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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I am missing the hell out of bannana and her fantastic recaps and where the hell are Canadian and boes?  Do you suppose those alien overlords took them?

LOL, I'm here movin..just don't have the energy to type the tripe that is happening on my screen..sometimes when watching the show, I do feel as though I am being taken over by aliens...

Someone had a bath and got their ears lowered!!!

big improvement, man that was needed...

  • Love 3

Toomuchsoap, I like your idea about Victor knowing that Gabe is actually Adam. It falls in line with the writers new habit of revealing things to us that haven't previously aired on the show. 


On the other hand, today it occurred to me that (ignoring your theory) Yack doesn't know that Gabe is actually Adam, but Jack does. Hence, I'm going to watch how the men react to each other once Yack returns from his honeymoon. This idea left me wondering if Gabe will turn out to be the first to figure out that Yack is a fraud.

Edited by C76
  • Love 8

Toomuchsoap, I like your idea about Victor knowing that Gabe is actually Adam. It falls in line with the writers new habit of revealing things to us that haven't previously aired on the show. 


On the other hand, today it occurred to me that (ignoring your theory) Yack doesn't know that Gabe is actually Adam, but Jack does. Hence, I'm going to watch how the men react to each other once Yack returns from his honeymoon. This idea left me wondering if Gabe will turn out to be the first to figure out that Yack is a fraud.

Nice catch.  I might actually look forward to seeing that.

  • Love 4


On the other hand, today it occurred to me that (ignoring your theory) Yack doesn't know that Gabe is actually Adam, but Jack does. Hence, I'm going to watch how the men react to each other once Yack returns from his honeymoon. This idea left me wondering if Gabe will turn out to be the first to figure out that Yack is a fraud.

Ooooh, I like that. A lot. It might give Adam something to do other than moon over Chelsea [barf] and give JH a chance to stretch his acting muscles which have probably become atrophied with the repetitive dialogue he has been forced to spew lately. That actually might make this storyline interesting. And it would give the writers a chance to give us back smart Adam who has been sorely missing these past few months.

  • Love 5

Toomuchsoap, I like your idea about Victor knowing that Gabe is actually Adam. It falls in line with the writers new habit of revealing things to us that haven't previously aired on the show. 


On the other hand, today it occurred to me that (ignoring your theory) Yack doesn't know that Gabe is actually Adam, but Jack does. Hence, I'm going to watch how the men react to each other once Yack returns from his honeymoon. This idea left me wondering if Gabe will turn out to be the first to figure out that Yack is a fraud.


So is anyone else's head spinning with fakes yet.....so Adam acting in his fake role of Gabe will figure out that Jack is fake Yack!!  OK.  

  • Love 5

Toomuchsoap, I like your idea about Victor knowing that Gabe is actually Adam. It falls in line with the writers new habit of revealing things to us that haven't previously aired on the show.

It happens on Twitter. At least that's how GH's Ron Carlivati handles things when fans complain that a story never played out. He's even posted script pages to 'prove' that something was written and then cut in editing. It's pretty funny and very pathetic lol!

  • Love 5



LOL, I'm here movin..just don't have the energy to type the tripe that is happening on my screen..sometimes when watching the show, I do feel as though I am being taken over by aliens...

Thanks for speaking up - now we have to find boes, and bannana has to get home from that business trip.  Others are missing, too, and I do suspect the spring weather popping up, rather than the aliens.  If they come for you, sent them for Chuck Pratt instead.

  • Love 4

This is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time .  I would love to go with you, but would have to take my 6 month old great granddaughter.  I take care of her while Mommy works, and I wouldn't want her to witness any violence at this age.  Patsy could probably help you with your plans for them when you get home, but she's too far away to help.  Pokey, peaches and trip could also have some ideas.  To the bolded:  haven't heard that term in years - been pickin' cotton lately?  lol  Crackin' up here.


Just keep on driving NE until you get to Ontario. I have VERY deep irrigation ponds and a few concrete blocks just hanging around.: wink wink

  • Love 5

Jack was blackmailed into covering for Adam, which annoys me since Billy would throw Jack's ass under the bus in the same situation. I don't feel like Jack was maliciously, gleefully holding out on Victor; he was ready to tell Victor when they were trapped in the rubble of Nick's gorilla dive. He wasn't aiming Adam at Victor like a weapon. Also, Victor kept a lid on Adam killing Delia, so he can go kick rocks in flip flops when it comes to lying about the whole Adam mess.

If Victor does know about Adam, I'd be alright with a dramatic reveal where Victor reveals the truth and Jack's involvement. However, I don't think Jack deserves to be tied up and tormented by an obsessed woman. I don't think Kelly and Phyllis being raped by Jerk is acceptable collateral damage because Victor has a hair across his ass over the son he can barely stand.

I hope Jack is rewarded at the end of all this by Kyle turning out to be Victor's. That kind of malice has to be genetic.

  • Love 12

Jack was blackmailed into covering for Adam, which annoys me since Billy would throw Jack's ass under the bus in the same situation. I don't feel like Jack was maliciously, gleefully holding out on Victor; he was ready to tell Victor when they were trapped in the rubble of Nick's gorilla dive. He wasn't aiming Adam at Victor like a weapon. Also, Victor kept a lid on Adam killing Delia, so he can go kick rocks in flip flops when it comes to lying about the whole Adam mess.

If Victor does know about Adam, I'd be alright with a dramatic reveal where Victor reveals the truth and Jack's involvement. However, I don't think Jack deserves to be tied up and tormented by an obsessed woman. I don't think Kelly and Phyllis being raped by Jerk is acceptable collateral damage because Victor has a hair across his ass over the son he can barely stand.

I hope Jack is rewarded at the end of all this by Kyle turning out to be Victor's. That kind of malice has to be genetic.


Ninja, I completely agree with you. Jack doesn't deserve any of this. The one and only reason Turd would be doing this to him is because he's a petulant skunk who's simply miffed that his flesh and blood would choose to go to Jack and reveal that he survived rather than come to his own father.  He's been angry and Jealous that Adam prefers an Abbott as his confidante and ally to him. Jack probably should have just turned Adam over to Paul, but his instinct to protect his brother from a probable criminal attempted murder charge got the better of him. I don't believe a jury in the land would have convicted Billy for it, but would have opened up a lot of deep and hurtful memories. But, of course, when Adam is eventually revealed and that Jack knew and protected the secret despite his reasons for having done so, will boomerang right back to Jack. As if they haven't already. All the fresh hell Chuckles is planning for the Abbotts courtesy of Turd "Whiplash" Newman will all originate from Jack's decision to protect both his brother and his friend.


On the other hand, today it occurred to me that (ignoring your theory) Yack doesn't know that Gabe is actually Adam, but Jack does. Hence, I'm going to watch how the men react to each other once Yack returns from his honeymoon. This idea left me wondering if Gabe will turn out to be the first to figure out that Yack is a fraud.



Good point, but my assumption is based on the fact that Turd knows about Jack keeping Adam's secret and it's the primary reason for his actions now. Thus, if Turd knows that real Jack knows that Gabe is Adam, then he'd certainly clue Fack in on that and certain other bits and pieces of their friendship/alliance and joint schemes in the past. The only weakness I could foresee in his plan is the simple fact that only Adam and Billy know what happened on the evening of the abduction and the resulting crash. The real Jack also knows more details about the situation too, because Billy basically told him that he left the scene because he "knew" Adam was dead and he definitely alluded to the gun being discharged. Adam showing up at his door with the bullet hole scar in his abdomen not only proved his identity to Jack, it bolstered Jack's belief that Billy had tried to shoot and kill Adam (even though he didn't fire the weapon intentionally). That's the weakness in Turd's plan. He doesn't know it yet (at least I assume he doesn't but since it has been provably established that Turd is omniscient and omnipresent when he wants to be, all bets might be off on this).


I would love for it to be Adam to figure out that Fack is Jack and blow both his cover and Turd's. But Adam's got his own reasons to keep quiet about it, so it appears Turd has him in double bind.


MovinOn, the only tow sacks I see these days are the ones on Fixer Upper. They're all the rage. P&E, you gave me an idea with those 'deep irrigation ponds'. Anybody ever been to Lake O' the Pines? A little like the Louisiana bayous except closer to home. Swamps. Useful places. Things just disappear there.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 7

Billy's going to make out with his ex in the middle of the dining room of a very public place that everyone he knows goes to? Where Stitch and Abby live. 


Michael will do anything to get out of going away with Lauren, volunteering for house arrest? LOL Lauren's "who is going to take care of you?"  I guess Sharon's going to take care of him. 


Abby's needing a bitch slap. Sharon treated her too politely, more than she deserved. Sharon needs to fight people like Abby and Summer back, when they put that smug bitch face on. Sharon should point out how Abby was sleeping with Austin. Are we also supposed to believe that Abby's so so petrified of the killer, but now she's wanting to go be around Sharon at the trial and sit a few feet from her? 


Stitch has half a brain telling Victoria that he doesn't think Sharon did it. Stitch and Dylan are the only 2 with half a brain in the town.

  • Love 5

Is it too much to hope that the real killer will take out Abby?


Why was Sharon assigned a public defender? Aren't they assigned to people who cannot afford a lawyer?


Billy and Victoria making out in the middle of the GCAC? Stupid stupid writing once again.


How is DoppleJack so identical to RealJack that evey part of his entire body, not to mention is lovemaking is indistinguisable to Phyl?


In the same vein, does Chels not think it is a bit creepy that Gabe and Adam are identical body wise, and move wise?


One would think that Adam would be a bit upset that the love of his life not only is engaged to the guy who 'killed' him, but now is bedding yet another guy. Adam who?

  • Love 3

Did I detect a theme in yesterday's CDN? Was it not more elegantly expressed by Astaire and Rogers, when Fred sang "Change Partners and Dance"?


When that concept gets Prattified, it's pretty much "Change Partners and Fuck."

Yes, Chelsea, that's you we're talking about--with the GCRB bra to match your enchanting plaid shirt. What does spitesex usually result in on a soap? Pregnancy or discovery. Ah, you'll end up with both, my dear. Don't tell Mme Pearlite you weren't looking for another little bundle of joy--better warm up whatever that eye-transplant thing you managed before--there may not be a recently deceased child around this time.


And you, Billy and Victoria, you two have all the heat of a Toronto winter.


Abby, just change those white jeans and the bizarro sweater, and get right into Victor's confessional and pray for your immortal soul. You have committed grave offenses against Sharon, and you're lying like the proverbial wet rug when you assure anyone that you're just not that into Stitch. Actually that last one's also a grave aesthetic offense. You could do better.


And in other breaking partner-switching news, what will become of Michael and Sharon? Of Lauren and NosferCane? I could sort of enjoy Sharon being all nice about Michael's non-performance, and there is a kind of shared cheapness to Lauren and Dingo, so maybe that's all right too.


Pratt, this wasn't that interesting as an episode. Try harder.

  • Love 11

Yay Kevin is team Sharon, giving them the heads up on the warrant was nice of him. Although the fact he's still allowed that type of intel and wasn't suspended or anything is funny.


Nick is ready to lock Sharon up in jail forever, he's such an ass. I hope Sage takes his "lots of money" since he's now paying for her room when her credit card was declined. I hope Sharon's done with him after this. He and his daughter should be next on the killers list. Kyle too.

  • Love 6

Yay Kevin is team Sharon, giving them the heads up on the warrant was nice of him. Although the fact he's still allowed that type of intel and wasn't suspended or anything is funny.


Nick is ready to lock Sharon up in jail forever, he's such an ass. I hope Sage takes his "lots of money" since he's now paying for her room when her credit card was declined. I hope Sharon's done with him after this. He and his daughter should be next on the killers list. Kyle too.

Can I add Crabby?

  • Love 2

Yay Kevin is team Sharon, giving them the heads up on the warrant was nice of him. Although the fact he's still allowed that type of intel and wasn't suspended or anything is funny.


Nick is ready to lock Sharon up in jail forever, he's such an ass. I hope Sage takes his "lots of money" since he's now paying for her room when her credit card was declined. I hope Sharon's done with him after this. He and his daughter should be next on the killers list. Kyle too.

Great post and I totally agree, assuming "his daughter" means Summer and not Faith. Kevin is always a "Yay" for me - I love him.  I'm US and haven't seen this, but everyone's saying Sage is working with Victor - if that's true, her credit card shouldn't have been declined, unless he's become such a turd that he doesn't pay his minions. Surely he could get her a room and some food.

  • Love 4

So, according to SOD (IIRC), the resident Turd found Fack four or five years ago. In a prison. In Peru. Peru. Funny. I don't remember Turd having ever been in Peru. Where the fuck do they come up with this shit? What the hell was he doing in Peru? Was he down there looking for Adam then? What the holy hell has he been doing with Fack for the past several years? Has he had him stashed in his basement torture chamber. Was he remaking him and training him?


This is just total crap. All of it. How can Pratt expect me to take the soft core porn scene between Gabadam and Chelsea seriously? They're not hot. Not even remotely. And while I would have liked to believe when JH first was on the show that I would have been excited to see him shirtless, pantless, and more, I found it just meh. He's a good looking guy and all, and a capable actor except for the part that involves him not being scripted to be really bright and too in lurve with this waste of space valley gurl to be anything more than just slo bro's other slo bro. I'm beyond sick and stupefied by this rot. I keep thinking they've hit bottom and it can't go any lower, but they continue to surprise me. Pratt just keeps on digging. The hole gets bigger every minute. Pratt continues to dig.

  • Love 3

Well, leaving aside Peruvian issues...


Things I sometimes wonder about...before I realize I'm renting out too much mental real estate to this stuff...


  • Do Genoa City folks have reserved parking spaces with their names on them at the court house? They're in court so often, it would make sense.
  • Is GCRB a sign that someone's "gone over," or is a doppelgänger?
  • Is Cricket some kind of scrawny Valkyrie in this apparently alternate universe?
  • Is Hilary exempt from moral judgment for extracurricular fucking for a good cause?
  • Is Joe aware that RealJack already used that plotline? Shouldn't he check the story bible--it might give him more hope than Dr Neutral can.
  • Did Victor forget to check the IQ on DoppelJack?
  • Why doesn't Ghost Dad just return from the dead? Immediately/permanently? Show doesn't even need the alt-universe thing to sell this one. Was he in Peru also?
  • Love 7

exact doppelgangers? If people buy this I vote that Austin - realizing he screwed Bummer and Crabby killed himself. Then he  became a



And then Gabe opens an all male review in Billy's old bar. 'Madam I'm Adam' ala Magic Mike.


Then Cassie appears on Bummer's computer and accuses her of bullying and makes her eat a jar of Jif. Then Sharon reveals that she is super human and she and Chip form the Y-men. 


What other recent movies could they rip off?

  • Love 6

I don't want to talk about storylines because they are too off the wall anyway...I could barely watch anything to do with Sharon or Jack for that matter.  Too annoying. There is too much going on right now yet there is nothing going on if that makes sense!


So on to appearances!  Christine just looks horrible....are they trying to make her look even thinner with her long straight unwashed hair pinned back so her ears stick out too?  Ashley's hair is looking scraggy and too white and doesn't flatter her at all.  Same with Avery, scraggy unkempt hair bunched up around her collar does nothing.  Lauren, oh Lauren where do we start with her hair and then add the plastic face.  MTS looks amazing when she keeps her body on the lighter side...hint hint....Phyllis looks amazing.    

  • Love 4

OMG--how original--Monterey Jack--of course I knew it would be a huge letdown because everything is---sigh. My hatred of Kyle and Sage continues unabated and I pretty much knew neither of them would be it because--- reasons and lack of brain power for the characters and the "writer" ----Seriously doesn't everyone tune into soaps to see a main character smacked around by a wacko? I hate Twitter and do not venture there often but I did today to see if I could see any complaints at Upchuck's place---nada--retweets from a bunch of people gushing about the excitement or wanting lurve between Vic and Nikki?????!!!!!!!! Seriously? Can't wait to see Nick and Sage? OY---I need to go lie down now.

  • Love 8

Is it wrong for me to like Yack better than Jack? I hope Peter Bergman is having fun. The other day when Yack rolled his eyes while discussing the Victor vs The Abbotts, I think I yelled at the TV. Long live Yack!


Speaking of which, I wonder how long this will last. I just Googled TV sweeps periods, and the next one finishes in May. That's probably too soon for this storyline to wrap up though. Maybe we'll get to have Yack 'til the end of July? 


  • Love 5

I'm enjoying doppelJack as well. Sure loved him kicking his stupid family out today. And I think he slapped Phyllis's ass just before he did. lol. They seem to have given him more spray tan as well. He's looking very George Hamilton. PB is definitely bringing it. But Pratt is a serious hack. Those scenes with Kelly did not need PB's voiceover. He's a good enough actor to convey with his eyes.


These poor actors.


I'm hoping it's a short arc. And with doppelJack acting like a complete wacko you'd think it can't go on too long. I'm guessing they'll all think he's on drugs (Phyllis seems to smell some booze on him in the preview). If Ashley goes to the board she can probably have him ousted (but not before he does damage with Victor).


I'm afraid that the doppelgänger story will go past sweeps. I noticed CM is still tweeting pics from on set (aaaaaaargh). 

  • Love 6

OK--guess I missed the fun parts of today or tomorrow for the US (me) but I was in the kitchen and giving it my usual 60% or less--LOL---still while Yack may be amusing it still does not take away from the awfulness that is Victor-Kelly-Kyle-and all the rest---and as for Yack??? I did notice the fake tan but did not notice the charm or the joy at whatever he is up to but I am not saying it was not there--I just was in another room and hating on Upchuck so did not see it--LOL---will try harder to appreciate whatever Upchuck is serving but not sure for how long---preferring the 14 minutes of B&B about now---

  • Love 3

PB is doing a great job on both characters but the voice over while he is tied up agree is not needed and seems just weird especially when Kelly says she can almost hear what he is thinking or something like that...LOL  She is really camping it up now and why not..it's a sinking ship CM so go down on it having a blast!  I did find it hard to watch PB trying to pretend the gag was in his mouth tightly, he seemed to be sticking his bottom lip out big time to make it look tight..from a side view he looked like a guppy!  Once I noticed it I couldn't look away.... 

  • Love 9

So WTH happened between Ben and Victoria today? Most anti-climactic end to a relationship I think I've ever watched. Bizarre! Such a non-event.

I'm US and haven't seen it, but I have to say I can't wait to see that dribble away - I would have preferred an explosion, but whatever trips Chucky's trigger.........

Edited by movinon
  • Love 3

Oh my god I am LOVING Monterey Jack. He's got swagger and oozes charm. Egads. How they have been wasting PB's straight up smartass hotness all these years. He's so fucking hilarious and he has zero fucks to give about Billy and Ashley. It's spectacular. I so floved when he floored them with his Victor alliance. I didn't even mind EB in those scenes (but only those scenes). They were so ridiculous and funny as allies. Jack all sweet smiles shaking Victor's hand for the camera. Ashley had her bitch face on the whole time. Lol! Burn Ashley for all the times you threw Jack under the bus for Victor. ugh.


And Monterey's shoes and belt! Fab. The tie-less white shirt with the black suit. <swoon.>


I don't want him to go away. Ever.


They're giving Billy some seriously good zingers lately.


Kyle: I'm on my dad's side. Period.

Billy: You're an idiot. Exclamation point.


Stupid Kelly had a good line when she described Phyllis as that "bizarro Sleeping Beauty who woke up and ended our love." lol.


I'm enjoying the show like a drunk. The way I enjoyed MAB's Sharon as Victor's widow days. In fact, I would love to see Monterey woo THAT Sharon. lol. Perhaps a spinoff?

  • Love 12

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