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Having only one child, who is a son, I felt for Jen.  Mind you, boy-child's 25, a college grad, out on his own, working (makes more than me LOL), etc, and he was never the trouble that Ryan was.

That being said, in HS he gave his dad & me a run for our money, and I admit I did tend to take boy-child's side more often than not...it was like I couldn't help but protect him, and his dad did say that "number 2" thing to me in the heat of a few moments.

ironically, now?  when he calls home I say "hello" & he says, "is dad there?"

I feel like Larry may regret what he said & may not mean it long-term.  And that'd he be lost without Jen.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, teapot said:

I feel like Larry may regret what he said & may not mean it long-term.  And that'd he be lost without Jen.

I def think Larry is going to regret the piss on fire comment- regardless of Ryan's shortcomings, that's not something one should say about his or her child on national TV.

I think he is ready to walk from Jen though. I see almost 30 years of resentment built up, and staring down another 30 years is no way to live.

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Wow, that sneak peak is intense. I wasn't all that surprised about what Larry said about Ryan. He has expressed disgust with Ryan before, but basically saying he never wants to see him again and he wasn't allowed around anymore was unexpected. I was surprised, however, that he said that if Jen doesn't like it she can pack her stuff and get out.


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Jen doesn't seem to want him to grow up, which is sad.  He didn't really "move out". Larry obviously kicked him out. Jen again came to Ryan's rescue by letting him move into a house she co-owns. Guess who is going to end up paying the mortgage and utilities when Ryan flakes out? He doesn't have a job and he can't make all that much from TM since he is rarely shown.  Jen will probably bring him meals, clean the house, and do his laundry.

I get confused with the timelines but I don't think it is related to the cat-killing because these episodes were filmed in the spring and the cat-killing just happened a few months ago.

  • Love 7
Just now, poopchute said:

It looks like he must have moved back home because I was just googling to find out when the cat killing was and articles from August say he lives with his parents and their house was searched.  

That's right. I remember that about his parent's house being searched. So I guess he is back already.  I'm surprised Larry allowed that. Jen's brother and sister probably didn't want the non-paying leech in their house. LOL.

Ryan will never grow up if his parents don't lay down the law and require him to get a job, find an apartment, etc.

  • Love 4

Ugh, that makes me really sad. I love Larry and Jen. That moment they had just a few weeks back, where he tearfully thanked her for everything? That's a lot of love right there. I don't even want to judge either one of them, because it's a hard position to be in. I just hate Ryan for being such a fuckup and causing trouble in his parents' relationship. The way they raised him may have contributed to how he turned out, but he's an adult now. He should have had his shit together long ago. 

  • Love 11
On 9/22/2016 at 1:34 AM, TaxNerd said:


Maci's engagement photos:


Really beautiful, the 40's style of the second half suits her.  Even almost completely hid the tatoos!  

And yes, they managed to fit in Bud Light.

Macy looks really pretty, but this just reminds me of cheer camp!


On 9/23/2016 at 3:47 AM, DoctorWhovian said:

I think the engagement photos are adorable. Maternity are meh, mostly because I don't think they thought as much about what to wear.

I am surprised that they didn't dress up a little bit... they are beyond casual, they look like they were roused from their sleeping quarters in the middle of the night!


On 9/9/2016 at 10:32 AM, DNR said:

(( on a personal note ( sorry mods) My son gets married in 4 weeks and I need a song for mother / son dance. He's nixed every song I've come up with as too lame , too cliche . Some of the songs I've seen on lists are ridiculous Any suggestions my PTv'ers ?! ))

Oh, I bet the wedding is soon!  Did you pick your song??  My dad and I danced to Landslide by Fleetwood Mac.  


On 9/13/2016 at 0:00 PM, poopchute said:

I just thought a lot of those screenings happened earlier in the pregnancy.  I know the screening for Downs I got had to be before a certain week and after that I guess it was inaccurate somehow. 

I believe that the reason they have you do it before a certain week is due to the fact that some people choose to abort if the child has downs, and after a certain week it would be a late-term abortion.


On 9/13/2016 at 0:25 PM, TaxNerd said:

I saw this on Reddit of Maci's back, this is her, right?  Does it say "buffet pretty"?

It says "bullet proof" HA HA HA HA HA!!!  She is bullet proof.  Good lord.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Wow that was...shocking.


For those that don't want to bother watching, Jen and Larry are being interviewed (Jen looks horrible, by the way) by a producer. Jen doesn't talk much, but Larry says they have kicked Ryan out, he is a lying, lazy, worthless bum, and Larry wouldn't piss on him if Ryan was on fire. Jen gets up and tearfully leaves the room, and Larry tells the producer that any time there's been a conflict between him and Ryan, Jen has taken Ryan's side, and Larry is to the point where if he loses his marriage to Jen over it, that's fine.


The really creepy thing is he's talking in a very calm, genial voice- this isn't something he's said in a moment of rage, but something he just has accepted as the way it is- Ryan's a lost cause and Jen can either go down with him or let him go.

Oh no! I love me some Papa Larry and Mimi Jen! I don't want them to divorce!!!!! Damn it, Ryan! 

  • Love 10

Well, now we know that it is Jen who is keeping Ryan around and enabling him. Larry probably did to a certain extent, but it sounds like he is done with him. The fact Larry used the word "lying" to describe Ryan, reeks of something bad. Usually when a parent is upset about an adult child lying to them it is generally a drug matter. At the very least, Ryan is lying about seeking work or stealing money. If he is stealing money, my mind goes back to drug use.

  • Love 9

Something definitely happened, some kind of  big blow up.  Larry was serious as hell. He caught Ryan doing something. I'm also  thinking drugs. 

I feel for Jen.  Ryan is her only child.  I have a 24 year old son who I adore and have been accused by the hubby of always taking his (son's)  side when he was younger. My son   works and lives on his own, so we don't have conflict of any kind with him. 


*never had real issues just husband thinking our son (teen at the time)  wasn't moving fast enough to do what he asked him to do.  I admit I made excuses for him. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Well, now we know that it is Jen who is keeping Ryan around and enabling him. Larry probably did to a certain extent, but it sounds like he is done with him. The fact Larry used the word "lying" to describe Ryan, reeks of something bad. Usually when a parent is upset about an adult child lying to them it is generally a drug matter. At the very least, Ryan is lying about seeking work or stealing money. If he is stealing money, my mind goes back to drug use.

I would concur with drugs. Ryan has gone from lazy to a entire other level, and I've thought it was drugs or a TBI, but I didn't think Larry and Jen would allow drugs around Bentley. Larry will step up and do what's best for his grandson even if that means putting Ryan out for good. 

  • Love 5

Yeah. It had to be something bad. Like I said, Larry looks exasperated with the situation. And the producer doesn't seem to be trying to stir things up, it seems like she walks into the situation ready to film and notices Ryan isn't there and is confused. 

I like Jen and Larry but I do think that Jen gives Ryan leeway which I get he's her only child but I can see why Larry just can't take it anymore. And also Jen and her siblings were planning to sell that house and Larry tells her she better still be planning to make Ryan pay what they planned on asking. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I like Jen and Larry but I do think that Jen gives Ryan leeway which I get he's her only child but I can see why Larry just can't take it anymore.

Yea, because Ryan is how old now? 28? Larry probably likely thought it would end when he was in his early 20s. They'd stop coddling him, he'd move out, and he'd get some carefree adult time with his wife. But they're still supporting Ryan and have been basically co-parenting with Maci for him. (Which, I know they don't mind, but there still may be some resentment from Larry that Ryan won't even take care of his own son.) I'd be exhausted at this point. This sucks. It really really sucks. 

  • Love 13

Wow!  Finally watched the sneak peek. That was intense. Some really strong emotions at play there. Part of me is hoping MTV is playing with the time line again and this is in response to Cat Gate. Otherwise, it is sad knowing this all is just going to result in him moving back in shortly down the road. I feel terribly for Jen. I know she is at fault for enabling him, but a mother's love is almost unshakable. Not sure how Jen and Larry would be able to move past this. The producer seemed pretty emotional too; although she had to be thinking, "Finally!".

  • Love 4
33 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Jen is not doing Ryan any favors in continuing to enable him. 


I think a lot of mothers (sorry to be sexist) forget that they are raising somebody's college dorm mate, husband or life partner.  Why would you do everything for a grown child right down to washing their funky drawers and then act surprised when no woman wants them for a mate?

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Okay, thanks.  I watched the preview clip from above and when he said, "I was always #2..." it made me think stepparent for some reason.  Probably the resentment in his voice.  It's a personal thing but I associate that with stepparents.

I was deeply bothered by Larry mentioning Bentley in that argument to reference his feelings about being #3 in Jen's life. He must have been holding that shit in for the longest. I feel for Larry. Men aren't always open and honest or even forthcoming about their feelings. They have been nurtured to be a man or just suck up whatever feelings they may be feeling. It is one reason I do my hardest to tell my son it is okay to cry, it is okay to have feelings. I never want him to feel he can't express himself. Larry's words struck a chord with me. He looks so sad in the previews. I am really sick and tired of the good men on this show being treated like shit by the females.

Every single time Jen would talk about her hope that Ryan would find a decent, life partner, I would laugh. Why would he need to find her, Jen? He already has that with YOU!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, MissMel said:

Are they still getting married in Tallahassee? This hurricane is no where near there. It's not even in a position to disrupt Tyler's travel plans. He's just reaching for attention. Tallahassee isn't even in the same time zone of this asshole storm. 

But flights are being cancelled and delayed.  A plane from TN to Tallahassee might have originated in Charlotte or Miami.  I'd bet that plenty of people will not be able to make it down.

This crowd are not planners, I hope they all got hotel reservations before this week!

Except Tyler, if he has to rent a car and drive, you can bet he will be in attendance and blocking the shots!

Edited by TaxNerd
  • LOL 1
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On 10/6/2016 at 3:02 PM, Brooklynista said:


I think a lot of mothers (sorry to be sexist) forget that they are raising somebody's college dorm mate, husband or life partner.  Why would you do everything for a grown child right down to washing their funky drawers and then act surprised when no woman wants them for a mate?

Like when your mother-in-law tries to give you advice on raising your kids. Bitch, please, I live with one of yours and he needed A LOT of work.

Edited by Katt
Missed out important words!
  • LOL 1
  • Love 16
On 8/24/2016 at 0:05 PM, GreatKazu said:


Stupid quote box won't go away! 

According to The Ashley she thinks this was filmed around the time of the cat killings. She hasn't confirmed yet though. 

I agree with those of you who think Ryan is on drugs,  I've thought that for a while now. I bet he was stealing money and/or prescription medication from family.  I have a family member like that. When she found out about my accident and the medication I'm on she became my best friend, she came over to help me out and I thought she was great, until she stole all of my medication three days after I had major spinal surgery.  It was supposed to last me a month and I had only gotten them the day before.  She stole three bottles of medication from me knowing that I couldn't move without crying because I was in so much pain.   Addiction is a terrible disease.  An addict will do anything to get their drugs and I think something happened that was Larry's last straw. 

I understand Larry's built up anger and frustration at Ryan and I understand him thinking and feeling those things but I think he'll really regret saying them on camera.  

I rarely watch anymore but I keep up here and I like The Ashley but this show makes me so happy I have the kids I have.  My son just turned 30, he's been with the same company for ten years next month and has advanced very quickly.  He just had a rival company ask him to come in to interview at almost double his current salary, he's been on his own since he was 20. But the most important thing is that he's a good, kind, caring, decent man who I am extremely proud of. I couldn't imagine having a child like Ryan. Or Adam, or any of Jenelle's men etc. (I am proud of my daughter too but this is about sons.). 

  • Love 11

Maci has not said the FL connection, other than the venue was perfect for their needs.(???) 

I suspect the venue contacted Maci to host her wedding in exchange for advertising.  My guess is Maci thought the whole thing would be comped, hence her disapointment when the venue only offered a huge discount.  She really seemed like she was heavily leaning on MTV to pick up the balance.

  • Love 8
23 hours ago, Katt said:

Like when your mother-in-law tries to give you advice on raising your kids. Bitch, please, I live with one of yours and he needed A LOT of work.

hahaha i dont have kids but i seriously (secretly) curse my MIL's name whenever my DH CONSTANTLY leaves his shit everywhere. . DH a great man, but you can tell he was picked up after his entire life. I blame her. LOL. 

Back on topic- i missed the cat killing thing. Did he really kill a bunch of cats?? What is the TL:DR on this ?

  • Love 3

Maci got tips from Catelynn on having a wedding filmed by MTV:


"So far, that's the plan," she revealed. "[Catelynn Lowell] has given me some tips on having the camera crew and MTV be a part of it. That's been helpful. Filming is a lot of work, so having that added stress can be a little rough. She's been talking to me about how to handle it, so that's been nice."

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