miss meals either, but I've also got feral cats, raccoons, possums & a skunk plus a worm bin & mosquito fish in my back yard.  My waste management specialists barely recognize my house (they only have to stop here every 2 weeks, and that's more for the recycling bin than half empty trashcan!).   Don't even get me started about the last decade I watered anything.    :-)

  • Love 4

There are many things that Kyle does that annoy me but I absolutely loved how she reacted to LisaV's car and the faux fur blanket in the back seat. I love that Kyle is rich, but still gets giddy at LisaV being richer! I loved how she was wallowing in the back seat, wanted to stay in the back seat and LisaV made her get in the front. It was just funny silly fun.

Yes, she does not seem envious of her friends wealth.
  • Love 12

There are many things that Kyle does that annoy me but I absolutely loved how she reacted to LisaV's car and the faux fur blanket in the back seat. I love that Kyle is rich, but still gets giddy at LisaV being richer! I loved how she was wallowing in the back seat, wanted to stay in the back seat and LisaV made her get in the front. It was just funny silly fun. 

It's one of my favorite things about Kyle; how she seems so truly impressed with things, depite being around very nice things a good part of her life. She is always the one swooning over a beautifully set table or a lovely house. I remember at the S3 reunion when Andy asked the girls about the fact that the missing Adrienne was dating Rod Stewart's son. Andy asked Kyle if she had ever met him, and she said  "yes", since she had known him since he was a baby. It was a very good reminder that Kyle (and Kim) have been around famous people their whole lives. They have been in fabulous homes and traveled with exciting people, yet Kyle still gets excited. At the Yo's first dinner party, she was so enthusiastic to be sitting with The King, talking about the famous songs he had written. You would have thought she had never been around someone so famous for the way she acted. I love that about her. 

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