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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Ok, I don't know how to upload a picture but I just read something and it reminded me of Leah and the other moms:

Children don't care about:

Child support

Who is married to who

Why you don't like each other

Children care about:

Who shows up to pick them up from school

Who takes them to practice

Who makes them dinner

Who they hear yelling proudly from the stands

Who is at their concert

Who stays up to 4 am finishing that costume

That's what they care about

That's a real parent

So I could post this in Jenelle's too. Least she feeds her kid though even if it is hotdogs. At least she has food in the house. I know Leah does attend the functions, but kids do worry about being late to school and not picked up. Didn't Gracie say she was too busy worrying about everything else and not about picking them up? And no Leah just because you stayed up til 4, doesn't mean anything because you weren't up finishing a costume, you were up finishing your latest drug deal.

These girls deserve a mother who is present and there in full body and spirit. Not some doped up shell of a mother, who is there but doesn't listen or is attentive because she is too busy bitching about Corey to whoever will listen. Guess what Leah, your girls are listening and she needs to cut that shit out. Leah needs to worry about herself and not what Corey is or isn't doing

  • Love 7

I am really ticked off that the show is completely ignoring the fact that Leah is LIVING with another man. They are portraying her as so lonely when the girlses leave with Corey but in reality there are still 3 kids at home and a man to warm her bed. Fake. Fake. Fake!!

Yes! Yes! Yes! 1000x yes on this^^ Leah has another person there to help her but that is never shown. We only see what MTV wants us to see. I wonder if Leah made this a condition of her continuing to film.
  • Love 2

If it is, it is misleading and dishonest.

It IS misleading and dishonest. Just like the deer cam incident. MTV was filming then and Leah said she was quitting the show. Apparently, they appeased her by promising not to have any part of it mentioned on the show. It was frustrating to know during that season that Germy's parents caught Robbie sneaking through a window and her cheating on Germy was another reason he divorced her. It's just like the reunion where she was allowed to yell Monkey! whenever anyone brought up something she didn't want to talk about. The edit she's getting sure looks like they're tired of dealing with her shit and coddling her. I wonder how Sad Panda Pinsky is going to whitewash all the crap we've seen her do and figure out a way to blame Corey. We know he's going to tell Corey that he needs to give her a chance with the girlses. But, how will he spin the texting, smoking, being late, not feeding them breakfast, calling Ali a liar, cursing at them and generally acting like an asshole?

  • Love 7

I saw an article written about a doctor in Daniels, West Virginia who is under investigation for prescibing huge amounts of strong opiods (?spelling).   Apparently he runs a clinic where up to 100 people see a video in a room together, pay $120 cash and then they all receive prescriptions at the same time for the exact same thing.  He claims he doesn't need to see them privately.  I wonder if that's close to where Leah lives.


omg, WHAT?  How do you get a script without even being examined?  Do you have a link to this article?  I'm intrigued. 

Doctors who are wanting to make quick cash will dole out prescriptions while pocketing the cash. We just recently had a woman here in So. Cal who was arrested for dropping all kinds of prescriptions at various pharmacies. She was found with hundreds of different pain killers in bottles. The pharmacies are the ones who failed here because the pharmacists never checked the system that would have informed them she was dropping prescriptions all over the southland. One pharmacist did what he was supposed to do and that was how she was caught.

There was an article about Leah's supposed drug dealer. The dealer mentioned Leah telling him how she suffered from back pain due to her "spinal tap". Funny how the dealer quotes Leah by using the same incorrect term she had been saying on canera. Coincidence? I doubt it. I think he may be speaking the truth.

  • Love 3

That's crazy, Kazu.  I've gotten opioid prescriptions filled at a pharmacy twice in my life.  Both times I was treated like a criminal.  First, you get a special script on special paper you have to hand to the pharmacist (instead of them sending it electronically like with every other script.) Pharmacist takes it, looks you up and down.  Tells you it'll be a longer wait time and stares at you to see if you'll hightail it out of there.  You say that's fine and go sit down.  You finally get called up like an hour later and they slooowly hand you the bag whilst side-eying you and telling you that you'll have to speak with the pharmacist.   At least that's how it went for me, both times.  There's no WAY a pharmacist up here would just hand out opioids without checking the database, much less allow someone to get multiple scripts from multiple doctors.  Of course, being a middle-aged clean cut white woman with all her teeth, I could see how their immediate assumption would be "junkie."  ;)


Oh, also?  In our ER up here there are signs everywhere saying "WE DO NOT DISPENSE NARCOTIC MEDICATION!"  Which is total bullshit because the three times (in my life, which all occurred within the past 2 years) I've gone to the ER, that's exactly what they did.   I guess it's to deter the junkies seeking their next fix.  But you'd better believe that was exactly how I was treated until a doctor examined me and determined my pain was legit and they needed to do something.   I hate people like Leah for ruining it for those of us that have legitimate pain issues.

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 8

Say what?  I missed last season, what happened??

It was never mentioned during the season. It was reported in some media outlets. Germy's folks had set up a deer cam, don't know if they were actually monitoring the wildlife on their property, were trying to catch thieves or were suspicious of Leah. The manufactured home Germy and Leah lived in was on his parent's property. The cam caught a man, later identified as Robbie, climbing through the bedroom window. Along with the nodding out, lying and blowing through money like it was water, the deer cam incident helped push Germy into the divorce express lane.

  • Love 4

omg, WHAT?  How do you get a script without even being examined?  Do you have a link to this article?  I'm intrigued. 


I think it was from CBS New on Facebook.  Just google Daniels West Virginia, doctor, clinic, etc.  Things will pop up.  They had a picture of about a hundred people waiting in line outside his office.   He also has a you tube video on what he does, but I didn't look for it.  That would explain how easy it is for Leah to get drugs in West Virginia for not a lot of money. 

That's crazy, Kazu.  I've gotten opioid prescriptions filled at a pharmacy twice in my life.  Both times I was treated like a criminal.  First, you get a special script on special paper you have to hand to the pharmacist (instead of them sending it electronically like with every other script.) Pharmacist takes it, looks you up and down.  Tells you it'll be a longer wait time and stares at you to see if you'll hightail it out of there.  You say that's fine and go sit down.  You finally get called up like an hour later and they slooowly hand you the bag whilst side-eying you and telling you that you'll have to speak with the pharmacist.   At least that's how it went for me, both times. 



Ew, where was that?  I hope you don't go there any more. 

The addicts and the unethical doctors are ruining pain treatment for true chronic pain patients. For those who are interested in learning about both sides to this issue (rather than the sensational media exclaiming that anyone who takes pain meds will become a heroin addict and overdose), I direct you to this three part series of excellent articles by an investigative reporter. They are a couple of years old, but still very eye-opening.


part 1:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/radley-balko/prescription-painkillers_b_1240722.html?

part 2:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/radley-balko/us-painkillers-abuse_b_1263565.html

part 3:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/radley-balko/painkiller-access-debated_b_1332511.html



back on topic: I thought the moment when Leah was yelling at Allie about the tie for her costume it was a very sad example of probably one of hundreds of times she made her daughter so confused about reality. You could see the look on Allie's face that she was despairing that her mother did not believe her about what she said about the tie.  As the twins get older, they are going to become increasingly aware of how their mother is not tuned in to reality due to her addictive and personality problems. Its sad to see such young children experience that.

  • Love 4

Doctors who are wanting to make quick cash will dole out prescriptions while pocketing the cash. We just recently had a woman here in So. Cal who was arrested for dropping all kinds of prescriptions at various pharmacies. She was found with hundreds of different pain killers in bottles. The pharmacies are the ones who failed here because the pharmacists never checked the system that would have informed them she was dropping prescriptions all over the southland. One pharmacist did what he was supposed to do and that was how she was caught.

There was an article about Leah's supposed drug dealer. The dealer mentioned Leah telling him how she suffered from back pain due to her "spinal tap". Funny how the dealer quotes Leah by using the same incorrect term she had been saying on canera. Coincidence? I doubt it. I think he may be speaking the truth.

I'm on pain killers permanently, Leah must be buying her pills on the streets. They're so strict with prescriptions these days. I had to sign a contract saying I would never get pain medicine from a different Dr and that I'll use just one pharmacy. Then I have to go down to the drs office twice a month and sign for my hard copy of my prescriptions.

I just don't see how she can be getting so many narcotics legally.

  • Love 2

It is annoying on both sides, the people who abuse the system cause innocent people to have suspicion cast on them...but then providers do have to be suspicious because people take advantage.

I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday, I was given local anesthesia and then laughing gas because I needed to drive myself home, so I couldn't be IV sedated. I asked if I could be given my script ahead of time so it could be filled before, and I could go straight home after the procedure, but they couldn't thanks to people who would get the meds and skip out on the surgery.

So mouth full of gauze, I had to go to the pharmacy to get my pain meds, clock ticking from when the local anesthesia would wear off and the pain would begin. I couldn't talk so I had to type out messages on my phone to the pharmacist, in retrospect it's funny... But it so frustrating at the same time. Thankfully the pharmacist worked fast due to my obvious discomfort. While I was waiting i was like maybe I should at least take ibuprofen just in case, but once I got the gauze out of my mouth (in public, shocking I'm not married if somone saw me out yesterday I'm sure I would have gotten an on the spot proposal) used the camera on my phone to see that the tablets were in my mouth since I couldn't feel anything and then attempted to drink water to swallow the pills... Water went everywhere. I tell that part more to be funny, but in all seriousness it is sad that innocent people have to be treated like criminals for the sake of some people misusing the system.

I was also kinda frustrated because I was only given 6 pain pills (hydrocodone)... I feel bad because it kinda seems like a first world problem I know wisdom teeth removal isn't the worst thing ever, but I was given 6 pills to take every 4 hours, I stretched them out but it was a battle, I happen to be a nurse, and I'm fine with a little pain, but one of the first rules of pain management is it's easier to prevent it than treat it once it happens, so while I don't necessarily mind waiting to see if I really need it, it made me nervous because I know it's harder to get under control so I wasn't sure if I should just take the meds regardless or wait until I needed them. Luckily I managed with one pill to spare, but that's really close, it's not like I needed 30 pills, but barely enough to get through 24 hours is a little scary too. That was an off topic rant, but my point is people who abuse the system make it hard for everyone, I personally blame you Leah.

  • Love 9

It is annoying on both sides, the people who abuse the system cause innocent people to have suspicion cast on them...but then providers do have to be suspicious because people take advantage.

I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday, I was given local anesthesia and then laughing gas because I needed to drive myself home, so I couldn't be IV sedated. I asked if I could be given my script ahead of time so it could be filled before, and I could go straight home after the procedure, but they couldn't thanks to people who would get the meds and skip out on the surgery.

So mouth full of gauze, I had to go to the pharmacy to get my pain meds, clock ticking from when the local anesthesia would wear off and the pain would begin. I couldn't talk so I had to type out messages on my phone to the pharmacist, in retrospect it's funny... But it so frustrating at the same time. Thankfully the pharmacist worked fast due to my obvious discomfort. While I was waiting i was like maybe I should at least take ibuprofen just in case, but once I got the gauze out of my mouth (in public, shocking I'm not married if somone saw me out yesterday I'm sure I would have gotten an on the spot proposal) used the camera on my phone to see that the tablets were in my mouth since I couldn't feel anything and then attempted to drink water to swallow the pills... Water went everywhere. I tell that part more to be funny, but in all seriousness it is sad that innocent people have to be treated like criminals for the sake of some people misusing the system.

I was also kinda frustrated because I was only given 6 pain pills (hydrocodone)... I feel bad because it kinda seems like a first world problem I know wisdom teeth removal isn't the worst thing ever, but I was given 6 pills to take every 4 hours, I stretched them out but it was a battle, I happen to be a nurse, and I'm fine with a little pain, but one of the first rules of pain management is it's easier to prevent it than treat it once it happens, so while I don't necessarily mind waiting to see if I really need it, it made me nervous because I know it's harder to get under control so I wasn't sure if I should just take the meds regardless or wait until I needed them. Luckily I managed with one pill to spare, but that's really close, it's not like I needed 30 pills, but barely enough to get through 24 hours is a little scary too. That was an off topic rant, but my point is people who abuse the system make it hard for everyone, I personally blame you Leah.

6 hydrocodone for wisdom teeth extraction? That's criminal! That dentist/oral surgeon is a sadist and I hope they have to have multiple, complicated extractions and get nothing for pain. Ya'll need to call Leah and find out what doctor she sees for her pillses. I wish you speedy healing :)

  • Love 2

My husband is paralyzed but he has full feeling & sensation everywhere (but many don't). He had an infected foot and was in a lot of pain and we both had to basically beg and cut off a limb to prove to the hospital that he actually needed pain medication (or he can get something called autonomic dysreflexia) and wasn't just trying to get high.

A few weeks ago I had a concussion and they wouldn't believe I was really in to get tested for it/complications until I told them about 50 times I didn't need anything for the pain! I get that people must get high off it a lot, but damn! I assume it'd be better to err on the side of giving it out slightly too much than letting people be in pain. It's become such a culture of suspicion.

  • Love 1

That's crazy. I work in a pharmacy and every time someone has a prescription for a narcotic or some kind of controlled substance we look them up in the DEA database. It's only for our state and we only accept patients from our county but we can see if they have prescriptions at other pharmacies and if they do, I make a call. I'm appalled that so many pharmacies don't look into that. So many doctors are in prison for stuff like that

  • Love 2

I can't remember if I shared this here before, so apologies if it's a repeat, but it's a virtual painkiller pharmacy outside of our local ER. It's nuts. I was there several months ago with my Mom, and noticed a bunch of people just kind of hanging around outside - they are apparently the "regulars."  While I was in the waiting room a guy came in who said he was just asleep in bed and got whacked by his roommate with a baseball bat (uh huh...). His parents showed up and were going "again, honey?!?" The "regulars" outside were friends of his and kept rotating in to see him and see what he got. I'm guessing they took turns on who got injured to get painkillers?  Meanwhile as I'm leaving the ER, they were coming up to me asking what I got, how much did I want, etc. It was scary. I had nothing - my Mom was in the hospital, I was in a daze, and I just wanted to go home, but I was afraid I was going to get jumped because they thought I had pillses.


I mentioned it to one of the nurses later and apparently the pillses are often sold cheaper by people leaving the ER. So the "regulars" hanging out there just didn't want to spring for the more expensive ones from their dealers. It was quite an eye opener. And it makes me sick because it's making it so hard for people who DO need them to get them.


ETA: sorry I know that got kind of OT. I just know there are plenty of places to get those pills, and apparently Leah knows too. I wouldn't doubt she's got at least a couple of sources.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 4

My sympathies to all of you who have had difficulty acquiring pain killers. I suffer from chronic pain. I won't go into details, but I have never had any issues getting narcotics. The fact is, I don't even really rely on the usual stuff such as vicodin because my body resists it. After some years, I stopped taking it. The thing is, I have had my dentist, my doctor, pain specialists and the ER eager to give me vicodin and codeine to deal with certain pain after procedures have been done or if chronic pain flares up real bad. I decline the meds. After years of extreme pain, it is the "regular" pain I can tolerate.

It just seems crazy how some of you have been treated for needing your pain killers and here I have doctors who are giving it to me without hesitation. I suppose it is because they know me and know I am not an abuser. I guess if I went elsewhere I might face what you all have faced. Sad.

Leah definitely has more than one drug source. She has to for those moments when one source is not around.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

That's crazy. I work in a pharmacy and every time someone has a prescription for a narcotic or some kind of controlled substance we look them up in the DEA database. It's only for our state and we only accept patients from our county but we can see if they have prescriptions at other pharmacies and if they do, I make a call. I'm appalled that so many pharmacies don't look into that. So many doctors are in prison for stuff like that

We do this as well at our pharmacy.

  • Love 2

Here is a link to the story I mentioned above. The woman had over 6000 pills:http://m.thecamarilloacorn.com/news/2016-01-22/Community/Woman_arrested_for_doctor_shopping_to_hoard_painki.html#.VxB3UHNlDqA

A few months back there was a medical doctor here in So. Cal who was convicted of murder for prescribing large amounts of vicodin to a young man who ended up dying.

Leah and other addicts do make it hard for people who truly need meds but, medical officials and pharmacists who see easy money and choose to violate the laws are also to blame.

Leah is in a chasing her tail situation if she's still getting prescriptions for some of her pillses.  The DEA is breathing down the necks of any physician that prescribes long term opiates AND/OR long term benzos. WV is REALLY in their crosshairs right now and regulations are getting as tight as a noose. If her 'anxiety' meds are a benzo, like ativan, xanax, etc and they've been prescribed long term, she likely had to sign a contract just like a patient has to sign for opioid pain management. If she is prescribed opiates long term, she definitely had to sign one. She would be required to submit to urine tests as part of the contract. Depending on the clinic, the frequency of the test could be every month or less frequent. Some clinics have a randomized system where each day is assigned a color. When you come in to get the hard copy of your prescription, you draw a colored stick or marble out of a container full of different colors. If you pick the color of the day, you go pee in a cup. You also agree to random testing when you sign the contract. You have 24 hours to submit to the test after they request it or you're cut off. So, lets say she eats her entire prescription and has been buying pills. Her refill date is coming up and she might have to pee when she picks it up. She has to test positive for what she's prescribed. She scrambles around looking for a friend or dealer with whatever she's supposed to test positive for. Or, she saves a few pills from her prescription to take right before she has to go to the clinic. In the meantime, she's chasing down pills all month long. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Based on her behavior this season, my theory is that when she came back from not-rehab, the only thing a doctor would prescribe for her is antidepressants and all of her feel good pillses are being bought from dealers and friends. I also feel safe in saying that every friend and family member has been told stories of her losing her pills, someone stole them, the pharmacy shorted her, etc in an attempt to get them to give her anything they may have laying around 'to get her by' until she can go to the doctor. The one constant with drug addicts is they all use the same techniques and think everyone is too stupid to know what they're doing.

  • Love 3

6 hydrocodone for wisdom teeth extraction? That's criminal! That dentist/oral surgeon is a sadist and I hope they have to have multiple, complicated extractions and get nothing for pain. Ya'll need to call Leah and find out what doctor she sees for her pillses. I wish you speedy healing :)

Ugh I wound up getting sick tonight and I threw up, that was the absolute one thing I was hoping against. I was so scared I was going to pop a stitch, and I'm scared to take the last pill partially because I'm afraid I'll feel worse but partially because it's my last one.

It just seems crazy how some of you have been treated for needing your pain killers and here I have doctors who are giving it to me without hesitation. I suppose it is because they know me and know I am not an abuser. I guess if I went elsewhere I might face what you all have faced. Sad.

Leah definitely has more than one drug source. She has to for those moments when one source is not around.


I think it must just depend on where you go.  My husband does not have chronic pain but has a high risk job physically and has suffered from bad injuries multiple times since we've been married. He also got a serious infection when having some dental work done recently. His doctors and the dentist have never hesitated to write out a Vicodin script. He doesn't even have a regular doctor- he only goes when he's injured, he waits all illnesses out and doesn't do any preventative work. So these doctors don't even know him and will toss a script at him.


I definitely think Leah has turned to buying her drugs illegally, but these crackdowns aren't happening everywhere- might just depend on the provider.


Ugh, was scrolling through facebook this morning and came across a post from Stir Mom or Stir cafe- something like that. Jeremy evidently wrote a bunch of tweets about how he's sick of people commenting on social media about what a jackass he is for leaving Leah and hanging out with Corey for that one dinner. He also says if this the general mindset of people, he's scared by how dumb everyone is. He has a point, but is not very articulate. Anyways, there was one reasonable comment to the article, saying that Corey and Jeremy actually had a lot in common, and as their daughters are siblings, they SHOULD be friends. The rest of the comments were all railing at him for being disrespectful and how could Jeremy hang out with Corey, knowing everything Corey had put Leah through. I know, I know, I'm preaching to the choir here, but omg who are these fucking idiots?


Even believing the sanitized version of Leah that the first six seasons of TM put out there, you would have to really, really be reaching to find one thing Corey "put" Leah through. Actually, I've got nothing. And what I'm most baffled by was that the majority of the comments think that Jeremy's main crime was buddying up Corey, not anything he directly did to Leah. I just can't figure it out. While I think both men were mostly justified in what they did, how is Corey worse than Jeremy? Corey has treated his ex with far more care, compassion, and respect than almost anyone I know in real life. And he did it as a 20 year old. Just don't understand.

  • Love 4

I used to work as a pharmacy tech, This was almost 8 years ago, so things may have changed. At one of my first pharmacies, we had a local doc who was known for prescribing whatever a patient wanted. He was really bad about never-ending refills on controlled substances. His wife was his secretary/nurse. One time one of our techs was in line at Publix (grocery store) and heard a familiar, "Dr. ___ Office? Oh, yes, _____ (patient name). Give 3 refills, same directions. Goodbye". No chart in sight. No way she knew who we were even calling about. Apparently they had calls forwarded to her cell and they would just say okay to EVERYTHING. This was the same doctor who once prescribed Lunesta for a 6-year-old. Sleeping pill, if you didn't know. I refused to fill it. 


Controlled substances are treated  differently than other prescriptions, especially level II, in the sense that we have to follow different laws. CII RXs cannot be phoned in, faxed in, sent electronically, etc. There are no refills. You must go see your doc and get a new RX every time. That being said, it is NOT policy to make someone wait longer. Or to treat anyone suspiciously JUST because they're getting a controlled RX filled. I have worked in 4 different pharmacies, under many different pharmacists, and I've never seen anyone automatically be treated like a criminal just because of the RX they have in their hand. 


As for getting injured to get painkillers. That does happen. People would go to the ER and say the poked their eye and needed some Vicodin. A lot of ER docs are wise to this, and what they will do is write an RX for the Vicodin AND an antibiotic. Maybe a more expensive one. They will write on the script that you must fill all or none. So many patients would just try to get the painkiller. THAT is the kind of stuff that makes one suspicious. 


I have no idea how Leah is getting her painkillers. All states are different, but there does seem to have been a lot of cracking down lately. I don't know about signing forms, but where I worked, our computers would pick up on it if you were getting the same med filled at different pharmacies, even outside of our chain. Maybe these kinds of pills are now being shipped in from out of the country or something?

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 1

I may not run a search on all my friends, but we routinely check the sex offender website for our county. If Adumb had done so (bahahahaa, yea right!), he might have noticed a familiar name. 

I feel like if I were on TV I wouldn't trust anyone;  that I would look into any new person who tried to talk to me.  Then again, I'm much  older and saner than these people are.

  • Love 3

Every time I read Jeremy's posts about how "stupid" everyone is, it's hard to totally support him, both because it's painfully clear that he's not the brightest crayon in the box and because he obviously deeply cares what others think of him. Obviously that would be difficult if you were a public figure of some kind, but he didn't have to be on the show.

  • Love 2

Every time I read Jeremy's posts about how "stupid" everyone is, it's hard to totally support him, both because it's painfully clear that he's not the brightest crayon in the box and because he obviously deeply cares what others think of him. Obviously that would be difficult if you were a public figure of some kind, but he didn't have to be on the show.


I struggle with his as well. On the one hand, he's absolutely right. The people that are bemoaning Leah's unfortunate lot in life and taking the time to harass Jeremy via social media are stupid. On the other hand, he married a girl he had been dating for like, 5 months, a girl that was from a reality show, had cheated on a previous husband, considered leaving Jeremy for said ex, and was well known for using astoundingly bad judgment, even prior to drug abuse. The he decided the logical next step was to get pregnant, even though they had only met a year prior and had already broken up once. Not to mention she had two daughters already, one with special needs.


Not exactly a pillar of good judgment and maturity himself.


That said, from the article I read, what seemed to piss the fans off most was his "alliance" with Corey, not his bad judgment in marrying her and knocking her up in the first place, nor his treatment of her while they were married (not that Leah wasn't mainly at fault for that breakup, but I still maintain Jeremy could've been a little better behaved himself). It is his association with Corey that is upsetting the rabid fans. So, he is right, they are really stupid.

  • Love 7

I struggle with his as well. On the one hand, he's absolutely right. The people that are bemoaning Leah's unfortunate lot in life and taking the time to harass Jeremy via social media are stupid. On the other hand, he married a girl he had been dating for like, 5 months, a girl that was from a reality show, had cheated on a previous husband, considered leaving Jeremy for said ex, and was well known for using astoundingly bad judgment, even prior to drug abuse. The he decided the logical next step was to get pregnant, even though they had only met a year prior and had already broken up once. Not to mention she had two daughters already, one with special needs.

Not exactly a pillar of good judgment and maturity himself.

That said, from the article I read, what seemed to piss the fans off most was his "alliance" with Corey, not his bad judgment in marrying her and knocking her up in the first place, nor his treatment of her while they were married (not that Leah wasn't mainly at fault for that breakup, but I still maintain Jeremy could've been a little better behaved himself). It is his association with Corey that is upsetting the rabid fans. So, he is right, they are really stupid.

I looked at Jeremy's Instagram where he posted the picture that set it all off, and half the comments were bashing Miranda. Like what?

But yeah, I can't with Jeremy's profanity-filled twitter rants. He's really immature. I wonder if one of the reasons Leah doesn't bash Jeremy like she does Corey is that he knows where the bodies are buried so to speak and there's a high likelihood that he would spill all in a twitter rant if pissed off.

  • Love 7


It's about 2/3 down the page. WV has 137.6 prescriptions for every 100 adults. And that's not even the worst in the country. Alabama has 142.9

 Top States:  Alabama: 142.9 per 100 people

•Tennessee: 142.8

•West Virginia: 137.6

•Kentucky: 128.4

•Oklahoma: 127.8

•Mississippi: 120.3

•Louisiana: 118

•Arkansas: 115.8


Dang you southerners win again!

There have been several public hearings about the RX prob in Kentucky, WV and Ohio (I live in SE Ohio 40 mins from WV) and one of the main discussion points is how so many of the people using opiod pain control are the active and disabled coal miners. It is a huge problem to determine who is abusing the drugs in that profession, because for many people it is keeping them functional members of society. 


The pill mills were largely ignored, even though the cops were complaining about them. People used to go to Florida and get pills to come back home to sell, and finally some docs set up shop here. The police said it was a problem, the pharmacists said we have to fill it unless we have an excuse not to, so tell us to stop. The major chains finally said no more from certain docs, but the small chains didn't, and finally, the pill mills got pharmacists to work for them to stop that problem. People started going to their Congressmen, public hearing were held, and well attended, and finally the DEA and state agencies investigated. The local police were all, "Where were you when we asked for help?" 


TL:DR I don't know about the other states, but Kentucky and WV have several prescriptions written for disabled coal miners. 

  • Love 2

I really think that if that man, who he may have met at just that moment, said something about being on the sex offenders list for showing himself to a woman while he was still a teen, Adam would find it funny and not at all dangerous to his children. All he would have had to say was that she was harassing him and he told her to suck his dick while showing it to her, and Adam would have no problem with it.


The recent charges of showing a photo of a penis to a teenager may have given him pause though. Not necessarily that he would think there was a risk, just that he is insisting he has changed, and hanging out with that man wouldn't be great for his new image. Of course, that supposes he actually knows him, and MTV didn't just sit him there. The tabloid reports are that he was there with his two kids and their mom. No one seems to have found a link to Adam on social media, but I haven't read this morning.

  • Love 2

I wonder how Sad Panda Pinsky is going to whitewash all the crap we've seen her do and figure out a way to blame Corey. We know he's going to tell Corey that he needs to give her a chance with the girlses. But, how will he spin the texting, smoking, being late, not feeding them breakfast, calling Ali a liar, cursing at them and generally acting like an asshole?

Well, I think it's fairly obvious he doesn't watch the show, so it'll be up to whoever writes up his notes. They could just leave it all out entirely and the good doc would never know it happened.

Is she going to admit to being an addict or is she going to keep up the "anxiety and depression" story?

That is a really good question! I love how Steve Harvey keeps it real but with a sense of humor. I hope he calls her out on this in his own way.

Oh now it's the fault of Germy's job? You mean the job you already knew he had before you shacked up with him? The job you at one time (IIRC) bragged about because of his salary? Okay then.

Guess she must be done blaming Corey for everything. NEXT! Also guessing that sneak peek from next week's show didn't go her way.

  • Love 4

I don't foresee Leah going on a show that could potentially call her out, she still claims that its a depression/anxiety issue on Twitter I have a feeling it'll be more of the same, now we are adding Jeremy's job to the list of "its everybody but Leah's fault" list. She has so staunchly denied a substance issue is be surprised if she admits to any pill issue, but if she does it'll be heavily veiled as "I only took one or 2 pills too many exactly when MTV was filming so that was caught on camera" and more of "Corey stole my kids and brainwashed them that breakfast is good". I want to hope for a confrontation but I just don't see it happening, but I've never watched Steve Harvey so here's to hoping!

  • Love 5

Oh now it's the fault of Germy's job? You mean the job you already knew he had before you shacked up with him? The job you at one time (IIRC) bragged about because of his salary? Okay then. 


Apparently Leah has no will and self-control of her own and needs her man around 24/7 to keep her off the pillses...yup, it was all Germy's fault for working to keep her in cheap press-on nails and hair extensions. Lord, I'm so tired of Leah's whole "I was so overwhelmed, I had three girlses on my own!" song and dance. She's the one who wanted the SAHM dream life with high earning husband providing. It would be nice, just once, for her to admit she screwed up, she cheated, she did drugs, she wasn't a great mom, and not blame someone else.


I should probably watch the interview before I judge, but I'm sure I'll get irrationally angry.

  • Love 3

I don't foresee Leah going on a show that could potentially call her out, she still claims that its a depression/anxiety issue on Twitter I have a feeling it'll be more of the same, now we are adding Jeremy's job to the list of "its everybody but Leah's fault" list. She has so staunchly denied a substance issue is be surprised if she admits to any pill issue, but if she does it'll be heavily veiled as "I only took one or 2 pills too many exactly when MTV was filming so that was caught on camera" and more of "Corey stole my kids and brainwashed them that breakfast is good". I want to hope for a confrontation but I just don't see it happening, but I've never watched Steve Harvey so here's to hoping!

I don't see a confrontation exactly either, and if it does go that way I think Leah will just yell monkey (which might also be hilarious on that show actually).

I don't know if this will make sense if you've never watched him but I can totally see Steve repeating back to her "so you were depressed and anxious?" in a sympathetic tone while giving his signature look to the audience and cameras that says "oh yeah she was high," perhaps even with a screen shot in the background.

I'm definitely recording it! Curious to see what he will and won't say.

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Every time I read Jeremy's posts about how "stupid" everyone is, it's hard to totally support him, both because it's painfully clear that he's not the brightest crayon in the box and because he obviously deeply cares what others think of him. Obviously that would be difficult if you were a public figure of some kind, but he didn't have to be on the show.

And he isn't even bright enough to simply get off social media, if the comments from random strangers ON social media bother him so much.

Top States:  Alabama: 142.9 per 100 people

•Tennessee: 142.8

•West Virginia: 137.6

•Kentucky: 128.4

•Oklahoma: 127.8

•Mississippi: 120.3

•Louisiana: 118

•Arkansas: 115.8


Dang you southerners win again!

What happened to Florida? It used to be one of the worst.

There have been several public hearings about the RX prob in Kentucky, WV and Ohio (I live in SE Ohio 40 mins from WV) and one of the main discussion points is how so many of the people using opiod pain control are the active and disabled coal miners. It is a huge problem to determine who is abusing the drugs in that profession, because for many people it is keeping them functional members of society. 


The pill mills were largely ignored, even though the cops were complaining about them. People used to go to Florida and get pills to come back home to sell, and finally some docs set up shop here. The police said it was a problem, the pharmacists said we have to fill it unless we have an excuse not to, so tell us to stop. The major chains finally said no more from certain docs, but the small chains didn't, and finally, the pill mills got pharmacists to work for them to stop that problem. People started going to their Congressmen, public hearing were held, and well attended, and finally the DEA and state agencies investigated. The local police were all, "Where were you when we asked for help?" 


TL:DR I don't know about the other states, but Kentucky and WV have several prescriptions written for disabled coal miners.

I'm in Ohio too, about an hour from Kentucky. There is a huge heroin problem here too. Cheaper and stronger than rx opiates. The problem is bigger than just prescription sbuse. And addiction is a serious health issue, not a moral failing.

Just pointing out that both could be true...many people self medicate anxiety and depression or are prescribed meds by the doctor and it turns into addiction. If she is an addict, it doesn't mean she is not anxious and depressed or that that is not the core issue.

Thank you!

  • Love 1

"And addiction is a serious health issue, not a moral failing." YES THANK YOU. Being an addict doesn't make you 'bad,' it makes you an addict.


Could MTV even legally show drug abuse without calling the cops? Our drug laws are imo draconian...I don't know if they are under contract not to show the drug abuse, or is it just a network choice like they did with the controversial photo of Aubree......???

Edited by Lm2162
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I don't think anyone is denying that Leah has mental issues that might've caused her to turned to self-medicating; hell, there has even been muted discussion around these parts about what might have happened in her past/childhood to make the mess we see Leah is today. But my sympathy starts to fail when someone seems to blame everyone and everything but themselves for there own problems. I full well know how insidious and out of control depression and anxiety can be, being a lifelong sufferer of both. But she whines about how stressful her life is and how unhelpful her past spouses were without owning up to how she helped create the situation she is in. Some honest self-reflection on her part would probably be a great start to actually managing her addiction/mental issues, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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