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Jesus God, Leah!!

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Ginger ale for breakfast? Poor Leah, she comes close but somehow she always manages to miss the mark.

"Ginger ale ain't soda." (I imagine her saying).

Love the bulk salt package.  When Addy needs a break from sugar, she probably eats the salt. 

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I feel bad saying this as I'm having a Danish for breakfast...but I'm running 26 miles tonight so I'll give myself a pass. That is NOT a healthy breakfast. That is a farmer breakfast. That is what you'd feed the farmhands before putting them to work in the fields, or in this case, the coal miners. 50 years ago, this would have been a perfectly necessary West Virginia breakfast. But now, like most Americans, West Virginians sit on their asses all day...but they still eat like that picture. Now, I enjoy me some country gravy and biscuits myself, it's a guilty pleasure, and I doubt she cooks like that for them all the time. But country gravy, biscuits, eggs, and bacon? With a big tub of salt on the side? Aside from the eggs, the ginger ale is the healthiest thing in that picture.

That said, it's a huge step up from Lunchables and Mountain Dew for breakfast (or worse, no breakfast), so in context, yeah, it's about the healthiest food those girls are going to get when they're with Leah.

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I'm sitting here, eating a late breakfast:  cottage cheese, salad with salsa dressing (almost 0 calories), a very small slice of homemade wheat bread, and a nectarine, and I'm telling you, that picture looks yummy!! I haven't had that kind of stuff in ages!

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I can't help but laugh at the tub o gravy. That looks like enough to drown that entire breakfast at least twice. I'm a terrible judge of how much gravy to make so I can see it being an easy mistake but I think I'd put it in a much smaller bowl for serving (and pics). I'd get rid of the open salt container too. 

So we've now seen the girls eat/be served what at Leah's? I can think of Cheetos, Lunchables, canned ravioli, Hugs, various sodas, sweetener packets, bacon, and now this huge breakfast with an open salt container. Their blood pressures must be awful. Besides the sugar laden stuff everything is sooo salty! I wonder if they ever go a few days in a row with healthier food. 

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Don't forget those big soft grocery store bakery cookies with the bright synthetic pink frosting on them. Ali was eating them for breakfast a couple seasons ago in a hotel room. Those things are horrendous, and no doubt a food group at the Messer house. Don't get me wrong, I LOOOVE sweets, but not shitty-quality, chemical-laden artificial garbage sweets.

Edited by AhFillAck
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I'm fine with some biscuits and gravy but that gravy looks so nasty. And a giant bowl. I like extra crispy bacon so no fault there, but those eggs look nice and rubbery. But hey, she opened a can of biscuits and didn't burn them, so kudos.

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I am aware (from FB snooping) of people similar to this crew... what amazes me is how many have severe medical issues and quite a few unfortunately die quite quite young. ( like 30's and 40's. if they live to 60 they look worse than a 90 year old). I can't help but imagine that the diet is a big contributing factor. (of course so is lifestyle- so many are smokers as well). What always hits me is that the cheetos and lunchables etc have got to be way pricier than healthy food. Dont get me wrong, I love junk food and eat it as well, but I did not raise my daughters on donuts for breakfast. 

A dozen eggs is probably the same price as small lunchable and that would give you several meals. just for example

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What always hits me is that the cheetos and lunchables etc have got to be way pricier than healthy food. Dont get me wrong, I love junk food and eat it as well, but I did not raise my daughters on donuts for breakfast. 

Depends. For people who aren't well-off and have to feed a few mouths, healthy foods like fresh fruits and veggies can actually come out as more pricey then just buying bulk junk food like chips.  Of course, education and environment comes into play with making smart food choices. Which is probably why Leah, despite having more then enough money, doesn't buy better food. Sucks because she could afford to feed the girlses and herself a really healthy diet if she wanted too.


I'm fine with some biscuits and gravy but that gravy looks so nasty. And a giant bowl.

Wait, that's gravy?! I thought it was grits or cream of wheat. If it is the kind from a jar, no thanks. I prefer the country gravy you mix from the package.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
nasty gravy, y'all
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Yeah, I totally agree with you! I think she is living a life similar to what she would have done without the show, which is more than I could say for literally any of the others. Leah would be on welfare, Kail would be working hard, but struggling to get by, and Jenelle would probably never have seen Jace again and be living on the streets. Grim picture!

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I thank all of you for expressing the exact same thoughts that I have on the matter. I didn't read any of the comments that people left on that tweet, but I can only imagine they contain " 'your' such a great mom and always put your kids first!" and various shit.

Meanwhile, I think I may have found my new profile picture.


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How else would Leah keep them guys interested? It sure as hell was not about her cooking and cleaning skills.

Leah looks like she is practicing her skills at chomping down on nut sacs.

I think Leah, or someone she knows, reads through our boards here. 

God, Leah is so ugly. I never found her attractive. She has a nose that looks like it belongs on a witch's mask. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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I'm probably in a minority here, but I thought Leah was cute when she was young and fresh-faced and wasn't doing something ridiculous with her hair (like the crispy curls with frazzled straight bangs, for example). No Victoria's Secret model, but not unattractive.

However I don't think the past 5 or so years have been kind to her. She looks like she's aged at least twice that much.

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4 minutes ago, Elizabeth9 said:

(Waiting patiently for her "I never have sex and I'm sooo happy about it!  Like I'd have time to, between cooking and raising my girlses!")

Well let's not be too hasty here. Remember Leah tends to meet her boyfriends via social media and wouldn't  want to alienate a potential paramour...

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(insert picture of a chastity belt here, alongside a crazed selfie)
I LOVE celibacy and have NEVER seen One Single Penus since the conception of Addalyn Faith! Yep I'm THAT kinda girl! Fixin to make some Brekfast and clean the ding dang house from TOP to BOTTOM. No time for dick when the hard work never ends! #mommyproblems #TrueLoveWaits #celibate #abstinence

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I thought she was cute, for a brief moment, when she met with Corey about the divorce and had on a cute blazer and skirt. I thought,"you go, girl! Go improve yourself now, go to school, get a good job, and rock that business attire for real!" Spoiler alert...didn't happen. 

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4 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

I thank all of you for expressing the exact same thoughts that I have on the matter. I didn't read any of the comments that people left on that tweet, but I can only imagine they contain " 'your' such a great mom and always put your kids first!" and various shit.

Meanwhile, I think I may have found my new profile picture.


It drove me crazy to have to

watch her eat that dang sucker. It reminded me of those dang gummies when she was chewing down in the car with Germy. 

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Ummm Leah, you shouldn't need a fresh fruit and vege drive through.  Maybe you have forgotten with all those pillses but you don't have a job and only have one kidlet to care for during the day (and most of the time you foist her off to a relative anyway).  

You of all damn people don't need a drive thru.  You have literally nothing else to do in your day besides ignore your children, post photos, pop pills and bitch about your exs.  Or if you were really pressed for time you could do all of those in one go and still have time to go to the local fruit shop and cook a nutritious meal.  

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Well, around here we have fruit available at convenience stores. Maybe that would work out best for her? It's usually just some bananas, apples, and oranges but they are stocked right next to the cash register or near the packaged sandwich cooler. I mean, the kids beg to stop at the gas station for food when they're hungry so it would be easy to grab a sammich, Sprite, Blow Pop, and a banana. Box o' Ports and our "holler princess" has an Instagram just waiting for the seatbelt to get kinda buckled on the drive to drop the girlses off late to wherever they need to go before one of them gets bonked on the head with a heavy backpack while looking for a blanket in the pile of laundry crammed into the Cadillac. 

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Before we got a DVR, my husband had to suffer through 16 & Pregnant and a few seasons of TM2. I asked him what he thinks of Leah and he said, "Oh, God, I wouldn't do her with someone else's!" and obviously, he already has questionable standards. :p

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12 hours ago, neatoburrito said:

(insert picture of a chastity belt here, alongside a crazed selfie)
I LOVE celibacy and have NEVER seen One Single Penus since the conception of Addalyn Faith! Yep I'm THAT kinda girl! Fixin to make some Brekfast and clean the ding dang house from TOP to BOTTOM. No time for dick when the hard work never ends! #mommyproblems #TrueLoveWaits #celibate #abstinence

I'm cracking up at the hashtags. I still think Leah would worry no guy would want her if she advertised she was into celibacy, but if she were to post about it, those are exactly the kinds of hashtag she'd write. I especially like the True Love waits one. Nice touch.

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8 hours ago, MissMel said:

Well, around here we have fruit available at convenience stores. Maybe that would work out best for her? It's usually just some bananas, apples, and oranges but they are stocked right next to the cash register or near the packaged sandwich cooler. I mean, the kids beg to stop at the gas station for food when they're hungry so it would be easy to grab a sammich, Sprite, Blow Pop, and a banana. Box o' Ports and our "holler princess" has an Instagram just waiting for the seatbelt to get kinda buckled on the drive to drop the girlses off late to wherever they need to go before one of them gets bonked on the head with a heavy backpack while looking for a blanket in the pile of laundry crammed into the Cadillac. 

Right! Here in rural Va, even the 7-11 franchises have apples and bananas at the register, and if you are somewhere that has a WaWa/Sheetz setup (not sure of their non mid Atlantic counterparts), there are fruit cups, hummus, and relatively healthy prepackaged fresh snacks and sandwiches (even if overpriced, but hey, she's got the money) that one can get. That was my first thought when the kids asked to go to the gas station for breakfast/lunch. 

Bitch get to the local grocery chain and buy a few apples to cut up and put in a baggie. It wouldn't take more than 5 minutes to rinse and prepare them. Nope, she'd rather just glom on to a meme and act like she cares about being a healthy mom. 

Edited by sunsheyen
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To be fair, if you've ever been to that region it's kind of easy to see why people are so big. I went to visit my mom and tried to put together a fresh salad for everyone...and the produce was really disappointing. Food rotting on the shelves. We managed to put together a veggie pizza, but everything was frozen. Granted, this was winter, and "seasonal" produce isn't a thing in a lot of places, but you can't buy what stores won't stock, and the stores we visited--even the big ones--didn't have much in the way of edible produce. It's so much work and extra expense that it's very tempting to just buy the ready-made garbage.

That said, even an illiterate goober knows that frozen vegetables are healthier than Hugs or Mountain Dew for breakfast. So I don't mean to excuse her completely, just saying that certain times of the year it's practically impossible to buy healthy fresh produce out there.

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monagatuna then it seems pretty pointless to have a drive-thru-produce business if the big stores themselves cannot even keep fresh fruit in stock.

Leah must be buzzing and feeling the need to show she is a great mom by posting that shit.

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Oh GK you're absolutely right about that...she just wants to ham-fistedly try to prove how great of a mom she is by helping others feed their kids fresh produce like SHE does. It would be a goddamn waste of time and money and it's only her delusions that won't let her realize that.

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What would  work for Leah is to have the local store deliver the bags of sugar, the Lunchables, the Cheetos, the sodas, the cigarettes, and the energy drinks to her house. This way Leah never has to leave her pig-sty. Well, except to go for a drug run. 

What is more to Leah's needs would be a dick drive-thru. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, monagatuna said:

To be fair, if you've ever been to that region it's kind of easy to see why people are so big. I went to visit my mom and tried to put together a fresh salad for everyone...and the produce was really disappointing. Food rotting on the shelves. We managed to put together a veggie pizza, but everything was frozen. Granted, this was winter, and "seasonal" produce isn't a thing in a lot of places, but you can't buy what stores won't stock, and the stores we visited--even the big ones--didn't have much in the way of edible produce. It's so much work and extra expense that it's very tempting to just buy the ready-made garbage.

That said, even an illiterate goober knows that frozen vegetables are healthier than Hugs or Mountain Dew for breakfast. So I don't mean to excuse her completely, just saying that certain times of the year it's practically impossible to buy healthy fresh produce out there.

This - I was out of town and at a drive thru, getting a kids meal. I asked for milk. No milk.

Really? Juice?

No juice.

What do you put in the kids meal?

We have Hi-C or Coke.

I mentioned it to my husband and he said "they don't keep what doesn't sell."

Ok then.

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

What would  work for Leah is to have the local store deliver the bags of sugar, the Lunchables, the Cheetos, the sodas, the cigarettes, and the energy drinks to her house. This way Leah never has to leave her pig-sty. Well, except to go for a drug run. 

What is more to Leah's needs would be a dick drive-thru. 

Forget the drive-thru! I bet she could get the dick to deliver the drugs if she wanted both bad enough. Hey Robbie.....

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7 hours ago, Katt said:

I think Leah is a dick drive-thru.

Drive-thru open 24/7. Walk-ups welcome.

Leah has a dollar menu.

No fruits, veggies or milk available. 

Cash and gift cards accepted. Just put the gift card into the crack of her ass. 

Name of her establishment: Holler Drive-Thru. Her slogan? Enter and You Will Holler!

Edited by GreatKazu
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My son used to want to start a fruit and veggie drive through. He was going to call it "Fast Fruit" and it would serve mixed fruit cups.  He spent weeks with that obsession.  But he was four, so...

And I might add, probably could name and identify  more fruits and veggies than Leah

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Realizing that I am older than many of the posters here...they used to have drive thru stores in the 1960's in California where I grew up. I remember my Mom going there in her house coat and curlers in her hair to get milk and cigarettes. 50-odd years later it would probably be acceptable for Leah to drive thru nekkid. 

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