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So a May 30th due date means an ovulation or conception date of September 7th, give or take a few days (counting back 38 weeks from May 30). Maci would have gotten a positive pregnancy test by mid or late September.

I actually do believe her that this was unplanned and she probably didn't find out right away. I just don't see what's in it for her having another baby right away. Taylor didn't marry her after Jayde, and finding a willing babysitter for two babies is going to be a lot more challenging, so she can kiss those weekends in Vegas goodbye.

I bet she was further along then average, but maybe not as far along as she claims to have been when she found out. Post partum cycles can be really screwy. She and Taylor were irresponsible to not use protection but if she wasn't having regular cycles it probably didn't occur to her to be concerned about no periods for months. And if she doesn't get morning sickness (I didn't with either of my kids) she may not have had any reason to take a test.

Now, I would bet by 12 weeks, her body had changed enough for her to notice. I could be 12 weeks pregnant 5 months post partum and not notice a difference thanks to breastfeeding and a few pregnancy pounds remaining in the gut and boobs, but Maci was back to a size 0 at Cate's wedding.

I would bet Maci found out around November/December. I'm just speculating here, but I'm thinking she sat Taylor down and basically said shit or get off the Teen Mom pot. Then once she coerced an engagement (or a promise to propose in 90 days or less) she kept the pregnancy quiet so it wouldn't overshadow her upcoming engagement announcement.

I just really don't think Maci would either knowingly drink while pregnant or pretend to drink while pregnant.


'Ehhh... I don't track these girls like that, and yet photos are popping up at different sites I frequent on the net. Like:


Twitter, 6 weeks (aka 4.5 months pregnant) ago





And one of those photos led to this article:




There are a lot out there, including questions about smoking also. I wouldn't have thought she would, but these days I would say she probably drank some with Jayde, and everything was fine, and kept going this time. They strike me as the type who would say stupid shit like "my mama drank with me, and I turned out fine." Especially Taylor.

  • Love 3

Maci is clearly pregnant in that article photo as she is holding a beer. One could give the excuse that she was just holding it, but how many pregnant women hold a beer in a photograph for someone else?

This is her problem, not mine, but if these people want their benefit check from MTV, then they can take the heat. Drinkers, pot smokers, in the closet, whatever, these people are a bunch of bullshitters.

  • Love 4

I wonder if she will address this at some point or just ignore it? I'm sure she will say she wasn't actually drinking in any of those pictures but if she really didn't know she was pregnant, which is the story she is telling, why would she be not drinking this whole time but still holding alcohol on several occasions? I found out I was pregnant three days before my husband and I were having a big party at our house in September. It was way too early to tell anyone so I walked around all night holding various alcohols and I think I fooled most people. So I could understand doing that but her story is that she didn't know, so then that excuse doesn't work. Plus I don't know how she will explain away scenes of her actually consuming alcohol on the show. Her trip to Vegas was in September but I'll give her that one because the earliest she would have found out would have been right around the end of September, so she wouldn't have known then. But every time she is shown drinking since that episode, she should have known.

  • Love 4

'Ehhh... I don't track these girls like that, and yet photos are popping up at different sites I frequent on the net. Like:


Twitter, 6 weeks (aka 4.5 months pregnant) ago





And one of those photos led to this article:




There are a lot out there, including questions about smoking also. I wouldn't have thought she would, but these days I would say she probably drank some with Jayde, and everything was fine, and kept going this time. They strike me as the type who would say stupid shit like "my mama drank with me, and I turned out fine." Especially Taylor.


Interesting, thanks for posting.


I'm no Maci apologist, but I actually believe her that she didn't know. If some grainy, cell phone pics of her taking shots surfaced from when she was 14-18 weeks pregnant, then I would have an easier time thinking she just didn't give a shit, but at the Teen Mom aftershow filming? Where there are sure to be cameras and witnesses? And taking SHOTS? Yeah, she could have a few beers and then later claim she was just walking around with the same beer bottle the whole time and it was mostly full, but I just have a hard time imagining Maci (as concerned as she is about her own "brand") taking shots in front of witnesses, knowing this story is going to be published, knowing that she is pregnant and thinking, eh, no biggie, I'll just tell everyone I didn't know. You know, it's TOTALLY feasible that someone who has had two previous full term pregnancies would make it to the second trimester not realizing she was pregnant.

The TN game though is hard to explain. She does look pretty pregnant in that pic while she's holding a beer. Considering how skinny she was by the late summer/early fall, I have a harder time believing she didn't notice her own body changing. If she didn't know, that's some deep denial. But I guess it's possible.

I'm not claiming Maci is above drinking while pregnant. I am saying I don't think she would go on public record as drinking while pregnant. Especially not hard alcohol.



I wonder if she will address this at some point or just ignore it? I'm sure she will say she wasn't actually drinking in any of those pictures but if she really didn't know she was pregnant, which is the story she is telling, why would she be not drinking this whole time but still holding alcohol on several occasions?


I would imagine after the whole, "I thought I would never get pregnant again/Baby Jayde is a miracle" thing blew up, Maci is a little more careful about what story she is going to spin. Right now, Maci has to choose between 1. Sticking with her story that she was 19 weeks pregnant before she knew, which would make her an idiot, 2. Trying to claim all those times she was pictured with drinks or seen drinking she was actually faking it, or 3. she was drinking the whole time knowing she was pregnant. It will probably take her some time to consider her best option, and just now much evidence there is out in the media of her drinking. She could always say she just purposely posed for pictures holding a Bud Light to throw off people, but if there's footage of her taking shots, that's going to be a hard one to explain.

  • Love 2

I think Maci is getting her brilliant public relations advice from Taylor. 


At this point Taylor sucks at using birth control, finding a valid business idea, choosing proper nicknames (TMoney for a guy whose only means of support is his girlfriend's crappy reality show), and apparently not understanding how pregnancy works (though at baby number 3, Maci should understand that what she is saying makes no sense).


Great catch, Maci!

  • Love 3

I love the idiots defending Maci on social media. "You guys are so meeeeeaaannn!" "We all make mistakes!~~" "Who are you to judge?" "Maci is a great mom!" "You can drink while pregnant!"

Fucking morons. Sadly, a lot of them appear to be moms themselves...

I can't deal with those people. Such butt kissers to someone that could care less!

I know all women are different..but I knew I was pregnant early on with all my kids. If she does have PCOS then I can see how missing a period could mean nothing but still! I can't believe she had no symptoms or no movement by the time she found out.

  • Love 4

Wow. Just now found out about this. I'm out of the loop, guys! I'm still trying to get all the details, but is Maci seriously claiming that she only found out about a week ago? And she's currently 6 months pregnant? Um BS. I know there are those shows where women go into labor without knowing they are pregnant. I know the mind can be a very powerful thing. But usually those women have some serious mental health issues, and Maci, while immature and hypocritical and lazy, seems just fine in that department. 


I could buy not realizing for the entire first trimester. My sister just found out she was pregnant with #2 and when she went to the doc, she was already 11-12 weeks. She was still nursing my niece, so her periods haven't been regular anyhow, and she didn't really feel sick she said. So I could see something like that, but to get over halfway through without realizing? No. Just no. She's too big in that announcement pic, that didn't just happen overnight, or even in the matter of weeks. 


So I smell BS. I'm really not sure why. Is it stupid to have another kid when you're already bitching and whining about how overwhelmed you are, and how your man needs to hurry up and propose already? Probably. But this is not the worst situation in the world, so I can't quite figure out the massive secrecy. 


I don't know what to think about the drinking thing. So far I've only seen the beer at the game pic, and I don't know if that was product placement or trying to fool people or what. 


Lastly, congrats, Nordic! I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  • Love 5

I have no problem believing that Maci would drink while pregnant.   Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if both she and Taylor had a drinking problem and she can't stop.   JMO


I seriously doubt that she just didn't notice being pregnant for a third time considering she would probably show even sooner with her third kid.    Maybe she wanted another kid to make Taylor finally propose or maybe they are both just that sloppy with birth control.   But I just feel like Maci is way too controlling to not use birth control if she really didn't want to be pregnant.  She wanted her kids to be close together, she admitted it when she was trying to get Kyle to propose.  Tyler already said that he was waiting to propose to get another season, so second baby AND an engagement?   The storyline is already there, now they just need to get another season.  Thats convenient.

  • Love 5

I can't deal with those people. Such butt kissers to someone that could care less!

I know all women are different..but I knew I was pregnant early on with all my kids. If she does have PCOS then I can see how missing a period could mean nothing but still! I can't believe she had no symptoms or no movement by the time she found out.

Mostly, to me, she is too skinny to not notice.  You usually show earlier with subsequent pregnancies, too.  And I know very few women who are sexually active who wouldn't test, even with PCOS, if they were THAT late.  Signed, a PCOSer

  • Love 5

I love the idiots defending Maci on social media. "You guys are so meeeeeaaannn!" "We all make mistakes!~~" "Who are you to judge?" "Maci is a great mom!" "You can drink while pregnant!"

Fucking morons. Sadly, a lot of them appear to be moms themselves...

Fucking morons indeed.

Maci is so stupid. She thinks the viewers are just as stupid. Her and her six year college experience. LOL

  • Love 3

I think I'm in the school of thought that she maybe didn't know for a while, but she probably knew before she was engaged, and that was likely the catalyst for the engagement. There's no way she was going to have another baby without a ring at the least.., I'm surprised she didn't make him do a quickie wedding (but then there wouldn't be anything for MTV to film)in Vegas.

  • Love 4

Small wonder her parents don't want to show their faces on MTV. They probably walk around Chattanooga with bags over their heads.

Maxi is every mom of sons worse nightmare.

I don't know if this has been discussed ( I am somewhat new to this forum and catching up) but I too have noticed that  I remember seeing her mom in seasons past, not a lot, but she was definitely on it. Now this season I have not seen her family at all. In fact when she and Taylor were going away for that weekend (to destress from all the stress of laundry and laying around) that it was Ryan's parents who were watching her baby from her newest babydaddy. Go figure. Has it been a thing about her parents/family not being on? Like how she wouldnt have Bentley on last year but now is over that.

  • Love 2

Could the photo of the Bud Light at the game be part of Maci's "tweeting for money" job or whatever it is?


Did you also notice that she and Taylor seem to often wear the same kinds of clothes: TN Vols apparel, Dallas Cowboys jerseys, Young and Reckless brand, stupid pleather pocket t-shirts, etc.  She HAS to be getting to paid to wear them. 

Edited by Marisagf
  • Love 1

I honestly believes she drinks while pregnant. There is no way she doesn't know. In the waist trainer picture from 10 weeks ago, you can clearly see her bump in the picture. You can clearly see her baby bump in the picture at the Outback Bowl.

You definitely can see the bump there. Some people even commented on it at the time it was posted. Another friend has some photos up from a bar 4 weeks ago and she has a beer in hand and an obvious bump.

  • Love 1

God she had everything. A supportive family, with the show she easily could have went to school full time and not have to worry about working, she could have completely applied herself to school and being a mom with no issues. Instead, she shacks up with guy after guy that very obviously use her for money, she lounges around, boozes it up, and gets knocked up. And then not even a year later, gets knocked up again! I never thought any girl from this franchise or TM2 had a fucking chance, but I thought Maci did. Pretty sad when Chelsea, for as dumb and naive as she was, is fairing so much better in life than Maci (thus far). And their situations are fairly similar side by side.

God, Maci, why?

  • Love 5

Maci seems more defiant than Chelsea. Chelsea is more willing to let her dad control her money and that's why she has something to show for it.

Yes, but if Chelsea had kept chasing after Adam, I think her life would've turned out a LOT differently.  She would still have something to show for her money, but I bet she would have another child (with Adam) and would not have gotten her GED or esthetician's license.

  • Love 5

Maybe but remember the one reunion they did early on? Adam wanted Chelsea to buy him a new truck. Randy would never allow that and Chelsea doesn't seem the type to argue about something like that. On the other hand how much did maci blow playing house with Kyle, living in the party house she lived in on the being Maci special, she was even paying the one roommates rent for her. Then there's what she spent buying the house Taylor wanted and giving him a business. Chelsea might have had another kid with Adam but she wouldn't have been supporting him imo

  • Love 4

God she had everything. A supportive family, with the show she easily could have went to school full time and not have to worry about working, she could have completely applied herself to school and being a mom with no issues. Instead, she shacks up with guy after guy that very obviously use her for money, she lounges around, boozes it up, and gets knocked up. And then not even a year later, gets knocked up again! I never thought any girl from this franchise or TM2 had a fucking chance, but I thought Maci did. Pretty sad when Chelsea, for as dumb and naive as she was, is fairing so much better in life than Maci (thus far). And their situations are fairly similar side by side.

God, Maci, why?

I think the major difference between Maci and Chelsea is Maci's always prioritized being a wife and having a "traditional " family even as far back as 16 and Pregnant. All her adult role models seemed to encourage it, so what else was expected of her? Randy wasn't having that, and was very clear that Adam was dead weight and "love" could wait, even if it took Chelsea a while to come around.

  • Love 2
I think the major difference between Maci and Chelsea is Maci's always prioritized being a wife and having a "traditional " family even as far back as 16 and Pregnant. All her adult role models seemed to encourage it, so what else was expected of her? Randy wasn't having that, and was very clear that Adam was dead weight and "love" could wait, even if it took Chelsea a while to come around.



The funny thing is in the traditional southern family scenario ( I grew up in the south) the man is supposed to be the breadwinner and the woman takes care of everything else (pretty hard work). 


Here Maci is buying a husband and he does not do jack.  Taylor's response to child care is "hiring someone with Maci's money".  With the laundry piling up it does not seem like he really does much of the housework, either. 


I know some people have mentioned that Taylor works, but if Taylor had a decent job, Maci would have brought it up every chance she got.  I mean Ryan used to be a diesel mechanic and Kyle was like a bottler for Coca-Cola, but we still do not know what Taylor does, besides being a T-shirt mogul.


Maci's old boyfriend, Kyle, was not much too look at, but at least he seemed like a nice person.  Taylor is not even hiding that he is using Maci for the come up and she does not care.  She just wants someone with a  penis to stand at the alter and marry her.

  • Love 3


I know some people have mentioned that Taylor works, but if Taylor had a decent job, Maci would have brought it up every chance she got.  I mean Ryan used to be a diesel mechanic and Kyle was like a bottler for Coca-Cola, but we still do not know what Taylor does, besides being a T-shirt mogul.


I'm pretty sure he does not have an actual job that comes with a paycheck. I thought I had read somewhere that he installed countertops or cabinets when living in TX, but I can't find that now. When Maci says he is "working", she probably means he is on twitter talking about his stupid tshirts.


These reality idiots that try various business ventures frequently refer to checking emails and monitoring their social media accounts as "working".


Really, knocking up Maci was the best thing that could have happened to Taylor. She wants to be married (regardless of to whom), and she probably figures whatever his motivation is for marrying her, or however long he stalls before marrying her, she's going to have an easier time dragging him down the aisle then starting over from scratch with three kids, two of which are in diapers. He basically can be as selfish and lazy as he wants and she's not going anywhere, even if she has to bribe him with BJs and venture capital in order to get him to do his own fucking laundry.


People say Maci should stop giving speeches about unwanted/unplanned pregnancies. I say there's no better cautionary tale than Maci.


I can't say every guy I slept with from ages 19 to 25 was a winner either, but at least I was never in the position where I begged two guys on national TV to marry me when one of the guys clearly stated to any viewer watching that he was with me for the cash and D list fame I provided. Had Maci been a little better about birth control in 2014, she could have told Taylor to pound sand and found a guy with actual potential. Now she's stuck with him.

  • Love 4

Could the photo of the Bud Light at the game be part of Maci's "tweeting for money" job or whatever it is?


Maybe, but it doesn't explain the photos afterwards with a fan where she's got a beer and a belly, and not from the beer. And other Instagram photos posted by fans from the same time where beers and cigs exist that Maci didn't post on her own IG.


Yes, but if Chelsea had kept chasing after Adam, I think her life would've turned out a LOT differently.  She would still have something to show for her money, but I bet she would have another child (with Adam) and would not have gotten her GED or esthetician's license.


She sure would have - she practically did. She missed having a second child with Adam not because she was smart and did her best to avoid it, but because she lucked out. I don't give points for that.


Maybe but remember the one reunion they did early on? Adam wanted Chelsea to buy him a new truck. Randy would never allow that and Chelsea doesn't seem the type to argue about something like that. On the other hand how much did maci blow playing house with Kyle, living in the party house she lived in on the being Maci special, she was even paying the one roommates rent for her. Then there's what she spent buying the house Taylor wanted and giving him a business. Chelsea might have had another kid with Adam but she wouldn't have been supporting him imo


I recall Chelsea having bought him the first truck, and Randy objecting to a new one. And Chelsea for sure was supporting him, that's what a lot of their fights were about in the earlier years. Chelsea had been, and would have kept supporting Adam even as he got his own Teen Mom money.

  • Love 5

 Regarding Maci's not knowing she was pregnant.  

I'll play devil's advocate and offer the theory that she is very, very thin.   It's not unusual for thin girls to skip one or two periods on a fairly regular basis.  


The reason I have trouble applying such a hypothetical to Maci is this:  She is living with Taylor and, evidently, has been sexually intimate with him, presumably at a fertile time.  Even if she was prone to skipping periods, the thought of a possible pregnancy should have crossed her mind.  Any sexual activity leaves the door open for a pregnancy, right? (assuming the man is not sterile and woman is fertile)


The reason the "I didn't know I was pregnant" theory might apply is if she skipped a period, even two periods, and couldn't fathom being pregnant because she had "relations" with Taylor at a time - or times - when it's quite unusual to get pregnant, e.g. the least fertile days of her cycle (during her period, etc.).   Even so, as stated above, sexual activity between two fertile people always makes pregnancy a possibility.


Seems I went into the too-much-information zone with all of that stuff above. Yes, I'd better get a life, I totally agree.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday

 Regarding Maci's not knowing she was pregnant.  

I'll play devil's advocate and offer the theory that she is very, very thin.   It's not unusual for thin girls to skip one or two periods on a fairly regular basis.  


The reason I have trouble applying such a hypothetical to Maci is this:  She is living with Taylor and, evidently, has been sexually intimate with him, presumably at a fertile time.  Even if she was prone to skipping periods, the thought of a possible pregnancy should have crossed her mind.  Any sexual activity leaves the door open for a pregnancy, right? (assuming the man is not sterile and woman is fertile)


The reason the "I didn't know I was pregnant" theory might apply is if she skipped a period, even two periods, and couldn't fathom being pregnant because she had "relations" with Taylor at a time - or times - when it's quite unusual to get pregnant, e.g. the least fertile days of her cycle (during her period, etc.).   Even so, as stated above, sexual activity between two fertile people always makes pregnancy a possibility.


Seems I went into the too-much-information zone with all of that stuff above. Yes, I'd better get a life, I totally agree.


Post partum hormones are weird. It's entirely possible Maci has not gotten any periods since getting pregnant with Jayde. I haven't had a period since 2014, when I became pregnant with my son. Granted, I'm breastfeeding, which I don't think Maci ever has, but even without breastfeeding it's not unheard of for your body to take several months to get back on track with having cycles after giving birth. It's entirely possible Maci ovulated for the first time since being pregnant with Jayde in early Sept, which is when she would have gotten pregnant. And likely she had been told by doctors that it could take her body awhile to regulate immediately after giving birth so she didn't think it was strange that she was not getting periods.


Of ALL the things that are implausible for Maci being over halfway through before finding out (not having any symptoms, not feeling the baby move, and not noticing the SIGNIFICANT BUMP manifesting by December)- not paying attention to the fact that she hasn't had a period seems the easiest to explain.


I still can't wrap my head around it. If Maci knocks back the occasional beer while pregnant, while controversial, it's probably okay. Some OBs and midwives will go on record saying ONE glass of wine or beer while pregnant every once in awhile is fine. Taking multiple shots is an entirely different matter. Maci was drunk in NYC while filming the Teen Mom special and she would have been 14-15 weeks pregnant. Not good.

  • Love 4
If you have unprotected sex on a regular basis, there's a good chance you'll get pregnant. Plain and simple. I think she delayed announcing it so she could keep on drinking.


I think she delayed announcing it because she didn't want to make another pregnancy announcement with no commitment from Taylor. Behind the scenes, she was probably pestering and issuing ultimatums. The reveal, SO soon after the proposal, is what makes me think this. 

  • Love 5

She sure would have - she practically did. She missed having a second child with Adam not because she was smart and did her best to avoid it, but because she lucked out. I don't give points for that.



I recall Chelsea having bought him the first truck, and Randy objecting to a new one. And Chelsea for sure was supporting him, that's what a lot of their fights were about in the earlier years. Chelsea had been, and would have kept supporting Adam even as he got his own Teen Mom money.

I don't remember hearing that she bought him a truck.   Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if Chelsea didn't even have access to most of her money to just spend however she wanted.   When Adam lived with Chelsea it was in Randy's rental house so she wasn't even paying rent.   I don't think it's comparable to Maci, she doesn't even have her own business so why is she investing in getting Taylor one?   That girl is thirsty.   Chelsea seems the type to cry and whine over her ex but still basically follow her dad's plans but Maci will up and chase the next guy whether it means moving three house away, blowing gas money driving bentley back and forth, etc. That's probably why her parents are nowhere to be seen this season.  She's stubborn and makes bad decisions and they are probably done trying to get through to her.   

  • Love 2

For anyone who still buys the maybe she didn't know story, check out this pic.


No way did she just magically get that big overnight.


Yes, to this, all the way.   Gawd, I thought the women that were featured on that show, "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant," were dumb as rocks.  But here we have Maci who is only a media sensation because of her LACK of good sense, ready to pop out another kid with a man who hasn't  yet - to use Maci's words -  "made her his wife." 

And that Instagram pic looks like it was taken inside a bar, doesn't it?

  • Love 3

It pains this Redskins fan to speak well of Jerry Jones, but he does just fine without having to pay shills like Maci and Taylor to publicize his team.

And all I will say about Cowboys fans who are not from Texas is that my opinion of them is not good.


I think Taylor actually did live in Texas before he moved to be with Maci, if that helps at all.

  • Love 1


None of this makes sense. She's most definitely, 100% showing. How would her friends not notice? Who would be surprised when she told them the news? I bet her doctor could tell as soon as she walked in the door.

  • Love 2

Not to derail the topic of Maci's "oopsy-surprise" pregnancy, but what did you all think of Ryan's late-to-the-party act on the trick-or-treating episode?  I have nothing against Ryan and don't mean to bash him, but I thought, well...  never mind.  I better think this one over before I  go ahead and make assumptions.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday

I can't believe she is sticking with that story. Well, she is really so fucking dumb then. I am willing to suspend disbelief and pretend that it wasn't weird for her to miss 5 periods (because of her pcos or recently having a baby, whatever) and pretend that she really didn't show AT ALL until she was 21 weeks pregnant (because some people really do show really late). But I still find it SO HARD to believe that she had ZERO symptoms of pregnancy until 21 weeks. No morning sickness, fine I'll give you that one because I barely had any myself. No exhaustion? Maybe she's always exhausted so she didn't notice a difference but I felt like first trimester exhaustion felt like what it probably feels like to be dead. I seriously felt like I was dead. Again everyone is different so fine she wasn't sick or exhausted. She had no cramping of any kind? Couldn't feel any fetal movement? No heartburn? No food aversions or cravings? And I'm just naming a few of the things she could have experienced...she had NO symptoms? And has been pregnant twice before? I guess we are to believe that she really has zero of those things happen to her and she seriously felt exactly the same as she always does for 21 weeks. I feel like this is the most preposterous story she could have told but if that's what she's going with then fine I'll believe it but it really does make her the dumbest girl on the whole show.

  • Love 5

And why is she wearing Cowboy jerseys, too?  She's not a Titans fan? 

Maci is the type of woman who becomes interested in what her boyfriend likes -- without any true enthusiasm.  She reminds me of the the 'Cool Girl' monologue from the book/film GONE GIRL.


“Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.

Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Cool Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has watched too many movies written by socially awkward men who’d like to believe that this kind of woman exists and might kiss them. I’d want to grab the poor guy by his lapels or messenger bag and say: The bitch doesn’t really love chili dogs that much – no one loves chili dogs that much! And the Cool Girls are even more pathetic: They’re not even pretending to be the woman they want to be, they’re pretending to be the woman a man wants them to be. Oh, and if you’re not a Cool Girl, I beg you not to believe that your man doesn’t want the Cool Girl. It may be a slightly different version – maybe he’s a vegetarian, so Cool Girl loves seitan and is great with dogs; or maybe he’s a hipster artist, so Cool Girl is a tattooed, bespectacled nerd who loves comics. There are variations to the window dressing, but believe me, he wants Cool Girl, who is basically the girl who likes every fucking thing he likes and doesn’t ever complain. (How do you know you’re not Cool Girl? Because he says things like: “I like strong women.” If he says that to you, he will at some point fuck someone else. Because “I like strong women” is code for “I hate strong women.”)”

  • Love 7

The women on those I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant shows aren't necessarily all dumb as a box of rocks. Often there is some severe mental illness, trauma, etc. involved. A bad situation where they actually know deep down that they are pregnant, but they are in severe denial. Either that or there are health problems so bad that they may really not know - or a combination. 


I just don't see any of this in Maci's case. The only thing I could give a pass on is missing periods. Some women really just are that irregular.  I got my first PP period back only 6 weeks after each baby (and I was nursing!), but I know some women who don't become regular again for over a year. 


But that's it. Showing? Yea, some people take longer to show than others. But this is her THIRD pregnancy. Your uterus is simply more stretchable at this point. I swear, by my 3rd pregnancy, I had a little bump by only 6 weeks. And Maci is so tiny, there's no room for speculation. 


And yea, some women don't get sick and they don't get heartburn and they just feel lovely their entire pregnancies (those bitches can go straight to hell with their damn crackers), but feeling your baby move??? Hello! Along with showing, that generally happens earlier and earlier each time. I think with my third I could feel little flutters by about 11 weeks. There is no way this chick was over halfway through her third pregnancy and hadn't felt even a kick. 


Sorry, I'm just not buying it. Either she is really mentally unstable (which we've seen no evidence of) or she's lying her ass off. I'm convinced she's lying, because she was ashamed to be pregnant AGAIN without a ring. 


Damn, how many "surprise" pregnancies does it take before you freaking figure out birth control???? And if these were totally intentional pregnancies, but she's playing them off as "surprises" to save face, she's doing a real disservice to all the girls she's supposed to be teaching about safe sex and all that. 


I think she is now the worst on this show as far as having more babies. Even Messer, who also has 3, only had TWO pregnancies. 

  • Love 3

I have another theory about Maci and this one is really ugly.


One of you astute posters have pointed out that Taylor is engaged to Maci, because this baby is a boy.  I remember a throw away scene last season where Maci and Taylor were having dinner in a restaurant with a friend.  The friend asked if they were excited about having a little girl and both Maci and Taylor sort of said "no".  You could tell they were not happy about the gender.


I think Taylor told Maci that he would marry her if they had a boy.  I think Maci was planning to find out the gender first and abort the baby if it was another girl.  She wanted the boy baby to get a ring on her finger.


I grew up in the south and this attitude is not that uncommon there.  I have heard many women who say they never want any girls and only having sons gets you any respect.


This could explain why she waited so long to announce the pregnancy.  I think you know the gender at 18-20 weeks and the latest you can get an abortion is 24 weeks.


I hope this is not true, but it makes sense with the strange way she has announced this pregnancy.  We all know these Teen Moms have fans that will believe anything they say.

Edited by qtpye
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I can't believe she is sticking with that story.


She doesn't have much choice. Her options are to say she didn't know she was pregnant, or to say she knowingly drank while pregnant. A picture of her with a beer in hand isn't proof she's actually drinking it, but I am guessing she has imbibed in front of enough witnesses that trying to explain she was just holding a drink in every picture taken and didn't actually drink it will likely backfire.


For the record, I believe she knew before 21 weeks, but I believe her that she didn't know that weekend she was in drinking heavily in early December, when she would have been about 14-15 weeks. She drinks a lot and doesn't eat very well, so maybe she thought early pregnancy bloat was related to weight gain from poor diet.

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Maci is a moron if she thinks anyone believes she had two "oops" pregnancies in a row. I've only been pregnant twice but knew fairly early both times. And the first was a  total surprise (I was on birth control) I am one of the very lucky (as was my mom and my sister) who NEVER had any morning sickness. Gained all my weight in my stomach and could still fit into my jeans even at 9 months. However I had terrible exhaustion in the first trimester. I remember being at work and having to lay my head on my desk because I could not hold my head up I was so tired.  With my second baby I had horrible heartburn for the last three months. Every single night. So there is no possible way that Maci didn't notice ANY symptoms unless she was drunk the entire time. They obviously were not using birth control and every doctor insists you start using birth control as soon as you start having sex again regardless if your cycle is normal or not. So if they were not using birth control she would have to know it was possible to get pregnant at any time and she would definitely notice weight gain because Maci was back to her size 0 self shortly after giving birth to Jayde. I think she was embarrassed that Taylor does not want to marry her (funny that she's preggers with baby #2 of Taylor's spawn and STILL no shotgun wedding) WTF is her problem. Is she really that stupid. This guy does not want to make you his wife sweetie!  I feel so badly for Bentley. He had 7 years alone being the only child, the center of his mom's life and now he has to share Maci with two very needy very young infants who will be very close in age. God forbid the newest baby has any birth defects or is special needs due to Maci's dumbass drinking while pregnant. 

I bet Ryan is laughing his ass off somewhere at Taylor's stupidity. When TM is over soon enjoy working at your little Check into Cash job for $12 hr trying to support 3 kids because I bet neither of your baby daddies will have a job.

Edited by kira28
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