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S15.E06: Flowers Grow Out of My Grave

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I'm going to watch it again tonight shitty CGI and all because I miss the old cast so much.  I audibly gasped when they showed George.  I wished that portion of the show was longer than it was.  Maybe the shitty CGI was to give a ghost like effect?

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I rather Meredith hook up with Link than have a relationship with Andrew. She and Andrew gross me out because he had sex with her sister and they actually had chemistry, unlike he and Meredith, imo. 

I have never liked Alex and Jo as a couple, but they were actually cute last night. They have grown on me.

Edited by SimoneS
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17 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I rather Meredith hook up with Link than have a relationship with Andrew. She and Andrew grosses me out because he had sex with her sister and they actually had chemistry, unlike he and Meredith, imo. 

Andrew is hot so I see the appeal, but I am tired of all the upper/senior doctors dating people who are not on equal professional footing. For that reason alone, I don't want to see Meredith and Andrew dating. The fact that he had sex with Maggie is an even bigger reason for Meredith not to even consider dating him.

I do like that he isn't being as blatant as Lincoln and Koracik have been about wanting to date/hook up with Meredith though.

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I mean the problem is I’m meh on this show and everything.

The only person I thought Meredith would be good with was the character Scott speedmen played when he guest starred. I know he has his own show but seriously.. I loved their interactions in that one episode he was in. 

Im also confused on if we’re suppused to take Link or DeLuca as serious love interests for Meredith? So far they both seem to be presented as a joke. So.. I’m not really sure how the show wants us to feel.

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2 hours ago, sadie said:

I still love this show. I really like Linc (maybe because I love Chris Carmack) and I like the character. I hate the Teddy storyline, such bad trope with the trying to telling Owen she’s pregnant but keeps stalling, getting interupted, etc. just bad.

Seeing the past deceased cast members was nicely done and I was fine until I saw the dog run past! Ugh Grey’s you totally got me. I’m still crying about it this morning when I think about it. Yes I’m a baby when it comes to animals. Nice touch show! 

I still love the show, and will watch until the end (and probably cry when it's over).

Seeing Doc running ahead of Meredith did me in, too.  Animals are my weakness (and my strength).

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28 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

The only person I thought Meredith would be good with was the character Scott speedmen played when he guest starred. I know he has his own show but seriously.. I loved their interactions in that one episode he was in. 

I prefer Speedman's character over Link and Andrew also.

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13 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Bailey, you can't just take organs from dead people just because they are a match for the patient you need a liver for. (Yes, there was a line later about getting the donor family's consent, but she was already attempting to get that dead guy and liver back to life before she even thought about the family). Not to mention how she explicitly went against an order from her chief and encouraged Jo to do the same. It doesn't get you off the hook just because the UNOS decision committee or whoever approved and the procedure worked. Oh, how I hope she gets in trouble for disobeying a direct order from a superior, but I know she won't. 


12 hours ago, JNM5505 said:

No, she more like bullied Jo to do the same. Jo was clearly protesting out of concern that it would piss Alex off, and it did. I would love to see Bailey get in trouble for pulling this stunt that probably broke all sorts of laws. UNOS and his family actually consented? I have a feeling she even suavely convinced them to give her their deceased relative's organ. What a bitch.

This! I was so hoping Alex would confront Bailey after she left the patient and fire her for her behavior. Not only did she disobey a direct order from her chief, but she forced a fellow (and all the other staff in the OR) to collaborate with her and  put the hospital's reputation at stake. Especially as a former chief (or whatever) she should know that is not acceptable and that no surgeon can just go and decide to do a risky/unapproved operation. There should've been an internal meeting where she'd pitch the procedure to some committee made up of other surgeons/doctors, lawyers and possibly the shareholders/owners of the hospital before a decision would be made.

12 hours ago, LexieLily said:

It was a separate entity other than UNOS, I think, some special decision committee that had to approve it because it wasn't technically an organ from UNOS but a direct donation. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong. @statsgirl? As for the family, it was a throwaway line of dialogue, so who knows? The deceased hadn't even been dead long, I think they said seven minutes (to which Bailey cheered and called five-minute rule, like it was a piece of food dropped on the floor) so it's possible they hadn't even been notified of the death when Bailey started MacGuyver-ing.

You were right. I'm not sure how it's a directed donation, though? Guessing Bailey convinced the family to do so (off-screen) because it's not like the dead guy had any say in where his liver went to.


I was also confused about the "he's dead", "it's been seven minutes" and "the five minute rule": the liver was still inside the patient whose heart had only stopped 7 minutes ago, so why would the liver already be dead? I thought the liver was one of those organs that they can harvest for a while (hours) after death... but maybe I'm wrong.

11 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I heard an agency other than UNOS. I think it was Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN).

Something about organs and transplants yeah, not UNOS. Probably a fictional institution?

11 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I was wondering that too. At first I thought Ellis but that would have been some major SORAS! I guess just a school friend of Zola's that spent the night?

Shortly before they left the house, you could see Ellis (and Bailey too, I think) behind the two girls so I'm guessing school friend, too.

10 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also.. yeah while Thatcher is Equally Responsible for the lack of relationship he and Meredith have, Meredith is too. They both share blame for their lack of talking. When she answered to Richard that the last time they spoke was “not since Lexie died”.. god. That’s quite a long time. And yeah as I said he could have picked up a phone but so could she. I’m not really sure what we were supposed to take from that. 

I disagree in Meredith sharing the blame. First of all, like she said, why should it be on the child to reach out to the parent and then feel bad about not feeling bad for the lack of communication? He's been a piss poor father her whole life and just gave up on her when Ellis wanted to divorce, and moved on with a new wife and kids. Secondly, she has tried to reconnect several times despite it costing her emotionally (and being pushed by both Derek and Lexie and also Susan/stepmom) and her not being ready and even giving him part of her liver, and he's treated her like trash. Even when they were actually spending time together he never seemed that invested in her or in catching up with her, Susan/stepmom was the driving force behind it all. He even mixed up a childhood memory that actually meant something to Meredith and credited it to him and Lexie and insisted it was Lexie, until Susan agreed with Meredith that it wasn't Lexie but in fact Meredith. Then, when Susan/stepmom died, he blamed her (and Lexie) and he slapped her in the face and humiliated and embarrassed her at her place of work again afterwards.

Meredith doesn't owe him anything and Tatcher should have been on his knees, groveling for forgiveness years ago. And hey, I doubt Tatcher cares about Meredith coming to say goodbye anyway; he couldn't be bothered to reach out to her ever since her sister died (or meet his grandkids) and he's probably leaning on perfect Holly Molly and her family.

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25 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Apparently on Station 19, Bailey and Ben had an "honest talk about their marriage" and they are now separating. I wonder if Grey's will automatically expect us to know that or will they talk on Grey's, too?

Well that's good to know, because I have no desire to watch Station 19 and now I feel a bit more prepared for when it's brought up. Tptb should not assume that all Grey's Anatomy fans also watch Station 19. 

I just want Miranda to be happy and thrive. Ben's multiple job changes have been annoying enough as it is, and I rather she be free from that stress than be a character reduced to hemming and hawing over her husband all of the time. 

Thank you for sharing this info. 

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4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Apparently on Station 19, Bailey and Ben had an "honest talk about their marriage" and they are now separating. I wonder if Grey's will automatically expect us to know that or will they talk on Grey's, too?

Ugh I hope not.  I don't know how many people watch Station 19 (I don't) but I am not sure this is the best way to go.  I'm not going to watch Station 19 so now they will have to duplicate storylines so that those who don't watch can keep up, or more likely, people will just tune out or fast forward through.



I'm also enjoying seeing Mer being courted - it's cute, and they're not rushing anything. If Stacey was still running the show we'd have Meredith with a guy that she was MEANT TO BE with by now. I like that we're seeing her put herself out there, go on dates, and see some possibilities. I loved Meredith and Link interactions ("What's the deal with you and Alex? Does Jo have anything to worry about?"). Link is growing on me a lot.


I am surprised to find that I am enjoying this whole thing.  I like that she isn't in instant love with anyone, that she is flirting and that it is all pretty light right now.  I also like each of the suitors and would be okay if Meredith hooked up with any of them, and that includes Koracick.  I don't think that I want her to end up with DeLuca forever, but a fling would be fine.  I like Link because he has no...*ahem*...link to anyone else sexually, and I like the thought of an Alex/Jo/Link/Meredith friendship foursome.  But the incestuousness of Grey's has never bothered me because its pretty much always been this way.  As much as we say "why can't anyone date someone not from the hospital offscreen," that isn't fun and then that relationship gets short shrift. That's definitely not going to happen when it comes to Meredith.  I liked that Link is flirty but isn't coming on too strong and isn't gaga head over heels for Meredith, at least not yet.

I haven't liked Owen since mid-season 6 and it took me forever to care even a little bit about him, Amelia and/or Omelia.  It finally happened when Leo came on the scene and now Teddy is here to drag it all down to soapy hell.  I even enjoyed the Teddy/Owen Germany episode and now I regret that too.  Its a bit of a re-do of the Mer/Maggie/Riggs situation where every positive step is followed by three interminable steps back.  I'm back to not caring about any of them anymore and that goes double for Betty.  

Honestly, I think that Nico is kind of dick.  One glance at Glasses and you can see that he is not any kind of player, with men or women. Nico led him on, seemed to get a kick out of teasing him and getting him all flustered and then gives him the "its not me its you" speech, not to mention then semi-mind games he was playing last week at Joe's. I see the similarity to Calzona, but this hot/cold playbook has been done by plenty of couples on Grey's so it just seems like more of the same to me.  I would love it if Glasses totally turned the tables and out and out rejected Nico next time he comes sniffing around.  

Jo and Alex were cute, but I really wish that Jo and especially Bailey, faced some consequences about this.  Part of the problem of Alex never facing any consequences for DeLuca is that it comes off poorly if he were to really come down hard on someone else, although the situations are totally different. Despite the potential hypocrisy, I was really irritated that he let Bailey and Jo off scott-free and I really don't like the implication that Jo can do whatever she wants because she is married to Alex.  I liked the patient and I get that the choice may have either been to go with a not quite safe/ethical liver or she will die, but a small part of me hopes that she has severe complications because I don't see how else this will ever come back to bite them all on the ass and I kind of want it to.

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Hey! I didn't mind the Alex and Jo scenes! First time for everything. I figured true to Grey's angst -- they were going to have one of those soap opera kind of misunderstandings that turn into DRAMA!  I was pleasantly surprised. They were cute!

I love Meredith and I loved all her scenes. Not sure if I'm feeling her with that new doc who's name I can't remember.. I was actually kind of liking the looks between Deluca and Mere. I know! Go figure.

Oh a Derek sighting! and George! and Lexie! and Ellis and Mark! and you know what? I am more than OK with Mere deciding NOT to go see Thatcher. He was never a real father to her-- she owes him nuthin!

Edited by taanja
Cuz orhos doc is a different character than the other dude. duh!
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I don’t watch station 19. I did know there was going to be a bailey and Ben moment only because of previews I saw when watching something else on the network but that is a really big deal. And yeah not everyone watches station 19. Even though ABC tries real hard to make it a thing, with all the “crossovers” they keep trying and in reality.. it’s not really a crossover, it’s like two or three scenes with one or two people from Geys and that’s it. And then it’s all about the firefighters who are not that compelling.

But yeah they’re going to have to mention it on greys, aren’t they? 

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3 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Jake Borelli came out publically last night, and he spoke to EW about how the storyline came about. It's particularly relevant to this episode discussion, so I thought I'd leave it here rather than the media thread. 

OK, so that pretty much tells us how this storyline is going to unfold. Glasses will come to terms with his sexuality, it will make him "strong and confident", HAOG will be impressed and they'll be getting together by mid-season. Not that it was too difficult to guess anyway.

I still say there was no need for HAOG to go all Arizona on Glasses. I can't actually relate, but I guess that kind of stuff happens a lot IRL, which is fair enough, but it wasn't the only possible option. He could have been understanding and supportive, or apprehensive but willing to give it a try, or ready to be there as a friend without getting romantically involved (yet), or really anything other than a "Gurl, bye". Also, I'm kinda confused why this is being painted as some sort of "coming out of closet" story as it's clear that Glasses isn't even there yet. And let's face it, this is Grey's, people have changed their sexuality (and even their sex) overnight before without anyone blinking an eye about it, so...

But ulitmately I don't think any of it really matters. With THREE guys chasing after Meredith, the neverending Owen/Amelia drama with the addition of Teddy, Jackson and Maggie bizarrely tiptoeing around each other, Bailey separating from her husband and so on, I doubt this story would be getting too much screen time.

1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Apparently on Station 19, Bailey and Ben had an "honest talk about their marriage" and they are now separating. I wonder if Grey's will automatically expect us to know that or will they talk on Grey's, too?

I believe they'll at least throw in a line about it somewhere. Now this is something I've long wanted to happen, so YAY!!! I'm just afraid being separated will make Bailey even more stressed out, and she realizes she can't live without Ben and they reunite in like 4 episodes and yawnzzzzz.

Edited by Joana
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I don't like Deluca and Meredith, think Linc is so-so but would be interesting and Koracik seems like a great match.


Is anyone else thinking Betty is either gone for good or the situation is so complicated that she'll end up gone for good to open up the opportunity for Owen (and Amelia) to adopt Leo? That way they can be like, 'oh we gave the birth mother a shot and tried to help her, but alas' and become a happy family... until Teddy's news breaks.

Speaking of Teddy. I thought the interruptions were ridiculous but was impressed she actually intended to follow through after witnessing Amelia storming in and freaking out over Betty and then yammering on and on about how Betty is like her and she was off getting high at 15 and now needs a meeting. Because I was like, 'uh, yeah, I wouldn't want my kid to be partially raised in this household'. There's just so much drama and instability. And you know that as long as Betty and Amelia remain part of Owen's (and Leo's) life there will always be drama and Betty/Amelia will always be put first, Leo and new baby an afterthought...

I was a little surprised Teddy seemed to back out of telling him after seeing him with Leo. I get that she felt he was happy with his life now and that telling him about her pregnancy could ruin all that, but I was actually expecting her to be all 'aw, look how good he is with the baby!!!' and wanting him in their child's life.

But of course then she left and like others up thread have predicted, there'll be some dramatic reveal by either Meredith/Maggie blabbing about it because they think Teddy told him and Amelia or there's an emergency with the pregnancy and that's how Owen and the whole hospital find out.


11 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

Ugh I hope not.  I don't know how many people watch Station 19 (I don't) but I am not sure this is the best way to go.  I'm not going to watch Station 19 so now they will have to duplicate storylines so that those who don't watch can keep up, or more likely, people will just tune out or fast forward through.


Jo and Alex were cute, but I really wish that Jo and especially Bailey, faced some consequences about this.  Part of the problem of Alex never facing any consequences for DeLuca is that it comes off poorly if he were to really come down hard on someone else, although the situations are totally different. Despite the potential hypocrisy, I was really irritated that he let Bailey and Jo off scott-free and I really don't like the implication that Jo can do whatever she wants because she is married to Alex.  I liked the patient and I get that the choice may have either been to go with a not quite safe/ethical liver or she will die, but a small part of me hopes that she has severe complications because I don't see how else this will ever come back to bite them all on the ass and I kind of want it to.

Hopefully the Station 19 thing will be included in the next episode's "previously on" or something.

I don't think Jo (or the rest of the OR staff) should get into any trouble for going along with Bailey. Pretty sure the rest of the OR staff had no clue about Alex nixing the operation and technically, Bailey is Jo's boss as Bailey is paying her personally and therefore Jo is not on the hospital's payroll. Bailey is the one who needs to get fired or at the very least face some consequences over her decision and subsequent forcing Jo to be her collaborator. 

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Although I know Meredith's little speech scared off her blind date, I liked that she was able to talk through her feelings about the situation and come to the conclusion that she doesn't need to feel bad or see Thatcher one more time before he dies. Just because you're genetically related to someone doesn't mean you owe them jack shit. You don't have to feel guilty that you don't have a great relationship with them (especially when you have made an effort and they have let you down repeatedly). It's not your responsibility to make that happen.

I absolutely LOATHE when people (usually people who come from nice families with nice relatives and nice parents who can't possibly understand what it's like to have horrible family members) try to guilt trip other people into giving some shithead relative another chance because "you only have ONE mom," "maybe she's changed," or "he really loves you deep down," whether it's tv characters or people in real life. I still remember how I annoyed I was when Marshall pushed Lily to reconcile with her dad on How I Met Your Mother. BUTT OUT, PEOPLE!

A friend of mine was in a similar situation to Meredith. She was estranged from her father who was not around for almost her entire life. Like Thatcher, he got sick and had a short time left to live. When my friend found out, just about everyone she knew urged her to see him one last time to say good bye. Many people gave her the usual arguments: "but he's your FATHER" and "you'll regret it if you don't." She didn't go see him, he died, and afterward she said, "And you know what? I DON'T regret it."

I don't understand why Bailey thinks separating from Ben will fix anything. If you love someone, you love them regardless of whether you're married, separated, divorced, etc. If you worry about their safety, you will worry about that regardless of the official legal status of your relationship. Separating from him won't make her worry any less. It won't make her stop loving him. It won't reduce her stress or lower her blood pressure. If anything, I'd think it would make her more stressed knowing that she wasn't allowed to text him every day asking if he's still alive.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I don't understand why Bailey thinks separating from Ben will fix anything. If you love someone, you love them regardless of whether you're married, separated, divorced, etc. If you worry about their safety, you will worry about that regardless of the official legal status of your relationship. Separating from him won't make her worry any less. It won't make her stop loving him. It won't reduce her stress or lower her blood pressure. If anything, I'd think it would make her more stressed knowing that she wasn't allowed to text him every day asking if he's still alive.


^^This times infinity^^ 


Also, would loved Alex to bring the hammer down on Bailey and Jo...Bailey has been so annoying for like the past 10 seasons.  How dare she pull that stunt.

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25 minutes ago, Efzee said:

Is anyone else thinking Betty is either gone for good or the situation is so complicated that she'll end up gone for good to open up the opportunity for Owen (and Amelia) to adopt Leo? That way they can be like, 'oh we gave the birth mother a shot and tried to help her, but alas' and become a happy family... until Teddy's news breaks.

I'm thinking she'll turn up dead or in a coma or some other critical condition, and now that is the thing that prevents Teddy from telling Owen about their baby.

But yeah, it does seem like they're setting it up for Betty to disappear and so Owen, Amelia and Teddy end up raising two babies together in some kind of a weird commune.

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10 minutes ago, Joana said:

I'm thinking she'll turn up dead or in a coma or some other critical condition, and now that is the thing that prevents Teddy from telling Owen about their baby.

But yeah, it does seem like they're setting it up for Betty to disappear and so Owen, Amelia and Teddy end up raising two babies together in some kind of a weird commune.

Aside from Betty turning up dead, I burst out laughing at this. This would be more interesting than what I kind of expect to happen and so far what they have been doing with this plot. Teddy not telling Owen is so cliche and while greys does love a cliche, at this point it’s getting ridiculous so yeah... be unexpected Greys!!! 

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More and more this show is reminding me of the soap operas my mom used to watch, with endless stretching out of pregnancy announcements, and everyone jumping everyone's bones.     What are they going to do next, have cast members in weeks long comas to cover their absence?  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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14 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

More and more this show is reminding me of the soap operas my mom used to watch, with endless stretching out of pregnancy announcements, and everyone jumping everyone's bones.     What are they going to do next, have cast members in weeks long comas to cover their absence?  

More out of town conferences! The kind where Meredith can autograph the cover of scientific journals that have her picture on them because that's a real thing!

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Jake Borelli came out publically last night, and he spoke to EW about how the storyline came about. It's particularly relevant to this episode discussion...

This was a really good article, and I am very glad for the actor. Glasses the character, though, is still annoying - but if this story line helps him be less of a bumbling ding dong, I'm all for it! And I have to laugh, because until reading the above-referenced article, I never knew or remembered the character's name!! Levi Schmitt - whaddya know?? 

Please refresh my memory about the deceased dog. I am drawing a blank.  

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22 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Williams disease affects 27 chromosomes.  I know the show would have trouble showing the physical features but there are distinctive personality traits and they didn't even try to do an accurate portrayal. It's not just about the liver.

I did like how Jo and Alex settled their disagreement though.  (Jo, at the hospital he is your boss, not your husband. Suck it up.)

Wilson's Disease.

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15 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

This was a really good article, and I am very glad for the actor. Glasses the character, though, is still annoying - but if this story line helps him be less of a bumbling ding dong, I'm all for it! And I have to laugh, because until reading the above-referenced article, I never knew or remembered the character's name!! Levi Schmitt - whaddya know?? 

Please refresh my memory about the deceased dog. I am drawing a blank.  

Doc was the dog Meredith and Izzie got in the second season, but the dog was not the greatest dog (he chased George around the house and even Izzie started to dislike him)so she gave him to Derek and Addison and both Derek and Addison still talked to her about the dog occasionally  but he was an older dog anyway and it turned out he was getting sick and they had to put him down and it was a sad moment for her and Derek when they were together saying goodbye to him in the season 2 finale.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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2 hours ago, Efzee said:

I disagree in Meredith sharing the blame. First of all, like she said, why should it be on the child to reach out to the parent and then feel bad about not feeling bad for the lack of communication? He's been a piss poor father her whole life and just gave up on her when Ellis wanted to divorce, and moved on with a new wife and kids. Secondly, she has tried to reconnect several times despite it costing her emotionally (and being pushed by both Derek and Lexie and also Susan/stepmom) and her not being ready and even giving him part of her liver, and he's treated her like trash. Even when they were actually spending time together he never seemed that invested in her or in catching up with her, Susan/stepmom was the driving force behind it all. He even mixed up a childhood memory that actually meant something to Meredith and credited it to him and Lexie and insisted it was Lexie, until Susan agreed with Meredith that it wasn't Lexie but in fact Meredith. Then, when Susan/stepmom died, he blamed her (and Lexie) and he slapped her in the face and humiliated and embarrassed her at her place of work again afterwards.

Meredith doesn't owe him anything and Tatcher should have been on his knees, groveling for forgiveness years ago. And hey, I doubt Tatcher cares about Meredith coming to say goodbye anyway; he couldn't be bothered to reach out to her ever since her sister died (or meet his grandkids) and he's probably leaning on perfect Holly Molly and her family.

Thank you! You expressed much more succinctly than I the way I feel about this! Mere doesn't owe Thatcher nuthin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and the other sister Molly! I had kind of forgotten about her! Mere does have a lot of sisters for being an only child.

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3 minutes ago, taanja said:

Thank you! You expressed much more succinctly than I the way I feel about this! Mere doesn't owe Thatcher nuthin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and the other sister Molly! I had kind of forgotten about her! Mere does have a lot of sisters for being an only child.

She also has a lot of sister in laws too.

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14 minutes ago, taanja said:

Thank you! You expressed much more succinctly than I the way I feel about this! Mere doesn't owe Thatcher nuthin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and the other sister Molly! I had kind of forgotten about her! Mere does have a lot of sisters for being an only child.


10 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

She also has a lot of sister in laws too.

Who knows, if Ellen Pompeo isn't leaving the show and tptb get to drag it out for another season or two, maybe some long-lost brother will show up out of nowhere! 

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4 minutes ago, Efzee said:


Who knows, if Ellen Pompeo isn't leaving the show and tptb get to drag it out for another season or two, maybe some long-lost brother will show up out of nowhere! 

I wouldn’t be surprised. As I said greys really loves a cliche. And as someone else said the show is getting more and more soap infested. I mean yeah it’s had it’s moments before but it’s getting really bad.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Does anyone know a link to the cast for this episode?  IMDB has it goofed up.  I was racking my brain trying to figure out where I had seen the liver transplant woman before or someone who looks a lot like her, and I think it could be Tracie Thoms (Cold Case).  IMDB has her listed as playing Robert Gibbs. What?  

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4 minutes ago, Shellie said:

Does anyone know a link to the cast for this episode?  IMDB has it goofed up.  I was racking my brain trying to figure out where I had seen the liver transplant woman before or someone who looks a lot like her, and I think it could be Tracie Thoms (Cold Case).  IMDB has her listed as playing Robert Gibbs. What?  

Yes, it's definitely Mahandra from Wonderfalls aka Tracie Thoms.

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8 minutes ago, Shellie said:

Does anyone know a link to the cast for this episode?  IMDB has it goofed up.  I was racking my brain trying to figure out where I had seen the liver transplant woman before or someone who looks a lot like her, and I think it could be Tracie Thoms (Cold Case).  IMDB has her listed as playing Robert Gibbs. What?  

Yeah and she's on 911 (Fox) too, a recurring character I guess. But I loved Cold Case so thanks for the memory!

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I really don't like the "hot" Asian Doc and Glasses at all. "Hot" Asian Doc comes across as predatory and creepy. I don't think Glasses is sexually confused at all, he's just a little child (or he strikes me as being very child-like) who is confused as to what the hell is going on. So, yeah, I'm not vibing that one single bit. All "Hot" Asian Doc has done is look at Glasses like he's stripping him down with his eyes. I hope he's the one that gets lost first, bye. Maybe it's Shonda's Kill List in reverse. :) :) :) :)

Yeah, this. Nico has been pursuing Glasses pretty aggressively, if you ask me. Also didn't understand what happened last week when Glasses showed up at the bar and then Nico just sort of blew him off. It felt like he was playing games with him and that put me off. 

I'm glad the thing with Jo and Bailey going againsts Alex didn't turn into some huge relationship drama. 

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Soooo, I had such high hopes when Teddy first sat down with Owen. I thought, "Nobody does this whole draw-out-the-pregnancy-reveal-for-many-episodes thing because it's boring! She'll tell him and Maggie will be wrong, wrong, wrong!" (That would have been my favorite part: Maggie being wrong.)

Soap operas made an art of the very long reveal for a reason back in the day: they had to come up with a one-hour show with multiple plots EVERY DAY, not 22 in a whole year. Geez, Grey's. So after it was clear she wasn't telling him, I just FF'd every time she and Owen were on screen.

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37 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I wouldn’t be surprised. As I said greys really loves a cliche. And as someone else said the show is getting more and more soap infested. I mean yeah it’s had it’s moments before but it’s getting really bad.


And... they were separated at birth!!! But they didn't discover this until after they had been on a couple of dates together and were slowly falling head over heels... 

35 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

Thanks for the dog recap, @WhosThatGirl. I have utterly no recollection of that story line at all, despite having watched this show faithfully from Day One.  

It was during the McVet time. She met Finn through Doc the dog. He was the widower who she didn't sleep with right away but Derek (involved with Addison at the time) still threw a hissyfit and called her a whore after going to the vet with Doc after hours and Meredith came downstairs (because apparently he lived in the apartment above the clinic) barely dressed, having taken a shower after assisting Finn with some farm animal giving birth.

And then when she and Derek tried to be friends again, she went on walks with him and Doc. Sort of behind Addison's back, IIRC.  And then there was the awful prom night for the chief's (Webber) niece dying of ovarian cancer or something and Meredith took Finn as her date and Derek Addison and then Meredith and Derek had sex in one of the exam rooms and Meredith left her panties behind which Addison found and pinned to the board and then Bailey threw a hissyfit over someone's panties lying around the hospital and Callie (who'd caught Meredith and Derek having sex on prom night) took the blame and claimed the panties.

Edited by Efzee
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@Efzee, I remember every single thing about prom and the panties and all of that, but nothing about the dog!!! I must have some mental block, which is weird because I love dogs - ah, well, the joys of aging!

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I didn't think permission was needed to use archived footage; but they will have to get paid for those archived footage, right?

That whole woman falls for long lost separated at birth twin brother is such a cliche that I think it goes back to Ancient Egypt!

But I wouldn't put it past Grey's Anatomy and the writers to use a cliched soap trope that goes back millenniums.

Also, deafy ole me had no idea Chasing Cars was played (even En Español) because the gosh dern captioning didn't show it. This is what really pisses me off, hey captioning people, Deaf people like music too by... Oh, golly gee, I dunno... Reading the lyrics? /snark

It's like reading poetry or a story in form of song.

But anyways, yeah, I had no idea so the appearance of George and the others was so unexpected. The lack of the lyrics in captioning (and I know very basic Spanish) really ruined the sentiment for me.

Edited by JNM5505
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6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm also biased because as hot as Nico is, I have no desire to see him with Schmitt who reminds me of a startled nervous poodle who will poop on the floor if you make a loud noise. Can we find someone else for Nico to have hot elevator hook ups with?

I mean, seeeeeeeriously!

11 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah, this. Nico has been pursuing Glasses pretty aggressively, if you ask me. Also didn't understand what happened last week when Glasses showed up at the bar and then Nico just sort of blew him off. It felt like he was playing games with him and that put me off.

I would never categorize HAOG as aggressively pursuing Glasses.  He's been flirty, for sure, but that's it; he really hadn't been pursuing Glasses until kissing him in the elevator.  If it seemed like HAOG was aggressively pursuing him, I think that's because Glasses has been such a deer in the headlights with his still-unbelievable-to-me homosex epiphany, and we're being told this story from his perspective, not HAOG's.  Fair or not, HAOG is justified in not wanting to be Glasses' first everything; that's a LOT of pressure, and most gay guys I know (myself included) don't want that role.  Glasses' aggressively passive-aggressive line about it being a TEACHING hospital was much worse than anything HAOG has said or done to Glasses; like, seriously, I can't explain how manipulative and disgusting I found that line.

I'm thrilled that Borelli came out publicly!  I still can't stand Glasses.

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6 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:


I would never categorize HAOG as aggressively pursuing Glasses.  He's been flirty, for sure, but that's it; he really hadn't been pursuing Glasses until kissing him in the elevator.  If it seemed like HAOG was aggressively pursuing him, I think that's because Glasses has been such a deer in the headlights with his still-unbelievable-to-me homosex epiphany, and we're being told this story from his perspective, not HAOG's. 

Well, that is the problem. HAOG hasn't seemed to have any role so far other than hitting on Glasses in a very obvious way. Whenever we saw him he was doing just that. 

And I agree with Deanie87. This is Glasses! Just look at him! It couldn't be more clear that he's not used to that kind of attention from either men or women (now there's a difference between the Arizona/Callie situation from years ago, where Callie was portrayed as some sex goddess, so it wasn't unreasonable of Arizona to expect she was more experienced than she actually was), which HAOG must have noticed as well and seemed to enjoy teasing him.

Of course he shouldn't be obliged to hold his hand and teach him how to be gay, but when you put someone in such an awkward situation, the least you can do is turn them down gently and not be all "Uhm, yeah, no, not gonna happen." Not cool. 

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30 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I'm kind of surprised Patrick Dempsey and T.R. Knight agreed to let the show use their images. They have to give permission for that, you know.

The way Krista described it, they still have ownership of their images of past images. I’m not sure if it means still having to pay them a residual. 

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Here’s a quote from an  interview Krista gave regarding the clips (as referenced by moon orchid):

Did you have to reach out to those actors about using their images or did you use archival footage? 

No. When an actor leaves the show there is paperwork put into place that allows us to use clips. We have some iconic footage that the fans will immediately recognize: That shot of Derek, the fans who have watched the show multiple times know what episode that is from. There are iconic moments and shots that we pulled from moments that actually never aired on the show — like Mark with Derek — and then there's newly shot stuff with Ellis and Doc the dog.

Edited by pennben
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On 10/31/2018 at 10:33 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I had a whole list of things to comment on about this episode, but honestly, the scene with Meredith walking in the hallways at the end of the episode made me legit tear up. Good job, Grey's. You got me to actually cry a little bit.

Also, I honestly thought Thatcher was already dead, since we haven't seen him in ages.

I had the opposite reaction. I thought it was cringe worthy and just reminded me how much this show sucks compared to previous seasons. Plus the CGI was ridiculously low budget bad. 

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23 hours ago, statsgirl said:

There also Meredith/Derek/Rose, I think.   All those triangles have a man in the middle.  I couldn't think of any that had a woman in the middle other than Meredith.

Derek/Addison/Mark was sort of a triangle, briefly.  Alex/Izzie/Denny was one.


16 hours ago, deaja said:

Didn’t need to see Meredith’s dead dog.

That is what made me tear up, seeing Doc.

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4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Apparently on Station 19, Bailey and Ben had an "honest talk about their marriage" and they are now separating. I wonder if Grey's will automatically expect us to know that or will they talk on Grey's, too?

That's disappointing.  I really liked them as a couple.  I'm going to blame Bailey's unreasonable expectations for this one, but fully understand anyone disagreeing with me.

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13 minutes ago, GSMHvisitor said:

What does HAOG mean? I've seen this term (acronym?) thrown around in relation to the gay Asian doc a lot here, but I'm utterly unfamiliar with it.

Hot Asian Ortho God, I think.

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11 minutes ago, GSMHvisitor said:

What does HAOG mean? I've seen this term (acronym?) thrown around in relation to the gay Asian doc a lot here, but I'm utterly unfamiliar with it.

Hot Asian Ortho God. Someone (NUguy514?) called him that when he first appeared because the show never bothered to introduce him by his name and we needed a way to address him, so it's stuck. I like it. :D

I've seen since that his name is Nico, but has anyone on the show actually called him that? Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. 

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4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't understand why Bailey thinks separating from Ben will fix anything. If you love someone, you love them regardless of whether you're married, separated, divorced, etc. If you worry about their safety, you will worry about that regardless of the official legal status of your relationship. Separating from him won't make her worry any less. It won't make her stop loving him. It won't reduce her stress or lower her blood pressure. If anything, I'd think it would make her more stressed knowing that she wasn't allowed to text him every day asking if he's still alive.

I watched Station 19 and can give you Bailey's reasoning.  It won't work, of course.  I will put it in spoiler bars in case people want to wait until she says something on Grey's about it.


Bailey believes she will be less stressed if Ben lives elsewhere because she won't be expecting nor waiting for him to come home, and won't freak out when he's late.  If she doesn't know when he is working and when he is supposed to be home, then she can't obsess about it.

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