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S13.E07 She Said/She Said

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6 hours ago, Higgins said:

Eddie shouldn't be drinking if he wants to live past 55. Also take your beta blocker. You'll get used to it.

No, he shouldn't be.

And then Tamra bitching because Shannon doesn't ask for help from her and Eddie, because of "she sees we live a healthy lifestyle."  Pardon?  There's NOTHING healthy about not taking prescribed heart meds when you have AFIB, plus Tamra drinks like a fish.  What's healthy about that?

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Yes,  but by the time they appear on WWHL the filming for the season is practically over so who knows what's going on with those two currently. 

I have another theory on what is going on with Tams and Shans. Tamra said that Eddie and David are still friends. Maybe Shannon is deep down resentful of that and is not asking about Eddie or acting concerned because she's pissed off at Eddie about the friendship. Not going to Tams for guidance on working out and diet is another way of Shans showing her underlying resentment. 

Also, Shannon has been self centered, spoiled brat since season 1. I'm just wondering why it took Tamra so long to grow tired of it.  Shannon getting up from the table and crying "you don't know what I go through everyday" and storming off is the Shannon we all know and have seen before. Nothing has changed with her. 

What ever their issues are they need to sit down face to face, one on one, and let it all out instead of this passive agressive BS. 

Well we know that's BS because Tamra reminds us in her TH every episode that Shannon calls her everyday crying and ranting about her situation with David! I wouldn't have been able to put up with it and Shannon would be history! Friends are normally around to make you feel better not drag you down to their low level of despair! The mourning can only go on for so long when most will have to say "ENOUGH!" Shannon's way past that point since this BS has been going on for years not MONTHS! ;-)

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Higgins said:

Eddie shouldn't be drinking if he wants to live past 55. Also take your beta blocker. You'll get used to it.

This is why overall healthcare is going sky high; willful ignorance and not observing what a doctor has to say! We deal with symptoms instead of the underlying problems like overeating, not getting enough rest, stressing over everything unnecessarily, and actually lying about compliances to directives! ;-)

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, MinorL said:

Tamra’s so cold. When she was saying all that stuff about “when you have a husband you have a good relationship with,” etc, it was a total dig at Shannon. It would probably be easier to just tell Shannon that she wishes Shannon would ask about Eddie or come to her for training than being a passive aggressive asshole. 

“Passive-aggressive asshole” is exactly right!

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, beeziebee said:

No, he shouldn't be.

And then Tamra bitching because Shannon doesn't ask for help from her and Eddie, because of "she sees we live a healthy lifestyle."  Pardon?  There's NOTHING healthy about not taking prescribed heart meds when you have AFIB, plus Tamra drinks like a fish.  What's healthy about that?

I cant tell you though, how many people I know who just WILL NOT TAKE BP or heart meds. Its frustrating. My best friend,  who is English has had high BP for years. He would not take meds. He insisted he could fix it by "living Healthy". He is finally taking meds for it after a crisis. We shall see. He genuinely believes that taking the meds is bad for him and unhealthy in an of itself. Lots of people feel like he does. I think Eddie is having a hard time accepting that he  this is actually out of his own physical control and he needs to take the meds.

I know that I've said that  hubby and I have sometimes made bad choices when it comes to behavior while living with chronic illness, but we take our meds.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, mon berg said:

...CBD oil is much better then pot itself the whole point of it is so you get the properties for health reason.

Pot the real thing is not great for health reasons the only reasons it has that term slapped on it in US is because they know it was losing battle fighting it so used the option to tax it as such and smoking it is best form other methods you end up wasting so much of it.

Society finally caught up to the rest of the world and decided it wasn't worth trashing their kids' lives imposing a scarlet letter on them for all time for such nonsense! If we actually had real common sense, maybe we should go after the real killers like cigarettes and liquor; "OH WE TRIED THAT ALREADY!" We're such idiots and I'm not sure we'll get out of this time-warp of imagined pure family life trying to shape them into what's believed better! This is supposed to be America, but as usual that just mean we're "super hypocrites!" ;-)

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, dosodog said:

I started changing my lifestyle in regards to food and exercise right about the time Shannon did last year.  I am also an Aries.  So I believe I relate to Shannon.

There is no way in God's green earth that I would subject myself to Tamra on this.  No way at all.

Tamra would just make remarks that wouldn't be helpful and she would use the workouts as a weapon against you down the road.

Personally, when I watch her be supportive of Shannon in her lifestyle change, I don't find her supportive at all.  Tamra lectures and rolls her eyes and comments in her talking heads about Shannon and food.

Focus on Vicki's ass this season and leave Shannon alone!

 Totally agree.

Shannon wants Tamra as a friend period. Someone  to have fun with,  to be "bad" and have tequila or ice cream with, some one she might ask a question or two about fitness. She doesn't want Tamra as a coach where she might go into coach mode when they are "relaxing" and  start analyzing every bite and checking if Shannon exercised that day. She also doesn't want a Cut Fitness trainer that might report/gossip to Tamra then have it used against her..  

Can't understand why Tamra hasn't sat Shannon down and tell her why she's so hurt. It would nip a lot of bad feelings early. Always the drama from both of them. They puff out their chests and start cackling like mad hens.

Edited by Giselle
Shannon and Tamra don't share a chest.
  • Love 16
9 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Tamra's mother is a dolt. 

Like mother like daughter! Do we really have to go down the list of Tamra's missteps and her continued behavior of being a spoiled brat and "mean girl?" The way she's handled dealing with her kids is all you need see the dysfunctionality! She had to get it somewhere; might as well blame her mom! ;-)

  • Love 12
23 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How would a Dr. know if the patient won't take it? 

He would know if they aren't taking the meds after seeing the next set of test results. I think Tamra has said he now working with a specialist from Texas. The doctor can only do so much if the patient wont cooperate and do his part and/or his body continues to fail Eddie and Tamra can't blame the doctor if Eddie ends up stroking out in the ER because he decided he wasn't going to follow a prescribed protocol. 

Eddie not taking his heart meds is the same as a mental health patient not wanting to take their meds. Their gonna hit a wall.

  • Love 8
40 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How would a Dr. know if the patient won't take it? 


On the show they said the Dr knows.



3 minutes ago, Giselle said:

He would know if they aren't taking the meds after seeing the next set of test results. I think Tamra has said he now working with a specialist from Texas. The doctor can only do so much if the patient wont cooperate and do his part and/or his body continues to fail Eddie and Tamra can't blame the doctor if Eddie ends up stroking out in the ER because he decided he wasn't going to follow a prescribed protocol. 

Eddie not taking his heart meds is the same as a mental health patient not wanting to take their meds. Their gonna hit a wall.

They would already be seeing a specialist what happens is you see them every few months or so but you check in with your GP regularly.

I do not agree with the last part most mental health illness do not need meds it again is the easier option for Dr they give you pills you go away rather then say for depression you should be seeing someone for that to find the focal point all meds do is mask the problem.

Edited by mon berg
29 minutes ago, beeziebee said:

No, he shouldn't be.

And then Tamra bitching because Shannon doesn't ask for help from her and Eddie, because of "she sees we live a healthy lifestyle."  Pardon?  There's NOTHING healthy about not taking prescribed heart meds when you have AFIB, plus Tamra drinks like a fish.  What's healthy about that?

Speaking as someone who HAS AFib and was hospitalized for it, I can tell you that not taking your meds for this condition, especially the antiarrythmic medication is just playing Russian roulette with your life. Especially if he hasn't had successful ablation or electro cardioversion procedures. His heart is not in rhythm. The chances of him having a fatal heart attack or another sort of debilitating heart issue is really very high. Tamra said he was taking his blood thinner but she may want to check and make sure he is doing that twice a day. This condition is nothing to take lightly...and Eddie has a more complicated problem then I did. The meds you have to take for this do not have side effects that would impact your daily life in any way so why would you not take them??? And let's talk about alcohol...the first thing my cardiologist told me was that I couldn't drink anymore. Alcohol can  create an AFib episode that can put you in the hospital. Hard alcohol is totally taboo...watching Eddie order a martini made me cringe. This guy doesn't care about his health and is in denial about how serious his condition is. Tamra can take control and insist that he start getting pro active in his health and take his meds...where are his doctors on this??? My doctors were checking up on me the first year into AFib with office visits that included echograms and EKG's and I had a successful cardio version after two tries. Eddie has not...even more important for him to be checked and monitored closely. I am appalled at the lack of care and concern on the part of Eddie for his well being and Tamra's surrender to Eddie's indifference to treatment. And furthermore, Tamra should insist that Eddie find another cardiologist that will be more involved and insist on him getting regular check ups (monthly) until he has successful ablation or electro cardioversion. Tamra and Eddie seem to think that because they have good physiques that  they are healthy...Tamra has an alcohol problem that could hasten all kinds of health issues and Eddie is ignoring and resisting treatment for a very serious heart problem...I don't care how good your bodies look, it doesn't matter if things aren't working well inside.

  • Love 15

also, did Tamra say, “I only have two holes!”  

Umm, Tamra, did you have a surgery that we don’t know about? 

Hee. At least she knew not to count her (non)belly button.


I appreciate the lesson, but for heavens sake....she was dressed like, well.....a homeless person.

...except for all the gold bracelets, which were in view every time she served a plate.


Also, really Aldi? There is a delicious Chardonnay for 6.99 there, tho! 

Thanks for verifying Vicki said Aldi, because I wasn't sure I heard right. I guess highfalutin OCers love a good bargain as much as anybody.


In the highly unlikely event that Kelly were to connect a punch , would we be able to tell if Emily has a fat lip? 

And, if it hurt...because she already looks like she's always in pain.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Speaking as someone who HAS AFib and was hospitalized for it, I can tell you that not taking your meds for this condition, especially the antiarrythmic medication is just playing Russian roulette with your life. Especially if he hasn't had successful ablation or electro cardioversion procedures. His heart is not in rhythm. The chances of him having a fatal heart attack or another sort of debilitating heart issue is really very high. Tamra said he was taking his blood thinner but she may want to check and make sure he is doing that twice a day. This condition is nothing to take lightly...and Eddie has a more complicated problem then I did. The meds you have to take for this do not have side effects that would impact your daily life in any way so why would you not take them??? And let's talk about alcohol...the first thing my cardiologist told me was that I couldn't drink anymore. Alcohol can  create an AFib episode that can put you in the hospital. Hard alcohol is totally taboo...watching Eddie order a martini made me cringe. This guy doesn't care about his health and is in denial about how serious his condition is. Tamra can take control and insist that he start getting pro active in his health and take his meds...where are his doctors on this??? My doctors were checking up on me the first year into AFib with office visits that included echograms and EKG's and I had a successful cardio version after two tries. Eddie has not...even more important for him to be checked and monitored closely. I am appalled at the lack of care and concern on the part of Eddie for his well being and Tamra's surrender to Eddie's indifference to treatment. And furthermore, Tamra should insist that Eddie find another cardiologist that will be more involved and insist on him getting regular check ups (monthly) until he has successful ablation or electro cardioversion. Tamra and Eddie seem to think that because they have good physiques that  they are healthy...Tamra has an alcohol problem that could hasten all kinds of health issues and Eddie is ignoring and resisting treatment for a very serious heart problem...I don't care how good your bodies look, it doesn't matter if things aren't working well inside.

My husband with Afib was not told no alcohol. He was told not to drink excessively. Hes done pretty well using that criteria for 11 years. His afib is caused by his replacement valve. Not all AFib is

3 minutes ago, jaync said:

Hee. At least she knew not to count her (non)belly button.

...except for all the gold bracelets, which were in view every time she served a plate.

Thanks for verifying Vicki said Aldi, because I wasn't sure I heard right. I guess highfalutin OCers love a good bargain as much as anybody.

And, if it hurt? Because she already looks like she's always in pain.

The Aldi thing ticked me off. I was like, Did Vicki just say Aldi? And then when they cut to commercial it said," this episode brought to you by Aldi"

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, mon berg said:


It does depends which meds they are


a lot of dr in US will prescribe them to cover themselves which the way I read it is how Eddie was thinking because why would dr prescribe knowing you wont take it makes no sense at all.


I do agree with you I have family who work in health care not in US and so many medications are wasted because people refuse to take them because it may have some side effect which can pass over time but they wont give them a chance. (lots of people are in denial its not until they get so bad it can give them that wake up call even then still doesnt work)





CBD oil is much better then pot itself the whole point of it is so you get the properties for health reason.


Pot the real thing is not great for health reasons the only reasons it has that term slapped on it in US is because they know it was losing battle fighting it so used the option to tax it as such and smoking it is best form other methods you end up wasting so much of it.

Sorry, but you and Eddie are misinformed...the AFib meds I am on saved my life. Not taking them because of some uninformed, uneducated opinion is just stupid. Eddie either has a death wish or he's just lazy. I have zero side effects from my meds and if I did, my cardiologist would put me something else. That's the way it works. I have no sympathy for someone who refuses to treat such a serious condition as this using an excuse that the physician just wants to "cover" themselves. Eddie is an ass.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, kicksave said:

Sorry, but you and Eddie are misinformed...the AFib meds I am on saved my life. Not taking them because of some uninformed, uneducated opinion is just stupid. Eddie either has a death wish or he's just lazy. I have zero side effects from my meds and if I did, my cardiologist would put me something else. That's the way it works. I have no sympathy for someone who refuses to treat such a serious condition as this using an excuse that the physician just wants to "cover" themselves. Eddie is an ass.

Some just don't realize how fortunate they are to have such good doctor's care! Most in this country are lacking it! I feel quite guilty living in a neighborhood with several major hospitals within walking distance while some have to travel a couple hundred miles for the simplest of appointments! It's quite sad Eddie is behaving this way on Nat'l TV when this very subject is being bandied about so politically across the nation! ;-(

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

My husband with Afib was not told no alcohol. He was told not to drink excessively. Hes done pretty well using that criteria for 11 years. His afib is caused by his replacement valve. Not all AFib is

The Aldi thing ticked me off. I was like, Did Vicki just say Aldi? And then when they cut to commercial it said," this episode brought to you by Aldi"

Most cardiologists take the approach of warning you about alcohol and what a threat it can pose to a heart with AFib and encourage a patient NOT to drink at all. I have talked to three doctors about this and they say you can imbibe in a small glass of wine 2-3 ounces from to time but would prefer you didn't as even that amount can create an AFib episode. I have been too fearful to drink even an ounce...I NEVER want to have that feeling of an AFib attack again. But that's me...I just had a grandson and I want to be around to see him grow up. 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, mon berg said:


On the show they said the Dr knows.




I do not agree with the last part most mental health illness do not need meds it again is the easier option for Dr they give you pills you go away rather then say for depression you should be seeing someone for that to find the focal point all meds do is mask the problem.


I stand by what I said. I am fully aware that  not every mental health patient needs meds but some do and of those some do choose to go off their their meds and some do hit a wall or realize they are headed that way and go back on.  Katherine Dennis on Southern Charm just admitted to doing so at this years reunion when the cast couldn't locate or contact her for several days this past season.


  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Fiero425 said:

Some just don't realize how fortunate they are to have such good doctor's care! Most in this country are lacking it! I feel quite guilty living in a neighborhood with several major hospitals within walking distance while some have to travel a couple hundred miles for the simplest of appointments! It's quite sad Eddie is behaving this way on Nat'l TV when this very subject is being bandied about so politically across the nation! ;-(

Yes! Eddie lives in SoCal and has access to some of the best hospitals and physicians on the west coast! Tamra seems to know more about cosmetic surgeons than other kinds of physicians.

  • Love 11
29 minutes ago, mon berg said:


On the show they said the Dr knows.



They would already be seeing a specialist what happens is you see them every few months or so but you check in with your GP regularly.

I do not agree with the last part most mental health illness do not need meds it again is the easier option for Dr they give you pills you go away rather then say for depression you should be seeing someone for that to find the focal point all meds do is mask the problem.

Try that approach with Schizophrenia and you won't have a good outcome.

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Tamballs and her trailer trash mom:  "Poor David" - and YES Tamballs you agreed with your mother. 

Ugh. Yes. "I have two sons." So? So do I. I would hope my sons would never be abusive pricks like David Beador. 


1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I thought that was a low blow for Emily to say to her “friend” Gina. I could just see the hurt registering on Gina’s face. I understand why she began to walk away. She didn’t bring it up to Emily either; she took it fairly stoically. 

I think she expected Emily to realize why she was walking away; to immediately realize she had stuck her foot in her mouth. She didn't. 

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

I realize that it was in the montage to show us that Jolie was spoiled but I cracked up when she replied to her mother and the realtor cooing over the view with “what view? The other house?”, it’s my biggest pet peeve on House Hunters when people exclaim over a view that actually isn’t a view.

I've moved all over and have yet to take a place for the view! If it happened to be picturesque I wouldn't complain, but most of the time I'm keeping the sun out of my place like a vampire so the view is superfluous! I've always sorta lived up high (20th - 49th floor) and only see it as "really something" if company makes a big deal of it! ;-)

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Most cardiologists take the approach of warning you about alcohol and what a threat it can pose to a heart with AFib and encourage a patient NOT to drink at all. I have talked to three doctors about this and they say you can imbibe in a small glass of wine 2-3 ounces from to time but would prefer you didn't as even that amount can create an AFib episode. I have been too fearful to drink even an ounce...I NEVER want to have that feeling of an AFib attack again. But that's me...I just had a grandson and I want to be around to see him grow up. 

oh, I feel you on that. If it were me, I probably wouldnt drink. But its not me and i cant control others behavior. My husband lives in constant pain in his leg and often in his chest. No amount of afib meds will fix him with his aortic dissection. He will always have chest pain.   But since 90% of people with aortic dissection dont make it to the operating table, we will take it.  We have never seen any increase in Afib after a couple glasses of wine. I think if he did, that might change his mind. In his case, his valve is now 11 years old. They last 10 to 15. So we are reaching the point where he will need the valve replaced. Its a matter of deciding when the quality of life drops such that the valve has to be replaced. Will this bout of Afib be the tipping point? We shall see. They seem ok with letting him stay in Afib for a while and are holding off on cardioversion. 

I have come across many people like Eddie,  especially Europeans, who just dont want the meds. Hes not unique.

I refused HIV meds from 1990 to  1998. my docs werent happy. i saw how sick those early meds made others. I went with my gut.  When the protease inhibitors came out in 97 or so, i balked at taking them but eventually saw that they worked. I can tell you that, of the group that i was in, they are all gone now and I am alive. I wonder if those early meds didnt help hasten their deaths. Sometimes you have ro make choices that other dont approve of. Its your life. I just have a tough time questioning others medical choices, especially of they are of sound mind.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 20
1 minute ago, Fiero425 said:

I've moved all over and have yet to take a place for the view! If it happened to be picturesque I wouldn't complain, but most of the time I'm keeping the sun out of my place like a vampire so the view is superfluous! I've always sorta lived up high (20th - 49th floor) and only see it as "really something" if company makes a big deal of it! ;-)

The house I grew up in it had a big floor to ceiling picture window in front with a beautiful view. We loved it then grew to hate it as it had become a TV screen and we were the show. Shear curtains helped but everybody that walked by always seemed to be peering in.


4 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

oh, I feel you on that. If it were me, I probably wouldnt drink. But its not me and i cant control others behavior. My husband lives in constant pain in his leg and often in his chest. No amount of afib meds will fix him with his aortic dissection. He will always have chest pain.   But since 90% of people with aortic dissection dont make it to the operating table, we will take it.  We have never seen any increase in Afib after a couple glasses of wine. I think if he did, that might change his mind. In his case, his valve is now 11 years old. They last 10 to 15. So we are reaching the point where he will need the valve replaced. Its a matter of deciding when the quality of life drops such that the valve has to be replaced. Will this bout of Afib be the tipping point? We shall see. They seem ok with letting him stay in Afib for a while and are holding off on cardioversion. 

I have come across many peopke like Eddie, who just dont want the meds. Hes not unique.

I refused HIV meds from 1990 to  1998. my docs werent happy. i saw how sick those early meds made others. I went with my gut.  When the protease inhibitors came out in 97 or so, i balked at taking them but eventually saw that they worked. Ican tell you that, of the group that i was in, they are all gone now and I am alive. I wonder if those early meds didnt help hasten their deaths. Sometimes you have ro make choices that other dont approve of. Its your life. I just have a tough time questioning others medical choices, especially of they are of sound mind.

Sending good thoughts out into the universe for your hubby and you, and everyone here dealing with Afib. It runs in another branch of my family.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, mon berg said:


It does depends which meds they are


a lot of dr in US will prescribe them to cover themselves which the way I read it is how Eddie was thinking because why would dr prescribe knowing you wont take it makes no sense at all.


I do agree with you I have family who work in health care not in US and so many medications are wasted because people refuse to take them because it may have some side effect which can pass over time but they wont give them a chance. (lots of people are in denial its not until they get so bad it can give them that wake up call even then still doesnt work)





CBD oil is much better then pot itself the whole point of it is so you get the properties for health reason.


Pot the real thing is not great for health reasons the only reasons it has that term slapped on it in US is because they know it was losing battle fighting it so used the option to tax it as such and smoking it is best form other methods you end up wasting so much of it.

I am not sure exactly what you mean but I know several people who use medical MJ for their issues.  One takes it for Parkinson's and makes a world of difference, another refuses opiods for pain when he has had surgery and uses edibles for his pain (he has had bladder cancer and a knee replaced using this method of pain relief), and know several people with MS (including myself) who use it for various issues.  It helps ME and I would rather use this occasionally than the drugs I would have to take daily that fuck up my head.  CBD oil helps and I have used it but the real thing helps me more.  YMMV.

Eddie is gambling with his health.  If he were my husband I would be furious. 

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

Has Shannon ever been interested in someone other than herself? If so, I must have missed it. Tamra needs to lower her expectations. 

I think so. She was really there for Vicki when Brooks was falsely sick. She was trying to help them out and give them the hookup. 

I think Shannon can be a good friend. But I think she is also one to get so wrapped up in her own shit, she loses focus. Maybe I'm naive, but I feel like if someone just approached her about it calmly, she'd listen. 

  • Love 23

I do wonder if Eddie might think differently about taking his meds if had his own biological kids.  Not to take away from his relationship and love for Tamra and for each of her kids but they came into his life as an adult and teenagers for the most part and with Tamra and their father already providing for them. Had Eddie had his own children before or with Tamra his choices might be different.  Then again there are those parents, just as stubborn as Eddie is now or hopefully was then, who still won't take care of themselves to be there for their kids.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 4
13 hours ago, ivygirl said:

That was sad. And they kept zooming in on the drinks.

I generally like Eddie. Sorry to see that he’s not taking every step he can to manage his health. I get being averse to meds, but this is such a serious situation.

17 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Haven't seen this episode yet. Although I will watch next week, it already sounds boring and vapid. 

Fucking Bravo/Andy Cohen better step up their game soon or this franchise is going to sink faster than Jimmy Hoffa. 

It is boring.  I think it’s had it.  Same boloney week after week.  When they start putting toddlers and teens in, you know they are running out of new ideas.  

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:


i wonder if Eddie is like my mother. You give my mother any med and she will convince herself that whatever the worst and most unlikely side effect is, she has it. I mean this happenes  with every pill. The list of things she thinks she cant take is enormous. Whenever something is physically wrong, its got to be the meds. eddie may be convinced that the drugs are worse than Afib

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

i wonder if Eddie is like my mother. You give my mother any med and she will convince herself that whatever the worst and most unlikely side effect is, she has it. I mean this happenes  with every pill. The list of things she thinks she cant take is enormous. Whenever something is physically wrong, its got to be the meds. eddie may be convinced that the drugs are worse than Afib

If a drug doesn’t agree with you, the doctor has to keep trying similar ones until they find one that agrees with you.  Heart pills especially are a bitch, but you have to take them if you want to live.  Drinking alcohol is stupid after what he went thru.  Lipitor put me in the hospital .. my liver count went sky high.   They gave me another pill and the liver count went down.  Please don’t underestimate your Mother, drugs have lousy side affects.  It takes time to find the ones that don’t make you feel lousy.  I would believe your Mother as I have been there.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

If a drug doesn’t agree with you, the doctor has to keep trying similar ones until they find one that agrees with you.  Heart pills especially are a bitch, but you have to take them if you want to live.  Drinking alcohol is stupid after what he went thru.  Lipitor put me in the hospital .. my liver count went sky high.   They gave me another pill and the liver count went down.  Please don’t underestimate your Mother, drugs have lousy side affects.  It takes time to find the ones that don’t make you feel lousy.  I would believe your Mother as I have been there.

I take heart pills. Ive taken them for 20 years. Digoxin, atenolol, fosinopril, just to name a few I have zero issues with any of them. I have aids, I know about drug side effects. Ive had some awful ones over the years. My mother..  Nope, its in her head. Shes been through 6 in the past year. She now wont take them at all.

 I kind of feel shitty for saying this but its an attention thing. My  mother got cancer, which is awful. That same week my husband had an aortic dissection ,spent 3 months in the hospital and almost died. She said he did it to “steal her thunder” . She also once told me( before cancer), a long term survivor of AIDS, that i had no idea what it was like to worry about my health all the time. Shes um... a bit difficult.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 15
30 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

i wonder if Eddie is like my mother. You give my mother any med and she will convince herself that whatever the worst and most unlikely side effect is, she has it. I mean this happenes  with every pill. The list of things she thinks she cant take is enormous. Whenever something is physically wrong, its got to be the meds. eddie may be convinced that the drugs are worse than Afib


Sorry but if I were Eddie...weighing in hands... feel like shit or death? Shit or death....mmmmm…. I'll take feel like shit for a 1000% Alex.  But I am now speaking from a point of being in relatively good heath (knock on wood), and also having been a full time care giver to two parents in the past. I do know how some meds can have their drawbacks. 

That being said I can understand the apprehension about taking a drug when the commercial for it on TV spends 75% of the allotted time disclosing  and listing side affects, precautions and prohibitions of using it. Still I hate death more.

Sorry to hear about your mom, hopefully she can come to trust in a protocol that can help her.

Edited by Giselle
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18 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I take heart pills. Ive taken them for 20 years. Digoxin, atenolol, fosinopril, just to name a few I have zero issues with any of them. I have aids, I know about drug side effects. Ive had some awful ones over the years. My mother..  Nope, its in her head. Shes been through 6 in the past year. She now wont take them at all.

You’ve been thru a lot.  That fosinopril made me cough to death .. they had to change them.  Your Mother .. I guess it’s her choice.  Good luck to you and I hope you’re doing good.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

You’ve been thru a lot.  That fosinopril made me cough to death .. they had to change them.  Your Mother .. I guess it’s her choice.  Good luck to you and I hope you’re doing good.

Oh Gawd, don't even bring up moms! Mine's is 80, hates taking her pills, and is as uncooperative as can be with not exercising the least little bit! She has the nerve to complain about weakness and lack of balance! ON TOP OF ALL THAT, she smokes like a chimney; going thru 4 cartons every month! It would be cheaper to do street drugs, but my brother totally backs her comfort in doing it! He doesn't have to breathe it in every day, all day, and into the night! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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19 hours ago, ivygirl said:


...And what’s up with Tamra and her mom acting like David is all pobrecito (poor little guy)? How do they know the circumstances of that marriage? 


I hate Tamra and I hate her disgusting mom.  They both look like snakes, and they are lip-less freaks.  They are both SO jealous.  


In the words of Lizzie, "Oh my god. You're crap, Tamra. You're the most insecure woman I've ever met in my whole life. Get it together."  

Also, Shannon grew up super rich, how would she know about paying for water?  


19 hours ago, nexxie said:

Did Kelly call Shane a little bitch in the preview? Can’t wait!

I REALLY like Kelly, and I never thought I would say that.


17 hours ago, Jel said:


I am no fan of Tamra's. Never have been, can't imagine I ever would be, but I thought it was telling that she said Shannon calls her to discuss her (Shan's) problems, and never even bothers to ask about Eddie.  I don't know how one could be more self-absorbed than that. Shannon is very high maintenance.


The thing is, Tamra is a KNOWN LIAR.  I don't believe a word that comes out of her slithery snake lips.


11 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Totally agree.  

thirsty bird.jpg


This picture took me a moment, but it is awesome!!


8 hours ago, ghoulina said:


I actually think Tamra is the most out of line in all of this. She went HARD for Shannon at the country club. She kept saying things like, "If you knew what it was like to have a loving husband and a great relationship, you'd know how it is to want to defend your man." Like, fuck you, Tamra. Rub some more salt in the wound. Shannon said several times she was projecting and she didn't call Shane abusive. But Tamra wouldn't let it go. 



Tamra is such a fucking bitch.  I wish Shannon had said something like, "well, at least I have a great relationship with my children..."


4 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

CBD will mellow you and help you sleep etc..


What was Tamra saying about it, that it is healing her leg??  Isn't it just a pain killer-type/anti-anxiety?  It is not healing her, correct?

Edited by heatherchandler
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20 hours ago, Thumper said:

So, most of them had never been golfing?  And they did 18 holes????  Ugh.  Wouldn't have been fun for me.  (Last time I golfed was to get a 1/2  credit in college PE !  Golfing in WI in October wearing gloves because it was so cold.  lol). Felt bad for the guy who was their handler/babysitter.

Please tell me it was at UW-Eau Claire cuz that's also where I took golf in college!


I think Gina looks like Ramona's daughter, Avery.



Edited by QQQQ
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Oh my goodness, I just watched this episode. I can’t believe all the angst over one of the most unworthy husbands on any of the series, Shane. Oy! Plus he looks way too much like Tamra’s rat faced son. 

Speaking of Tamra, talk about misplaced, unresolved anger towards Vicki spreading rumors that she spewed all over Shannon. Yes, Shannon is needy and exhausting, but focus your anger Tamra on the proper person. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Shannon said several times she was projecting and she didn't call Shane abusive. But Tamra wouldn't let it go. 

I couldn't figure out what they were arguing about.  I don't care all that much so there is that.  I really dislike Vicky and Tamra and the latest episode did nothing to change my mind.

Next week looks promising......

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