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On 8/23/2016 at 9:25 PM, butterbody said:

That unwrapping the gift scene really bugged me. I have an 8 year old and I have been to a freaking birthday party virtually every Saturday since he started kindergarten. I have never ever seen a child tear into a gift that way. Is it because she doesn't have that peer interaction? Because it is seriously hard to look Everything about that kid is just disturbing as hell.

She creeps me out, too. I think it is just the fucked up upbringing by Farrah. In some ways she takes good care of her - she's in a nice home, is fed, has material things, etc.  But OMG the rest of her upbringing sucks - encouraging a sort of sexual precociousness, toleration of horribly rude behavior, the weird baby voices.  That whole family and how they interact with each other is so weird and stiff and comes across as sort of rehearsed like "this is how you converse with a child" instead of an actual conversation. And they all do it with each other. 

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The thing is poor Sophia is so neglected that she has never been taught manners or social skills. Children need to have behavior modeled for them. I actually really, really feel for her because while I was taught to have impeccable manners, it took me years to be able to relate to children my own age because while growing up I spent  the majority of my time around  extended family, and most of my  brothers and cousins are 8+years older than me.  I had a difficult time with people my own age,  though obviously I learned-- it helped that I was in swimming,  was a good student etc-- but it was definitely a steep learning curve. I wonder how Sophia does in school both academically and socially. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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I'm  so glad I'm not the only one who is creeped out by Sofia.  I never thought that she was a pretty child but last season I started to not like watching her. The faces she made, the way she was trying to choke Simon in the car,  the way she speaks (that whole family makes my ears bleed). She just reminds me of what  wild child raised in the back woods would be like. 

I know she's just a child and I shouldn't speak like this,  but damn she creeps me out!

Dont get me wrong, I feel bad that she has 2 lunatics like Debra and Farrah in her life. 

Ok I'll stop bashing  on a child now. I'm actually a nice person... I swear I am. 

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All the comments are understandable... Sophia is basically a horror show.

Farrah, I'm pretty well certain no one is jealous of Sophia or her life. Kids might not get it now but they will have nothing but contempt or/and pity for her once they are able to understand Sophia's life..

Edited by Rebecca
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Well, it's the way Farrah justifies everything.  If someone does not like her it is because they are jealous.  Guys want to date her and girls want to be her.  If kids do not like Sophia it's not because of her horrible behavior, but they are jealous of her awesome life and because she is so gorgeous (Farrah's words).

I think Farrah is even having trouble believing this BS at this point.

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I truly wonder if Farrah thinks Sophia is an attractive child. You'd think she'd do something with her hair/grooming since Farrah is so vain. I feel like she either thinks that Sophia is perfect and flawless, even unkempt, because Farrah sees Sophia as only an extension of herself or that she really just doesn't care. It's very bizarre, but such is Farrah's entire life.

Edit: Farrah says she's proud of Jenelle and other...stuff. She actually sounds decent but the comment about Barb taking Jace from Jenelle...ugh! Seems like she got herself a publicist because she's so much better at trying to sound diplomatic and supportive of others suddenly. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/farrah-abraham-is-proud-of-pregnant-teen-mom-2-star-jenelle-evans-w436539

Edited by Rebecca
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6 minutes ago, starfire said:

Is Farrah really only 25 years old? She looks about 40 to me in the Wonder Woman get up.

when they start the surgery too early, it ages them...like poor 50 year old Heidi Montag...

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So true. Good Lord, she does not look 25. I'm always startled when any of these girls mention their ages, even the ones who haven't gone crazy with the plastic surgery (which is...who? Maci and Catelynn?) There's other factors - drinking, smoking, stress. You can throw money at them all you want, but they don't exactly have the best lives even today. Instead of doing this show for years on end, they should have been in school and/or therapy, trying to figure out what motivated them to get pregnant at such a young age in the first place. 90% of these girls continue to make horrible choices whether it's financially or relationship wise, etc. They got issues. 

I guess Farrah HAS done therapy, but I still maintain that any therapist that allows cameras isn't worth a damn. 

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On 8/28/2016 at 11:06 AM, Rebecca said:

I truly wonder if Farrah thinks Sophia is an attractive child.

She posted this gem after the VMAs before quickly deleting it:  “I wish Sophia was there she would blow ‘blue’ away,” Abraham captioned a photo of Blue Ivy Carter and Beyonce.  “S**t Sophia runs a show.”


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On 8/25/2016 at 1:34 PM, imjagain said:

I'm  so glad I'm not the only one who is creeped out by Sofia.  I never thought that she was a pretty child but last season I started to not like watching her. The faces she made, the way she was trying to choke Simon in the car,  the way she speaks (that whole family makes my ears bleed). She just reminds me of what  wild child raised in the back woods would be like. 

I know she's just a child and I shouldn't speak like this,  but damn she creeps me out!

Dont get me wrong, I feel bad that she has 2 lunatics like Debra and Farrah in her life. 

Ok I'll stop bashing  on a child now. I'm actually a nice person... I swear I am. 

I am with you on this.  I am nice too, but even I know there are some children who are just unlikable. Some are better dealt with from afar.

Venting time. I went on vacation this summer. Some relatives went with us and they had their children with us too. All of them are fine except their youngest. What a little shit! Fucking whining, crying, pouting, throwing a tantrum in the restaurant, in the hotel room, at various spots we visited. I swear, I wanted some stranger to just tell his parents off.  We couldn't go as a group to certain places because "Little Johnny" won't tolerate the long ride, "Little Johnny won't sit still for that.

Ok. Rant over.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I've tried to look through the forum to see if this has been answered but I can't find it...So Farrah did the one porn movie (ahem, "celebrity sex tape") with James Deen. When it came out she blasted him ten ways to Sunday. I just became aware, however, of a SECOND tape, also with James Deen. So what happened? Did they make up and do a second one or is the second one just footage not used in the first one? 

The thing about Farrah is that at least she isn't sitting around at home doing nothing, like some of the others. I might not *get* the things that she does, and they certainly wouldn't be MY choices, but she is taking advantage of the opportunities coming to her. I think if she was a more pleasant person and didn't have such a mean stick up her hiney (ha ha, no innuendo intended) she could probably really make something of herself. 

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After the first video was released, James Deen was asked his opinion and he said a lot of what they filmed was missing. That footage is apparently the second tape. It's also been alleged that she is making a same-sex video, but I don't know if that ever actually happened.

Farrah didn't realize that she was only going to be paid for making the tape plus a certain percentage of the sales of the first tape, and that Vivid owns all the footage. So, when the second video was released, she didn't receive anything extra. She claimed she was taken advantage of by Vivid, but couldn't explain why or how because of the contract she signed. One of the tabloids, I think, did an expose where it explained what would have to happen for her to be paid $1 million dollars, how it was unlikely to happen, and how Vivid owns all the footage and would likely release additional footage for which Farrah would not be compensated. In return, TMZ (which has some type of partnership with Vivid) released a copy of what was purported to be Farrah's quarterly payout, showing a six-figure income, which was then wildly disputed by people in the industry that there was no way it could be real. James Deen's girlfriend at the time said he didn't even make that much for one video. She was also in the industry but I don't remember her name.

This is all from memory and I didn't want to bother to look up the exact figures, but to answer the question, the second tape was footage unused from the original filming. Farrah's dad, Micheal, even went with her to Vivid to sign the release documents. At least, that is what she was claiming, but James Deen straight up said that all of that was done before they ever filmed. If her hubris wasn't so large, she could have went with an unknown porn star and possibly had people believe it was a stolen sex tape that they made with professional lighting and videography. But, she wanted James Deen and wanted to pass off that they were dating, and he refused to play along.

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Lord, I remember some of that.  I remember Farrah going around some big city in a rented high end sports car, bragging about how she was going to be making millions of dollars from her "leaked celebrity sex tape".  She was really smug about it.

Then she is on with Dr. Drew with her fake cry face, talking about how the "big bad company" took advantage of her.  We found out later she was paid 10K for the first tape and just very little after that.  We found this out because it was pretty clearly spelled out on the contract she signed (with her father present).

This is one of the many reason it is hard to believe anything about Farrah.

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Obviously Farah & Debra have some deep seated issues that go waaaay back - the way they communicate is SO uncomfortable & painful to watch and listen to.  A simple comment or question and Farah goes into instant attack mode , eye roll , voices start raising , Debra is no picnic but geez relax Farah. Not everything has to be a fight . Fast forward 10 years and Farah & Sophia will be  repeating the dysfunction. 

Why is Simon even involved with Farah? He can't get a word in edgewise and it was interesting to watch Debra & Farah communicate in the exact same fashion with him. Change ya cell number& gtfo there Simon. 

Theres no way in hell that Sophia has little friends at school cuz kids pick up on that bizarre shit and stay away. 

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On August 24, 2016 at 8:00 AM, ginger90 said:

I thought it was great Derek's father was included.

I'm out of the loop in the whole Farah/Derek story except I know he was killed in an accident .  Looked at some pictures and Holy Moly!, Sophia is the spitting image of her father . I'd imagine that's nice for his parents / family to see the resemblance. But dayum can't Farah take a brush to her hair once in a while ? Cut it, do something! The kid looks and acts like she was just found after being raised by wolves . 

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2 hours ago, DNR said:

Why is Simon even involved with Farah? He can't get a word in edgewise and it was interesting to watch Debra & Farah communicate in the exact same fashion with him. Change ya cell number& gtfo there Simon. 


Free vacations and attention from tv. 

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I'm on a Farah kick after this week's episode haha . No convos with Farah & Debra are civil , it's amazing :

They're in a restaurant with a cousin       ( whose face never changes and doesn't squirm - she must be used to the battles ) 

Farah: " all I wanted was to married , own a restaurant blah blah blah "...

Debra interrupts of course " God had a bigger vision"

Farah ( eye roll) "  I KNOW MOM , STOP INTERRUPTING!!"

Farah continues on about how life could have been , how it is and Debra 's been reprimanded and silenced but raises her wine  glass ?....


They make each other nuts ?

Edited by DNR
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When my boys were around Sofia's age, they'd both get weird if being videoed or meeting some new adult. They might use baby voices or get really silly and act a fool. Would love to see Sofia in school, my best guess is that she is much more "normal" when surrounded by peers in a comfortable safe environment.

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I attended a parent/teacher conference many moons ago. The teacher said many wonderful things about one of my daughters. I asked her to check the name. She was very opposite at home with her two sisters, very!!

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^^ great comments above ^^hopefully Sophia is more chill when she's with the kids at school and has some friends . Seeing kids & adults communicate in a normal fashion at school has to be good for her too - because Farah & Debra are SO dysfunctional it's beyond ridiculous . Sophia must think that's how people treat each other . It's sad . No respect or boundaries at all in that family.  And yes , Debra pushes Farahs buttons ( hell, her parents installed the buttons ) - it's weird when i see Farah have that rare normal non combative convo with an outsider. 

 I know nothing of child psychology but is Sophia young for all that Daddy Derek's grave stuff ? Just asking cuz I don't know how children should be handled around the death of a parent so young that they have no memory of.

** I don't want to come across as bullying & mocking a six year old - if anything I blame Farah's wacky parenting and stressed out environment for Sophia's behavior  , it's not the kids fault. 

Edited by DNR
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Didn't Sophia get in trouble already for wearing makeup at school? And Debra's response was something along the lines of, "They just don't understand our lifestyle". As in, because Sophia is on TV she deserves an exception made for her. So yea, it's possible she's different at school, but it's also highly likely she's an entitled brat who can't get along with anyone.

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15 hours ago, DNR said:


 I know nothing of child psychology but is Sophia young for all that Daddy Derek's grave stuff ? Just asking cuz I don't know how children should be handled around the death of a parent so young that they have no memory of.


I believe this is a personal, and cultural, decision. We do not hide death in our household. Our 2 young children frequently visit and decorate their brother's grave, for instance. My 5 year old is quick to tell any random person that she had a brother who died "because his heart was sick." This is actually the one thing I cannot fault Farrah on. Where I am from, children attend funerals and continue to talk about the dead like they are still a part of the family. Where my husband is from they do not.

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Agree it's up to each family to make decisions on how to deal with the loss of family. My younger son's first funeral was his 17 year old best friend, and that was devastating on so many levels. About the whole "Daddy Derek ", I am guessing that was the first way they referred to Derek and it stuck. 

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I think it's perfectly fine for Farrah to take Sophia to Derek's grave. I tend to be of the mind that sheltering kids from these things makes them more scared. As long as you address it on a level they can handle, I think it's perfectly appropriate. My only concern is that I wonder just how much Farrah does talk about him/visit graves when the cameras aren't there. I hope she regularly talks to Sophia about her dad, and lets her have a relationship with his family - and doesn't just trot the story out for the benefit of MTV. 

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^^ great points of view Mama & Jack , it's a personal choice and parents know what their child can handle . Thank you . I just expect Farah & Debra to screw even that up cuz they're so dysfunctional.  What  will become of all these TM children - I'd put Sophia right up there with Jace & Kaiser as having a possible shaky road ahead. 

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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think it's perfectly fine for Farrah to take Sophia to Derek's grave. I tend to be of the mind that sheltering kids from these things makes them more scared. As long as you address it on a level they can handle, I think it's perfectly appropriate. My only concern is that I wonder just how much Farrah does talk about him/visit graves when the cameras aren't there. I hope she regularly talks to Sophia about her dad, and lets her have a relationship with his family - and doesn't just trot the story out for the benefit of MTV. 

Right. Is this something Farrah does on the regular without any cameras around or is it just for show? If it is for show, shame on her. Children should be aware of death and know that going to a cemetery is not something they should be afraid of. In this case, we have no idea since it is Farrah. Did she really give her child $600 for a tooth or was it to show off her money? So many questions.

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On Sunday, September 04, 2016 at 2:06 PM, DNR said:

Obviously Farah & Debra have some deep seated issues that go waaaay back - the way they communicate is SO uncomfortable & painful to watch and listen to.  A simple comment or question and Farah goes into instant attack mode , eye roll , voices start raising , Debra is no picnic but geez relax Farah. Not everything has to be a fight . Fast forward 10 years and Farah & Sophia will be  repeating the dysfunction. 

Why is Simon even involved with Farah? He can't get a word in edgewise and it was interesting to watch Debra & Farah communicate in the exact same fashion with him. Change ya cell number& gtfo there Simon. 

Theres no way in hell that Sophia has little friends at school cuz kids pick up on that bizarre shit and stay away. 

WELL SAID DNR!!? I don't understand why MTV has this rude ass wacko on the show. She's extremely annoying, rude as shit and hard to watch!!!! The day is coming where Sophia will be out of control, will talk to her in the same way or she may be scared of her and get a taste of what everyone experiences when she opens up that foul mouth that she so desperately needs to get popped in!! FARRAH YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T GET IT!!!! ONE HARD WAY COMING UP, GOOD LUCK SIMPLE ASS!!!!

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Farrah talks just like Debra using that same baby talk and voice and when she is angry. It is Debra 2.0

Man, when it comes to baby voices, I'd rather hear Chelsea speak that way than Farrah. Farrah just takes it to a whole other level.

Hard to feel sorry for Simon when he is there on camera getting paid for the abuse he takes from Farrah.

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14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Man, when it comes to baby voices, I'd rather hear Chelsea speak that way than Farrah. Farrah just takes it to a whole other level.

For sure. With Chelsea, while annoying, it just seems like a natural part of her personality. With Farrah, it seems like a way for her to make herself seem like a sweet and loving mother. But it comes off totally deranged instead. The fact that her mother still speaks to her GROWN daughter that way is disturbing. 

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And Farrah is back in all her glory!  I've never seen a person behave the way she does - it's got to be  24/7 exhausting for her and anyone around her.  I'm no expert but to this layman she's got some psychological issues - I wonder where she'd fall on the DSM-5 personality disorder chart? I mean she's not normal right ? ? NO ONE can do anything right in her eyes , the constant negativity.  Throw in some PTSD from her childhood with Debra and Michael too I think ( and emotional issues around losing daddy Derek )  .  Im going to amateur diagnose her as Borderline Personality mixed with narcissism lol.  When Sophia took off with the step stool I was like Holy Ish? what an episode this was. These teen moms lives are misery 


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Oh no. They're using Sophia's middle name in the store name? How embarrassing....

Farrah said she named her after Sophia Loren but added the "t" to make it more exotic or French or some dumb explanation that made no sense.....especially since Sophia Loren is not Sophia Lauren. Ugh, Farrah. 

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On August 31, 2016 at 11:14 AM, starfire said:

Is Farrah really only 25 years old? She looks about 40 to me in the Wonder Woman get up.

That's why young girls/women should not get dermal fillers or Botox.  I think the Kardashians look much older than they are too, thanks to too many procedures.  Fillers and lip injections make the face heavy at the bottom, dragging it down.  Then, there's the general puffiness that fillers add to the face.  Farrah's face looked so stiff and huge, and she had definitely had some recent lip injections.  

She looked like a complete idiot, and a straight-up drag queen, in that costume.  I'm sure it was a publicity stunt, to try to get into one of the tabloids or something. 


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On September 4, 2016 at 3:55 PM, DNR said:

I'm on a Farah kick after this week's episode haha . No convos with Farah & Debra are civil , it's amazing :

They're in a restaurant with a cousin       ( whose face never changes and doesn't squirm - she must be used to the battles ) 

Farah: " all I wanted was to married , own a restaurant blah blah blah "...

Debra interrupts of course " God had a bigger vision"

Farah ( eye roll) "  I KNOW MOM , STOP INTERRUPTING!!"

Farah continues on about how life could have been , how it is and Debra 's been reprimanded and silenced but raises her wine  glass ?....


They make each other nuts ?

Debra has to kiss Farrah's (fat-injected) ass or Farrah will keep her away from Sophia.  Debra just shuts up and does whatever Farrah says or wants bc she's so afraid of not being able to see her granddaughter.  I think it's terrible that Farrah uses her own child as leverage, but that's what kind of monster she is.  And Debra is partially responsible for that, but so is MTV.

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On August 31, 2016 at 10:35 PM, mamadrama said:

The thing about Farrah is that at least she isn't sitting around at home doing nothing, like some of the others. I might not *get* the things that she does, and they certainly wouldn't be MY choices, but she is taking advantage of the opportunities coming to her. I think if she was a more pleasant person and didn't have such a mean stick up her hiney (ha ha, no innuendo intended) she could probably really make something of herself. 

I get what you're saying.  Farrah is at least showing ambition and trying to capitalize on her 15 minutes of fame.  The other three girls grew complacent, despite all their talk about attending college.  I was really rooting for Catelynn and Tyler to further their educations bc they displayed so much maturity by giving Carly up for adoption.  I guess they just sit around their house like Amber and Matt.  Maci never finished college either; she received a certificate for completing a six-week business class.  They're going to be in for a rude awakening whenever the show isn't picked up for another season and they lose their MTV paychecks. 

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17 minutes ago, Pherber said:

Debra has to kiss Farrah's (fat-injected) ass or Farrah will keep her away from Sophia.  Debra just shuts up and does whatever Farrah says or wants bc she's so afraid of not being able to see her granddaughter.  I think it's terrible that Farrah uses her own child as leverage, but that's what kind of monster she is.  And Debra is partially responsible for that, but so is MTV.

Well said!!!! 2 train wrecks creating a third (sophia)!!!!

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