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"The View": Week Of 10/15/2018

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1 hour ago, General Days said:

ABBY: I-well, I don't know that --  I don't know that I would judge someone that way, because I'm not in his head and I don't choose to be, but uh,

That is Abby's comment during the conversation that started with her saying this: 

1 hour ago, General Days said:

ABBY: I don't think he dislikes he dislikes women. I actually think he loooooves women, probably too much.

Ahhhh...she can't judge him on the negatives presented, but she CAN judge that he looooves women, probably too much.

Edited by Former Nun
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Charlotte Pence has as annoying a nasal voice as Meghan McCain.  Is it something endemic in Republican women?

Did anybody else catch Whoopi getting annoyed at Sonny for interrupting her?  I can't even remember what either of them was saying, but Whoopi said something, Sunny said something, and Whoopi said, "Excuse me, was I talking?"

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I botched the opening quote. @Former Nun said: 


Ahhhh...she can't judge him the negatives presented, but she CAN judge that he looooves women, probably too much.

That's not all. Abby also said


41 minutes ago, General Days said:

ABBY: I-well, I don't know that --  I don't know that I would judge someone that way, because I'm not in his head and I don't choose to be, but uh, I will say that I've thought a lot about Christine Ford, I think more so since all of this happened, than even throughout it, just because it took a lot for her to get out there and to tell her story, and it was something that she made clear she didn't want to do. And then through all of that, like... you don't get what you want in the end. You know, he's on the Supreme Court, and she's probably questioning: "Should I have done that? Should I have put my life in danger? Should I have put my life on the line?" -- in a sense, uh to do this. 



The Abbess of Witless is another conservative hypocrite. She "can't" judge whether or not Trump likes women, based on 40 years of public record, but she can judge Blasey Ford enough to figure she's second-guessing herself, based on one afternoon of testimony.

Interesting how those judgment powers reactivate, when they're called upon to assess the mindset of someone who's calling out this administration.

It's only Tuesday, but this week has negativelyaffected my opinion of Abby Huntsman. I don't care that she had a privileged upbringing, or that she has a famous father. I don't hold either of those things against her in deciding whether or not she should be on The View. But I think she's a wolf in sheep's clothing, if this week is indicative of her character. She puts herself forth as some Melanie Wilkes character, who is just sweet and thinks only sweet thoughts about everyone, but she's deceptive in a much more dangerous way than Meghan is. 

I rue the day Meghan joined this show, but at least Meghan doesn't pretend not to be partisan. She's a shrew, but she doesn't act like she's a saint.

Edited by General Days
To unmess a mess
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17 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Abby definitely has been jumping to the defense of Trump and his administration.  And does it all the while trying to appear rational and thoughtful.  Her delivery might not be as screechy as Meghan but her message is right in line with Meghan's.


Did her family ask her to help make sure Daddy's job is secure?

Edited by Former Nun
bad editing
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19 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

Thank you for this.  I'm having a rough week (it's only Tuesday!) and this made me laugh, especially the mental picture of Meghan's 4th of July house. 

I always wonder why Meghan has to be so performative.  I'm relatively indifferent about the royals, but I heard the news, I thought "how cute" and moved on with my life; Meghan, on the other hand, acts as if even slight approval or admiration of the royals is an engraved invitation for the ghost of George III to take a dump in the middle of her (red, white, and blue) house.  She's like that about other things, too.  She can't just be interested in politics.  No, she has to put on a performance of being "in-the-know" and bearer of the McCain political legacy via an art history degree.  You can love America without going all Freedom-Fries-Liberty-Cabbage, Meghan.

Hope things get better this week. Happy to make you laugh. 

I don't think most care about the Royals but all these shows love to talk about a new  royal couple add a biracial  American actress, boom gold. You would think Meghan would know this. But of course she has to be the most patriotic and hold the whole conversation with utter disdain.  That's something WG and MM have in common . If the conversation is something they don't like, they have to belittle the whole thing. 

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45 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

I can't even remember what either of them was saying, but Whoopi said something, Sunny said something, and Whoopi said, "Excuse me, was I talking?"

WHOA!!    "Here's the thing."...and all the other phrases she uses to interrupt constantly!!!    Everyone!

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1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

He started it. She ignored him (and so did we) long enough.  He means to slam her with his "Pocahantas" comment...just one idiotic insult of too many in his repertoire.  I read that Native Americans were also insulted.  Maybe by spending some $$$ on a DNA test Senator Warren has put a rest to his old schtick.  Hopefully.


I think that the reason that some Native Americans are offended is because Natives voices and concerns are not being heard in this stupid fight between Trump and Elizabeth Warren. There is a lot of shadiness surrounding Native Americans right now that the media is not talking about, but, instead, we are focusing on this asinine fight that is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Megan as usual is ignorant about history.   Megan saying that every White person in this country has Native American in their DNA is nonsense. It was an attempt to mock Elizabeth Warren. The hatred for Native Americans in this country was widespread just like the hatred of Blacks.  It was considered terrible to marry a Native American , even more so to have children.  

Native Americans were the first victims of European colonization.  At one point they were the majority and populated all of Alaska, North America, Central America, South America and all of the Caribbean islands. Their genocide in the western Hemisphere led to the enslavement of Africans and the slave trade.  Being Black, I have always felt a kinship to Native Americans because we share a common pain of displacement and profound lost.

Edited by Apprentice79
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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

Her over the top dislike of the Royals is ridiculous.

I find this to be quite hysterical given that both Meghan and Abby are beneficiaries of their own status of American "royalty" so to speak. Had it not been for their lineage, they'd probably be working the graveyard shift at a Verizon call center in the middle of nowhere instead of pulling in million-dollar salaries nattering about on a chat show whose hiring process of late seems to be limited to, "And to whom in a position of power are you related?" 

Have a seat, Meaghan. 

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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

Her over the top dislike of the Royals is ridiculous.  Does she think her best Patriot ever trophy will be taken back if she doesn't condemn Prince Harry and Meghan for having a baby and making all of us muricans hear about it?

Meghan is one of those people who reads stories online about the Royals and registers or logs in for the sole purpose of leaving a "Who cares? comment.

And does she dislike English people just because they were "the bad guys" back in the day? We won, Meg. Get over it. 

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5 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

And does she dislike English people just because they were "the bad guys" back in the day? We won, Meg. Get over it. 

Meghan just today said most Americans have blood from our European ancestors or however she put it.  So the Royals could very well be our relatives.

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Now that we've seen Abby and Meghan together, I'm going to come out and say I prefer Abby on the panel so much more than Meghan. Abby mentions her family and whatnot when the topic pertains to it and she provides real world examples. Instead of, "I have a good friend like this and my dad is this and I love the constitution...blah blah blah." She'll say, "I come from a big family, so when it comes to big events, we do have to be mindful of one another and really think of when we announce things." Then she related a story of her sister ending her engagement and Abby was getting married, which I think is a valid way to put it. She relates her life to the topic, instead of making the topic about herself.

She also lets others speak. This is important.

She also tries to participate in every topic, even the fluffy sex ones and I've noticed that she'll try to bring others into the topic too. Sometimes she'll ask Sunny if this is correct or say, "Meghan might feel the same."

She doesn't try to force her opinion or say she's speaking for a group of people, she'll just say her views which is the point of the show. I may not agree with her, but she's allowed to have opposing views and speak about them.

She seems to enjoy herself at the table and is always smiling and laughing. Whoopi may not like her, but I feel like Joy and Sunny do. Not as much as Paula, but I think she might get there.

1 hour ago, Haleth said:

I think Meghan should take a page from Charlotte Pence and take some time off to write a book about her dad. It would be cathartic. 

I agree with this. I think it would help her with her grief and help her remember the good times and not the pain from the last year.

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4 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

I also loved Whoopie saying lots of Black Americans like to say that they have Native blood in them. Even though most do not have it. It is nothing nefarious. The interactions between Natives and Africans were negligible, even more so with African-Americans and the tiny Native American population that was left, were put on reservations.

Native Americans also owned slaves, so there were more interaction than one might expect.   Many of my own family from Oklahoma were descendants of slaves owned by Creek tribe.  At the end of the Civil War those slaves were made citizens of the tribes which owned them,       


4 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

I love that Joy made Meghan correct herself when she said that everyone at the table (presumably minus Abby) would be "going crazy" if Ted Cruz came out claiming he was part Native American. 

Just call them hysterical liberals, Meghan. I'm sure that's what you wanted to say instead of "going crazy."  

If Ted Cruz took an ancestry test, her very well could be part Native American via his Cuban background, interesting enough.    Most Cubans are some mix of Spanish, African, and the Native people on the island.   Most commercial DNA tests, do not test individual tribe DNA, instead they lump  indigenous North and South American natives into one group.   Which is why I didn't understand why the Cherokee Nation spoke out.   She never said she was a member of their tribe, just that a distant relative was.  

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10 minutes ago, After7Only said:

If Ted Cruz took an ancestry test, her very well could be part Native American via his Cuban background, interesting enough.    Most Cubans are some mix of Spanish, African, and the Native people on the island.   

Exactly. I think anyone who knows world history knows that would be possible. Therefore, Meghan, liberals would probably not be going crazy. 

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17 minutes ago, After7Only said:

If Ted Cruz took an ancestry test, her very well could be part Native American via his Cuban background, interesting enough.    Most Cubans are some mix of Spanish, African, and the Native people on the island.   Most commercial DNA tests, do not test individual tribe DNA, instead they lump  indigenous North and South American natives into one group.   Which is why I didn't understand why the Cherokee Nation spoke out.   She never said she was a member of their tribe, just that a distant relative was.  

...which is why choosing him in her hypothetical situation was confusing. I guess she just pulled some random Republican name out of her butt and ran with it. 

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I think the DNA test is still stupid, because those tests are not accurate. There have also been cases where white supremacists have taken the tests to see just how white they are, but since there's always a room of error, the testers just put a certain small percentage (that doesn't account for much) as black just to mess with them. It's incredibly funny, but not accurate.

For those like me who come from Africa, it's even harder to get a reading because the DNA testing centers don't have a lot of our blood to begin with. So if I take it, it might just say "East African" without an actual breakdown because they don't know. And if you send your DNA to different places, you'll get different results. They can't really tell you about your ancestry, even though they claim to.

Warren may have done this to get back at Trump and make him pay up for a charity, but she shouldn't have had to in the beginning.

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Isn't a lot of Meghan's super patriotism (even to the point of hating all things British, particularly "Royals" related) connected to hubby Ben's TheFederalist.com? It makes no sense in the grand scheme of things. I doubt her mother and her late father share(d) her anti-UK views.

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2 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Megan as usual is ignorant about history.   Megan saying that every White person in this country has Native American in their DNA is nonsense.

She had something written on her blue cards; that way she doesn't have to think before she speaks...as in forgetting the Duchess of Sussex is American!    Maybe all the "ancestry" websites/companies can provide some statistics to Meghan (she LOVES her statistics) about what percentage of people in their American database have Native American DNA.

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2 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Her over the top dislike of the Royals is ridiculous.  Does she think her best Patriot ever trophy will be taken back if she doesn't condemn Prince Harry and Meghan for having a baby and making all of us muricans hear about it?

The Trump republicans are convinced that the Royals are all left-leaning-socialist-liberals and also liberal-hollywood-elites or words to that effect so everything they say and do has to be slammed as unimportant. Their popularity is a direct slap in the face (or so they see it) and must be put down at all times. And all this despite the fact that  the Royals must be very, very careful to never say anything political at all. But because people like them and I'm guessing because of the causes they support and because people LIKE them, they are the devil.

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5 hours ago, DB in CMH said:

Wow, Whoppi really doesn't like Abby! 

I'm a quarter native but I don't identify as native because it wasn't talked about in my family. Apparently it was talked about  in EWs family, so let her claim it. Want to use me an as example, Meghan?

I'm Black, but my DNA test says I am 25% European. My question is, can I still come to the cookout? And if I can, can I bring the potato salad?

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48 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

For those like me who come from Africa, it's even harder to get a reading because the DNA testing centers don't have a lot of our blood to begin with.

I know only about the "commercial" ancestry sites and they don't require blood.  We provided saliva into a little tube they mailed to us.  Everyone can do it.  I don't know how white supremecists could mess with saliva, but anything's possible.

Edited by Former Nun
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Just now, Former Nun said:

I know only the "commercial" ancestry sites and they don't require blood.  We provided saliva into a little tube they mailed to us.  Everyone can do it.  I don't know how white supremecists could mess with saliva, but anything's possible.

I meant saliva. Sorry, it's been a long day.

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7 minutes ago, Morgalisa said:

I'm Black, but my DNA test says I am 25% European. My question is, can I still come to the cookout? And if I can, can I bring the potato salad?

As long as it doesn't have raisins....

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MM was picking at her nails earlier than the British wedding discussion.  Who was she talking to over her shoulder during that time an audience member her agreed  with her ?  The discussion did lead to the dilemma  about making announcements during someone's day.  I wish Joy and Whoopi would pick at their nails , roll their eyes and let it be known  they don't give a damn about The Bachelor or The Jersey Shore group. 

 I'm really surprised that she said her husband  is someone who wouldn't be alone with a woman. Am I remembering that right? 

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25 minutes ago, Morgalisa said:

I'm Black, but my DNA test says I am 25% European. My question is, can I still come to the cookout? And if I can, can I bring the potato salad?

Is your name Karen? If so, then, no. 

(I'm a Karen, and I was just recently joking with my sister Kathy about that. So unfair, I have never, ever asked to speak to a manager.)

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24 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

Is your name Karen? If so, then, no. 

(I'm a Karen, and I was just recently joking with my sister Kathy about that. So unfair, I have never, ever asked to speak to a manager.)

But do you have the I want to speak to the manager haircut?

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1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

But do you have the I want to speak to the manager haircut?

Um, yes and no.  I have a pixie cut for reasons. It's short all over! And it's not highlighted, it's all brown!

Look! I have a nostril peircing!

My mother named me after Karen Carpenter. Little did she know. 

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1 hour ago, Morgalisa said:

I'm Black, but my DNA test says I am 25% European. My question is, can I still come to the cookout? And if I can, can I bring the potato salad?

Lol! I'm half black and when Whoopi mentioned how a lot of black people grow up hearing that they have Native American ancestry I giggled because I heard that a lot from my relatives. 

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13 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Lol! I'm half black and when Whoopi mentioned how a lot of black people grow up hearing that they have Native American ancestry I giggled because I heard that a lot from my relatives. 

Yes, me too. Family lore. Plus a picture of my father's mother who was supposedly half Native American. In the picture she has her hair parted down the middle with two very long straight braids. However, I tested only 1.7%.

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Probably the reason Meghan doesn't care about hearing about the Royals is they aren't discussing her.  She isn't interested in anything that isn't about her.  And I DON"T CARE about hearing anything she says.

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3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Who was she talking to over her shoulder during that time an audience member her agreed with her ?

I know that doesn't happen often, but Meghan is determined to mention it.  Every. Single. Time.    (1) I want Joy to acknowledge every time an audience member (or more) agrees with her.   (2)  Whoopi too.   (3) And Sunny.   (4) I don't recall if Ms. Wish Washy gets any acknowledgements; she seems to back pedal if she's challenged.

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9 hours ago, General Days said:

This is a most excellent comparison, but my real interest is way off-topic. How did you watch Early Edition? Is it on Netflix or Hulu, or do you have DVDs or tapes?

It's playing on a deep cable channel called START.tv, based right here in Chicago. Three eps a night. I love it, it's a schmaltzy show, but sometimes you need a happy ending, some young Kyle Chandler, and a ginger cat. It is the best  I've ever seen of showcasing the real Chicago, the neighborhoods, the seasons, not just summer by the lake.

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7 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Megan saying that every White person in this country has Native American in their DNA is nonsense.

My family members were told that we had an Algonquin ancestor - I even did grade school book reports on the Algonquins! As I got older, I learned that many white families talked up Native American ancestors to "hide" a black ancestor, just in case a darker skin tone showed up. In that vein (hah!), I had my DNA done, because I was very curious to know if our fabled Algonquin was really African-American. Turns out it is neither, and I am so white I have to put on shades to read my DNA report. It was very disappointing to not even have a whisper of an intriguing or mysterious contributor to the gene pool. On the other hand, I know a lot about the midwestern Algonquin tribes.

So not only is Meghan mistaken (shocking), Elizabeth Warren was -- like many of us -- repeating what she had been told by her family her entire life. Until DNA, there was really no way to absolutely prove who you were descended from. I'm glad she was able to prove some Native American ancestry, but until this millennium, she wouldn't have been able to. We all go by what our families tell us. She is no different and I hold no hostility for her for doing what we did for centuries: Believe our family stories.

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23 hours ago, DB in CMH said:

Wow, Whoppi really doesn't like Abby! 

I'm a quarter native but I don't identify as native because it wasn't talked about in my family. Apparently it was talked about  in EWs family, so let her claim it. Want to use me an as example, Meghan?

And I had sorely wished that someone at the table would have countered Meghan's comments with something along these lines. Claiming to have Native ties doesn't automatically infer that you're claiming to be Native American or a tribe member (to which Warren apparently clarified directly to the Cherokee Nation). Maybe the average white person may be more Native than Warren, but the average white person may not have much information (or know at all) about their Native ties hence why many don't talk about it. Warren's family passed down the stories about their Native ancestor and just because their generations married white and continue with non-Native traditions doesn't mean they aren't allowed to recognize and have pride in whatever small tie they have. Warren repeated stories that she was told from since childhood and she has a sense of pride in those stories. In being called a liar, she didn't see it as a slight against herself, but a slight against her mother who was the one that told her all of these stories. The DNA test wasn't intended to prove that she is Native American, it was to prove that with some DNA ties to Native American, it lends as evidence that her mother was not lying to her about the stories she had heard and passed down to her. THAT is why Warren felt vindicated. If you think it was embarrassing for her to be happy about being 1/32nd Native American, then you weren't paying attention to the series of events that led to that test in the first place.

And I continue to despise Meghan's lame debating skills. If you have to talk about having Native friends or black friends or poor friends or purple friends before sharing a thought, then your thought isn't strong to being with. Having friends of any background doesn't give your opinion any more credence so stop using it as some kind of crutch to suggest that your opinion is more informed than others...and I don't doubt for a second that is exactly why she constantly makes those references. And acting like the discussing the royals is some kind of treasonous and unpatriotic thing is so ridiculous that I laughed out loud at her comment while she pretended to pick at her nails. And I'll repeat myself from yesterday - what a simpleton she is, lol. 

I know some people don't like Abby or still deciding on her but I like her. She's not as bubbly as Sara but I think she's got a personable demeanour and I like the way she interacts with the other ladies. She's someone whose company I think I could enjoy, mainly because I think she's quite diverse in her interests and doesn't seem rude or mean spirited. 

Also, kudos to whoever decided to keep Joy on during the Charlotte Pence segment...'my dad was a truck driver', LOL. 

Edited by RHJunkie
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Thank you, RHJunkie, for your great post. I didn't want to quote the whole thing (because it's quite long) but I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment regarding Senator Warren. If only someone had shut The Aggrieved One up!

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Hey all -   I took a break from watching  The View (work is busy)  but watched today's episode late.   Boy, Meghan has not changed - she irritated me a lot today.  But, I was wondering - did she maybe get hair extensions?  Her hair seems different, and she cannot stop playing with it, petting it.  

my favorite  moment was when Meghan started to read statistics and facts off a blue card about Elizabeth Warren, and Whoopi pulls up a blue card and starts reciting contradictory facts and figures.  

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19 hours ago, General Days said:

But I think she's a wolf in sheep's clothing, if this week is indicative of her character. She puts herself forth as some Melanie Wilkes character, who is just sweet and thinks only sweet thoughts about everyone, but she's deceptive in a much more dangerous way than Meghan is. 

A red (hah) flag went up for me when Abby mentioned following Junior on Twitter.  I guess Meghan does too.  (Do they allow Twitter in prison?)

17 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Meghan does know the United States and United Kingdom are allies, doesn’t she?

We won, they lost.  That's all she cares about.  She said that a couple days ago.  

Lack of DNA doesn't disprove an ancestry.  It means those genetic markers might have been eliminated over the generations, especially if you are talking 4x greats.  And the stupid comment that most white people have more NA DNA than EW is irrelevant.  The question was does EW have a NA ancestor and she proved yes, yes she does.

Edited by Haleth
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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

A red (hah) flag went up for me when Abby mentioned following Junior on Twitter.  I guess Meghan does too.  (Do they allow Twitter in prison?)

I caught that too.  Anyone following him for any reason other than to ridicule him loses all credibility with me.

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