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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I was disappointed with that shoutfest (well mostly Kelly shouting). Why didn't they give her some better ammunition to throw at Phyllis? Like that she is an expert in targeting grieving, vulnerable men. Or that she is an expert in cheating. Or if she knew about Kelly why did she humiliate her by insisting she plan the wedding? In other words, she's a bitch and Kelly should have been able to point all this out.


Kelly just came off as a nasty, vicious and petty mistress


What bugs me most is Jack heard that petty cruel stuff from Kelly. Phyllis will be a wounded victim (again). She will not be called out on having known about Kelly or playing Jack and Kelly etc. Jack will be bad for not having told her how serious he was with Kelly. But poor poor Phyllis. She's like Victor. She is never held accountable.


More dumb writing.


In any case, I enjoyed the slap and I'm glad it's all out in the open. Finally. 

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I was disappointed with that shoutfest (well mostly Kelly shouting)

I was too.. the slap looked like it missed.. I love a good slap scene.. but CM over does every single line she has.. She is getting worse. I really hope they have her boiling bunnies soon and she can join Patty in fairview or where ever the freak has gotten to now.

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No, Kelly chased her down the stairs and grabbed her at the bottom of the stairs as Phyllis was trying to get away...Kelly is a force to be reckoned with..big ole Red got quite the surprise...LOL

I loved it! It's the best thing to handle a big old obnoxious bully like Phyl! You have to get right back in their face and show them you are not afraid of them. Knock 'em on their azz and they will turn tail and run  every time.Phyllis has gotten away with bullying ,blackmailing and intimidating people for way too long.Time for her to meet her match!Team Kelly!!!(:

Exactly the way Phyllis was portrayed in the Phick/Shick years...

Phyllis has met her match....finally!

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Exactly the way Phyllis was portrayed in the Phick/Shick years...

I just hope she makes Phyllis's life as hellish as Phyllis made Sharon's. Kelly has a lot of serious ammo. But the writers need to let her use it (they rarely let Sharon).

I'm here for karma. Otherwise I have no use for Kelly as a character.

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.......and I FLOVED every second of it! I don't know how real that slap was but Kelly put her arm into it that's for sure. :D

Me too.

Partly because that episode was one of the most tedious I've ever seen. But good Lord! Michael and Lauren gasping like goldfish, Cane and Captain Greasy [major UO on my part] cackling over real-estate takeovers, Jason Q and Ms Law doing a retake proposal...bad enough...then Lily, voice of reason, object of apparent lust for Captain Greasy,  and Advocate for The Arts steps up to offer semi-salient points re The Arts Community... Ah, maybe I was hallucinating...

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I was too.. the slap looked like it missed.. I love a good slap scene.. but CM over does every single line she has.. She is getting worse. I really hope they have her boiling bunnies soon and she can join Patty in fairview or where ever the freak has gotten to now.

I would love to have seen these scenes played by Cynthia Watros - I think she would have been awesome in a battle with Phyllis.  I disliked the character when she was playing Kelly, but I think we were supposed to dislike her.  She seemed seriously meaner and colder, somehow.   Maybe this belongs in "unpopular opinions" or "who did it better" - I never know where to post things - I just can't get into this Kelly.

Edited by movinon
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I would love to have seen these scenes played by Cynthia Watros - I think she would have been awesome in a battle with Phyllis.  I disliked the character when she was playing Kelly, but I think we were supposed to dislike her.  She seemed seriously meaner and colder, somehow.   Maybe this belongs in "unpopular opinions" or "who did it better" - I never know where to post things - I just can't get into this Kelly.


I so totally totally agree. I was imagining CW playing the scenes. She was much better suited. She seemed more broken and wounded and she had a sexier vibe (I know this is subjective). But she also looked like she could get seriously dirty in a brawl. 


CM is not a good fit. She's got a prissy air about her and she plays the character as too self-righteous. CW had none of that. She had more of a trashy feel but it worked. And I also agree with you that when CW played her she was supposed to be unlikeable. CM gets a ton more propping as being reasonable and good and supportive and together. I can't buy it when the character helped trash Villy's marriage, her brother's life and then surreptitiously tried to erase Phyllis while she lay in a coma.


I know this is in the wrong thread. Ack. I'm so bad with threads. I'm a TWoP veteran. I don't get threads. :)

Edited by miamama
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I would love to have seen these scenes played by Cynthia Watros - I think she would have been awesome in a battle with Phyllis.  I disliked the character when she was playing Kelly, but I think we were supposed to dislike her.  She seemed seriously meaner and colder, somehow.   Maybe this belongs in "unpopular opinions" or "who did it better" - I never know where to post things - I just can't get into this Kelly.

I liked CW in the part of Kelly altho I didn't like Kelly. CM is one of the worst actors on the show. IMO. She is always shrieking with that big wide open mouth. And she plays such a needy flake. BLECK.

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I thought yesterday's scene between Jack and Phyllis was good - very emotional and realistic. GT really showed how hurt Phyllis was. That said, Phyl shouldn't have chewed Summer out for not revealing the truth about Jack and Kelly. That was Jack's responsibility, not Summer's, and he definitely dropped the ball on that one.

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I was in a bad mood too Pearlite. Lol. Everyone was annoying me. All the yelling, whispery Cane the greaseball, fucking Lily and her annoying manner. Ugh. I FFd as much as I could but it still ruined my mood.


Why can't they just get rid of Cane and Lily? Why, I ask, why?? They ruined the Joe Clark scene for me. Just can't take Lane seriously no matter what the writers do with them. Ugh.

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I certainly don't agree with anyone who says CM is a bad actress, she is doing an awesome job, she is able to convey Kelly as a very damaged person to perfection, that takes talent, her delivery is always spot on and she never appears to be trying to steal a scene from those she is interacting with...she has a very unique way of staying in a scene and giving it her all...I  think she is fitting into the Kelly role with perfection, while I don't much like the character, (and that is no fault of the actress in this case for me)  I think the actress is doing a great job...

Edited by Canadian
  • Love 5

I certainly don't agree with anyone who says CM is a bad actress, she is doing an awesome job, she is able to convey Kelly as a very damaged person to perfection, that takes talent, her delivery is always spot on and she never appears to be trying to steal a scene from those she is interacting with...she has a very unique way of staying in a scene and giving it her all...I  think she is fitting into the Kelly role with perfection, while I don't much like the character, (and that is no fault of the actress in this case for me)  I think the actress is doing a great job...

I think she has this role nailed down.I am liking her.(:

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Why can't they just get rid of Cane and Lily? Why, I ask, why?? They ruined the Joe Clark scene for me. Just can't take Lane seriously no matter what the writers do with them. Ugh.


I know!  Cane sucks his cheeks in and then pushes his lips out so I can't stay focused on the lame script they have him reading anyway.  And why are they suddenly trying to make Lily into some business person asking all the "right" questions?! I thought Joe played it beautifully cool and played into that with wow smart, pretty, wow.....he threw her for a loop but I got a sick feeling, please don't put them together...even once puhlease!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Nick being his asshole self in the previews, Sharon can't meet with her lawyer without him attacking her about using Faith. He's the one not caring about Faith. Hope the lawyer uses everything Nick against him.

I know right? Sharon would not need a lawyer and Faith would be happy if Nick had not started this ridiculous custody battle.It's all on this dickweed but as usual he turns it around and puts all the blame on Sharon as though,like Noah told the dumbass,Sharon is just going to hand him her daughter without a fight!

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It was interesting how supportive Victoria was of Nick trying to take Faith away from Sharon. As far as I know Sharon has always been a good mother to her kids, regardless of what she may have done to Nick while off her meds. So it seems obvious to me that Victoria will be going for full custody of both Katie and Johnny. After all, Billy has cheated on Victoria, had a drinking problem and a gambling problem that caused her to almost be killed. On top of it, he is partially responsible for his own daughter's death due to his carelessness. Oops, and is responsible for kidnapping Adam at gunpoint and contributing to his 'death'. Better get right on that custody filing, Victoria. Your kids are in grave danger.

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Victoria also lost full custody of her own child. She shouldn't be encouraging Nick and is no place to throw stones. 


Sharon was the voice of reason, saying she didn't want Faith to herself she wants to co-parent. Sharon, along with Noah and Mariah are the only ones actually thinking about Faith and putting her first. Nick behaved like the asshole he is yelling and fighting Sharon in the house when he started the entire custody battle yet he's acting like it's all Sharon's doing. Also yelling at her because Sharon dared tell Faith they broke up because Sharon did something wrong. What did Nick want Sharon to tell her?


Faith was good too refusing to be part of the punish Sharon of Nick's. Not wanting to sleep over at his place and not speaking to him. Good for Faith! 


Liked Adam realizing Sharon was upset and wanting to know what's going on. He'd have for left Nick in the trap if he knew what was going on.

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thought yesterday's scene between Jack and Phyllis was good - very emotional and realistic. GT really showed how hurt Phyllis was

Not me. I think PB is horrible and getting worse every day and every year. The pained I took a shit in my pants look drives me crazy. GT is great tho. She IS Phyllis to me and I am thrilled about that.. I hate Jack and Phyllis being paired together and I am really hoping that Phyllis is just playing this schmuck so that phack is not together.. I hate phack as much as I hate shick. BLECK

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I like Vicki ( UO I know ) but I was disappointed in her encouragement as well. You can love someone and suport them but not agree with everything they do. She could easily tell her brother that she understands his anger but he's wrong. The biggest problem with the Newmans is that they incestuously circle the wagons and get overly involved in each other's problems.


Vicki does have more of a reason to keep Billy from her children than Nick does with Sharon. Too bad Faith, the child, has to be hurt permanenetly because Precious Snowflake, the adult, got her feelings for a whole year.  GMAFB Nick!   And the idiot actually had the nerve to ask if Mariah would approve? DUDE, she wants to drop kick your ass.

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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Why can't they just get rid of Cane and Lily? Why, I ask, why?? They ruined the Joe Clark scene for me. Just can't take Lane seriously no matter what the writers do with them. Ugh.

THIS so much... I wish someone would punch lily right in that big fat yap of hers.. Cane and Lily really need to end.. like yesterday


Nick being his asshole self in the previews, Sharon can't meet with her lawyer without him attacking her about using Faith. He's the one not caring about Faith. Hope the lawyer uses everything Nick against him.

More of that great Shick love. LMAO


but as usual he turns it around and puts all the blame on Sharon as though

Nick has always done that.. this is nothing new.. again showing us the real shick.. the sick and dysfunctional nasty pair.

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Whoa. Stop the presses! The writers actually allowed Sharon to say something mildy snarky back to Phyllis in Jack's office? The writer of that scene is at risk of getting fired given the apparent edict that Sharon is never allowed to snark back to anyone; she's just supposed to stand there and meekly let everyone attack her. 


I read day-ahead previews and tuned in just to watch this scene. Phyllis needed more blow-back from Sharon, but it was a start. I hope to see more of this. If Kelly is allowed to tear into Phyllis, then Sharon should be given double the opportunity given the years of deliberate abuse she's been forced to take from Phallus. Come on writers!

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Kelly was bang on. She's got Phyllis' number and she got it right quick. Kelly has her own issues, but Phyllis is nothing but a bitch and a bully and I'm thrilled the writers finally allowed someone to call it onscreen. Phyllis really thinks she's some bad-ass and I'm loving the fact Kelly isn't afraid of her and is ready to Rrrumble if necessary! Someone needs to keep this reptilian version of Phyllis in check. #TeamKelly. (UO, I know).

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Can you Canadians indulge me? I used to read a blog but when I got a new computer I lost the link. It is a woman in Canada, not sure which part, who blogs about her life (duh, is there any other reason?) She has a son and a daughter, is divorced, likes guacamole and is kind of funny. The sentence under the title mentions that she blogs to keep from yelling at people. I can't for the life of me remember what her name is or what the name of the blog is. 


Sorry no idea!

Kelly was bang on. She's got Phyllis' number and she got it right quick. Kelly has her own issues, but Phyllis is nothing but a bitch and a bully and I'm thrilled the writers finally allowed someone to call it onscreen.


I don't have a problem with the substance of what Kelly is saying about Phyllis (because it is generally all true) but I don't buy it from her mouth. Phyllis has not behaved like a "flat out psycho" in Kelly's presence. She has behaved like an insecure bitchy woman. And Kelly behaved EXACTLY the same way in response, plus she hit her -- and I'm deeply offended by violence in any form, slaps included, so I'm not feeling Kelly's "poor me Phyllis came AFTER widdle me." 


I just feel that this show is trying to elevate the character of Kelly to some sort of place where she matters with this Phyllis "war" and I'm not buying it.


If Sharon were to have some of those scenes, I'm all for it. But Kelly, nope.

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I don't have a problem with the substance of what Kelly is saying about Phyllis (because it is generally all true) but I don't buy it from her mouth. Phyllis has not behaved like a "flat out psycho" in Kelly's presence. She has behaved like an insecure bitchy woman. And Kelly behaved EXACTLY the same way in response, plus she hit her -- and I'm deeply offended by violence in any form, slaps included, so I'm not feeling Kelly's "poor me Phyllis came AFTER widdle me."

I just feel that this show is trying to elevate the character of Kelly to some sort of place where she matters with this Phyllis "war" and I'm not buying it.

If Sharon were to have some of those scenes, I'm all for it. But Kelly, nope.

I deeply wish Sharon could have some of those scenes. She has earned them. But apparently the writers won't allow it. So I'll take Kelly as a poor substitute. Edited by Gigi
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Team Mariah and Noah, loved them calling out Nick and calling him a hypocrite and even slightly comparing Nick to Ian. LOL Nick puts on this act of caring about Faith when he doesn't think of her at all. Noah, Mariah, and Sharon are the only ones who do.  


Sharon calling out Nick on being like Victor was great too. I hope Nick loses everything.


If Jack  is going to lie for and still care about Adam, then Jack should give Sharon her job back. 

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If Jack  is going to lie for and still care about Adam, then Jack should give Sharon her job back.


I love Sharon but I don't agree. Jack got fucked over. In Sharon's unwell state and determination to get Nick back he was pure collateral damage. And she hasn't gone to see him to apologize. For weeks she has obsessed about that LOSER Nick. She didn't bother to see Jack until she wanted her job. Its kind of shitty (and it's more out of character writing for Sharon). And for all that, Jack doesn't want her to suffer. He's willing to help her find another job. He just doesn't want to force his fiancé to be Sharon's boss. Nor does he want to forgive her yet.


I so wanted a scene where Sharon apologized to Jack, where they had a heart to heart and brought up their long, rich history. But instead we get this.


The way they've written it, it would not be at all believable for Jack to let her keep her job. He's marrying Phyllis, he loves Summer and he got his gut punched in by Sharon's actions. He's the last person on earth responsible for making her life okay.


As for Adam, we haven't seen how Jack will handle it. If Adam wants Jack to give him a job and have Ashley be his boss then I would have a problem. But Billy is an asshole who essentially "killed" Adam and is now bad-mouthing him to his wife (with whom he's sleeping), every chance he gets. He deserves no loyalty.

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I doubt they'll do this reveal so quick with "Gabriel is Adam." So I expect Jack will lie and keep Adam's secret. He'll keep the secret that Delia's killer who covered it up too is fine and dandy and living a normal life. His own niece's killer. Billy deserved to pay for what he did to Adam, but this town is hypocritical and apparently only Sharon has to pay and punish and isn't fit to raise a child. While Billy's fine to raise multiple kids, Victor's fine to, Chelsea who lied to Dylan and Adam about the baby DNA is allowed to. But the bipolar ill person, nope unfit and should have her kid taken away? 


Jack will look bad if he doesn't give Sharon her job back, it's not about forgiveness but not firing someone over something that had nothing to do with work. He looks bad himself especially when he will probably forgive Adam. Jack's   engaged to Phyllis who has no illness to excuse her murdering tendencies. Jack wouldn't be Jack if he didn't take Faith's side when Nick's being such a douchebag and trying to take Faith from Sharon to punish her for something she did while ill.

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I love Sharon but I don't agree. Jack got fucked over. In Sharon's unwell state and determination to get Nick back he was pure collateral damage. And she hasn't gone to see him to apologize. For weeks she has obsessed about that LOSER Nick. She didn't bother to see Jack until she wanted her job. Its kind of shitty (and it's more out of character writing for Sharon). And for all that, Jack doesn't want her to suffer. He's willing to help her find another job. He just doesn't want to force his fiancé to be Sharon's boss. Nor does he want to forgive her yet.


I so wanted a scene where Sharon apologized to Jack, where they had a heart to heart and brought up their long, rich history. But instead we get this.


The way they've written it, it would not be at all believable for Jack to let her keep her job. He's marrying Phyllis, he loves Summer and he got his gut punched in by Sharon's actions. He's the last person on earth responsible for making her life okay.


As for Adam, we haven't seen how Jack will handle it. If Adam wants Jack to give him a job and have Ashley be his boss then I would have a problem. But Billy is an asshole who essentially "killed" Adam and is now bad-mouthing him to his wife (with whom he's sleeping), every chance he gets. He deserves no loyalty.

Miamama, you have an uncanny way of seeing both sides of everything, and cutting through the crap that is this show.  I agree with everything you have said here and just feel sometimes we don't let people know we appreciate their posts.  I so wanted to see a really sweet scene with Jack and Sharon, too and have been so disgusted with the writing.  Sharon and Jack are 2 of my favorites and their friendship has always been unique.  I have enjoyed your posts since I joined this board and just wanted to let you know.

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The writers should have written a really great scene between Jack and Sharon before now where she speaks with Jack about how truly sorry she is for tearing another daughter away from him (first Faith, now Summer). And that scene should have been separate and aside from her going to ask for her job back, which btw was stupid advice from Dullard given the circumstances. But no. They want Sharon to look bad, IMO. It was a really disappointing scene for me as well.

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