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2 minutes ago, RamonaSenomar said:

I know this is off-topic, but has anyone read the book "And I Don't Want to Live This Life"?  Reading the text of Farrah's behavior in these posts makes me suddenly feel like I'm reading that book again ... 

omg I LOVED that book!!!  it would be really interesting (not at all a good idea in any way, just for my own personal amusement) if Farrah hooked up with a character like Sid Vicious

  • Love 4

@teapot, I couldn't put the book down once I read it.  And over the years, I re-read it.  And the more I read about Nancy, the more I hated her behavior.  And while I see Farrah's behavior, it's different when I'm reading about it through the eyes of the viewers who are putting it into their own words.  And I swear to gawd, it's like reading about Nancy.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, RamonaSenomar said:

@teapot, I couldn't put the book down once I read it.  And over the years, I re-read it.  And the more I read about Nancy, the more I hated her behavior.  And while I see Farrah's behavior, it's different when I'm reading about it through the eyes of the viewers who are putting it into their own words.  And I swear to gawd, it's like reading about Nancy.

all that I can say is, it is on this site that I have found "my tribe."

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, DoctorWhovian said:

Grown men, sitting around playing poker, who know about the girl from Teen Mom. I believe that.

Yea. My husband knows the name "Teen Mom" because it's store in our DVR, or he hears me watching it. I doubt he knows any of their names, and certainly not that Farrah, specifically, did a porn. I know there are exceptions to everything, but I just don't see this being a normal topic of conversation for sane men to have. 


13 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Farrah never mentions any other abuse at the hands of Deb or Michael. Farrah has no qualms leaving her child in the care of "abusers". Farrah has no qualms having "abusers" in her home. I find Farrah's claims questionable.

It's hard to know what to think. Because Farrah is certainly delusional and lies quite frequently. But I remember early seasons Deb. She was crazy. (Still is, but in a different way.) And, sadly, children of abuse don't always do their best protecting their children from the same thing. Cate lets the junkies who made her childhood a living hell watch her daughter repeatedly. I've seen it a lot, actually, and I'm always thinking - "huh?" But it happens. The fact that she lets her parents watch Sophia doesn't prove anything, to me, one way or the other. Well, other than - if it's true, Farrah is equally horrifying as a mother as her own mother was.  And, to be fair, people can be abusive parents and loving, caring grandparents. It boggles the mind, but it happens. 

I really could go either way. Farrah could be lying. Deb could be as well. I doubt we'll ever know. 

  • Love 8

If I didn't tell my spouse what was happening to these girls outside of this show, he wouldn't know a darn thing about the porn tape or anything else. I am his E! News.

I don't believe the abuse allegations simply because of two things, 1) Farrah is a known liar and she lacks credibility to me, and 2) when she was on that Couples Therapy show and therapist mentioned the horrific abuse Farrah suffered at the hands of her parents, the therapist described it as the worst case of abuse she ever heard. Now, when it comes to Farrah, there is always embellishment or lies to some extent. If the therapist mentioned Farrah has endured some childhood abuse due to parents who were spanking the devil out of her ass on a constant basis or they smacked her around as a form of punishment, that sounds a bit more realistic. But, she literally said what Farrah told her makes it the worst case she has heard in all her years as a therapist, and it is coming from someone who is a known liar. My feelings are it is not believable. In Farrah's world, a smack here or there, and parents who no doubt had a volatile and a verbally and emotionally abusive marriage, is twisted into some horrid case of child abuse where she should have been removed by CPS and the parents should have been sent to prison.

Even Cate, when asked about what abuse she suffered growing up, happened to mention being choked and pinned down to the ground by April's boyfriend at that time. Cate was raised in a DV environment and suffered DV. She happens to describe a horrific moment in detail. Farrah never mentions any other abuse but that infamous slap.

  • Love 11

I wonder if there was an unholy amount of gaslighting going on in Debra and Michael's house while Farrah was growing up. Just to watch Debra now...she tries to carefully to control her image and be pleasant (on camera) to Farrah, no matter what venom is thrown at her. When I was watching it seems like Farrah really flipped out when Debra denied a fact that Farrah was adamant about (the number of engagements). If her mom was a serial emotional abuser and gaslighter, always denying what Farrah saw with her own eyes, that could be a trigger for the nuclear explosion.

Then, when Farrah banishes her to her room, Debra turns all weepy and woe-is-me to the producer to make herself seem like the victim of her evil, vindictive, irrational child.

This is the working of a narcissist.

Unfortunately, Farrah does the same to her own daughter. She keeps the most shallow relationships possible (possibly because she thinks people will try to deny her claims) and possibly figures that even when she lies it won't matter since most people don't believe her even about the truths (like the Uber driver incident).

How strange is it to not only ask your 7 year old daughter for "feedback," but then, instead of validating and asking why she thinks mommy is "rude," to dismiss the claim out of hand.  She learned that trick somewhere.  I'm guessing Debra.  

I'm guessing there was a lot of "that's not what happened, you misunderstood" in her house from the time Farrah could speak, because Debra can't have anyone thinking she's less than a perfect mom/wife/executive MBA holder.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I wonder if there was an unholy amount of gaslighting going on in Debra and Michael's house while Farrah was growing up. Just to watch Debra now...she tries to carefully to control her image and be pleasant (on camera) to Farrah, no matter what venom is thrown at her. When I was watching it seems like Farrah really flipped out when Debra denied a fact that Farrah was adamant about (the number of engagements). If her mom was a serial emotional abuser and gaslighter, always denying what Farrah saw with her own eyes, that could be a trigger for the nuclear explosion.

Yup. I can totally see this. I've actually noticed Debra making digs here lately and just waiting...with a smirk on her face. That pillow move was totally passive aggressive and she was just anticipating a Farrah blow-up, with Deb looking like the victim, who only thought to get her daughter a gift. I've seen a few instances like that lately, but can't recall what they were other than that one. But I remember the smirk. 


1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

How strange is it to not only ask your 7 year old daughter for "feedback," but then, instead of validating and asking why she thinks mommy is "rude," to dismiss the claim out of hand.

Especially knowing that kids can't always articulate themselves very well, and maybe "rude" wasn't the exact word Sophia meant. If one of my kids told me I was being rude, I'd ask them to elaborate and give me examples. But this is Farrah. She just wanted more ass kissery. 

  • Love 9

I ended up watching parts1,2,&3, of segments called the best of the worst of Farrah, or something like that on YouTube.  Each part was about 13 min long.  I have come to the conclusion that that girl is going to snap.  Her arguments make no sense and she flies off the handle for every little thing.  She fails to realize that no one she fights with is more negative then her.  I feel kind of sorry for her because she seems truly lost, unable to control herself.  She seems, IMO, to have some form of mental illness, what form, I do not know.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 5

If watching angry Sophia pick up a chair & violently bang it against a wall, because she got angry with her mother is an indication of what Sophia has learned about mother/daughter relationships (from watching Deb & Farrah)... just wait until Sophia is a little older & imagine the screaming matches, flying furniture, knock-down, drag-out fights & frantic trips to the ER  Farrah & her darling daughter have to look forward to.

  • Love 9

Just caught 2 episodess; haven't watched in a while. I continue to be struck by how sad and out of control both Farrah and Catelyn's saga grow.

It's to the point that I am really uncomfortable watching poor neglected Sophia and Novalee. I used to think that at least  Farrah was a very good mother to Sophia but I guess that was quite a while ago. The conversations (shouting matches) she and Debra have totally in front of Sophia - are just 10000 percent inappropriate and horrible. Dont' get me wrong, I know there are times we lose our temper and words fly and things get out of control but this is just seeming to be constant and it' just so wrong.

Novalee, my word what a neglected ignored little girl. Adults barely talk to her. She is just floating by.

So sad.

  • Love 8
On November 3, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Snarky McSnarky said:


^^ the box again grrrr

if you haven't gone on YouTube and seen Farah on Big Brother UK , it's must see . Her  attacks and nonsense are on full display with nonstop profanity NSFW.  She's gotta reign it in on TM I guess but I'd imagine this is the way she really lets it fly in real life. Farah has no clue how awful, unintelligent and crazy she comes across to others . Poor Sophia. 

  • Love 8
On November 16, 2016 at 10:52 PM, lasandi said:

I ended up watching parts1,2,&3, of segments called the best of the worst of Farrah, or something like that on YouTube.  Each part was about 13 min long.  I have come to the conclusion that that girl is going to snap.  Her arguments make no sense and she flies off the handle for every little thing.  She fails to realize that no one she fights with is more negative then her.  I feel kind of sorry for her because she seems truly lost, unable to control herself.  She seems, IMO, to have some form of mental illness, what form, I do not know.

Omg I watched part 1 and said that's it I can't watch anymore . There's one scene where Farah has walked away and left tiny Sophia alone during a bath in the kitchen sink . Sophia turns on the faucet and you see the moment the water scalds her tiny hand ? Number one : why would Farah be such a fool and leave her alone. Number two : why would the camera people not jump in and allow a baby to burn herself . Sickening!

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, DNR said:

Omg I watched part 1 and said that's it I can't watch anymore . There's one scene where Farah has walked away and left tiny Sophia alone during a bath in the kitchen sink . Sophia turns on the faucet and you see the moment the water scalds her tiny hand ? Number one : why would Farah be such a fool and leave her alone. Number two : why would the camera people not jump in and allow a baby to burn herself . Sickening!

I remember thinking after that happened Farrah must have yelled at the camera person for not taking care of Sophia. There is also that scene showing Farrah putting mascara on Sophia before she was one years old.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Farrah's appearance on Botched is being rerun right now.  The doctors pretty clearly don't like her.  It's ah-mazing!  And Simon is sitting next to her looking like a zombie.

I love how, in her meeting with them, she says the doctor injected her with something and she had an immediate "altercation." (Instead of reaction.) The look on Dr. Nassif's face was priceless. 

For those who haven't seen it...They basically wouldn't operate on her because she blasted the other doctor who did the fillers on her on social media and blamed him for what happened. I don't know if it was his fault or not; it just looked like she had an allergic reaction. What I found interesting is that when they FIRST met her,they were all sympathetic to her and kind of on her side. However, when they met with her 12 weeks later, after her lips went down, they were defensive of the doctor. I am betting they called him and got HIS side of the story. 

  • Love 4

I think, "for the health of my family" (tm Angelina Jolie), I need to severance myself from Farrah's segments. She's such a negative and angry person. She was bitching at her Mom, then I started yelling at my daughter for something, then my husband came in the room angry...then the baby started crying. It was like her negativity and non-open mindedness just transferred through each of us. 

  • Love 14
21 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I love how, in her meeting with them, she says the doctor injected her with something and she had an immediate "altercation." (Instead of reaction.) The look on Dr. Nassif's face was priceless. 


Well, this is Farrah after all. Maybe there was an altercation? lol

9 minutes ago, deefizzle said:

I think, "for the health of my family" (tm Angelina Jolie), I need to severance myself from Farrah's segments. She's such a negative and angry person. She was bitching at her Mom, then I started yelling at my daughter for something, then my husband came in the room angry...then the baby started crying. It was like her negativity and non-open mindedness just transferred through each of us. 

Hee hee. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

A video of Sophia at "her" store


That little Cart looks extremely fun. And Sophia can use it to roll farrrrr away from Farah and Debra when they start brawling .  The way people attack a child in the Instagram comments is ridiculous.  

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 2
On 11/16/2016 at 1:12 PM, ghoulina said:

Yup. I can totally see this. I've actually noticed Debra making digs here lately and just waiting...with a smirk on her face. That pillow move was totally passive aggressive and she was just anticipating a Farrah blow-up, with Deb looking like the victim, who only thought to get her daughter a gift. I've seen a few instances like that lately, but can't recall what they were other than that one. But I remember the smirk. 



100%. Debra is absolute textbook gaslighter and emotional abuser. Now Farrah does it to her daughter. It will likely continue. 

I believe the claims of abuse because they were verified by the police. If it was just an issue of spanking or strict parenting, it wouldn't be verified by a police interaction. But it was. 

Those saying "she lets Sophia stay with her"-- I get it, but as someone who was abused by a parent -- when I have a child it WILL be difficult not to let that child alone around the parent, though I will not. Unless you've experienced it, unfortunately it's hard to understand the depth of your desire to believe it's "all ok." My husband has to pressure me not to be overly involved in that person's life. And I'm not a crazy person, substance abuser, etc. I don't need fame or money. But it is damn near impossible to just totally toss that person aside. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 8

To be fair, Michael, like Deb, was arrested for threatening someone (Derek, I think?) with a knife in 2008. He was charged with a felony. 

So both of her parents have been arrested at least once that we know of for violence. It's not much of a stretch in my mind to think they were also violent at home. Normal non abusive people do not get arrested for threatening people with knives. Whatever happened in that house was scary. 


For his part, Michael admits "going after" Derek violently not once, but twice. Debra claims he abused her too, during their marriage. He denies this. Lots of abuse claims going around that house. Wonder what's true. 


Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, poopchute said:



This wasn't written by a native speaker of English, right?  It reads like one of those spam emails you get asking for money or something.    How is it possible for Farrah to think any of these sentences make sense?

Yeah...kinda like when you use Google translate and it doesn't quite make sense.

  • Love 7

For his part, Michael admits "going after" Derek violently not once, but twice.

The article reads he admits to it once. He denies the first time.


I believe the claims of abuse because they were verified by the police.

The only incidents verified by police are the incidents the police reported to and wrote reports on. Police are not the attorneys nor are they the judge. They don't determine guilt. They report what they were told by each party. They cannot verify anything about Farrah's upbringing.


Lots of abuse claims going around that house. Wonder what's true. 

All of this is moot since Farrah chooses to have her "abusive" parents in her life and being in her daughter's life. Where is the responsibility of the actual parent in this situation? As I mentioned before, remove Deb and Michael from the equation and what is left? The toxicity that is Farrah. If Farrah is not engaging in such a vile manner to her parents, she is engaging in a vile manner with other people, and it is happening in Sophia's presence.

All of the details of Farrah's life mean squat to me. It is not Farrah's upbringing that define her. Farrah's circumstances did not make her the person she is. It is who she chooses to be.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

I think it's possible to believe the claims of abuse, but not think it's an excuse for how Farrah treats people today. I think it's possible to feel sad for for a childhood that someone had to to endure, but still believe they are ultimately responsible for the choices they make as adults. I think Michael and Deb were probably horribly toxic parents and now Farrah is the same. It's a big cycle of dysfunction, and my only hope is that Sophia can beat that cycle. Someone has to.

  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think it's possible to believe the claims of abuse, but not think it's an excuse for how Farrah treats people today. I think it's possible to feel sad for for a childhood that someone had to to endure, but still believe they are ultimately responsible for the choices they make as adults. I think Michael and Deb were probably horribly toxic parents and now Farrah is the same. It's a big cycle of dysfunction, and my only hope is that Sophia can beat that cycle. Someone has to.

Correct. I, for one, don't believe the claims of abuse. Her parents could have been toxic to one another and no doubt, exposed it to their children. That alone is horrible for any child to have to witness and endure. Debra and Michael may have chosen to use physical punishment when parenting their children. Farrah could equate physical punishment with abuse and just exaggerated the whole thing. We know how she embellishes stories. This is a person who constantly mentions and points out other people's supposed rude and dickish behavior while denying her own dickish behavior.

None of us know what really went down at Casa Abraham, but we do have a known liar, named Farrah who is telling the story. I can believe a sprinkle here and there of some dysfunction going on, but not to the extreme or magnitude Farrah claims. It is a possible Farrah is Farrah in spite of her childhood.

We saw a lot of what Cate and Tyler had to endure with Butch and April. We can feel for what they had to suffer with growing up, but we also know they are two miserable adults who make their own choices for the position they are presently in.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, poopchute said:



This wasn't written by a native speaker of English, right?  It reads like one of those spam emails you get asking for money or something.    How is it possible for Farrah to think any of these sentences make sense?

I just sent a message via the store website telling them that this stuff is very poorly written.  I said it looks unprofessional and is a real turn off for potential customers.  Let's see what they say!

I hate to say it but those are some unfortunate photos of Sophia in the website gallery.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, poopchute said:



This wasn't written by a native speaker of English, right?  It reads like one of those spam emails you get asking for money or something.    How is it possible for Farrah to think any of these sentences make sense?

I only found one sentence that was grammatically correct. Also, for their hours, couldn't she just have said "Open daily 10:30-8:30" ?

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

The article reads he admits to it once. He denies the first time.

The only incidents verified by police are the incidents the police reported to and wrote reports on. Police are not the attorneys nor are they the judge. They don't determine guilt. They report what they were told by each party. They cannot verify anything about Farrah's upbringing.

All of this is moot since Farrah chooses to have her "abusive" parents in her life and being in her daughter's life. Where is the responsibility of the actual parent in this situation? As I mentioned before, remove Deb and Michael from the equation and what is left? The toxicity that is Farrah. If Farrah is not engaging in such a vile manner to her parents, she is engaging in a vile manner with other people, and it is happening in Sophia's presence.


You're right, I didn't read that correctly, he admits to doing it once but he was arrested for it twice. Very strange...? 

I actually personally believe both -- that they were at least highly toxic but that Farrah is fully responsible for her own behavior. I don't think they are related except for the fact that they were bad role models just like Farrah is to her child. Michael at least admits to a violent felony, so not much of a question there. I also believe the police were not lying about Debra's violence as they'd have no reason to. Jenelle wasn't convicted either but she definitely threw that damn jar IMO.

However, do I think Farrah could be lying? Absolutely. I don't believe James Dean was her boyfriend any more than I believe the specifics of her stories about her parents or anything else. Due to multiple arrests and an admission I do believe her parents were dangerous, but perhaps not to Farrah (though beating a child with a belt is illegal in most states if that did occur). But I also believe (because I have eyes) that Farrah is dangerous. Both can be true. I don't necessarily believe Debra was abused by Michael as she claims, either. Both women are not very honest. 

As someone who kept an abusive parent in my life long after the expiration date, I know it's not that simple to just cut someone out, unfortunately. However, it's true: I would not bring that abusive person around my daughter. But some would and do. It's not proof they weren't abusive; we know April was, we know Butch was, we know Kailyn's mom was. But it is wrong. And Farrah is indeed proving herself to be a bad mother by keeping them in her life if her claims are true. It might be hard but it's totally immoral.

However, I also think neither of her parents has any room to complain about Farrah's behavior. They don't have to appear on the show, they don't have to make money off of their appearances and they don't have to borrow money from her for plastic surgery or start businesses with her. If they don't agree with what's said about them, or feel she is the abusive one, they could refuse to be on the show that focuses on her or profit from it, but they don't. 

TL;DR I think all of them are trash, especially the two women, just my two cents. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, poopchute said:



This wasn't written by a native speaker of English, right?  It reads like one of those spam emails you get asking for money or something.    How is it possible for Farrah to think any of these sentences make sense?

Sort of like her Yelp description:  

"Sophia Laurent was a born TV star now celebrity whom loves her community and saw a need to bring higher quality clothing lines, accessories and the most innovative new toys and educational games to the community."


  • Love 2

"whom loves her community and saw a need to bring higher quality clothing lines, accessories and the most innovative new toys and educational games to the community"

Oh please. The kid is what? Seven? The deepest thought she's had about her community is wondering when they'll flip on the Christmas lights. I love how Farrah does things in her child's name, like donate to charity, and then try to pretend that it was Sophia's idea. I mean, come on. This is the same kid that, with her wild hair and growl, is basically one step up from being feral. 

  • Love 13

This is all so very awesomely horrible:


Sophia's biggest fan her mother Farrah Abraham top female celebrity in our nation continues to grow the inventory, customer service and success of the children's boutiques plan of expansion. Check out what Farrah Abraham is up to next on her Twitter, Facebook & Instagram


Sophia was born on MTV Network and her shows continue to be on the network in many other countries Poland, Canada, United Kingdom's, Africa and much more...Sophia Laurent believes in every child has a voice and sky is the limit for any child any age and we hope to make every child whom walks in our store feel special like a king or queen.

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