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Jesus God, Leah!!

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*Snort*...no Leah didn't work during her 16 and pregnant filming. She didn't go to school either. Now, in her defense, she did have pretty severe morning sickness in the beginning and after going into labor at 6 months was put on bedrest, but there were a few months in between those periods where she could have worked or gone back to school and instead wiled away the days eating slushies at DQ and sitting at picnic tables with her friends talking about their cheerleading glory days.

And of course, there was this strapping young fellow holding her attention at the fast food table. Foreshadowing, it's a thing :)



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Apparently Miranda had her baby shower and they're naming their little girl Remi. I don't really like that name, but at least it's not a A monstrosity. She looks good though.





And on the opposite side of things, this is a recent pic of Leah and the girlses at a Halloween thing. She's looking pretty rough. Her eyes are just black pits at this point. 




Also, the teen mom tumblr i follow claims to have sources that say that Leah has been drugged out living in a hotel since she lost custody of the girls. Not sure I believe that, but they're usually not wrong.

Edited by Spacecow
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Apparently Miranda had her baby shower and they're naming their little girl Remi. I don't really like that name, but at least it's not a A monstrosity. She looks good though.





And on the opposite side of things, this is a recent pic of Leah and the girlses at a Halloween thing. She's looking pretty rough. Her eyes are just black pits at this point. 




Also, the teen mom tumblr i follow claims to have sources that say that Leah has been drugged out living in a hotel since she lost custody of the girls. Not sure I believe that, but they're usually not wrong.

And yet, she still seems to think she can snap her fingers and Corey will leave Miranda and run to her side anytime she wants. Just because it (allegedly) happened once, she still thinks she's hot shit. Because she's "hot" and "famous."

  • Love 4

And on the opposite side of things, this is a recent pic of Leah and the girlses at a Halloween thing. She's looking pretty rough. Her eyes are just black pits at this point. 




Is that Adderrall? LOL Check her out holding that candy bag. Cute! That's the girl that was in the Unseen Moments, the one Gracie was crying her eyes over because she wanted to go in the same car as her to that party. Is she their cousin?  The girls have never looked as groomed and clean as they do in those costumes.


You are right about Leah looking rough and the look of her eyes. She is looking more and more like the Evil Twin look:


Edited by GreatKazu
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Miranda looks freaking gorgeous. Love her dress and hair, Corey looks  happy and proud lol.  I even like the name Remi. I think it is cute and unique without being too out there or made up sounding.


All three girlses look adorable. Addie is rocking that fake Elsa braid like a boss.  Leah is looking even rougher then usual. I'd like to believe she isn't holing herself up doing drugs, but it doesn't look to promising.

  • Love 8

I kinda like the name Remi. Maybe not for a child, though. My stepmom had an adorable fluffy white (male) dog named Remi. It was short for Remington. Like the gun.

oh man I didn't even think of the gun connection. I bet that had something to do with it since they're so country (not saying that's a bad thing, I've got a lot of family in rural Montana so I'm kinda country too).

  • Love 2

Miranda looks great, but I can't stand the name. It makes me think of the rat from the movie Ratatouille.

That's why Leah left the house a mess. She saw Ratatouille and figured if she lured enough rats in there, eventually one of them would be a talking gourmet chef.

Also, the teen mom tumblr i follow claims to have sources that say that Leah has been drugged out living in a hotel since she lost custody of the girls. Not sure I believe that, but they're usually not wrong.

Is the hotel room hoarded out yet? ;)


Jeff Kessler


18 Oct 2015


Shocking Fact "Wholesale drug distributors...shipped 200 million pain pills to WV... That’s about 111 pills for every man, woman and child."


*Snort*...no Leah didn't work during her 16 and pregnant filming. She didn't go to school either.  Also, once she was on bedrest she mostly looked at Facebook on her laptop and straightened her bangs instead of using any of the million online resources people have nowadays to keep up with school.

Not that it mattered since her clearly impeccable standards having high school gave her a diploma anyways despite missing 60% of the school year without making any time up



Good that WV is improving its graduation rate, though I guess it's easier to have one of the highest rates of improvement if your state started farther behind.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Jesus look at how different Miranda and Leah look. Miranda is dressed and groomed like an actual adult woman and Leah looks like a homeless teenager.

LOL Leah looks like Jenelle in the Kieffer era- Big hoodie, drug addiction, probably unwashed, homeless (if she's really squatting in a hotel somewhere), kids being taken care of by someone more capable.... "Monkey" is the new "Leave me alloonnneeee!!!"


How long do you guys think it'll be before we see a mugshot from Leah? It seems like her downward spiral has no end in sight.

  • Love 5

Leah's latest tweet from a few hours ago is depressing, which is the exact opposite from what she's desperately attempting to convey.  (Sorry, I haven't linked anything in a thread so I'm not sure how yet. Someone please pity my denseness and post it!)


She again says how "blessed" she is and how she's ready for a great week, with pics of the girls' lunch boxes, handwritten notes to the girls and TWO RED APPLES. Red apples? Please. I would have expected apple jolly ranchers. The whole thing is just too staged. Part of me feels a tad bitchy since there are worse things than trying desperately to be positive and upbeat, but....since we all know the backstory and the sad reality for those little girls, it just seems....insulting.


"Fans" are also telling her how beautiful and amazing and healthy she looks (????) in the Halloween pictures, which made me question all of their optometrists' credentials. Leah looks like ME with the stomach flu when I've slept in my clothes all week and my hair is seaweed. 


As Roseanne once said to Becky: "You look like you've been reincarnated as a rag!"

Edited by AhFillAck
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">All set for a great week. I'm so <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/blessed?src=hash">#blessed</a>! <a href="https://t.co/xqNdKVFxOO">pic.twitter.com/xqNdKVFxOO</a></p>— Leah D. Messer (@TM2LeahDawn) <a href="https://twitter.com/TM2LeahDawn/status/658456623212535809">October 26, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


I attempted to post it, hope I succeeded. I mean, I don't know why we should expect Leah to post anything but happy tweets, she is not going to ask for help or show she needs it. 


Leah looks how I will probably look like this week but this is because I will be studying for a midterm and I don't look like that normally. But it is not healthy at all. 


ETA: Sadly, I clearly can't post tweets either :(


Also wanted to add Leah needs a safe word because a normal adult would say there is nothing to talk about, plus for some reason I think Leah and her mom think viewers will feel bad that that Leah is so fragile she needs a safe word because she is getting help or something. When she is not.

Edited by WhosThatGirl

I'll give it a shot:



(edit: yup. That worked. @WhosThatGirl, what I did was click on ". . . " ("more") to the right of the retweet, etc options (as if!), then clicked "copy link to tweet"; then just pasted it here. I don't know how to pretty them up, but I do know how to cut and paste, so I'll leave it at that.)

Edited by akr

Lol it's just like when she would yell "do you want to go in time out??!" as a response to everything her kids did. She saw in a movie or on tv somewhere that time out is something parents do, so that's all she knows how to do. I can see her thinking so hard here: hmmm what would a good parent put in a lunchbox? Oh I got it, an apple and water!!" It's like she is so dumb she can't even be creative with her fake bullshit.

Leah's a mess, but I'm no fan of Corey either. I would love to strap him to a lie detector and ask him how many times he and Leah really hooked up after they got divorced. And how many times after he started dating Miranda.


And while Miranda may look nice, she delights a little too much in Leah's failures. She should dumped Corey when he cheated, but instead she married him and now is going to be jealous forever. I feel bad for the poor kids stuck in the middle of all this.

  • Love 4

I certainly don't think Corey is a saint and the cheating with Leah showed a distinct lack of judgment and maturity, I also don't think he is a terrible person because he cheated. Hell, I don't think Leah is a terrible person for cheating on her significant others, my problem is she did it multiple times and refused to even acknowledge that she did. I give Corey some props for at least owing up to it when confronted and not expecting sympathy.


Maybe my European side is coming out with this, but I can see why someone wouldn't break up a marriage after a cheating incident, especially if it was an isolated incident. I'm assuming Miranda loves Corey and the girlses and feels invested into the relationship. Assuming he only cheated once or twice, it was only with Leah, and they have since worked on their problems and Corey hasn't cheated again, why would Miranda break up a marriage she was otherwise happy in? Granted, if Corey were to cheat again, especially with Leah, I would be the first person to say she needs to grab her baby, pack her shit, and run.   Until then, if they are happy and healthy as a couple, I say enjoy their family together.


As for Miranda being happy that Leah is screwing up...I must have been watching a different show. It wasn't till this season that I have seen Miranda even voice a strong opinion about Leah, and her concerns all centered on the twins' safety. She never took to any other platform to "downgrade" Leah, which can't be said for Leah and her family. I have noticed around the interwebs people equating Miranda's frustration with Leah to her being "jelly". How about she is sick of Leah being pampered and coddled while Corey and herself have been thrown under the bus for asking the tough questions and caring enough about the girls to not bow down to the alter of the Princess? Why is it, when two women are involved in a dispute or disagreement, it all boils down to either side being jealous? Frankly, I find that attitude offensive. For the record, I even found it slightly offensive that Corey accused Leah of being jealous of Miranda. It shouldn't even have a place in the argument when it involves the safety of the children.


I also feel for the three little girls the most in all this and I don't wish this on them. I also hope that Leah get's her act together because this downward turn she is on is very sad to watch. In this situation, I don't see anyone coming out winners.

  • Love 13

I'll give it a shot:



(edit: yup. That worked. @WhosThatGirl, what I did was click on ". . . " ("more") to the right of the retweet, etc options (as if!), then clicked "copy link to tweet"; then just pasted it here. I don't know how to pretty them up, but I do know how to cut and paste, so I'll leave it at that.)


Not pictured: the cheetos and lunchables that were actually eaten.

  • Love 5

Fiji water??? Lol.

I hate that they post so many pics online of the kids. Halloween is cute and a special occaion, but your kids sleeping is another issue. Not sure why it bothers me so much, but her kids can't feel very secure right now anyway, why post a pic of them completely vulnerable and unaware.

It's just a blatant attempt to say she still feeds the kids and they still sleep at her house.

  • Love 4

Apparently Miranda had her baby shower and they're naming their little girl Remi. I don't really like that name, but at least it's not a A monstrosity.

Maybe she likes Leah Remini.

Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn  7 hours ago

We are up and at it today, lots to do! Let's start this week off the right way Good Morning everyone !!

Lots to do! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter AND Tumblr!

  • Love 1

Leah has to announce on Twitter that she woke up in the morning? Is that really a significant event?

Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn 7 hours ago

We are up and at it today, lots to do! Let's start this week off the right way Good Morning everyone !!

For those who don't speak Messer brand PR, let me translate- "I'm going to log in to social media with a time stamp to prove to all the haterz that A. I can get up before noon, and B. I DO have stuff to do."

I am guessing over the next year we can expect to see instagrammed photos of home cooked meals (that didn't start their lives in a can or a hungry man box) with a clock strategically showing in the background to prove she's feeding them at the appropriate times.

  • Love 10

If Leah spent as much time on getting herself better as she does trying to prove a point on Twitter and Facebook, she would be in great shape. To me it says she is still very much in denial and that rehab was a wasted trip on her. It also says to me that she doesnt understand just how much her choices are affecting her kids. I dont doubt that she loves her girls, but just loving them doesnt mean that you are doing right by them. At this rate she wont get them back anytime soon. 

  • Love 10

Ugh this is exactly what annoys me more than anything about Leah, how she glosses over and pretends everything is perfect now. I would respect her so much more if she would just be honest that she is struggling. It's just like when she and Jeremy were breaking up but the reconciled for that little bit, she went into overdrive to prove they were SO in love, when it all fell apart shortly after.

I feel like I've said it before on this thread, but I wish Leah would just let herself fall into obscurity, do whatever it is she needs to do to get better and then come back and show us she's really changed and prove all of us wrong, but I don't think anyone buys this June cleaver bs when you just lost custody of your kids 2 weeks ago. The picture on her Instagram of an apple and water is probably just from Google.

  • Love 3

Why is Leah up and getting the kids to school? Doesn't she only have weekend visitation now? What are the chances the girlses will completely forget their lunches, since they didn't realize what water and apples were?

Pregnancy looks great on Miranda!

Good question. Those with experience in family court, when a judge changes custody, is it effective immediately?

I guess the net effect is good in that Leah's kids are getting better nutrition with Leah but kind of sad that her motivation is proving she's a good mom to people who will never meet her, instead of it being you know, wanting her kids to have good nutrition and consistent sleep schedules.

  • Love 2

The best part of those Tweets of Leah's was reading all the messages from people praising her on what an awesome mom she is! Puhlease!!!

Clearly someone is deleting the negativity out of her life.


Leah's a mess, but I'm no fan of Corey either. I would love to strap him to a lie detector and ask him how many times he and Leah really hooked up after they got divorced. And how many times after he started dating Miranda.


Two people who are divorced can't hook up again for sex?



And while Miranda may look nice, she delights a little too much in Leah's failures.

Clearly, I watched a different show because I never saw such a thing happen. I watched a step-parent who sat by as her husband's ex bashed him continuously any chance she could whether it was on the show or on her Twitter/Facebook pages. I watched a step-parent and a father who were deeply concerned. I assume after watching Leah drive up at the drop-offs, seeing her with those sleepy eyes and slurred speech, they had their fill of sitting back and remaining quiet. If it was Cory who was doing what Leah was doing, I have a feeling there wouldn't be any sympathy whatsoever.



She should dumped Corey when he cheated, but instead she married him and now is going to be jealous forever. I feel bad for the poor kids stuck in the middle of all this.

Miranda jealous of what? An addict? Plenty of couples are adult enough and mature enough to work through their relationship problems. If Cory cheated on Miranda when they were dating, it must not be a big deal to her. It may not be a big deal since they weren't married. No vows were taken. Besides, doesn't the same hold for Leah and Jeremy, since he decided to marry her after Leah's indiscretions?


Poor kids are stuck with a mother who won't admit her addiction problem and keeps putting them in harm's way. That doesn't include the harm she puts them in when she brings another strange guy around them. It also wasn't Cory who allowed one of his girls to run outside, down the street, in the middle of the night, where it took the police to find that child.

  • Love 8

Good question. Those with experience in family court, when a judge changes custody, is it effective immediately?

I guess the net effect is good in that Leah's kids are getting better nutrition with Leah but kind of sad that her motivation is proving she's a good mom to people who will never meet her, instead of it being you know, wanting her kids to have good nutrition and consistent sleep schedules.


My understanding, dim as it may be, was that it was an ex-parte hearing or emergency hearing and it took effect immediately.  They seemed like the "coulda shoulda woulda been" type of posts you see from parents who have lost children (which, yeah, I don't get either but at least those people are in actual mourning). 

  • Love 1

I am guessing over the next year we can expect to see instagrammed photos of home cooked meals (that didn't start their lives in a can or a hungry man box) with a clock strategically showing in the background to prove she's feeding them at the appropriate times.

Hopefully she remembers to put the restaurant takeout boxes out of sight before posing it as her own cooking.

  • Love 2

I would sincerely like to know how much of her b.s. Leah really does believe. That part really does fascinate me. Getting caught in lie after lie and always having an excuse. Always deflecting everything and blaming others.


She could get caught ON CAMERA doing lines and she'd claim "LOL! It was the editing!! LOL! (insert happy emojis here)" on Twitter the next day.  The fact that no one asks her any tough questions doesn't help. "That must have really hurt your feelings when people accused you of doing lines." is all Pinsky would ask her. (Sorry, I can't call him a doctor and I find the whole "Dr. Insert-first-name-here" trend too cutesy so I can't write that either. So Pinsky it is.)


Migraines, narcolepsy, etc. The ailment-of-the-week claim is particularly irritating. How can someone so dumb be such a master at cover-up? Practice, I suppose. I know everyone here knows all this. I'm just rambling.


Next time she's cornered about something she will suddenly claim she has Dutch Elm disease.

  • Love 8
Next time she's cornered about something she will suddenly claim she has Dutch Elm disease.


I think she's going to start getting more old school and vague. "I have the galloping consumption". "I've got a touch of the vapors".


What I find funny (but kinda sad) is that she really thinks that photo will "shut up the haters" not realizing that packing a lunch one damn day doesn't mean shit.  Let's see her doing it 5 days a week for years and then we'll talk.


Never mind the fact that Gracie probably set that up (hell, she probably even shopped for it) and Leah just took a picture as she stumbled to bed at 3 am. 

  • Love 5

Leah's on the cover of US Weekly being delusional and blaming Corey for taking her girlses away. Because she's just SUCH a great mom and he's so mean, y'all!!! And her hoards of empty headed supporters will use this as fuel for their "evil jealous ex takes innocent mom's kids away" narrative. Look at Ali's face. She knows the truth. 



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