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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


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The new trailer...

Having recently watched The Social Network, this Lex Luthor making my blood boil.

Could it possibly be worse than Spacey(chewing scenery) looking like Egghead from the Batman tv show?

Who. In. The. Hell. thought casting Eisenberg was a great idea?

Not here for this scrawny chick as Wonder Woman either.

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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This looks like the most expensive video game ever created. 


I think Doomsday is a modified Zod. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. That would explain him eventually killing Superman (if they ever do that story, which I'm not sure would work in the movie-verse since it's just a big cross country fight, basically what they already did in MoS).

Michael WIlkinson, costume designer for the film, appeared at a con in Brazil and spoke rather freely.  Note that he confirms two actual spoilers for the film:

The Flash will appear and be Barry Allen, and the "desert sequence" is Bruce Wayne's dream

.  Please be sure to use spoiler tags when discussing those points.

Wired has a new viral interview with Lex

LEX LUTHOR: We should all be careful when we elevate anyone, human or alien, to “super” status.

RON TROUPE: Because we’re all equal.

LEX LUTHOR: Well that’s just absurd. No – I’m saying we need to be selective and elevate the right people. The right human people.

RON TROUPE: And what are your thoughts on the Batman? He’s human. Presumably.

LEX LUTHOR: Well, he is. In fact, I’d say he’s all too human. Any objective analyst will tell you that his brand of justice, vigilantism, is painfully outmoded, designed to be effective in an age when the law carried billy clubs because crime carried knives. The most dangerous guy on the street worked in the shadows because he was cowardly and superstitious. That’s all you needed to play upon in order to disrupt their operations. You want to clean up the streets? Dress up like the boogeyman, switch on a fog machine and lower your voice.

He even name-drops ARGUS, but catches himself.
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The trailer they showed before SW was a little different, less bombastic. Less of that jump cut bullshit. I'm not sure it played any better? But it was different. Unfortunately the same amount of Lex.


This movie just from the trailers (obviously) to me feels more comic book-y than all of the comic book movies released in the last 10 years. And I don't mean good comic book-y but more like 60s Batman (which I loved and grew up on but you know what I mean). It's like they want a grim and gritty aesthetic but have coupled it with some of the cheesiest dialogue. That whole bit with Lex, Clark and Bruce is absolutely laughable, like is this a first draft? "Haha, see we know they're Superman and Batman but Lex DOESN'T HAHA". I totally get the impulse to do that and maybe you do that to exercise your writing muscles but dumb shit like that shouldn't make it into the movie. It's approaching Mr. Freeze levels of dialogue.

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"Haha, see we know they're Superman and Batman but Lex DOESN'T HAHA". I totally get the impulse to do that and maybe you do that to exercise your writing muscles but dumb shit like that shouldn't make it into the movie. It's approaching Mr. Freeze levels of dialogue.

I totally expected Lex to turn to the audience and wink.

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It reminds me of when I came across someone's mention of a bad historical French novel where a doctor character tells someone he just got back from delivering Victor Hugo, as if that fact would mean anything to the characters in the novel.


Lex Luthor shouldn't have any awareness of Clark Kent's significance; he should just be one face in a sea of reporters and paparazzi that constantly swirl around him. Bruce Wayne probably is notable to him as a major rival/competitor, but again he would have no reason to remark on him meeting Kent at the party unless he's somehow aware that Wayne is the vigilante the Daily Planet has been printing critical articles about AND is aware enough of Kent to note his authorship.

Edited by Bruinsfan

A week or so ago, a German TV commercial started running and was picked up on various sites; it included a couple of new shots and a new line of Bruce's dialogue, but it was dubbed in German.  Now, the same ad is running in Japan, but with the original audio + subtitles.  (Note to Germans: tickets are apparently already on sale for you.)  This is from the official Warner Bros. Japan account.


I saw the trailer and loved parts of it, and hated everything involving Lex Luthor, Jr. I do not hate the concept of him, but Eisenberg's voice was so freaking whiny!


I did love the moment with WW's shield and the pull-back reveal of her. It was exactly what I wanted for her. I think I will enjoy the movie if Eisenberg's voice doesn't ruin everything for me. I really hope the character works better in context. 

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That shot of Superman emerging from the fog is so cool. What I've heard is that Lex intentionally puts on a goofy hyper-caffenaited front to mask his more calculating nature. I recently read "Lex Luthor: Man of Steel" and I really hope they integrate that Luthor's personality and perspective on Superman into the movie.

In the comic while talking to Bruce Wayne he asks a really good question about Superman which is this: "What if he changes his mind?" Meaning what if Superman one day decides to stop obeying the Earth's laws and thinks that he'd do a better job ruling the world than humans do? Luthor's reasoning is that Superman has a literally alien mind so we can't even guess what his mental thought process is like. What if he wakes up one day and decides that the critically endangered South China Tiger deserves to continue to exist and so kills 300 million Chinese because in his mind there's still over 700 million Chinese and only a few hundred tigers? Could we hope to stop him?

See this is where DC shines in comparison to the MCU because it asks more psychological questions because some of its characters are so much more powerful.

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The more I see the less I think I shall watch this.  I suspect I will wait to see if Superman as a franchise is continued or not.  I wish they had decided to see if they could build on some of the few things that worked in Man of Steel and stick with establishing the Superman universe.  Problem is that the casting of Lex Luthor was a huge miss this time around.  I'm not too thrilled with Amy Adams as Lois Lane either but Cavill surprisingly had some serious presence despite being a bit blinkered as a well written character in MoS.  But yeah, I think I can see myself maybe being curious and making some time to catch this after I saw the second Superman movie in what, five years? 


I guess I'm saying this looks like it sucks.  So bad I'm half wondering if the yuckles that wrote the Brandon Routh movie secretly had a hand in this.

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Lex is just so very, very awful in the trailers. I wasn't super interested in this movie before because I really have no desire to see Superman and Batman fight each other (and I didn't like the dour, no bright colors or fun allowed, take on Superman in Man Of Steel), but would have still gone to see it in the theaters, but then Lex starts talking and ruins everything for me.


Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are my 3 favorite DC characters, they're all going to be in a movie together, and yet I have no desire to actually see the movie thanks to Jesse Eisenberg.

Edited by Perfect Xero

Someone from reddit claims to have seen the movie: A Reddit User Says He’s Seen Batman v Superman And It’s Good


He says it

sounds good??? But it doesn't??? But okay, different strokes. It just sounds like A LOT. There are nearly a dozen of characters to service in their FIRST appearances onscreen, that's just...wild.

Eisenberg reminds me less of Ledger's Joker and more of Jim Carrey's Riddler- except that Carrey at the time was just doing Jim Carrey schtick in a Batman movie, and this looks like Eisenberg is aiming for career suicide and a Razzie to go along with his play to be labeled one of the historically awful performances in movie history.


I may see it just for that, actually.

Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are my 3 favorite DC characters, they're all going to be in a movie together, and yet I have no desire to actually see the movie thanks to Jesse Eisenberg.

For me, it's the casting of Affleck to play my absolutely favorite number one hero and Eisenberg as Lex that has left me cold and boycotting this movie.

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The LA Times has an interview with Jesse Eisenberg about his playing Lex.


"To call him self-aggrandizing is to say that the Titanic was a sailboat," Eisenberg said. "He is a narcissist of the first order but complicated in that way as well in that he is terribly troubled and competitive and vengeful. He looks at Superman not as somebody to destroy but as genuine threat to humanity."

Maybe one of these trailers should give some idea why Batman has such a mad hate-on for Superman, so far Bats just looks like a total psychopath who is trying to pick a fight with Supes because he doesn't like that Superman is more powerful than him.

I think it's summed up in both the Comic-Con and recent trailers when he says, "How many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?" And also when he calls him "an alien who could burn the whole place down." IOW, he's worried about what could happen if Superman decided to take over the world. Plus, the line "You're going to learn what it feels like to be a man" makes me believe that, even if Batman accepts that Superman won't turn evil, he's spent his entire life being invulnerable, so how can he relate? And that leads to the confrontation between the invulnerable, super-powerful man, and the man whose vulnerability and powerlessness were hammered home to him at an early age and who has been fighting against them ever since.

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I think it's summed up in both the Comic-Con and recent trailers when he says, "How many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?" And also when he calls him "an alien who could burn the whole place down." IOW, he's worried about what could happen if Superman decided to take over the world. Plus, the line "You're going to learn what it feels like to be a man" makes me believe that, even if Batman accepts that Superman won't turn evil, he's spent his entire life being invulnerable, so how can he relate? And that leads to the confrontation between the invulnerable, super-powerful man, and the man whose vulnerability and powerlessness were hammered home to him at an early age and who has been fighting against them ever since.

Well, yeah, but that's the sort of motivation that racist/speciesist villains tend to have for going after Superman when he's done absolutely nothing wrong. Which I hope doesn't apply to Batman, because I'd rather his motivation not be that he's just an angry bigot.

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One of the things I liked about Man of Steel is Clark Kent questioning whether to out himself to the rest of humanity, and if it was worth it.  So I'm continuously amused (and turned on) by Stank Face Cavill that shows up in these trailers and sneak peeks.  Don't know how it will play within the context of the film, but I always picture him thinking something like, "See? This shit is why I wanted to live in obscurity. Fuckers always trying to ice skate uphill."  

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I have never been so disappointed as when Superman took off Batman's mask in the trailer and revealed Ben Affleck instead of Christian Bale. Ugh.

With Frank Miller's #1 fanboy directing this dust-up is already narratively weighted too much in Batman's favor. Having Bale portray the character opposite Cavill would just be piling on. At least with Affleck's eminently punchable face under the cowl I can root for Superman to put his fist through it without feeling guilt.

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With Frank Miller's #1 fanboy directing this dust-up is already narratively weighted too much in Batman's favor. Having Bale portray the character opposite Cavill would just be piling on. At least with Affleck's eminently punchable face under the cowl I can root for Superman to put his fist through it without feeling guilt.

I never thought of that! And now I don't have to feel guilty either, as I've made it clear that Bale's Bats is my favorite live action Bats.

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. At least with Affleck's eminently punchable face under the cowl I can root for Superman to put his fist through it without feeling guilt.


Bwah! There will be satisfaction in seeing Affleck getting a beat down as Batman.


I never read the Batman vs. Superman comics. Who were the men bowing to Superman in the trailer? Also, I don't even understand how Batman intends to defeat Superman. Does he find some kryptonite?

Edited by SimoneS
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The really early stuff made it seem like Wonder Woman was going to be his secret weapon, but now it looks like she's an unaffiliated third party who shows up for the Doomsday fight.


Of course, Man of Steel demonstrated that Kryptonians can be hurt/knocked out by sufficiently powerful conventional weapons. Batman might be able to commission or design devices that pack as much punch as a cruise missile and put Superman on the ropes. It's also possible that the crashed scout ship could provide information on the composition of Krypton's atmosphere, and thus a way to set traps that neutralize Superman's powers.

Edited by Bruinsfan

Bwah! There will be satisfaction in seeing Affleck getting a beat down as Batman.


I never read the Batman vs. Superman comics. Who were the men bowing to Superman in the trailer? Also, I don't even understand how Batman intends to defeat Superman. Does he find some kryptonite?


That was

a fucking FANTASY/DREAM, and is not going to actually happen, just as I knew it was, when I read the article associated with that trailer.  I think (because I blanked it right out), the ones kneeling are cops or something).

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I have never been so disappointed as when Superman took off Batman's mask in the trailer and revealed Ben Affleck instead of Christian Bale. Ugh.


I never really had a problem with the casting.  But I've got to tell you my reaction to the unmasking of Affleck as Batman in this particular trailer was 'oh, crap its Clooney all over again.'


I never really had a problem with the casting. But I've got to tell you my reaction to the unmasking of Affleck as Batman in this particular trailer was 'oh, crap its Clooney all over again.'


  Personally, I've got to see his actual performance in the whole film before I can judge whether it's like Michael Keaton in Batman Returns or George Clooney in Batman & Robin. Having said that, while I think that Affleck & Cavill will be fine & Gal Gadot has potential as Wonder Woman, for my money, the weakest link by far is Lex Luthor. Jesse Eisenberg is no Gene Hackman. He's not even Michael Rosenbaum.

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I'm most worried about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.  Ben Affleck's a great actor, Henry Cavill was good in Man of Steel, and I think Jesse Eisenberg is decent.  All I've seen of Gal Gadot is the Triple Nine trailer where she had one line.  She hasn't said a word in either the Batman v Superman trailers or in the bts Wonder Woman movie first look.  She's a wildcard.  

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