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I totally get Elsa being annoyed that she was getting notifications every time someone RSVPed for Nick's birthday party but I was trying to figure out whether Nick's friends are the kind of idiots who hit "reply all" or if Elsa is the kind of idiot who doesn't know how to turn off Evite notifications.

Elsa got major demerits for asking Nick why he's having a birthday party because he's an adult. You're never too old for birthday parties so quit being so fucking judgey, Elsa!

As much as I love Casey, I hope she ends up going to Clayton so that she can escape her forced role as her brother's keeper. You can love your brother and go to another school so don't feel guilty about wanting this awesome opportunity! I'm glad that her parents both came around and want her to go to Clayton. I totally laughed at Doug's "cashews are for fancy people" thing. I wanted to tell him that non-fancy people like me get their cashews at Cost Co.

I understand that her guilt is what caused her to lash out at Paige, but damn.

For the record, I'm not on the spectrum and it would annoy me if someone who I barely knew came into my house and started touching ALL of my stuff. Boundaries, Paige! But I appreciate that she did research on her own to try to understand Sam and that she knows she can be annoying to neurotypical people too.

I don't blame Julia's boyfriend for leaving. You can only take being accused of cheating for so long before you can't take it anymore.

Ugh, I hate that Elsa slept with Nick AGAIN. I mean, I was glad when she apologized to him for blaming him entirely because it was her fault too that they slept together the first time but she couldn't leave well enough alone.

It bothered me that Doug lied to Elsa about running into Julia.

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Man, April is out for blood now. Why should she care if the kids wear headphones at the winter formal? And seriously - "the winter formal is something that our kids have looked forward to their entire high school career"? What the hell kind of high school are these kids attending? For me, winter was just another high school dance. It was definitely not a big deal. We had homecoming in the fall, winter formal in the winter (duh), and prom in the spring. In addition we also had non-formal dances at least twice a semester. Yes, we were excited to go but I can tell you that I didn't look forward to ANY of those dances for my "entire high school career."

And paying $80 to get your hair done before one of those dances? Hell no. I think I got fancy and curled my hair myself for one prom and for one winter formal. All of the other dances, I just left my hair the way it was.

I wish Paige had also brought up the fact that one of the benefits of silent disco is that each kid gets to choose their own music. Silent disco is actually very popular and common at music festivals and roof parties because not only do people get to choose their own music but it reduces the noise pollution in the immediate area.

I don't know why the parents are voting on Paige's proposal though. Our PTA did not have that power. Something like that would be up to the school administrators and the ASB. I bet if they asked the students, they would be into it. The most surprising thing to me was that Techtropolis was willing to donate that many headphones. They must go to a really small high school.

Anyway, April can suck it. Boo hoo that your daughter isn't as fast as Casey. It's not Casey's responsibility to get their school to the state championships.

I'm glad that Julia set some boundaries with Doug. It's not just the doctor-patient confidentiality she has with Sam that's an issue. If Doug wants to talk to her, then he needs to make an appointment and pay just like everyone else.

I had to laugh at Zahid taking Sam to a strip club (and of course the strippers know Zahid by name!). As crass as Zahid can be, he really is trying to help Sam and when Sam said he didn't like the strip club, Zahid realized that might not have been a great idea for Sam.

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To me Elsa just seems insufferable so I guess I can see other parents hating her because of things like the quiet dance.  

I certainly feel for Casey about the team hating her, that is a hard situation.  She shouldn't be made to feel bad about accepting a great opportunity but all actions have consequences.  It would be nice if more people were happy for her as only her dad really is. 

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On 8/24/2017 at 7:44 PM, Mystical chick said:

I liked this show a lot although with some caveats (that seem to be issues with some here as well):

  • I don't care for Elsa's character - I get where she's coming from and have empathy but that whole thing was poorly done and developed. 
  • Not a fan of the Sam's friend who was all "Titty parade" etc. He and Sam connected well, I thought, but I wanted to cringe at many things he said. (Made me laugh, though, when Elsa said she gave him her # in case something happened to Sam but mostly he texted her selfies.)
  • LOVED the girlfriend and her reaction to Sam breaking up with her was perfect. 
  • I am so glad I don't have kids who would do hideous things highlighting the hideous choices I've made when I was in pain. (Casey's note on the board) I don't know how anyone navigates that.
  • Liked the relationship between Sam and Casey - seemed pretty natural


I will for sure tune in next season (is that a definite or just wishful thinking on my part?). Glad I watched this.

I agree about Elsa - I totally understood her but there was something about JJL's portrayal of her that made me hate her. And she would kind of cutesy babytalk in a voice sometimes and it made me want to punch her. A different actress could have done a better job of portraying the isolation and loneliness she felt as the chief caregiver. Because that makes sense. She's devoted her life to bearing the mental load of Sam and she doesn't get much emotional support from her husband or her other child. Casey is actually a huge bitch to her. So someone shows her a little kindness and she doesn't have to be Autism Mom, she can just be herself.  You'd hope Casey would realize that her desire to go off to school is a little similar - the desire to just be you and not be a role. 

It also really bothers me how Casey is OK with the dad abandoning the family because he couldn't deal with it, leaving the mom on her own with two small kids to deal with ALL of it and a new diagnosis-THAT is forgiven. But a woman still caring for her family and still doing everything for all of them, but making a mistake, is not forgiven. UGH. Casey!

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I can see that Elsa is an idiot who didn't realize she didn't unclick the default Evite "notify me of all responses".  I've done that too and it's irritating! However, since she's dealing with her stuff I can see why she still contacts Nick.  If she really wanted it to end, she would just ghost.

I felt so bad for Julia... that dang strawberry. 

Paige is irritating AF and I'm a bit annoyed at how she issued those South Pole cards.  There are things that I talk about all the time and I'd be pissed if a boyfriend issued me only 3 cards for a Seinfeld reference.  Dang it, I'd be out by noon easily.

I'm surprised at the whole Elsa/Nick thing; I can see her cheating but not with a rando.  She seems like someone who'd pick someone from group.

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On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 6:35 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Zahid won my love when Elsa asked where his family is from (prefacing it with "That's an interesting name") and he said Vermont. I loathe the "where are you from?"/"where's your family from?" question. I know people think they're showing an interest and making conversation but it is so fucking rude. She would never say, "Evan, that's an interesting name. Where's your family from?" Ugh.

I LOVED this.  I'm second generation Indian (born here) and most of the time when someone asks me where I'm from or talk about my name, they really want to know my ethnic background. And, there always is this basic overarching sentiment that I'm not really an American.  I am loving that Zahid doesn't have a thick accent.  He could be played by basically anyone and I love the element of diversity he adds. 

Actually I always think when folks ask what your name means it's weird.  My son's name technically means "God's strength" or something.  I didn't pick it for that reason specifically... but all names have meaning, right?  But seriously... most parents pick a name either because it sounds good or because of a family member.

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You know, I like pretty much all of the characters, or sympathize with them, but I have yet to really warm up to Elsa. I find her to be an unpleasant character in a show where most of the other characters are likable, and where I am not sure if I am supposed to root for her, or not. I guess I feel a bit of sympathy towards her, having to make her whole life revolve around her son, but she is also petty, territorial around her son (even to his detriment), spends so much time on her son that she seems to only half realize she has a husband or another kid, who could also use some attention from time to time. I have consistently disliked her hatred of the idea of Sam dating (it seems to be less about protecting him, and more about her wanting him close to her at all times), and her immediately telling poor Casey that she cant go to her dream school because she needs to be a constant aid for Sam. She isn't his aid, shes a teenager! She shouldn't have to not have a life or dreams because she needs to spend all her time with her brother. What does Elsa expect, that she wont go to college, get married, move away, get a job, because she needs to be devoted to Sam all of the time? They just missed her record! At least Evan stood up for her. He seems like a really nice guy, at least Casey's lucky that her first boyfriend is a nice guy who really cares about her.  

Plus, cheating on her husband, even if she seems to feel bad about it, isn't alright. Just take the dance class if you need to feel independent, dont bang the random bartender! It wasn't even some spur of the moment thing, she texted with him and hung out with him and then went to the bar specifically to have an affair. Not cool. 

Is Paige supposed to be a bit on the spectrum as well, or is she just very quirky?

Edited by tennisgurl
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I binged it, so I don't remember what happened in specific episodes. As the stepmother of a high-functioning autistic young man (who I saw through his teenage years), I really appreciated a lot about this show. I thought the portrayal of Sam's idiosyncrasies, coping mechanisms, and family's reactions as his needs moved away from the center of their lives were all very sensitive and well done (and as accurate as they could be, given the wide variation of how people on the spectrum present and the needs of the plot). I also very much enjoyed it as a show, and was surprised at how sweet and real the teenage daughter's various plots and relationships were and how invested I got in the non-Sam storylines. I've also never liked Michael Rappaport, but I really enjoyed him in this.

My biggest problem, and one I can't let go, is that Sam was obsessed with the Antarctic but occasionally they had him spout facts about polar bears or Arctic foxes or other animals from the COMPLETELY OPPOSITE POLE. I get that he had a thing for cold environments and wildlife in general, but they did specify that his obsession was Antarctica and penguins, so stuff about the Arctic should at the very least have gotten an asterisk or a comparison to his preferred region. The North Pole and the South Pole are different places with different wildlife. Anyone with his level of intelligence and fixation would never have made that mistake, and it drove me crazy that the writers got lazy and just inserted facts about animals they had seen in the snow. 

ETA: Sam's friend at the tech store totally reminded me so much of Lester on Chuck that I had a hard time warming up to him. But he was sweet and did care for and seem to really get Sam, so I came to love him.

Edited by Thog
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On 8/31/2017 at 0:09 PM, CurlyATX said:

I LOVED this.  I'm second generation Indian (born here) and most of the time when someone asks me where I'm from or talk about my name, they really want to know my ethnic background. And, there always is this basic overarching sentiment that I'm not really an American.  I am loving that Zahid doesn't have a thick accent.  He could be played by basically anyone and I love the element of diversity he adds. 

Actually I always think when folks ask what your name means it's weird.  My son's name technically means "God's strength" or something.  I didn't pick it for that reason specifically... but all names have meaning, right?  But seriously... most parents pick a name either because it sounds good or because of a family member.

Yes! I know so many Asian and Mexican people who were born and raised here but people always assume that they're "not from here" because they're not white. "Where are you from?" is the not so subtle way of asking, "What country did you/your parents/your grandparents emigrate from?" (although it should be noted that the people asking always think that they're being subtle). If you give any answer that isn't a far away country, then it becomes, "No, where are you REALLY from?"

ITA that when people ask what your name means, they think it's weird. European names have meanings too, but you never hear someone ask, "Oh, Tom/Jayden/Buddy - what an interesting name! What does it mean?" I know several women named Natalie (which means "child of Christmas") and none of them were born in December or anywhere near Christmas. I kind of wish Zahid's reply to Elsa's question about his name and where his family is from would have been, "Elsa - that's an interesting name. Where's YOUR family from?"

I love that Zahid is just a regular kid on this show (as opposed to The Indian Kid). It's always nice to see minority actors play parts that aren't just ethnic stereotypes.

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On 8/31/2017 at 0:02 PM, CurlyATX said:

I'd be pissed if a boyfriend issued me only 3 cards for a Seinfeld reference.  Dang it, I'd be out by noon easily.

Ha, me too!

On the one hand, I think it's okay that Paige is drawing Sam's attention to how much he talks about that stuff because I don't think he realizes just how much he brings up his factoids (or that other people don't find them nearly as interesting as he does). His parents seem to indulge him in that stuff and Casey vacillates between indulging him and being a typical sibling who gets annoyed and tells him to shut up (aka he isn't going to take her complaints all too seriously). On the other hand, everyone has their specific interests and it's totally fine. The key is to find people who either love those things as much as you do or who are interested in learning about those things.

This seems like the kind of thing that his therapist would work on with him if she knew it were an issue, but since she's not with him all day she would tell Sam that he had to monitor himself and then trust him to be honest about it. Paige being around him for a good chunk of the day forces him compliance a little more. I think that her intentions are good rather than mean-spirited, but yeah, I wouldn't make it more than a few hours without a Seinfeld quote or reference!

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OMG Thog, He totally was Lester!  Thank you.  It was driving me crazy of who he reminder me of.

I really enjoyed the show and agree with most posters above-- Loved Paige, can't stand JJL,, hadn't previously been a Rappaport fan until this (and last week's The Guest Book), enjoyed the interaction between Sam and Casey, etc.

I'm in for season 2

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Oh, Casey, having sex for the first time because you're mad at your mother is a terrible idea. Poor Evan. He was the one being cautious, trying to make sure that she was ready, and he still somehow got exactly what he was trying to avoid with the postcoital awkwardness and all.

I had to roll my eyes when Nick accused Elsa of being selfish because she was ending things with him. Um, you're talking about a married woman who was having an affair with a bartender she randomly met. How did you NOT know she was selfish until this moment?

I get that Sam's usual decision making process involves making a list so I was okay with him asking his parents how you know when you love someone, but I'm with Zahid - you just know. Unfortunately for Paige, he only likes Paige in a neutral way. If she had dropped off the face of the earth, he would barely notice her absence. Julia, on the other hand, is his fantasy girl. I don't think he actually loves Julia or that he's in love with her, but she is the object of his affection.

Hee, I loved Zahid announcing that it was time for a man hug and calling Sam a polar bear.

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Awwwww, best bus driver ever!

Doug has a lot of nerve yelling at Julia. No, she didn't react in the best way (she lost control of her emotions and was unprofessional when she yelled at Sam) but she was right too - he bears some responsibility too. I can't really blame Julia for being upset that (1) Sam broke into her house (2) expected her to enter into a romantic relationship with him.

Miles sucks. "You win" is not the way to propose. FYI - Julia, that is why you change the locks when someone moves out. On a shallow note, I wish they wouldn't put such obviously fake eyelashes on Julia.

Poor Sam! He obviously had no idea how to deal with Casey being cold and awkward toward him so he was trying to make things better.

Hee, Zahid in a house full of girls was hilarious. I love what a good friend he is to Sam though. He used his Friday night to help Sam look for Paige's necklace and even volunteered to go into the pool to get it for him knowing that Sam didn't want to get in water that other people have touched.

I understand Paige's anger, but her biggest mistake was bringing a bunch of paper things and trying to throw them. You need to bring heavier things to throw, girl. The look on her face when she slit the giant penguin's throat was so great.

I'm glad that Sam told Casey that she could go to Clayton because he had other people who would help him. He's a lot more practical about the situation than Elsa was when she initially told Casey she couldn't go.

I knew that her lie about Luisa's cousin would come back to bite her in the ass because she's so dumb hat she doesn't know how to cover her tracks well. If you're going to use your friend as an excuse, then either tell your friend so that she knows to cover for you if it ever comes up or use a friend who you know will never be in contact with whoever you're lying to. Sheesh. This is like basic lying 101 which you learn when you're a teenager telling your parents that you're spending the night at a friend's house so you can actually go to a party. I'm not condoning Elsa's affair - just criticizing her sloppy way of trying to cover it up.

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On 9/21/2017 at 2:03 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I knew that her lie about Luisa's cousin would come back to bite her in the ass because she's so dumb hat she doesn't know how to cover her tracks well. If you're going to use your friend as an excuse, then either tell your friend so that she knows to cover for you if it ever comes up or use a friend who you know will never be in contact with whoever you're lying to. Sheesh. This is like basic lying 101 which you learn when you're a teenager telling your parents that you're spending the night at a friend's house so you can actually go to a party. I'm not condoning Elsa's affair - just criticizing her sloppy way of trying to cover it up.

Yeah, that was some real, "I actually want to get caught," shit right there!

On 28.8.2017 at 4:07 PM, EdnasEdibles said:

It also really bothers me how Casey is OK with the dad abandoning the family because he couldn't deal with it, leaving the mom on her own with two small kids to deal with ALL of it and a new diagnosis-THAT is forgiven. But a woman still caring for her family and still doing everything for all of them, but making a mistake, is not forgiven. UGH. Casey!

It is easier to forgive something that is in the past and of what one has no memory than something that has just happened and still hurts.

But putting it on the board was extremely cruel to both her mother and father. I never get why people do such things. I always assume I will eventually forgive woever has upsetted me so I always refrain from scarring them for life, even when I was a teenager. Though it doesn't always work.

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On 8/23/2017 at 10:01 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

So we're starting the Bailey redemption arc already? I guess at least we know where the line for Bailey is. Laughing at someone being called an orca = okay. Watching five guys pick on Sam = not okay (eventually).

I liked that Casey was direct enough to just ask Evan why he got kicked out of school. I just wish that she hadn't kissed him as an apology. Don't use your sexuality to apologize, girl!

Maybe when Bailey got punched in the face for making fun of that girl, it made her evaluate her choices and think about what she was doing.  I don't think it's out of the question that she would have learned a lesson from it.

I don't think Casey kissed Evan as an apology either, I think she just wanted to do it.  That's why she was so giddy jumping around after.  The sister really is a very refreshing, likable character.

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I respect the writers of both this show and also The Good Doctor for making shows about characters with autism.  It takes some courage I'm sure, because you're not going to please everybody, and some people are going to get upset about the way they are portrayed.  That's why they don't like to stick labels on characters like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory and Brick from The Middle.  I've encountered quite a few people with autism over the years, and they all have their own personalities.  Just because a certain character is one way, shouldn't and doesn't imply that all people with autism are the same.

Regarding the apparently somewhat sleazy storyline they are giving the mother with the bartender:  I'm a male of a certain age, and my memories of Jennifer Jason Leigh are of a young 20-something actress who was willing to take her top off in movies, so I kind of find the sleazy storyline fitting.  

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On 8/22/2017 at 5:00 PM, Duke2801 said:

I admit upfront I do not have anybody close to me who is on the spectrum.  So I truly ask this respectfully - and without a hit of snark - how would those of you who think they are "relying on stereotypes" too much write a more authentic autistic character? 

My husband and I have a nephew with what used to be called Asperger's (before DSM-5) and have been a close observer of  (as well as participants in, to some extent) the family dynamics for the last 20+ years. With all due respect to those people on the spectrum who don't like the way the show depicts Sam and family, we feel that in most ways this show really gets it, though of course every individual and family will have a somewhat different situation.  Sam's fixations and his inability to "get" social interactions, the overprotectiveness of the mother (and at the same time the occasional wish to escape), the father wishing for a son he can share things with, the sister both resenting and protecting him...sometimes it seems like they put a camera in the home in my relatives. My nephew is at a similar stage as Sam now, where he wants and needs to become more independent, and the show so far is showing those struggles pretty realistically. 

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On 10/15/2017 at 3:19 AM, Nozycat said:

I wanted them to explain why Casey didn't know their dad had left them and Sam did.

I wondered about that, too, but Sam is probably 3 years older than Casey (senior vs. sophomore) so maybe was just more aware of what was going on. Or maybe Elsa told him because she was feeling abandoned and angry, and being in his own world Sam may not have thought to tell Casey. But it does seem hard to believe that Casey would not have repeatedly asked where her dad was.

I really, really didn't like Elsa sleeping with the bartender. I get the temptation but thought she would come to her senses before they ended up in bed. As far as why he was attracted to her, she has a sexy body and a pretty face (though too much work, I think) but also he may have just seen her as an easy conquest. This was not exactly the romance of the century.

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On 8/31/2017 at 3:09 PM, CurlyATX said:

Actually I always think when folks ask what your name means it's weird.  My son's name technically means "God's strength" or something.  I didn't pick it for that reason specifically... but all names have meaning, right?  But seriously... most parents pick a name either because it sounds good or because of a family member.

I agree that in most cases parents pick a name because it sounds good or is for a relative (or in current times, because it is unique), but my husband and I did actually pick our daughter's name because of its meaning as well as liking the sound--it means "lion of God" and also is the name of a sprite in a Shakespeare play. Her name used to be more unusual (before a certain Disney movie came out), and I enjoyed answering people's questions about what it meant, especially because the name ended up matching her personality and interests. But there were no ethnic issues involved, and I completely understand that when people say "That's an interesting name" to someone who appears to be non-white, there is often underlying racism in the question.

On 9/6/2017 at 2:59 PM, tennisgurl said:

I have yet to really warm up to Elsa. I find her to be an unpleasant character in a show where most of the other characters are likable, and where I am not sure if I am supposed to root for her, or not. I guess I feel a bit of sympathy towards her, having to make her whole life revolve around her son, but she is also petty, territorial around her son (even to his detriment), spends so much time on her son that she seems to only half realize she has a husband or another kid, who could also use some attention from time to time. I have consistently disliked her hatred of the idea of Sam dating (it seems to be less about protecting him, and more about her wanting him close to her at all times), and her immediately telling poor Casey that she cant go to her dream school because she needs to be a constant aid for Sam. She isn't his aid, shes a teenager! She shouldn't have to not have a life or dreams because she needs to spend all her time with her brother. What does Elsa expect, that she wont go to college, get married, move away, get a job, because she needs to be devoted to Sam all of the time?

I feel the same way about Elsa, but I also realize that there are moms of kids on the spectrum who are like this because their worry about what will happen to their kids is so all-consuming. My sister-in-law has always been very protective of her son, although she usually has given equal attention to her daughter and did not expect my niece to build her life around her brother. Regarding Elsa's apparent hatred of the idea of Sam dating, it may be partly about wanting him close to her, but it is also likely to be fear about what will happen if he has sex--both from an emotional standpoint and if he does not remember or know how to use protection. That was a big concern of my in-laws and they discouraged their son's dating in high school and early college years, although he did have a girlfriend for a while (she was also on the spectrum) and they were reassured when there were no big problems.

The unfortunate reality is that eventually parents will be gone, and thinking about that can create high anxiety and even panic in parents who fear that their kids will not be able to cope without someone else looking out for them--practical issues like managing money, renting an apartment, driving or taking public transportation. It's natural for the parents to expect a sibling to play this role, but it's not fair to the sibling who needs to have a separate life. Government needs to play a role here, by providing services to help people with special needs be independent when their parents and other family members cannot be there (and remember that some people with special needs do not even have siblings).

On 9/6/2017 at 2:59 PM, tennisgurl said:

Is Paige supposed to be a bit on the spectrum as well, or is she just very quirky?

At first I thought she could be on the spectrum, but at this point I am going with very quirky and maybe a bit desperate for a boyfriend--not that Sam is only good for someone desperate, but in high school most girls would not be able to get past his "weirdness" to see his good qualities.

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I thought it was good how they showed Sam's perception of Paige's behavior when she came into his room. Even though she tends to be over-talkative and can be annoying, I think her behavior in his room might not have been seen as abnormal by someone not on the spectrum--it likely would have been seen as just someone interested in looking at and asking questions about your stuff, as part of getting to know you. But for Sam it was emotionally and physically overwhelming. 

On 8/27/2017 at 8:12 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't blame Julia's boyfriend for leaving. You can only take being accused of cheating for so long before you can't take it anymore.

It wasn't clear to me that she had been accusing him of cheating and that's why he left. We saw her snoop in his stuff but not sure if he knew about that, and when she talked to her friend it sounded like she was venting her worries to the friend but hadn't necessarily confronted the boyfriend. What bothered me about this situation is that she apparently never asked the boyfriend about the chocolate-covered strawberries, which didn't seem believable. If I came home to some type of unusual food on the floor with a line of ants, I would immediately tell my husband about it (if only to figure out how to deal with the ants!) and ask if he knew how the food got there. It wouldn't even occur to me that he bought the food for a possible affair!

What bothers me most about Julia is her apparent obliviousness to Sam having a crush on her, even when he asks her inappropriate personal questions. Any trained therapist should be aware of the possibility of a patient developing feelings for the therapist and how to respond to it. If she had noticed this and responded appropriately, maybe the apartment break-in and strawberry fiasco (possibly leading to the end of her relationship) wouldn't have happened.

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On 8/27/2017 at 9:08 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I wish Paige had also brought up the fact that one of the benefits of silent disco is that each kid gets to choose their own music. Silent disco is actually very popular and common at music festivals and roof parties because not only do people get to choose their own music but it reduces the noise pollution in the immediate area.

I had never heard of silent disco so maybe this is not as bad an idea as I originally thought. Still, this is a high school dance, not a music festival or roof party, and one of the elements of high school dances is the social factor of sharing the experience with your friends. (Not that I have much first-hand experience, since the only h.s. dance I attended was Junior Prom, and it was decades ago.) If you are all going to have headphones on and be listening to your own music, why go to a dance at all? I'm sympathetic to Sam's needs but would have liked to see what other students thought about this idea, not just the PTA. 

On 8/27/2017 at 10:29 AM, fountain said:

To me Elsa just seems insufferable so I guess I can see other parents hating her because of things like the quiet dance.  

That is part of the problem. We as viewers understand her point of view, at least to an extent, but I can see how other parents would think it's unfair to change everything for one student. Combine that with parents of kids on Casey's team resenting Elsa for letting Casey "abandon" the team (unfair, but that's how they see it), and it's not a big surprise that April would react the way she did in the meeting.  

Nick's sudden vulnerability and need for Elsa did not seem believable, since up to that point he seemed like an independent, chill guy who was just enjoying a casual affair. It feels like this neediness was thrown in by the writers to set up Elsa kissing him good-bye in public so that Casey could see them (and what are the odds of Casey riding by just at that moment!) and then angrily go to her boyfriend to have sex she will now regret.

On 9/21/2017 at 4:10 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Unfortunately for Paige, he only likes Paige in a neutral way. If she had dropped off the face of the earth, he would barely notice her absence. Julia, on the other hand, is his fantasy girl. I don't think he actually loves Julia or that he's in love with her, but she is the object of his affection.

Agreed, and there may also be some transference involved with Julia being his therapist. In any case, Julia needs to pay attention to what's going on and make it clear that she is not an appropriate object of his affection. I really wish she would find out that he broke in to give her the chocolate-covered strawberries, so she would see the seriousness of the problem, but if she hasn't found out by now she probably won't. It especially annoys me when Sam's father talks to her and does not tell her about the break-in, but I guess he would be afraid to do that because of possible legal consequences (although I suspect that he really thinks it wasn't so terrible).

In general, I feel that the writers are focusing too much on Julia's individual story, especially her depression and the pregnancy. I hope this is not leading to a plot line of Sam's father having an affair with her.

Putting "Quit banging the bartender!" on the board was quite a bit past "passive aggressive" anger, as Casey described it.  Funny thing is, she was worried about her family breaking up, and then the action she took made it a much bigger probability of that happening.  Some people have talked about Michael Rappaport's kind of one-note acting, but he definitely looked angry at the end.  I don't think I've ever seen that expression on his face.

Great show, one of the best sitcoms on TV easily, I would say.  Can't wait for season two, and I hope this gets the recognition it deserves.

  • Love 1

I just finished watching the season. I liked it and it was good to see Sam wanting to become more independant to get ready for college. I liked the mother of the girl in Sam's support group who seems to be set up as Doug's possible new love interest. Elsa is still my least favorite of the main characters. When Nate first showed up I immediately assumed that he was going to be a new love interest for Casey. I did not expect Casey/Izzie.

  • Love 5

Just finished binging as well. I really like this show, and feel that there should be like 20 eps a season.

I'm not crazy about Elsa, and what she did was wrong, but the way the entire family treated her made me feel for her. 

I was hoping that they wouldn't go the Izzy/Casey romance route, because it's nice to see such close female friendships on television. The actresses do have wonderful chemistry though, so I can't say that I hate it. I wonder what will happen when Evan inevitably finds out. 

I loved the casual, "I'm in love with you" that Sam dropped on Paige before leaving, lol.

  • Love 5

What a great show. I may have teared up several times in the last episode. Someone sneaked into my house and cut onions during the aquarium list-reading scene.

Izzy looks like a young(er) Olivia Munn. It is nice to see bisexual representation in shows, too. It's good that Casey isn't like "oh no I must be a lesbian" now. I really like Evan, though. I hope he is not heartbroken.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

What a great show. I may have teared up several times in the last episode. Someone sneaked into my house and cut onions during the aquarium list-reading scene.

Izzy looks like a young(er) Olivia Munn. It is nice to see bisexual representation in shows, too. It's good that Casey isn't like "oh no I must be a lesbian" now. I really like Evan, though. I hope he is not heartbroken.

I totally agree about Izzy looking like Olivia Munn, and I think that Casey kind of resembles Kiera Knightly (sp?) in Bend it Like Beckham. 

  • Love 5

That was pretty great. One thing I really love about this show is that Sam, Casey, Evan and Izzy feel like real teenagers (Paige, not so much, though). The relationship between Sam and Casey feels so natural.. I love when she annoys him just for the sake of it because that's exactly what siblings do. I don't know, I think it's one of the strongest points of this show.

However, I can't stand Elsa. I don't know if it's the way she's written or the way the actress is playing her, but I can't with her. I wouldn't trust someone like her in RL, she feels extremely fake.  She literally makes my skin crawl. 

  • Love 10

Omg I loved this season. First one was great but this was a whole new level. Loved the use of actors on the spectrum. LOVE LOVE LOVE CASEY AND IZZIE OMG. I saw that coming from right when they were getting drunk together. I was rooting for it the whole way through. Really said I watched it all in one night. If there isn't a season three I will be big mad.

  • Love 2

Are we not allowed to have separate episode threads for this show anymore? I am a spoilerphobe and already got spoiled just opening this thread so that I could talk about the first episode because I didn't hit the "end" button quickly enough.

I like that the S2 premiere picked up right where S1 ended because we need to see the fallout from Elsa's affair. I'm not necessarily saying that I will enjoy watching it but it would have been a bad idea for the show to do a time jump to the next school year and skip the repercussions of Casey and Doug knowing about it.

One thing that I will really miss is Sam's sessions with Julia because she really is a good therapist for him. Finding a new therapist can be a long and stressful process under normal circumstances but given the state of flux that Sam was in (his dad was gone, Paige was gone, Casey was about to leave for a new school, and then he found out that his mom cheated on his dad), he really needed someone to talk to.

  • Love 2

Episode 2 - Zahid always cracks me up, but I was like dude, don' keep condoms in your shoe! He does have good advice for Sam sometimes though. Telling him to just ask Paige for  the rules of their new relationship was so practical and unsurprisingly, Sam liked it once he knew what the rules were so that he could follow them. I'm sad for Sam that Paige decided to end even their casual relationship, but part of me is glad because Paige was making 99% of the decisions and it seemed unfair to Sam.

I would never cut my own bangs because if you mess them up, it's really obvious and that's all people will see when they look at your face. Well, except maybe Doug since he didn't even notice them.

Clayton sounds like it sucks, not because it's full of rich kids who don't have the common courtesy to even respond when a new kid asks where a specific classroom is, but because they seem to do nothing to prepare new students for anything. They didn't tell her about any of the procedures for getting a card to buy food in the cafeteria or give her a schedule about casual dress days? Or maybe they did and neither she didn't bother to read any of it.

Although I'm glad that one person at Clayton is being nice to Casey, I hate that Nate looks like he's going to create a love triangle (or square since he's dating Izzie) because Evan has been so sweet and supportive. Hee, loved when Evan and Casey started making out on the bed and Shanice said she wasn't leaving.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 5

Episode 3 - While I fully support Sam exploring other options (peer group, going away to college), I hated that Doug was clearly encouraging this options purely to spite Elsa. Don't use your kid to passive aggressively be a dick! And if you have an appointment to see a new therapist, the least you can do is make sure Sam gets there. It's not like this peer group meeting was a once in a lifetime opportunity that Sam HAD to go to this week. I totally get that Doug is hurt but he is being so petty and using his son as a pawn to hurt Elsa. If you're going to be an ass and skip out on your kid's first meeting with his new therapist, the very least you can do is have the common courtesy to let Elsa know so that she isn't sitting there in the waiting room for an hour.

I'm glad that Sam ended up finding peer group beneficial and that he's starting to see there are choices out there that aren't necessarily what his mom wants. I was pleasantly surprised that Elsa didn't push back or get upset when he said that he wanted to go away to college.

I'm glad that Ms. Whitaker (Penny!) is proving to be a valuable resource for Sam. I hope that he ends up making some friends in peer group. But even if he doesn't, the fact that he took to Ms. Whitaker's assignment so quickly is a great sign.

  • Love 3

Episode 4 - Awwww, I love Evan. He is such a nice guy and he's so sweet with both Casey and her family. Loved the karate video!

Zahid teaching Sam his Pants on Fire system of lying was hilarious (although I totally knew that Paige was going to accidentally cut herself when I saw the paper slicer - never use that thing when you aren't calm, girl!).

I'm not condoning Elsa's lying and her affair, but there was definitely a lot of truth when she said that many of use are raised to lie when we are uncomfortable in order to be polite. It's great if you want to be authentic and honest, but you don't have to tell someone who was nice enough to bring homemade brownies to your support group that she burned them. As Ms. Whitaker told Sam, there's the truth and there's being appropriate. Heh, and I love that Sam wanted to write his college essay about stripper boobs.

Zahid's insta!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

I just finished binging both seasons. I think we're supposed to be pulling for Elsa, but I just don't like her. I have some sympathy for her and I kind of understand why she made some of her awful choices. But she still can't seem to understand that everyone else is not her. I have spent 2 days with this family and I knew Casey would hate a big surprise party for her birthday. And Doug isn't obligated to get over her cheating on him just because she decided that she's a better person now.  I just can't with her.

Other than that, I really love this show and hope we get more.

@ElectricBoogaloo Thanks for the link to Zahid's insta!!!

Edited by MissChris
  • Love 6

I LOVE Casey/Izzie. I gotta say that Casey was pinging hard in season 1 so I'm glad that (as a lesbian) my lez/bi-dar isn't completely dead lmao. Re: the idea that it would have been nice to see a strong platonic female friendship on tv so they shouldn't have gone there with Casey/Izzie, I don't agree just because I think that well-written f/f relationships are a lot rarer/less visible than female friendships are. If we're talking about undervalued platonic relationships, I feel that way about male/female friendships on TV.... which is why I was disappointed that Nate ended up being a douche. But I guess I should've known the truth as soon as Graham Phillips appeared on screen lmao. 

Anyway, Evan is a sweetie, so I hope the show finds a way to go Casey/Izzie without doing Evan dirty or writing him off the show. 

I'm also glad that the show cast autistic actors this season. Hopefully if this show gets a season 3, they can cast an autistic actor in a bigger role because the ones we saw this season were just bit parts. As much as I like this show, I can't disagree that the show's portrayal of autism in season 1 was a huge fucking mess, so I'm glad that they're working to course correct that. (Sam's season 1 storyline where he was a creep and broke into Julia's house gave me hives.) 

ETA: I knew Izzie's actress looked familiar... turns out she's Booboo Stewart's sister. (He played a werewolf in the Twilight movies.) And why do I know who Booboo Stewart is? I don't even know. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 2

Episode 5 - Although I think that Elsa is A LOT to deal with, seeing how she began researching things that would help Sam as soon as he was diagnosed (from headphones to equine therapy) made me appreciate her willingness to do anything to help him (even babysit that awful woman's cat for the chance of getting an appointment with a new therapist). But it also helps to understand how she became the primary caregiver for Sam. Doug obviously loves Sam and does his best with him, but Elsa was the one charging ahead from day one so it's easy to see how their distinct roles developed with Sam from that point on.

Poor Evan. I honestly don't remember a ton about his relationship with Casey from S1 but all I've seen of him during S2 is that he's a sweet and supportive boyfriend. I can't blame him for being upset about what happened when he went to pizza with Casey and her new friends. It's one thing to feel left out because you only know one person at the table, but it's an entirely different thing when your girlfriend acts like she's embarrassed about you, she behaves like a different person to fit in, and she's letting some other guy eat off her pizza. Those are all red flags. But even before that, when he mentioned that she never asks about his friends I thought wow, I think we're finally seeing how unbalanced their relationship is.

Oh, Sam. Losing $700 to a jerk like Arlo (who then smashes your phone) sucks. I'm glad that he still thought it was the best day ever. Hee, and I loved all of his questions for the lady at the bank.

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