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S20.E35: Double Eviction #1

Lady Calypso
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8 hours ago, phlebas said:

When Sam said "I'll take a piece of each of you with me" just before the vote between her and Haleigh, do you think she had a skinning knife in her belt?

Yes!  I was expecting her to whip it out too...or maybe she is picking hairs out of hairbrushes and will make dolls of each HG.  The way she kept on about making sure his bags would be packed nice and tidy cracked me up too.

Edited by AlleC17
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Has anyone deciphered any of the whispered live conversation between Tyler and Sam last night? She seemed to be urging him to put up Angela, I think. Something about how Angela strutted around like she owned the house and was condescending? I couldn't make out much of it because of the constant bleeps and the whispering.

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2 hours ago, DannyRugg said:

Has anyone deciphered any of the whispered live conversation between Tyler and Sam last night? She seemed to be urging him to put up Angela, I think. Something about how Angela strutted around like she owned the house and was condescending? I couldn't make out much of it because of the constant bleeps and the whispering.

Yeah that was it.  Her argument for Tyler not nominating her in a nutshell.  Or was it because he took JC down and not her.  I forget the timeline.  But either way he was trying to calm her down and kept asking "do you trust me?" and she'd say "yes" but then would get worried again and want Angela up instead.  I don't think Tyler had either the time or the trust in her to tell her the details of the plan and was just trying to reassure her that she wasn't going to leave.  Which she wasn't.

Sam seems to have this strange relationship with the game as in not really playing it and off into her cleaning the house and arts and crafts routines.  But then she wants to know some things even though she doesn't want to talk game much so it is hard to tell what they should be saying to her and not saying to her.  She is off in her own little world I guess unless she thinks they are going to vote her out and then she will need to take little pieces of them with her, heh.

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For most of this season, I've been rooting for Tyler. I was amazed by his game and even had a little crush on him. But his game started to falter once Haleigh put him on the block and I was hoping he'd snap out of it and get back to fabulously strategizing. 

He had a final two with most of the house and then he and Angela started getting chummy. His game was taking lower priority to canoodling with the mean girl Angela. I just can't help picturing her being a classic mean girl while she was in gymnastics or high school. 

This is when Kaycee started kicking ass and winning everything. She seems like a genuinely nice person. I started realizing I'd rather have Kaycee win than Tyler. 

This last episode turned me off from Tyler. Hearing him in the Have Not room with Brett keep telling him over and over to "just throw the veto, I got this". Why was there a need to blindside Brett? Couldn't he have the balls to say to his face, look we're voting you out. You're my friend and you deserve to know. I just feel he's getting a little smug and has a slight sociopathic side to him that gets a kick out of lying straight to someones face. 

The look of worry on Sams face when she and Tyler were talking before veto, afraid she was the one being voted off. Tyler says, "Do you trust me? I'm getting someone out who was against you." Complete lie. Unless Sam is final 2, she will be voted off by the guy who pinky swore a final 2 with her and told her week by week to trust him. Being a trustworthy person is a big deal to Sam. 

The same with JC. He gets nervous and Tyler says, "You're getting paranoid. Just trust me. It's us two at the end."

JC and Sam will be devastated when they are voted out and will take personally what Tyler did you them in the game. He strung them along and lied to them with a smile week by week by week.  

I'm sure Brett sees Tyler in a different light now too, even though he knows it's all game play and won't be a bitter juror. 

Sam, JC, Bayleigh, Scottie...they all are turned off or will be turned off by Tyler at the finale. No one hates Kaycee. 

Why haven't Angela and Tyler discussed final 2 at all? Maybe Angela is planning to take Kaycee too. 

So at this point the tables have turned for me and Tyler is getting smug and enjoying his blindsides a little too much. I'm not a fan anymore. 

Kaycee for the win!

Edited by aurora296
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11 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Oh, I bow to the master.  So right you are.  Can't wait to see what JC does next and see if he tries to pull the same shit - or what you spread around the roses to make them smell purty.

No master here - for example, there’s one big caveat I forgot to mention...


6 hours ago, The Companion said:

An insightful and spot on analysis, as usual. It was interesting to see the actual moment JC realized he wasn't controlling anything. Without a doubt he is egotistical enough to rewrite it in his head later as either he somehow inspired them to make a big move or it is his puppet's fault, but at that moment you could see him realize that he had no idea what was actually happening. 

...and that’s the caveat: the level of self-deception JC can impose upon himself.  Everything I cited was true, sure - and JC obviously saw it, and was rattled as fuck-all - but if JC’s psyche can sufficiently blind him to truth as a defense mechanism to preserve his delusions of grandeur, then truth won’t modify his behavior. JC could be buried neck-deep in manure, but his brain will still tell him he’s smelling roses.


7 hours ago, NYGirl said:

I think Tyler lost the game last night by not getting rid of Kaycee.  It's going to be very hard to get her out.  I hope he doesn't think he can beat her.

...maybe.  One thing makes me wonder, though; the varying exposure the Jury members have had to Kaycee’s winning streak.  Sure, they’ll all intellectually know Kaycee’s won, and see Kaycee’s wins on DVD - but watching them on a flatscreen is a LOT different in terms of feeling the emotionally ingraining impact of the win.  Both Hay and Brent have definitely felt the strength behind Kaycee’s recent winning streak, true.  But of the rest...?

  • Bae and Pinky have never seen a Kaycee win with their own eyes.
  • Fessy directly witnessed Kaycee’s very first win for PoV while he was OTB, but I would put it past Fessy - or, more specifically, Fessy’s ego - to convince himself Kaycee’s win was a lucky fluke, rather than admit to himself he lost a physical comp to a female.  And that will color Fessy’s perceptions of future Kaycee wins as well; he’ll always be looking for “the catch” to disqualify consideration of her wins as merit-based, to mentally justify to himself at least his disqualification of her first win.  Of course, I could be wrong - Fessy might be a bigger man than I give him credit for, and he could embrace Kaycee’s comp wins as those of a worthy competitor - but I doubt it.
  • Now, I have exactly zero idea of what Scottie thinks of Kaycee as a game competitor - but like Fessy, Scottie has personally seen Kaycee win exactly one PoV comp all season.  So Scottie’s perceptions may or nay not consider Kaycee’s comp win as a lucky one-off, I dunno.

...and that’s almost half the Jury, right there, who haven’t personally witnessed the impressive winning run Kaycee has shown us and the other HGs.  

This can be subject to change as more HGs transition to Jurors, of course; with every Kaycee win, her ability becomes increasingly difficult to deny.  If Kaycee doesn’t continue racking up comp wins, though, I’d be concerned the Jurors (especially the early ones) might write her success off as a short-lived late-season lucky streak.


3 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

I think he was just on tilt (big time) and didn't think it through. 

That’s part of what I was referring to in my earlier post.  Prior to yesterday evening’s DE activities I don’t think JC foresaw ANY chance of his ass kissing the Block seat cushion - OR Brett going up in his place in a clockwork-smooth blindside - and JC dashing to the DR immediately after to cast the first eviction vote (BTW - was that a textbook scamper or what?).  JC was freaked out and shook, and his vote reflected it.


27 minutes ago, green said:

Yeah that was it.  Her argument for Tyler not nominating her in a nutshell.  Or was it because he took JC down and not her.  I forget the timeline.  

It was immediately after Tyler’s HoH win, and before initial noms.

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Could it be that Tyler is indeed taking Sam to final two?  He promised and she has believed him week after week.  And she's still there.

Kaycee could win this whole thing and I think Tyler made a huge mistake in not getting rid of her.  With that said she could have won POV and he would have had a powerful enemy.  Also I'm not sure of the bond between Kaycee and Angela..final two girls???

I just love guessing..what's next?

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I think Tyler not putting Kaycee up is a very close second in stupidity to "Rockstar's" telling him he had the wrong answer in the Otev comp. He's going to have a lot of egg to wipe off his face if they go to F2 because she will beat him.

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6 minutes ago, sunshine23 said:

Someone fill me in please. Who is clown shoes?

Jeff Schroeder - blew a cinch comp win (searching for clown shoes in a ball bin, with his shoes “conveniently” placed close to the top) by immediately jumping in and pitching balls willy-nilly.  Problem for Jeff was, one of his wild ball pitches scooped up one of the shoes as well; it landed on the BY grass outside his ball bin, he never noticed it, and lost the comp as a result - still digging in the ball bin for a clown shoe which was no longer there.  BB History moment.  ;)


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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

One thing makes me wonder, though; the varying exposure the Jury members have had to Kaycee’s winning streak.  Sure, they’ll all intellectually know Kaycee’s won, and see Kaycee’s wins on DVD - but watching them on a flatscreen is a LOT different in terms of feeling the emotionally ingraining impact of the win.

Isn't this similar to Survivor? That comp beasts rarely win, because the game is decided on by the jury, and someone wearing the necklace doesn't mean much when you've been lounging in Ponderosa all day. At least Big Brother houseguests get to see comp wins.

I'm trying to think of the last comp beast who wasn't really a strategic threat, won HoHs or deftly managed alliances. I can't think of one.

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So ready for someone OTHER than Tyler, Kaycee, or Angela to win something.

But now that Brett's gone, it seems inevitable that one of those three will win. Go Tyler, I guess. Been mostly rooting for him for most of the season, but have soured on him a bit the last couple weeks. Can't stand Angela, and Kaycee, I just...feel nothing for her.

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I missed the show last night but am watching it now.

I figured Haleigh would go home. She had a good interview with Julie - nice for her America's Favorite campaign.

I don't think Sam is trying for this HOH.  Angela's gotten every one wrong so far. Well maybe Sam's trying after all. Now why did they suddenly show fish twice? That was weird.

So Tyler won. What else is new? 

And now there's fish while Tyler is in the storage room talking to Brett - three quick cuts to fish, no more than a couple of seconds. Did anyone else see fish during the live broadcast? More fish and more fish, right when Julie is talking.  Hmm, JC and Sam. Well, I had JC going out in the double eviction on my fantasy BB. Do I get points for him being nominated at least?

The POV comp looks like a mini-Survivor challenge. And Angela wins! Kind of weird background music.  Plus some fish. Angela sure is nervous, nervously excited. And some more fish. And some lies to Brett.

Angela pulled JC from the block. Now Brett is confused and now he's on the hot seat. There sure are a lot of commercials. Sam looks nervous and ready to cry. Brett had a decent speech.

They wouldn't have time to do messages, would they?

Now Fessy, Scottie, Brett and Haleigh are all in the jury house together - Fessie's head will explode as he watches his woman hang out with Scottie and Brett. I wouldn't put it past Brett to hang out with Haleigh just to mess with Fessy.

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11 hours ago, aurora296 said:

I started realizing I'd rather have Kaycee win than Tyler. 

I’m still rooting for Tyler but I realized during this episode that I would be totally ok with Kaycee winning too. I like her a lot. 

11 hours ago, aurora296 said:

Hearing him in the Have Not room with Brett keep telling him over and over to "just throw the veto, I got this". Why was there a need to blindside Brett? Couldn't he have the balls to say to his face, look we're voting you out. You're my friend and you deserve to know. I just feel he's getting a little smug and has a slight sociopathic side to him that gets a kick out of lying straight to someones face. 

There was totally a need to blindside Brett. There wasn’t anything sociopathic about that, it was great strategy. If Brett wins the Veto, there goes his entire plan. By convincing Brett not to try (although who knows if Brett actually threw it or not), Tyler guarantees that he’ll be able to execute his plan. It’s not like he walked around trying to trick Brett all summer or anything. Tyler was loyal to L6 as long as he could be but everybody knew they’d have to turn on each other eventually. Brett drew first blood in that regard when he started talking about getting rid of Kaycee and Angela.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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Again I'll say that telling him to throw the veto isn't blindsiding him, it's telling him that they are after him.  Maybe he just wanted to think they wouldn't go after him when he didn't win the veto, just hoping that somehow they wouldn't, but I'm sure that he knew what was happening if he was honest with himself.

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3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I’m still rooting for Tyler but I realized during this episode that I would be totally ok with Kaycee winning too. I like her a lot. 

There was totally a need to blindside Brett. There wasn’t anything sociopathic about that, it was great strategy. If Brett wins the Veto, there goes his entire plan. By convincing Brett not to try (although who knows if Brett actually threw it or not), Tyler guarantees that his he’ll be able to execute his plan. It’s not like he walked around trying to trick Brett all summer or anything. Tyler was loyal to L6 as long as he could be but everybody knew they’d have to turn on each other eventually. Brett drew first blood in that regard when he started talking about getting rid of Kaycee and Angela.

Yeah I agree with you that it was totally good game play.  Level 6 had to break up but Brett made a move at least one step or two steps ahead of their original plan to make it to final 5 or even final 4 then battle it out.  So they had to get rid of him but keep him feeling secure as much as possible while they did it.  It is a classic move they use all the time on Survivor and SHOULD use more on BB.  To call checkmating someone sociopathic in a game where you are suppose to do just that does not compute.

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There's no way Brett didn't try at the veto, what reason was there for him not to try?  The only reason would be that they don't trust him to not take someone off the block forcing Tyler to put one of level 6 up, and therebye saying they think he is going for them.  In which case it's yet another warning sign that they don't trust him at all.  And another reason for him never to consider not trying at the veto.  To give Tyler credit for alerting Brett to the backdoor situation he was vulnerable to has no logic.

Edited by amazingracefan
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15 hours ago, aurora296 said:

This last episode turned me off from Tyler. Hearing him in the Have Not room with Brett keep telling him over and over to "just throw the veto, I got this". Why was there a need to blindside Brett? Couldn't he have the balls to say to his face, look we're voting you out. You're my friend and you deserve to know. I just feel he's getting a little smug and has a slight sociopathic side to him that gets a kick out of lying straight to someones face. 

If he had told Brett before the Veto, there's a good chance Brett would play his ass off and win. Then he wouldn't be able to vote him out. Blindsides and lying are part of the game. Even Brett seemed to appreciate that in his exit interview. 

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Arriving late to the party since I just got around to watching this episide:

What is Haleigh's major at college? She gave good eviction speeches. I imagine she's planning to go into PR, or law, or politics.

I think they pretty much telegraphed from the beginning of the show that Brett would be the second person evicted but maybe I just had the advantage, two days later, of already knowing the outcome.

Interesting that at the top of the show Julie introduced herself as "Julie Chen." She definitely intended to do her little mic drop at the end.

The look on JC's face when Tyler nominated him.

"Next." Ugh, so much smug.

That blindside on Brett was textbook BB. I just hate that Angela had a hand in it.

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52 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Arriving late to the party since I just got around to watching this episide:

What is Haleigh's major at college? She gave good eviction speeches. I imagine she's planning to go into PR, or law, or politics.


She is a psychology major and still has a semester or two to go just to get her bachelors which really doesn't get you diddly in that major.  She will probably end up being the prototypical Texas version of a soccer mom after her hanging out in LA waiting to be the next big thing fizzles.  Politics or law?  I'd say no way.  She'd probably like to get into PR but I don't see that either unless it is at a small town level.

She is already half wiped from my memory and will be totally gone by next week unless I'm stuck with a Hay segment at the finale.  Then it will take another week to totally evict her from my house.  In the end she really brought nada to the show other then the endless diary room waterworks and "no" I mean "maybe" ah, no, make that a "no" again with Fessy.  A generic houseguest like the ones I can't already remember from past seasons.  Nothing wrong with that, they have to have cannon fodder.  But nothing memorable either.

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I think they pretty much telegraphed from the beginning of the show that Brett would be the second person evicted but maybe I just had the advantage, two days later, of already knowing the outcome.

I thought it was obvious the previous episode that he would be the target.

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On 9/14/2018 at 11:06 AM, NutmegsDad said:

Why did JC "have" to vote for Brett and not Sam? Is the unanimous mindset THAT persuasive?

I think part of it is that JC knew Sam would be left in the house. If he votes against her, that's a reason for her to put JC on the block if she wins HOH.

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What I'm trying to say with Tyler is, yes maybe he needed to blindside Brett that way, but it made me see that everyone's been blindsided and I think it comes easy to him to blindside and lie. It's just my impression of him. In an interview, Brett said he played hard to win the veto because no one who is in your alliance would ever tell you to throw the competition. So he knew Tyler was lying to him. I don't know what it is about Tyler. In the earlier weeks of the game he seemed like a really nice kid with a good heart. But I see this smugness coming to the service. Has he ever felt torn up for blindsiding anyone? Has he been heard on the live feed that it was really hard for him to lie to so and so? He's lying to everyone (almost) at this point. Once the majority of the house is at the jury house, they will have compared notes and found out Tyler agreed to a final 2 with everyone. I think Sam will be crushed to hear it was all a lie, unless he takes her to final 2. But anyway, Kaycee for the win!

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22 hours ago, aurora296 said:

For most of this season, I've been rooting for Tyler. I was amazed by his game and even had a little crush on him. But his game started to falter once Haleigh put him on the block and I was hoping he'd snap out of it and get back to fabulously strategizing. 

He had a final two with most of the house and then he and Angela started getting chummy. His game was taking lower priority to canoodling with the mean girl Angela. I just can't help picturing her being a classic mean girl while she was in gymnastics or high school. 

This is when Kaycee started kicking ass and winning everything. She seems like a genuinely nice person. I started realizing I'd rather have Kaycee win than Tyler. 

This last episode turned me off from Tyler. Hearing him in the Have Not room with Brett keep telling him over and over to "just throw the veto, I got this". Why was there a need to blindside Brett? Couldn't he have the balls to say to his face, look we're voting you out. You're my friend and you deserve to know. I just feel he's getting a little smug and has a slight sociopathic side to him that gets a kick out of lying straight to someones face. 

The look of worry on Sams face when she and Tyler were talking before veto, afraid she was the one being voted off. Tyler says, "Do you trust me? I'm getting someone out who was against you." Complete lie. Unless Sam is final 2, she will be voted off by the guy who pinky swore a final 2 with her and told her week by week to trust him. Being a trustworthy person is a big deal to Sam. 

The same with JC. He gets nervous and Tyler says, "You're getting paranoid. Just trust me. It's us two at the end."

JC and Sam will be devastated when they are voted out and will take personally what Tyler did you them in the game. He strung them along and lied to them with a smile week by week by week.  

I'm sure Brett sees Tyler in a different light now too, even though he knows it's all game play and won't be a bitter juror. 

Sam, JC, Bayleigh, Scottie...they all are turned off or will be turned off by Tyler at the finale. No one hates Kaycee. 

Why haven't Angela and Tyler discussed final 2 at all? Maybe Angela is planning to take Kaycee too. 

So at this point the tables have turned for me and Tyler is getting smug and enjoying his blindsides a little too much. I'm not a fan anymore. 

Kaycee for the win!


I am kinda the same. But I do get that that's how the game goes and if Sam and others have been naive to that, that's on them. But good jury management is also part of the game and Tyler missed the boat on that.... so I also switched to wanting Kaycee to win. And nobody can beat her, I don't think. Because she was a comp beast, had some strategic play AND was good with jury management. She almost went astray with the fake blame Bret for the flip vote (when it was Scotty). But she, luckily, didn't go vicious with that. Like Angela would have. 


Kaycee for the win!!

Edited by Lamima
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Ok so Kaycee is able to win this next HOH.  Didn't I hear Julie say something about two leaving this week?  Will this be the last HOH for the season?  I'm thinking next Sunday will be the final. 

I think Angelia is Tylers best bet to take to the end.  The jury does not like her and she has a few wins but nothing like Kaycee.

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Just now, Jeanne222 said:

Ok so Kaycee is able to win this next HOH.  Didn't I hear Julie say something about two leaving this week?  Will this be the last HOH for the season?  I'm thinking next Sunday will be the final. 

Someone will leave on Wednesday episode (taped eviction I think Monday night?) and a live eviction Thursday.  Will the jury round table be taped next Saturday and air Sunday?

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On 9/13/2018 at 7:58 PM, North of Eden said:

But you've got Julie Chen-Mooves stickin' by a dawg proving you can be the poorest gal from the ghetto to Tv personality with multiple shows but you'll stand by your man no matter what he's gone and done.

Julie Chen vs Julie Chen-Moonves



On 9/14/2018 at 8:49 AM, MMLEsq said:

I did too! (said "WHO???")   However, the two teenagers I was watching with (14- and 16-year-olds) were astounded that I hadn't heard of the person (whatever her name was).

Lol...I'm an oldhead myself but Bebe Rhexa is pretty hot right now. I was surprised she agreed to this.

Haven't been on PTv boards as much this season. Mostly following the BB20 hashtag on Twitter and a couple Youtubers who cover it. Hadn't seen any mention of Sam's "I'll take a piece of each of you" until this board so this has been a coming home of sorts for me *sniff sniff* 

Edited by Negritude
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14 hours ago, Negritude said:

Julie Chen vs Julie Chen-Moonves



Not getting your point here.  Julie’s been very open about having had plastic surgery in the past, and very frankly states she did so to enhance her career (and, surprise, it worked).  In any case Julie had her work done when she was 25 - about 8 years before she met Moonves - so I’m not sure why you credit the latter picture specifically by her married name.

P. S.: I’m pretty sure Julie doesn’t hyphenate.  :)

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12 hours ago, Nashville said:

Not getting your point here.  Julie’s been very open about having had plastic surgery in the past, and very frankly states she did so to enhance her career (and, surprise, it worked).  In any case Julie had her work done when she was 25 - about 8 years before she met Moonves - so I’m not sure why you credit the latter picture specifically by her married name.

P. S.: I’m pretty sure Julie doesn’t hyphenate.  :)

Just a joke about her all of a sudden using her married name at the end of the episode...like half the posters on this board. So actually I'm pretty sure she is hyphenating now :)

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11 minutes ago, Negritude said:

Just a joke about her all of a sudden using her married name at the end of the episode...like half the posters on this board. So actually I'm pretty sure she is hyphenating now :)

Ok - your captioning just gave me the impression you were inferring Julie had her work done for Les’ benefit, and I knew this wasn’t the case.  Sorry for any miscommunication.  :)

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