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S07.E23: Mama Bear

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10 minutes ago, Inga said:

Well, unfortunately the TiVo worked last night. Fortunately, i was able to fast forward all of Cheyenne’s scenes. 

Agree, the best part of the show was seeing what Amber did to that house.

Bristol and Hillbilly Chris Pratt, i will echo what many of u have already said. How did these 2 ever get together and produce not 1, but 2 children! They cannot stand each other! And I’ll say it again, whatever she had done to her neck/chin is so distracting! It’s like her head is floating on top of her body. Google old pictures of her. At least we were spared Sarah Palin this week.

There was Dakota again on his PTSD loop.  What an A’hole!  The girls are flower girls at their Aunts wedding. 


I also noticed this week she has breast implants.  Wow! Those Abstinence Talk College Tours paid her well. 


People are ‘hiring’ Dakota based on his minor Palin celeb status????  What does he do for a living? 

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Let's see:

Amber: Boring. I forget why they are even in L.A. for so long. Would rather see scenes with Gary, Kristina, Leah and Emilee.

Bristol: Sick of the fighting already with her and Dakota. Sad to hear he has not reached out though to see Tripp. By the way, what was the baseball game he threw out the first pitch to? A minor league?

Catelynn: So sick and tired of Tyler's family. You can see how over he is with it all. I cannot believe how trashed the house looked when they visited it. Sad.

Cheyenne: Why is she not with Cory already? Ryder is so adorable. I love her curly hair.

Maci: What manufactured drama with the private school discussion. Why are Jen and Larry and Mack pushing it? It is ultimately up to Maci. Just let Bentley stay in public school. He can still thrive there anyways.

Farrah: I miss her a bit... lmao. Hope Sophia is doing ok somewhat...

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I don’t blame Maci for not wanting Bentley in private school.  She has 2 other kids to consider.  Are Jen and Larry going to transport Bentley to the school?  (Actually they probably would if it meant them getting their way and more Bentley time). I know that Maci doesn’t work, but it’s still a burden.  And the school could be on the other side of town for all we know.  Among many other reasons why it’s not their day, no matter if Ryan set aside money or not.  Totally side eyeing that one. 

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7 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Oh good we get another party! LMAO! Who is the lucky Birthday 

Damn! Amber B fucked up that house soooooo bad. So Ty gave her a car and probably free shelter and she does this!? I was shitting when they pulled up and saw the red tag. Kims all..."Can't be too bad...Least it doesn't smell!" Fuck off with that shit your daughter is raising innocent kids Dipshit!

I like to be prepared!

Tyler needs to move out of Michigan and change his phone number. Unfortunately he will have to bring Cate if he wants to collect those MTV checks and appear on camera.

2 hours ago, justduckey said:

Shouldnt that money be used for his college though? The cost of that will be more ridiculous than it is now by the time Bentley is college ready. That’s seems like a better use of the money Ryan has for him.

He may not go to college. Also if he wants to pursue a career in baseball maybe he will get a scholarship. ?‍♀️

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Why SHOULD he go private? Jen and Larry kept talking about baseball. Do public schools not have baseball? Are there not private leagues in Chattanooga? I found Jenn and Larry's fixation on private school a lot stranger than Maci's disinterest in it. I never saw her indicate in ANY way that she doesn't want Bentley to think he's special. And I'm not sure how private school makes you think you're special anyhow. It sure didn't for me, quite the opposite. 

I just think it's ludicrous to start filling the kid's head with all these ideas without EVER mentioning the idea to his mother. I'm sure Bentley already has a ton of friends in public school. And maybe the schools are well in his area. Who knows? I've just never cottoned to the idea that private school is the be-all-end-all. It really depends on the individual situation. But they weren't able to offer any reasons why Bentley's current situation was no good, so I'm confused as to where this is all coming from. 

And even IF Ryan has some fund set up for Bentley (that's a big if), it still has to be agreed upon by both parents. 

Butch was living there for awhile too. They went there once and the lights were turned off and it looked pretty bad then. That being said, a crack addict could turn the Blue Stone Manor into a slum in 2 hours. 


I think it's #4. I think they're trying to get a redo with Ryan. They mentioned not being able to send him to private school. If they think private school will shield him from that shit? Ha, I got news for them!!!

During the laundry-folding talk, Maci was going on about how she is trying to get him to realize he is not special because he is on tv, and that private school will somehow make him think he is something special.  I did not understand her reasoning at all. 

Jen and Larry mentioned that there is a fund set up for him.  Although the fund was established by Ryan, I don't think he has a say - Maci has full custody.

Yeah I do think they believe that private school will shield him from drugs, etc. and maybe that is true for grade school /middle school, (true for mine, all my public school friends started experimenting wayyy before my private school self did), but private high school is another story.  Kids with money, busy parents and an empty house = lots of time to get drunk and high.


1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

Tyler’s family use Rehab as room & board.  I take Adderall. Adderall makes you completely trash a house? I think NOT!



No - there is definitely something else going on there.  Meth or crack?

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52 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

I don’t blame Maci for not wanting Bentley in private school.  She has 2 other kids to consider.  Are Jen and Larry going to transport Bentley to the school?  (Actually they probably would if it meant them getting their way and more Bentley time). I know that Maci doesn’t work, but it’s still a burden.  And the school could be on the other side of town for all we know.  Among many other reasons why it’s not their day, no matter if Ryan set aside money or not.  Totally side eyeing that one. 

Along these lines, another issue besides possible distance is that school calendars can be different.   So she'll possibly have kids on vacation at different times.    My family didn't go on vacation for spring break, but I know many families do.  That would be out of the question if the spring breaks didn't align. 

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15 hours ago, Stusan said:

Maci: $25,000 is like 8 years of college!

I have a Senior and even the State schools are that expensive or more for 1 year. Apparently she doesn't live in the real world she's trying to keep Bentley in.

Maybe Dakota is Mama Bear. 

I think they figured $25k would be their share for one year.  The comment about 8 years of college came from them saying he would start in middle school, then junior high and then high school - which equals $$$$ to 8 years of college.

I would tell Mimi and Papa that if they want Bentley in private school then they can pay for it themselves.  It's not normal for kids to want to leave their friends behind. 

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6 hours ago, NannyBails said:

So I only watched the one little clip above with Jen and Mack talking about private school, so I missed the part about Ryan paying for it.    I'm creating a big story in my mind here, but maybe the Edwards want private school because:  1. the public schools there aren't that good.  2. the baseball program in the private school is much better and kids who attend that school have a greater shot at going pro/getting college scholarships. 3. they don't like the economic/racial mix in the public school that Bentley attends.  4.  they think he will be shielded from a party (drug/alcohol) atmosphere.  5.  a combo of some or all of the above.       I have my suspicions ...

I can believe the public schools in their area aren’t great. Just look at Maci and Ryan.

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

During the laundry-folding talk, Maci was going on about how she is trying to get him to realize he is not special because he is on tv, and that private school will somehow make him think he is something special.  I did not understand her reasoning at all. 

Jen and Larry mentioned that there is a fund set up for him.  Although the fund was established by Ryan, I don't think he has a say - Maci has full custody.

Yeah I do think they believe that private school will shield him from drugs, etc. and maybe that is true for grade school /middle school, (true for mine, all my public school friends started experimenting wayyy before my private school self did), but private high school is another story.  Kids with money, busy parents and an empty house = lots of time to get drunk and high.

Oh, I see. I don't think she wants him to feel not-special. It sounded like she doesn't want him to become stuck up. And that's a common problem at private schools. Someone pointed out his siblings. I could see that being an issue - why does Benny go to the "nice" school and not Jade and Maverick? 

Jen and Larry have said a lot of BS on Ryan's behalf. I'll believe it when I see it. Dude was out stealing oars, but he's got a private school fund set up for the kid he barely sees? Yea, okay. 

I went to private school only up until 8th grade. I went to a magnet school for performing arts in high school. The private school elementary/middle school kids were BAD. They were bad, bad, bad. Thankfully I was a poor nerd, so I was shielded from a lot of the crap they got into. But it starts EARLY. And that was over 20 years ago. 

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just think it's ludicrous to start filling the kid's head with all these ideas without EVER mentioning the idea to his mother. I'm sure Bentley already has a ton of friends in public school. And maybe the schools are well in his area. Who knows? I've just never cottoned to the idea that private school is the be-all-end-all. It really depends on the individual situation. But they weren't able to offer any reasons why Bentley's current situation was no good, so I'm confused as to where this is all coming from. 

I went to a great public school, then to a four year university, then law school.  At law school, I met a classmate who said he had just come from teaching a couple of years of private school . . . even though he didn't have any teaching credentials.  That, plus the fact that almost of all of the kids who transferred into my public high school from their K-8 private school ended up being druggies pretty much turned me off of private school forever as an option so long as I lived in an area with good public schools.  Obviously, there are very reputable private schools out there, but like the poster above, I think we need to know more about why the Edwards are so gung-ho on private school.

On another note, the more I watch this show, the more I feel for Tyler.  Damn, he needs to just pack up Nova and get the hell out of Dodge.  Do I even want to know why they burned a vacuum?  Is that something drug-related?

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16 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Next week Theresa turns down Cate on a Carly visit request, and I don't blame her. I would keep her as far away from that trash family as possible. 

Regardless of whether they say yes or no, it shouldn’t be on the show, IMO.

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22 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Next week Theresa turns down Cate on a Carly visit request, and I don't blame her. I would keep her as far away from that trash family as possible. 

Maybe that's how she guilted Tyler into doing it with her to wind up pregnant. 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Next week Theresa turns down Cate on a Carly visit request, and I don't blame her. I would keep her as far away from that trash family as possible. 

I don’t agree with open adoption. Now that you have posted this we are gonna get one of Tyler’s entitled ‘we are the parents’ rant.

 No more visitations.   Cate is unstable. They will always see Carly as theirs and have never accepted the adoption.


I dunno, but having Nova around Carly is not a good idea, either. In 10 years, they can form their own sibling relationship free from  any of the ‘parental drama’ that goes on between those 4.

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7 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Listen, I don't any war vets so I'm not even going to pretend to be an expert on how hard it is. BUT if EVERY time we hang out I had to hear about September 9, 2009 I would absolutely lose my shit! I can't blame Bristol for not being equipped  to deal with that. I can blame her for having two kids with him.

I would want to be a supportive friend but if I can't ask you if you want another beer at a ballgame without hearing "I bet my guys would love a beer but I let them down on Sept. 9, 2009" I would be hardpressed to call you to hang out that often. 

I agree with you 100000000%!!!!  Sadly, he is not well. He is not faking it, either.  That PTSD loop...is real!

He is also an A’hole. Bristol is terrified of him.  I bet those fights were horrible and glad she is getting away.

I would still be terrified when the girls are with him.  The daughter was with him when his was having his Sept. 9, 2009 rant.  They can’t even enjoy a baseball game as special guests in a corporate suite without his deranged PTSD loop! 


This is an entertainment show. I don’t want to watch this.   I hope when Bristol moves out.....we have less Dakota scenes.

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8 hours ago, druzy said:
10 hours ago, justduckey said:

Shouldnt that money be used for his college though? The cost of that will be more ridiculous than it is now by the time Bentley is college ready. That’s seems like a better use of the money Ryan has for him.


He may not go to college. Also if he wants to pursue a career in baseball maybe he will get a scholarship. ?‍♀️

If you can't pass exams to get into college then what?  Years ago I worked with a woman who had 1 son.  The boy was good at football and the parents, who never went to college themselves, had their hearts set on Notre Dame.  Being good Catholics they discussed the issue with their local church who said that if he is really good at football and graduated from a Catholic high school he was a shoe in.  Well they sunk everything they had into a private school and his grades were pretty good.  He was scouted by Notre Dame and did get a full ride scholarship IF he could pass an entrance exam.  He couldn't.  They tried 3 times.  Notre Dame finally assessed his academic skills and he was at a 5th grade level on all subjects and 3rd grade on reading.  They held his scholarship for 2 years and his parents did not have the money for tutors or even junior college to bring him up to speed.  He is now a police officer.

3 hours ago, ghertigirl said:

I went to a great public school, then to a four year university, then law school.  At law school, I met a classmate who said he had just come from teaching a couple of years of private school . . . even though he didn't have any teaching credentials.

Yes.  When you choose private school you should make sure that the school follows the state curriculum and have stats on graduation rates, college scholarships etc.  The story above was a well known school that DID NOT FOLLOW GUIDELINES OR TEST FOR ACADEMIC BENCHMARKS.  You should make sure that they actually hire state certified teachers.  They don't have to.

Why do I want to drive up and save Tyler and Nova?  They aren't that far away, maybe a half hour drive.

Dakota makes my heart hurt so I looked him up and found an article that may explain his rage but does not explain why he feels he did not do anything to help the soldiers.

Edited by jumper sage
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5 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Next week Theresa turns down Cate on a Carly visit request, and I don't blame her. I would keep her as far away from that trash family as possible. 

Didn’t Tyler and Catelynn just see Carly? Aren’t they only supposed to see her once a year?  I don’t think the visits are healthy for any of them at this point, but especially not for Carly as she starts heading into the pre-teen and teen years.  Having that idiot posse periodically roll into her life declaring that they’re her family isn’t going to end the way they think it will.  Time to end the face to face visits. 

Edited by Emmierose
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10 hours ago, druzy said:

I like to be prepared!

Tyler needs to move out of Michigan and change his phone number. Unfortunately he will have to bring Cate if he wants to collect those MTV checks and appear on camera.

He may not go to college. Also if he wants to pursue a career in baseball maybe he will get a scholarship. ?‍♀️

Eh at this point Tyler is the Scott Disick of the kardashian show . He's secured his spot as a regular on the show by now and doesn't need to be with Cate . He needs to run far from that family . Every week you can replace any of his family members names with "is going to rehab ." 

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Carly - If they truly wanted to keep in touch with her they should have dropped the show and dropped out of the limelight.  I know people who have open adoptions or yearly visits and it does work if all sides AGREE on the conditions.  They can't put this stuff on TV and not expect Carly's parents to be cool with it.  It should be a private affair between the two families.

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23 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Oh boy do I have opinions tonight. Let me just put out what will surely be an unpopular one. Bentley.....While I think they should damn well have given Maci a heads up, I don't see an issue if it's true that Ryan has an education fund set up. That right there is a stretch for sure considering it is Ryan we are talking about.

I grew up in a large family. Not all of us wanted the same type of education. My one sister went to boarding school , a few went to closest Catholic school and some went to public BUT we had to wait until 8th grade to switch. I opted for the combo pack. 

OK throw your fruit! I'll be back for my beating! 


Both of my kids go to expensive private school, so I'm with you, @FairyDusted.

However, we do it because we choose to live in the city where schools are terrible but housing and location is fantastic and affordable. It's a trade-off. I also can't complain (much) because you do get what you pay for. The education is fantastic and the teacher to student ratio is 8:1. My youngest plays sports, but I don't think sports at private schools are any better or worse than at public.

If Jen and Larry were pushing it because of the quality of the education and the size of the classes, I'd get it. However, they're letting Bentley be the go-between instead of having the conversation with Maci. That's the part that made them look like assholes. (Well, more than normal, at least.)

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I have to preface this by saying I was married to a man my ex husband who was airborne infantry who had ptsd. He was one of two that survived a hum cee bombing and fire in Iraq. We divorced because he was an aashole. Probably just like DUH-Kota was an asshole before the army but these kinds of men use that ptsd Iraq shit as an excuse for CONSTANT bad behavior. He literally uses it for an excuse for everything that comes up. And that’s unfair. Then it makes us ex wives who are sick of the bulls hit look like uncaring assholes. Not fair. Bristol was being rather difficult during but their conversation but she’s just so over it. She is being an annoying jerk (he touched my stuff wahhhhh!” But he’s even worse. He’s always looking for a fight! 

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I am trying to understand how Ryan’s parents believe he put money away for Bentley’s education? What money? This is the same guy freaking out at his wedding that his wife spent money on, oh I don’t know, the wedding. If there ever was an account, it has been cleaned out and likely only had a few hundred in it to begin with because drugs cost money. Ryan never made Macy type money from the show.

WTF with Mac thinking she has some say in where Bentley goes to school. If I was Maci, i wouldn’t put my kid in any school these three wanted him to be in. This is Ryan’s parents and Mac trying to have some type of relevance. I don’t like how they tried to manipulate Bentley to cause friction with his mother. The people who raised Ryan and who was stupid enough to have children with an addict, are not quality authorities on raising children. Maci has her issues but I don’t believe for a minute before she would send Bentley to a substandard school. Something makes me think they are trying to lay a foundation that Maci is a bad mom or doesn’t car about what is best for Bentley. 

I don’t need Cheyenne on my tv but I will watch her baby anyday. That kid is just adorable. 

Cate needs to realize that the first time she goes to “rehab” after the next baby is born, Tyler, Nova and mini Nova are likely to have moved out by the time she gets back. 

Not-Matt creeps me out for some reason. I can’t be bothered to learn his name. 

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Cate better hope by next summer when she has postpartum depression and let's be honest...we all know she will...that MTV Teen Mom OG has not been cancelled.  If it has... Sierra Tucson won't even return her phone calls because Cate won't have the money to fund her next spa trip.

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I thought the kids on Teen Mom had a college fund set up for them by MTV that they get when adults????


I bet this is what the grandparents meant.  I don’t think Ryan has personally saved up that much money (if any) for Bentley’s college.


Depending on the contract wording it can imply that a percentage of the parents salary is withheld in a separate account for the child. (This is how they determine the child’s salary/college fund, etc).


Meaning Maci can spend on private school since a college fund is already set up. 

Maci didn’t say anything about paying for college, either.  She just had sticker shock that 4th grade could cost as much as college tuition.

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Tyler's mom, world's most faux-oblivious shit stirrer: "It sounds like you're mad at Cate! It sounds like you're saying she's being irresponsible leaving her kids."

Tyler, giving -75 fucks at this point: "Am I?"

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13 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I actually busted out laughing at Tyler's outfit. 

And THEN he sat down to EAT. Fuck that! Hazmat shower first!

6 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Tyler's mom, world's most faux-oblivious shit stirrer: "It sounds like you're mad at Cate! It sounds like you're saying she's being irresponsible leaving her kids."

Tyler, giving -75 fucks at this point: "Am I?"

They have hella awkward scenes but that may top it. BOOM! Cate received that memo right quick!

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9 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

And THEN he sat down to EAT. Fuck that! Hazmat shower first!

Right?! Did he wash down that meal with the standing pickle jar of stale piss?

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On 10/31/2018 at 10:43 AM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Tyler's mom, world's most faux-oblivious shit stirrer

No lie, I kinda loved Kim for this (and I'm generally not a Kim fan).  There's middle aged Kim pulling that stunt like a preteen.  I might start watching again if the show became watch Kim stir the shit as Cate & Ty have a mess of a break-up.  That would be reality TV gold.  And yes, get the hand basket, I'm going to hell....

(It's too bad that Nova & Rainbow would be caught in the mix, though.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Also "I don't want Benny to think he's on a pedestal or should be on one because he's on TV," says the woman who's threatened to quit the show multiple times when she didn't get her way.

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2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

I thought the kids on Teen Mom had a college fund set up for them by MTV that they get when adults????


I bet this is what the grandparents meant.  I don’t think Ryan has personally saved up that much money (if any) for Bentley’s college.


Depending on the contract wording it can imply that a percentage of the parents salary is withheld in a separate account for the child. (This is how they determine the child’s salary/college fund, etc).


Meaning Maci can spend on private school since a college fund is already set up. 

Maci didn’t say anything about paying for college, either.  She just had sticker shock that 4th grade could cost as much as college tuition.

The "Teen Moms" are 1099 Independent Contractors.

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3 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I seem to recall Amber saying Leah has a college fund? Wasn’t that court ordered?

Exactly. Even if they were employees of MTV, only a court can order someone to set up a college fund. Some employers offer 529 plans but it's an option and doesn't apply here because they are 1099. 

Edited by druzy
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On 10/30/2018 at 8:38 AM, ghoulina said:

Why SHOULD he go private? Jen and Larry kept talking about baseball. Do public schools not have baseball? Are there not private leagues in Chattanooga? I found Jenn and Larry's fixation on private school a lot stranger than Maci's disinterest in it. I never saw her indicate in ANY way that she doesn't want Bentley to think he's special. And I'm not sure how private school makes you think you're special anyhow. It sure didn't for me, quite the opposite. 

I just think it's ludicrous to start filling the kid's head with all these ideas without EVER mentioning the idea to his mother. I'm sure Bentley already has a ton of friends in public school. And maybe the schools are well in his area. Who knows? I've just never cottoned to the idea that private school is the be-all-end-all. It really depends on the individual situation. But they weren't able to offer any reasons why Bentley's current situation was no good, so I'm confused as to where this is all coming from. 

Totally agree.  I don't have anything against private schools, but if a kid is thriving, as Bentley seems to be, in public school, why mess with success?  I'm sure any little kid, boy or girl, would jump on the chance to go to Private School--I do think there is a "special" aura about it, especially in a family where no one went to private school.  Is the alleged education fund Ryan set up restricted only to K-12?  Why not keep that money and add it to whatever college money he's going to need?  And if he doesn't go to college--and not everyone needs or wants to go to college--that would be just that more money for training, for investing in his own TTM franchise (gag), or just for a cushion to help him figure out what he does want to do as an adult?  What a gift that would be--knowing that there is no pressure on you at 18 to decide what the rest of your life is going to look like?

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On 10/30/2018 at 11:43 AM, Brooklynista said:

Listen, I don't any know war vets so I'm not even going to pretend to be an expert on how hard it is. BUT if EVERY time we hang out I had to hear about September 9, 2009 I would absolutely lose my shit! I can't blame Bristol for not being equipped  to deal with that. I can blame her for having two kids with him.

I would want to be a supportive friend but if I can't ask you if you want another beer at a ballgame without hearing "I bet my guys would love a beer but I let them down on Sept. 9, 2009" I would be hardpressed to call you to hang out that often. 

BYE. I'm going to hell for laughing at this. Thanks.

But seriously, it's apparent within a 2 minute conversation that the man needs serious psychological intervention. It's not even a Ryan/Adam situation where they were asshole kids who developed substance problems years later. Dakota seems to be always teetering on the brink of snapping and committing murder-suicide, and has been like this since the second he and Bristol met. Why on earth would you have kids with him and yoke yourself to that instability and potential genuine fear/danger for the next 20 years? 

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12 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

I am trying to understand how Ryan’s parents believe he put money away for Bentley’s education? What money? This is the same guy freaking out at his wedding that his wife spent money on, oh I don’t know, the wedding. If there ever was an account, it has been cleaned out and likely only had a few hundred in it to begin with because drugs cost money. Ryan never made Macy type money from the show.

WTF with Mac thinking she has some say in where Bentley goes to school. If I was Maci, i wouldn’t put my kid in any school these three wanted him to be in. This is Ryan’s parents and Mac trying to have some type of relevance. I don’t like how they tried to manipulate Bentley to cause friction with his mother. The people who raised Ryan and who was stupid enough to have children with an addict, are not quality authorities on raising children. Maci has her issues but I don’t believe for a minute before she would send Bentley to a substandard school. Something makes me think they are trying to lay a foundation that Maci is a bad mom or doesn’t car about what is best for Bentley. 

Bold - My thoughts exactly.  Ryan's parents haven't even come to terms with Ryan's issues and now they want to dictate to Maci?  I really agreed with Maci when she said she wanted her kids to not be insulated by people just like them and want them to grow up with all people.  I completely agree.

9 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

But seriously, it's apparent within a 2 minute conversation that the man needs serious psychological intervention. It's not even a Ryan/Adam situation where they were asshole kids who developed substance problems years later. Dakota seems to be always teetering on the brink of snapping and committing murder-suicide, and has been like this since the second he and Bristol met. Why on earth would you have kids with him and yoke yourself to that instability and potential genuine fear/danger for the next 20 years? 

I just don't know.

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3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I really hope that Jen & Larry have seen recent proof of the money in Bentley's education fund, because I can totally see this happening:

Jen/Larry: "Ryan, where have you been the past three hours?

Ryan: "The bank."

Jen/Larry: "Why are you always spending hours at the bank?"

Ryan: "Oh, you know, it takes time to set up & manage Bentley's education fund..." /nods off

And I can totally see this happening and L&J just lapping it right up. Their deep denial is just insulting at this point. 

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