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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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They own their home, both are working full-time, they own 2 cars, etc. they seem to be satisfied with their crappy hometown, so in their eyes they're ready for the baby. IMHO they are indeed much better off than they were when they had Carly.

Owning a home and two cars likely means they are just more in debt than they were 5 years ago. I looked on Facebook and both of them list their jobs as speakers for their adoption agency. I cannot believe that even pays their bills. (She lists a previous job at Rue 21 so very likely was just making around minimum wage.) They both talked of going to college and getting careers but I guess that did not work out. I think selling their stories to tabloids is probably the most income they get and the baby will help with that at the expense of his/her privacy, of course!
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Well, I think it's safe to say their full time job is reality TV. Couple's Therapy, and now filming Teen Mom again. I'm just not sure why Tyler would green light a baby when he doesn't even want to commit to marriage? And it wasn't that long ago that we saw Catelynn peeing on the stick and being happy for a negative (or pretending to be happy because Tyler was). It's going to be very easy to slip back into obscurity and poverty when this is all over. Neither one has taken steps to learn a trade of any kind.

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Why haven't they gotten married? I've followed on and off and it seems like Catelynn is desperate to marry Tyler and Tyler keeps saying vague things like "we have to work on things." Didn't watch couples therapy so it isn't clear what they're working on, but in Being Catelynn it seemed like trivial things like losing weight. And if Tyler doesn't want to marry, why not break up? I realize they've been together since middle school and it'll hurt, but it's not like it'll be any easier 2 yrs from now -- esp not with a kid.


Do we think this kid cements the relationship? Or what finally drives them to break up, Catelynn as a single parent etc.?


They've got to be in a better position financially now than at age 16 though. They have a home and 2 cars, though I imagine there are loans for all of those things. I imagine they made money off of Teen Mom, speaking engagements etc. so hopefully they've been wise with that. Why didn't they go to college when they had a decent amount of cash coming in from MTV consistently? While they make money now, it's if/when they can book a speaking engagement -- which can't be steady money.


And how are they going to explain to Carly that they're keeping this kid but 5 short years ago they couldn't keep her? It's not like they're so settled now. Though maybe Brandon and Teresa back off even more and they get even fewer chances to see Carly.

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I predict the adoption will close as soon as the new baby is born. You just know Catelynn and Tyler are going to try and force a sibling relationship between Carly and this kid. They're going to try and guilt trip Brandon and Teresa by claiming that it's "unfair" for Carly not to know her little brother or sister. Thing is, Carly already has a little brother. She doesn't need to have a relationship with a bio-sibling she'll only see once or twice a year (if there's still that amount of contact). It'll only be confusing for her, and she'll wonder why she has a little brother who lives with her year-round, but then has another sibling she barely sees. I'm not an expert on adoption, but in my opinion, it'll probably be best for everybody if the adoption closes for now. When Carly is a teenager, she can make the choice by herself whether or not she wants to have a relationship with her bio parents and their children.


Catelynn and Tyler have let this thing run long enough. They need to focus on being actual parents now and leave Carly and her family alone. Instead of making every choice "for Carly" and constantly trying to interfere with her family, they need to be content with the fact that they allowed their daughter to be raised by a more mature and suitable couple. That's all they can do at this point. They need to raise this child as best as they can, and just hope that Carly will want to know them when she's old enough to understand the situation.

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And I hope BandT show Carly Teen Mom before she makes that decision.  Especially episodes of April and Butch.  Carly needs to know what she would be getting into before contacting her bio family.

Agreed. I think they even said on one of the specials that they plan on showing Carly "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Mom", which they feel may help them when they have to explain the adoption in detail. They won't even have to tell her how dysfunctional her birth family is; "Teen Mom" does it for them. She'll be able to see her bio parents bitch and moan over never seeing her and trashing her parents for trying to protect her identity. She'll be able to see her birth parents' self-entitled attitude and how they feel they can dictate what goes on in her life. I do wonder how she'll react when she sees all that, and how it will affect her along with this impending baby's birth.Carly's reaction can go so many ways.

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So according to starcasm, Catelynn is having a girl. This only ups the chances of this poor kid being constantly compared to Carly. I also believe that Catelynn and Tyler will give their daughter a name that begins with a C (my personal favorites are Charlotte or Charlene so they can call her Charlie for short, but they'll probably give her a crazy "unique" name).



Haha. I realize now that maybe my name guesses were a little too...highbrow for Catelynn and Tyler. I was trying to come up with names that could have nicknames that sounded like Carly. Another site I go to, Teen Mom Junkies, also has people guessing what this baby's name will be. One of the more popular one is Madelynn (with a bunch of different spellings). It sounds like Carolyn (Carly's real name), and also has the benefit of being similar to Catelynn's name. So you're basically killing two birds with one stone.

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Why haven't they gotten married? I've followed on and off and it seems like Catelynn is desperate to marry Tyler and Tyler keeps saying vague things like "we have to work on things." Didn't watch couples therapy so it isn't clear what they're working on, but in Being Catelynn it seemed like trivial things like losing weight. And if Tyler doesn't want to marry, why not break up? I realize they've been together since middle school and it'll hurt, but it's not like it'll be any easier 2 yrs from now -- esp not with a kid.


My thinking is they're too young (still) to realize it'll be even harder in a couple of more years and especially with a kid. I still can't decide if they're going for the fame, speaking engagements, etc. or if they're just too young to understand a lot of things, even with all that they've been through.


Every time I see Carly with her parents (meaning B&T) I'm so happy for her. She's obviously well loved, and well cared for. I'm glad Tyler and Catelynn made that choice for her.

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I think Tyler is over the relationship with Cate. I think he stays with her over a real sense of guilt because it was him that pressured Cate Lynn into giving up ICarly. Cate Lynn wanted to keep the baby but Tyler said he would break up w her if she didn't agree to the adoption. My guess is Tyler thinks he would look like a ginormous asshole for breaking up with her after having her make that sacrifice for him and how would that help his acting career?

He gives her the ring, he takes back the ring, he gives her the ring and says we have things to "work on". If she had an ounce of self respect she'd tell him to shove that ring up his ass.

Now how this new baby happened is beyond me.

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I saw the preview for next week's Couples Therapy reunion where Farrah gets into it with Catelynn and Tyler. Tyler tells Farrah to admit that she faked having a boyfriend to go on the show and to just admit that she did it for the money. Farrah responds that she doesn't need money and Catelynn says "yeah, cause you sold your vagina."

Fair enough, but isn't this new baby just an example of Catelynn selling her lady bits and their baby-making abilities for another season of Teen Mom and interest in the show (and any magazine articles, etc that go along with the new baby)? That's kinda selling your vagina (or reproductive organs anyway), too. I get that Farrah made a porn and lied about it, but Catelynn and Tyler made another person to famewhore their way back on TV. Somehow that seems more offensive to me than making a porno (even if Farrah still pretends it wasn't a porno).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Is Farrah still pretending that wasn't a porno? Wow. I only even watched the preview but it was so obvious.


Anyway back on topic, it makes me sad seeing what's happened to Catelynn and Tyler because I really liked both of them at first, and admired the decision that they made for Carly. I still admire them for that decision but I feel like their 15 minutes of fame was up about 14 minutes ago. I want to scream "MOVE ON already!" at them both. I really liked Farrah at first too, so go figure.


Kind of funny that Farrah was the only one (as far as I know) to go on Couples Therapy by herself, and then I realized that Catelynn was basically there by herself too. I admire Tyler for hanging in there, and I hope they can get through this rough patch but seems like maybe they need/needed some time apart.

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Yeah, I'm at a loss on this one.


Tyler backs out of the engagement/marriage more than once because he says they have issues to work on and he isn't confident enough in their relationship to marry Caitlyn...


Yet he knocks her up?


I would think if one is unsure about the other, the last thing one would want to do is bring an innocent little life into a relationship fraught with uncertainty.  


Maybe I'm just getting old but I can't wrap my mind around their logic with her having another baby at this juncture.  It's just mind blowing.

  • Love 7

Yeah, I'm at a loss on this one.


Tyler backs out of the engagement/marriage more than once because he says they have issues to work on and he isn't confident enough in their relationship to marry Caitlyn...


Yet he knocks her up?


I would think if one is unsure about the other, the last thing one would want to do is bring an innocent little life into a relationship fraught with uncertainty.  


Maybe I'm just getting old but I can't wrap my mind around their logic with her having another baby at this juncture.  It's just mind blowing.


Unfortunately I think young women use babies wayyyy too often thinking that it'll improve the relationship or 'make' the man love them again. I think they made the right decision for Carly but when I see Tyler with her even I melt a little bit.  I wonder how mutual the decision was to have another child at this point. I have  a suspicion that Catelynn saw it as a good way to 'keep' Tyler.

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Unfortunately I think young women use babies wayyyy too often thinking that it'll improve the relationship or 'make' the man love them again. I think they made the right decision for Carly but when I see Tyler with her even I melt a little bit.  I wonder how mutual the decision was to have another child at this point. I have  a suspicion that Catelynn saw it as a good way to 'keep' Tyler.


Yeah, or the two of them deciding to keep the reality TV gravy train on track.


I just don't get it.  It's one thing if they want to weather the proverbial storm out together in their up-and-down relationship but, emotionally, it doesn't seem they're really in a much different place they were when they had Carly...young, undecided, insecure, and conflicted.  


I saw how devastated Caitlyn was when Tyler told her he wasn't ready to get married on Couples Therapy. Considering the instability she herself was raised with, I was so hoping they'd continue to make the decision to not procreate further until they were on more solid footing, with one another and in the world in general.

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The wedding date is set - for next year. Yet deliberately having a baby now is ok? I'm old too, because I completely don't get the logic of being scared of marriage, yet tying yourself down to someone for 18 years (and life) with a child. Or maybe I just watch too much Judge Judy because she'd just shake her head and call them idiots.

Farrah bugs, but shaming her about her sex career pisses me off. Sure she lies and spins it her way, but women do make a living in sex related fields, and that is their choice.

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I really don't understand these two. Aren't they suppose to be going to college and getting careers to support themselves? A baby won't make him stay. It wouldn't surprise me if Tyler leaves her and maybe co parent with Caitlin. Tyler isn't ready for marriage but brings another kid into this world. Some people have no comments sense

Edited by Darknight
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I think Tyler is over the relationship with Cate. I think he stays with her over a real sense of guilt because it was him that pressured Cate Lynn into giving up ICarly. Cate Lynn wanted to keep the baby but Tyler said he would break up w her if she didn't agree to the adoption. My guess is Tyler thinks he would look like a ginormous asshole for breaking up with her after having her make that sacrifice for him and how would that help his acting career?

He gives her the ring, he takes back the ring, he gives her the ring and says we have things to "work on". If she had an ounce of self respect she'd tell him to shove that ring up his ass.

Now how this new baby happened is beyond me.


Maybe Tyler figures if he finally gives her a baby she keeps then it will all be even and he can finally leave her? 

Maybe Tyler figures if he finally gives her a baby she keeps then it will all be even and he can finally leave her?

I actually wouldn't be surprised if you're not far off. Caitlyn and Tyler always seemed like they were staying together so that one day they could correct the mistake they made with Carley. It was like they felt like they had to stick together until they could grow up and have another baby the right way to make up for being white trash teenagers who have away their baby. I don't know, they just creep me out. I think they made the right call with Carley, but 6 years later and they have not moved forward in at all. They're still in the same codependent relationship in the same dead-end town, still with no education or job skills (other than talking about Carley) and now they're going to do it all over again. I've never loved them as much as the rest if the world, but I at least have them credit for standing up to their families to make a different choice. Now? It's like a repeat button except they're adults who should know better.

  • Love 4

It never really occurred to me before but I think MTV is partially to blame for Cate not being able to move away fromTyler.

Since 16 &pregnant all she's been hearing is how great Tyler is. What an awesome boyfriend he must be. How all of America wished their boyfriend was more like Tyler. How lucky she must feel to have a guy like Tyler. It's been a non-stop Tyler hand job for Tyler. At some point it must sound to her like "how the hell did YOU wind up with him??"

So of course she can't let him go. He's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Where is she going to find another him? All of America has been telling her she can't do any better so of course this girl is stuck. And add to that the low self esteem and the weird family intermingling she probably sees no way out.

Edited by Brooklynista
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They have moved forward. They have high school diplomas, own a home, and they are 22. Its much different than living with your addict parents while pregnant in high school.


Tyler didn't live with an addict parent.  He had a normal home life.   In any case, they haven't lived with either of their parents for years now.   If they had kept Carly they would have been just fine financially because of the MTV money.   Just like all the other girls on the show.   


I actually wouldn't be surprised if you're not far off. Caitlyn and Tyler always seemed like they were staying together so that one day they could correct the mistake they made with Carley. It was like they felt like they had to stick together until they could grow up and have another baby the right way to make up for being white trash teenagers who have away their baby. I don't know, they just creep me out. I think they made the right call with Carley, but 6 years later and they have not moved forward in at all. They're still in the same codependent relationship in the same dead-end town, still with no education or job skills (other than talking about Carley) and now they're going to do it all over again. I've never loved them as much as the rest if the world, but I at least have them credit for standing up to their families to make a different choice. Now? It's like a repeat button except they're adults who should know better.


I agree with this, although I think Catelynn is kind of in denial about the circumstances of the adoption.   She must know on some level that she could have kept Carly and been fine.  Even Tyler's comment about how it allowed them to be young and spend time together strikes me as odd.   Ok, so they got to be kid free and act like teenagers and take time for their relationship, but their relationship is bullshit (JMO) and Tyler went and put her through the broken engagement on top of it all.    It certainly doesn't seem like Cate and Tyler have been happy, they looked miserable as hell on both Couples Therapy and the last special.   How did putting Carly up for adoption benefit their relationship?    I don't think it did at all,except for it gives Catelynn the slight advantage of being able to guilt Tyler into being with her because of the adoption.   I'm not saying Catelynn's home life was ideal for a baby but the adoption was a permanent solution to a temporary problem, their relationship is not any better from what I can see.   Even a fuck up like Jenelle is living in her own home and doing fine financially.   Cate must process that on some level.    I know the vast majority thinks Catelynn did the right thing when she put Carly up for adoption but honestly if I was in her shoes, I would have a LOT of regret considering they could have kept her and been fine just like all the other girls on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2.   If you think about it, Carly could have the same exact life that they think is good enough for the new baby.   IDK how Cate rationalizes that.  

Edited by Lexie
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