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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I've always thought how kids turn out was a mixture of nature and nurture, sometimes leaning more to one than the other. There's no one set cause.  Ryan, as an adult, is absolutely 100% responsible for his actions. I like Larry and Jen, I think they have good hearts. But I would be lying if I said I didn't think they were at all to blame for Ryan's behavior. I think they were probably way too lax with him when he was younger, and enabled him to be the spoiled, shiftless loser he is today. He is, what? 26 now? 27? And he still lives at home. I'm not a big stickler for pushing the kids out the minute they turn 18. In other countries, multi-generational living is quite common. But you gotta pull your weight. And I doubt Ryan does. Does he even work? If so, does he help contribute to the household? I doubt it. He probably just pays for his car and having fun and then comes home eats all his mama's food. If that were my child...nope. Wouldn't be happening. 

But some of his actions are so deplorable, I cannot believe that is just a result of some indulgent raising. I think there was probably something wrong with him from the get go, so maybe he would have turned out shitty even if he HAD had super strict parents. Who knows, there's really no way to tell. But it's interesting to speculate. 


I would only blame his parents if they were aware of his criminal acts. He could have been doing these crimes and then lied about it, as he seems to be doing now. 

Many parents can be enablers and supporting their children into adulthood without raising and nurturing a  criminal. 

Ryan seems to not have any sort of emotions or feelings towards people in general. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 8/24/2016 at 0:05 PM, GreatKazu said:

Ryan seems to not have any sort of emotions or feelings towards people in general. 

No feelings, emotions or empathy for animals either apparently.  I just read again where Ryan is saying he was lying and "trying to build hype" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.  What kind of idiot is he that he thinks something like this would "build hype"?   All it builds in me is disgust. 

I don't believe for a minute that he's lying but let's say he is,  is he that stupid that he thinks lying and bragging about killing innocent animals is funny? Did he think people would think it was cool?    He's damn close to 30 years old,  he needs to grow the hell up.  If I was his mother I would kick his ass out for good over this.  He keeps fucking up because they keep bailing him out.  Get evicted because you blow your money instead of paying rent?  Sure son, come on back home,  we'll pay your way again.  

I think I'm the only one who never found Ryan to be attractive and his father is right that whatever charm he may have had is long gone.   For a few seasons now I've thought he was on drugs,  his pupils do some crazy shit in some scenes.   

I really hope they charge him. 

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The thing is, I did find Ryan attractive, but that faded fast when every time he talks. And while most of this show, I disagree with almost a lot of Maci's choices and last season or a couple seasons ago, really disliking how she was all, "I'm just so angry, I'm not even going to tell them they aren't getting Bentley next weekend" it was more because Jen and Larry have been nothing but kind to her so I didn't get it. But yes, Ryan is the worst. Kind of along with every guy/man who makes an appearance on this show- including TM2- save for a few exceptions. But those are few and far between. On this version of TM2, I really can't pinpoint one decent guy these girls have chosen. 

  • Love 1

I used to find Ryan cute as well. Generally men age very well, but he has not. He looks HORRIBLE now. There is no life in him. That scene of him eating with his friend? His hair was an unwashed mess. He's so gross to me now. He's worsening attitude is part of it, but that's not all. He has really let himself go. 


And I don't really believe he's lying, but if he was, that's not much better. No matter what, he seems to think killing animals is cool. 

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The picture he posted of himself with all the guns strapped onto him where he has the crazy eyes told me everything I need to know about this jackass. Dead to me, indeed. 

I definitely think he's using some sort of drug and have thought so for quite awhile now. I think he never really cared about anyone/anything and is very entitled but the drugs have turned him from a basically passive, uncaring asshole into...whatever adjectives you've already all used to describe someone who could do this to animals and brag about it. I think he's off his rocker now and I'm actually glad, for once, that he has never had much influence over his son.

  • Love 4

What will always be weird about Ryan to me is that he seemed to have his life mostly together and now just doesn't. With Leah, I completely understand why she spiraled into depression. But with Ryan, I'm not very clear on what sent him off the rails. He wasn't happy about Maci or Bentley, but he was able to shirk his responsibilities pretty easily. For a brief blip of time, it even seemed like he was capable of being a decent dad to Bentley during his custody time (although that may always have been editing). 

  • Love 4

I think he has been edited to look like a better dad than he is. I agree with everyone else that it's good he isn't around Bentley too much. Bentley seems like a sweet kid who doesn't need a negative influence.

That Ryan is hurting cats is disgusting. I had a very loved cat who had a bb permanently lodged in his spine (it happened before he lived with us). If we accidentally petted him in that spot, he'd cry out. Apparently, he was lucky to live through it. Our vet said that most cats have their spines severed by bb's.

Edited by Soobs
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On 8/28/2016 at 9:54 PM, Zuleikha said:

What will always be weird about Ryan to me is that he seemed to have his life mostly together and now just doesn't. With Leah, I completely understand why she spiraled into depression. But with Ryan, I'm not very clear on what sent him off the rails. He wasn't happy about Maci or Bentley, but he was able to shirk his responsibilities pretty easily. For a brief blip of time, it even seemed like he was capable of being a decent dad to Bentley during his custody time (although that may always have been editing). 

He was better years ago. Perhaps he was merely fronting for the cameras 4-5 years ago, but he can't even be bothered to do that now.

  • Love 3
On August 22, 2016 at 2:27 AM, Talky Tina said:

Well if all he gets in Tennesse is put on a registry that's discusting . I mentioned on the shows forum where I live we have a 24 year old cat killer sitting in jail since October and the great DA and police , press plus the community staying on it showing up at court dates he will go  away for long time. 

  • Love 2
On September 1, 2016 at 9:04 PM, starfire said:

When will Jen and Larry say enough is enough and kick Ryan's ass out of their house? Their house and property was searched because Ryan is killing cats and posting about it? They are doing him no favors by enabling and coddling him. Does Ryan even have a job? Isn't he 28 or 29?

I would be very leery to have Bentley around him unsupervised.

Agreed. I want to see a story about how they kicked him out. At the very least he has Teen Mom "earnings" so there's no reason for him to be there after doing that. They are either horrific enablers, if they weren't deemed that already before this "incident", or Ryan is indeed mentally ill/abusing drugs and they are too afraid to kick him out. Maybe that's why Jen and Larry are so over-involved with Bentley and Ryan so little? Either intentionally or not.

I know he's probably just a coddled asshole and they've allowed him to walk all over them and stay that way but I give a tiny benefit of doubt because Larry and Jen seem more reasonable than that (well, mainly Larry) and Ryan WAS more motivated etc when he was younger. It seems like his parents expected more from him back then too. Maybe it's possible something is going on that hasn't been expressed to the public? I think Maci, unlike most MTV TMs, would keep it under wraps, if only for Bintlee's sake and her own by association. Jen and Larry sure as hell wouldn't reveal it to the media if Ryan were mentally ill and/or an addict. I'm rambling but there's a smaller chance this is the reason, in my opinion.

At the VERY least I hope they told Ryan he cannot have guns in their home. I understand the area they're from and that Larry surely has his own guns but based on what Ryan has done with his I sure as hell wouldn't allow him to have them in my home anymore and in a parallel universe where I had guns they would be locked and he'd have no access. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

Agreed. I want to see a story about how they kicked him out. At the very least he has Teen Mom "earnings" so there's no reason for him to be there after doing that. They are either horrific enablers, if they weren't deemed that already before this "incident", or Ryan is indeed mentally ill/abusing drugs and they are too afraid to kick him out. Maybe that's why Jen and Larry are so over-involved with Bentley and Ryan so little? Either intentionally or not.

I know he's probably just a coddled asshole and they've allowed him to walk all over them and stay that way but I give a tiny benefit of doubt because Larry and Jen seem more reasonable than that (well, mainly Larry) and Ryan WAS more motivated etc when he was younger. It seems like his parents expected more from him back then too. Maybe it's possible something is going on that hasn't been expressed to the public? I think Maci, unlike most MTV TMs, would keep it under wraps, if only for Bintlee's sake and her own by association. Jen and Larry sure as hell wouldn't reveal it to the media if Ryan were mentally ill and/or an addict. I'm rambling but there's a smaller chance this is the reason, in my opinion.

At the VERY least I hope they told Ryan he cannot have guns in their home. I understand the area they're from and that Larry surely has his own guns but based on what Ryan has done with his I sure as hell wouldn't allow him to have them in my home anymore and in a parallel universe where I had guns they would be locked and he'd have no access. 

I could see Ryan having some type of mental illness. On 16& Pregnant and the early seasons of TM he worked full time, lived alone (managed his bills etc). He had his personality flaws but he was very functional. When he lost his job and moved back home there was still some fire in his eyes, NOW he looks medicated and spaced out. 

  • Love 4

I think this show has damaged most of these people. Many of them were damaged in the first place. But it stunted their growth. Did they all have awesome potential in the first place? No. But without that safety net, they might have kept going on an upward trajectory. I don't know what Ryan gets from MTV, but it's probably enough to finance what Larry and Jen don't pay for (room and board), so why work? Same with a lot of the girls. I don't see hardly any of the parents pushing them to go to school and/or discover a trade because THIS IS NOT GOING TO LAST. It's just a complete lack of motivation. When Ryan had that job, he probably thought they'd do one follow up season of Teen Mom (after the 16 and Pregnant ep) and that would be it. Once he saw that it wasn't going anywhere, I guess he thought he could just laze around. Most of them have! 

My question is - who wants to live that way? If I wasn't homeschooling my kids, I'd be so bored not going to work every day. I'd have to do SOMETHING. What do they all DO? (Besides play on social media, kill cats, smoke pot, get their nails done, etc.)

The scary thing is - we've all been saying, "What will they do when the money runs out? When the show's over?" I'm starting to fear it will never be over. We're going to have Teen Grandma, mark my words!

I just really think these people are a massive case of arrested development. They never had to go through the normal growing pains most young people have when starting out. They made all this money off of their teenage mistakes, so it's like they're stuck in that mindset and won't pull themselves out of it. 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I just really think these people are a massive case of arrested development. They never had to go through the normal growing pains most young people have when starting out. They made all this money off of their teenage mistakes, so it's like they're stuck in that mindset and won't pull themselves out of it. 

wont pull out. Ha ha. (my asshole self)

I can see Ryan (and most of these folks) deep in depression, they just have the financial means to stay mired in it. Not that money is the only factor, but not having to worry about day to day living makes it easier to not get out and do anything. I say this as a person with MI issues who knows how hard it is to break free, especially when you don't HAVE to (to eat/pay rent etc).

  • Love 9

Yeah we keep saying this won't last forever but it has been 7 years right??? We never would have guessed it would go on this long.  I can't believe we see some of the things we see the kids doing because like others have said here, they are old enough now that their friends might know of the show and it could be embarrassing.  Can they still have them on when they are teenagers?! I would have said no fucking way if you asked me that during season 1 but now I'm not so sure!!!

Maci is in Vegas for her bachelorette party this weekend.  What mother of three goes to Vegas for a bachelorette? It's so ridiculous. Even if a normal mom could afford it and could find someone to watch all of her kids for the weekend, who has friends who can also travel to Vegas for the weekend?!  Is Taylor watching his children? He doesn't seem capable of taking care of them on his own.  

  • Love 8

To be fair, Maci is probably paying for all her friends to go to Vegas. I remember her Being Maci special and she lived in that house with these three other girls and from a lot of scenes it seemed like Maci was footing the bill a lot- I remember a scene where one of the girls thanked Maci for "helping" her with rent that month and two of Maci's old high-school friends came to visit and talked about how they thought these roommates were using Maci for what she could get for them- so I wouldn't doubt that Maci's paying for it all. As for who is watching the kids? Maybe her parents? I highly doubt Taylor would watch all three but it could also only be the two, it could be Bentley's week with Ryan so Jen and Larry could be watching him. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Stupid quote box won't go away! 

Is Ryan an only child?  I've never seen or heard mention of any siblings he may have. Does anyone know?

Ryan is indeed an only child.

Edit: unless you count Bentley...who seems more like his younger brother than his son to me.

Edit 2: I googled 'Ryan Edwards only child' to find it somewhere online, even though I remember it being said on the show, and found this "fan site" for Ryan...the person is purporting to be Ryan himself but I seriously doubt that 99% so it's creepy. It's obviously some years old but there are a few childhood pics and some info. 


Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 1
On September 3, 2016 at 8:30 PM, poopchute said:

I don't know if this link will work here but

here is a clip of Maci's butt cheeks which has been viewed over 500,000 times.  "Sorry mom"?! I think the apology should be to her fiancé and children but maybe that's just me. I feel like my husband would be upset if I posted my quivering butt cheeks for half a million people to see. 

This. Plus Bentley's schoolmates may hear about it/hear adults discussing him & tease him about it. 

And Maci, if I was your mama, this would be low on my list of embarrassing things you'd need to apologize for about after:

- your continued participation on this show

- proving you don't know how birth control works despite being a paid ambassador for safe sex through the Candies Foundation....THREE TIMES!!!!

- basically begging a dude who hardly seems into you to marry you (on national TV)

- those tattoos (not against tattoos in general, but those....); your back is not an orange canvas that has to be covered in every spot in ugly ass tats

- either not knowing you were pregnant (for a third time) at 21 weeks OR trying to play it off to the US like you didn't know you were pregnant when you did (and the drinking while pregnant)

- the shameless way you got Jen to babysit Jayde that time you were going to a friend's wedding

- that you cannot own up to the fact that you still haven't finished your ASSOCIATES DEGREE seven damn years after you started (sorry, but I don't believe she graduated...pics or it didn't happen...I'm not taking her word for it.) Just say you aren't gonna do it/didn't do it. Don't act like education is important to you if it's not

- that time you didn't pay your taxes/owed back taxes

- the many times you've shit talked your oldest son's dad on national television - bringing up the same issues OVER and OVER

- the way your hypocritical ass says on national TV that you don't like that Jen & Larry let Ryan's girlfriends stay over when Bentley is there even though you (and Bentley) have lived with two of your boyfriends (Kyle and Taylor)

- the random and unnecessary "Y" in Jayde's name

Phew. Sorry, ya'll. that felt better. Even though Maci isn't a train wreck like Jenelle or Amber, she's still been the biggest disappointment to me. I remember watching her 16&P episode and first season of TM and thinking that she was a driven, reasonably-smart girl who adored her son and was really going to make something of herself, especially given all the support she had from her family and Ryan's (granted, Ryan was a turd, especially in the early days, but his family was very supportive). I honestly think she'd have been better off without the show. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 24

You could go to Vegas for a Bachelorette Party while pregnant (and with a few kids already under your belt) without turning it into the Hangover. You could hit up some shows, try some great restaurants, and try your luck at the casinos - nothing too wild but you can still always say you had your bachelorette in Vegas and let people assume what they will. But yeah - somehow I don't think that's what Maci was doing in Vegas. She has no mom-chill. It surprises me how very young moms who grew up in social media world STILL can't seem to think more than 2 seconds into the future and decide, yeah that's not something I want my kids, or my parents or my kid's friends, or my kid's friends parents or my kids teachers etc. to see or be talking about. It's one thing to be wild and free it's another to give no fucks how it will affect your kids. Maci could be doing all this stuff without posting any of it and I'm going to go ahead and get all judgmental here - I think it makes her a really sucky mom to put this shit out there online. Remember the mortification you had once you hit middle or high school and your parents threatened to show up to school unexpectedly and you would just DIE because they would appear so uncool to your friends? Now can you imagine being Bintly in middle school when clips like this are being passed around by all his male friends in homeroom?

  • Love 11
14 hours ago, Pdxblonde said:

Wait, if she's pregnant, why would you go to Vegas for the Bachlorette party? 

She had her baby back over the summer. She is no longer pregnant.

I have had 3 kids. I traveled extensively, even abroad, while pregnant. Nothing wrong with that. Posting your shaking ass online for millions to see is a whole other ballgame, especially when you also try to project a wholesome image. She is as fake as her tan.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, poopchute said:

I don't think you need to stop traveling once you have kids. I do think it's kind of weird to leave your 3 month old baby, one year old baby, and 7 year old at home while you go to Vegas for your bachelorette party.  And I say this as someone who loves to party but I also have a three month old baby and things are just different now.

It would be more common for Maci and Taylor to take that vacation time to go on their honeymoon together. Wait what vacation time?!!! (Laughing hysterically)

  • Love 5

I don't think Maci should stop traveling just because she's a mom but I do agree her faux innocence act is all just an act.  She really does want to act like a different way. Granted for me, this act stopped being true quite some time ago, due to things that were shown that she couldn't control and it broke the facade like her Being Maci special, she couldn't control was was edited together. But.. I find it odd that with things she can control like her social media, she's posting videos like this. So that's on her. I mean, she can do what she wants, but the image she tries to play on the show doesn't fit when a lot of what she does. So, I mean... whatever. 

  • Love 2

Didn't Maci once act high and mighty about Farrah being in a porn? Now she's shaking her ass cheeks for all the internet to see. And I know that that's small potatoes compared to what Farrah did, but it's still hypocritical on Maci's part considering that all of Bentley's friends and their parents could very well see this and may very well see this before "Back Door Teen Mom" since this is free and more accessible. One click, and they get to see Bentley's mom shaking her butt. #classy #modernmom I remember years ago there were rumors she tried to get on "Girls Gone Wild". Does anybody else remember? That was when it came out that she was leaving Bentley behind to go barhopping and she lost a lot of fans. 

Also, I totally forgot how awful Maci's ink is. That mottled notebook paper is brutal to look at. She also has ink of her last name with all the Os replaced with cupcakes. The leathery, orange skin makes it look so much worse. Maci is such an embarrassment. 

Edited by geekamonggeeks
  • Love 9
39 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, it seems to just mostly be her back. But the work is terrible and the placement is all disorganized. Blech. 


No words on that video. I bet she thinks she's a real genius for coming up with "gingerslastbinger".

Poor dummy. She has to know this will be the first of numerous Bachelorette parties in her honor. There'll be at least 2 more husband's after Taylor. 

  • Love 7

I think Maci is one of the ones that's worse off due to TM fame. Had TM not taken off (only done a season or so) she probably would've finished some type of schooling, and landed a guy and gotten married, but her ego wouldn't be so huge. She would be working a 9-5, taking care of Bentley and maybe one more kid by now. 

Having the TM money and fame allowed her to move away from the influence of her parents (who were trying to keep her on the straight and narrow) and indulge her hedonism. Maci has always wanted to come off as "sweet and innocent", but it was all an act. She was definitely into the club scene and going out when Bentley was a baby/young toddler (her parents would watch him), and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not insinuating she would ever neglect Bentley, but she has never been the homey wallflower she wanted the audience to believe she was. At least with someone like Kailyn, she has never pretended she didn't want a life in the spot light etc. Maci acts like she's above it all, how can she be when she puts videos of her shaking her behind on the Internet! I don't think I'm prudish but I would think a video like that would be sent to Taylor as something for him to view. 

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I have always seen maci as fake as hell. She benefited from Ryan's   non interest in her and Bentley.  She became poor put upon Maci. Ryan was a jerk,  but I think she loved being the martyr. I still remember one episode maci and Ryan were living together and Ryan was out clubbing all night,  cut to maci at home with Bentley. What stood out to me and annoyed me was,  you see maci and Bentley cuddling on the couch,  cuddling in her bed, cuddling in his bed.  The whole time the camera is cutting between Ryan  at the club and the clock 1:00,2:00,3:00am and back to M&B. I know I was supposed to think "awww poor maci.", but all I thought was "let Bentley  go to sleep!"  He wasn't up crying,  just laying there with maci while MTV cameras  and maci moved from room to room. 

  • Love 9

I still remember when she would try to call Ryan out for partying all the time when she constantly had black Xs on her hands from going out clubbing herself. The Xs were to indicate to bartenders that she was not of drinking age. She was always partying it up in the beginning; it's just that she was much younger and had a better edit back in the day so people were more likely to forgive her. 

Edited by geekamonggeeks
  • Love 10
On 9/5/2016 at 10:42 AM, geekamonggeeks said:

Ginger's last binger? Please. Having two kids already didn't stop Maci from drinking excessively and acting like some frat bro. Hell, being pregnant didn't stop her from drinking. Who's she trying to kid? She'll be getting hammered at her wedding and forever and ever. 

Right? Between having two kids 13 months apart, and a husband who thinks helping around the house is optional and needs to be compensated in the form of blow jobs, and announced on TV that he's only going to marry her if her reality show gets renewed for a new season- I suspect the binge drinking is just beginning.

  • Love 7

I just watched the previews for next week-- is it just me, or is Taylor is a bit of a gold digger? Didn't they JUST move into a new house, like less than a year ago? I also feel fairly certain they aren't renting. How is he wanting to move to a new place? Children can and do share rooms all the time. And why does Maci who, while a fool, doesn't seem insecure, feel compelled to give in to everyone of this guy's demands? Does he even have a job, besides the company Maci bought for him? Or is he somehow independently wealthy? Otherwise Taylor just seems to be a slightly younger, less drugged up, less abusive version of Matt. 


ETA: Ginger's Last Binger sounds like the name of a porno. Not so different from Farrah then?

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • LOL 1
  • Love 9
12 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

I just watched the previews for next week-- is it just me, or is Taylor is a bit of a gold digger? Didn't they JUST move into a new house, like less than a year ago? I also feel fairly certain they aren't renting. How is he wanting to move to a new place? Children can and do share rooms all the time. And why does Maci who, while a fool, doesn't seem insecure, feel compelled to give in to everyone of this guy's demands? Does he even have a job, besides the company Maci bought for him? Or is he somehow independently wealthy? Otherwise Taylor just seems to be a slightly younger, less drugged up, less abusive version of Matt. 


ETA: Ginger's Last Binger sounds like the name of a porno. Not so different from Farrah then?

I suppose when compared to men who beat their pregnant wives or are verbally abusive to small children, Taylor stacks up okay, but I absolutely despise him. He is a total mooch who's pretty clearly indicated he is only with Maci for what she can do for him.


I am thinking a lot of Maci's friends from school- the ones she's always hung out with- have all married and settled down and aren't interested in associating with all the hanger-ons Maci has picked up to replace them. Maci may be willing to pay for them to come party and vacation with her, but they are probably less willing to leave new husbands and new babies behind.

Maci to me likes being in control. Taylor may be using her, but as long as Maci has the money and the "fame", she still holds all the cards.

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