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Eric & Leida: Put It In Proper

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Especially since Tasha has done NOTHING.  She doesn't mention them online, she asks her followers to not ask her about them b/c she really doesn't want to put any info out there about them, she has said repeatedly that she doesn't talk to them so don't ask her any questions about what is going on with them b/c she doesn't know, etc...  The girl works, comes home,and does cosplay.  Ledia is constantly trying to harass her and provoke her online and Tasha has not taken the bait.

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On 1/23/2019 at 9:15 PM, Raja said:

claims to be a National Guard Cavalry Scout, who knows when his squadron will be nationalized and deploy again.

Ugh. I can imagine Eric shows up daily to his squadron stinking of cheap booze , hungover with body odor.  His poor co-workers dealing with that sad sack greaseball. He’s so depressing to look at with a personality to match 😞


👉👉Leida you suck !! 🖕

Edited by DNR
🖕screw you leida
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This is disturbing news. I hope Tasha gets some legal representation to assist her in this mess. She shouldn't be navigating this shitshow alone. Also, CPS, check on the little boy...

ETA: I cant understand her family. She made this big show that they could command her to come home with Aless, then they see what a shitshow it is and do nothing. You'd think her sister, who appeared to be a very involved aunt, would try to get the family to convince her to bring him back home, at least on the pretense of 'for a little while until things sort out'...I'm sure they've watched this shit online, how can they not be distraught and horrified about her behavior?

Edited by gingerella
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23 minutes ago, gingerella said:

This is disturbing news. I hope Tasha gets some legal representation to assist her in this mess. She shouldn't be navigating this shitshow alone. Also, CPS, check on the little boy...

ETA: I cant understand her family. She made this big show that they could command her to come home with Aless, then they see what a shitshow it is and do nothing. You'd think her sister, who appeared to be a very involved aunt, would try to get the family to convince her to bring him back home, at least on the pretense of 'for a little while until things sort out'...I'm sure they've watched this shit online, how can they not be distraught and horrified about her behavior?

If you listen to Auntie this morning she was hinting to get Tasha some free legal help. Auntie read the TLC contract( Auntie was offered to be on the live show but declined and still has the 90 day  contract). the contract states that being on the show can cause stuff like negative comments and backlash and their is no legal recourse.  So Leida saying fans are being mean, is something she literally signed up for.

As for Ledia, there was a picture I saw that she had her son outside without socks with his feet in the snow? I live where it is sunny and warm but from watching the news I assume with all this cold weather news that WI is cold? Poor kid. I forget he is in school. the way he is carried around, does not talk and is dressed makes me think he is a 3 year old age range not school aged. Hopefully his teacher is watching out for him. 

I think the family was happy to be rid of Leida. Seems like they have helped her out of situation after situation and maybe they have had enough. 

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

This is disturbing news. I hope Tasha gets some legal representation to assist her in this mess. She shouldn't be navigating this shitshow alone. Also, CPS, check on the little boy...

ETA: I cant understand her family. She made this big show that they could command her to come home with Aless, then they see what a shitshow it is and do nothing. You'd think her sister, who appeared to be a very involved aunt, would try to get the family to convince her to bring him back home, at least on the pretense of 'for a little while until things sort out'...I'm sure they've watched this shit online, how can they not be distraught and horrified about her behavior?

I just wonder if they aren't all in the "no matter what it's better to grow up in America" camp?  And while I think that is generally reasonable thinking, given how unreliable both of them are, I think in this situation it would be better for alless to stay with his grandparents, even if their lifestyle isn't as lavish as leida would have the world believe.

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6 hours ago, gingerella said:

ETA: I cant understand her family. She made this big show that they could command her to come home with Aless, then they see what a shitshow it is and do nothing. You'd think her sister, who appeared to be a very involved aunt, would try to get the family to convince her to bring him back home, at least on the pretense of 'for a little while until things sort out'...I'm sure they've watched this shit online, how can they not be distraught and horrified about her behavior?

They’re happy to be rid of her. Occam’s razor.

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12 hours ago, gingerella said:

I'm sure they've watched this shit online, how can they not be distraught and horrified about her behavior?

Because none of it is new to them. I expect that they are more than happy to let someone else deal with her.

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In terms of AHLESS, I would think that in the East there is more of a mindset of the family knows what is best for a child over the parent and if the parent is messing up the family or grandparents could step in and take charge and there would not be a parent demanding legal rights to the child- especially if the parents are prominent and 'wealthy'.  But, I have no idea how Indonesian law works.  Plus I'm sure ERic has put into Ledia's mind that her parents can't just take her child and she can raise holy hell about it.  Honestly, if the rumours about her activity in Japan are true,  I think her parents are sick of her, she has made lots of trouble for them,  and they are glad she is gone, even if that means they don't have Ahless.  She was probably bad for their reputations and business.  They have another daughter (Ledia showed her on IG around New Years)  she is young, pretty, and married to a young handsome man.  So, I think Ledia is the black sheep wild child.  I don't know if the brother and sister they showed on the show are married with families or not, but I got the impression that Renia (?) is not married, and Ledia was the young pretty sister with a child and that she rubbed it around in her face.  If there is another sister, prettier and more stable than Ledia; I'm sure the family sees this as a problem solved.  Ledia is someone else's problem now, they will probably have grandchildren through the other sister, it isn't worth having Ledia around even if Ahless is around.  BUT, I wish they would swoop in and rescue that child from horrible cruel and crazy Ledia and just let her destroy herself.

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AND satan has struck again..... Ledia's and Tasha's court date was today. Ledia had a lawyer (that Eric paid for no doubt) and Tasha did not.  Tasha was not allowed to present the evidence she had to the judge.  The judge granted the restraining order for 4 years against Tasha- she is not allowed to be near Ledia or post anything "antagonizing" about her on social media.  UGH!  So Eric is paying for Ledia to essentially lie about Tasha, put something untrue about his daughter on her legal record, and try to destroy his daughter's life through the court system just because he thought she had a messy room?  WTF?  Even if she did mess the apt up on purpose, hating her to the point of getting a restraining order against her is very unbalanced.  I hope Ledia realizes that this will not stop the onslaught of hate and harrassment she is experiencing online.  In some weird twisted way, I think Ledia thinks Tasha is behind it all.  I think this will actually make people hate her more and up the backlash.  Ledia is going to cross the wrong person oneday.  I hope Eric's nice gentleman father and stepmother realize what a monster both Eric and Ledia are and cut them loose.  Tasha needs them on her side in this.  I've been following Tasha for a while now and she has consistently never mentioned Ledia by name and asks others NOT to ask her questions about Ledia or ERic b/c she knows it only makes Ledia hate her more.  This is so terribly unfair that the judge only heard such a one sided, evil, and untrue side of things.  I really hope that there is a good lawyer in the 90 day fandom that wants to help Tasha appeal this.  I don't think Tasha could afford representation and that's why she didn't have a lawyer. So sad; Eric and Ledia are just pure trash and I hate that she is here and using our legal system for her own petty evil purposes- just for revenge and not because she's in any real danger.

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I'm no constitutional scholar and it's been a minute since law school, but preventing someone from saying "antagonizing" things about a public figure on social media seems all sorts of unconstitutional.  Like if social media outlets took steps to restrain speech, that's fine, but the state saying that you can't say "antagonizing" things about someone on social media seems really unconstitutional.

For one, it's super vague, I mean Tasha can't even know when she has violated the order, what qualifies as "antagonizing" speech?

Second, people talk mad crap about public figures all the time.  I think the rules of defamation and libelous speech may even have a higher standard for public figures.  People have a right to talk crap about people, even private people so I don't understand this at all.

It's just all so weird.  Why can't anyone just be an adult and turn off the computer?  

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Yeah I don't see how this happened because Tasha was saying true things on social media that could be construed as "mean".  I guess Ledia lied or tried to tie Tasha's remarks to fan death threats o something shady.  I really hope Tasha is able to get some good legal advice.

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The new news this morning is that Eric wasn't in court (couldn't face his daughter more like it) and he HELPED write up papers for Ledia to present stating that Tasha was harassing them.  He is scum.

Guess he showed Tasha and taught her not to have a messy room at her OWN apartment.  Seriously, this was all over a messy room.  I hope Ledia is enjoying the messy gross apartment with plastic furniture; you know Eric is a slob and that she has to clean up after him all the time.

Anyways the crazy rabid no boundaries fans are going after Ledia's sponsorships.   She's hawking slimfast type shakes and is a judge in a cosplay con.  Normally I think that type of interaction by fans is too far, but I don't really feel bad about Ledia.  She makes all her awfulness public b/c she's an attention whore so she deserves what she gets.  There is nothing positive about her, so I personally don't think she should make money trying to be a positive figure selling crap online.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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22 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

The new news this morning is that Eric wasn't in court (couldn't face his daughter more like it) and he HELPED write up papers for Ledia to present stating that Tasha was harassing them.  He is scum.

Guess he showed Tasha and taught her not to have a messy room at her OWN apartment.  Seriously, this was all over a messy room.  I hope Ledia is enjoying the messy gross apartment with plastic furniture; you know Eric is a slob and that she has to clean up after him all the time.

Anyways the crazy rabid no boundaries fans are going after Ledia's sponsorships.   She's hawking slimfast type shakes and is a judge in a cosplay con.  Normally I think that type of interaction by fans is too far, but I don't really feel bad about Ledia.  She makes all her awfulness public b/c she's an attention whore so she deserves what she gets.  There is nothing positive about her, so I personally don't think she should make money trying to be a positive figure selling crap online.

I agree with you on that. Reddit can get a little nutty and go too far, but I'm not outraged that Leida is the target this time. She has borrowed all this trouble by demonstrating terrible boundaries and having such a casual relationship with the truth on her own part. After learning so much about her I feel like these events have been a long time in coming.

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I'm still mad about this.......Ledia just hit a nerve with me I guess, but I want to see her go down or back to her country.   I know it's reality tv, but  she's trying to ruin a young girl's life and destroy a family.  Her nastiness will catch up to her eventually, but dang I hope it comes soon.  And since she puts everything online , I want to see it happen.

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On 2/9/2019 at 7:58 AM, doyouevengohere said:

Guess he showed Tasha and taught her not to have a messy room at her OWN apartment.  Seriously, this was all over a messy room.  I hope Ledia is enjoying the messy gross apartment with plastic furniture; you know Eric is a slob and that she has to clean up after him all the time.

Its not about the messy room.   Its about Leida wanting Eric all to herself. She wants 100% of his attention and financial resources for herself and her child.  His other children are obstacles to her having this, so she will do anything to get rid of them.  She found a way to blame Tasha (messy room) and make Tasha look like the bad guy, while she is the victim, and stupid, weak, passive, p-whipped Eric went along with it. 

In this classic family dynamic, the father adopts the role of helpless, hapless victim, caught between two warring females.  Poor him, he just doesn't know what to do, he feels so confused, doesn't have ANY idea why these two females just cannot get along with each other. Rather than own up to his own role in creating the conflict in the first place, he sits by passively while the females fight it out. 

Edited by ChristmasJones
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3 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

Its not about the messy room.   Its about Leida wanting Eric's money all to herself. She wants 100% of his attention and financial resources for herself and her child.  His other children are obstacles to her having this, so she will do anything to get rid of them. 

I made a slight change in what you said.  I don't think she cares one bit about Eric's attention.  She'd be perfectly happy if he never touched her . . . as long as he direct-deposits his paychecks into their joint account.

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I live in Baraboo and often wonder what I would do if I ran into Eric or Leida.  They are both horrible people, especially now that they used the courts to gain an advantage over Tasha.  What kind of father does that to his child?  He apparently filed the papers for the RO.  What a miscarriage of justice.  I hope Tasha can fight back in some way -- I understand she has a GoFundMe page.

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I bet Leida's "job" offer in Texas fell through.  Speaking of jobs, unless she somehow got her Green card expedited, aren't her sponsorships breaking the law?  They are a source in income are they not?  Along with the other online stuff they do (cameos, etc).

I signed the petition to have her deported.

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On 1/23/2019 at 12:18 AM, Reality police said:

As both the daughter and widow of a Marine I wholeheartedly agree with you. The Marines are everything he isn't. 

I am just catching up on this thread, well this entire show bc I was "recruited" through the LAL thread. I also come from a USMC family. I do not like dirtbag pathetic disgusting POS reality tv characters being grouped in with some of the most honorable people that ever walked the earth. Hugs to you, @Reality police. Many hugs! ❤️

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43 minutes ago, Baraboolian said:

I bet Leida's "job" offer in Texas fell through.  Speaking of jobs, unless she somehow got her Green card expedited, aren't her sponsorships breaking the law?  They are a source in income are they not?  Along with the other online stuff they do (cameos, etc).

I signed the petition to have her deported.

What is the lead time on this show? It is possible that her adjustment of status and temporary green card and social security number was issued before the first episode aired

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Ledia posted in her stories on IG a letter from Immigration a while back....supposedly it was her green card, I guess.  She can't be making much from her "sponsorships"; enough to get a coffee or something.  I mean successful bloggers get partnerships in the thousands upfront, but the vile person on a reality tv show?  I cant' see her being offered anything like that.  She probably gets a few products free and earns a few dollars commission if anyone uses her code to buy stuff.  The real tragedy is that she acts like an A-hole over child support, but Eric surely had money to pay for a lawyer for Ledia to hurt Tasha legally.  I sincerely hope if they try to take Tania to court over Jenna's custody that the judge ups his child support.  From what I understand he was behind in paying anyway and has no set visitation agreement.  Tania should just make him go to court to get visitation at all; I understand she's probably trying to be careful and do what is best for her child, but Eric and Ledia need to suffer a little.

Tasha's friend and roommate set up a go fund me for her.  It doesn't really specify what she will be using the money for and people have remarked that the restraining order can not be reversed or appealed- Tasha can only file her own restraining order against she-satan.  Tasha is young and was ill-prepared for this.  I wish she had gotten some legal advice BEFORE the court date, because it seems that it will be hard for her to legally fight this or erase this.  Maybe she doesn't listen , but I wish the adults in her life had urged her and helped her to find out how to prepare for court against Ledia.  I wouldn't have known anything of the sort at 19.  It's a sad situation.  It still ticks me off that there are people out there that have a hard time getting a restraining order against individuals that they sincerely feel threatened by and afraid of for good reason, yet this cow got one because someone was mean to her on the internet.

That said , I feel I need a gofundme for the therapy I need after watching this season and getting sucked into their social media drama!!!! good grief!

Edited by doyouevengohere
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7 hours ago, Baraboolian said:

I live in Baraboo and often wonder what I would do if I ran into Eric or Leida.  They are both horrible people, especially now that they used the courts to gain an advantage over Tasha.  What kind of father does that to his child?  He apparently filed the papers for the RO.  What a miscarriage of justice.  I hope Tasha can fight back in some way -- I understand she has a GoFundMe page.

Please tell us if you do see them!!  Baraboo is not that big!  Go hang out at the Plastic Furniture Shop and you are bound to see them!

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Normally I'm against taking someone to court over stuff tit for tat like this, but I would like to see Tasha get a restraining order against she satan for no other reason than it would ruin any chance at all for Ledia to go to medical school (I don't think she intended to do so anyway) or to get a regular job.  Put the brakes on anything she would be able to do or what her family expects of her.  Restraining orders do follow you and go on your record.  I wonder if it would count against anything involving immigration?  If so Tasha needs to pursue it.

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On 2/13/2019 at 11:55 AM, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m wondering if Leida’s job prospects have gone up in smoke as a result of HR seeing Leida’s social media. How funny would that be?

It would certainly be just desserts, however, shit always manages to float to the top...alas...

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She's trying to be involved in influencer IG programs.  Businesses let you apply to be an influencer if you have acertain high number of followers.  They just look at numbers, they do not screen the person.  They get some sample products and have to do a certain number of ad's featuring the product linking it back to the business.  They might get a few dollars if a person buys something and uses their code.  Backlash can definitely make a business drop a person and bar them from working with them again.  Ledia probably thinks she safe b/c Tasha can't say anthing about her now; but the reality is that people actually hate her apart from Tasha and are out to destroy any deal she has to promote something.  Hang on to your seatbelt, Ledia dahling, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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On 2/13/2019 at 1:51 AM, doyouevengohere said:

Ledia posted in her stories on IG a letter from Immigration a while back....supposedly it was her green card, I guess.  She can't be making much from her "sponsorships"; enough to get a coffee or something.  I mean successful bloggers get partnerships in the thousands upfront, but the vile person on a reality tv show?  I cant' see her being offered anything like that.  She probably gets a few products free and earns a few dollars commission if anyone uses her code to buy stuff.  The real tragedy is that she acts like an A-hole over child support, but Eric surely had money to pay for a lawyer for Ledia to hurt Tasha legally.  I sincerely hope if they try to take Tania to court over Jenna's custody that the judge ups his child support.  From what I understand he was behind in paying anyway and has no set visitation agreement.  Tania should just make him go to court to get visitation at all; I understand she's probably trying to be careful and do what is best for her child, but Eric and Ledia need to suffer a little.

Tasha's friend and roommate set up a go fund me for her.  It doesn't really specify what she will be using the money for and people have remarked that the restraining order can not be reversed or appealed- Tasha can only file her own restraining order against she-satan.  Tasha is young and was ill-prepared for this.  I wish she had gotten some legal advice BEFORE the court date, because it seems that it will be hard for her to legally fight this or erase this.  Maybe she doesn't listen , but I wish the adults in her life had urged her and helped her to find out how to prepare for court against Ledia.  I wouldn't have known anything of the sort at 19.  It's a sad situation.  It still ticks me off that there are people out there that have a hard time getting a restraining order against individuals that they sincerely feel threatened by and afraid of for good reason, yet this cow got one because someone was mean to her on the internet.

That said , I feel I need a gofundme for the therapy I need after watching this season and getting sucked into their social media drama!!!! good grief!

I watched the women that set up the gofund me (I thought it was her friend's mom not her room mate?) talk about what happened in court. Tasha did not have 2k for a retainer and there was not free legal aid in her area she could get (they even tried others cities) . I can believe this because live in an area that has no free legal aid and lawyers all ask for big money up front and I have seen so many people in these situations. I have tried over the years , even though I am not a lawyer but did start law school, help women in our area at least fill out paper work or explain their rights, because so many are pushed around if the other party has a lawyer. 

Leida had a good laywer because they found a loophole of how Tasha could not defend herself. Somehow Leida had 3 posts that did not mention Leida's name that were the proof, when Tasha tired to show a post to defend herself and it had Leida's name, it could not be used because Leida's post did not have the name? Crazy? Plus the judge thought Tasha was the cause of all of the hate and lose of money for Leida? I guess the judge never saw the show or know that Leida was not fan favorite. 

I think the gofundme can;t mention legal stuff, remember Larissa's had to be taken down when she asked for a lawyer for her DV case? I hope Tasha gets this off her records and moves away. I hate that Tasha would have to move, it was her town first? but she needs to go find a college to transfer to next year in a new city and start over. 

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I'm still confused about the legality of not being allowed to say what you want about a public figure.  I mean IIRC you'd have to be maliciously lying to be held liable, and normally you are held accountable for what you have said, not prevented from saying something.  Is there some sort of cyber bullying law or something leida used? 

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Jan is Tasha's roommate and also her friend's mother.  She moved in with her boyfriend for a while, but settled with Jan (?).

Honestly I think Ledia twisted the truth and tried to link Tasha with the reason why she was getting death threats.  I don't know for sure but it just sounds like something she would do.  And remember, ERic prepared the paper work for Ledia to go to court against his daughter.  I really hope Tasha can get this taken care of and move on.  The best revenge is a well lived life.  Tasha is talented in costume design and could really do well for herself.  She has the potential to leave her father and Ledia in the dust.

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13 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Jan is Tasha's roommate and also her friend's mother.  She moved in with her boyfriend for a while, but settled with Jan (?).

Honestly I think Ledia twisted the truth and tried to link Tasha with the reason why she was getting death threats.  I don't know for sure but it just sounds like something she would do.  And remember, ERic prepared the paper work for Ledia to go to court against his daughter.  I really hope Tasha can get this taken care of and move on.  The best revenge is a well lived life.  Tasha is talented in costume design and could really do well for herself.  She has the potential to leave her father and Ledia in the dust.

Absolutely unforgivable. If there was any hope for reconciliation with Tasha, he pretty much put the last nail in the coffin with that one.

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Ledia sent a cease and desist letter from her attorney to Tasha's roommate Jan for mentioning Ledia in like one post on her IG.  I hope Eric is enjoying paying for Ledia's petty legal revenge.

Also, Eric has a court date in early march regarding child support.  He is in arrears for child support, which I guess means he's behind (since last summer when Ledia was brought over).  I think I read somewhere that he wanted to also adjust the custody.  I really don't see how this would be in his favor.  Unless it's a corrupt judge or something, the court tends to be pro-child and does not award custody to dads who are behind in support.  and they do not take a child away from it's mother unless there is documented abuse or a major drug issue.  I hope the judge ups his child support.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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16 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Ledia sent a cease and desist letter from her attorney to Tasha's roommate Jan for mentioning Ledia in like one post on her IG.  I hope Eric is enjoying paying for Ledia's petty legal revenge.

Also, Eric has a court date in early march regarding child support.  He is in arrears for child support, which I guess means he's behind (since last summer when Ledia was brought over).  I think I read somewhere that he wanted to also adjust the custody.  I really don't see how this would be in his favor.  Unless it's a corrupt judge or something, the court tends to be pro-child and does not award custody to dads who are behind in support.  and they do not take a child away from it's mother unless there is documented abuse or a major drug issue.  I hope the judge ups his child support.

There are certain dad's who seek full custody primarily so they won't have to pay child support.  I'm guessing this is his angle, along with the fact that leida would like free babysitting and probably wouldnt be above making jennika her new "servant"

Eric may use the threat of seeking full time custody to negotiate a lower child support payment.  He seems like that kinda guy.

Is there any link to the decision or any of the legal documents associated with this case?  I'm still confused as to the theory because this seems like a prior restraint issue and there is a higher standard of libel for public figures.

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Oh I absolutely think Eric only wants custody because Ledia is on his back about stopping child support. and Ledia sees her as a free babysitter. Ledia was in some private group chat where she said that they wanted it to stop and for Tania to pay them support.  They are still going to have to pay to clothe and feed Jenna even if she were living with them and possibly will have to get a new place to live so she would have a bedroom.  Still a court doesn't take a child from it's mother based on any of her reasonings: they make more money than Tania, Jenna smells like pre teen body odor, Tania's house is below Ledia's proper standards.  That only happens for reasons of abuse or the child is truly unsafe. 

Here is the thread in the reddit sub. with personal information removed.  The document is probably available online somewhere but I hesitate to seek that out or  post that because there is a lot of personal info with addresses.  Interestingly enough, Ledia's suicide threats and when they were arguing back in Jan is around the time that a judge denied any child support adjustments per Eric's request, so maybe they were arguing about that.:

Edited by doyouevengohere
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Someone should send clips of Leida demanding Eric stop paying  child support and Eric crying about her telling him to give up his parental rights etc. to the judge. Then let them explain that it’s all “acting” for s TV show. 

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Just watching the scene where Leida and Tasha meet. Leida is rude af. Tasha actually states that the apartment was never clean/neat, which leads me to believe that Eric wasn't a good housekeeper either and he just put all the blame on Tasha when in fact, he is a slob. My question at this point is, if Leida had such a wonderful luxurious life in Indonesia (I think that is where she is from), then why did she move to America to live in a dumpy apartment with a poor (and very unsightly) bum? I would not leave a "palace" to live in a craphole with an ugly asshole in another country. His furniture looks like it was picked out from a landfill. Don't get me wrong; I had second hand ugly furniture with my first apartment when I was 18. This is a grown ass man with grown child(ren?). He hasn't been able to move past that stage in all these decades?

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Ledia came because she was running from something and probably because her family is controlling and expect her not to act crazy.  She probably needs to be on meds for some sort of disorder , but maybe there was a stigma about mental health care there so she never got any help.  So she went fishing for an American to give her an excuse to get away from them.  and her reputation is probably shot.

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1 minute ago, doyouevengohere said:

Ledia came because she was running from something and probably because her family is controlling and expect her not to act crazy.  She probably needs to be on meds for some sort of disorder , but maybe there was a stigma about mental health care there so she never got any help.  So she went fishing for an American to give her an excuse to get away from them.  and her reputation is probably shot.

That is an eye-opening explanation. I never thought of it like that. 

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The fact that she is still has beef with Tasha over a messy apartment nearly a year later should be leida's first clue that she has a mental problem.

Even if it was all Tasha's fault and she was messy and Eric had nothing to do with it......who cares????? Leida has a small child to take care of and a husband who may or may not be a functional alcoholic all living in a postage stamp sized apartment.

Who cares if Tasha messed up the apartment at this point? She had a million other real things to worry about.

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It was never about the messy apartment. Leida always wanted Eric's kids out of the picture and the first convenient scenario that allowed her to start making that happen was the argument about a messy bedroom.

I know this all too well because my father met a Leida when I was about Tasha's age. My father has admitted to me he is passive and allows women to steamroll him. My father is still with the bitch, although her health is starting to go downhill (they are in their 80's). I call her a bitch but I put the blame squarely on my father's shoulders for bringing her into and keeping her in our lives.

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9 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

It was never about the messy apartment. Leida always wanted Eric's kids out of the picture and the first convenient scenario that allowed her to start making that happen was the argument about a messy bedroom.

I know this all too well because my father met a Leida when I was about Tasha's age. My father has admitted to me he is passive and allows women to steamroll him. My father is still with the bitch, although her health is starting to go downhill (they are in their 80's). I call her a bitch but I put the blame squarely on my father's shoulders for bringing her into and keeping her in our lives.

That sucks :(. I cannot imagine even spending 10 minutes around someone like leida much less years.

But I just think it's weird that she STILL talks about that messy apartment.  Girl you won whatever you think the prize was, which was essentially a perennially drunk husband in a tiny apartment with furniture you can ruin with a poorly placed pin.  But hey, you won, the war is over...let the "Tasha messed up the apartment" thing go already.

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Tasha is using her GFM to try and overturn Ledia's restraining order and she is worried about how this will affect her future jobs and being able to rent.  I really hope she gets some legit legal advice.  Also, Jan commented that Tasha only found out that Ledia and HER FATHER had hired a lawyer against her 2 days before the court date.

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According to an update on Tasha's GoFundMe site, a $1200 retainer has been given to a  law firm on her behalf.  The firm's website says they work aggressively for their clients, including on restraining orders.  Go Tasha!

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Regarding the March 1st court date about Jennica.  I just read bits of updates on reddit.......it sounds like Tania had a lawyer and Eric showed up without one. Tania's attorney filed a Motion to Dismiss Eric's Motion for Change Legal Custody, Physical Placement, Child Support.  ?????  Hope it all means that Eric is DENIED sole custody.  There is another court date set in April.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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Leida was very busy today commenting at length (anonymously) on the "In Touch Weekly" online article on Tasha's GFM money and her legal fight.  Even Eric appeared to chime in on the attacks against Tasha.  So Leida gets a 4 year restraining order against Tasha, but she feels free to trash her on the Internet.  Leida and Eric are repulsive. evil people.

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