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Jesus God, Leah!!

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22 minutes ago, neatoburrito said:

She maintains to this day that she was never abusing pillses, went to "therapy" instead of rehab and doesn't give her kids soda. So forgive me if I'm skeptical about her turnaround. We only have her word for it, and she's not exactly renowned for her honesty.

This! Short and sweet, but directly to the point.

Leah is not fooling me. Growing up? Changing? Changing clothes is all. I am not seeing any change. She still lies. She is not upfront about her addiction. She is using the depression to hide her real issues and problems. Monkey anyone?

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22 hours ago, Katt said:

My MIL is a retired teacher and here are just some of the things she's said or written in the last few days, and this doesn't include double negatives wherever possible:
We was going there but should of went..
Next week-in probably saturday
I need a 8 in a half shoe
I will never except that...
(Yes, I make a lot of mistakes but I am not being paid -still, as she collects a pension- to be an example.)

Anyway, the point is, a lot of teachers don't know shit and the standard for obtaining a licence needs to be way higher. I also think they should be randomly pysch evaluated. My kids think I'm a witch because I take them to the library on the first day of school holidays because READING IS FUCKING IMPORTANT!

I hear you. I knew someone who was getting her PhD in English (English!!!) and she would say "Would have came" "Should have went", etc.  Now that I think about it, had I seen her write those things, you can bet your sweet bippy that she would have written "of" in place of "have." It just makes me almost bust a spring inside my head.

When one of the Teen Moms posts a photo of something cute, most of the fan responses are "Awe!" However, these imbeciles are not stating that they are in "awe" of the cuteness of the picture, they are misspelling "aw/aww/awww". GOOD LORDY. Has anyone else noticed this?!? ***rips hair out and falls down with rage***

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Not strictly on topic but anyway. I tutor several girls in Year 12 for English (I'm in uni, they are in the last year of high school) and half of the editing work that I do is basic grammar.  The overuse of commas and random appearance of semi-colons and colons drives me up the wall. Funnily enough I also work with a younger girl who only arrived in Australia several years back and she has the best grammar out of them all.  Being the only child of immigrant parents, she has always been pushed to write "proper" English and works damn hard to make sure that all her work is free of spelling and grammar errors.  

I can't blame Leah for having poor grammar in the early seasons (the schools aren't well!) but as a "reality TV star" she should be able to spell basic words and know how to use full stops, capital letters and, if nothing else, SpellCheck.  No one is saying that she has to be writing Pulitzer Prize style posts but to/too, random capitalization of letters and using commas instead of full stops (and visa versa) are primary school mistakes.   She has one million followers (I weep for humanity) so maybe she should proofread her posts.  

More to the point (as someone else pointed out) if she is only learning grammar to prove everyone wrong, what does that teach the girls?  Education should be important for its own sake, not just to stick the finger up at the haterz.  

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On August 29, 2016 at 11:33 AM, imjagain said:

This is how I started cooking too.  I loved looking through cookbooks.  I was terrible I didn't know how to make rice,  rice!  Looking through magazines and books gave me tons of ideas did it always turn out great,  no.  I just kept trying. 


I am an excellent home cook but I STILL don't know how to cook rice because I've always owned rice cookers. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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 Education should be important for its own sake, not just to stick the finger up at the haterz.  

Can I get an amen?

With the money that Leah has at her disposal, including Cory's money, the girls have opportunities at their disposal to acquire the best education. That is, when Leah is not misusing or stealing that money.

Someone upthread mentioned immigrant parents. Some of the best students I knew when I worked for a short time at a local school, were the children of immigrants. Their parents' primary language was not English and still, they worked alongside their children in the after school homework program or attending tutoring programs with their children so they could better understand the curriculum. It was amazing to watch these parents as they sat there with excitement learning alongside their children.  Those parents knew in order to help their children excel in school, they needed to learn as well.

Leah could break that mold and be the example for her girls. She once had goals. She once had the desire to attend college. At one time she was boasting about the online college courses she was taking.  There was this as well:http://hollywoodlife.com/2013/05/14/leah-messer-teen-mom-2-reunion-kids-college/


Leah told Dr. Drew that part of her plan is to go back to college and finish her degree, and she’s a strong enough woman to make her dreams come true. She even enrolled in nursing school at University of Charleston at West Virginia, and revealed her disappointment at dropping out too early on Twitter

“The @UCWV was a great school! I wish I would’ve stayed! Beautiful campus, great professors, and students,” she tweeted on Dec. 3.

Somewhere Leah did get the message that an education is important. Didn't Mama Dawn get her a job at a dentist office? I had the impression back in the early seasons that Leah was wanting something better for herself.  Was I dreaming?

Leah said she needed to be home for the girls because they were young. Well, the two oldest are in school full-time and we know she has a slew of family members who are more than willing to watch Addie. She has income coming in from child support and MTV. What excuse is there now? Sadly, she'd rather teach the girls the importance of finding a guy who will support them rather than being self-sufficient young ladies with goals.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Leah would probably be better off going to trade school. Like Chelsea, she isn't academically minded but she really should be thinking of the future. She's a spendthrift and she can't collect child support for the rest of her life. Oh, NVM, she can just get married a few more times. I can't see her bagging a decent man now, though. 

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She really, really, really should have held onto Jeremy for dear life. He's no prize, but could provide her with the kind of life she wanted. Nobody is going to take her on now with three kids by two different dads, one with a disability, and all of her drug / "depression" issues. Not to mention he would have to be the sole financial provider. She needs someone who isn't classy and doesn't value education, yet earns a high income. Jeremy was the jackpot. 

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So forgive me if I'm skeptical about her turnaround. We only have her word for it, and she's not exactly renowned for her honesty.

My point is that she's not written in stone as being the worst of herself. People change, especially in their 20s. 

She really, really, really should have held onto Jeremy for dear life. He's no prize, but could provide her with the kind of life she wanted.

He slapped her in the face with raw bacon. Saying he was no prize is putting it mildly! He didn't respect her and didn't seem to contribute much around the house. I don't think that was the life she wanted at all.

Leah makes income of her own--at least for now--and lives in a very low cost of living area. She doesn't need Jeremy or any other man for their income level. She would probably benefit from figuring out some kind of focus or serious hobby--maybe returning to cosmetology or nursing school while Corey/Miranda have primary custody, maybe something different--and she would definitely benefit from quality, sustained therapy. But the last thing she needs is to be in a toxic relationship. 

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He didn't respect her and didn't seem to contribute much around the house.

Respect in a marriage goes both ways. Where was the respect from her to her husband when she was cheating on him?

Jeremy's contribution was to work full-time to support his wife, her two kids and their daughter. He wasn't home for weeks at a time. She was the stay-at-home wife/mommy. It was HER job to maintain the house. She also had a million relatives and friends who took care of her kids for the most part because she was "stressed". She also did not have her twins for the most part since they were either with Cory or her relatives.  I didn't hear Jeremy ask her to do his job. I did hear him tell her they should switch places so she could understand what he does for a living and how stressful it was for him.

Leah complained she wanted more $$ and a bigger home, and was spending money as if Jeremy was making money in the basement. She purchased $1500 in Mary Kay products, but never sold it. Oh! there was that little issue of addiction she had going on where she was rumored to be spending at least $1000 a week on pillses and coke. 


But the last thing she needs is to be in a toxic relationship. 

Anyone who is with Leah is in a toxic relationship.



45 minutes ago, AhFillAck said:

Family reunionses is a grate place to meat guys. 

Don't forget the hashtags. #Love #need$$$ #blessedandneedy

LOL @ the witch's nose photo.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I think the life Leah wants includes a) having a lot of money to spend without lifting a finger to earn it and b) constantly getting male attention. Jeremy worked a lot to provide money for her to blow on drugs and Mary Kay, and consequently didn't have the time to be there 24/7 pandering to Leah's endless emotional needs. As GreatKazu outlined, the money was still never enough for Pill Queen of the Holler, and she wanted Jeremy to somehow earn enough to finance her reckless spending while simultaneously being free to shower her with attention all the time. When he failed to do that, she cheated on him. I wouldn't exactly describe Jeremy as a good catch, but when even he can't get far enough away from Leah, what does that say? She's just a selfish person; respect and compromise are alien concepts to her.

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I remember her taking the entrance exam, because she used her iphone as a timer which seemed weird to me that they would let her use that on a test, and then someone on either here or TWOP pointed out Leah probably didn't know what google was and thought a phone's features were limited to instagram, twitter, and facebook.



Googled "Leah Messer nursing exam" and this article popped up: http://www.wetpaint.com/why-did-leah-messer-drop-out-of-school-759512/


She said she did not pass the entrance exam but was allowed to enroll anyways (which seems very weird to me- I have a few friends in various stages of nursing programs and they had a really hard time getting accepted, with high scores and high GPAs, but maybe that depends on the region), but because she did not pass the test, she had to enroll in supplemental classes (like LM2162 pointed out), and the time commitment was more than she was prepared to make.

I don't know what Leah's intellectual aptitude is- if, with different parents who stressed the importance of learning, she could have been a high achiever in school, or if she would have always struggled to keep up.

Edited by Tatum
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Leah strikes me as the type that only went to high school to be a cheerleader. Pile on the makeup, fluff out the hair and jump around to attract boyses. Classes were just an annoyance she had to sit through in order to get to the pep rallies and under the bleachers. 

In no way, shape or form is she ready or able to take on any type of higher learning. ( no pun intended) 

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21 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Leah strikes me as the type that only went to high school to be a cheerleader. Pile on the makeup, fluff out the hair and jump around to attract boyses. Classes were just an annoyance she had to sit through in order to get to the pep rallies and under the bleachers. 

In no way, shape or form is she ready or able to take on any type of higher learning. ( no pun intended) 

Yeah, she didn't even go to high school the first semester of her senior year, and instead of worrying about falling behind in classes, she only bitched about not being able to be on the cheerleading squad or go to homecoming if she wasn't going to class.


But again, had she had a parent who stressed education vs. using high school as a way to meet a guy who could eventually provide her with her very own trailer after graduation, maybe she would have turned out differently.

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10 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

He slapped her in the face with raw bacon. Saying he was no prize is putting it mildly! He didn't respect her and didn't seem to contribute much around the house. I don't think that was the life she wanted at all.

I agree. She should have held onto CORY. Jeremy and the bacon slap were hilarious for TV, but I wouldn't want to spend my life with someone like that. Those two were dysfunction right from the start. She was pushing her girls onto him way too soon, and he was trying to lock her down out of jealousy. Now, I know she and Cory were a one-night-stand gone wrong, but I still think there was more potential there. Cory tried very very hard to make her happy. He was a good daddy from the start. Not many young men would take infant twins for the weekend in the event of a split. And I think he truly grew to love her. His tears on their wedding day, the way her cheating devastated him - she had it good with Cory. People can grow to love each other you know. Married couples fall out of love and back in love all the time. A lifetime with someone isn't going to be perfect. But I think she could have had it damn good with him. She should have tried harder. With every guy she's dated since then, it's been a significant step downwards. 

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21 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I disagree that's who she is. That's part of who she has been, just as part of who Corey has been is a guy who got a teen pregnant in a drunken one-night stand in the back of his truck and a guy who cheated on his current wife with his ex.

But just as Corey has moved on and grown (although he, too, is neglectful of Ali's wheelchair needs), Leah can move on and grow, too. Sure, I side eye her GOOP-inspired earth mama claims when she's clearly still in the grips of either depression or something that's causing her to literally wither away. Nevertheless, she appears to be sincerely trying, and that is only a good thing. That dinner WAS amazing for a woman who's been raising her kids on frozen food and Huggies. Her room looks fairly clean; she's studying to improve her grammar; and hey, that skirt is cute.

Re the bolded italic part. Leah cheated  as well on HER husband when she hooked up with Cory. I don't know why, but that seems to be forgotten whenever it is mentioned Cory cheated on Miranda with Leah. As if it was all on Cory and somehow Leah was forced by gunpoint to commit adultery. Let's go back further. Right after, and I mean immediately after having a miscarriage, Leah broke it off with Jeremy and ran back to Cory asking him to take her back. Emotional cheating is what I saw Leah doing behind Jeremy's back even before she was married to him. Jeremy had his own issues, but I am merely sticking with what was mentioned about the cheating that went on by both parties.

As for the room being clean, that is the kids' room, not Leah's. I can see the girls cleaning up their room as they have likely been taught at their home with Miranda and Cory.

Lastly, Leah's depression and state of mind seems to be connected to the fact she has a disabled child who has a certain life expectation. Granted, I can see how having a disabled and ill child can put stress on a parent. The thing is, Cory is the other parent. He is enduring the same stresses and worries about his daughter as Leah. Could it be that his lapse in judgment by cheating on Miranda could have been the pressures and stresses he was dealing with during that same time period that Leah was going around the Holler cheating on Jeremy and doing drugs?

Cory also had the kids for as much time as Leah. Miranda was the caretaker and parent of those girls while he was at work, but he came home to his girls and tended to their needs. When the girls were barely two weeks old, it was Cory who was there with the girls as Leah complained about wanting to go out and be with her friends. He stayed home while she went out. Cory has been a stand-up guy and a great father for the most part.

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23 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I disagree that's who she is. That's part of who she has been, just as part of who Corey has been is a guy who got a teen pregnant in a drunken one-night stand in the back of his truck and a guy who cheated on his current wife with his ex.

But just as Corey has moved on and grown (although he, too, is neglectful of Ali's wheelchair needs), Leah can move on and grow, too. Sure, I side eye her GOOP-inspired earth mama claims when she's clearly still in the grips of either depression or something that's causing her to literally wither away. Nevertheless, she appears to be sincerely trying, and that is only a good thing. That dinner WAS amazing for a woman who's been raising her kids on frozen food and Huggies. Her room looks fairly clean; she's studying to improve her grammar; and hey, that skirt is cute.


In very general terms, I agree with you that's unfair to label someone a lost cause at age 24, insinuating that they can't change, or their entire essence can be reduced to one or two bad judgment calls. In Leah's very specific case- her life has been nothing but  bad judgment calls, over every aspect of her life. She has cheated on two husbands, she has started and immediately quit numerous jobs, started and immediately quit numerous education paths, been accused of neglecting her kids- I mean, be it school, work, parenting, personal relationships- she's failed at them all.


Now, does this mean she can't ever change? Of course not. Is it fair to consider that the fact that she's spent the last 7 years being irresponsible, untrustworthy, selfish, and lazy when predicting how she's going to spend the next 7 years? Sure.


Is she really doing that better? She hasn't lost custody of her kids and there have been no reports of police bringing her kids home lately, so in that regard, yes. However, her daughter's tooth rotted right in her mouth, she took a week vacation by which her disabled daughter appeared to only use her wheelchair to get through airport security lines, and her endeavor to learn grammar had to be documented on social media, suggesting to me this is much less about learning and much more about once again, seeking validation from people. 


I have no crystal ball and I can't say for sure Leah will never amount to anything, or for sure dismiss the notion that she's already hit rock bottom and is on her way up, but if I had to put money on it, I would say Leah's rock bottom is still coming, and that she is fundamentally a selfish and irresponsible person.

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Leah doesn't need to go back to school to improve her grammar. She just needs to start reading. Books, not social media. Books books books! I love books. I don't understand why nobody reads anymore. 


ETA:. TM2 is my secret vice too!

Edited by Pixiebomb
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1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

Leah doesn't need to go back to school to improve her grammar. She just needs to start reading. Books, not social media. Books books books! I love books. I don't understand why nobody reads anymore. 

Tell me about it! I feel so alone whenever I talk about my books :/ 

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14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Respect in a marriage goes both ways. Where was the respect from her to her husband when she was cheating on him?

Jeremy's contribution was to work full-time to support his wife, her two kids and their daughter. He wasn't home for weeks at a time. She was the stay-at-home wife/mommy. It was HER job to maintain the house. She also had a million relatives and friends who took care of her kids for the most part because she was "stressed". She also did not have her twins for the most part since they were either with Cory or her relatives.  I didn't hear Jeremy ask her to do his job. I did hear him tell her they should switch places so she could understand what he does for a living and how stressful it was for him.

Leah complained she wanted more $$ and a bigger home, and was spending money as if Jeremy was making money in the basement. She purchased $1500 in Mary Kay products, but never sold it. Oh! there was that little issue of addiction she had going on where she was rumored to be spending at least $1000 a week on pillses and coke. 

Anyone who is with Leah is in a toxic relationship.



Don't forget the hashtags. #Love #need$$$ #blessedandneedy

LOL @ the witch's nose photo.

I agree. I always saw Leah as the disrespectful one, in every possible way. Remember when she used to rudely shush him when he was just trying to discuss something with her? Remember how she always told him to do things like "man up" when he would point out that he can't quit his job and still make that much money?

i would feel very differently if Jeremy hadn't worked that job when they met, but he always had it! She should have expected her lifestyle to be just like that, and not been so ungrateful. Now, even if she THOUGHT she was okay with it going in, and changed her mind, that would be okay, but she could have handled it in a respectful way. "Jeremy, I know we agreed to this, but it's way harder on me than I thought. Long-range, is there any possible way that you might eventually work closer to home? Is there any way that perhaps you could come home just a little more often?" And then made the home a pleasant place to be when he did return. 

She really pulled no weight in the marriage, because she didn't work and the house was a mess. I don't want to open a can of worms, but like you said, Jeremy's job was providing financially. My mom was a SAHM, and she made it so that my dad had a nice meal on the table every night and a clean, pleasant environment to return to for relaxation after work. She didn't yell at him to cook something as the laundry piled up in the corner! Now, if she had a headache, would he come home and say, "don't cook; let's order something"? Yes! She wasn't a slave! She did make a good faith effort to pull her weight in the marriage, just like my dad did. Leah's version of SAHM is very different from my mom's!

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I'll be the bitch and say it: Leah isn't going to amount to anything. She'll marry and reproduce for child support checks and that's about it.

It took a long time for Chelsea to get her act together, but she was never a neglectful mother nor did she have drug problems nor did she piss all her money away. So while she was lagging in certain areas (school and Adumb), she was succeeding in others. Leah and Jenelle are just total disasters.

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Also...I personally consider Leah and Chelsea to be the less intelligent two, while Jenelle could have amounted to something without her personality disorder and bad attitude, and Kail has them all whipped as far as intelligence goes. Of the two that have had to struggle academically, Chelsea has amounted to the most, by far. Like you said, she succeeded with making good life decisions and raising Aubree, and she also pushed herself hard to finish school, at least when she found the right fit in esthetician school. 

It would be interesting to see where Leah would have gotten with a father like randy...he encouraged Chelsea to pursue education instead of boys. He always said something like, "the right guy will come along," instead of telling her to put on cute clothes and pursue them in any way. Mama Dawn approached boys from a panicked position, and whenever one fell into Leah's orbit, it was, "oooooh you won't do better! You'd better do anything you can to lock this down!" Randy had confidence Chelsea would meet the right person without making husband hunting the focus of her life, while dawn's philosophy was totally opposite. 

Also, think about if Chelsea had been married to someone like Jeremy instead of pining over Adam. She would have said, "it's harrrrd-uh being here alone," but would have dealt with it and focused on Aubree and her friends until the weekend. Then she would have been sooooo thrilled for him to arrive that the house would have been perfect, and she would have doted on him every second he was home. I'm fine with Chelsea being a SAHM if she and Cole have the means, because she succeeds at creating a nice home. She is selfless enough to care that her husband and kids have a good environment. 

Bottom line is that Chelsea and Leah may not have gotten blessed with extreme intelligence, but one makes the most of what she has, and uses other good character traits to succeed. Sadly, the other doesn't use her intelligence or foster any other good skills, and doesn't care about her family enough to mind that she's not carrying her weight. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I'll be the bitch and say it: Leah isn't going to amount to anything. She'll marry and reproduce for child support checks and that's about it.

It took a long time for Chelsea to get her act together, but she was never a neglectful mother nor did she have drug problems nor did she piss all her money away. So while she was lagging in certain areas (school and Adumb), she was succeeding in others. Leah and Jenelle are just total disasters.

Does that make me a bitch for agreeing?

Basing our opinions on 7 years of what Leah has done seems pretty damn reasonable to me. It is not as if she made a few mistakes and we have thrown our hands in the air in disgust and decided she is worthless. If I want to figure out how someone will be in the future, their past and present behavior is a pretty damn good indicator.  Leah's behavior has not improved. She has not made any strides. She continues to latch onto any guy who will provide for her. She still blames Cory, and now Jeremy, for all her problems, past and present. There is no accountability for her behavior, her actions or lack thereof, or any admission of her drug abuse. Straight up in denial is what Leah does best.  What I know of addiction, if one is not honest about their disease and doesn't do what is necessary to stay on the straight and narrow, they are doomed to repeat it.

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8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I agree. She should have held onto CORY. Jeremy and the bacon slap were hilarious for TV, but I wouldn't want to spend my life with someone like that. Those two were dysfunction right from the start. She was pushing her girls onto him way too soon, and he was trying to lock her down out of jealousy. Now, I know she and Cory were a one-night-stand gone wrong, but I still think there was more potential there. Cory tried very very hard to make her happy. He was a good daddy from the start. Not many young men would take infant twins for the weekend in the event of a split. And I think he truly grew to love her. His tears on their wedding day, the way her cheating devastated him - she had it good with Cory. People can grow to love each other you know. Married couples fall out of love and back in love all the time. A lifetime with someone isn't going to be perfect. But I think she could have had it damn good with him. She should have tried harder. With every guy she's dated since then, it's been a significant step downwards. 

I too think Cory was sprung on her from their first roll in the back of the pickup truck (and obviously they were mutually attracted to each other to jump into the sack so fast), and if Leah were 1. More practical, or 2. From a different generation where being a single Mom wasn't as common (no I'm not saying I want to go back to those days), she would've tried to work things out with Cory. Cory was a kind man, who loved her and their girls and was willing to work hard to provide for them. Cory wanted her far more than she wanted him and I think a few years down the line she's going to realize what she lost out on. I think she already has which is why she had/has so many issues with Miranda. Yes Cory cheated but he isn't going to leave Miranda for Leah EVER, and Leah knows that. 

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7 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Does that make me a bitch for agreeing?

Basing our opinions on 7 years of what Leah has done seems pretty damn reasonable to me. It is not as if she made a few mistakes and we have thrown our hands in the air in disgust and decided she is worthless. If I want to figure out how someone will be in the future, their past and present behavior is a pretty damn good indicator.  Leah's behavior has not improved. She has not made any strides. She continues to latch onto any guy who will provide for her. She still blames Cory, and now Jeremy, for all her problems, past and present. There is no accountability for her behavior, her actions or lack thereof, or any admission of her drug abuse. Straight up in denial is what Leah does best.  What I know of addiction, if one is not honest about their disease and doesn't do what is necessary to stay on the straight and narrow, they are doomed to repeat it.

Exactly! She never cops to anything. Nothing is ever her fault, according to Leah. I might have a shred of respect for her if she admitted that yeah, she had an addiction and had to go to rehab to address it, and yeah, she used to feed her kids rubbish but now she's working hard to make healthier choices. But she behaves as though none of it ever happened and she's always been a selfless, maternal ray of sunshine. She would have had us believe that there was no addiction, no rehab and she just had to go away for therapy to improve her self-esteem. Which was only so low because she was such a dedicated mother and had no time to take care of herself. And that ding dang Corey Tyler was so darn mean to her, always cruelly trying to take her kids away for no good reason! Oh, and her kids never have ANY sugary junk food of course. It's just bad luck that Gracie's front teeth were rotting out of her mouth y'all, nothing to do with Mountain Dew and lack of oral hygiene. 

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4 hours ago, neatoburrito said:

Exactly! She never cops to anything. Nothing is ever her fault, according to Leah. I might have a shred of respect for her if she admitted that yeah, she had an addiction and had to go to rehab to address it, and yeah, she used to feed her kids rubbish but now she's working hard to make healthier choices. But she behaves as though none of it ever happened and she's always been a selfless, maternal ray of sunshine. She would have had us believe that there was no addiction, no rehab and she just had to go away for therapy to improve her self-esteem. Which was only so low because she was such a dedicated mother and had no time to take care of herself. And that ding dang Corey Tyler was so darn mean to her, always cruelly trying to take her kids away for no good reason! Oh, and her kids never have ANY sugary junk food of course. It's just bad luck that Gracie's front teeth were rotting out of her mouth y'all, nothing to do with Mountain Dew and lack of oral hygiene. 


What pisses me off the most is I think she actually believes it. Remember last season when she and her sister and sister's husband are driving somewhere, and Leah is talking about how mean Corey is, and either Victoria or her husband says something like, it's not fair that you always have to be the one to bend over backwards for him. And Leah serenely nods and says, I know, but I have to for my kids.


Um, what? WHAT? You bend over backwards for Corey? Apparently you were referring some weird sex position forced by back of the truck boning and meant this literally, because there is no way Leah has ever figuratively bent over backwards for anybody.  I wish someone would call this bitch out on all the times she flat out denied Corey's very diplomatic attempts to get more custody during the week because Leah was too "stressed" to get them to school on time. Or all the times she ran to US Weekly disparaging Corey and talking about how he only wanted additional custody to fuck with Leah. Or all the times she was manipulative with her kids to make Corey look bad. She's just unbelievable.

Edited by Tatum
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I too think Cory was sprung on her from their first roll in the back of the pickup truck (and obviously they were mutually attracted to each other to jump into the sack so fast), and if Leah were 1. More practical, or 2. From a different generation where being a single Mom wasn't as common (no I'm not saying I want to go back to those days), she would've tried to work things out with Cory.

I tend to think one of the biggest reason Princess Leah went running from the marriage from Corey was because he wasn't "good enough" for her, aka he didn't have a lot of money to give her at the beginning of their marriage. Girl is nothing if not shallow and materialistic. I suspect Jerm's earning potential was one of the biggest pluses in his favor and why Leah latched on to him and still hasn't fully let him go, imo. Funny, Corey seems to be doing well now, with a better job and whatever side money he earns from the show. He has a nice house, can afford for Miranda to be a SAHM, and has some nice things. Had Leah been willing to work with him through the rough patches, they might have had a nice life together. Though, come to think of it, Miranda being a responsible adult is likely why Corey is able to maintain a decent lifestyle, so he is probably much better off without Leah the spending Queen.


Exactly! She never cops to anything. Nothing is ever her fault, according to Leah. I might have a shred of respect for her if she admitted that yeah, she had an addiction and had to go to rehab to address it, and yeah, she used to feed her kids rubbish but now she's working hard to make healthier choices. But she behaves as though none of it ever happened and she's always been a selfless, maternal ray of sunshine.

Until Leah can sit down and honestly say, yeah, I fucked up on this and that, it was me and not Corey, Jeremy, my Kids but ME, I can't take her and her earth mama, #soooobleeeesssed BS seriously. It is nothing but a Band-Aid for her real issues. She'll never improve for real until she can take an honest assessment of her self (neither will Jenelle or Kail). TBH, I'm not sure she ever will. She doesn't seem to have the mental capabilities for that.

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I was a little bit afraid that when Leah lost full custody, she'd downward-spiral like that (Jordan?) girl from 16 & P that was a stripper and addict, and only very occasionally saw her daughter (she may be better now, I've not kept up!  and I'm not really judging her for the career choice, to each their own, but she wasn't a stable individual at all)

I think it's at least good that Leah got her act together enough to get them back

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Corey and Leah are 100% equally at fault when it comes to 1) their mutual cheating, which was for no purpose other than to bang-- cheating isn't "caused" by anything other than that, unless maybe you're being abused at home or something. And 2) their mutual neglect of their disabled daughter. Corey is 100% no more and no less at fault than Leah for those two things. She didn't "seduce" him, he didn't push her, they did something equally horribly hurtful and wrong and continue to neglect their daughter's disability equally.

Other than that, though? Corey seems like a genuinely good guy. Jeremy I have no use for; he seems pretty lame, sleazy, and weak except for his work ethic. But Corey, no-- he's a good person, I think. The mistakes he's made are awful, especially towards Miranda, but I can't say he's a deep down bad person. I *don't* happen to think he truly loved Leah or anything, just thought she was hot, got her pregnant, and then tried to do the right thing. I don't want to give credence to his "feelings" for Leah any more than I want to give credence to Chelsea's feelings for Adam. Sometimes with young men, we tend to lend more 'depth' to their feelings for a toxic person, whereas with a girl, we can recognize it's just infatuation. He was certainly infatuated with Leah, but I don't think that means he truly would have loved her and stayed forever. At least not happily. And I don't think that's a moral failing on his part or something-- he was a kid who got another kid pregnant, full stop. 

Leah, I don't know. She doesn't seem to have much substance at all. But I don't know how I'd be growing up in that environment. I was pretty horrifically abused as a child, sexually and physically. I have PTSD and had some awful relationships, made a lot of bad choices, and fucked up. But I got it together. I'm 27 now. I don't know how to judge her or not judge her. Could that be me, I think, with a lower IQ or less education, or a toxic culture around me like that that encourages illiteracy and reliance on men? But then again, she seems to bring it all on herself. I have both utter empathy and utter disdain for her. At the same time. 

Edited by Lm2162
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16 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I tend to think one of the biggest reason Princess Leah went running from the marriage from Corey was because he wasn't "good enough" for her, aka he didn't have a lot of money to give her at the beginning of their marriage.

It's pretty clear watching Teen Mom season 1 that Leah did not want to marry Corey. She just didn't want to be alone, and figured Corey was better than nothing and would do until someone better came along. Corey shares the blame here- he could tell she was reluctant to get married and pressured her into it anyways. I think Corey shared my opinion that Leah only wanted him because Robbie wouldn't have her, and finding a guy from scratch as a non famous teen mother of two babies just wasn't happening. But that should have led him to decline reconciling with her, not pressure her into marriage! I think he thought she wouldn't go through with it if she wasn't 100% committed to making it work. But as we know, Leah quits everything once it gets hard.

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I'm sure Corey was a virgin when he met Leah. It's the only explanation to why he hooked up with her so fast. He was desperate to lose it. She wasn't anything to look at back then, either, and I'm sure, even though Corey is no genius, it wasn't her scintillating conversation. I think the reason he banged her again when he was with Miranda, had a lot to do with Leah being his first. 

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13 minutes ago, Katt said:

I'm sure Corey was a virgin when he met Leah. It's the only explanation to why he hooked up with her so fast. He was desperate to lose it. She wasn't anything to look at back then, either, and I'm sure, even though Corey is no genius, it wasn't her scintillating conversation. I think the reason he banged her again when he was with Miranda, had a lot to do with Leah being his first. 

And the mom of his kids, I'm sure. 

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22 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Leah, I don't know. She doesn't seem to have much substance at all. But I don't know how I'd be growing up in that environment. I was pretty horrifically abused as a child, sexually and physically. I have PTSD and had some awful relationships, made a lot of bad choices, and fucked up. But I got it together. I'm 27 now. I don't know how to judge her or not judge her. Could that be me, I think, with a lower IQ or less education, or a toxic culture around me like that that encourages illiteracy and reliance on men? But then again, she seems to bring it all on herself. I have both utter empathy and utter disdain for her. At the same time. 

It is hard to not have conflicted feelings about Leah. It's hard not to take into account how her environment influenced her. I've always maintained that Chelsea and Leah are on the same level intellectually but Chelsea had the benefit of better role models and environment.  Could Leah have turned out better if she'd had had the breaks Chelsea did? Possibly yes. At the end of the day, Leah can't actually help not being smart or insightful, if she neither has the internal resources to be nor the example to follow.

I've also always wondered if there was more going on with Leah's issues then what we've been told. I'm no expert, but a lot of her dysfunctional coping methods and actions (constant need for approval, emotional dependence on sex and men, drug abuse) read to me as someone who's possibly been abused in the past. That is pure speculation, of course, but it does make me feel some sympathy for her in the case that it has happened.

On the other hand, she has shown herself to be lazy, selfish, petty, shallow, spoiled, and hypocritical, among other things. Yes, those traits could've been influenced by her sucky family and living circumstances, but they are still a part of her. I'm not sure she is even what I would call a good person, deep down. I don't think she has a Deep Down, she's that shallow. At some point it has to be her, not her dysfunctional family, not her exes, not the h8rz but her. It is possible to be from a redneck/country background and still live a functional, decent existence. The Simms seem to be that type of country family, as well as a few others we've seen around Leah. Leah has never really put in any effort to get to a better place or take responsibility for herself, and because of that I struggle to believe there is any hope for her at all.

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36 minutes ago, Katt said:

I'm sure Corey was a virgin when he met Leah. It's the only explanation to why he hooked up with her so fast. He was desperate to lose it. She wasn't anything to look at back then, either, and I'm sure, even though Corey is no genius, it wasn't her scintillating conversation. I think the reason he banged her again when he was with Miranda, had a lot to do with Leah being his first. 

I've thought this as well. Leah said in 16 and Pregnant that she was his first girlfriend. Now, that doesn't mean he couldn't have had sex with some random, but, given that this is Corey we're talking about, I'm more inclined to believe Leah was his first sexual experience as well.

I didn't think Leah was very pretty at 17, but Corey sure seemed to think he hit the jackpot with her.

Lookswise, Leah peaked at about 18-19.

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She really pulled no weight in the marriage, because she didn't work and the house was a mess. I don't want to open a can of worms, but like you said, Jeremy's job was providing financially. My mom was a SAHM, and she made it so that my dad had a nice meal on the table every night and a clean, pleasant environment to return to for relaxation after work. She didn't yell at him to cook something as the laundry piled up in the corner! Now, if she had a headache, would he come home and say, "don't cook; let's order something"? Yes! She wasn't a slave! She did make a good faith effort to pull her weight in the marriage, just like my dad did. Leah's version of SAHM is very different from my mom's!

@Christina87 Word to your entire post. I really like this part of it which is why I quoted it because I fully agree.

A SAHP (parent) has it just as hard as the other parent who works full-time. Leah was just a fucking nag to both of her husbands. Never satisfied.

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8 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

It is hard to not have conflicted feelings about Leah. It's hard not to take into account how her environment influenced her. I've always maintained that Chelsea and Leah are on the same level intellectually but Chelsea had the benefit of better role models and environment.  Could Leah have turned out better if she'd had had the breaks Chelsea did? Possibly yes. At the end of the day, Leah can't actually help not being smart or insightful, if she neither has the internal resources to be nor the example to follow.

I've also always wondered if there was more going on with Leah's issues then what we've been told. I'm no expert, but a lot of her dysfunctional coping methods and actions (constant need for approval, emotional dependence on sex and men, drug abuse) read to me as someone who's possibly been abused in the past. That is pure speculation, of course, but it does make me feel some sympathy for her in the case that it has happened.

On the other hand, she has shown herself to be lazy, selfish, petty, shallow, spoiled, and hypocritical, among other things. Yes, those traits could've been influenced by her sucky family and living circumstances, but they are still a part of her. I'm not sure she is even what I would call a good person, deep down. I don't think she has a Deep Down, she's that shallow. At some point it has to be her, not her dysfunctional family, not her exes, not the h8rz but her. It is possible to be from a redneck/country background and still live a functional, decent existence. The Simms seem to be that type of country family, as well as a few others we've seen around Leah. Leah has never really put in any effort to get to a better place or take responsibility for herself, and because of that I struggle to believe there is any hope for her at all.

I completely agree. I hate to speculate that she was sexually or severely physically abused, but she is 100% the picture of an early childhood abuse victim. 

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1 hour ago, teapot said:


I think it's at least good that Leah got her act together enough to get them back

I don't think it was that Leah improved as much as she fought the court's decision about her being labeled a parent who couldn't get her kids to school on time. That was the main factor in the court declaring the girls were better off with Cory during the week. The whole thing was based on the school who informed Cory the girls were missing school or tardy most of the time. Leah appealed and made the claims the school was lying. I suppose her attorney fought the decision and Leah basically promised to show the courts she would prove them wrong.

Edited by GreatKazu
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35 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I don't think it was that Leah improved as much as she fought the court's decision about her being labeled a parent who couldn't get her kids to school on time. That was the main factor in the court declaring the girls were better off with Cory during the week. The whole thing was based on the school who informed Cory the girls were missing school or tardy most of the time. Leah appealed and made the claims the school was lying. I suppose her attorney fought the decision and Leah basically promised to show the courts she would prove them wrong.

Right, just like everything else in her life, she fought the decision because she can't stand for people to think she's a bad mom. The public's opinion of her matters more to her than the well being of her daughters.


Leah made claims that the school was lying to the local rag mags, but I don't know that she tried to tell a judge that. I believe Corey and his camp stated that they came to a mutual decision to change the custody agreement at the hearing in January so it's not like Leah "won". Leah had the girls every weekend before January so she had them for approximately 29% of the time. Corey agreed to give up 2 of his weekdays for one weekend, I believe. The split is considered 50/50 but if you do the math, I think it works out to be about 60% Corey/ 40% Leah. Leah can trumpet all she wants about how she proved everyone wrong, but Corey willingly compromised with her for the sake of their kids.

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Leah should really be working with a decent and honest financial advisor. MTV money won't last forever but it could go a lot longer if invested properly. Ex-husbands or any future boyfriends or husbands can get laid off etc.  Leah does not have a basic education, nor does she seem to have the innate intelligence or capacity, or even plain desire to gain further education. Financially, she ought to be investing her money in real estate or similar investments that offer a solid monthly cash flow. She's currently living in a low-cost area and raking in a lot of dough. As a parent of young children, one with small needs, I can understand why she'd want to be a SAHM (although it's debatable that her reasons for being a SAHM have more to do with her wanting to live on easy street then some burning desire to be supermom to her kids). She should be lining herself up to be able to do that independent of child support payments that could fluctuate widely or disappear. I'm assuming she doesn't currently qualify for any government support programs, except potentially for disability for whichever one is disabled (too many A names to remember). However, I know parents who have kids that qualify for SS but the parents don't want to claim it for them as a minor, because apparently it would diminish how much the child would get as an adult - when they might need it more to sustain themselves.  I'm sure Leah is not surrounded by a single person with the knowledge to advise her on any of this, which is another reason why I really wished MTV offered these girl more than just a paycheck. Financial advisers would go a long way. Randy's played that role for Chelsea with some success it would seem.  I think she's best positioned out of all the girls on this franchise to see the benefits of being on this show last far longer than any of the other girls. Leah's going to find herself in a world of hurt shortly after this show ends. How will she survive when all her bills come due and Corey or Jeremy see their salaries, and required child support cut? Or the next one that knocks her up takes off and refuses to pay support? She's damn lucky her two exes are hard workers - which I think is the only thing that separates her from Janelle in terms of her financial future. Janelle's looser boys will most likely find all sorts of ways to get out of child support and when her money is up god help those kids. Leah is not far behind.....

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What I want to know is who the heck granted high school diplomas to Leah and Jeremy. 

@dabronx, Social Security is such a mixed bag. My husband gets it because he works full time, and you can only receive it in some cases if you make below a certain income level (not extremely low, you can be lower middle class, but Leah's income would likely not qualify?). He gets it because in order to get TO work without being unhygienic/late every day to make the same salary as someone without his disability would make, he requires the help of an aide, some medical equipment, and a service dog. So things like the shower wheelchair, the aide's salary, the dog's food, etc., get covered. He doesn't prove it every month but he had to show proof of his expenses for several months and then it is automated. 

I say all this to say that while I 100% believe people should receive a great deal of help when they or someone they take care of is disabled, Leah and Corey don't actually appear to USE the equipment and resources they have been provided. Which is why I hate the random emphasis given to the disability by the show, because it's so upsettingly awful that they don't actually use the many things that would prolong or improve Ali's life. But I can totally see them, especially Leah, exploiting the disability to get aid while not actually caring for it. :(

Edited by Lm2162
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One thing that has always chapped me about Leah is that Corey wanted more time with his girls and she threw a fit about it. Then when the school called and was saying the girls were late most days, then Corey took her to court and won. And of course she cried and cried and made it seem like Corey was the big bad when all he was doing was looking out for the best for his girls. Then Leah took him to court and got the decision that is now and she acts like the 60/40 split was her idea. Uh no, Corey had wanted more time with his girls long before the whole school absences and tardiness happened.

She turns every story around go make herself look good when most of it is on tape about what happened. I just can't with her 

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I'm surprised she hasn't scribbled in "Meditation", "Go to buy lots of vegetables", "Take English class at Deliverance University", etc. on there but I suppose there is only so much room.

Poor Ali only gets one thing on the calendar and it's a doctor's appointment.

Leah's taking martial arts? Photo op. Period.

It's a shame that Corey ("Other") only gets one weekend per month.

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