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Jesus God, Leah!!

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On 9/28/2017 at 4:49 PM, Mkay said:

You mean we are still supposed to take selfies when we do house work? #ijustpickedupmykid #messyponytail #cookingsupper #sweaty #imnottakingselfies



'One of those weeks'...housework, meetings/work and "schoolevents" generally happen for others EVERY week. Lol at her trying to seem busy. 

On 10/1/2017 at 1:08 PM, Lm2162 said:

It was confusing, but they're two different lists. "One of those weeks" refers to housework, school events and meetings. "In need of" refers to relaxation, sleep, wine, maid, cook, friends, and all of the above.

No surprise a woman who thinks "schoolevents" is one word doesn't know how to format her lists. 

On 10/1/2017 at 2:42 PM, JuliesMommy said:

THAT part!!! Fuckin comical!! This bitch cant even speak properly in a basement to bored housewives about lipstick...im sure the "business meetings" are rolling in...lol ???

She can't even sound coherent in the limited characters twitter gives her. There's no hope.

3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

 I don't know, why is there an audience for the Kartrashians?

They're "hot" to some people - I doubt Leah is to very many. Also, they're super rich and go on fancy vacations. I'm not a fan by any definition of the word but I've stopped on episodes I saw airing when they were in exotic locations. Nevermind what I think of how they don't appreciate the cultures, etc...

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Nope. No. Still wont go see that shit show. Not unless she wants to give me tips on avoiding deercams and how to trick my husband into thinking my lovers shorts are really his.

I think the wrong person is giving speeches. It should be Gracie. She can teach the finer points of whipping up a meal in seconds such as burnt toast and frosting and how to sneak cats into your vehicle without anyone knowing. 

  • Love 18
16 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

 I don't know, why is there an audience for the Kartrashians?

As much as it does burn me up that these idiots are millionaires for no reason, Kim and Co. are a lot smarter than Leah is (yes, it hurts me to refer to them as smart in any capacity, but I'll remind everyone the bar is set so low). Kim would have marched up there (with a prepared speech) and talked about how she made a lot of money off reality TV but didn't like herself because she just felt like there was more out there but she was so limited by her background and her responsibilities to her children. Then she would have said she found Lipsense, and she was more excited to cash her $100 first check from them than she ever was to cash MTV's $100K check, because she felt like she really earned it. Then she would say she connected with a great group of women that lift her up and gave her confidence and friendship without judgment, and that's just something that's hard to find as an adult. It may have been 100% bullshit but Kim would have been selling it her hardest. Leah just hems and haws to the point where it's painful to watch.

  • Love 15

^Informal speaking is not the problem though. Leah's problem is that she doesn't have coherence or organization. She's not prepared at all. Kim would have used colloquial speech but her speech would have been well organized and researched and articulated confidently. I've had some friends who have seen her speak at a tech conference (idk why, I thought it was weird too) and they thought she was charismatic. Idk if Leah's audience would say the same for her.

Personally I've seen folksy lawyers using colloquial speaking patterns in courtrooms, and while they are not always using standard English, juries seem to really like them. They are always well prepared and have their cases planned out and researched though. Leah could use her accent & her down home speaking ways as part of her schtick, but she would also need to be prepared, knowledgeable, and organized about her subject matter. Her accent and grammar isn't the issue, her ignorance and lack of confidence is.

  • Love 13
On 10/1/2017 at 6:00 AM, poopchute said:

Ok but...she has her kids part time and doesn’t work. Seems like there would be plenty of time to relax and sleep.

I know!!!! I sooooo can't wait for this show to be over so we can see reality bitch slap all of them in the face, and yes, including Chelsea. Not a single one of them knows what hard work is, even Kail. I am soooooo looking forward to seeing...

1. Jenelle with her laaaaaaand gone, as well as all her fancy possessions, driving a crap car that Barbara paid for and crashing with random leghumpers who live in the area, since she no longer has real friends! UBT will be long gone, and she will try a job at Walmart for a week, tops. I know this loser can't participate in the workforce and will end up on welfare, but I would loooove to witness her in a Walmart uniform, being yelled at by her manager, or having to clean up spilled eggs. Something "beneath" her."

2. Leah realizing that she should have invested in school or rental properties...SOMETHING other than pills or MLM's. It will be somewhat sad to see the flicker of disappointment in her eyes when her newest MLM scheme doesn't reach anyone on Instagram, and she realizes her "fans" no longer care. Dawn says, "sellin' lipstick don't make no sense if you can't feed your babies! Find yourself a job!" I also think Leah will end up on welfare because she is too lazy and unmotivated, but I'd love to see her develop an appreciation for hard work, and what it's like to work until you're tired, before the welfare checks start rolling in. 

3. Kail having to work some basic office job like the average middle class person, and realizing that she's hustling for just a fraction of her TM income!!! I'd LOVE to see her get up truly early, get 3 (or more) kids ready for school, then work a true 9-5 where she has to get along with people, and not everything will be her way. If she's smart, she'll get to keep her McMansion, but will be forced to live a MUCH more frugal lifestyle while busting her butt, which she never had to do before. Then on top of that, she will be responsible for making the kids dinner on top of a long workday, and keeping the house clean (I can't see her ever just getting used to a grimy house, so I think she would keep up appearances). She will also get maybe one modest vacation a year. Kail will likely live the life of the average college-educated single mom, and I can't WAIT!

4. Chelsea popping out two more babies, and still wanting to go to concerts, use hair extensions and expensive makeup, and fund whatever fad she's currently into (because she'll need clothes for all family members, furniture, sheets, towels, throw pillows, you name it!). Cole will struggle to provide all this on his decent, but not Randy-level salary, and will suggest she get a job. I would looooove to see homegirl work a real job, even part-time, without a) knowing she had Randy and TM to fall back on if they make her do something she doesn't like, and b) no flexibility to work as little as she wants, on her own schedule. I'd love to see the company flat-out tell her she must be there from 7 am to noon, in a job where she doesn't get to do exactly what she wants, when she wants, and will be busy the whole time. 

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

^Informal speaking is not the problem though. Leah's problem is that she doesn't have coherence or organization. She's not prepared at all. Kim would have used colloquial speech but her speech would have been well organized and researched and articulated confidently. I've had some friends who have seen her speak at a tech conference (idk why, I thought it was weird too) and they thought she was charismatic. Idk if Leah's audience would say the same for her.

Personally I've seen folksy lawyers using colloquial speaking patterns in courtrooms, and while they are not always using standard English, juries seem to really like them. They are always well prepared and have their cases planned out and researched though. Leah could use her accent & her down home speaking ways as part of her schtick, but she would also need to be prepared, knowledgeable, and organized about her subject matter. Her accent and grammar isn't the issue, her ignorance and lack of confidence is.


  • Love 5

Just saw Leah's 16 and Pregnant (again). Wow. I get that she was 16 and pregnant with twins by a man she barely knew but Jesus God Leah. She was so into Robbie it was ridiculous. I realize Corey was a few years older, but he cared about money, he worked hard 2 jobs and he stayed home with both girlses as newborns after working all day when Leah went out to basketball games and dinner with Robbie and crew. It's so interesting to watch these people years down the road. Leah is an attentive and loving mom, she has made some bad decisions (who of us haven't), and she needs to listen to Dr. Tsao, and she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she has come a long way. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Just saw Leah's 16 and Pregnant (again). Wow. I get that she was 16 and pregnant with twins by a man she barely knew but Jesus God Leah. She was so into Robbie it was ridiculous. I realize Corey was a few years older, but he cared about money, he worked hard 2 jobs and he stayed home with both girlses as newborns after working all day when Leah went out to basketball games and dinner with Robbie and crew. It's so interesting to watch these people years down the road. Leah is an attentive and loving mom, she has made some bad decisions (who of us haven't), and she needs to listen to Dr. Tsao, and she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she has come a long way. 

I do think Leah was embarrassed for how she behaved towards Corey when the twins were babies. The look on her face when Robbie made it clear he had no interest in being a Step-Dad was golden, but it didn't stop her from slipping back into bed with him when the mood struck. Now Leah can see a lot of the mistakes she made, hind sight is always 20/20. 

  • Love 13
On 10/7/2017 at 11:12 AM, jacksgirl said:

 Leah is an attentive and loving mom, she has made some bad decisions (who of us haven't), and she needs to listen to Dr. Tsao...

I have to strongly disagree here. To me, saying Leah is a good mom EXCEPT for how she doesn't listen to Dr. Tsao is the equivalent of asking Mrs. Lincoln how she liked the play (my dad's favorite analogy). There is no *aside from* or *other than*- the fact that she ignores such a glaring need (and Corey is equally guilty of this) is an absolute that firmly places her in the "bad mom" camp.

  • Love 15
On 10/5/2017 at 10:47 AM, evilmindatwork said:

^Informal speaking is not the problem though. Leah's problem is that she doesn't have coherence or organization. She's not prepared at all. Kim would have used colloquial speech but her speech would have been well organized and researched and articulated confidently. I've had some friends who have seen her speak at a tech conference (idk why, I thought it was weird too) and they thought she was charismatic. Idk if Leah's audience would say the same for her.

Personally I've seen folksy lawyers using colloquial speaking patterns in courtrooms, and while they are not always using standard English, juries seem to really like them. They are always well prepared and have their cases planned out and researched though. Leah could use her accent & her down home speaking ways as part of her schtick, but she would also need to be prepared, knowledgeable, and organized about her subject matter. Her accent and grammar isn't the issue, her ignorance and lack of confidence is.

This, along with the kim kardashian anology... perfectly said!! I cant stand those kardashian bitches, but they have drive, and would NEVER make an ass of themselves like that...let alone twice on TV. Like mentioned above, leah is lazy, unmotivated, un prepared, scattered brain, yokel and all she does is continue to make herself look like a complete idiot with ANY decisions she makes of her mess of a life.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. As much as I loathe the Kardashians, they'll haul their silicone butts to Mars if it puts a dollar in their pocket. There was an episode where Kim was scheduled to do a talk in San Francisco while heavily pregnant with Saint and she came down with a bad cold. She still got on the plane, flew up there and fulfilled her obligation. Leah has a long way to go in developing any semblance of motivation or a career. 

Exactly!!! Even the laziest one (i think is probably rob) STILL crosses milestones over this bitch... shes comfortable being the "famous TV staahhrr" in the holler and at this point, i think her best bet is to find another hillbilly/camo wearin/coal mine bachelor to help her raise her girlses, pop out more babies, and use his $ for pilses, and clown makeup.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Tatum said:

I have to strongly disagree here. To me, saying Leah is a good mom EXCEPT for how she doesn't listen to Dr. Tsao is the equivalent of asking Mrs. Lincoln how she liked the play (my dad's favorite analogy). There is no *aside from* or *other than*- the fact that she ignores such a glaring need (and Corey is equally guilty of this) is an absolute that firmly places her in the "bad mom" camp.

This a million times over. 

  • Love 4

I was really disappointed to see the activities that cory picked to do with the girls knowing ali would be just sitting there not being able to participate in fishing...wtf is wrong with these 2?? On top of that, after being in the sun, ali expresses that shes tired and wants to go home...what does he do?? Tell her to wait so he can continue to cater to gracie....if he wanted a "special fishing" trip with gracie, he could of left ali with miranda to do something she would enjoy rather then sitting there watching them have fun as she twirls in her little chair. Broke my fuckin heart...

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

I was really disappointed to see the activities that cory picked to do with the girls knowing ali would be just sitting there not being able to participate in fishing...wtf is wrong with these 2?? On top of that, after being in the sun, ali expresses that shes tired and wants to go home...what does he do?? Tell her to wait so he can continue to cater to gracie....if he wanted a "special fishing" trip with gracie, he could of left ali with miranda to do something she would enjoy rather then sitting there watching them have fun as she twirls in her little chair. Broke my fuckin heart...

I actually didn't think fishing was a bad idea. Ali had a pole in the beginning, so she started out participating. I'm not in a wheelchair, but I am disabled and fishing was an activity that my dad, sister and I did together a lot growing up. Obviously Ali wasn't enjoying it so in the future, Corey should probably just take Gracie, but I just don't think it was something that Ali couldn't do. 

  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, Evie said:

I actually didn't think fishing was a bad idea. Ali had a pole in the beginning, so she started out participating. I'm not in a wheelchair, but I am disabled and fishing was an activity that my dad, sister and I did together a lot growing up. Obviously Ali wasn't enjoying it so in the future, Corey should probably just take Gracie, but I just don't think it was something that Ali couldn't do. 

Youre absolutely right, and i think what bothered me was that he was interracting with Gracie a lot more than ali, who might need a little more assistance or encouragement. Ali can defitnetly have fun doing outdoor activities, i guess what bothers me is that nor cory or leah really know how to cater more to Ali's needs because theyre trying to make gracie not feel "left out"... jmo

  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

Youre absolutely right, and i think what bothered me was that he was interracting with Gracie a lot more than ali, who might need a little more assistance or encouragement. Ali can defitnetly have fun doing outdoor activities, i guess what bothers me is that nor cory or leah really know how to cater more to Ali's needs because theyre trying to make gracie not feel "left out"... jmo

See, I took the opposite view. We rarely see them cater to Gracie at all (which is why she acts out, IMO). 

  • Love 16
25 minutes ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

See, I took the opposite view. We rarely see them cater to Gracie at all (which is why she acts out, IMO). 

You could be right, i judge the shit out of these hicks...but the truth is, its gotta be difficult for all of them to adjust and learn how to deal with alys needs. I do feel for gracie too, dont get me wrong.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

See, I took the opposite view. We rarely see them cater to Gracie at all (which is why she acts out, IMO). 

THIS. Not that it's undeserved, but Ali DOES get a lot more attention. I think it was okay that they did something Gracie wanted. Disabilities aside, siblings have to learn to "suffer" through stuff they don't to do sometimes. It's part of growing up. My daughter goes to my sons' Tae Kwon Do tournaments. They all go to each other's doctor and dental appointments. 

Also, we saw like 5 minutes of this. Who's to say Ali wasn't enjoying fishing at the start, but got tired/bored sooner than Gracie did? Fishing isn't a super physical activity; I don't think that's the reason Ali wasn't into it. It may have just not been her thing. But it looked like they left when SHE wanted to, while Gracie was still wanting to fish. 

In general, both parents should aim for some one-on-one time, to cater more to EACH girl's individual interests. But that isn't always possible and I don't think it's the end of the world for one child to be bored for a bit while another does something they like. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 13

I think part of the issue is that while Gracie is neglected, they also force Ali into some of the more physical activities that probably Gracie excels at but Ali struggles with. So then, they fuss over Ali and poor Gracie is like 'what the hell? I ran a home run/ caught a fish, and am getting no praise.' Both girls should be in activities they excel at and enjoy. They don't have to do everything together and would probably get along better if they understood that Ali has some issues so she just has different strengths than Gracie-- then Gracie wouldn't have to feel guilt about the situation, and Ali wouldn't have to feel inferior either. 


ETA: i don't understand why they don't put Ali into chess or the school spelling bee. That way she can be challenged and feel a sense of accomplishment without being physically drained.

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 15

You all made great points. 

Ali could have been enjoying herself at the lake. She was likely fishing in the beginning.

I also think Ali might have been frustrated at having to use her chair while outdoors when she is not usually having to use it.  The parents created this situation and they are now likely pushing her to use the chair more and more due to viewers' complaints and doctor's orders. Had they put her in the wheelchair in the beginning like Dr. Tsao advised, she would be used to it by now. 

Just my two cents. The scene was extremely short and edited. I realize we didn't get to see what happened prior. 

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

I think part of the issue is that while Gracie is neglected, they also force Ali into some of the more physical activities that probably Gracie excels at but Ali struggles with. So then, they fuss over Ali and poor Gracie is like 'what the hell? I ran a home run/ caught a fish, and am getting no praise.' Both girls should be in activities they excel at and enjoy. They don't have to do everything together and would probably get along better if they understood that Ali has some issues so she just has different strengths than Gracie-- then Gracie wouldn't have to feel guilt about the situation, and Ali wouldn't have to feel inferior either. 


ETA: i don't understand why they don't put Ali into chess or the school spelling bee. That way she can be challenged and feel a sense of accomplishment without being physically drained.

This last part is what I will never get. I understand it's The Holler but surely there are some kind of goddamn activities that aren't sports. It would be like dragging your introverted kid who HATES acting and loves science along to every single acting class and forcing them into it repeatedly alongside their extroverted, artsy sibling, and then wondering why both of them are constantly annoyed. Why?! Just put one in science club and one in drama club! It's just to prove a point that she *will* do the exact same things as her sister, or some other ignorant thing. They want her to be "typical" but in typical families, kids have different interests and activities. It would solve so many of their sibling issues.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 12

Where in West Virginia does Leah live?  Elkview?

I'm intrigued by the gas station "pepperoni rolls" the girls were gnawing on in the back seat.  lol  Regional foods like that interest me because there is always a history.

I'm from Natchitoches, LA, and we have meat pies which are delicious!  All around Natchitoches (really the whole western central part of the state), meat pies are everywhere.  Most all local restaurants make their own and every gas station station has some hot and ready to go.  There are even restaurants entirely devoted to only meat pies.  Both my grandmothers made them homemade at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

Where in West Virginia does Leah live?  Elkview?

I'm intrigued by the gas station "pepperoni rolls" the girls were gnawing on in the back seat.  lol  Regional foods like that interest me because there is always a history.

I'm from Natchitoches, LA, and we have meat pies which are delicious!  All around Natchitoches (really the whole western central part of the state), meat pies are everywhere.  Most all local restaurants make their own and every gas station station has some hot and ready to go.  There are even restaurants entirely devoted to only meat pies.  Both my grandmothers made them homemade at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

AirQuotes!!!!  I used to live in Shreveport, but had family from Natchitoches and my grandmother would make meat pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas too!  She wouldn't fry hers, though, so it was weird to me to eat fried ones.  My grandmother is long gone and I'm long a vegetarian, but I still remember those pies fondly.  And the turkey gumbo she made every Thanksgiving and Christmas too.    

Trying to relate that to the show:  .... I got nothing.

  • Love 4

As annoyed as I was by the manhandling of Kaiser, the part at the end where Gracie asked Leah if it was her fault that Ali had MD because she was squishing Ali before they were born, made me literally burst into tears. It explains a lot about her behavior if she feels guilty about Ali on top of all the other crap she's had to deal with in her short life. I was glad when Leah assured her that Ali's problem had nothing to do with her; that she didn't cause them.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, beckie said:

As annoyed as I was by the manhandling of Kaiser, the part at the end where Gracie asked Leah if it was her fault that Ali had MD because she was squishing Ali before they were born, made me literally burst into tears. It explains a lot about her behavior if she feels guilty about Ali on top of all the other crap she's had to deal with in her short life. I was glad when Leah assured her that Ali's problem had nothing to do with her; that she didn't cause them.

I went through my box of tissues because of the tears I had over Kaiser being manhandled and ignored and Gracie feeling guilt over Ali's condition. 

I give major props to Leah for how she handled that situation. I think she has a knack for talking to children. She sure didn't in the past, but she was also a druggie. Maybe Leah can find some kind of job where she interacts with kids. Chelsea also has a way of speaking to Aubree that I find comforting. I can almost see Leah and Chelsea talking to Jace, Kaiser, and Maryssa and letting them know they are not at fault for anything that is happening in their lives and show them how much they are loved. It would be nice if those kids could spend time with Aubree and interact with her animals or with Corey as he takes them fishing and playing sports with them. *sigh* 

  • Love 19
12 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I had never heard of this WV gas station/ convenience store until yesterday on this board. I read at night before bed and what do I see in my book:  Sheetz


That’s so funny! I’m so used to it, I’ve never thought of the name as odd, but I guess it kind of is. I think it’s the last name of the guy who started the chain. 

  • Love 3

Sheetz is definitely a legend in NC, too! I remember about ten years ago, right after they got popular, we went to a UNC/Duke game where UNC won! We were driving back home and stopped at Sheetz, and we were sooooo excited to see that you could get a cup of whatever color M&M's you wanted!!! We were thrilled they had Carolina blue, and spent the rest of the ride home celebrating and eating the M&M's! That was the best night ever!

  • Love 3

I wish Leah would just be upfront about wanting to post selfies. She always has to have a "reason." LOL! I think that sadly, she desperately fears her queen of the Hollar looks are fading, and just wants validation from random strangers about her looks. If she had something in her life that would let her develop REAL self-confidence, she wouldn't need this. 

  • Love 6

I'm a little behind on episodes (actually accidentally watched them out of order) and have to touch on the public speaking bit.  Leah, you're doing it wrong.  First thing, you're not there to talk about you and have people celebrate you.  Since you haven't done much in life, that's not going to inspire anyone.  It's also not motivational speaking for you to babble incoherently and parade your kids out for everyone to ooh and ahh over.  Nobody wants to watch you burn your piece of paper.  Get people involved!  Have them do the paper burn if you believe that actually works.  That was the most ridiculous, incoherent babbling, one sided "motivational" speaking I've ever witnessed.  Jesus God Leah.

  • Love 4
On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 7:49 PM, BitterApple said:

I agree. As much as I loathe the Kardashians, they'll haul their silicone butts to Mars if it puts a dollar in their pocket. There was an episode where Kim was scheduled to do a talk in San Francisco while heavily pregnant with Saint and she came down with a bad cold. She still got on the plane, flew up there and fulfilled her obligation. Leah has a long way to go in developing any semblance of motivation or a career. 

Kim, yes.  I'm gonna say Kourtney, Kylie or Kendall?  not so much *twirls hair* yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....


On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 11:10 AM, AirQuotes said:


I'm from Natchitoches, LA, and we have meat pies which are delicious!  All around Natchitoches (really the whole western central part of the state), meat pies are everywhere.  Most all local restaurants make their own and every gas station station has some hot and ready to go.  There are even restaurants entirely devoted to only meat pies.  Both my grandmothers made them homemade at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

We have meat pies where I grew up in the Merrimack Valley region of Massachusetts.  Weird, though, b/c now I'm in Metrowest Mass, where there aren't nearly as many Italians, and people just look at me when I talk about it b/c I guess "meat pie" is not the most appetizing sentence.  It's kind of like an inside-out hamburger pizza (not a calzone, mind you...those are crustier). Absolutely delicious!

1 minute ago, teapot said:



We have meat pies where I grew up in the Merrimack Valley region of Massachusetts.  Weird, though, b/c now I'm in Metrowest Mass, where there aren't nearly as many Italians, and people just look at me when I talk about it b/c I guess "meat pie" is not the most appetizing sentence.  It's kind of like an inside-out hamburger pizza (not a calzone, mind you...those are crustier). Absolutely delicious!

Natchitoches meat pies are a mix of ground beef and pork cooked with onion and red pepper cooked together then put into a pie crust and deep fried.  What's in the ones where you are from?  I had a great aunt who lived in Connecticutt we would go visit every summer and she took us all around New England.  I love it up there.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Natchitoches meat pies are a mix of ground beef and pork cooked with onion and red pepper cooked together then put into a pie crust and deep fried.  What's in the ones where you are from?  I had a great aunt who lived in Connecticutt we would go visit every summer and she took us all around New England.  I love it up there.

It's beautiful here...we're having crazy warm weather right now so the foliage isn't quite as bright as usual, but that's okay.  I'm enjoying not being cold!


I am no cook, so I copied right from the website!


  Very few places left still make an Italian meat pie, which takes some skill to do.  Tripoli’s hasn’t changed in the last 40 years and is still fabulous.  The pie is made with coarsely ground pork, provolone cheese, onions, crushed tomatoes, black pepper, and black olives.  It is, and should be, a little greasy and the crust is sturdy but not hard.  The provolone cheese is sharp enough to taste but not too sharp to be off putting.



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