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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Whatever the reason, I don't believe it was Leah's choice on her own.  She had to be convinced of it and that it looked better on her not to film.

Edited by Mkay
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Well, it looks like it's official and Leah has confirmed on November 21st via Twitter (of course) that she won't be returning.



Mama is moving on. After five seasons, Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer announced on Twitter in the early hours of Friday, Nov. 21 that she will not be returning to the MTV reality show.
Messer, 22, broke the news while responding to a tweet from a fan. A follower asked the star about the next season of Teen Mom 2, writing, "Are you doing season 6?" Messer immediately responded, writing simply, "No."
Edited by Persnickety1

On the one hand, I think it is for the best that Leah won't be on the show anymore.  She definitely has issues and I think the "fame" and easy money went to her head and made it worse.  I do wonder, if Germy is really going to divorce her, what she will be doing for money. Not that I care if she actually has to struggle for once in her life, she could use it.  I will miss seeing awesome little Ali and I do hope they update us on how she is doing in the next few years.


They should just cancel TM2. Chelsea is boring, Kail is a drag, and Jenelle is just a loser and I don't like thinking she is getting paid good money to be a loser.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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On the one hand, I think it is for the best that Leah won't be on the show anymore.  She definitely has issues and I think the "fame" and easy money went to her head and made it worse.  I do wonder, if Germy is really going to divorce her, what she will be doing for money. Not that I care if she actually has to struggle for once in her life, she could use it.  I will miss seeing awesome little Ali and I do hope they update us on how she is doing in the next few years.


They should just cancel TM2. Chelsea is boring, Kail is a drag, and Jenelle is just a loser and I don't like thinking she is getting paid good money to esebe a loser.


I agree. After watching this last season, I think their stories have long expired. I also think making them into celebrities in their small towns hasn't been a good thing, especially for Leah and Janelle. Watching Leah this last season, you can see her start to lose it when Ali starts to realize that she has a disability. Ali doesn't seem to have a hard time accepting it at this point, but Leah comes unhinged and that's when the  "anxiety pills" and the "Mary Kay money" all started. It's pretty obvious all that was a (not very convincing) cover for a drug problem. She needs a lot of help learning to cope with her life which I hope she gets, for the sake of her kids. I guess you could argue that the cameras keep her accountable in that she can't go too far off the deep end, but her kids are going to be in school soon. It doesn't seem fair to them to keep showing her antics.

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Radar Online has a source reporting that it was Leah’s custody battle with ex Corey Simms over twin daughters Ali and Aleeah that was the main reason for departing, with Leah being concerned that how she is portrayed on the show (including her problems with prescription pills featured in Season 5) might damage her case. “Leah’s final court date is coming up, and her behavior on the show made her look really bad to the judge,” the source said.

Sources for The Ashley’s Reality Roundup say that Leah was severely scarred after her cheating on ex Corey was featured on the show and she doesn’t want to go through that again with the latest cheating and drug problem rumors.


I tend to believe the first paragraph a little bit more. The 2nd one, no.  If she was really "Scarred" she wouldn't have cheated a second time. (that article was also a little too nice to her.)

Edited by Mkay
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Hmmm...I will go with my previous stance that it is the guardian ad litem who has pulled the plug for Leah. Reading that article above, it sounds too close to what I posted previously about the GAL. If I remember right, when the scene played out after court, it was said the girlses would be assigned a GAL and the judge wanted to see any and all things relating to the girlses well-being including Grace's medical history.  The judge wanted documentation to make a decision. The GAL is the person who is assigned to minor children and offers their opinion as to what is in the best interest of the child(ren), in this case, the twins.  Most certainly MTV would have had to show all the footage they had of Leah and the girlses.  I am certain Cory and Miranda wouldn't let that slip by them and most likely pushed their attorney to look into all footage, including footage that didn't make it on air. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that courtroom when the GAL presents to the judge all the things she/he has on Leah.


Leah is so fucking stupid. The footage won't ruin her case. She herself has ruined her case. I can't imagine a GAL would think it would be okay for MTV to continue to film. There is too much shit going on with these girlses and there is no valid reason for them to be on the show. It isn't as if it is to their benefit. The GAL is not removing them from something that is important to their well-being. This is why I believe it is not Leah's decision, and if it is, it is only because the GAL has stated to her that if she doesn't stop filming, the GAL will go to court and advise the judge that Leah is not following the GAL's guidelines.


Ohhh I can only imagine Leah right now. She is probably crying her damn eyes out, wondering how she is going to survive not being able to go get her bi-weekly mani and pedis. Crying and boo-hooing over not being able to buy another expensive purse!

Edited by GreatKazu
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Leah needs to take every ounce of that Mary Kay, trowel it all on and take her ass back down to the Lobo Lounge to find another sucker.  Its a truly hard sell at this point because this girl is 20 something w 2 divorces, 3 kids and not a stitch of work history.  And now no MTV check.  Whatever she had left after washer/dryer combos and Mary Kay is surely being sucked up by lawyers for the divorce and custody case.


Unless she plans to switch to store brand Cheetos, she's gonna have to hit the track really soon.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Hmmm...I will go with my previous stance that it is the guardian ad litem who has pulled the plug for Leah. Reading that article above, it sounds too close to what I posted previously about the GAL. If I remember right, when the scene played out after court, it was said the girlses would be assigned a GAL and the judge wanted to see any and all things relating to the girlses well-being including Grace's medical history.  The judge wanted documentation to make a decision. The GAL is the person who is assigned to minor children and offers their opinion as to what is in the best interest of the child(ren), in this case, the twins.  Most certainly MTV would have had to show all the footage they had of Leah and the girlses.  I am certain Cory and Miranda wouldn't let that slip by them and most likely pushed their attorney to look into all footage, including footage that didn't make it on air. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that courtroom when the GAL presents to the judge all the things she/he has on Leah.



I posted too that I think it was the GAL, too. I just couldn't remember what it was called.  Totally agree.

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Leah needs to take every ounce of that Mary Kay, trowel it all on and take her ass back down to the Lobo Lounge to find another sucker.  Its a truly hard sell at this point because this girl is 20 something w 2 divorces, 3 kids and not a stitch of work history.  And now no MTV check.  Whatever she had left after washer/dryer combos and Mary Kay is surely being sucked up by lawyers for the divorce and custody case.


Unless she plans to switch to store brand Cheetos, she's gonna have to hit the track really soon.

The Lobo men won't have her....Unless Arnie reappears. *shudder* 

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Well, I guess I should never underestimate Leah's ability to be a dumbass. Someone should have told her a husband's income isn't guaranteed to the wife, especially when said wife can't keep her legs shut when husband is away.  I wonder how long it will be until Leah is spotted in the welfare line? I won't even say anything about a job, cause you know Leah is sooo stressed and overwhelmed, y'all.

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Leah shouldn't need help feeding her children. She has had a job that paid more in one year than most two income families with kids make in several years. Plus her husband has a high income and she receives child support from Cory. They live in WV which has a very low cost of living. She should have a lot of money saved up to live on for years. But I'm sure she has nothing since she blew it on frivolous shit and drugs. But if she chooses to buy drugs and not take care of her kids, then the kids should go to their responsible parent. Her hard times were caused by her choices and while I agree the kids shouldn't have to suffer for her poor choices, she can sell her vehicles, her expensive house etc before she needs government assistance to feed her kids. I think she was basically forced off the show by the courts or her attorney strongly recommended she stop participating in it. She would never have agreed to end filming. That is the only money she has coming in, She will never lower herself to actually work for a living. I don't think Jeremy would want to quit the show either. I think he's a bit of a famewhore. But maybe he didn't want his humiliation over the cheating scandal and possible divorce to play out on national tv.  But since Cory and Leah both quit I am guessing it has to do with the court's disapproval or the possibility that Cory thought it was in the girlses best interest to leave the show and Leah had to follow suit or be penalized (lose custody) in court because she didn't agree to it. I'm sure it was not  voluntary. Leah has no other income or skills (Mary Kay excluded lol)

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kira - Exactly.


Leah won't qualify for welfare. I was pretty certain, but did some googling anyways. In order for one to get cash welfare, the person has to have minor children in their custody - which we are not sure yet if Leah will retain her girlses except for Adderall - and second, she can't receive an income that goes beyond the WV guidelines for a one year period. Leah alone has earned the income of at least three people in one year. There is no fucking way welfare is going to give her cash aid. Welfare would expect her to live off of what she earned in the last year, regardless if she spent it all or not. Welfare, at least in my state, also allows one to have a bank account, but it can't be more than $1500 at any one time. Not sure what the guidelines are in WV.  Who knows what Leah has in the bank at this point. She also receives child support. If Germy is divorcing her, she will also receive child support from him. Yeah, no. That chick is not getting any welfare. She may have to sell nude photos of herself afterall.


I thought Germy closed up his Twitter? Is that his actual account which shows the word "done" posted?


Damn! Leah looks ugly in that In Touch photo. Shit, her nose looks like the one the Wicked Witch had in Wizard of Oz. I never realized Leah AND Germy both have huge chins! They must be of the same gene pool. Ewwwww.


I am guessing Leah will be re-doing this tattoo of hers that she got when she married Germy, which also has Germy's initials...stupid move! LOL  That quote is very ironic considering the situation:


Edited by GreatKazu
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I remember a couple of years back, Leah was bitching about people being on government assistance - this was around the time she was bragging about Jeremy's salary. Gee, I certainly hope she won't be needing any of that now! I'm sure selling Mary Kay will be enough!

What a bitch. If it weren't for teen mom or having good husbands finding good work she would be one of these people on food stamps

  • Love 9
Leah shouldn't need help feeding her children. She has had a job ™ that paid more in one year than most two income families with kids make in several years. Plus her husband has a high income and she receives child support from Cory. They live in WV which has a very low cost of living. She should have a lot of money saved up to live on for years. But I'm sure she has nothing since she blew it on frivolous shit and drugs. But if she chooses to buy drugs and not take care of her kids, then the kids should go to their responsible parent. Her hard times were caused by her choices and while I agree the kids shouldn't have to suffer for her poor choices, she can sell her vehicles, her expensive house etc before she needs government assistance to feed her kids.

This x 1000000.


Leah has had more than enough people from three different families (Cory's, hers, and Jeremy's) who were more than happy to tend to, take care of, and have the girls so Leah could go get those countless manicures, go to those countless "lunches" with her friends because she was "oh so exhausted" and those times she took off out of town to Vegas with Jeremy to go to those expos for those two businesses she was supposedly going to set up. Remember? The tanning salon and the hair products she was going to try and sell just like her Mary Kay business that was supposed to be lucrative. Let those family members take care of the girls. It seems they have been all along. Leah is just the person who drops Cheetos on the floor and gives them Lunchables.


Give me a break. This girl is the last person in this country who should be receiving welfare and food stamps. If her kids are hungry, ship them off to Cory and Miranda for good and be done with it. They will have more than enough support, care and food there. It isn't as if Leah is on her own, a single parent with deadbeat dads for her children. This is the girl who couldn't bother to save her earnings and couldn't bother to get herself a career unless you call riding the penis of a guy and allowing herself to get impregnated, a career.


For all her stupidity with Adam, I give major props to Chelsea for at least getting her career going and not having to find a guy to support her by way of getting pregnant or forcing him into a career with benefits. That girl is majorly stupid for having sex with Adam, but I am so glad she has her bases covered as far as providing a roof for her child and being able to provide her.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I find myself wondering how much the girlses' lives would change if she does in fact lose custody. I'm thinking her emotional freak out might actually be a bigger change than not living with her 24/7 because I feel like the kids aren't even with her that much, at least not the twins. I could be completely wrong but it sure seems like they're with other people a lot of the time.


I will miss seeing the girlses but I'm glad they won't be televised anymore as I think it's probably better for them. I hope we get occasional updates though. As much as I'd miss seeing them, that would probably be best for all of the kids at this point.

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I was checking out Germy's Twitter page and something about it bothers me. I don't know that it should, but it does. I can understand why he doesn't have Leah's photo on there, but why does he only have Adderall's photo and nothing of the twins? I know they are not his bio children, but he was their step-father. It just seems like he is glad to be rid of both Leah and the girlses and that just doesn't sit right with me. I have always had this feeling inside that Germy didn't really care for the girlses and was likely annoyed with them when they were in their custody. I think he felt annoyed because they were a reminder of Leah's connection to Cory. Just my feeling.

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GreatKazu I'm not a Twitter-er (if that's word) but I'm on Facebook and I've found numerous accounts for both Leah and Jeremy. I'm sure there are more, but a number of obvious ones popped up.  He has a lot of pics of all of the kids on what seems to be his main non "celebrity" FB page. Granted the most recent one's a year or so old, though.


I wonder if both Leah and Jeremy would be relieved to not have the girlses. I wonder who they spend most of their time with, too. They have so many people who love them, I hope they end up somewhere that they're happy.

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Ohhh man I would love to see a Leah sex tape. Well.. you know, not *see* it, but know that it exists. I'd be perfectly content to watch some R-rated non-sexing snippets, like what was released about Farrah's dirty movies. That was more than enough!!

Farrah is probably trying to talk Leah into releasing her very own line of lady-part molds. Just like Farrah...

I was checking out Germy's Twitter page and something about it bothers me. I don't know that it should, but it does. I can understand why he doesn't have Leah's photo on there, but why does he only have Adderall's photo and nothing of the twins? I know they are not his bio children, but he was their step-father. It just seems like he is glad to be rid of both Leah and the girlses and that just doesn't sit right with me. I have always had this feeling inside that Germy didn't really care for the girlses and was likely annoyed with them when they were in their custody. I think he felt annoyed because they were a reminder of Leah's connection to Cory. Just my feeling.

Maybe he just feels that since he's no longer with their mother, its not his place to post photos of kids that aren't his

I wouldn't have wanted my ex to post pictures of my kids in a public place.

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This may be wrong of me to say, but if everything is literally going to hell in a handbasket for Leah, the best she could do ( for the time being) would be to let Cory and Miranda take the twins while she gets herself back on her feet. Without Jeremy (and the teen mom money) there is no way she can afford to take care of 3 kids and maintain the lifestyle she wants. I have to agree with those above that it was probably not Leah's decision to sever ties with the show, considering that was her main source of income for along time ( along with child support). But maybe just maybe this will convince her to put on her big girl pants and be an adult for once. Granted I may be giving her too much credit, but if Im honest, I never had much regard for Leah and much like my opinion of Jenelle, Im not holding out alot of hope.


As far as Jeremy is concerned, my sympathy for him is zilch. Regardless if Leah did or didnt cheat again, he had to have known what he was getting into and what she is capable of and Im sure he was just as drawn to the lifestyle as her. I could easily see him leaving Adalyn ( cant remember how to spell her name) with Leah and not bothering to be a part of her life for awhile. He can miss me with his pleas for sympathy. The only ones who deserve any in this case are those three precious kids who will be caught in the crossfire.

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I tend to agree that Jeremy not having pictures of the girlses does not necessarily indicate he doesn't care or is over them per se... But it's a sticky situation either way, the fact of the matter being he's not their father so if he's not married to their mother anymore perhaps he felt he should step back... Either way is speculation until he stated otherwise. I don't know if I completely blame him, I'm sure he cared about them, but given his work schedule and the rate at which Leah jumped into that relationship and they do spend a considerable about of time with their dad... I don't know that he was ever really around them that much.

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Jeremy does have photos of all the girls on his other pages so, I think the theory that he is not wanting to post photos of the girlses, doesn't hold up or that he feels it is not his place to post them since clearly he does have them up on Facebook.

It would explain why he's no longer posting pictures of them. The pictures that are posted may have been posted while he and Leah were still together.

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I guess  am just making something out of nothing, but I just can't shake those thoughts of all of those times Germy would go off on Leah, in the presence of the kids, with no qualms as to what those poor kids were hearing. Germy is one major shithead who had no problem telling Leah he didn't trust her or Cory - right in front of the kids!


As for the other times he went off on Leah, even though he may have had a right to be mad at Leah about something, he didn't care enough about the kids being in the backseat or within earshot as he blasted Leah about her shitty behavior or his issues with Cory, including those times those two went at it in front of the kids as they talked smack about Cory and Miranda.


To me, it just reeks of Germy not giving a fuck about anyone, including the girlses. I feel he was just putting on a show. Sure he wasn't around them enough - in the beginning - but, he did get a job closer to home and even then, he couldn't be bothered to hold, help or care for his own baby. Why would he bother with the twins?


Just me blowing off steam about the douchebag. I really don't get a good vibe about him regarding the twins.

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I don't think Jeremy gives a rats ass about the twins.   He was already in the habit of calling Cory "your ex husband" and talking shit about Cory right in front of the girls, saying stuff like 'fuck him.'   And constantly bringing up getting money for the girls from Cory.    I think he resented the situation, and I don't think he considered the girls his own at all.  Maybe the reality of dealing with them and Ali's issues was a lot more than he thought it would be.   I could never figure out why he was so hellbent on being with Leah and having a kid so soon.   Maybe he's just the competitive type but it definitely reminds me of the saying be careful what you wish for.

Edited by Lexie
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I don't think he really loves the twins either I just didn't see the big about him not posting pictures. Like I said, I wouldn't want my ex (if I had one) to publicly post pictures of my kids.

I don't like Jeremy and don't think he should have been with a woman if he didn't care about her kids too. That being said, I understand him not having an attachment to them to be honest.

He's young and probably didn't spend a lot of time with them due to his job, then they are either with Cory or being shipped off to somebody else. Then when they are with him, Grace is a huge brat, I adore Ali but have seen some bratty things from her too and its nothing but Cheetos and chaos.

I don't like it, but I do understand it.

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I agree he may not be all that attached to the girls, I just don't think the photos or lack thereof says all that much. (just to me personally, especially since there are lots of pics of the girls on some of his accounts). I can understand why he wouldn't feel that connected to them.


That said... I think anyone who cared about ANY kids at all wouldn't be acting all pouting and pissed off and then refusing to say why while then holding his phone up so their Mom could read his angry text while she was driving a freaking house sized SUV with the kids sorta-kinda-barely strapped into carseats. I think that was probably just immaturity as opposed to actively disliking the kids, but damn that was ridiculous.

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