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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I clicked on the Instagram link and happened to see a photo there of Ali being filmed (MTV?) as she is ready to walk down the stairs from the front door. Seems some people are slamming Leah while others are defending her for allowing Ali to carry her backpack. Shades of backpackgate. I swear, I just can't with people. Reading comments about how some people post comments about liking Leah and Jenelle. JENELLE? Sweet Jesus.

I can barely muster the energy to read my families' Instagram pages. I can't imagine reading and getting involved with the "fans" of these girls. The spelling alone makes me want to drink. Thank you to my parents for sending me to a school where spelling was a major part of our curriculum.

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Child support is not supposed to be paid when the mom can't make ends meet, as Adam still owes support for his child even if Aubree is getting absolutely everything she needs. It's not based on the other parent's income, but on your own. It's also based on the amount of time you spend with the child. Adam doesn't have 50/50 custody of either of his children, so he would be expected to pay more than if he did, as that means that Taylor and Chelsea wind up paying for the vast majority of their children's expenses. 

This is one of the only things I've agreed with Kail on. It doesn't matter if you're having another kid, if you don't make as much as your ex, whatever. You owe equal support for your kid, and if you're only with them one week or weekend out of the month, that means helping out with the rest of the month. Unfortunately, that means a lot of women get called "spoiled" if they make enough and still expect child support, which is ridiculous. Aubree and Paislee weren't conceived on their own! And Adam should be kissing Chelsea's ass for getting him the TM gig. 

That's why a lot of these dads fight for more custody. Not because they want it, but because it means less child support. 

Edited by Lm2162
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10 hours ago, NikSac said:

Is this it?


Yes, this sounds like a producer got pissed off and wrote the statement,  which even mentions the crew.  Not even a girlses to make it believable.

Edited by TaxNerd
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On September 14, 2016 at 5:05 PM, AhFillAck said:

I'm pissed. I said I was going to pull lint from my dryer today and not ONE of you said "OMG your amazing. Awe!" Thanks for nothing, all of you! You're all just jealous.

I guess it's because I didn't post a video. #BlessedByLint

(By the way, it pained me to write "your" instead of "you're". I felt dirty.)

You didn't mention that you are a mom, the correct posting would have been something like:

this #momma can't let her precious babies clothes be in the dryer with just any old dryer lint, only the best for momma's babies. #aaa #soblessed #girlmom #3000$dryer #overcreditlimit #whocares #itscoreyandmirandasfault #mtdew 

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Yep, the fact that whoever wrote it knew the correct plural possesive of 'girls' is a dead giveaway. 

My guess is someone proofread it for her and edited. The random capitalizations are totally Leah's jam.

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On 9/17/2016 at 9:18 AM, leighroda said:

You didn't mention that you are a mom, the correct posting would have been something like:

this #momma can't let her precious babies clothes be in the dryer with just any old dryer lint, only the best for momma's babies. #aaa #soblessed #girlmom #3000$dryer #overcreditlimit #whocares #itscoreyandmirandasfault #mtdew 

You are too kind. Leah's post would have had a lot of misspelled words and no commas. She is an ellipsis kinda girl...

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:


#laundryday #gottahaveproof #ipulled thelintouttoo #girlseseseshaveclothes #momoftheyearaward 

A VERTIGO-INDUCING VIDEO OF LAUNDRY. Laundry!! Did I really just see that? *squints at screen*

Someone mentioned either today or yesterday (can't recall which board) Leah's hatred of (and refusal to do) laundry. Now this post from her?

STUPID. Oh, I mean "amazing!!!!!"

LOL at #ipulledthelintouttoo

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I just don't get it. Why would anybody post pictures of results of doing a mundane household chore? And a video, no less! Big frickin' deal. Is Leah so desperate for accolades from her misguided minions that she feels the need to post this crap?  I hate to break it it to ya, Leah, but millions of women do this on a regular basis with no fanfare or thanks. It's just a normal part of running a household. 

What's next in the silly saga of this delusional Suzy Homemaker. Should we stay tuned for videos of loading the dishwasher, cleaning the cat's litter box, or wiping the magic marker off the walls? 

#wholenewbrandofcrazy #meanercleaner #blessedtoscrubtoilets

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7 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Someone mentioned either today or yesterday (can't recall which board) Leah's hatred of (and refusal to do) laundry. Now this post from her?

Yes! I just said that yesterday, I believe. I can't remember which board either, though. (That's kind of sad, I post on so many TM boards.) But I think both Corey and Germy have complained about her lack of laundry skills. NOW I remember. It was either on the latest episode boards or Cate's board, because people were talking about Nova never being dressed, and I compared here to little #AA, who were always running in nothing but diapers. 

I agree with the poster that said that looks like a LOT of laundry, like it had built up over time. We all know Gracie will put it away. 

I actually DO heart routines. But that is evidenced by how I live my life. I have never come home at midnight and fed my kids burned ravioli from a can. 

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4 hours ago, Katt said:

@Mkay Bless you for following this moron for snarks and saving me from doing it. You truly are a star. #NeverGonnaAdmitIWatchThisShitFest 

You're welcome  I sometimes worry I post too many of their pics but I know if I wasn't following them I'd wanna see it too!! #hotmess #AAAgirlses #Ilostmychorechart

2 hours ago, Elizabeth9 said:

As annoying as it is, I prefer #laundry to photos of Kailyn's artificial ass.  At least she's not trying to be a Kardashian

YOU GUYSSSSSS I CUT MY GRASS YESTERDAY!!!!  #grass #homeowner #happiness #lawncare #family

We need pictures with crazy hashtags! #picsoritdidnthappen #nomoretallgrass 

Edited by Mkay
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1 hour ago, Miss Chevious said:

I just don't get it. Why would anybody post pictures of results of doing a mundane household chore? And a video, no less! Big frickin' deal. Is Leah so desperate for accolades from her misguided minions that she feels the need to post this crap?

No, it's not for her fans. It's for the people that mock her online. Seriously, that is who she is trying to impress with all these sad sack posts.


What's next in the silly saga of this delusional Suzy Homemaker. Should we stay tuned for videos of loading the dishwasher?

Didn't she post a video last week of herself unloading the dishwasher? I remember everyone made fun of her man hands.

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I think this Suzy Homemaker act is all about scoring husband #3. It's already going to be hard enough with three kids in tow, so Leah needs to go the extra mile to prove she's not a total clusterfuck. So now we have freshly laundered clothes, chore charts and "homemade" meals. She's definitely got some sort of agenda.

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I think this Suzy Homemaker act is all about scoring husband #3. It's already going to be hard enough with three kids in tow, so Leah needs to go the extra mile to prove she's not a total clusterfuck. So now we have freshly laundered clothes, chore charts and "homemade" meals. She's definitely got some sort of agenda.

You might be on to something. After all, early in her relationships with both her exes Leah did seem to actually do some housework. This constantly documenting her mundane household chores might be a part of Leah's elaborate mating dance. She's going to have a hell of a time convincing another decent, hardworking man to fall for her supermommy routine after she showed her ass on the show so many times, however. If she does land a #3 in the husband line-up, she better be prepared to trade down from what she had.

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No shit, Sherlock. "It's not healthy for me or my household." How informative. How many years has she been smoking now?

Oh! Oh! Now it's #WannaBHealthy! What happened to #SoHealthy every damned post? No, I am not surprised, I just never fail to be floored by her utter bullshit. This post of hers makes me extra pissy today.

Perhaps Catelynn can do this with her weed and she and Tyler can stand over the smoke and inhale. Several times a day.

Edited by AhFillAck
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I just wonder what happens when this self-help high comes down and Leah has to deal with actual feelings. She can recite affirmations til the cows come home but it's like trying to slap a band-aid on a severed limb. Until she stops living in denial of her drug addiction, nothing will really change. 

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"Cigerettes" - sigh. At least she spelled it correctly the second time. One of her many hashtags should be #notimeforproofreading.

If it helps her to put it out into the world to be held accountable, well then she can keep posting every little thing. It seems unlikely that that is her true motivation, but if works, go ahead. At least all of this should have a positive impact on the girlses.

(I think I just said something semi-nice about Leah. Now I feel weird.)

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Leah reminds me of Stuart Smalley,

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it people like me!" 


I just need to add some cutesy hashtags and emojis. But don't really care enough to come up with something creative. #couldntgiveacrap. 

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On September 21, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Miss Chevious said:

What's next in the silly saga of this delusional Suzy Homemaker. Should we stay tuned for videos of loading the dishwasher, cleaning the cat's litter box, or wiping the magic marker off the walls? 

#wholenewbrandofcrazy #meanercleaner #blessedtoscrubtoilets

Hahaha! That's just crazy talk! If anyone's loading the dishwasher, it's Gracie. That silly cat ain't got no litter box. Why do you think it's always running out of the house? Poor thing has to poop! And we all know that ain't magic marker on the walls. Let's be fair here, that's just frosting! See, this is why the girlses have to "set ta taybl" to eat their frosting with a spoon. Some damn body swiped that mess on the walls and cain't no damn body own up to it. And why ya gonna bother scrubbing that dang terlet anyway? It's just gonna get dirtyed up again. Com'on now, that don't make no damn sense. All y'all know good and dang well it's takes a lot of work to increases LeahDawn's grammering and hashtagses skilz!

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I'm not for smoking AT ALL, and have never smoked anything in my life. However, "what kind of role model would I be?" sounds very insulting! There are plenty of people out there who are great, and also happen to smoke. Maybe they even started when no one knew it was bad for you. I could see some people really taking offense to her statement. 

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My husband smoked for many years. He's currently using an e-cig, which is better, but I wish he'd give that up as well. It's not easy. And he's a great father and the hardest worker I know. My mother smoked for my entire childhood and finally gave it for good when I was a in my early 20s. She is probably the best woman I know. Smoking doesn't make you a bad person or a poor role model. But children of smokers ARE more likely to start smoking, that is a fact. My main issue with Leah (and the others on this show) is their honesty, or lack thereof. Always HIDING shit. She's crowing about giving up cigarettes, but I guarantee most of her fans didn't even know she smoked. It was likely only us more observant viewers who noticed her hiding it all the time. She never does anything with pure intentions, but that's just my opinion. 

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Reading comments on articles about Leah makes me weep for the lack of intelligence some of the younger generations seem to suffer from.  A girl. In her 20s posted that Leah is a very good mom.  That she may have had some problems but that she always makes sure she puts her kids first.  OMG.  The delusions are strong here.. On what planet has Leah ever put her children first?  When she left the twins with Cory so she could go out and party? When she broke up two marriagesbecause she couldn't stay off Robbies dick?  When she moved out of her kids school district into a house that wasn't accessible for Allie just so she could shack up with her personal trainer?  When she chose to use drugs instead of taking care of her girls? I honestly can not come up with even one time Leah has put any of her children first. 

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33 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Reading comments on articles about Leah makes me weep for the lack of intelligence some of the younger generations seem to suffer from.  A girl. In her 20s posted that Leah is a very good mom.  That she may have had some problems but that she always makes sure she puts her kids first.  OMG.  The delusions are strong here.. On what planet has Leah ever put her children first?  When she left the twins with Cory so she could go out and party? When she broke up two marriagesbecause she couldn't stay off Robbies dick?  When she moved out of her kids school district into a house that wasn't accessible for Allie just so she could shack up with her personal trainer?  When she chose to use drugs instead of taking care of her girls? I honestly can not come up with even one time Leah has put any of her children first. 

Exactly. Not only that, but those same posters shriek that Corey does NOT ever put the girls first. Leah's followers live in a world where it's Opposite Day every day.

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I think the internet is bringing the world's idiot problem to the forefront. (Ok..mostly America's..) Sigh. Remember the earlier days of the internet where it was mostly intelligent people? Double sigh. I'm 33 so I'm not even that much older than Leah and co but geez, the stupid hurts. The fact is she thinks she's fooling people with this #perfectmom crap because she is! Just not us. Again, as always, I'm downright thankful for you all or I would think I was going crazy reading idiotic opinions everywhere else. We don't all always agree but it's never plainly idiotic. #grammarstructurespellingsyntaxfullsentences #soblessed 

Edited by Rebecca
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