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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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Now I need to see what the new dress will look like. If she fancies herself as the Lady of the Manor it is going to be fantabously tacky. I'm seeing something straight out of Medieval Times. Perhaps the guests will eat with their hands!

...if this wedding truly happens that is.

I'm having flashbacks to Cate guzzling down that chicken at the baby shower, giving zero fucks about her gestational diabetes. Maybe to amuse Lord Tyler at his wedding banquet, the peasants will joust, or reenact the best scenes from 16 and pregnant and teen mom!

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I will admit (only to you all here) that I am now totally hoping that there's an hour-long Cate & Tyler wedding special because this wedding (assuming it happens) is going to an amazing, ostentatious, garish event. I can only hope that Butch is released by August and can come to the wedding.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

I will admit (only to you all here) that I am now totally hoping that there's an hour-long Cate & Tyler wedding special because this wedding (assuming it happens) is going to an amazing, ostentatious, garish event. I can only hope that Butch is released by August and can come to the wedding.

It may, possibly, be the greatest teen mom related special of all time. The total epitome of the nonsense we've been watching since 2009.

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I hate to wish a breakup on them, but I do.

I think a year and he's out. I think the year will be enough time to show Catelynn that this marriage that she's been after from him will change nothing about him. He'll be the same non-committed, judgemental douche that thinks he's better than her.

I want Catelynn to have her stupid little fairy tale wedding to this asshole. Do the first dance, enjoy the reception, buy the super wedding album package and have a fabulous honeymoon. Let them get their last cover stories in And then I want Tyler to fucking disappear. Go away.

I want him to finally get the balls to walk away from this girl that I'm sure he loves, but he feels guilted to stay with. Catelynn will have her photo album, she'll have Supernova and she'll be amazing without him. Maybe not amazing, but fine. I think Cate will thrive without Tyler and surprise herself how well she gets along without him.

He can fall off the planet.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 11

Now I need to see what the new dress will look like.  If she fancies herself as the Lady of the Manor it is going to be fantabously tacky. I'm seeing something straight out of Medieval Times.  Perhaps the guests will eat with their hands!


Gigantor sized turkey drumsticks. Cate will dump only 2 tablespoons of salt on each one as she's trying to eat healthier and work on herself, of course.

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Now I need to see what the new dress will look like.  If she fancies herself as the Lady of the Manor it is going to be fantabously tacky. I'm seeing something straight out of Medieval Times.  Perhaps the guests will eat with their hands!


...if this wedding truly happens that is.

Medieval Times...LOL  Good one!


That hat Cate is wearing? She looks like she is rocking a 1920s theme.


I can see the wedding looking as tacky as those big, fat, gypsy weddings. She will probably wear a crown.


Who is catering this affair? KFC?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

Who is catering this affair? KFC?

To borrow from the Roseanne discussion in the Leah thread, this reminded me of when Roseanne planned Crystal's wedding reception, and while she was on the phone with the caterer, Crystal said her cousin and her family would becoming, and they needed more chicken dinners. So Roseanne yelled at the caterer, "what's the big deal, you just need to get another bucket!" I can totally see April doing that. On that note, I wonder how involved April is?

  • Love 5

I hope April is involved in every last aspect of the wedding.

And I hope Butch's prison art buddies are designing the programs and decorations.

I know Tyler used to say he wanted Carly to be their flower girl. Surely BrandonAndTeresa will never allow that, right? I'm thinking no.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 3

I hope April is involved in every last aspect of the wedding.

And I hope Butch's prison art buddies are designing the programs and decorations.

I know Tyler used to say he wanted Carly to be their flower girl. Surely BrandonAndTeresa will never allow that, right? I'm thinking no.

That would mean Carly (and presumably her brother) would not only be exposed to April "I'm Sober Now" Lowell-Nick'sDad-Baltierra-CurrentHusband-GodKnowsWhatElse, but to every single one of Cate and Ty's relatives and friends. And something is telling me those two little pepperonis didn't fall too far from the family pizza. (Sorry, I was going for the apples on the tree phrase, but who are we kidding here?)

  • Love 2

Now I need to see what the new dress will look like.  If she fancies herself as the Lady of the Manor it is going to be fantabously tacky. I'm seeing something straight out of Medieval Times.  Perhaps the guests will eat with their hands!


...if this wedding truly happens that is.

Well, we know it won't have sleeves because that would be ugly. 



Okay, I'm all for a theme, but then go all out. What in the ever loving fuck were they wearing in that photo???

They both look like homeless people. Tyler looks like he dug he clothes out of the laundry hamper and Cate looks like she didn't want to wash her hair, so she slapped that hat/bathing cap on. 

Now I need to see what the new dress will look like.  If she fancies herself as the Lady of the Manor it is going to be fantabously tacky. I'm seeing something straight out of Medieval Times.  Perhaps the guests will eat with their hands!


...if this wedding truly happens that is.

Well, we know it won't have sleeves because that would be ugly. 



Okay, I'm all for a theme, but then go all out. What in the ever loving fuck were they wearing in that photo???

They both look like homeless people. Tyler looks like he dug he clothes out of the laundry hamper and Cate looks like she didn't want to wash her hair, so she slapped that hat/bathing cap on. 

  • Love 2

That smoking photo makes me laugh every time it is posted. One, Cate looks ridiculous with that cigarette in her mouth. Two, she looks even more ridiculous in those shoes. Aww hell. They both look ridiculous for so many reasons.


I posted that link to that smoking photo before when the discussion about Leah smoking came up. You know MTV tells these people to not smoke while on camera. Why is that? Surely with all the other things that has been shown (Jenelle and Kieffer doing drugs, domestic violence), smoking can't be THAT bad to show.

  • Love 4

That smoking photo makes me laugh every time it is posted. One, Cate looks ridiculous with that cigarette in her mouth. Two, she looks even more ridiculous in those shoes. Aww hell. They both look ridiculous for so many reasons.


I posted that link to that smoking photo before when the discussion about Leah smoking came up. You know MTV tells these people to not smoke while on camera. Why is that? Surely with all the other things that has been shown (Jenelle and Kieffer doing drugs, domestic violence), smoking can't be THAT bad to show.


It probably conflicts too much with their anti-smoking commercials that are on every commercial break, especially the ones talking about how much smoking rates have decreased. I always thought those commercials sort of implied that MTV is somehow contributing to the reduction in smoking (same way they're helping to reduce teen pregnancy, right?). Showing the girls' *cough* "struggles" due to being teen moms sort of helps with the teen pregnancy message, but showing them smoking like chimneys doesn't help with the anti-smoking message at all.

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If I get a vote.. I wanna see the castle!  Nathan and Jenelle fighting and breaking up on the altar might be good drama,  but I think the castle will make for way better TV.

I could see them break up and make up three times just while she is walking up the aisle to the altar. They'll need a guest list of people

able to take all that in stride, most likely random extras hired by MTV.

  • Love 2

I have to admit, I read to the end  of the comments before clicking on their wedding invitation.

I thought that everyone was being a bit harsh.


Then...I clicked the link... OMG.... that thing is horrible!!!!


Its actually worse than I thought it would be even after reading all the comments here.


OMG. I am just dying right now. LMFAO

  • Love 5

Omg they're talking about televising Jenelle's wedding- they really need to take us behind the scenes at the castle...

If I was MTV, I wouldn't want to invest too much of my time or resources on filming Jenelle's wedding. I mean, does anyone even really think they'll make it that far? I think at this point Catelynn and Tyler realize they're in too deep, they have an image, another season of OG and a kid to think about. Plus, think of the OK Magazine articles! Jenelle gives absolutely no fucks about anything, and I think she and Nathan would break up the day before, of, or after the wedding if provoked enough.

Do we know the actual venue for this grand event? I'm not really up on my knowledge of Detroit area wedding venues, but I don't believe there are any castles in Michigan, except for the white one.

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 4

Looking at it again...It's like Backstreet Boy meets Aunt Agnes.  Why didn't they co-ordinate?  Ya gots to CO-ORDINATE!



They should have stuck with that photo of them smoking to use on their invites. Then they could have gone with a Marlboro theme. Instead of little bags of candies or mints that are the norm at weddings these days, they would have cartons of cigarettes on the table.


Wait, hold on. Jenelle is getting married? I must be behind on my gossip. When is this monstrosity taking place? 

  • Love 3

I know I've spent too much time thinking about this because it's been more than 30 seconds, but... I keep wondering about the format of that wedding invitation. Is it one of those half-sheet card type things?  A postcard?  A quarter-fold?  Or is it a big flyer/poster looking thing (like I keep picturing)?  It really doesn't matter, I'm just trying to picture it in all of its glory.


GreatKazu yeah Jenelle is engaged to Nathan - or at least she was last time I bothered to look. It seems to change every few minutes.

They should have stuck with that photo of them smoking to use on their invites. Then they could have gone with a Marlboro theme. Instead of little bags of candies or mints that are the norm at weddings these days, they would have cartons of cigarettes on the table.

Woah, a carton of cigs per guest is going to get pretty pricey. Maybe Butch can get his prison buddy out for the day to come draw batman themed caricatures of guests as party favors?

I know I've spent too much time thinking about this because it's been more than 30 seconds, but... I keep wondering about the format of that wedding invitation. Is it one of those half-sheet card type things? A postcard? A quarter-fold? Or is it a big flyer/poster looking thing (like I keep picturing)? It really doesn't matter, I'm just trying to picture it in all of its glory.

GreatKazu yeah Jenelle is engaged to Nathan - or at least she was last time I bothered to look. It seems to change every few minutes.

I'm hoping it's just printed on computer paper, and then tacked up on phone polls and on bulletin boards around town.

  • Love 4

Woah, a carton of cigs per guest is going to get pretty pricey. Maybe Butch can get his prison buddy out for the day to come draw batman themed caricatures of guests as party favors?

I'm hoping it's just printed on computer paper, and then tacked up on phone polls and on bulletin boards around town.


hee.. bizarre story but it reminded me, I went to a NASCAR event years ago as a crew-member's girlfriend, back in the days when they were still sponsored by cigarette companies. The "favors" were cartons of Winstons at each place setting.  Most people just left them, but boyfriend's room-mate smoked so we picked up all the leftovers. He was thrilled, said it saved him a fortune.


I'm thinking C&T could perhaps get away with buying a pack or two, and tying a cutesy ribbon around each cigarette?  Much more affordable.


I cracked up about the phone poll/bulletin board thing too. That was exactly what I pictured when I first saw this! 

  • Love 3

Woah, a carton of cigs per guest is going to get pretty pricey. Maybe Butch can get his prison buddy out for the day to come draw batman themed caricatures of guests as party favors?


Or give prison-style tattoos.



I'm hoping it's just printed on computer paper, and then tacked up on phone polls and on bulletin boards around town.

Oh wait. You mean that is not how they did it? Shit. That invitation looked like one of those "missing dog" posters.


Is the food going to be served or will it be buffet style with chicken and pizza on the menu? I am sure instead of small, dainty salt shakers, Caitlyn will just have those large containers of Morton Salt on the tables.

  • Love 2

Do we know the actual venue for this grand event? I'm not really up on my knowledge of Detroit area wedding venues, but I don't believe there are any castles in Michigan, except for the white one.

We saw them visit the venue on TMOG this season. I remember googling it because I was like "wtf is this Castle thing in Michigan?"

They're getting married at Castle Farms in Charlevoix, MI: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/catelynn-lowell-tyler-baltierra-finalize-summer-wedding-pics-2015116

It was built by the then-Vice President of Sears in 1918. Today, Castle Farms is used mostly as a reception/wedding venue and for historical tours. Charlevoix has long been one of the summer communities for the wealthy, especially from the Chicago area & the Midwest. You can kind of think of it as the Midwestern version of the Hamptons, particularly before the decline of Detroit & the American auto business. JonBenet Ramsey's family was supposed to head to their vacation home in Charlevoix the day she disappeared & was found dead. While Charlevoix is in no way what it once was, it is really quite fancy for Catelynn and Tyler, to be honest. Castle Farms was built not just as a resort home for the VP of Sears as it was as a model farm where Sears equipment could be displayed. It has a very large model railroad today (installed by the most recent owners). It looks like a lovely venue, but also kind of a strange one that's kind of a hodgepodge of things.I know "castle" is in its name and I guess the home's spires look kind of castle-like, but I'm not sure I'd play up the whole castle theme to the extent that Lady Catelynn & Lord Tyler are. /eyeroll. I mean, it's not Hampton Court or the Hearst Castle or anything. They could just as easily have gone with a farm theme - Farmer Tyler & Milkmaid Catelynn request the honor of your presence blah blah blah.



ETA: Detroit to Charlevoix is a four hour drive (or an hour flight), so Catelynn and Tyler are essentially having a destination wedding. Let's be honest, we know most - if not all - of Catelynn & Tyler's friends and family members would have a hard time being able to afford to take a weekend trip four hours away, where they'll likely have to get a hotel room for 1-2 days plus the cost of travel, etc. I'm guessing this is costing Catelynn and Tyler a pretty penny to pay for several friends/family members to come along and attend the wedding. They're essentially going to end up taking a lot of people on a mini-vacation to Charlevoix. I hope they get some sort of MTV deal just to help off-set the costs of that, let alone the ceremony & reception. (Maybe they should just elope or have a cheaper wedding in the Detroit suburbs if not.) But I do hope to see this kitschy spectacle on my TV.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Sorry if this has already been posted - While I want a full on Cate & Tyler wedding special, even if we do not get that, we will at least see their wedding on the next season of Teen Mom OG. Yes, there's going to be a sixth season. They're already filming it. http://starcasm.net/archives/322233

Besides the Cate-Ty Castle Wedding Extravaganza, it is going to be INCREDIBLY BORING. I was so bored last season. TMOG girls are just SO BORING. (That said, you know I'll watch and just come here to snark about how boring & unchanged they are.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Please tell me they are not really going through with this. I'm still hoping for Tyler to back out. Catelynn will be hurt but better off in the long run.


I'm thinking it's going to happen. Tyler wouldn't want to face the wrath of his twitter fans if he were to back out 30 days from the wedding. Maybe he'll slip one of his friends 50 bucks to run him over on his way to the castle.

  • Love 5

I'm thinking it's going to happen. Tyler wouldn't want to face the wrath of his twitter fans if he were to back out 30 days from the wedding. Maybe he'll slip one of his friends 50 bucks to run him over on his way to the castle.


Very good point! And I kinda hope that plan happens… Is that mean? I don't want him to die. Just get injured enough to re-evaluate his life.

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