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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Gonna miss you Cory, but great call! I'd rather miss Cory than have Leah continue be paid. I love the little video below that article that reads "Teen mom heads to Harvard." That is certainly not one of these girls. See what a teen mom can do when she sets goals for herself? Chelsea and that other chick from Teen Mom 3 are the only ones who have made strides to a better future.


We should invite Cory and his dad to our roundtable. I imagine they have a lot of dirt on Leah.



buzz cuts inspired by baby Adderall.

This is funny as hell!!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

Dang! As they would say down their way. I will miss seeing Corey. Also, WTF: Leah is already living with a new man? Can this story be believed? What a hoe-bag!

Can hoe-bag be used for guys as well? Jermy hooked up immediately after his separation from Leah. He might have already had this girl on the sidelines while he was still with Leah.



Guide to Messer identification:

Grandma Sandy: likes "tooo" wear leopard print stretch pants.

Mama "Truthgonnacomeout" Dawn: wears hair in lion mane

Leah Dawn: owns blue cat

Having children with different men.

Being married more than once. It doesn't count if you marry the same guy. 

Tremendous enabling skillz. Yes, that was misspelled. This is the Messer clan we are referencing. 


ETA: As for this round table discussion, I will bitch the entire time and gripe about all of you who work and have no time to spare for me.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

Can hoe-bag be used for guys as well? Jermy hooked up immediately after his separation from Leah. He might have already had this girl on the sidelines while he was still with Leah.


I have kind of wondered if this is the actual reason she was bitching about him working so much. If he was working but also spending that time with another woman/women I can see that pissing her off. Of course she's no angel either, just ask the deer-cam, but this is one of those "two wrongs don't make a right" situations to me.

  • Love 3

I already said I'd bring ratty, multi color hair extensions and cheap, press on, french manicure nails. No need to go out. We'll do them ourselves, them whip up a quick website offering our awesome skills to brides in the area. Who needs a pesky license?

Confession: I wear cheap, fake nails sometimes.Only because I can't commit to acrylics and I don't feel like shelling out money every two weeks for fills. I like the option of taking them off when I feel like letting my nails "breathe".Don't worry ya'll, I'm not like that tacky bitch Leah. I wear them French style.

  • Love 2

I just made toast. The first two pieces were fine. The next two pieces came out black on both sides, then the toaster began smoking. I unplugged it and the sides of the toaster were HOT. It was apparently shorting out inside or catching on fire in there. 


I am 46 years old and I have been making toast for a long time, and I was freaked out because that has never happened to me before.   I remembered reading here earlier about the preview and Grace (Aliyah?) making toast without supervision at 5 years old. I must admit, when I first read about it, I didn't think that much about it. But after my bed time toast making tonight, OMG! 


Come to think of it, I have had a blow dryer short out and shoot sparks before. Leah really needs to stop letting the kids use electronic things  without supervision.  That is so dangerous.   She is really just as nonchalant about the kids' safety as Adam is, and I believe he has supervised visitation.  She is alone with the girls for days. No wonder Corey seems so worried.  And if that is on camera, what goes on when the cameras are off?


In addition, I rarely make toast. Reading so much about toast and toasters re: this week's previews caused me to be in the mood for toast. Weird coincidence that my toaster blew out when everyone has been talking about the dangers of letting a 5-year-old make her own toast. *Twilight zone music* Doo--doo--doo-dooo......

Edited by Anastasia
  • Love 5

Confession: I wear cheap, fake nails sometimes.Only because I can't commit to acrylics and I don't feel like shelling out money every two weeks for fills. I like the option of taking them off when I feel like letting my nails "breathe".Don't worry ya'll, I'm not like that tacky bitch Leah. I wear them French style.

Yours look nice, I'm sure. I remember Leah's nails looking like some beauty school student did her first set on Leah and went way too heavy with pretty much everything. 

  • Love 1

I just assumed it was a friend of hers or something, with the way she was joking around a bit.

Same here, or even a regular client of hers.

I would totally go see Chelsea for a facial treatment....if I lived in SD anyway. She seems to be fun and know what she is doing without being unprofessional. I like that she doesn't act super uptight and makes her clients (and friends) seem at ease. Not like a facial is a big deal, but you want to be relaxed to enjoy it.

  • Love 3
Perhaps this is a sign that they have the girlses?


I sure hope so. Your comment made me think - I wonder if he's wanted to quit much earlier, but thought having the cameras around was the only way he could be really sure what's going on over at Leah's? 



Let me guess, Mama Dawn thinks this is a personal triumph.


Nah, she'll say - "Well, that just don't make no sense". 

I have kind of wondered if this is the actual reason she was bitching about him working so much. If he was working but also spending that time with another woman/women I can see that pissing her off. Of course she's no angel either, just ask the deer-cam, but this is one of those "two wrongs don't make a right" situations to me.


I think there was a story early on about him visiting a strip club while gone for work, texting with one of the strippers - something like that. 

  • Love 2

Confession: I wear cheap, fake nails sometimes.Only because I can't commit to acrylics and I don't feel like shelling out money every two weeks for fills. I like the option of taking them off when I feel like letting my nails "breathe".Don't worry ya'll, I'm not like that tacky bitch Leah. I wear them French style.

Same here! No shame. I have received lots of compliments from people about them. I sometimes buy the ones that are just a light pink color and will paint them various colors with designs or jewels. I have watched plenty of Youtube videos to get many ideas.  Many females I run into on a day-to-day basis will ask me where I have my nails done. When I tell them, they are stunned. They start telling me how much they pay for their nails and refills, and here all I pay is $7.99. I use a different nail glue and find that they stay on for around three weeks. Of course, as you mentioned, I can easily remove them.  I have been approached by different females to do their nails for a special occasion.  I go to the salon for pedicures only.


As for Leah, my beef with her has always been her claims she is stressed and too overwhelmed while she goes to the salon to have her nails done. Here she dares to complain and whine when she is being shown without the girlses as she goes out to eat, having her hair done at some tacky salon, and of course, going to the salon to get her manicure and pedicure. From what I have seen of her nails, they look awful. They look as if she has about five pounds of acrylic on her nails. I could do her nails for far less money, but then again, Leah pisses off her money away and doesn't care to shell out for her manicures, pedicures, and those $100 purses.


I have kind of wondered if this is the actual reason she was bitching about him working so much. If he was working but also spending that time with another woman/women I can see that pissing her off. Of course she's no angel either, just ask the deer-cam, but this is one of those "two wrongs don't make a right" situations to me.

It might, except she also bitched about Cory working too much and we know he wasn't doing anything shady. The fact Leah is now onto another guy so quickly, that just screams to me this girl has to have a man by.her.side.at.all.times! Someone should confront her and get her some therapy to find out why that is.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

I will further add, beyond making sure the child is up in plenty of time, it's her job to make sure the child is getting everything done on time (getting dressed, eating, fixing her hair - maybe YOU could blow dry it so the poor thing doesn't accidentally electrocute herself or the unsupervised baby?!). At five, you still don't have a very good grasp of time management. When I'm trying to get my three out the door (7, 5, and 3) I'm constantly watching the clock and letting them know when they need to use the bathroom, put their shoes on, take the dog out, etc. They have responsibilities for sure, but I'm on top of them at this age. 


My kids are 11 & 13 and do everything for themselves in the mornings but I *still* keep them on track.  We have a tight window to get all 3 of us out the door at 7:05.  "Girls, 15 minutes" just isn't that hard.


"Girls, 15 minutes" just isn't that hard.

It isn't when one is a committed parent who isn't doing drugs and there is consistency. Consistency and a decent schedule are two things that are missing in the girlses lives. They have it at Cory and Miranda's home, but then they return to that hillbilly life where everything is topsy-turvy. The twins are too young still to understand time but, they can figure out what needs to be done on a day-to-day basis when it is done consistently. It becomes a habit. The only habit they know is, how to make their own toast when Leah is too tired to get up to make a proper breakfast, and how to entertain themselves by marking up the cat's face with a marker.

Not to defend Leah, but I didn't think she was saying (in that clip) that the girls are crazy because of something going on at Daddy's - like it's Cory's fault. I think she was simply saying that the transition is rough on Aleeah right now and she acts out when she gets back. Maybe she doesn't want to BE back. Whatever it is, you should pick a time when she's calm and try to talk to HER about it. Yes, it would be nice if both parents could come together and discuss these things, but it would also be nice if Leah talked to her daughters instead of whatever friend/family member is over helping her that day. 


I'm not a spanker, but I didn't have a problem with that spanking. Leah sounded calm and in control, and you could tell it was over the clothes. That being said, spanking isn't going to curb that kind of behavior. Something is going on that is deeper than that and you need to actively figure it out and help her through it. 

  • Love 6

Isn't Miranda pregnant? Maybe Corey is getting out now because he doesn't want his new baby exposed being filmed and being on the show.

I think the new baby is probably the driving force, combined with the hillbilly attack on Miranda at the reunion. But I think Corey initially agreed to the show for Leah. I don't think he ever had much of a desire to be on it. I think he stuck around for as long as he did just to give his side of the story, but now he realizes that people (for the most part) get it. He has nothing to prove. I think at this point, he just sees the cameras as nothing more than intrusion on his and his family's lives, and possibly as court evidence against that floozy he calls his ex wife. I feel like Miranda went along with it when everyone was making nice, even though she never seemed happy about it. But now that it's turned so ugly, and she's having her baby, I can see why she wants to get out of it.

Also, this might be a state thing, but on RHONJ, Dina's daughter was underage, and the girl's father wouldn't let her be filmed for awhile. So even if Corey doesn't have full custody, he could still make a case for keeping the girlses off the show.

  • Love 3

If Leah encountered a hot, smoking toaster, she'd probably throw a pail of water on it.

...to put out the coal that powers appliances in WV, of course.

 The only habit they know is, how to make their own toast when Leah is too tired to get up to make a proper breakfast, and how to entertain themselves by marking up the cat's face with a marker.

Maybe they were out of drawing paperses because Leah couldn't find any at the beauty supply store.

  • Love 2

If Leah encountered a hot, smoking toaster, she'd probably throw a pail of water on it.

She would probably take it to bed and use it the next time there is no guy around.



Maybe they were out of drawing paperses because Leah couldn't find any at the beauty supply store.

I need to learn NOT to drink anything when I am reading the TM board. lol

Edited by GreatKazu
  • LOL 1
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I know a link has already been posted about Leah Spanking one of the girls. The picture of Leah on this page is scary.  Girlfriend is all kinds of stressed out or something.  Drugs are Bad, mmmmkay?!




Edited by Mkay
  • Love 2

Evil twin has always been a brat. When Ali received her motor scooter, there she was trying to get on it, mess with it, crying over it. This was when Cory and Leah were a couple. This whole transitioning excuse Leah is giving is...let me use words Leah would use...hog warsh! It is never Leah's fault. It is never Leah not knowing how to properly deal with the girlses. She keeps yapping "I'm not playing!" Big whoop di do. What will that accomplish? Leah spanks her. Ok. How is that workin' for ya, Leah? You've been spanking her and she is still doing the same ol' shit.

  • Love 2



Sneak peek for next week.  Leah says one of the girls was sick so she couldn't take the other to therapy.  Next scene: Leah in the house with a random friend.  She's acting like she does this all alone but in almost every scene there is another adult there.  I'm sure she could have gotten her to therapy if she actually gave a fuck.  Then the rest of the convo....yikes.  What a crackhead.

  • Love 3

From the above clip Gracie missed school due to illness yet Leah did not think to let Miranda know and said Miranda should have sent a text instead if waiting at the school. I could just imagine how downgraded Leah would feel if Miranda checked if the girlses  make it to school that day, she could have even asked Miranda to take Ali to therapy instead.


On another note I wish Leah would walk away if she was going to argue on the phone especially with their dad, there was another adult present who was actually engaging with your children so it was the best option.

  • Love 3


I'm sure she could have gotten her to therapy if she actually gave a fuck.  Then the rest of the convo....yikes.  What a crackhead.

With the 10,297,817,107 relatives and friends that are constantly around Leah and who are quick to care for the girls at the drop of a hat, how is it that Ali missed therapy? Who was watching the other two while Leah took Evil Twin to the doctor's office? How is it she has a sitter to watch the girls at any time, but suddenly she doesn't have one available to take Ali to therapy? Didn't Cory say last season if Leah couldn't take Ali to therapy, to call one of his relatives and they would be happy to take her for her appointment? I know I heard him say that, so why is this happening? Is Leah bored at the therapy place?


I loved how Cory let it all out about all the fighting. Heartbreaking to hear him say the girls are scared and they are hiding in the laundry room. Sooooo sad! Not to mention that makes my blood boil.


Let me say, Ali has been shown walking and running a lot this season. I looooove that she seems to be at a level where her evil twin sister is, except for the demonic behavior.


Evil Twin being sick and puking all day? I referenced The Exorcist about last week's episode. I guess she truly is possessed.

  • Love 9
Heartbreaking to hear him say the girls are scared and they are hiding in the laundry room.


And when he said this Leah said something like "oh let's hear more of your lies."  Like COME ON why would Corey just make that up?  The girls said that and she knows it.  She also said something about "all the things the girls tell me about you" and I'd love to hear an example of that but she didn't provide one.  "And the girls tell me that you sit and talk to them while Miranda cooks dinner!!!!!!!!!"

  • Love 9

With the 10,297,817,107 relatives and friends that are constantly around Leah and who are quick to care for the girls at the drop of a hat, how is it that Ali missed therapy? Who was watching the other two while Leah took Evil Twin to the doctor's office? How is it she has a sitter to watch the girls at any time, but suddenly she doesn't have one available to take Ali to therapy? Didn't Cory say last season if Leah couldn't take Ali to therapy, to call one of his relatives and they would be happy to take her for her appointment? I know I heard him say that, so why is this happening? Is Leah bored at the therapy place?

Apparently Leah has forgotten the judge's warning about not missing appointments. Taking care of a sick kid is stressful, but that's no excuse for not arranging for someone to take Ali to therapy.

I had to laugh at Leah saying she never judges Corey. Was the wheelchair saga last season just a dream?

  • Love 9

Lord, so much to say about that clip. 


First, of all. There was clearly another adult there, so could SHE not have taken Ali to therapy? Or had her stay while Leah does it? Or maybe Miranda could have done it, since she was supposed to pick the kids up from school anyhow? Communicate, Leah! When you get the call that your kid is sick and you have to take her to the doc, call Miranda/Corey up and say, "Hey, Aleeah is sick and I have to take her to the doctor. Could one of you guys get Ali after school is out and take her to therapy?" Simple as pie. And, given how concerned Corey seems to be about Ali's therapy (rightly so!), I bet he'd be willing to figure something out. 


Second - snap! Corey was on it like a bonnet in that conversation. He's finally had enough. That dude has been respectful of her for a long time, but it's all over now. Sorrynotsorry, but I love it. 


The kids are hiding in the laundry room while they fight? Believable and sad. 


Still waiting on Leah to start listing the things the girlses tell her about Corey's house.....yup....still waiting.....


"They brush my hair, mommy!"

  • Love 8

At the sneak peek Leah's hair was long in the car while Evil Twin was coughing. Then on the phone with Corey, supposedly later that day, it was short again. They do this stuff all the time. I bet what we heard really does go on though. I wish Leah well but I don't think she's learned anything coming out of rehab and immediately getting a new live in boyfriend.

  • Love 3

Lord, so much to say about that clip. 


First, of all. There was clearly another adult there, so could SHE not have taken Ali to therapy? Or had her stay while Leah does it? Or maybe Miranda could have done it, since she was supposed to pick the kids up from school anyhow? Communicate, Leah! When you get the call that your kid is sick and you have to take her to the doc, call Miranda/Corey up and say, "Hey, Aleeah is sick and I have to take her to the doctor. Could one of you guys get Ali after school is out and take her to therapy?" Simple as pie. And, given how concerned Corey seems to be about Ali's therapy (rightly so!), I bet he'd be willing to figure something out. 


Second - snap! Corey was on it like a bonnet in that conversation. He's finally had enough. That dude has been respectful of her for a long time, but it's all over now. Sorrynotsorry, but I love it. 


The kids are hiding in the laundry room while they fight? Believable and sad. 


Still waiting on Leah to start listing the things the girlses tell her about Corey's house.....yup....still waiting.....


"They brush my hair, mommy!"

"Mommy, we ate real food."

"Mommy, we took a bath at 5 o'clock. Why does daddy take us a bath so early?"

"Mommy, Miranda played games with us all day."

"Mommy, how come daddy and Miranda are so quiet? They aren't loud like you and Jermy."

"Mommy, Miranda blow dries my hair and makes my toast. I can do that all by myself!"





At the sneak peek Leah's hair was long in the car while Evil Twin was coughing. Then on the phone with Corey, supposedly later that day, it was short again. They do this stuff all the time. I bet what we heard really does go on though. I wish Leah well but I don't think she's learned anything coming out of rehab and immediately getting a new live in boyfriend.

Good catch. We may need a thread to discuss the editing and all of these things such as what you pointed out.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

It's almost like Leah is trying to win the award for Trashiest Mom of the Year. The fact that she sees nothing wrong with the twins missing school and therapy shows how much of a shit parent she is.

"How dare Corey to try to git the girlses to school on time! My girls don't need no schoolin'. The schools aren't well! Gracie, go get some Cheetos and Mountain Dew, it's dinnertime."

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 6

Marathoning old TM2 seasons, the earlier ones. It's such a marked contrast between the Leah then and the Leah now. She was never the brightest girl, but she seemed so much more full of life and came across as perfectly capable with her children. Despite her occassional lapses into immaturity she was perfectly likable and sometimes almost charming in her love for her daughters. Now I can't remember the last time I was endeared to Leah; she's fallen very far, I think it's pretty sad. I hope she gets her shit together.

  • Love 4

*hangs head in shame* I recorded some episodes right before this season started and was zipping through them for the good parts. Damn if my ass didn't pull out my phone and video the bacon slap heard down yonder. So I'll be bringing that. And lots of green to help the canned ravioli go down. Blazin in the Blazer !

That's the best suggestion I've seen yet! I don't drink so I'll bring some green and the bong.

I'll also bring the cheatincheetohs and the 17wheatthins that are in my pantry.

Can I bring my dog? She'll impersonate Leah's kids and Hoover the crumbs off the floor.

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