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Jesus God, Leah!!

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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Can you imagine having your wedding makeup done by Leah?! I think I'd take my chances on the flower girl's skills instead. 

No kidding. Can you imagine Leah arriving early in the morning for someone's noon wedding to do make-up? It would never happen. First, she'd have to get up early. We know that ain't happening. Second, she'd lose her mind and have a tantrum as she can't find her make-up box in her messy house.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

No kidding. Can you imagine Leah arriving early in the morning for someone's noon wedding to do make-up? It would never happen. First, she'd have to get up early. We know that ain't happening. Second, she'd lose her mind and have a tantrum as she can't find her make-up box in her messy house.

Lulz, yes! She'd lose her mind and have a tantrum, and then probably blame Gracie for the missing make-up box, just like she blamed the poor kid when she couldn't find her keys. 

  • Love 11

I feel the same with Chelsea's makeup skills. There was that one wedding that she went and assisted with make-up cumulating in a report being filed with the State Cosmetology Board so I never saw the photos of that work, since she was denying she performed it. All I have to go by is her and her hair and makeup are so harsh and unflattering to her.

Leah has been cute in the past, but probably had someone else style her on those occasions because when left to her own devices, she's not that great at doing herself up.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Tatum said:

I think Leah is below average in terms of intelligence. I bet she didn't do that well on standardized tests. Add to that a mother who basically told her that books and learnin' are for ugly girls, a public school education in an area that has a lot of blue collar work and high drop out rates for high schoolers, a 10 year lapse in any kind of structured learning- shit, anything is going to overwhelm her. Add to that a poor work ethic and an income nearing the top 1%, and Leah not only doesn't have the tools to absorb any kind of education, she doesn't even have the motivation.

Did Leah's mom really say that?  Wow.

1 hour ago, Christina said:

I feel the same with Chelsea's makeup skills. There was that one wedding that she went and assisted with make-up cumulating in a report being filed with the State Cosmetology Board so I never saw the photos of that work, since she was denying she performed it. All I have to go by is her and her hair and makeup are so harsh and unflattering to her.

Leah has been cute in the past, but probably had someone else style her on those occasions because when left to her own devices, she's not that great at doing herself up.

I get the sense that if you gave Chelsea directions she could do a different makeup style for you, but I don't think the same about Leah.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, swishandflick said:

Leah definitely doesn't strike me as the studious type (hell, if she was, she probably wouldn't have been out of school in the first place!). It's totally fine if she decides she doesn't want to get a 4-year degree, but she's got to have something other than 'reality-tv star and associated income' in her pocket. Just anything to fall back on that's something you can actually have on your resume in 10 years. Even if it's being a receptionist.

It's crazy to me that she automatically dismissed the cosmetology school thing because she'd have to be there 4 days a week. The reality is that any job she is in would require her to be in a place for at least 3-4 days out of the week at minimum. No matter what she's doing. So if she isn't willing to do that, what is she willing to do?


I think at this stage the only thing Leah is willing to do is have more trap babies to insure a steady stream of child support income. School is proving to be too much for her because it involves too much work. A real job is out of the question because it too involves actual work. There's only one four letter word Leah's interested in and it isn't W-O-R-K.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, polandspring said:

Did Leah's mom really say that?  Wow.

I get the sense that if you gave Chelsea directions she could do a different makeup style for you, but I don't think the same about Leah.

Thanks for pointing that out. Chelsea has a make-up style that she prefers for herself. It does not mean that is how she would do it on someone else unless they requested that look. It is just like going to a hairstylist. I used to go to this young girl who had a goth style hair style. That doesn't mean she didn't know how to do any other hair styling or coloring. It is her job to do what the customer requests. Same with a make-up artist. I once worked years ago with this young lady who did some make-up work in the movie industry. It was her side job. She once brought her photo album and showed us some of the work she had done on some celebrities and non-celebrities. Very different looks for each client. Vee has shown on her social media how she can do different looks with make-up. If one doesn't know different styles or looks, they are doomed to not making a living at it.

Leah is stuck on the lip gloss and orange look.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

I too think Chelsea would probably do a good job on someone else's makeup, but they would have to specify no winged eyeliner! ?

I thini Chelsea vs. Leah is so interesting when examining nature vs. nurture. I do 't think either of these girls has a high IQ, but I do think Chelsea is slightly more intelligent. She seeks to be able to keep her life together and get through daily activities without a lot of stress. However, would this still be the case if they had grown up with the opposite parents? I can see Randy being patient with Chelsea until she figures out where to leave her keys so that she won't lose them, for example, in a way I can't imagine mama dawn. 

People have mentioned from time to time that they think Aubree was planned. I'm not sure what to think on that (can TOTALLY see it either way), but if she was, it was perfect timing. Chelsea got pregnant second semester of junior year, which could have been right around the time she would have been taking the SAT's and thinking realistically about her future. I could totally see a young Chelsea feeling trapped, wanting to go to college and not having the scores, and possibly even feeling like it would look bad if her father was a dentist and she couldn't even get in college! Then she sees her teen mom sister, who Randy supports, and has this life with a cute baby, and Chelsea likes babies anyway. Add her desperation to pin down Adam, and I can totally see it! She gets to escape the rigors of college, or the rejection letter, because she is needed to take care of her baby. If that was true, she did come up with a clever way to get out of it, which is more than I could say for Leah!

however, I think Chelsea could have gotten through at least a couple semesters of college, especially if she was only taking classes she was good at and getting lots of help. She did find a great trade program for her, with Randy's constant encouragement and help. I wonder where Leah would be if she had had a motivating force too. I bet a Randy in her life would have pushed her towards a hair and makeup oriented career too, and she would have some sort of certification by now. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 6

I'm not going on to lie, it took my much longer to earn an associates of nursing than I'd like to admit (somewhere in the range of 10yrs) and I don't have kids, so I don't have that excuse... but my issue was financial aid related, I needed to work full time to have luxuries like food and air conditioning (I live in Texas, so yes it's a neccessity), but nursing requires you to be a full time student, you can't just take a class here and there, the classes are offered in blocks and they have to be taken together... so it makes me so mad because this girl has all the resources in the world, yet she squanders it away. I know it's not personal or anything, but it just bothers me.

  • Love 12

I do think Chelsea is more intelligent than Leah. She has a quick wit about her. When they're on these after shows and get asked questions, Chelsea is often the first one to speak up - to come up with a good story. Leah often stares like a deer in headlights for a few minutes before giving some answer that is sometimes relevant to the question, but often not. I don't think she was super smart to begin with. But the drugs must have done a real number on her brain, whereas Chelsea hasn't had that issue. 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I do think Chelsea is more intelligent than Leah. She has a quick wit about her. When they're on these after shows and get asked questions, Chelsea is often the first one to speak up - to come up with a good story. Leah often stares like a deer in headlights for a few minutes before giving some answer that is sometimes relevant to the question, but often not. I don't think she was super smart to begin with. But the drugs must have done a real number on her brain, whereas Chelsea hasn't had that issue. 

I like how Chelsea answers a question and has never stomped off the stage like the rest of the girls. She answers her questions clearly and there are times when she just gives a short answer to a question that doesn't need any clarification. I have a pet peeve. I cannot stand when people ramble on and on rather than just answer the fucking question asked of them. Jenelle did that throughout her segment. Many times she never even answered the actual question, she just used the opportunity to speak and say what was on her mind, to defend David, or to fake cry. Jenelle is not hurting. If she is hurting, it is because UBT is beating her ass.

  • Love 8

I actually think Chelsea and Leah are both on the same intelligence level academically, ie neither are particularly book smart or have much intellectual curiosity, but I will give Chelsea the leg up on general common sense. Somehow Chelsea seems much more self-aware then Leah, even if she isn't that much smarter or more motivated. She at least had the sense not to constantly drop in and out of courses of study she didn't have the capacity or interest in. I think a lot of that comes down to nurture. Chelsea is surrounded by educated people who give her positive encouragement and Leah isn't. I wonder, if Leah had better role models, she'd have made better decisions regarding school and career training. If Leah had a Randy in her life she might be more realistic and thus have steered herself to a program she might have some capacity for, like beauty school. Maybe even have learned some kind of work ethic and would've based her worth on something other then catching men. It is kind of sad when I think about it.

Also, Leah was never all the articulate or quick witted but she did have something of a spark in the early seasons. I think mental illness and pillses dulled what personality was there.

  • Love 7

I agree Chelsea definitely has more self-awareness. She seems to get that she's neither college material nor a workaholic, so she plans accordingly by being smart with money and living a consistent life. She has a trade she can use or not use depending on what her circumstances are.

Leah, on the other hand, truly believes she'd be a success at anything she signs up for only to realize she's not cut out for college/cosmetology/business/adulting/working/homemaking etc., and she continues to blow large sums of money on failed ambitions. She's too caught up in all this "think positive" bullshit instead of basing her decisions on reality.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 14
6 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

I actually think Leah and Chelsea probably have almost the same inherent intelligence levels--their IQs are very close, I would bet. Once again, I'd attribute their different lifestyles, decision making abilities, etc. to their families' influences. Chelsea got lucky in the stable-family department; Leah didn't.

Chelsea might be more mature (now) and have greater emotional intelligence, i.e. Empathy for others, perspective etc, but I could contribute that to her family upbringing like you said. A wise person knows what they don't know, and Chelsea knows what she doesn't know. Leah is still wrapped up thinking she's the hottest thing in the holla and the boys are wild for her- so she can have anything she wants. Ummm no. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Chelsea might be more mature (now) and have greater emotional intelligence, i.e. Empathy for others, perspective etc, but I could contribute that to her family upbringing like you said. A wise person knows what they don't know, and Chelsea knows what she doesn't know. Leah is still wrapped up thinking she's the hottest thing in the holla and the boys are wild for her- so she can have anything she wants. Ummm no. 

Where is "the holla"? I keep reading about it on this board and still haven't figured it out. 

1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

"The holla", aka the holler, aka Leah's little town/world where she was the queen bee. I'm not sure how the joke started. 

Remember that show Buckwild?  (which was described as "if you took the cast of Teen Mom's kids away & sent them to live with Honey Boo Boo") they called their neighborhood "the Holler." 


(also, no, my recall is not that good related to non-pop-culture things, unfortunately.  what appointment?)

  • Love 2

Loretta Lynn gets credit for me hearing the word "holler" the first time. I watched some show, I think Johnny Carson, back in the 70s. She was a guest and she was asked where she was from. She mentioned Butcher Holler. The town is also known as Butcher Hollow, but Loretta refers to it as holler. It is in her famous song "Coal Miner's Daughter".

Leah is from the holler and she probably was hollering when she was getting it on in the back seat. 

Leah mentioned being on birth control at the age of thirteen. She then mentioned she wanted her girlses to abstain from sex. I hope she puts them on birth control regardless of what she thinks.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, CofCinci said:


No makeup? I spot eyeliner and mascara. 


Her eyebrows are likely filled in as well. 


3 hours ago, teapot said:

Remember that show Buckwild?  (which was described as "if you took the cast of Teen Mom's kids away & sent them to live with Honey Boo Boo") they called their neighborhood "the Holl

Buckwild was the best! RIP Shane. 

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Loretta Lynn gets credit for me hearing the word "holler" the first time. I watched some show, I think Johnny Carson, back in the 70s. She was a guest and she was asked where she was from. She mentioned Butcher Holler. The town is also known as Butcher Hollow, but Loretta refers to it as holler. It is in her famous song "Coal Miner's Daughter".

Leah is from the holler and she probably was hollering when she was getting it on in the back seat. 

Leah mentioned being on birth control at the age of thirteen. She then mentioned she wanted her girlses to abstain from sex. I hope she puts them on birth control regardless of what she thinks.

1) I love Loretta Lynn!

B) "hollering in the back seat" made me lol.

Thirdly) She was on birth control at 13?!  I'm sorry, but that's too young for anyone to be having sex.  I'm amazed it took her 3 years to get pregnant, what with how responsible 13 year olds are.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, polandspring said:

1) I love Loretta Lynn!

B) "hollering in the back seat" made me lol.

Thirdly) She was on birth control at 13?!  I'm sorry, but that's too young for anyone to be having sex.  I'm amazed it took her 3 years to get pregnant, what with how responsible 13 year olds are.

Leah's mother put her on the depo shot in high school. I'll give Leah and Dawn minor credit for 1. Leah being honest enough with her mother to ask for help getting contraception, and 2. Dawn picking a method that did not involve a teenager remembering to take her pill every day (or, "forgetting", due to a romanticized notion of teen parenthood).

Leah was 16 when she broke up with Robbie, and mentioned they had been together for nearly 3 years. She may not have been having sex as early as 13, but Mama Dawn "wasn't takin no chances". Probably the smartest thing she ever did, or will ever do.


Leah got pregnant with Corey after letting her depo shot lapse. In her very very minimal defense, it is very common to have delayed ovulation after going off hormonal birth control. While some women just fall back into their regular cycles like clockwork, for some, it takes weeks, or months, to ovulate again. I'm guessing that was the case for one of Leah' cheerleader friends who misinformed the holler squad that you couldn't get pregnant very soon after quitting birth control.

Leah (and possibly Maci) is the only girl from the TM or TM2 franchise that I think was not actually trying to get pregnant.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

Leah's mother put her on the depo shot in high school. I'll give Leah and Dawn minor credit for 1. Leah being honest enough with her mother to ask for help getting contraception, and 2. Dawn picking a method that did not involve a teenager remembering to take her pill every day (or, "forgetting", due to a romanticized notion of teen parenthood).

Leah was 16 when she broke up with Robbie, and mentioned they had been together for nearly 3 years. She may not have been having sex as early as 13, but Mama Dawn "wasn't takin no chances". Probably the smartest thing she ever did, or will ever do.


Leah got pregnant with Corey after letting her depo shot lapse. In her very very minimal defense, it is very common to have delayed ovulation after going off hormonal birth control. While some women just fall back into their regular cycles like clockwork, for some, it takes weeks, or months, to ovulate again. I'm guessing that was the case for one of Leah' cheerleader friends who misinformed the holler squad that you couldn't get pregnant very soon after quitting birth control.

Leah (and possibly Maci) is the only girl from the TM or TM2 franchise that I think was not actually trying to get pregnant.

And I do think Leah was probably broken hearted over the Robbie break up (not that it was an excuse), and that's why she let her depo-shot lapse. Corey paid her some attention and her ego was like stroke down and there we go. Still doesn't explain why Corey wouldn't have had a condom having sex with a girl he barely knew in the back of his truck. 

I don't blame momma dawn one wit for putting Leah on depo, when she informed her mom she had a steady and was wild for him. I agree that it was better safe than sorry. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

And I do think Leah was probably broken hearted over the Robbie break up (not that it was an excuse), and that's why she let her depo-shot lapse. Corey paid her some attention and her ego was like stroke down and there we go. Still doesn't explain why Corey wouldn't have had a condom having sex with a girl he barely knew in the back of his truck.

This has never been confirmed, but I am 99% sure Corey was a virgin. Leah said in her 16 and pregnant episode that Corey had never had a girlfriend before her. Now, I realize you don't need to be in a relationship to have sex, but having a girlfriend/boyfriend is generally a precursor to sex, especially for a teenage guy.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don't blame momma dawn one wit for putting Leah on depo, when she informed her mom she had a steady and was wild for him. I agree that it was better safe than sorry. 

I don't blame Dawn for putting her child on birth control since the child was having sex; I blame her for letting her 13 year old get to a place where sex at 13 seemed like a good idea.

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, Tatum said:

Leah's mother put her on the depo shot in high school. I'll give Leah and Dawn minor credit for 1. Leah being honest enough with her mother to ask for help getting contraception, and 2. Dawn picking a method that did not involve a teenager remembering to take her pill every day (or, "forgetting", due to a romanticized notion of teen parenthood).

Leah was 16 when she broke up with Robbie, and mentioned they had been together for nearly 3 years. She may not have been having sex as early as 13, but Mama Dawn "wasn't takin no chances". Probably the smartest thing she ever did, or will ever do.


Leah got pregnant with Corey after letting her depo shot lapse. In her very very minimal defense, it is very common to have delayed ovulation after going off hormonal birth control. While some women just fall back into their regular cycles like clockwork, for some, it takes weeks, or months, to ovulate again. I'm guessing that was the case for one of Leah' cheerleader friends who misinformed the holler squad that you couldn't get pregnant very soon after quitting birth control.

Leah (and possibly Maci) is the only girl from the TM or TM2 franchise that I think was not actually trying to get pregnant.

In defense of Leah...  I was in the Navy and religiously went to sick call every 90 for my Depo shot.  I still got pregnant - granted my ex- future husband and I were like bunnies on that deployment.  

Like they say in Jurassic Park: 

  • Love 2



Leah's mother put her on the depo shot in high school.

Leah herself said on the most recent Unseen Moments that she was on birth control by the time she was 13 years of age. This seems to fit in with the Robbie timeline. Leah said she and him dated for three years. If she began dating and banging him at 13 years of age and they were a couple for three years that means she was 16 years of age when they broke up. She became pregnant by Cory when she was 17 years.

I seem to remember Leah telling her mom when they were at some restaurant how she was going to put her girls on birth control when they are 14 years of age.

I don't think it is ever too young to put a young girl on birth control especially if they are already seeing boys as boyfriends. Best to be protected. Still, there needs to be a discussion about the girl making sure the boy wears a condom. If he chooses not to, don't have sex with him.

I just watched a documentary the other night about the high rate of HIV and AIDs in the Carolinas, Virginia, and some of the states in that area.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, polandspring said:

I don't blame Dawn for putting her child on birth control since the child was having sex; I blame her for letting her 13 year old get to a place where sex at 13 seemed like a good idea.


7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:



I don't think it is ever too young to put a young girl on birth control especially if they are already seeing boys as boyfriends. Best to be protected. Still, there needs to be a discussion about the girl making sure the boy wears a condom. If he chooses not to, don't have sex with him.



I'm torn on this one. Obviously, better safe than sorry, but I would definitely be taken aback if my 13 year old approached me for birth control. I mean, I wouldn't refuse to help (the last thing I want is my daughter to get pregnant at age 13), but I would wonder where I went wrong. To me, it's got nothing to do with morals- 13 year olds are just not emotionally ready for sex. I wonder what Dawn's reaction was during that conversation.

I kind of picture the following scene from Drowning Mona (late 90s Bette Midler movie)

Gross Adult Guy: That girl wants me

Casey Affleck: uh, you know she's only 13, right?

Gross Adult Guy: Finally!

  • Love 8

I get where you are going, Tatum. I am so thankful I didn't have to go that route with my girls when they were teens. I talked to them and let them know it is best to wait until they are a certain age because otherwise they will just experience sex and it is nothing like how it is when you have sex with someone who means something to you. A 13 year old has no clue about having a healthy, sexual relationship.

For all we know, Mama Dawn probably put Leah on birth control just to protect her for that "just in case" moment. It may be why Leah said she would want her girls on birth control at a young age. It is just done as a protection.  I know someone who put their daughter on birth control when she was 14 years of age even though the girl wasn't dating anyone. She just fears the worst and wanted to make sure her daughter was protected especially since the mother is a single parent who is occupied with work and college. 

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Tatum said:



I'm torn on this one. Obviously, better safe than sorry, but I would definitely be taken aback if my 13 year old approached me for birth control. I mean, I wouldn't refuse to help (the last thing I want is my daughter to get pregnant at age 13), but I would wonder where I went wrong. To me, it's got nothing to do with morals- 13 year olds are just not emotionally ready for sex. I wonder what Dawn's reaction was during that conversation.

I kind of picture the following scene from Drowning Mona (late 90s Bette Midler movie)

Gross Adult Guy: That girl wants me

Casey Affleck: uh, you know she's only 13, right?

Gross Adult Guy: Finally!

I'm not a Mom, but my first reaction would be wondering if my daughter was being manipulated by an older man or being exploited. In this instance Robbie was another 13yrs old boy/age appropriate boyfriend that was around for a while- I don't think he was exploiting Leah or anything like that. 

There are two types of parents - those who talk to their kids about sex, and those that don't. You can put them on BC without ever really talking to them about sex, which is what I suspect Leah's mom did. "Oh, you want birth control? Okay." Plus, by the time they're asking for it, it's a bit too late. You need to be talking with them much earlier. I'm not saying you can prevent your child having sex, and teens using protection is better than teens having unwanted babies. But, in many cases, if there is a good level of parental involvement and an ongoing dialogue about love, sex, your body, etc., you're going to be more likely to end up with a kid who puts off having sex. But many parents just find too awkward, so they ignore it entirely and tell them Jesus don't want them to bone before marriage or just give em the pill and hope for the best. Sad. 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Still doesn't explain why Corey wouldn't have had a condom having sex with a girl he barely knew in the back of his truck. 

I can think of a reasonable explanation for this, as a side thought...in HS lots of girls brag about being on birth control. Even if they don't brag, if they tell one single friend, or mama Dawn tells a friend, the news spreads like wildfire. Cory could have thought she was on BC because it was known around school that her mom put her on it years ago. 

It doesn't make him particularly smart, but we knew that about him already.

58 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

But many parents just find too awkward, so they ignore it entirely and tell them Jesus don't want them to bone before marriage or just give em the pill and hope for the best.

Well, to be fair, that book where Jesus talks about these things says you can have premarital sex as long as you intend to marry the person you are having sex with.  So yeah, if your kid reads it, this won't fly. But it's also the chapter that says you shouldn't have sex with your mother because it's disrespectful to your father.  I mean, yeah, I can probably come up with about 400 reasons not to have sex with your mother and disrespecting your father is not one of them.   I've never felt the need to write these reasons down, though. Those people must have been partying hard back in the day.  LOL

I don't have daughters, just sons.  They are all about 7 years apart.  There has always been a box of condoms next to a box of tampons in their bathroom.  I've always told them a baby isn't the worst thing they can catch from having sex.  I don't even care what the girl says about birth control, you have to cover up.  And if you don't have the balls to buy your own condoms? You aren't ready to have sex.  

Now this whole "boy thing" bit me in the butt when I was alone, in Walmart sports section, trying to pick out a cup for my 12 year old because he joined the wrestling team.  He needed a cup and a mouth guard.  I got three really cool mouth guards and practically cried facing the wall of cups and straps.  Talk about awkward! 

  • Love 6

What I don't understand for so many of these girls on 16 and Pregnant is when they say, "we broke up for a week so I quit taking birth control." Really??!! I've been on birth control 7 years, and I'm terrified to get off of it because the side effects it caused to get on it were so terrible! I went two years between relationships at one point and stayed on! I can just imagine how it feels when your body is just starting to adjust to not having it, and then you start taking it again and lay in bed, sick, for a week. Ugh. I had all sorts of nausea with food cravings, dizziness, this feeling like my head was about 1" big, sweats, and just general weakness for about a week when I started. Once I go off, I plan to go off for good!

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Christina87 said:

What I don't understand for so many of these girls on 16 and Pregnant is when they say, "we broke up for a week so I quit taking birth control." Really??!! I've been on birth control 7 years, and I'm terrified to get off of it because the side effects it caused to get on it were so terrible! I went two years between relationships at one point and stayed on! I can just imagine how it feels when your body is just starting to adjust to not having it, and then you start taking it again and lay in bed, sick, for a week. Ugh. I had all sorts of nausea with food cravings, dizziness, this feeling like my head was about 1" big, sweats, and just general weakness for about a week when I started. Once I go off, I plan to go off for good!

I know! I'm a 31 year old woman in a DROUGHT and have never been off oral contraceptives since I was 17 because there's always hope a drought will end. Lol. I'm also someone who had no negative side effects so...

Edited by Scarlett45
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