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Sweet Home Sextuplets - General Discussion

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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6 hours ago, TMI said:

Agree...I got "mommed"...out last night when I was watching it...had to disconnect from show....life difficult but not sure I can stands listening to mom whine. 

also rented tent for onederland birthday gala...new van ...need new home...but worried about insurance  and money for extra help...just doesn't add up....

And also a cake for each baby, and that beautiful cake for the guests. That’s not cheap. 

Despite that, I do like this family. I love how the older brothers dote on the babies. It’s sweet and refreshing. 

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While watching the season 2 premiere, the thing that grabbed me most is that the I really get the sense that Courtney is overwhelmed and suffering from PPD, at least to some extent. 

Instead of cutesy shenanigans, I really wish TLC would actually help rather than hinder, as they take us into these family's lives. Unless they (TLC) have staff to clean up after the messes they have helped to create, they are just increasing the  stress and chaos. 

This family really needs to get their priorities in order. I suggest starting with some sort of "mother's helper" to either do some of the household chores or to double up on the child care, or perhaps a combination. Licensed daycare would not allow one person to care for 6 infants - why should the mom, alone, have to do that? 

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18 hours ago, Snickerdoodle said:

And also a cake for each baby, and that beautiful cake for the guests. That’s not cheap. 

Despite that, I do like this family. I love how the older brothers dote on the babies. It’s sweet and refreshing. 

I like them, too.  

I didn't dislike the one baby one cake approach.  What I disliked was letting each baby have the cake after the pictures were made.  I would have taken the cakes away, cut a small slice for each baby from that baby's cake. and then have someone serve the rest of each cake to the guests.   They could still have had the large cake if the 6 other cakes weren't going to be enough.  

The discussion about selling the house and property to move was uncomfortable for me.   If they have 4 bedrooms,  they can later put the girls in one, the older boys in another, and the 3 younger boys in another.   Surely there is enough TLC money to add on to their house. 

Also I disliked the idea of needing a large tub to bathe all 6 babies at once--especially if she has no help.  That is just a scary thought.

Edited by Twopper
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3 hours ago, Twopper said:

I like them, too.  

I didn't dislike the one baby one cake approach.  What I disliked was letting each baby have the cake after the pictures were made.  I would have taken the cakes away, cut a small slice for each baby from that baby's cake. and then have someone serve the rest of each cake to the guests.   They could still have had the large cake if the 6 other cakes weren't going to be enough.  

The discussion about selling the house and property to move was uncomfortable for me.   If they have 4 bedrooms,  they can later put the girls in one, the older boys in another, and the 3 younger boys.   Surely there is enough TLC money to add on to their house. 

Also I disliked the idea of needing a large tub to bathe all 6 babies at once--especially if she has no help.  That is just a scary thought.

I know, me too. Especially when the dad was saying how they bought that property so they could raise their kids out in the country, so they would have that type experience growing up on a farm. I also think they should have enough to build on to the existing house. If I remember correctly in a scene last year all 3 of the bigger boys were sharing a room, there was 3 twin beds in the room, it looked plenty big enough for them at that age and that was before the babies were born. I'm sure it feels cramped but I wouldn't sell all my property to go live in a subdivision for a larger house, jmo. 

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On 5/29/2019 at 3:49 PM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

The mom's perpetual pasted-on nervous hostage smile is odd. I can't imagine raising 9 kids with a man you met in middle school and the first and only person you've ever dated.

Babies are cute. Puppies are cute. Brothers are cute and good older siblings. I love the little girl who always smiles and the one baby who wouldn't stop kissing mom.

That said, I thought Rawlings was a terrible enough name, let alone for a girl, but nicknaming her "Raw Raw"? Truly atrocious. What is she, a chew toy? A Flintstones character?

I.m confused..Would it be better raising  9 kids with a man after you both dated 10-20-50-more people?

Or is it better to raise less than 9 ( not sure what the magic nbr is) kids if you met your spouse in middle or high school?

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On 5/30/2019 at 10:52 PM, sATL said:

I.m confused..Would it be better raising  9 kids with a man after you both dated 10-20-50-more people?

Or is it better to raise less than 9 ( not sure what the magic nbr is) kids if you met your spouse in middle or high school?

Lol! I'm not knocking childhood sweethearts. All I meant was that for me, as someone who is not currently with anyone I liked in middle/high school and also had admittedly questionable taste in boys, it's difficult for me personally to imagine not only still being with someone you were dating at 13/14 into your 30s (because I'm a completely different person now), but also raising a small soccer team with them.

This episode drove me crazy. While I can empathize with the chaos their household must be, I was face-palming myself every other scene. As the mother of a toddler who started her escapades of escape, climbing, and just a utteral destruction before age 1 (my oldest was pretty chill so the second's personality there is for a loop), a little bit of baby proofing and limits could go a loooong way in that house. Sure, their little farmhouse style baby gate looks cute, but they admitted the babies escape it all the time. Get an ugly pressure mounted one with a baby proof latch and you will be good. My oldest was 3 when we got ours and she figured it out quick so it shouldn't be an issue with her older boys. Figure out a way to childproof that bathroom door for Christ's sake. And if it is truly such a unique door that none of the hundreds of safety locks will not work on it, put a freaking lock on the toilet seat. While not pretty, good old painters tape would solve the baby in the air duct problem. I see a dozen things that could be fixed in less than an hour and dramatically improve their life, so it was so frustrating to watch the babies get into things they shouldn't repeatedly.

I was also confused why they needed to bathe each child individually at the sink after their messy dinner. I have a bathtub that is smaller than the standard size built today, but I could easily fit three babies in there at a time. Not sure why they couldn't tag team to do something like that. 

Mom is probably crazy overwhelmed, but the whole household just seemed so laissez faire, especially with the energy of the older boys. I prefer the rigidity of the Busbee house!

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16 hours ago, SlothLoveChunk said:

This episode drove me crazy. While I can empathize with the chaos their household must be, I was face-palming myself every other scene. As the mother of a toddler who started her escapades of escape, climbing, and just a utteral destruction before age 1 (my oldest was pretty chill so the second's personality there is for a loop), a little bit of baby proofing and limits could go a loooong way in that house. Sure, their little farmhouse style baby gate looks cute, but they admitted the babies escape it all the time. Get an ugly pressure mounted one with a baby proof latch and you will be good. My oldest was 3 when we got ours and she figured it out quick so it shouldn't be an issue with her older boys. Figure out a way to childproof that bathroom door for Christ's sake. And if it is truly such a unique door that none of the hundreds of safety locks will not work on it, put a freaking lock on the toilet seat. While not pretty, good old painters tape would solve the baby in the air duct problem. I see a dozen things that could be fixed in less than an hour and dramatically improve their life, so it was so frustrating to watch the babies get into things they shouldn't repeatedly.

I was also confused why they needed to bathe each child individually at the sink after their messy dinner. I have a bathtub that is smaller than the standard size built today, but I could easily fit three babies in there at a time. Not sure why they couldn't tag team to do something like that. 

Mom is probably crazy overwhelmed, but the whole household just seemed so laissez faire, especially with the energy of the older boys. I prefer the rigidity of the Busbee house!

I didn't get the air  duct design at all. Looks like it sticks up 3 inches from the floor- like it was just "laid " there and anyone could trip over it knocking it loose. At the very least drill two long screws on each end. Better still fix the hole/get new grate that is flush with the floor.

Edited by sATL
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Courtney needs to accept that a lot of the things she wants to do just aren't going to be possible with THAT many babies. Most of the things she desperately wants them to be involved in, those babies aren't going to remember, and trying to involve them just results in chaos and stress. Things like picking out the tree and decorating it don't require the help of infants; they should focus on letting the big boys have that time with the parents. The babies won't remember that they "missed out" and it was obvious watching them that the babies weren't "involved" anyway. You can take some nice pictures and then put them to bed and enjoy some time with the older ones and get things done without it taking 3 hours and ending with you in tears.

It doesn't make you a bad mom to know what your limitations and your babies' limitations are.

Edited by missnoa
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I wonder if that is true about one more baby - that she was hoping for a girl. I can understand that but this is just so life-changing. What happens if God forbid she gets sick or something? Or even the dad? I was diagnosed with MS one year after my son was born. Talk about life-changing. Of course it could always be worse, but I wouldn't wish this disease on my worst enemy. Major effect on caring for just one child. even the flu could have a devastating effect on mom or dad.

Edited by seasons
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On 10/17/2018 at 12:37 PM, RemoteControlFreak said:

This doesn't make sense.  What does a clotting disorder have to do with fertility?  And if she had a miscarriage, that's not a symptom of infertility. The symptom of infertility is difficulty in getting pregnant, not in staying pregnant.

And if she has trouble carrying a baby to term, taking a fertility drug makes it more likely to become pregnant with a baby or two, or six and the goal of getting pregnant is to carry a baby to term. According to the story, she miscarried after having Saylor (the first kid) and found out that she had a clotting disorder that could risk both the baby and mother if she got pregnant again. So she turned to fertility drugs that actually increased her odds of getting pregnant and of having multiples. And she had twins.  Then she did it again and had sextuplets.

I'm going to cautiously call BS on Courtney.  I think she and/or her husband wanted another kid and wanted to have a girl, so they took fertility drugs to increase the chance of getting pregnant.  If she has a clotting disorder, one of the last things she wants to do is give birth to sextuplets. While she may have some kind of clotting disorder (possibly Antiphospholipid Syndrome), there's no logic behind the claim that this is somehow connected to her decision to take fertility drugs.

I have a clotting disorder. In my case it comes from having a blood mutation (MTHFR). I have trouble getting pregnant. Once I get pregnant my body throws clot to the fetus and I have a miscarriage. I was on fertility drugs to get pregnant. I was also on them during my pregnancy. It prevented me from having clots. Also, with the mutatuion I have it makes it hard for my body to absorb folic acid which is very important for the baby. The drugs helped with that too.

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14 hours ago, seasons said:

What happens if God forbid she gets sick or something? 

I always think, "What if Courtney trips and breaks her ankle?"  She and Eric are barely keeping their heads above water while being healthy.  I can't imagine how it would be with an injury or illness.  

Where are all those church people that showed up to volunteer for shift work when the babies came home from the hospital?  She needs help now more than she did then.

I also wondered about adding on to the house.  

I agree with what was said above that the babies won't remember a trip to buy the Christmas tree and all that, but I'm thinking, in addition to Courtney wanting it, the producer may have prodded them to make it a big family event for the camera.

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On 6/5/2019 at 9:35 AM, alalaxmom said:

There may be a valid reason, but I am curious why the house/land issue has to be all or nothing.  It seems like they could sell a portion of the land, maybe 20 of the 40 acres, and use the proceeds to add on to their existing house.   

I think it would depend on where the land is in relationship to the house.  If most of it is behind the house, there might would be issues of access for the buyer.  I would love to see the floor plan of the house to think about ways to renovate and add to it.  I can understand wanting a larger kitchen, laundry room, living room and dining room.   I would suggest they wait until the babies are 4-5 before moving.  

I hate the theory that they have already moved, and this angst is just for the show.

I actually didn't mind the trip to see Santa after I realized they weren't going to see him at a mall.  I am sure they went after hours.  And I didn't mind the trip to the Christmas tree farm with the whole group.   I did mind that they purchased the second tree.  I don't recall they ever put it up; there was a picture of it still outside in its wrapper, but I am not sure how much later that shot was made.  I know a lot of families do two trees--one in the living room that can be seen from outside and another in the family room. 

I know she is a camera fanatic and probably wants actual pictures, but I wish someone would remind her that TLC is filming (well, she wouldn't know at that point what will end up on the cutting room floor),  She seems to be a control freak and a perfectionist.

I love how the boys were happy that the last puppy was a Christmas gift.  I don't even mind if there was some behind-the-scenes coaching for those scenes. 

Edited by Twopper
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The babies are so cute. What miracles!  Many years ago, it was a big deal if someone had a preemie. These kids were micro-preemies and multiples ... and they are amazing. Doesn't look they are developmentally delayed at all.  And they all seem pretty darn happy too.

I would absolutely have it in my contract for TLC to provide professional cleaning services. 😉

Was it Rawlings who was desperate to get her birthday cake? That baby looked like he/she was really going to hurt himself/herself trying to get the cake.

Build onto the house!  Do a cross-over event with the Property Brothers!

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First let me say that I do like Courtney, her wonderful husband, and all the children.  I can only imagine the stress Courtney feels BUT so much of it is caused by her alone.  It’s become obvious to me that she’s a perfectionist, a control freak, and bit of a martyr, which only causes more strain in all their lives.  The pressure and tension is written all over her face.  For her sake, someone needs to sit her down and tell her to lighten up.  

She is right when she talks about them needing a larger home.  It’s obvious!  However, I agree with those of you who say an addition is the answer.  Why haven’t they thought of that?  I’m not sure what we’re missing.

The sextuplets were one year old during the holidays.  They will never remember any of it.  Snap a picture or two, enjoy them opening a couple of gifts, and move on.  There will be many more holiday seasons to create traditions and enjoy.  Nobody was going to judge her....but herself.  

Also, I can’t believe she won’t allow one of her children to sleep overnight at her parents house.  I’m sure her folks are more than capable of handling the situation.  In fact, it seems they’re  craving it.  I hope the preview of next week’s episode proves to be incorrect and that the sleepover happens.

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On 6/5/2019 at 2:43 PM, BravoAddict72 said:

I have a clotting disorder. In my case it comes from having a blood mutation (MTHFR). I have trouble getting pregnant. Once I get pregnant my body throws clot to the fetus and I have a miscarriage. I was on fertility drugs to get pregnant. I was also on them during my pregnancy. It prevented me from having clots. Also, with the mutatuion I have it makes it hard for my body to absorb folic acid which is very important for the baby. The drugs helped with that too.

Thanks for sharing your medical experience. 

Speaking only about Courtney, and not you, if she does have the MTHFR mutation, she has a disorder that causes that causes low folic acid levels and increases odds of miscarriage and also raises the risk of birth defects, particularly neural tube defects like Spina Bifida.

But again, taking fertility drugs in the face of this disorder is not recommended in any medical literature I can find. It only puts the mother and babies at greater risk. 

I stand by my original claim. They already had three children. They wanted a girl and she chose to take fertility drugs as a way of increasing her chance of getting pregnant since her odds of miscarrying were higher. She, or her doctor, knew (or damn well should have known) the risks of conceiving multiples and the risks to her health of carrying higher order multiples while on fertility drugs.  They made a deliberate choice to do this, knowing that one or more of the multiples might be lost, as a strategy to increase the odds of having a girl.

I also stand by my original claim that bringing six more babies into the world is selfish. The world is already over-populated. In the US, our high levels of consumption per capita are a direct cause of climate change and other environmental problems. Unless the family can turn their TV show into a cash cow, the family will be struggling financially and children will be fighting for attention from their parents.

No one needs more than three children. And to those who say it's "God's will," wasn't it also God's will that Courtney had a medical condition that made it impossible to have more children without artificial intervention?

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On 6/3/2019 at 9:11 PM, SlothLoveChunk said:

a little bit of baby proofing and limits could go a loooong way in that house. Sure, their little farmhouse style baby gate looks cute, but they admitted the babies escape it all the time. Get an ugly pressure mounted one with a baby proof latch and you will be good. 

I see a dozen things that could be fixed in less than an hour and dramatically improve their life, so it was so frustrating to watch the babies get into things they shouldn't repeatedly.

I'm guessing all of the toddlers getting into everything scenes were done to increase drama for the TV show.  This family had toddlers before; they know how to baby proof a house.

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
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I'm wondering if they, well Courtney at least, expected their big TLC "come up" to be moving a lot faster at this point.  I wonder if they thought they would be like the Busbys in how fast they upgraded their home and lifestyle after their first season.  The Busbys had moved from the house that they were in before TLC showed up into a huge McMansion before their multiples were even walking.  Courtney probably expected the same for them and is annoyed that it isn't happening.  I fully expect that at some point they'll get their new house as they are just a different iteration of the "had one/some kids, but want 'just one more', but end up with high-order multiples and need a  TV show to support them all" TLC formula.  TLC maybe wanted to make sure they had a family coming behind the Busbys as they likely only have a season or two left as those girls get older and school-age.

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17 hours ago, RemoteControlFreak said:

Thanks for sharing your medical experience. 

Speaking only about Courtney, and not you, if she does have the MTHFR mutation, she has a disorder that causes that causes low folic acid levels and increases odds of miscarriage and also raises the risk of birth defects, particularly neural tube defects like Spina Bifida.

But again, taking fertility drugs in the face of this disorder is not recommended in any medical literature I can find. It only puts the mother and babies at greater risk. 

I stand by my original claim. They already had three children. They wanted a girl and she chose to take fertility drugs as a way of increasing her chance of getting pregnant since her odds of miscarrying were higher. She, or her doctor, knew (or damn well should have known) the risks of conceiving multiples and the risks to her health of carrying higher order multiples while on fertility drugs.  They made a deliberate choice to do this, knowing that one or more of the multiples might be lost, as a strategy to increase the odds of having a girl.

I also stand by my original claim that bringing six more babies into the world is selfish. The world is already over-populated. In the US, our high levels of consumption per capita are a direct cause of climate change and other environmental problems. Unless the family can turn their TV show into a cash cow, the family will be struggling financially and children will be fighting for attention from their parents.

No one needs more than three children. And to those who say it's "God's will," wasn't it also God's will that Courtney had a medical condition that made it impossible to have more children without artificial intervention?

Who is anyone else to say that no one needs more than three children? Should everyone be sterilized after they have 3 children? If that was so, I wouldn't be here since my grandma was number 5 of 9 kids. My grandpa was number 4 of 8. Unless you have been in that situation you cannot judge them for taking drugs. Some of us have to take fertility drugs to have a child. Not everyone who takes them is going to have multiples. I had to take fertility drugs with that mutation to have a child. 

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30 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

Who is anyone else to say that no one needs more than three children? Should everyone be sterilized after they have 3 children? If that was so, I wouldn't be here since my grandma was number 5 of 9 kids. My grandpa was number 4 of 8. Unless you have been in that situation you cannot judge them for taking drugs. Some of us have to take fertility drugs to have a child. Not everyone who takes them is going to have multiples. I had to take fertility drugs with that mutation to have a child. 

IKR, I'm #8 of 8 so that's that 😉 

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Her voice is grating.  I'm used to accents, I live in Texas.  But gawd some of the words she says that sound like/rhyme with "line" just sound so nasally and long.

The "oh no, I've lost a baby!" freakout was so staged and so TLC.  We've seen it before.  For one, wouldn't you check all rooms before freaking out?  Two, Eric was just standing there holding a baby stifling a smile while she panicked.  

I'm so tired of "I just want the perfect Christmas!"  The Busby's did that same storyline last season.  There's no so much thing as the perfect Christmas, but I wish these parents would realize you're not going to have 5-6 individual pics of each baby longingly gazing into Santa's eyes without a tear in sight.  They're unpredictable babies and there's 6 of them.  Chill and just enjoy the moment.  Half her stress would be knocked in half if she quit trying to have such an idyllic, picture-perfect life.  

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I like Saylor, he's a smart kid,and seems well behaved.  The twins on the other hand, I think are brats, and Courtney's accent makes the show nearly unwatchable for me, it's just horrible.  Could that be real?  I've never heard a Southern accent that thick, and it's difficult to believe that she was a teacher, since she is not intelligent.  Eric seems to be embarrassed for her in some of their TH's.  Or, maybe he's just sick of her, I know I would be.

ShaNaeNae I swear I didn't even see your post before I posted mine.  I guess I'm not the only one bothered by her accent.  It makes her sound a bit stupid.

Edited by Honey
Added thought
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On 5/30/2019 at 10:08 AM, Twopper said:

I like them, too.  

I didn't dislike the one baby one cake approach.  What I disliked was letting each baby have the cake after the pictures were made.  I would have taken the cakes away, cut a small slice for each baby from that baby's cake. and then have someone serve the rest of each cake to the guests.   They could still have had the large cake if the 6 other cakes weren't going to be enough.  

The discussion about selling the house and property to move was uncomfortable for me.   If they have 4 bedrooms,  they can later put the girls in one, the older boys in another, and the 3 younger boys in another.   Surely there is enough TLC money to add on to their house. 

Also I disliked the idea of needing a large tub to bathe all 6 babies at once--especially if she has no help.  That is just a scary thought.

I can't imagine Saylor would want to share a room with those 2 bratty twins.

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On 5/29/2019 at 5:55 PM, Maya said:

This show stresses me out. I don’t get anxious watching Outdaughtered, so I wonder what it is about this show and these people. The only thing I really enjoyed were the puppies lol. 

Danielle on Outdaughtered is a very calm Mother.  Courtney is the opposite, she is tightly wound.

I don't understand Mothers who just cannot stand to be without their child for even one night.  Jeesh Courtney you have 8 other kids at home.  I was always like "You want to take her for the night? Woot! free night!!"  I work with a woman who has 2 boys.  One is 17 and one is 6.  The 6 year old has never spent a night away from her. She says she just couldn't bear it.  I just don't understand. Maybe I'm just a shitty Mother.

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Courtney and Eric are so lucky that her parents are nearby and are ready, willing and able to help - her dad to take the boys to school, to be able to have a baby or two stay the night with them... God bless them. The dad seems so cheerful too.

I'm wondering about help behind the scenes. I'm sure it's been asked before - don't people from their church volunteer to help? In our church, candidates for confirmation need service hours, so do high school seniors. Not to just open the door to anyone's help, but to allow those kind of vetted to at least be a mother's helper. I was doing that in 6th and 7th grade. Shoot, I would think there would be some older ladies that would just love to help out and be around babies. Am I missing something?

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On 6/10/2019 at 4:28 PM, RemoteControlFreak said:

Thanks for sharing your medical experience. 

Speaking only about Courtney, and not you, if she does have the MTHFR mutation, she has a disorder that causes that causes low folic acid levels and increases odds of miscarriage and also raises the risk of birth defects, particularly neural tube defects like Spina Bifida.

But again, taking fertility drugs in the face of this disorder is not recommended in any medical literature I can find. It only puts the mother and babies at greater risk. 

I stand by my original claim. They already had three children. They wanted a girl and she chose to take fertility drugs as a way of increasing her chance of getting pregnant since her odds of miscarrying were higher. She, or her doctor, knew (or damn well should have known) the risks of conceiving multiples and the risks to her health of carrying higher order multiples while on fertility drugs.  They made a deliberate choice to do this, knowing that one or more of the multiples might be lost, as a strategy to increase the odds of having a girl.

I also stand by my original claim that bringing six more babies into the world is selfish. The world is already over-populated. In the US, our high levels of consumption per capita are a direct cause of climate change and other environmental problems. Unless the family can turn their TV show into a cash cow, the family will be struggling financially and children will be fighting for attention from their parents.

No one needs more than three children. And to those who say it's "God's will," wasn't it also God's will that Courtney had a medical condition that made it impossible to have more children without artificial intervention?

21 hours ago, BravoAddict72 said:

Who is anyone else to say that no one needs more than three children? Should everyone be sterilized after they have 3 children? If that was so, I wouldn't be here since my grandma was number 5 of 9 kids. My grandpa was number 4 of 8. Unless you have been in that situation you cannot judge them for taking drugs. Some of us have to take fertility drugs to have a child. Not everyone who takes them is going to have multiples. I had to take fertility drugs with that mutation to have a child. 

As we discussed last season, I've still yet to see either Courtney or Eric say or quoted as saying anything about wanting a girl, except immediately following the gender reveal when Courtney shared her trepidations about having girls.  I'd have to rewatch the episode for her exact words, but she said something along the lines of not knowing what to do with a girl etc. However, wanting a child of a certain gender perhaps makes for a better narrative than simply desiring another child...idk. 

In any case, there's a reason family size isn't dictated by the government or by other people's opinions - because sexual/reproductive health is considered a basic human right, the details of which get to be decided by each person for him/herself, thank goodness. 

Regarding Courtney's treatment, it's assinine to say neither she nor her doctor were aware that using a fertility drug might increase fertility, because of course they were. Having higher order multiples  however, was never the goal of her treatment, but a risk. And according to my cousin, who is a clinical pharmacist at the hospital where Courtney was treated, they recently concluded a review of their treatment protocol, undertaken following Courtney's conception of sextuplets, and are now implementing updated guidelines to try and futher reduce the already incredibly remote chance of higher order multiples. Because, while all's well that ends well, at no time, ever, did either Courtney/ Eric nor their doctor intend for her to have more than a single birth per pregnancy, and conceiving sextuplets was considered an epic fail.

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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17 hours ago, Honey said:

I can't imagine Saylor would want to share a room with those 2 bratty twins.

I don't think the twins are bratty at all.  I think they're cute and funny.  I'm impressed with all three of the older boys.  Not only do they not show any envy or resentment of their little brothers and sisters, they seem to genuinely love them and are proud of them.

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21 hours ago, Honey said:

I can't imagine Saylor would want to share a room with those 2 bratty twins.

for some reason, I thought he already was.   I don't think of the twins as bratty--I think they exhibit  normal 6 year old boy behaviour.  I think maybe  they act up a little for the film crew.  I am impressed with their interactions with the babies; all three boys seem to be wonderful big brothers.

18 hours ago, Honey said:

I don't understand Mothers who just cannot stand to be without their child for even one night.  Jeesh Courtney you have 8 other kids at home.  I was always like "You want to take her for the night? Woot! free night!!"

yes, I was that way, too.   I put them in MMO as soon as they were old enough.  And the infant/child care at the base was open 24/7 so we sometimes left them there at night when we went out.  But then, neither of them spent any time in a NICU so maybe I would have felt differently if they had.

I love that they have cows and that they aren't moving.   The birthday party looked like fun.  I really hated their running around with the bows and arrows  (I know they were toys without a true arrowhead, but the other end of the arrow was just the end of a stick which could seriously injure someone.  When I was growing up, our toy arrows had suction cups attached.  I wasn't sure what these had)

So far I think the grandparents are wonderful!!

Edited by Twopper
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I recall hearing the mother explain how her last pregnancy came about, last year or maybe in their first episode.  I thought that there was an explanation for it, that took it out of the normal fertility drug consequence equation.  Does anyone recall what I am referring to?  But, what I'm reading here, seems to dispute that.  So, if that is the case, then, I have the same opinion of them that I do other couples who have multiples (with fertility treatment) AFTER they already have children.  To me, it's not fair to the existing children.  There is not enough time or energy to devote to each baby, PLUS, the existing children.  So, the older kids are deprived and do not have what they deserve, imo.  

I wonder if the family friends and church friends would be more involved with care at this date, except, the show or the parents may not want that shown on tv.  Because, it does confirm that you are not able to care for your children.  The premise of the show is that they do care for their own kids, with the help of family.  But, I could see at the basket ball game that grandmother and mother were exasperated.  It's just not feasible to have what mom wants, with that many toddlers, plus older children.   Instead of making out like it's a circus, funny, food on the floor, loud cries, isn't this so cute.....there needs to be more of a serious look into the actual mental health ramifications that are certainly involved. Since, watching all of the shows on TLC about multiples, it really does not bring a smile to my face, but, a little hurt in my heart for those who are suffering.  

I have no issue with these parents now.  They are doing what they have to do and I get it when you have to pay the bills.  Has this family said whether they had watched shows about multiples before they proceeded with fertility treatment?  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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24 minutes ago, Twopper said:

for some reason, I thought he already was.   I don't think of the twins as bratty--I think they exhibit  normal 6 year old boy behaviour.  I think maybe  they act up a little for the film crew.  I am impressed with their interactions with the babies; all three boys seem to be wonderful big brothers.

yes, I was that way, too.   I put them in MMO as soon as they were old enough.  And the infant/child care at the base was open 24/7 so we sometimes left them there at night when we went out.  But then, neither of them spent any time in a NICU so maybe I would have felt differently if they had.

I love that they have cows and that they aren't moving.   The birthday party looked like fun.  I really didn't care about their running around with the bows and arrows though (I know they were toys without a true arrowhead, but the other end of the arrow was just the end of a stick.  When I was growing up, our toy arrows had suction cups attached.  I wasn't sure what these had)

So far I think the grandparents are wonderful!!

I remember last years episode where there was 3 single beds in a room and they were making them up, I think they all shared a room then. As far as grandparents, yes they are awesome, makes you wonder about Eric's parents tho. They're never mentioned. 

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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

  I really didn't care about their running around with the bows and arrows though (I know they were toys without a true arrowhead, but the other end of the arrow was just the end of a stick

I cringed every time I saw the boys running around with the bows and arrows. Esp on bouncy structures...to me that was an invitation for disaster.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I recall hearing the mother explain how her last pregnancy came about, last year or maybe in their first episode.  I thought that there was an explanation for it, that took it out of the normal fertility drug consequence equation.  Does anyone recall what I am referring to?  But, what I'm reading here, seems to dispute that.  So, if that is the case, then, I have the same opinion of them that I do other couples who have multiples (with fertility treatment) AFTER they already have children.  To me, it's not fair to the existing children.  There is not enough time or energy to devote to each baby, PLUS, the existing children.  So, the older kids are deprived and do not have what they deserve, imo.  

I wonder if the family friends and church friends would be more involved with care at this date, except, the show or the parents may not want that shown on tv.  Because, it does confirm that you are not able to care for your children.  The premise of the show is that they do care for their own kids, with the help of family.  But, I could see at the basket ball game that grandmother and mother were exasperated.  It's just not feasible to have what mom wants, with that many toddlers, plus older children.   Instead of making out like it's a circus, funny, food on the floor, loud cries, isn't this so cute.....there needs to be more of a serious look into the actual mental health ramifications that are certainly involved. Since, watching all of the shows on TLC about multiples, it really does not bring a smile to my face, but, a little hurt in my heart for those who are suffering.  

I have no issue with these parents now.  They are doing what they have to do and I get it when you have to pay the bills.  Has this family said whether they had watched shows about multiples before they proceeded with fertility treatment?  

The fertility drug was used in a very small dose to help Courtney not have early miscarriages, not to increase the odds of her conceiving. However, even if used off label, so to speak, the original purpose of a medication remains.  My cousin is a pharmacist at the hospital, not the medical practice where Courtney's doctor is, so she doesn't know specifics, but does know they reevaluated their protocol for that particular medication in the way it was used to treat Courtney.  Not because they were careless before, but because even one fail means there's room for potential improvement. (-:

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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On 6/3/2019 at 9:11 PM, SlothLoveChunk said:

This episode drove me crazy. While I can empathize with the chaos their household must be, I was face-palming myself every other scene. As the mother of a toddler who started her escapades of escape, climbing, and just a utteral destruction before age 1 (my oldest was pretty chill so the second's personality there is for a loop), a little bit of baby proofing and limits could go a loooong way in that house. Sure, their little farmhouse style baby gate looks cute, but they admitted the babies escape it all the time. Get an ugly pressure mounted one with a baby proof latch and you will be good. My oldest was 3 when we got ours and she figured it out quick so it shouldn't be an issue with her older boys. Figure out a way to childproof that bathroom door for Christ's sake. And if it is truly such a unique door that none of the hundreds of safety locks will not work on it, put a freaking lock on the toilet seat. While not pretty, good old painters tape would solve the baby in the air duct problem. I see a dozen things that could be fixed in less than an hour and dramatically improve their life, so it was so frustrating to watch the babies get into things they shouldn't repeatedly.

I was also confused why they needed to bathe each child individually at the sink after their messy dinner. I have a bathtub that is smaller than the standard size built today, but I could easily fit three babies in there at a time. Not sure why they couldn't tag team to do something like that. 

Mom is probably crazy overwhelmed, but the whole household just seemed so laissez faire, especially with the energy of the older boys. I prefer the rigidity of the Busbee house!

My take on Courtney is that she loves Pinterest. Her house just looks like something you would see on a Pinterest. The babies’ birthday cakes screamed Pinterest to me. Plus she LOVES to take pictures of everything and I could see her posting them on Pinterest.   Long and the short of it is she’s more about how things look rather than their function or practicality.  With maybe one baby you could get away with that. But not 6 babies. 

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I agree about the Pinterest influence.  I consider myself very lucky that my kids were little before Pinterest and other social media became such a big thing. The pressure! I couldn't take it.

Her accent is thick, but I can still understand Courtney. There are people with accents who also mumble, and I can't understand a word they are saying. (Boomhauer on King of the Hill?)


What was the logical reasoning for taking hungry babies to a U9/U10 rec b-ball game? She fed herself and the twins...

Secondly - Courtney is going to need a lightbulb go off and realize she is not going to have the uninterrupted time to watch every single play  of every game like she is the "parent-coach" . Just be happy you made it, saw your first born on the court and let it go at that. This isn't the NBA finals.  And grabbing the babies each time /first time they cry out, is going to be a losing battle. Babies are very perceptive.

Now she knows to invest in ear muffs. 😁

Edited by sATL
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On 6/12/2019 at 9:40 PM, Snickerdoodle said:

My take on Courtney is that she loves Pinterest.... Long and the short of it is she’s more about how things look rather than their function or practicality.  With maybe one baby you could get away with that. But not 6 babies. 

If only you spent more time on Pinterest, you'd find plenty of things both cute and practical. (-;  Totally teasing, but I do love me some Pinterest!  Of course, whereas Courtney has 9 kids, I have a cat. So there's that. 🙂

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I don't know why I'm still watching. I guess I'm a sucker for cute babies.

Still hate the names.

Courtney continues to grate, especially with her need for everything to be "perfect" or "normal." Those words went out the window when she had the twins. 

I rewatched the first few S1 episodes and I'm still scratching my head over how they ended up with 6 babies. I mean, I know how, but was this so-called esteemed doctor monitoring them during their medicated cycle? Because if so, they would have seen the number of follicles on the monitor and I can't imagine any reputable doctor, seeing, at minimum, six follicles (if not more), saying "go ahead and roll the dice." If this couple chose to anyway, then that's on them and their shock is pretty misplaced. Sure, the chances were low that all six would "take," but still, why in the world would they take that risk? And if they weren't being monitored closely...well, then that's on the doctor. 

As an IF veteran, I was just as closely monitored for my timed intercourse (with the same low-dose drug she was on) cycles as I was for my IUI and IVF cycles. And actually had an IUI cycle converted to an IVF cycle because I had more than 3 follicles (in fact, I had six). We also had the option of cancelling that cycle.

Sadly, none of my attempts proved successful so I'll freely admit that may be coloring my view on this show but I still find the whole premise problematic.

I am glad Eric stood his ground re the farm. It seems Courtney gets her way 99% of the time, so it's refreshing to see him have some say for a change.

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