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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I honestly don't think a lot of good thoughts about Remington as a first name - it's long, it's a rifle company, etc. BUT (as others have said) at least it's easy & everyone knows how to say it/spell it. And Remi is a cute nickname.

Congratulations Corey and Miranda!

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I honestly don't think a lot of good thoughts about Remington as a first name - it's long, it's a rifle company, etc. BUT (as others have said) at least it's easy & everyone knows how to say it/spell it. And Remi is a cute nickname.

Congratulations Corey and Miranda!

At least it's  a recognizable name? With a recognizable spelling?  I don't know where Allianyah or Alleaahhh or Addalynn comes from though... I honestly don't think those are conventional names or spellings from any culture studied by anthropologists. So, yeah, improvement is good. 

  • Love 3

How did I miss that Vee had the baby?! They had a girl right? Do you know her name?

I think her name is Viela (or something like that, I just remember it being something I have never heard) but they are going to call her Vivi.

I'm not a huge fan of the name Remington, it just seems more masculine to me... But why should they care what I think.

I think they named her Velisse and are calling her Vivi for short. The reason I remembered it is because the name Velisse sounds like a suitcase to me. 

Like Valise? Yeah, I can see that, although it would depend on how it's pronounced. Maybe it's not so bad.


Remington doesn't really bother me. I kind of like that it's recognizable, and it's not really a "boy name" because it's...not really a name at all. Remi, though, just reminds me of Fetty Wap and his Remy Boys. I highly doubt that's what they were going for, although I'm on board because I love Fetty Wap.


The public reaction over Miranda having this baby is appalling. In no way has she inserted herself into Corey's dealings with Leah. For the longest time, she was very hands-off. But I defy anyone to spend THAT much time with young children who need guidance they aren't getting, and not form an attachment that would genuinely make you concerned for their well-being when they're with their biological mother. Foster parents get this all the time from birth mothers--"you're not their mom, butt out!" But let's be real here, she cares for those girls and is doing her best to maintain a relationship with them, their father, and to an extent, their mother, while still not trying to step on any toes. If her actions were based on jealousy, why wouldn't she want Corey to have less time with the twinses?


Honestly, we don't know much about Miranda. She's kind of a closed book, both on TV and social media. She resists (mostly) the temptation of making snide comments about Leah, and when she's onscreen, she's usually just parroting back what Corey or Jeff says. Compared to the nasty things Leah has said and done to and about her, I think she's been completely reserved and classy. I can't say I'd be that mature, and I'm 36 and not a mother.


At any rate, congratulations to Miranda and Corey. I really hope they can blend their family as seamlessly as possible, and I hope to god Addie has an advocate somewhere in the works. Poor kid needs someone to lean on right now.

  • Love 8

I think they named her Velisse and are calling her Vivi for short. The reason I remembered it is because the name Velisse sounds like a suitcase to me.

That's what I thought too, it sounds like a suitcase.

These poor kids with these names these days, holy crap. I had a normal name but spelled with an I instead of the traditional Y. It made me feel different and I hated it.

What are parents thinking with some of these names?!

I've never understood this "we're going to name the kid this but call them that". Why not just name the kid the same name he or she will be called every day for the rest of their lives?

To me its different than a nickname, a nickname is something that just kind of happens, but I don't get planning one name but calling them another.

Am I just old?

Monagatuna, what in the heck is a "fetty wap"?

Edited by Maharincess
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That's what I thought too, it sounds like a suitcase.

These poor kids with these names these days, holy crap. I had a normal name but spelled with an I instead of the traditional Y. It made me feel different and I hated it.


What are parents thinking with some of these names?!

I've never understood this "we're going to name the kid this but call them that". Why not just name the kid the same name he or she will be called every day for the rest of their lives?

To me its different than a nickname, a nickname is something that just kind of happens, but I don't get planning one name but calling them another.

Am I just old?

Monagatuna, what in the heck is a "fetty wap"?


I wonder if, in Jo and Vee's case, whether the name is a traditional Puerto Rican name, maybe? I have no idea. I have a very old country name (South Asian, in my case), and I plan to be a trial attorney so I know it's going to be a pain in my ass for the rest of my life, but, it is my name and parents picked it carefully, so I wouldn't have it any other way.  I plan to give my non-existent, hypothetical future children names that will signal my background but ones that are easier to pronounce and spell.


Fetty Wap is a rapper. I totally love him. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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Am I just old?

Monagatuna, what in the heck is a "fetty wap"?

He's a rapper who came out with Trap Queen this year: 


Before you ask, he lost his eye to glaucoma when he was like 6. He's a super sweet guy all around and I love his voice.


Evil Mind, you remind me of a girl I went to law school with named Sue Yu. Not kidding. In my patent litigation class her partner's last name was Nguyen (I forget his first name). There were a LOT of jokes about their imaginary law firm called Sue Yu and Nguyen. It sounds like an urban legend, but I'm telling you it was real.


Pretty sure she ended up not going into litigation after all.


Edit: sorry I got off topic. To attempt to bring it back--I really think Remington is an improvement over all the Aaa nonsense. At least it's easy to spell, and it's cute, and most importantly, her parents are not insane. The more lucky she is for having Corey and Miranda as parents, the sadder I feel for the AAAs, and not just because of their names.

Edited by monagatuna
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He's a rapper who came out with Trap Queen this year: 


Before you ask, he lost his eye to glaucoma when he was like 6. He's a super sweet guy all around and I love his voice.


Evil Mind, you remind me of a girl I went to law school with named Sue Yu. Not kidding. In my patent litigation class her partner's last name was Nguyen (I forget his first name). There were a LOT of jokes about their imaginary law firm called Sue Yu and Nguyen. It sounds like an urban legend, but I'm telling you it was real.


Pretty sure she ended up not going into litigation after all.


Edit: sorry I got off topic. To attempt to bring it back--I really think Remington is an improvement over all the Aaa nonsense. At least it's easy to spell, and it's cute, and most importantly, her parents are not insane. The more lucky she is for having Corey and Miranda as parents, the sadder I feel for the AAAs, and not just because of their names.

Haha. My name, fortunately, is more complex than comical (in a law school context). I barely ever get called on during the cold calls because I think the professors don't want to deal with asking me how to say it. 

Remington Monroe? How speshul and you-neek. Reminds me of my redneck relatives in TX naming one of their kids Gauge. As in, 12 Gauge.


Lol, I have cousins named Trigger, Gunner, and Hunter. Rednecks love their gun-related names.


Remington is better than the vowel vomit of Aleeah and Aliannah but it's too far in the other direction. The twins have overly cutesy sounding names and Remington is 110% a boys name. Maybe they thought they were having a boy at first and figured the name would work either way. 


I've seen far too many Leah defenders on facebook. I just can't understand it. Miranda is clearly a very strong woman. She takes care of the twins like they're her own, while not overstepping the boundary between parent and step-parent like some of the people on this show (cough cough, Javi). And based on what we've seen of the girlses they're little terrors (especially Gracie, poor child). It takes a special kind of woman to look at them and their crazy mother and not run the other way. 

  • Love 7

That's right Veliese! I Knew it wasn't something I had heard but I was too lazy to check, I should have kept my big mouth shut, I just remembered them saying they would call her Vivi. I wonder if that is Vee's name too, and Vee is just short, or if it's short for something else.

I also feel for all of these kids names, but I guess the good news is that everyone has unusual names, so it's not too bad. I have a name that isn't completely uncommon, but it's more common as a middle name (if you can't tell from my user name my real name is Leigh) but I never got to have things with my name printed on them and I would be so jealous because both of my siblings have traditional names (Stephanie and Christopher). My mom actually intended my name to be Leigh Ann (Ann is my middle name), but I was really shy as a child and a teacher just called me Leigh, and I never corrected her, so then it just kinda spread.

It can be annoying when somone is named one thing, but goes by something else right off the bat, I've never understood that. Sometimes people decide to go by a different name as they get older, so that's fine, I have a friend named Katie, but her real name is Katrina, her mom liked the name Katie, but wanted her to be able to choose as she got older. Actually my grandmom did that with my aunt, she wanted to name her "Kay" right from the start, I think she was naming her after an extended family member, I don't remember specifically. My aunts legal first name though is Janet, my grandmom said if she got her way of naming her Kay, that my grandad was going to want to give her a name from his side of the family too...and she didn't like their names for example, his moms name was "Colestine", she said they had unusual names (this was also in the 50's) So she was sneaky and named her Janet Kay, and once that was printed on the birth certificate she pulled a switcharoo and called her Kay.


It can be annoying when somone is named one thing, but goes by something else right off the bat, I've never understood that.


I know! I totally don't get it. It's one thing to say I'm going to name my daughter Jennifer and call her Jen for short; it's another to say I'm going to name my daughter Margaret Jennifer and call her Jen. Then why wouldn't you just name her Jennifer Margaret?


I have so many friends and family members that gave their kids first names always intending to use the middle name instead. The best I can figure is the people that do it want to name their kids after someone, but they don't care for the actual name so they use the middle instead. If that's the case though, since they're not using the first name anyways, why not make it a middle name to begin with?


In Leah's case, I'm going to assume she planned on calling Aleeah "Aleeah", but it got too confusing with Aliannah and Leah, so they reverted to Gracie.

Vee's full name is Vetzabe. I'm sure there's some sort of cultural or historical meaning behind that, but when I Google "vetzabe" the only thing that comes up is, well, her.

I believe the original spelling is with a "B" - Betzabe. I believe its origin is Hebrew.


I just can't with the whole Leah and her kids' names. It gives me a headache just looking at all those vowels all over these posts, not to mention, how narcissism played a part in why Leah happened to give them names that sound just like her name.


Congrats to the happy couple! I am sure Baby Remi will be such a joy for Gracie and Ali. Gracie will be able to show Miranda how to change the diapers and how to feed the baby.


I took a peek at some of the comments on different sites about Cory and Miranda. I swear, people are fucking idiots. They clearly don't watch the show with both eyes and don't listen with both ears. There were some comments about Leah - nothing but the truth - and there are people who post such things as "Leah isn't God!" Say what? Who the hell figures God in these conversations? So, it is okay for a child to wander outside into the street? It is okay for Ali to miss her therapy appointments? It is okay for Leah to be hooked on pills because she isn't God? People are fucking nuts.  Those kind of responses are similar to "monkey". They can't handle that other people are calling out Leah for what she is and they take offense.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I ventured onto Facebook, but I couldn't handle how idiotic people were about the situation. She's not God!? When did anyone ever say she had to be perfect??? (That's not aimed toward you greatkazu, I'm agreeing with you)... She has been given ALOT of slack over the years, more than any other mom in the series I would say. From having twins, to a child with special needs, even with her divorce with Corey many felt like the living conditions were hard (like basement bath)... She didn't really start receiving any criticism until HER actions were coming out, that SHE was causing. Like SHE cheated on Corey the day before her wedding, SHE got pregnant relatively quickly with Jeremy (I don't have an issue really so much with having another kid, just that she was going on and on about stress and anxiety, but then didn't make any effort to prevent another pregnancy which added to what was already in her plate) SHE started acting irrationally making people think she was on drugs (baby hair dye), SHE missed therapy appointments and couldn't get the girls to school on time. Most people didn't start coming down on her until all that stuff was happening. When you put your life in a reality show there are always going to be people who find fault in what you do, but if I recall correctly Leah had a lot of supporters, myself included. I never loved her, or anything, but I definitely respected her for the situation she was in. It just infuriates me when people cover for her at this point, she's a good mom, she loves her girls.,, that's great and I don't doubt that... But at the end of the day when there is example after example of situations where her children's lives are in danger shown on TV (not even counting what we don't see) I'm sorry loving your children only goes so far, something has to change for the safety of the children...does she realize how lucky she is that her children were just taken away, I'm not trying to make light of it, but the consequences of her actions easily could have cost one or all of them their lives, so I find it hard to muster up anymore sympathy for Leah when she still refuses to acknowledge any of this.

Sorry for the tangent... I just can't anymore with her fans.

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Yep, Vee's first name is actually Vetzabe, which is essentially a hispanicized version of the name Betzabe (B and V sound very similar in Spanish). You may recognize Vetzabe/Betzabe's English equivalent from the Bible - Bathsheba, the mother of King Solomon and married-lover-turned-wife of King David. Pretty bad ass name IMO.

Ivelisse is the name of a female pro-wrestler from Puerto Rico (Ivelisse Velez). It means vine/ivy, best I can tell from Google. It's a pretty unique Hispanic name.

I give props to Jo and Vee (and Vee's parents) for choosing strong names that are also representative of their culture.

I guess in a way Remington is representative of Corey & Miranda's WV culture. And I'd rather be a Remington than some crazy name with a million extra vowels.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 14


I guess in a way Remington is representative of Corey & Miranda's WV culture.I guess in a way Remington is representative of Corey & Miranda's WV culture. And I'd rather be a Remington than some crazy name with a million extra vowels.


I've heard in the South as a whole, it is not uncommon to give a child a family member's or friend's surname as a first/middle name. I wonder if that is what's up with Remington? Or maybe I'm giving Miranda&Corey entirely to much credit, lol. But yes, at least it is not some white trashy half made up name or  some spacey hippy name like Sunbeam or Breezeann. I also think, as gender neutral names go, Remington is a pretty badass sounding one to have.

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A few random thoughts:


I am in California and wondering how long Remington's been popular again.  I have recently met two people in their late teens/early 20s named Remington - both male, but still I was surprised to see it at all. I asked one of the guys about it - he's a bagger at my local grocery store - and he said he didn't know where it came from but his Mom must have been a fan of Remington Steel because people kept asking about "that Remington Steel guy" (and he was so young he had no idea who "that guy" was).


I'm not a huge fan of Remington for a girl but I think Remi's really cute as a nickname. And I agree with everyone who posted about not adding a gazillion vowels to it, spelling it weird, etc.


Gender neutral names are always tough I think. I used to have a boss I respected very much who intentionally named her daughters with gender neutral names - she didn't want them experiencing some of the same issues she had.  I have to wonder how much thought Leah ever put into her girlses' names. I'm guessing not that much. Was it anything beyond "vowel vomit" (love that!!), sounds kinda like her name?  I'm still not completely sure she got past the A section in the baby name book either, though.

Edited by NikSac
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The original story about the money being taken from the trust fund came out last December. Since nothing had been mentioned since, I figured it was not a true story or there was more to the story that wasn't being mentioned such as the need for the money to pay for medical bills. I wouldn't put it past Leah to take money from her children for drugs. She already took advantage of them in more ways than one. Long, long ago on the old boards, a few posters had mentioned Leah was using Ali to get her sympathy and possibly money from fans. I thought those comments were so cruel and untrue. Looking back, those posters had better insight than I did.

  • Love 9
I really like the name Remington, it reminds me of what a rich oil baron might name his kid.


I'm probably in the minority, but I really like the name. It's unique, but not crazy or hard to pronounce. And, while I wouldn't call myself a redneck, I have a bit of a country side to me. I love old school country music, rockabilly, and bluegrass. I love all things outdoors. Plus, Remington Monroe also has a bit of a retro sound to it. I like it. 


Just found out that IN Touch magazine is reporting that Corey is taking Leah to court regarding money she allegedly took out of the Girlses trust funds and didn't replenish. The drama never stops with this girl. Pillses must be getting expensive.


I heard speculation about her doing that awhile back, but now if Corey is going after her for it, that lends a lot more credence to the story, IMO. I wouldn't put it past her. That Mary Kay wasn't going to pay for itself. 

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Leah says, have you ever heard of CDs at a bank? As if Leah didn't likely ask why anyone would invest in CDs when iTunes are so prevalent when the concept of a certificate of deposit was first explained to her. But I forgot Leah is such a savvy investor. Honestly investing in $20,000 in pain pills would probably be a more solid financial plan than a bank CD.

  • Love 4


Why would she invest money, to be used for current medical expenses, in something that pays almost nothing, is difficult to withdraw, and costs a penalty to access?

Pure B.S. Sounds like she scrambled to buy a CD last time she got caught as a cover, but couldn't do it the second time she was caught.

  • Love 8

Honestly investing in $20,000 in pain pills would probably be a more solid financial plan than a bank CD.


In a roundabout way, I think you're right - more solid for the girls, anyway. Because now the girls are with the more stable parent the majority of the time, and probably aren't going to end up losing their home or having to live with a dozen people since Mommy can't pay the billses anymore.

What sh*t me is that if it is true and Leah took the money (and I'm leaning towards the theory that she did, Corey wouldn't go to court for $100), she won't be able to pay it back.  She has zero interest in getting any sort of education or a job and her only income is from child support.  Ali and Gracie can kiss those funds goodbye cause Leah hasn't got $20,000 to put back . 

As sick as it sounds, I almost hope it is true because it will make it that much harder for her to get the girlses back later if Corey can prove that not only did she not care for them but she stole from her own preschool aged kids.  

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I just keep hoping Leah gets slammed left and right for every dirty thing she did. Her time has run out. I am hoping CPS will be on her non-existent ass soon, if they aren't already. I hope T.R. Dues dumps her ass. I hope she gets caught with more dirt that we haven't been privy to. I hope Jeremy goes to court and gets primary custody of Baby Cheetos. I hope Leah loses all of her material possessions such as her cars. I hope that damn washer and dryer go bust!

  • Love 11

Lawd have mercy, I thought of all of you in this thread today. I apologize this is slightly off topic, but I promise it does CME back to Leah and this thread. So, in the last 6 months or so I have had episodes where I am passing out, I'm only out for a few seconds, I get right up, the only injury I have sustained thus far is the first time I hit my face when I went down and broke (a very very very small fracture) my nose, and busted the inside of mouth and got stitches inside my lip... It's only happened 3 times but I was referred to a neurologist after the first one because there was concern it was a seizure (long story short I was in nursing school and at Clinicals the first time it happened, literally in front of the nurses station, since it was witnessed by my class several people said I was shaking, so I saw a neurologist) and today at my appointment the potential of narcolepsy was thrown out there, I started laughing because of the timing and this whole Leah thing (I think it almost earned me a psych consult because the dr thought I was crazy for thinking it was funny). I think I'm fine, my doctor and I are pretty sure it's just a reaction to stress (it is possible to have a vasalvagal reaction to stress, it's called vasalvagal syncope, and the last 2 years have been extremely stressful... I moved to a different state, both of my parents died, I finished nursing school...etc) but if it persists I am going to have to go through the testing for narcolepsy (among other things)... I'm not gonna lie, I really don't think it's narcolepsy, but I kinda just want to go through the testing to see how it matches up to whatever Leah winds up saying.

Edited by leighroda
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 The Messers are always saying it'll all come out but don't know if they were talking about the truth or the money.

Well, they can't be talking about the stains in Leah's laundry piles.

I hope T.R. Dues dumps her ass.

That's probably three or four boyfriends behind the present not counting "side dishes". Sorta like the show's new episodes when tuey finally run :)


In the picture for that article, Leah looks about the right age to be Miranda's mother, especially if you cover the mouth and chin.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Apparently, Corey has an ex, Amber Scaggs O’Brien, 25, who also has a young daughter named Remington. Amber’s daughter is 3-years old"........Amber was not initially aware that Corey and Miranda had named their daughter Remi as well, but Leah made sure to fix that. The source goes on to say, “Leah told her to take a look at the stories. Amber was shocked! She knew it was too strange to be a coincidence. Now Miranda is asking questions, and she’s not happy!” When confronted by Scaggs over Facebook about the matter, Corey simply chose to unfriend her.


Damn, Leah! Maybe Corey just liked the name, even if he heard it from an ex. With a baby in NICU and two 6 year olds - one of whom has a disbabiltiy and one of whom is....well, Gracie) at her home most days of the week, I'm sure Miranda has more to worry about than if Corey heard the name from an ex. I seriously think Leah is emotionally stunted at 14.

Leah needs to get her nose out of their business and worry about fixing her own life first. If she'd put half the energy she puts into trying to stir up drama in Corey & Miranda's relationship into getting clean and getting an education or working, she could get her life right in no time. Leah stays trying to break up Corey & Miranda like its her job. Get a real job, Leah!

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Jesus god Leah. Stirring up facebook drama, really? Who does that, besides petty 14 year olds? I can just picture her behind her cheeto-dust encrusted Macbook, refreshing the gossip sites and drumming her fingers like Mr. Burns. She thinks she's so great "getting back" at Corey and Miranda when in reality she's a pathetic lowlife who can't let anyone be happy.

  • Love 8

Weren't Corey's twins prematurely born as well?


Leah went into labor around 27 weeks but they were able to stop it and she was put on bedrest. Then her water broke around 34-35 weeks, which led to a 3 week NICU stay for the twins, who were both around 3-3.5 pounds. Labor usually starts early for twins though- I think 36-37 weeks is the average. What I've heard is, twins are smaller on average than singletons, but can breathe on their own at an earlier age gestation than singletons, so an early birth for twins is kind of good news/bad news.


I think Remi was 4 pounds? That's pretty outstanding for a 32 week baby. My cousin's baby was born at 37 weeks and she was 4 pounds and fifteen ounces. My daughter was full term and she was 5-14.

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