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Mistresses - General Discussion

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Oh, lord. A second season of "Dumb Women, Dumber Choices." Is it asking too much to hope the ladies have learned something from past mistakes?


I think it is asking too much.   They will continue to make the dumbest decisions possible (as bad as Savi's driving -- who merges onto a highway like that anyway).


So ... 8 months have gone by. Quick summary.


Sam Grey is dead.

Elizabeth Grey is probably in jail.

Karen has been re-instated and is working in emerg in a hospital.  She regularly visits Sam Grey's grave (though they didn't show her visiting Thomas Grey's grave, someone that she had a much deeper relationship with -- which was kind of strange).

Savi survives the car accident, but there is barely a mention of the fact the baby didn't survive the crash (or who's baby it actually was). Savi is dating Dominic, and she's going back to work part-time at the law firm.

Jos is out of the real estate business and is now party planning.

Harry is banging someone named Kira (Kira who exactly -- is that the hostess from Harry's restaurant ?).

Savi and Harry are trying to sell the house, though Jos is still living there.

April is sick of dating losers and takes the train to poundtown with a local artist (grounder hunk from 'The 100') after exchanging maybe half a dozen sentences with him (I think she was backed up a little).  No mention of Paul, or the fact that he faked his death or the fact the insurance money April used to open the store was fraudulently obtained.  Though I could watch April sand that cutting board for a while longer </completelysuperficial>.


New girl Toni is pretty hot -- begin the petty Savi jealousy has.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3

+1 to everything you said, ottoDbusdriver. This episode should have been called Reboot rather than Rebuild.


April has a business partner and is also an artist?


Karen got her license suspended but can still practice in a hospital?

And in the next episode she'll start turning tricks???


Savi's cape/shredded turtleneck/I don't know what looked hideous. The show dresses Jes MacCallan and Yunjin Kim so well, I don't know why they can't do a better job with Alyssa Milano.


Toni the new associate dresses absolutely inappropriately for a lawyer. 


Harry already seems bored with the new girlfriend - I predict a reconciliation with Savi by the end of the season.

  • Love 1


Oh, lord. A second season of "Dumb Women, Dumber Choices." Is it asking too much to hope the ladies have learned something from past mistakes?

Ha! That's a perfect tagline. Mistresses is one of the few shows that I started watching that was too bad for even me to keep watching. I have a hard time quitting on shows once I'm in. But I was just bored and aggravated every week and at some point it wasn't even fun to snark on the show anymore. I came to hear about how things are this season but just reading otto's summary exhausted me. You are braver than I to continue to meet this challenge head on.

  • Love 3
"Dumb Women, Dumber Choices."


Perfect name!


Can they please stop trying to force how awesome a shrink Karen is on the audience?  She speaks to this girl for all of 30 seconds and all of a sudden determines that she hurt herself.  Way to take a big ass leap to a conclusion.  Shut up Karen.  And she couldn't even get grazed by the bullet that killed creepy ass teenager?


That artist dude was hot!


This show is lucky I have limited TV options over these summer.  

April has a business partner and is also an artist?


When was that ever brought up last season ?  I thought the whole point of the insurance settlement from Paul's supposed death was so that she could open "her own store" -- she only said that a few hundred times last season.  There was never any mention of a partnership silent or otherwise.

(Kira who exactly -- is that the hostess from Harry's restaurant ?).

Yep. Savi gave her the stink eye in season 1, too. I had to laugh when Kira was in bed with Harry wearing a sheer pink negligee over her sexy black underwear, and to make things "interesting," she takes off the negligee. Oh, network television standards.


And in the next episode she'll start turning tricks???


This happens with a character in the original British version, too.


Savi's cape/shredded turtleneck/I don't know what looked hideous. The show dresses Jes MacCallan and Yunjin Kim so well, I don't know why they can't do a better job with Alyssa Milano.

That was a horror, wasn't it? And her hair was just awful there. It cracked me up that she thought she was doing something really brave and all she did was lop off about three inches. Way to live dangerously, Savi. AM is pregnant again (it was announced in March). I'm not sure how far along she was while the series was shooting, but that's why she's holding a lot of big bags in front of herself and being parked behind counters. I didn't like Joss's outfit at the club—I had Carrie Bradshaw flashbacks.


Toni the new associate dresses absolutely inappropriately for a lawyer.


IOW, totally appropriate for a TV lawyer. Hee.


Was April's artist dude really going barefoot in the woodworking studio? And April was wearing flip-flops? Good lord.

  • Love 2
Savi survives the car accident, but there is barely a mention of the fact the baby didn't survive the crash (or who's baby it actually was).


It was Dominic's baby - we found that out last season when Harry read the paternity test results.


So they're taking Siobhan's storyline from the UK Mistresses version and giving it to Karen instead. It does make sense because, like I said on the old TWoP forum, it was really weird to have Siobhan being even dumber than Katie in S2 (not that Katie was ever smart).


I'm not so sure about Joss/Harry hooking up. Savi and Harry clearly aren't done with each other, and one of the very few things the show's writers have been consistent with is that Joss is devoted to Savi. It seems like Savi's story this season is going to be the triangle with Harry and Dominic (and, I guess, Kira), since the writers have given the S2 story her UK counterpart had to Karen.


April's new man is hot. Stupid for walking around his studio barefoot (which I guess makes him fit right in IQ-wise), but hot.

I see that they tried to do a reboot with the show, but I'm not sure it worked.  My major problem with this show is that I have seen the British original, and I feel like everybody here was miscast.  Siobhan and Dominic from the British version (Savi and Dominic here) had smoking chemistry.  I get nothing here from Alyssa Milano.  She doesn't even have chemistry with her own husband.  The British Dominic was super sexy and had charisma.  I hate this show's version of Dominic, but then again I pretty much hate Jason George in everything I've seen him in...Off the Map, Witches of East End, Grey's, this!


April is probably my favorite of all of the women, I guess.  She's sweet, but a little dumb.  Basically the only reason that I'm watching this show is for her yummy new boyfriend.     

Yawn .... not much interesting happened beyond the episode description.


Savi's hair continues to be horrible.


New girl Toni is a predator -- she looks like she gets what she wants, and she really wants Dominic.


I wonder if that painting April received from artist dude was the painting they created during sexytime, because if it is there should be more butt prints in it.

Did I understand this correctly?  Joss just borrows stuff from April's store to use for the parties that she plans, and then she returns everything without having to pay for any of it?  How does April benefit from this situation?  I guess maybe people see April's stuff at the party and decide they want to shop at her store?   


It really seems like Harry and Joss are going to become a thing.  I'm OK with it, but I'm not sure Savi will be.  At least Harry and Joss seem to have a spark which is something Savi doesn't have with anyone.


The new lawyer, Toni, is beyond obnoxious.  Singing loudly at your desk when you share an office with someone else?  Really?  Oh well, I don't really like Savi or Dominic either so I guess I don't really care.


How in the world is April able to just disappear for two days to have sexy times with her boyfriend?  Who is watching her kid?  What is the deal with the house in Vermont?  The boyfriend (I don't even remember his name, I just remember that his note said D.) talked about the house in Vermont, and then he had to go back to Vermont for possibly a week or more.  He totally has a secret family in Vermont, doesn't he?

  • Love 1

How in the world is April able to just disappear for two days to have sexy times with her boyfriend?  Who is watching her kid?  What is the deal with the house in Vermont?  The boyfriend (I don't even remember his name, I just remember that his note said D.) talked about the house in Vermont, and then he had to go back to Vermont for possibly a week or more.  He totally has a secret family in Vermont, doesn't he?

April's daughter was away at some kind of camp during the time she was with the boyfriend, Daniel. She left Daniel's apartment because she had to go pick Lucy up that night. The house in Vermont belonged to his mother, which she got from her boss, and he now has because his mom died. 


I thought that Daniel said that his mother died six years ago.  He sure must be loaded if he can afford an apartment in LA at the same time that he is maintaining/paying property taxes on a house in Vermont.  April had better hang on to that sexy times painting that he gave her.  She might be able to sell it for lots of money.  I suppose he could be renting the house out in Vermont, but it just seemed suspicious to me that April just met this guy and now he has to jet off for a week or more.  Eh, with this show, I'm probably overthinking it.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Mistresses is one of the few shows that I started watching that was too bad for even me to keep watching. I have a hard time quitting on shows once I'm in. But I was just bored and aggravated every week and at some point it wasn't even fun to snark on the show anymore. I came to hear about how things are this season but just reading otto's summary exhausted me. You are braver than I to continue to meet this challenge head on.


MTE. I have embarrassingly low standards when it comes to my fluffy guilty pleasures---give me hot men and chemistry and I'm in---but this show is light on the first and completely devoid of the second.  And the monumental stupidity of all four women was so aggravating, I gave up midway through Season 1. The original four ladies in the U.K. series made plenty of stupid decisions, but they're rocket scientists compared to this lot. Dropped by to see if things have improved any, but I can see it's just more of the same.


I see that they tried to do a reboot with the show, but I'm not sure it worked.  My major problem with this show is that I have seen the British original, and I feel like everybody here was miscast.  Siobhan and Dominic from the British version (Savi and Dominic here) had smoking chemistry.  I get nothing here from Alyssa Milano.  She doesn't even have chemistry with her own husband.  The British Dominic was super sexy and had charisma.  I hate this show's version of Dominic, but then again I pretty much hate Jason George in everything I've seen him in...Off the Map, Witches of East End, Grey's, this!


I wrote the exact same thing about Jason George back on TwoP, except I also hated him on "Eli Stone." One would think that when you remake a show, you have the benefit of learning from the original and improving upon it, so I'm dumbfounded at what they've done with this trainwreck. For starters, whoever cast the men on this version needs to find a new profession, stat. Who in their right minds could watch Max Brown's sexy, charismatic, gorgeous Sam and his smoking hot chemistry with Katie/Karen and think, "I know! Let's cast a creepy, petulant, scrawny kid that looks like he's still in high school!" And U.K. Dominic (Adam Rayner) and Siobhan/Savi were on fire together. Alyssa Milano and Jason George couldn't muster up a spark if they sat on a bonfire.


BTW, if you like Adam Rayner, he's starring in "Tyrant," a new FX series from the writers/producers of "Homeland" that premieres on June 24th:



Edited by dcinmb
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Do private schools really do that ?  Expect parents to throw lavish parties at their own homes/businesses instead of just having a normal fund raiser at the school.  On a Monday night.  That seems ludicrous even for this show.


Did Jacob turn Karen in because he felt spurned that she didn't return his crappy flirting/sexual advances, and now he kind of wants to date her, but really wants to just be friends first ?  That whole scenario seems to have pulled out of some writer's ass and is completely ridiculous.


Karen is a far cry from the polished professional in Season 1.  Acting like a teenager anxious about calling a boy -- really ?

Karen really did misread that date with the doctor -- all dolled up in a party dress to go for wings and pool.  He should have told her to change into something more appropriate, but since he didn't he's a bit of a dick.  Plus, why did he bring wine ?  It would have made sense if he was coming to dinner, but they were going out.  None of this makes sense.


Any reason why April didn't use Joss and Harry to plan her party ?    It's not like it was spur of the moment deal, being in the school newsletter and all.


Are 10 year olds really that judgmental at that age (your party doesn't have a theme -- how boring, my parents would never come to something so low brow as a party without a theme) ?  Of course Peyton's douchebag dad is sandwiched in among things with April (man he was slimy).


Toni continues to be a manipulative beyotch.  She sits there and sings all the damn time in their shared office, but Savi's personal calls and visitors are disruptive.

The only thing polished and professional about Karen is her clothes. 


Are 10 year olds really that judgmental at that age (your party doesn't have a theme -- how boring, my parents would never come to something so low brow as a party without a theme) ?



I worked at a school like that for a few years (ridiculously rich parents, highly pretentious kids, even at the younger ages), and yep, they are that judgemental.


The only smart person on this show is the new lawyer going after Savi's boyfriend.


I'm not even sure how this show got renewed.  It is terrible, and not in the fun way either.  Really, the only part of the episode that I liked was Harry telling Savi off.  I had to laugh when he was telling her that he just wanted to get rid of the house, and get rid of her, and how he had forgiven her and chosen her when she cheated on him (but she chose Dominic), and then she was like, "I made some mistakes, but so did you."  Uh, what?  As far as I remember, he was a loving and faithful husband before the whole cheating thing.  Yeah, he bailed after Savi chose Dominic, but was he supposed to wait around while she continued to have an affair, hoping that she'd come back to him?  Dumb.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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The only thing polished and professional about Karen is her clothes.

I have to disagree with the professional part. While Karen's wardrobe is the only thing that works well on this show, the suit she wore for her first "home office" session had a slit that was approaching Sharon Stone-Basic Instinct territory. I do covet her clothes, but none of these women have been seen in office appropriate attire.


When Jos has the most reasonable things to say in an episode, there's no where for the show to go but down. Add me to those who loved Harry's smackdown. It takes 2 to destroy a marriage, but Savi's self-entitlement grates. She cheated and she felt ignored because he needed time to process it? SMH

What happened to Savi's pregnancy????  I also   think this is a stupid show!

At the end of last season, Savi's heart stopped while she was in the hospital, and I'm pretty sure the medical staff killed the baby when they defibrillated Savi across her stomach (instead of, oh say, near her heart).  Who does the medical consultation on this show, because they are really crappy at it ?

This season, it was ever so slightly alluded to by Joss that Savi lost the baby.
Harry hasn't mentioned anything about it since. Nor has Dominic (the father of the baby).


Yes, the stupid on this show, it burns sometimes.


Don't forget how they have also glossed over the fact that April's husband, Paul, is alive and well, and April has no problem continuing to perpetrate the fraud so that she can keep the store (yet she can now go to prison for what she is doing as co-conspirator in the coverup of that crime) and can now afford to pay for a really, really expensive private school for Lucy.  I thought for sure Richard would have ratted Paul out (for spite) after April dumped his ass.

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I LOLed when Savi trotted out the "we've all made mistakes" line. Sure, Sav. Harry is guilty of being petty at times but you slept with another man! Heaven forbid he needed time to get over that little fact. What did she expect? And it's normal human behaviour that you are able to forgive quicker and declare love when someone is near death. It might not be the most romantic thing but it's normal human response.

Besides, it's hard not to side with Harry because the actor is so damn good at portraying his hurt. Breaks my heart every time.

I side with Harry when it comes to the affair, but he was being super childish by refusing to talk to Savi. When you're selling a house, you have to communicate. Using Joss as a go-between was also not cool. I'm glad she put her foot down finally.


That guy who appeared at the house at the very end of the episode came off like he was going to murder Savi. She's hugging him in the promo, so I guess that doesn't happen. Rats.


Don't forget how they have also glossed over the fact that April's husband, Paul, is alive and well, and April has no problem continuing to perpetrate the fraud so that she can keep the store (yet she can now go to prison for what she is doing as co-conspirator in the coverup of that crime) and can now afford to pay for a really, really expensive private school for Lucy.


The Paul plot point seems to have been dropped entirely. I think Lucy won a scholarship to that school. I wasn't entirely paying attention last week, but April isn't paying the entire tuition.

The only thing that bugged me on the episode, seriously, was at the beginning when Savi's open house had ended and there was the potential customer that came through the door 'half an hour after the open house was over',  Now, both the agent and the owner of the property are standing there, gossiping or whatever, when this guy comes in.  A potential customer.  Complimenting what little he's already seen of the house.


The agent then proceeds to brush the guy off, saying he could call for an appointment because the OH is over.


My son in law is a realtor (and in fact is getting out of the business) in the Northeast.  The market is crappy.  Customers are hard to come by, especially for the more expensive properties.  And the agent doesn't drop everything and walk him through?  Worst. Agent. Ever.  And I would've fired her on the spot.  In the RE business, you fight for every customer.  Not blow them off like that.


So that was the start of a downhill episode for me.  The agent was written to be unprofessional and a disaster throughout - showing up unannounced at Savi's office with an offer the agent expected her to sign without having talked to her about it and then getting all huffy when it didn't get signed?  Loser agent.

  • Love 1

Savi and Dominic have barely mentioned the fact that they lost their baby.  Sure was a quick recovery from such a devastating loss.  How long before Joss and Harry start having an affair or Karen's nemesis escapes and hunts her down?  After all, the chick at the office going after Savi's man won't cut it for the only storyline for this season.

Edited by Palomar

This show just gets stupider and stupider.


Savi -- oh I'm sorry I ruined your life Zach by pulling out in front of you on the highway, but here's some Red Hot Chili Peppers tickets.  That should square things.  
The accident was completely Savi's fault, she should feel guilty as hell about ruining this poor bastard's (Zach) life -- and losing her baby.  I bet she didn't even get any demerits on her driver's license.


Joss -- Joss and Harry need to fuck and get it over with already.  Pretzel bun/plastic surgeon guy needs to go -- what a doofus (seriously, was this episode sponsored by pretzel buns ?).  With Harry dumping Kira, expect Kira to go all 'Fatal Attraction' on him. She won't go away quietly.  Start the clock on how many episodes before the labradoodle mysteriously disappears and is never mentioned again.


Karen - Oh noes, Karen is lonely.  Time to start whoring herself out for attention because her client is such a great source of sage wisdom and advice.  Would she also followed her advice if her client said to go to Burning Man and do copious amounts of drugs ?  Does Karen not realize that it's all her bad choices that produced her Internet notoriety ?  If she hadn't banged any/all men of the Grey clan and driven Mrs. Grey over the edge, she would still be relatively anonymous to the rest of the world.  Change your name and move -- it would make her life easier.


April -- Still an idiot.   She manufactures all of her own problems (guys don't talk about Paul in front of Daniel).  Of course Daniel has a secret -- whomever Jessica is (probably his wife -- in Vermont).

  • Love 3

This show has gone from mildly summer amusing to deeply disturbing.  It creeps me out. Karen is NOT normal, Jacob should have had her psych evaluated.


Savi looks terrible, puffy faced and old, which might fit with the plot but ruins the visual appeal, and oddly, Dom seems not to notice?


And I cannot imagine this show ever going there with Joss and Harry - it's a girl's bond show, or was.  But, hey, they both get their jokes ..... so??? (ewww)


April is TSTL - too stupid too live, and I was pretty appaled last week when she was going on and on about how the shop was hers now. Ummm, yeah, because you didn't report and insurance scam - but hey, you had hurt feelings so totally deserved the money. And brooding artist guy - how very pick up artist was it to burn her like that.  I kept thinking she could easily say she'd certainly never even heard of any of his people. 


It's beyond belief that Joss has become the most normal one on the show.  Wow.


I don't wanna watch it, but it's Monday night filler. Dang.

  • Love 1

I totally understand...but now that TNT has Murder in the First, I can perhaps find another filler.  It was bad enough on the original show when Savi, the lawyer, started picking up men...but to have the doctor do it...while she is supposed to be helping other people with their problems is really sad.  Karen needs an intervention. God forbid they would have let one of them have a normal relationship...like Karen and Jacob.


I didn't watch the whole thing ( I usually DVR and fast forward through the parts that look bad), so I made up a story in my head that the guy at the door was Savi's brother, since she found out she and Joss did not have the same father. Based on a poster above, he was in the accident with her? I wonder where this is going.  She and Dom look awkward together, but she looked awkward with Harry too.


Joss looks too old to be involved with the plastic surgeon, and I don't see the "striking" looks that she has.   Does she look old, or does he look young?  Also, if she can't even afford her own place, how can she afford to take care of a puppy?


Harry's moping is too much to take, but a Harry/Joss relationship would be just nasty.  I don't know why they made the two of them sisters anyway. 


I also missed what happened at dinner with Daniel, but sounds like I did not miss much.  I used to watch partly for fashion, but oddly, other than Karen, they have all looked terrible this year.  AM hair is a fright, and pregnant or not they could have found more appealing clothing and makeup for her as she is a beautiful woman.

  • Love 2

Just finished watching; catrice2, I may follow your lead and fast forward through most of it. Can't stand Savi, and her story is ridiculous (won't watch). April, how can you be that stupid and still run a profitable business? Mildly intrigued by Karen's story, since there should be some action (pun intended). Hated Joss last season, and she's not interesting me this one. I'll give it one more show.

Edited by Clover
Also, if she can't even afford her own place, how can she afford to take care of a puppy?


And furthermore, how could she have even thought of blowing all, and I do mean ALL her money on that dinner? That was an incredibly risky chance she took. What would have happened if Harry hadn't landed two clients as well? Joss is ridiculous. I guess she was counting on Savi to bail her out. She's too old to be that SILLY.


Karen...-___-  I don't understand her sudden desperation. So she decides she wants to jump back into the dating pool and because she doesn't meet her soulmate RIGHTNOWDAMMIT, she decides to moonlight as an escort? Because she didn't make enough stupid decisions before? Good GOD!


April is boringly stupid. And from last week, she needs to check her daughter's attitude. Ignoring her mother while playing with her mother's phone and then practically demanding her own phone, and later telling April that she wasn't receiving texts because she 'might have changed some of the settings'...Child, WHAT? And then the whole "who's Daniel and why is he texting you?" Again...child, WHAT? And all April does is cower and make excuses and justifications and then BUYS HER RUDE ASS DAUGHTER A PHONE. Just like last season when Lucy got to go to a sleepover after hopping a bus without permission to see some pop star and then didn't have to talk about what she had done because she 'didn't want to' and April just let it happen. April needs to remember who's the parent in that house. Lucy seems to think she's an adult who gets to call shots, and April seems almost afraid of her. The way Lucy struts around and talks to her and demands items/information and April consistently rolls over and does what she wants...she's going to have a monster on her hands by the time Lucy becomes a teenager.


So I guess the other accident victim is going to start stalking Savi at some point? Whatever. Loved Harry's smackdown of her last week. She IS incredibly selfish and entitled. You don't get to break someone's heart and then get offended when they don't want to be friends. She's a dick.

  • Love 2
and I still shook my head at how dumb she was being.....


The one thing we can count on with this show is Karen's stupidity!


other than Karen, they have all looked terrible this year.  AM hair is a fright, and pregnant or not they could have found more appealing clothing and makeup for her as she is a beautiful woman.


Alyssa Milano looks just as horrible this season as she did last season.  They really need to fire who ever is dressing/styling her because everything she wears is unflattering.


how can she afford to take care of a puppy?


Who buys someone they barely know a dog??  You don't know anything about her situation, her life style, finances, health issues, etc.  I'm not sure why she found that so cute; it would have pissed me off.  A photo, stuffed animal, etc. would have sufficed and made the same point.

And furthermore, how could she have even thought of blowing all, and I do mean ALL her money on that dinner? That was an incredibly risky chance she took. What would have happened if Harry hadn't landed two clients as well? Joss is ridiculous.


That worked for me, actually. She told Harry she was all in on their business together. I don't think the $5,000 was every last dime, but rather all of the money she had to spare. She was willing to risk it in order to get things working. Joss could always go back to being a real estate agent.


Karen is just beyond stupid. Dating sucks so she becomes an escort? WTF?


April? Zzzzz. You know her dude is married and hiding it from her. And Savi's story is all over the place.

Edited by dubbel zout

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