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S10.E04: Patriot Love Games

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If they wanted to dedicate the last few minutes to Eric, they shoud have showed some outtakes or B-roll footage of him, which his family and friends likely would have appreciated.  Then faded out to his photo and skipped the previews or buffered them with commercials.  Having Andi discuss him as "a member of the family" was so incredibly inappropriate.  Andi didn't know Eric at all.  

They are probably saving the funny outtakes for The Men Tell All.


I found sort of a silver lining in last night's episode.  Before last night I'd assumed Eric had been sent home the traditional way: one rose left, Eric vs. another guy, 30 seconds of tension and then she picks the other guy.  I was worried she'd forever be wondering what if she'd kept him just one more week.  The way it actually happened, there was no easy what-if scenario; his exit was as mutual as we've seen on the show.

For all we know, he was there for the full rose ceremony and this scenario did happen (though it would have been Eric, Tasos and 3rd guy being shown during dramatic pause before Andi gives out the final rose to the 3rd guy). Eric walking out the front of the hotel could have happened after the rose ceremony, not necessarily right after their confrontation. Perhaps Andi said some more pointed words at the start of the ceremony, as the Bachelor/Bachelorette often does, to reiterate how this is very real to her and she is taking it seriously. Perhaps the editors felt that tone wouldn't be kind to Eric.

My thoughts and the Andi-Eric situation.


1.  It looked to me as though Andi was quite tipsy/borderline drunk when Eric approached her for his chat.  She wasn't so drunk that she was slurring/falling down or anything obvious, but just drunk enough to be a little out-of-control.  Mr. riff-raff and I both commented that she looked a little hammered in the scene right before Eric approached her.  I think that was part of the reason why she, IMO, over-reacted to Eric and then continued raving to the rest of the men after he left.   I'm sure she is exhausted from smiling all the time, stringing guys along that she's not really into. The booze loosened her lips just enough to let out some of the narcissistic thoughts that the show tends to cultivate in its leads.  How dare someone say what she doing is not enough!  Didn't Eric get the memo that he's supposed to be grateful for whatever dribbles of attention fall his way, all the while "opening up" to her and embracing this "amazing" "journey"?


2.  I can't help but wonder how dramatically they re-edtied Eric's storyline after his tragic death.  The show-runners seem to like Andi, so my bet is that they were planning on making Eric a big part of the first episodes and featuring him in a more negative way.   What they did end up showing did Andi no favors at all.  


3.  I think part of the problem, if you will, is that Eric was genuinely trying to figure out if there was anything in Andi worth pursuing.  The reasons there are not more conversations like this on the show, I believe, is because most contestants seem content with just trying to stay on the show as long as he or she can for the travel/exposure/shot at being next bachelor.  

  • Love 3

I think part of the problem, if you will, is that Eric was genuinely trying to figure out if there was anything in Andi worth pursuing.


If that's the case, I just wonder why he felt the need to insult her with the "Hollywood actress" comment? We don't usually insult people that we're trying to find out more about and are potentially interested in romantically. It's possible it was his intent and it just came off wrong, but IMO that wasn't the case.


I think he got his feathers ruffled when Andi told him that he wasn't opening up, stewed about it for a day or two, and decided to give her what for. Chris Harrison even stated on his blog post this week that Eric was an instigator. This is not to say in any way that Eric was a bad person, but I do think he was out to get a dig in on her a bit. Ultimately, as Andi herself stated to Chris Harrison in the conclusion of the episode, all of that probably just stemmed from the fact that they weren't right for each other.


  • Love 3
If that's the case, I just wonder why he felt the need to insult her with the "Hollywood actress" comment?



I'm sure this is 100% YMMV, but I didn't see it as an insult.  While I can't remember his exact words, I thought he said something to the effect that he wanted to know whether he was dealing with the "real Andi" or a "Hollywood actress", which I took to mean "Andi doing what the "character" of The Bachelor(ette) is supposed to do with their stable of candidates".  


Andi's the one who said that this whole "journey" was "completely real" to her.  And so she's insisted on the guys being self-disclosing (at times, embarrassingly or uncomfortably so).  The reality is that there's a portion of the remaining cast whom Andi is stringing along.  That's part of the game.  I think Eric just wanted to know whether he was in that group.  


And, once again, several other Leads have been confronted with questions/critiques that put them in the uncomfortable/difficult position of having to defend the absurdity of the premise of the show.  I can't remember many (or really any) of them completely losing their shit the way Andi did.  

  • Love 9

For all we know, he was there for the full rose ceremony and this scenario did happen (though it would have been Eric, Tasos and 3rd guy being shown during dramatic pause before Andi gives out the final rose to the 3rd guy). Eric walking out the front of the hotel could have happened after the rose ceremony, not necessarily right after their confrontation. 

They showed him leaving in a taxi, not a limo. This is standard Bachelor protocol: those who leave at the rose ceremony leave via limo while those who leave any time else leave via taxi cab or van. A limo was pulling up at the same time, so I wonder if it was arriving in preparation for the RC or just a high roller arriving at the casino.

  • Love 1
When it comes to the Bachelorettes chasing fame, I think Ali and Trista are the absolute worst.  As for Meredith disappearing off the scene, I believe this was due to her being embarrassed after being dumped by Ian in such a rude, public manner.  By her own admission, she was so humiliated that she turned to the bottle for solace.


Meredith was with Ian for a year and a half and after doing all their contractual appearances for the first 3 months, they basically fell off the radar to do their thing. When they broke up it was done via a joint statement do it wasn't a public dumping. Plus she has said she had a drinking problem even going into Blob's season. I can see how she took solace after the breakup but I doubt it was the cause.

  • Love 2
When they broke up it was done via a joint statement do it wasn't a public dumping.




In my humble opinion, when a guy tells you that he doesn't want to marry you two months before the wedding date, and then proceeds to proclaim on national television that he is happy to be single again, that is a humiliating, public dumping.  Again just my opinion.

  • Love 1

[Re Andi ]  She claims she is a bad dancer so I would think DWTS would be out. Maybe she could be a commentator on court tv shows? To me she doesn't have the bubbly personality needed for a lot of tv gigs.

She is, however, trained in public presentations of her cases, and in the areas of persuasion.  On this show, I've found her inordinately glib and smooth and almost always with a smile pasted on her face, for just about anything, except if called on something that's not complimentary to her.   The 'poker face' probably actually meant that she has an insincere face that she puts on very well -- it's part of her 'job' there and she does it 'better' than almost anyone else I've seen on the show because the others showed more of their human reactions and emotions and were not as able to be 100% 'on' as she is.  I think this is what Eric was talking about.  


 That's why it made sense that she crumbled upon hearing the words 'poker face' (which I think would be just a normal quality of a bachelor or bachelorette except that she does it so well) because, as she explained, no one would understand how hard or "exhausting" it was for her to try to be fair to all.   The problem that Eric didn't realize was that she has to also 'act' on her dates because she will not always be having a good time.  Maybe her date with him, with her head lying on the couch, was not actually that great a time for her as it was for Eric and she was 'acting' there and her relative disinterest during group dates was more genuine.  

  But the effort she made did exhaust her -- so it was tough to keep smiling brightly with everyone of them but that meant she did a good job of 'acting' -- as TPTB do encourage -- so why be so "insulted" by the idea?  If you're "exhausted" by the ordeal, it's not usually because you're being yourself.

 I tend to feel she is ready to explode easily and pout and attack (as she did with the guys as if THEY had said those words to her) precisely because she's working so hard to seem so equally nice and interested in every guy.  She's a better actress than most who go on that show.  It's to her credit but she should admit she has to act.


  Choosing the words about "you can just say it now and you can walk your ass on out" -- to guys who hadn't done a thing -- was crude and it was like suddenly seeing the dark, unacted side.

  She LOVED Juan Pablo until she felt she was just one of the girls and he had an interest in another one whom he was so bold to have mentioned having had a scheduled fantasy suite wth when they all knew that was happening.  That he mentioned it sent her into a lot of anger that night and she got rid of that the next morning and did it some more and some more, ragging on him for saying "It's okay" and not being as interested in her as he should be.   I didn't even like him, but she overdid it to the point I began to feel for him (which amazed me).

 If the guys, on Monday night's show, didn't get an idea of how easily she can displace her rage over something that they didn't do, ONTO them (and maybe during the unseen Rose Ceremony too), they should take a more careful look.

Edited by pitchy
  • Love 4

My thoughts and the Andi-Eric situation.

 . . .

3.  I think part of the problem, if you will, is that Eric was genuinely trying to figure out if there was anything in Andi worth pursuing.  The reasons there are not more conversations like this on the show, I believe, is because most contestants seem content with just trying to stay on the show as long as he or she can for the travel/exposure/shot at being next bachelor.  



I was struck at the way he kept examining her face -- he seemed oblivious to the camera during this time.  He kept looking at her, closely, as if trying to read her.  Also, of course he was surprised she was crying almost immediately over what he'd said.  What he said did, of course, put her on the defensive, but I think that the heaviness of  the  reaction was not expected, and he did use the word 'heavy' for how she took his words (most likely because they were true -- she does very well at her role there, which is to act equally interested in everyone or give everyone the same interested looks and smiles -- and that's something she could have just said -- that she's not supposed to show favoritism or even any negativism she may feel.  But while trying to talk it out, he was really studying her face.  I think he was mainly naive.   And he caught her at a time when she was "exhausted" over her duties as Bachelorette.

They showed him leaving in a taxi, not a limo. This is standard Bachelor protocol: those who leave at the rose ceremony leave via limo while those who leave any time else leave via taxi cab or van. A limo was pulling up at the same time, so I wonder if it was arriving in preparation for the RC or just a high roller arriving at the casino.



I remember one poor guy leaving on a boat, drifting off  :-)

Choosing the words about "you can just say it now and you can walk your ass on out" -- to guys who hadn't done a thing -- was crude and it was like suddenly seeing the dark, unacted side.


I really liked that moment because it let us see the real Andi finally, the one who told off Juan Pablo and never tried to see anything from his point of view. (I didn't even like him, and maybe he did use her, but couldn't she have taken SOME responsibility too?)


If the guys, on Monday night's show, didn't get an idea of how easily she can displace her rage over something that they didn't do, ONTO them (and maybe during the unseen Rose Ceremony too), they should take a more careful look.


I think that would have been such a bad feeling for them--they're all nice, caring, having a fun time with her and then she let loose with her mouth and her bad temper.  I hope they were paying attention. She's been a pretty good b-ette, but I think she's a very unpleasant person unless people are doing things her way and complimenting her all the time. I know people like that and when things don't go their way or they get a little criticism, all that "phony sweetness and thoughtfulness" melts away and the inner bitch comes out. 


It wouldn't surprise me at all if part of the reason the RC was edited out (since Eric had already left anyway it had nothing to do with him) was because Andi gave another little tirade then, too--to all the guys who'd done nothing to deserve it.

  • Love 3

My favorites this season are Dylan, Brian, Chris, Marquel and Josh. Marquel has hands down the best personality of any contestant on The Bachlorette.

If Dylan had been sitting across from me telling me his story, I would have gotten up from the table and walked to him and hugged him so hard and long. If he would have balked, I would told him the hug was for me.

All the guys in the house like him. Did you hear the response from the guys when they heard Dylan was getting the date? They all cheered. He's a keeper, in my opinion.

I really liked Eric. I think their date was hands down, the best date that had ever aired on this show. Andi's dates all seem to be tailored to the individual she chooses. That is smart on her part (except for scaling the side of the building - what was that?), if she has any say in date ideas.

Not a fan of Marcus. I find him smarmy. He was lovely during her freak out but I still find him oily. :0)

  • Love 1

I can't remember many (or really any) of them completely losing their shit the way Andi did.


Emily Maynard did something similar after she found out about Kalon's "baggage" comment in reference to her daughter. She went off on him, then, if I recall correctly, was pretty "you better not ever do that or you'll get your ass thrown out too" to the rest of the group. I don't remember her getting nearly the same amount of flack.


I just can't help but think that much of the "Bachelor Nation" wants their B'ettes a little more Barbie than Andi is. A little "sweeter," a little more docile, a little more conventionally beautiful (how dare the corners of her mouth turn down!), a little less fiery. Kinda bums me out.  

  • Love 5

Emily didn't yell at the other guys but she pretty much canceled the rest of the group date, left and didn't give a rose to anyone. And later, at the cocktail party that episode, she basically let Arie know how disappointed she was in his not telling her what Kalon said. And I think she made a few comments about feeling like none of the guys "stood up for her", like I guess she expected them to yell at Kalon while instead they all sat around quiet and uncomfortably while she and Kalon went at it. 


I don't know if I'd say that some expect the Bachelorettes to be barbies, so much as like I noted above, I think some have a general disdain for the show, the premise and that naturally translates into the same for whoever is the Bachelor(ette). Some have certainly gotten it worse than others and deservedly so, hello Juan Pablo, Bob, etc. but I think there is a natural inclination to be very judgmental of whoever the Bachelor or Bachelorette is and judge every single thing they do or say.

Edited by truthaboutluv

While I can't speak for others, I know that I personally judged Andi a bit more harshly because it's the second time we see her go off on someone for telling her things she herself tells the guys.  She tells Eric he doesn't open up to her enough, and when he turns it back on her, she becomes livid.  She tells Juan Pablo he's dismissive of other women, but won't hear anything he has to say about her.


There's also the fact that I never liked Emily, so her Kalon reaction was just funny to me, while I am actually enjoying and liking Andi as the Bachelorette, so these "episodes" disappoint me more.

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I think it's too soon for Andi to pull the "exhausted" card. This isn't Survivor, or Amazing Race, where you go without food, or are sleeping out in the driving rain, or  driving a stick shift down a winding road in the Alps.  I was surprised at how mad she got so fast...maybe Eric was annoying but you would think that, this early in "the process," she would have a few more resources to handle a rogue suitor. Guess not. She just seems like a bitchy, argumentative person to me and not easy to please. I think she's kind of fake. Maybe because she's all hot for one or two of these guys already, and she didn't realize how exhausting it would be to want to get with a few of them, but then have to tone that down in front of the rest of the guys. Who knows, but geez, if you can't have fun as the Bachelorette, what are you doing it for? 

  • Love 2

I have to admit, I was pretty exhausted watching that date with her mountain biking THEN hiking THEN mountain climbing...well, okay, that last part was more my style--climbing up rocks holding wine glasses. But we've also heard that it's not unusual for these rose ceremonies to go until 2 in the morning, then the next date starts in the morning. I'm willing to give a pass on exhausted; the yelling at the innocent guys, however, wasn't cool, tired or not.

Edited by JenE4

Well we know the first cocktail party went into the morning judging by Nick's adorable "I would say you made my night but it's actually morning now" comment when she gave him the first impression rose. And I remember noticing that based on his mug it looked like he and a couple of other guys were probably drinking coffee at that point.

I agree. She sounded so spoilt when she whined about how tired she was, as if she is sacrificing being there JUST for the sake of the guys. But in actual fact doing it for herself and the perks that came with it. This is my first time hearing a bachelor or bachelorette scold a bunch of contestants publicly on camera because she is exhausted. It is her job at the moment and you don't see people throwing a tantrum like a baby at work just because they are exhausted. Cry me a river and get it, Andy.

  • Love 2

Was it just me or were those basketball teams uneven? I feel like red shirt team had 6 players, while Sharpie hearts team had only 5. Did I miss something?

And did we ever discover who wrote the anonymous love letter?



Ok, let's discuss the jerseys, shall we?  Team Rosebud had decent looking shirts, apparently professionally printed (or so it seemed).  But the other team, who didn't seem to have an actual name, had shirts that looked like something my 11-year old daughter would make herself with sharpie and hand out to her friends. It was just a heart with Andi's signature under it?  I think?  It was just really odd to me that one side had really nice shirts and the others got just "whatever."  I mean, did production run out of cash at the last minute and figured, "Heck, why not have Andi just autograph a bunch of shirts?"  Honestly, that's more of a mystery to me than anything that happened with Eric.


Also, they did not reveal who the love letter was from on this episode.  If you're interested Reality Steve has spoiled in his column who its from.

I think it was simply wardrobe and production not being on the same page. I think they ALL had Rosebuds shirts--probably made to play against the women. But someone in production remembered that they should make it a competition for the second half of the date, and so they turned the Rosebuds shirts inside-out and grabbed a sharpie.


Yeah that's exactly what I thought because if you look closely at the other team, it really did look like their shirts were sort of turned inside out. And having to literally write numbers on their backs just seemed too random. This is a show that flies these people to exotic countries.l I think they could afford a couple of basketball jerseys. They probably were going to play the WNBA women, producers mid-way decided that was kind of boring and not enough drama/excitement so they split them in two teams and upped the ante to really make them competitive by putting extra time with Andi on the line.

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I'm sure this is 100% YMMV, but I didn't see it as an insult.  While I can't remember his exact words, I thought he said something to the effect that he wanted to know whether he was dealing with the "real Andi" or a "Hollywood actress", which I took to mean "Andi doing what the "character" of The Bachelor(ette) is supposed to do with their stable of candidates


That's how I took it, too. I also thought he was genuinely trying to "read" her -- not a bad idea when she's "performing" (imo) to be equally nice and into everyone (even though off the show she said IRL she only would have given 4 guys her phone number).  She's the star of the show and her "role" requires making guys she's not into, feel like they want a relationship with her. I think Eric was right to call it "acting" and I was very surprised she didn't honestly own up to it, or at least not take offense, and tell him she was still getting to know everyone, but she wasn't "acting" with them as in "faking an interest I don't have".


And ITA I'm harsher about it because I already saw her attack on Juan Pablo. This time, for guys who'd done nothing wrong, she vented like a crazy shrew. I think she's a very "me" person and has a very quick temper which, personally, I don't find attractive.


As for the "poor me"--not attractive either. She knew what the show was like--very well, from experience. Yes, she's chosen to put herself under some pressure as "the star" this time, but --unlike the guys-- she's getting a big paycheck for it, luxurious accommodations that she doesn't have to share with anyone, and is in the "driver's seat", not constantly competing with a bunch of other people and feeling "ranked". The men are under pressure, too, and get zero "alone time" (which for me would be exhausting).


I think she's been a pretty good b-ette so far, but I'd never want her for a friend.

  • Love 1

Putting aside that the man is dead, he was dead on. Yes Andi you are acting & you know it. This show requires it. What a drama queen whiner. The little fit about how hard she's working & how exhausting it all is? Oh holy hell give me a break! You & Gwyneth Paltrow can take your self-righteous "hard work" rantings & shove them.

Then she had to go & extend the drama & have her little hissy with all the guys. I felt like she was a 13 year old stomping her foot at everyone for not agreeing with everything she says. But listen! I mean it! Y'all she's here for reals! If you're not here for reals then there's the damn door. I would've paid actually money if one of the guys has walked up to Andi & said, "Ess ok."

I agree that the sit down with Andi & Chris felt like a reputation repair. Why not show the guys speaking about him or even just extra clips of him laughing & having fun? And why did we need to hear how it impacted her & changed her & her & her & her? I would've preferred that underplayed this quietly than this production. I need a shower.

  • Love 5

 When DeAnna decided to have an impromptu barbecue/pool party, the guys ignored her (especially Graham). She went berserk and told them that if they didn't feel like being there then they should just get the eff out, (which I am sure didn't make her more endearing to him).  After viewers complained, Chris H. sat her down and basically made her apologize.  Funny how he didn't have a sit down with Emily when she went "West Virginia backwoods hood rat" first on Kalon and later on Arie.

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 1

I just wonder if there was no RC at all and Tasos asked to leave.  Right before Tasos was interrupted (by Eric?), he made a comment to Andi that included, "But I need to be true to myself..."  I thought for sure he was going to ask her to leave right then and there, but that was the exact moment he was interrupted.  Anyone else catch that?


So late to the cocktail party, but...


I hate to speak ill of the dead, before the unfortunate news of Eric's death I was intent on coming here to discuss what an epic douche bag I found him to be. I hope there was a side to him that wasn't so weirdly intense and needy, and didn't need to talk incessently about is achievements.  I thought he came off so poorly in his last moments on the show, the producers could have done him a favour by spending the last few minutes showing outtakes of him being a real person.


I loved the conversation on the side of the building. "What's your Mom like?" "She loves Mahjong." A cute and normal moment.

Edited by ShakespeareJubilee
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It is an odd and difficult situation because there is a part of me that does wonder if some of the more negative reactions to Andi would have been the same had Eric not passed away or hell if some would have even cared as much about the whole drama or would it have been more of  a "well yeah she was a too defensive but he was kind of annoying too and whatever..." But the reality is he did die and suddenly no matter that there was no way for any of them to anticipate what would come, his last moments on the show are viewed as mean, bitchy Andi screaming at the guy who die a few weeks later. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

suddenly no matter that there was no way for any of them to anticipate what would come, his last moments on the show are viewed as mean, bitchy Andi screaming at the guy who die a few weeks later


For me, his death didn't affect my reaction to that scene because it all still seems so unreal. Mainly, I thought Andi came across as a bit of a shrew (someone who can't take criticism at all) and it was probably magnified by remembering the way she acted with Juan Pablo. Then when she came back to the party and told off all the guys there (who hadn't done or said anything wrong), it only made her look a lot worse.


The scene between her and Eric was one of the more interesting ones in the seasons to me. I think he was really trying to see if they could understand each other (not that he didn't seem like the kind of person who was playing a role, too, because to me, he kind of did.) She got defensive from the start ("WE don't work in that situation".) And neither one of them had much empathy for the other (her stress at being always "on" and the center of attention; his effort to get to know her "for real" in a completely Unreal setting). It was especially odd because I thought their one-on-one date had gone pretty well.


I have a feeling that he didn't leave exactly the way we saw it--right then, with nothing more said. I'll be surprised if they show the RC from last week because I'm guessing there was more than "Eric didn't appreciate me and I showed him the door; the same thing could happen to any of you if you're not careful. Taso you're the only one leaving tonight, bye."

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I guess I should have made it obvious that I meant "some viewers" view it that way. Of course I know that not everyone feels this way or views the situation this way.


She got defensive from the start ("WE don't work in that situation".)



Unless my memory is wrong, I thought she first mentioned the "we don't work in this situation" during their 1 on 1 time at the group date and ymmv but I didn't read that as defensive. She asked him how he was doing, what he thought of the whole situation and based on his responses and the fact that they seemed to be stalling in their interactions and "connection", she suggested that maybe together they weren't thriving in the situation. I didn't interpret that as being defensive or blaming him but more that the two of them just weren't clicking in the situation. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1

What we know: Andi took out her frustrations on the remaining guys and then stormed out of the room. What we don't know: whether Andi came back in and continued the cocktail party. Regardless of whether Andi continued trash talking Eric, surely the remaining guys would have talked amongst themselves about it. I don't know whether any of them would dare cast Andi to blame--she's the prize--so I wouldn't doubt there would have been Wrong Reasons trash talking about Eric amongst the guys and how dare he upset Andi, yadda-yadda. Then no doubt Harrison would have concluded the cocktail party and/or introduced the rose ceremony with some Wrong Reasons Eric talk, and Andi would have started her rose ceremony with Wrong Reasons Eric talk. If the guy didn't die, I have no doubt that he would have been edited as the bad guy--because that's what happens when someone leaves pre-RC. So the producers were probably like, damn, we have all of our Wrong Reasons footage but we don't want to be insensitive--now what?! Solution: Let's just not show ANY of that footage. Instead, only air Andi taking it out on the guys, NOT saying anything bad about Eric personally--which, come on, does anyone think that she DIDN'T say anything about Eric to the guys?!  Surely the conversation had to start with Eric just left because he thinks ...[gets increasingly upset as she goes into details]...and if any of you feel the same way, there's the door. Otherwise it's just *burst into the room and start accusing everyone else but not Eric of being there for the wrong reasons* What the hell? No wonder why it didn't make any sense...if that was how it went down/was edited.

  • Love 3

Ha... I know I shouldn't laugh about this but I find it a little funny that the week or so after Tasos left, a section of the "Love Lock" bridge in Paris fell down.



If I remember right wasn't Tasos the one who brought her a lock when he got out of the limo and said they could put one on the bridge someday?  I vaguely remember them putting the one he brought on the fountain at the mansion. I think it was Tasos, can't recall for sure.


Yeah it was him.


So from the extra scenes shown in tonight's special, Andi apparently did apologize to the guys for getting upset at them and she also acknowledged in a private conversation with Nick that yes she can be a bitch at times. I will say I was surprised to see her say that. Oh and speaking about her conversation with Nick, apparently the guys didn't take too kindly to his taking the initiative and going after Andi. Honestly, I watched the whole scene and couldn't figure out what the guys were so angry about so I was only left to conclude that they were whiners and they were really mad at themselves for not being the one to do what Nick did. 


eta: And judging by the comment above I guess this will be just like the situation with Eric and opinions will vary. I just cannot wrap my head around what was so wrong in going after Andi to make sure she was okay, especially as this is a show based on the premise that they are all there for her. All I can think is the editing left some stuff on the floor because I don't see anything wrong in Nick's actions. Yes in the ensuing argument he started getting defensive but I couldn't blame him because he suddenly had 3-4 guys all coming at him including Andrew, the guy who got some other woman's number but actually feels right in questioning someone's intentions and sincerity. Like really dude?


Also, the promo for next week, I'll be honest, I was totally nodding at Nick's response in the clip with Cody when Cody's all "do you think you're the favorite..." or whatever it was and Nick was like "and why do you care?" Thing is, I've rarely ever been on the side of the other Bachelorettes/Bachelor when there's a gang up on one contestant because most times I think the ones doing the ganging up are the ones being annoying. Fact, as far as I could tell, is that all these guys sat around, twiddling their thumbs waiting for the producers and/or Chris Harrison to tell them what to do and Nick took initiative and went up to Andi. If she wanted to be left alone and not talk to him, she would have said so. But seeing her walk back in holding hands with him, they all got in a tizzy because they were mad at themselves for not being the one to think of it and do it. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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So from the extra scenes shown in tonight's special, Andi apparently did apologize to the guys for getting upset at them and she also acknowledged in a private conversation with Nick that yes she can be a bitch at times. I will say I was surprised to see her say that. Oh and speaking about her conversation with Nick, apparently the guys didn't take too kindly to his taking the initiative and going after Andi. Honestly, I watched the whole scene and couldn't figure out what the guys were so angry about so I was only left to conclude that they were whiners and they were really mad at themselves for not being the one to do what Nick did. 


eta: And judging by the comment above I guess this will be just like the situation with Eric and opinions will vary. I just cannot wrap my head around what was so wrong in going after Andi to make sure she was okay, especially as this is a show based on the premise that they are all there for her. All I can think is the editing left some stuff on the floor because I don't see anything wrong in Nick's actions. Yes in the ensuing argument he started getting defensive but I couldn't blame him because he suddenly had 3-4 guys all coming at him including Andrew, the guy who got some other woman's number but actually feels right in questioning someone's intentions and sincerity. Like really dude?


I'm with you though. Watching as it played out I was like "are you guys serious?" It seems to me the guys were suggesting that Nick went against some sort of man code. Well I'm sorry but if the guys were there for the "right reasons" (yes I actually said that), they would be more concerned with comforting Andi than in catering to the feelings of the other guys. On the other hand, Nick's initiative might have been producer-instigated, so maybe that's what the guys were upset about. 

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