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S04.E14: MM 54

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The first 10 minutes of tonight's episode is some of the dumbest garbage I've seen in a long time. This crusty bitch is on a killing rampage because no one stopped to help her? Then she got some magic Ninja skills and is now a murdering machine killing folks willy-nilly, stealing trucks, attempting to machine-gun a bunch of strangers, shrugging off shotgun blasts, wreaking havoc and riding away? Her philosophy is 'Don't help other people'?  Oy.

Don't care about the adventures of Charlie and Alicia.  Best part of the hour:  hearing some great throwback R&B - "Keep on Trucking" by Eddie Kendricks.

Edited by patty1h
  • Love 20
16 minutes ago, patty1h said:

The first 10 minutes of tonight's episode is some of the dumbest garbage I've seen in a long time. This crusty bitch is on a killing rampage because no one stopped to help her? Then she got some magic Ninja skills and is now a murdering machine killing folks willy-nilly, stealing trucks, attempting to machine-gun a bunch of strangers, shrugging off shotgun blasts, wreaking havoc and riding away? Her philosophy is 'Don't help other people'?  Oy.

Don't care about the adventures of Charlie and Alicia.

Who are these writers? Community college writing class 101? A supposedly loving wife turns into a serial killer because no one stopped? I don't what time period they were portraying, but this far into the apocalypse, everyone knows that injury is not treatable and there are no facilities to help. There is no justification for Crusty's action unless she escaped directly from the psych ward.

They are really committed to a walker on a leash being a stealth attack.

Why did Al and June need to fall all over the ground just from opening the back of the swat truck.

Why do they kept having conversations and medical assistance in view of walkers trying to break down a barrier?

I guess walkers are climbing flights of stairs now.

  • Love 10

What was the gist of Wendell's story? He got injured at 10 saving a friend, it inspired him to help people. Later he tried to enlist in the Marines, the application went directly to the circular file, thus the notion that helping people sometimes gets you nowhere, so he gets where Martha is coming from. His trucker quit the Marines because Wendell's application wasn't looked at?

If I were in a wheelchair and I was eager to help people, why would joining the Marines be my first choice? Did I miss something of essence in his story, or are they just making up stuff?

53 minutes ago, Christi said:

So we turn now, even if we aren't bit? Fuck this show

Side note: if you want a great zombie movie, its Train to Busan on Netflix 

What do you mean? Beer guy was bit on the back. 

But even if you aren't bit, if you die from natural causes or an accident, you turn. That's been consistent on both shows.

  • Love 10

Tips for our hapless crew:

  • When barricading a door, do not rely on a bed on wheels.  If that is your choice, at least try to lock the wheels.  
  • Don't stand in front of glass walls taunting the dead by your presence.  Perhaps if you are not in their line of sight, they may forget you're there. 
  • Do not do what too many of the truckers did and turn your back on a someone you've just met, especially when that someone is sporting a fetching socks, sandals, floods combo and has mud smeared on their face.

Tip for the writers:   Diesel rigs do not blow up like that.  

Tip for Lou Diamond Phillips:  I know you have more than one camera.  You don't have to stress that by constantly changing camera angles.  I have seen other things you directed.  WTH happened?  Did the stupid of this show rub off on you? 

  • Love 12

Finally a character I like on the show, Jim the beer guy, and he's bit. I'm back to square one where I don't care if the characters live or die. I would find it ironic if it turns out Jim is safe from walker bites because of his beer, they made a big deal about all his supplies were lost whend the truck exploded, but alas, I think his is toast.

  • Love 9
39 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

What was the gist of Wendell's story? He got injured at 10 saving a friend, it inspired him to help people. Later he tried to enlist in the Marines, the application went directly to the circular file, thus the notion that helping people sometimes gets you nowhere, so he gets where Martha is coming from. His trucker quit the Marines because Wendell's application wasn't looked at?

If I were in a wheelchair and I was eager to help people, why would joining the Marines be my first choice? Did I miss something of essence in his story, or are they just making up stuff?

What do you mean? Beer guy was bit on the back. 

But even if you aren't bit, if you die from natural causes or an accident, you turn. That's been consistent on both shows.

No, Witchy Woman's husband got impaled by a pole, not bit..and he turned...guess I didn't remember that everyone turns

Edited by Christi
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, patty1h said:

The first 10 minutes of tonight's episode is some of the dumbest garbage I've seen in a long time. This crusty bitch is on a killing rampage because no one stopped to help her?

What a fool I am, I really thought I was going to be the one to say it, LMAO! I literally said "this is so stupid" out loud to my empty apartment. It was compounded by the thought, 'why were no red flags raised among all the drivers and Polar Bear when their associates all started disappearing and why didn't they start working in teams of two, if not from the beginning then at least once guys started to go missing?'.

6 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

everyone knows that injury is not treatable and there are no facilities to help.

I think you'd be hard pressed to successfully treat that injury even if the world was fine and dandy and you had the best medical team in the greatest facility at your full disposal. Any way you slice it, dude was a goner. Even in shock and denial you'd know it on some level.

6 hours ago, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Aaron Stanford is a solid actor, who was wasted on a poorly written character.

Fresh off of 12 Monkeys, it was great to see him on board and I was excited to see another decent actor sign on. He was a bit selfish at times and could be wishy washy with his allegiance and levels of respect but I would've liked him to stick around a while longer and I hope he goes out somewhat redeeming himself by going to help Al get up to the roof.

3 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

When barricading a door, do not rely on a bed on wheels.  If that is your choice, at least try to lock the wheels.

I could have sworn they shoved some kind of steel rod or something through the door handles as well that should have held at least a little while longer but I agree the gurney bed was ridiculous.

3 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Did the stupid of this show rub off on you? 

That was hilarious, thanks for the laugh!

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, dvil said:

How did Martha sneak up on all the truckers without a single one hearing a walker? Or them all being careless enough not to watch where they were going?

The best guess I've been able to come up with is that the way she has them collared around the neck somehow chokes off their voice box/vocal chords. .....No idea on question number 2, lol.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, dvil said:

How did Martha sneak up on all the truckers without a single one hearing a walker? Or them all being careless enough not to watch where they were going?

If I could give this 100 likes, I would. Hell, make it a 1000. Is no one on their guard? It is the ZA. Yeah, sure, maybe some of these people,early on, who haven’t seen the grim and brutal stuff. But to let a stranger, especially one with mud all over her, sneak up behind you with a tethered Walker .... I mean, COME ON. Does she spend time with the Walkers training them to be quiet??????  We know from watching this show that all Walkers — when they see fresh, living meat — start making that sucking sound. So, COME ON. Okay, maybe once it would work, but we saw a whole montage last night, one trucker after another fell for it. Personally, I find this offensive that TPTB thought this would fly. But then .... look at the rest of the show.  It’s this kind of crap that leads you into “camp.”

  • Love 7

I'm almost starting to be impressed at the rate they're burning through actors you sort of expect to stick around awhile.  That said, I can't help but feel like Brewmaster Jimbo is being wasted here.  Every roadtrip through an apocalyptic wasteland needs one endless complainer that you nonetheless keep around because they have something you need.  It would have made for a terrific running gag had the show gone with the idea that they were all fed up with him but let him continue to tag along because he was keeping them supplied with booze.  That would have required them to also keep the truck though and they'd rather go for a poorly done explosion than an idea we haven't already seen a hundred times.  I too was almost crossing my fingers that they'd somehow find out that homebrew is the antidote to the zombie virus because why the hell not, but again, they just had to blow up the truck with all the beer and supplies in it.

So the disco montage of Martha lashing out and killing everyone she encountered because no one stopped to help her in what looked like the fairly early days of the ZA when everyone was fleeing hither and yon didn't really land very well.  Still, we get the idea that it broke her and it does raise the same questions Brewmaster Jim was spitting at Morgan about cutting your losses in not trying to save someone who clearly doesn't want to be saved.  Since he's swung back to the all life is precious end of the spectrum again, he thinks he can rescue the crazy filthy woman stalking and shooting at them.  But it's his continuing to engage her that lost them their truck and he's not just a dissenting voice on the sidelines anymore.  For whatever reason these people are following him and expecting him to have answers that will keep them alive.  It is at least mildly amusing to watch a character who over the course of both shows has refused to join, refused to participate, repeatedly argued against whatever the leader decided (even if his reasoning at times turned out to have some merit) suddenly on the other end of that.  Or at least it would be if he wasn't taking long meetings in front of windows where the walkers can see them.

  • Love 5

I rather enjoyed this episode.

I didn't find the motivation or behavior of the Crazy Lady (is her name Martha?) that far-fetched.

Her husband was injured and needed assistance, but none of the cars she flagged down stopped. They just drove on by. Then he died (and he turned into a zombie). She was left all alone with him.

She had to put the shard of glass into his head (I could not imagine having to put down my own loved one).

Then she had to bury him (using hands, no shovel) and mourn him all alone. That had to pull a psychological number on her.

They did show her pacing around, falling apart at night by his grave.

My mother died several years ago. I was very close to her.

When she passed, and I was still in grief a couple years later, not a single person I reached out to (family or church members) was there for me.

Many of them acted as though my grief was an inconvenience, or it made them uncomfortable.

So, rather than the emotional support I needed from these people, I got shamed, lectured, given advice I didn't need or want, some used their answering machines or caller ID to screen my calls to avoid me.

This is even more puzzling considering my mother had taught me going back to my childhood that if I ever needed anything, I could always count on my family, even extended family such as aunts, to be there for me.

Were they after she passed? Nope.

I had to get through the very difficult grieving all alone.

Not only was that all painful and sad, but I'm still dealing with a lot of anger and some disillusionment to this day as a result.

One affect all that had on me is that I am now more reluctant to be there for other people if they phone or e-mail me needing or wanting emotional support if they are going through a tough time in life.

When you do need help and other people refuse to give you any help, yes, it can turn you, like it did that Crazy Lady, in the show.

Other people were not there for her in her time of need, now she is bitter, enraged, and she just snapped.

Granted, this being a zombie show, they "soap-opera-ed" it up to make it a bit over-board in how they depicted it, but it has a basis of truth to it, so I related.

When you've not been shown compassion in your time of need, yes, it can turn you into an angry and/or hurting Rage Monster who wants to clobber everyone around you especially when they come to you asking for your help.

If nobody was there to help me and show me compassion in my time of need, your thinking is, why should I be there for you in your time of trouble?

I was disappointed that all we got of John Dorie, my favorite character, was his hat in this episode.

The Charlie character doesn't bother me so much now as she did when she was first on the show. I think she was showing a bit more sense in last night's show than Alicia was.

She thought they should keep looking for June, John, Strand, etc, but Alicia was fixated on getting the kid to the beach. I was more on board with Charlie's plan (look for Dorie, June, etc) than I was with Alicia's idea.

I think the actress who plays Charlie is very good - she's very convincing. 

I wonder if Crazy Lady ("Martha"?) is going to keep stalking our group of characters for the rest of the season, or if Morgan can help change for the better?

Edited by DrNowsWeightScale
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, patty1h said:

Best part of the hour:  hearing some great throwback R&B - "Keep on Trucking" by Eddie Kendricks.

I kept hoping they'd play Jerry Reed's "Eastbound and Down."

(On You Tube: Eastbound and Down - Jerry Reed)

They already had a big rig with a beer-maker and beer-making stuff on the truck. All they needed was that song and possibly a Firebird TransAm somewhere in an episode.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Christi said:

No, Witchy Woman's husband got impaled by a pole, not bit..and he turned...guess I didn't remember that everyone turns

I believe he (Martha's husband) was impaled on a guard rail.

The original show established that everyone who dies, regardless if they were bit or not, turns into a zombie, but Rick Grimes only found this out very early on because the CDC guy told him.

I'm not sure if everyone in the apocalypse has by this time learned this or has seen a non-bit person turn and then figure it out that way.

Jim the beer guy was bitten on the back by a zombie.

I watched the episode two more times last night after it aired the first time, but I never saw a zombie get any where near Jim's back, not even the zombie he fought off at the hospital.

I suppose we're meat to assume the bite took place off-camera?

If the bite happens on an arm or leg, the original show characters dealt with this by chopping off the affected area. But if you're bitten on the back, shoulder, or neck, you're out of luck with that tactic.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

What was the gist of Wendell's story? He got injured at 10 saving a friend, it inspired him to help people. Later he tried to enlist in the Marines, the application went directly to the circular file, thus the notion that helping people sometimes gets you nowhere, so he gets where Martha is coming from. His trucker quit the Marines because Wendell's application wasn't looked at?

If I were in a wheelchair and I was eager to help people, why would joining the Marines be my first choice? Did I miss something of essence in his story, or are they just making up stuff?

My understanding is that his helping people was him shoving a kid out of the way of almost being hit by a car.

Then later in life, for whatever reason, his dream was to join the Marines, who turned him down for being in a wheelchair.

Wanting to help people (save the kid from being hit by a car) is what ruined his later in life dream or career choice of being in the military.

I don't think he was saying that being a Marine was his idea of helping others. His idea of helping people (saving that kid in the street) is what caused him problems later in life (not being accepted into the Marines).

But I guess some people could consider being in the military a form of helping other people (in that you are serving your country).

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

 I don't what time period they were portraying, but this far into the apocalypse, everyone knows that injury is not treatable and there are no facilities to help.

There are still medical doctors and nurses.

June (who was a trauma nurse) saved John Dorie after he was shot.

Martha the Crazy Lady could've used other people's help in removing the guard rail that had impaled her spouse. I don't know if that was something one person could've done alone.

In TWD, when Hershel got bit on a leg by a zombie, Rick chopped off his leg, thus saving his life. 

On the original show, there was Denise the medical student at Alexandria who helped people, and later, Carl saved the Muslim guy who was a doctor (or doctor in training?). Hilltop had the baby doctor who gave pregnant Maggie a check-up.

There may not be full blown working, staffed medical facilities in the apocalypse, but both shows have had scenes where a person was able to save someone else's life if that person was injured.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I think based on the first walker she saw and killed Martha lost her husband pretty early in the Apocalypse( maybe a few weeks or months) .. The walker had fresh clothes the world didn't look all crappy... And she looked rewlly surprised when her husband turned... And then she just snapped... 

When she dispatched him with the shard of glass, she seemed to know what she had to do. She also got rid of the walker in the proper form. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I am going to be one pissed off petunia if Morgan even tries to turn this woman around into some sort of protagonist.

I would think that removing that guard rail would cause her husband to bleed out rather quickly.  The dude was a goner either way.  Ironically, he probably lived longer with the guard rail in place.  Granted a much more painful drawn out death.

I think the husband was likely to die no matter what, but as someone who was in a kind-of, sort-of similar experience as the TV show lady when my mother died in real life, I think the main issue is that this lady was scared, alone, etc, and nobody stopped to just sit by her and offer her emotional support.

Even if the guy was going to die, it was awful that there was nobody there to just sit with her and hold her hand thru the whole thing, and after his passing.

Something like that can break a person, it about broke me.

She may have even known he was going to die, but she was at least needing or wanting another person to sit with her and validate her experience and be a shoulder to cry on, but nobody would stop. I got a lot of that after my mother died years ago, and it hurts like hell, and it can turn you bitter and angry if you give in to it.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

Still, we get the idea that it broke her and it does raise the same questions Brewmaster Jim was spitting at Morgan about cutting your losses in not trying to save someone who clearly doesn't want to be saved.  Since he's swung back to the all life is precious end of the spectrum again, he thinks he can rescue the crazy filthy woman stalking and shooting at them.  But it's his continuing to engage her that lost them their truck and he's not just a dissenting voice on the sidelines anymore.  For whatever reason these people are following him and expecting him to have answers that will keep them alive.  It is at least mildly amusing to watch a character who over the course of both shows has refused to join, refused to participate, repeatedly argued against whatever the leader decided (even if his reasoning at times turned out to have some merit) suddenly on the other end of that.  Or at least it would be if he wasn't taking long meetings in front of windows where the walkers can see them.

I don't think Morgan has back-slid into the "all life is precious" morass that he was in before. I think he's looking at Martha through the lens of "I've been where you are. You can come back from this." But as you say, he's in a leadership role now, and yup, it really is amusing, and one of the threads I like about the back half of the season. Unfortunately he's a leader who has a big, big problem dealing with guilt, and you can just see that snowballing around him as it seems like every decision puts the group in more and more danger. Poor Morgan.

4 hours ago, DrNowsWeightScale said:

I watched the episode two more times last night after it aired the first time, but I never saw a zombie get any where near Jim's back, not even the zombie he fought off at the hospital.

I watched the repeat showing specifically to watch the hospital scenes. I did see when the zombie bit him. Well, you don't see the actual bite, but when they're scrambling on the floor, Jim tries to wriggle away, turns his back, and you can see the zombie's head duck down behind his back. But even so, Jim was wearing a t-shirt and a jean jacket - the walker would have had to bite through a lot of cloth to get to the skin, and that would have left visible rips and bloodstains. I suppose Jim's clothes could have ridden up in the struggl, but I don't remember that happening. I'm calling it The Carl Effect because that's pretty much how it happened with young Master Grimes with no one being the wiser.

2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Prior to killing that driver, she buries her husband and doesn't bother to wash off the caked on dirt.  I don't know how long ago that was, but I would think they could smell her long before she ever came close enough to killing anyone.

If it weren't a time when living humans were surrounded by decaying animated corpses, I'd absolutely agree with you :) I would imagine that after the near constant assault to the senses that comes with being in contact with so much rotting flesh, dear Martha smells comparatively like a rose. I can give them a pass on that one, but not on stealth walkers on a stick.

I really like the characters in this back half. I don't even have much of a problem with Charlie and Alicia lately. It's the writing that's getting to me, and honestly, I give writers a million miles of slack; I'm a world class master of the ret-con on shows I love. I don't believe that everything has to be spelled out for the audience; in fact I prefer when it isn't. Still, this season seems, I don't know, out of control maybe. I think there has been some fine work - especially with June, John, and Strand -  but there's been a fair bit of "where did that come from?" in both plot and characterization, too. I'm still viewing S4 as a set-up for S5, and that's kind of a problem. I mean I'm committed to seeing how this plays out in S4, but come next year I'm really expecting this show to get its collective act together and carry on in a cohesive story.

  • Love 7

Well after watching a newly applied coat of paint dry, I finally watched the remainder of the episode, apart from three minutes of Jim discovering he was bitten, which is the sort of scene that we want and need on the show, it was 42 minutes of  absolute contrived bullshit. I cannot believe how stupid the makers of this episode must think we are. Almost every single aspect of the show is frankly absurd. 

AMC have stated that they want to expand the Walking Dead universe over the next ten years, I would t want to watch another ten minutes of that insulting rubbish. I’ve resisted in the past blaming the actors in any way for the really awful things that we’ve seen, but I’m sorry, even the actors must be realising by now how ridiculous these scenes are. They cannot think that much of anything in Sunday’s show is remotely believable. 

The writers, directors of the show are supposed to be professionals, I’m sure they get paid a hell of a lot of money for what they do, so how is it possible they can produce utter garbage as seen on Sunday? Any one of us on this forum could do better. I can’t believe how annoyed I feel right now, how do these people get away with it?

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Oh my,  that’s the first time I’ve ever switched off an episode of either show, I managed 16 minutes, uuuggghhhhh they cannot be serious!

Wow, I'm surprised, I didn't think they were that bad. I liked the backstory about the crazy lady. But, it does not add up why she wants to make them stronger by turning them. If that is the case she should have kept her dead hubby alive and walked around with him, make em stronger. So, she must have snapped after she buried him. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, DrNowsWeightScale said:

I kept hoping they'd play Jerry Reed's "Eastbound and Down."

(On You Tube: Eastbound and Down - Jerry Reed)

They already had a big rig with a beer-maker and beer-making stuff on the truck. All they needed was that song and possibly a Firebird TransAm somewhere in an episode.

All they needed was Archer and Pam driving point in a black Trans Am mowing over  herds of zombies while East Bound and Down was blaring in the speakers. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, FishyJoe said:

I don't even understand how Jim got bitten through two layers of clothes?

Not to mention I don't understand why you can only get infected from direct contact and not rubbing zombie guts all over your body.

 I think we are suppose to infer from this and other zombie lore that since everyone is already infected and turn even if not bit when they die, that it's not getting infected that kills you, it's that the bite from a zombie causes an infection(or causes the infection that you already have to get out of control) that is not curable and kills you and then turns you into a zombie.  So you can get the flu and survive, get shot and have an infected wound and survive if you get proper meds, but not a zombie bite infection, which has no meds that can help you fight the infection off.

11 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

The English teacher has no clue why no one stopped.   Regardless, it didn't give her the right to kill anyone.  The people that she killed were trying to help people.  If the people that were leaving supplies by mile markers showed up quick enough, they would have helped her and tried to help her husband.  Unfortunately they showed up too late.   If they had known that she and her husband needed help, I am sure they would have shown up sooner.  They had know way of knowing that they were even there.

She is emotionally stuck and can't get passed the trauma.  That doesn't mean that she has to forget about it, that doesn't mean that she won't forever feel emotional pain over what happened, but she can't allow herself to be emotionally paralyzed by it either.  And she sure as shit can't take out her anger on others by killing them.


I'm not defending her killing people, only saying as someone who experienced a similar situation in real life, I sure as heck understand her motivation for why she did what she did. (Some above were being very critical of her, saying they don't understand why she would just kill people because her husband died - oh I understand it completely. I understand where her anger is coming from.)

From her perspective, when those cars went whizzing by, all she knows is those people did not stop to help her, and that's what matters.

Maybe the people leaving Boxes would've helped her had they come across her sooner, but that doesn't matter to her now. 

And yes, I was emotionally stuck in grief much longer than I should have been, because nobody was there to help me through it - moving on is easier said than done, especially if you have to go through it alone, like that lady on the show had to do, but now Morgan is at least reaching out to her, trying to connect with her. 

10 hours ago, maystone said:

Well, you don't see the actual bite, but when they're scrambling on the floor, Jim tries to wriggle away, turns his back, and you can see the zombie's head duck down behind his back. But even so, Jim was wearing a t-shirt and a jean jacket - the walker would have had to bite through a lot of cloth to get to the skin, and that would have left visible rips and bloodstains.

Okay, I didn't get that when I watched it.

If they repeat it again, I'll pay close attention next time to see if I can spot the zombie going after Jim's back when he's turned to reach for the scissors or whatever that weapon/tool was.

Edited by DrNowsWeightScale
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, WalkerTalker said:

Wow, I'm surprised, I didn't think they were that bad. I liked the backstory about the crazy lady. But, it does not add up why she wants to make them stronger by turning them. If that is the case she should have kept her dead hubby alive and walked around with him, make em stronger. So, she must have snapped after she buried him. 

What made it worse was that last week I was talking about the show having to contrive situations to make things ‘entertaining’. Every event in the show was exactly that, nothing was believable. One event a show is bearable but not the whole show. Maybe I’m over critical but it managed to push all my buttons, and I have many Lol

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, maystone said:

But even so, Jim was wearing a t-shirt and a jean jacket - the walker would have had to bite through a lot of cloth to get to the skin,

The last Yorkie guy to get munched had on a long sleeved shirt with a T underneath, Yorkie Guy No3 had no trouble biting right through both, impossible you might think!

Edited by OoohMaggie
  • Love 3

Martha is responsible for her husband's death, isn't she?  Looks like she was the driver of the car.  Maybe guilt plays a role in her craziness.  On Talking Dead, Tonya Pinkins said there was a cut scene where she holding onto a car that wouldn't stop.  She wished the scene had remained to better explain her character's reaction.  I don't think it would have helped much.   Martha's now a serial killer and it makes no sense to me based on her backstory.

  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, atiyah9369 said:

How did she get her husband out to bury him?

Really! There is no way she got him out without cutting him in half. I admit I fast forwarded the first 20 minutes and maybe a few other places. I was yelling at the TV during the parts that I did watch. 

Is it wrong that when Charlie walked down to the water's edge, I was so hoping that alligator was going to rise up and get her?

  • Love 10

The way the actors are so in awe of Mr Diamond Phillips is quite pathetic, when they’re filming this stuff, doesn’t anyone ever stand up and say that what we’re doing is absolutely ridiculous? Is it all such a ‘love in’ or is the risk of being fired so great that nobody dare say anything? I honestly don’t understand how any particular nonsensical  scene, can make it through so many opportunities for someone to say ‘this is bollocks’ 


  • Love 3
10 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Anyone notice how the first Walker that Rake Lady killed, was actually taking steps when moving towards her, then changed into the ‘Walker’ walk. I can’t recall ever seeing that before.

Yeah, it didn't really register why at the time, but that was weird.


9 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

The last Yorkie guy ................. Yorkie Guy No3

Huh? Who are they, Martha Witchiepoo's walker weapon's? I don't get the reference.


3 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:
5 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

Is it wrong that when Charlie walked down to the water's edge, I was so hoping that alligator was going to rise up and get her?

It is wrong, but sooooo right Lol

LOL! She kind of deserved it in the beginning, I'll admit, but I don't get all the Charlie hate so much anymore. I think she's a pretty good little actress and, let's face it, she DID do us the favor of getting rid of Nick...... :D

2 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

The way the actors are so in awe of Mr Diamond Phillips is quite pathetic, when they’re filming this stuff, doesn’t anyone ever stand up and say that what we’re doing is absolutely ridiculous? Is it all such a ‘love in’ or is the risk of being fired so great that nobody dare say anything? I honestly don’t understand how any particular nonsensical  scene, can make it through so many opportunities for someone to say ‘this is bollocks’ 


Well.....to be fair, the poor guy didn't write it. He probably didn't even have a choice of scripts, they probably just booked him and handed him one. The look in his eyes in that first still frame almost seems to say that he can't believe it either, lol!

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2 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

The way the actors are so in awe of Mr Diamond Phillips is quite pathetic, when they’re filming this stuff, doesn’t anyone ever stand up and say that what we’re doing is absolutely ridiculous? Is it all such a ‘love in’ or is the risk of being fired so great that nobody dare say anything? I honestly don’t understand how any particular nonsensical  scene, can make it through so many opportunities for someone to say ‘this is bollocks’ 


I think directors on TV shows have very little control. They are there to see to it that the story is told, period. They are not paid to interpret or change the story. I think most actors-turned-directors if viewed favorably by TPTB, which is debatable, are seen as someone who can keep the clock turning, efficiently and without wasting money. The worse thing any director can do is start changing things, especially story content. Episodic television has little room for ad-lib.

Some actors view actor/directors as their friends because they’ve been in their shoes. But I’d be surprised if any of the actors on this show thought Lou could change anything. And I’d be surprised if Lou thought that. Most actors take up directing because they know acting has a set number of days, so directing becomes their “retirement account.”

Edited by JackONeill
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On 9/17/2018 at 1:05 AM, Iguessnot said:

What was the gist of Wendell's story? He got injured at 10 saving a friend,

He sees the car coming to hit his friend and at that moment developed super speed/strength to run, push him out of the way and got hit. Bull$hit! I'm not buying his story.  He probably lost them doing something stupid.

10 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

Is it wrong that when Charlie walked down to the water's edge, I was so hoping that alligator was going to rise up and get her?

It's not! And the writers deserve to be the main course!

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13 hours ago, JackONeill said:

I think directors on TV shows have very little control. They are there to see to it that the story is told, period. They are not paid to interpret or change the story

I admit I don’t know the exact role of a director, but surely it’s their job to say how the story is told. If the script says   ‘crazy lady kills truck driver using a walker on the end of a pole’ then it’s the directors job to ensure that scene is not only exciting, but believable. None of those ‘trucker kills’ were in any way believable, fit, strong, young guys getting killed like that was pure farce.

if the director is the person telling people on set what to do and how to do it, then I’m sorry but they’re the one responsible for making me turn the programme off.

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8 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

I admit I don’t know the exact role of a director, but surely it’s their job to say how the story is told. If the script says   ‘crazy lady kills truck driver using a walker on the end of a pole’ then it’s the directors job to ensure that scene is not only exciting, but believable. None of those ‘trucker kills’ were in any way believable, fit, strong, young guys getting killed like that was pure farce.

if the director is the person telling people on set what to do and how to do it, then I’m sorry but they’re the one responsible for making me turn the programme off.

That’d be the showrunner. Nowadays (this was less true back in the “good old day”), the director is nothing more than “hired help.” The showrunner is the person who, basically, controls and directs the shape, content, and image of the show.

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