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Maci and Taylor are both idiots.

Since Maci has announced hers, I'll go ahead and let my PTV family here know....

We are expecting our second child in July. I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant. I knew from the second day I missed my period (because I took a test). The u/s tech said baby is a girl; we have a 14 month old son. After I have this baby, hubby is getting a vasectomy. We ultimately wanted to have two kids and it happened more quickly than we expected (we were married for several years before getting pregnant with our son), but it was NOT an accident or "unplanned" because we both KNEW we were having unprotected sex and that's what makes babies. Maci and Taylor know this too. So even if they weren't actively watching Maci's ovulation calendar/taking her temp/etc they still knew this could happen. Not unplanned. Not an accident. Sorry, Maci. You and Taylor know how babies are made. I really hope she doesn't get any more speaking engagements to discourage teens form getting pregnant, because she's an awful role model for that at this point. Taylor, get a vasectomy, or Maci, get a semi-permanent BC method. Good luck supporting three kids once this show ends.

I've been pregnant before and so has Maci. BULLSHIT that she didn't know she was pregnant until 22 weeks or something. Maci is a small girl and I am sure she would have been showing at least a little by then. I started to show a little two weeks ago and now I have the beginning of what is obviously a baby bump. My pants are tight and I'm moving back into maternity clothes. I have occasionally felt baby move (but not much because I have anterior/frontal placenta which makes it hard to "feel" the baby, at least in the beginning...I had it with my son, too). Bullshit that she didn't know. I know she has PCOS and irregular periods, but she didn't get worried when she didn't have a cycle for over FIVE MONTHS? I guess she was lucky enough not to have mood swings, changes in her skin/acne, weird hair growth, bleeding gums, first trimester fatigue, food aversions, nausea, sore breasts, itchy nipples, itchy skin on her stomach as it stretches, etc. There's a lot of weird shit that can happen during pregnancy and I can't see how someone who has been pregnant before wouldn't recognize some of them, unless Maci has NONE of these (in which case she's incredibly lucky).

She probably thinks it sounds better to say she didn't know she was pregnant because it makes it look even more "unplanned." I hope if she did know she was just pictured with booze to keep up appearances that she didn't know she was pregnant rather than that she really didn't know she was pregnant.

Maci, you have been the biggest disappointment of this entire franchise. I actually think you had some school smarts. I'll believe you have an associate's degree if I see a picture of you receiving it at graduation or a newspaper article/list of graduates from the college and you're on it. You could have done so much more but like the others on this show, you let the TM money and fame go to your head and allow you to think you have real accompaniments. I believed that you could and would do something with your life besides have several babies and be on TM. You're damn lucky this show keeps getting put back on the air.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 22

Maci. GURL. Come on, now. That baby is practically CROWNING in the announcement photo. And you just found out *cough* ... three weeks ago, after getting engaged? The only way you could have found out only after your engagement is if you were engaged four months ago. And e'rybody and they mama know if that man had put a ring on it any sooner, there's not a chance you'd have kept that quiet.


This chile is clearly taking pregnancy advice from Phaedra Parks. Next she'll be telling us her doctor "suggests" she's only 3 months.

  • Love 8

Oy vey.


The news came up on my FB feed and I immediately shook my head and rolled my eyes.


Look, whatever, have twelve kids if you want them and you can support them; it's no skin off my nose, but Maci has to be aware how she comes off to the public. One, like a giant hypocrite, and two, someone only doing it for the cash.


It is a bit sad, since in her 16&P episode, she did appear to have her head on her shoulders, like she wasn't going to let her pregnancy derail her future and plans. Not that being a SAHM is an awful thing. My sister is a SAHM, but then again, her life isn't on reality tv, so...sigh. Good luck, Taylor.

  • Love 6

Congrats Nordic! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy.

Maci, Maci, Maci. I don't care for her personally, but she appears on the show to be a fantastic mother to Bentley. I do now wonder if the previous poster has a point about a drinking problem. I really don't think she could not know she was pregnant for this long without being plastered for most of the winter. I really am nervous for this kid.

The last several episodes have almost highlighted her drinking, more so than any other Mom in the series. Curious to see if MTV edits down those scenes for the remaining episodes.

  • Love 4

I think most of our issues are not with Maci being a STAHM, or having more kids and not being married, but she likes to present herself as this isn't what she wants but it's advertently happening. If you want to have many kids and can provide for it, yay, good for you and be a STAHM, more power to you if you can do that! But Maci has always acted like these things have accidently been happening to her, re her condition and she's upset on her family's behalf that this happened because she wishes she was married; it's like, at some point you have to stop hiding and just say what it really is, I don't think anyone would really care or point it out if she didn't say what she said on the show about why she worries about this stuff. 

  • Love 5

Congratulations Nordic!! My daughter also has one of each and she and her husband were both "fixed". They wanted to make damn sure there were no accidents.

What is your due date? From your post, I'm guessing July-ish?

Yay for babies! I'm so ready for a new grandbaby but my son isn't cooperating. I tried the " I'm your mother and I order you guys to have a baby" but that didn't work. It sucks when 30 year olds don't do as they're told.

  • Love 4

Bullshit that she didn't know. I know she has PCOS and irregular periods, but she didn't get worried when she didn't have a cycle for over FIVE MONTHS? I guess she was lucky enough not to have mood swings, changes in her skin/acne, weird hair growth, bleeding gums, first trimester fatigue, food aversions, nausea, sore breasts, itchy nipples, itchy skin on her stomach as it stretches, etc. There's a lot of weird shit that can happen during pregnancy and I can't see how someone who has been pregnant before wouldn't recognize some of them, unless Maci has NONE of these (in which case she's incredibly lucky).


It's quite the case of PCOS she has where, without trying, she managed to easily conceive 3 children before the age of 24. And whose case was so dire, according to her, but she somehow managed to elude the #1 treatment for it: hormonal birth control. 


Given the sharp business skills and grand plans of these two potatoes, how has Maci managed to avoid all of the daytime doctor's tv shows that love to invite women with PCOS overcoming infertility (though usually in their 30s or later)? I mean, the appearances and books to follow would be all about #makingmoremonies. 


God, my boiling hatred of this bitch's horseshit maneuvers when she was tacking on all of the paid abstinence speeches she could before she would be showing with baby #2 has been rekindled. Lucky Bentley, now he has a mother who's already busy passing off her kid and newish baby, a dad who generally does a great impression of Buster Bluth's mad Milford Academy skills, the all-important t-shit company, and now another baby Maci has to find a way to casually bring (with diaper bag in hand) to Jen's while she wonders aloud how she'll make it to the latest beer-and-brawl with all these extra infants! 

  • Love 8

I don't care what she's told him. If he chooses to not wear a condom, that's on him, and considering they have Jayde, he knows she can get pregnant.


If a woman tells a boyfriend she's on birth control pills a man is a idiot if he trusts her word and doesn't wrap it up to be on the safe side. It's not unheard of for a woman to lie, say she is on BCPs and get pregnant intentionally to trap a man. As the mother of a now grown son this scenario was beat into his head as a teenager so he wouldn't fall victim to this game. However, if you are married to or even living with a woman and she tells you she is on BCPs I understand why a man would believe her and not use a condom. We don't know what Maci told him about what - or if - she was using as birth control. If she lied and said she was taking care of it but not taking her pills then she did indeed trap him.

  • Love 6

I remember rumours floating around that Maci was wearing an engagement ring back around the time of Jayde's baby shower. I suppose her story of finding out after the proposal matches if she's been engaged and hiding it for maximum publicity potential to coincide with the new season. Not that April and September are all lol that close together, so hmmn. Gets rough trying to keep all those stories straight, eh Maci?

Guess I prefer thinking she's been keeping a pregnancy private than being so dumb she didn't know for months. But if she was, she's seemingly been knowingly pickling a fetus. Talk about no-win scenarios.

Maci is very small, and seems pretty vain. Did she not notice her body was changing? I'm small and if I gain 5 lbs (PMS lol) I can tell right away, even without a scale. One of the first changes for a small person is that all of a sudden, you have boobs. My sister had a "big surprise" for me when I came home from Texas. As soon as I stepped off the plane, I knew- either she found the world's greatest wonder bra, or she was pregnant!

So now she's either lying or completely oblivious even to her own body. Neither scenario makes her look particularly good/

  • Love 5

Maybe the Bud Light/"Outback Bowl" Tweet/IG was a paid tweet and she wasn't actually drinking?


Just like this waist trimmer pic from 10 weeks ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/-uhnNmQhxJ/

She would have been like 15 weeks pregnant forcing that thing around her waist.  How much could that no name company even be paying her?

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 3
Maci, you have been the biggest disappointment of this entire franchise. I actually think you had some school smarts. I'll believe you have an associate's degree if I see a picture of you receiving it at graduation or a newspaper article/list of graduates from the college and you're on it. You could have done so much more but like the others on this show, you let the TM money and fame go to your head and allow you to think you have real accompaniments. I believed that you could and would do something with your life besides have several babies and be on TM. You're damn lucky this show keeps getting put back on the air.


First, congratulations Nordic.  I wish you and your family all the joy and happiness in the world.


Second, I hope Maci is no longer doing paid speeches to schools about abstinence before marriage.  She is making herself look like a giant hypocrite.


Third, the only reason Taylor should be called T-money, is because the only money he has comes from Teen Mom through Maci.  I can not believe that this child is this irresponsible with birth control.


I love Bentley and thought he really had the best mom in the whole franchise.  Now, I fear he will be lost in the shuffle,  Maci will be raising three kids...I mean when will she find time to drink and party?

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She is somewhat far along, right? She knows the gender; also the article I read about it yesterday she said something like, "when it's your 3rd one, you know what to expect" so something tells me she knew she was pregnant for a little bit, but yeah all her endorsements and stuff, like the waist trimmer thing, she was pregnant then. The  talks do need to stop and it goes inline with what I was saying that if she wasn't doing those kinds of things or presenting this idea that she wishes she was married, people wouldn't side eye a lot of her things. Also, I think it's both her and Taylor's faults if they keep saying this was unexpected. 

  • Love 3

Bristol Palin came to mind as well.


But she could have hid it this whole time and just waited until now to announce. Why make up a lie and say you've only known for 3 weeks?


Of all the scenarios, the best one is to say they knew, but waited to announce. Yeah, she wasn't engaged at the time, and yeah, you take a hit for having yet another one with a guy you're begging to marry you, but it's minimal.


Saying you just learned 3 weeks ago just because you wanted to claim you were engaged before saying anything about another kid opens you up to all that, plus the incredulous reactions of "bitch, please." So why say that?

Only one reason. You'd rather look like a fool who

  • got pregnant again without being married and engaged after making money telling other teens "don't do this," and
  • didn't realize her 90lb body was changing drastically until 3 weeks ago, when she started looking 6 months pregnant


... than admit you've been busted drinking while pregnant, in various arenas by fans and others who got photos of you out. And since you don't know exactly where all the photos are, you use this cover story of not knowing until just recently, and double down and ride that shit until the FAS tests come in.

  • Love 6

Putting the drinking aside, if she really didn't know until she was 22 weeks, that's scary for other reasons too. No prenatal care is alarming. Plus all the other things you can't eat or drink while pregnant...I know some people disregard that anyway but she should at least be limiting caffeine. I don't know maybe she doesn't drink caffeine. But there are other things to be concerned about and I just find it so amazing she could not know for 22 weeks. I would be freaking out if I were her.

  • Love 3

If a woman tells a boyfriend she's on birth control pills a man is a idiot if he trusts her word and doesn't wrap it up to be on the safe side. It's not unheard of for a woman to lie, say she is on BCPs and get pregnant intentionally to trap a man. As the mother of a now grown son this scenario was beat into his head as a teenager so he wouldn't fall victim to this game. However, if you are married to or even living with a woman and she tells you she is on BCPs I understand why a man would believe her and not use a condom. We don't know what Maci told him about what - or if - she was using as birth control. If she lied and said she was taking care of it but not taking her pills then she did indeed trap him.

If he still believed she couldn't get pregnant after they had their baby, yes he's an idiot and no she didn't trap him.

All he has to do is look at the baby crawling around to know that yes, she can get pregnant.

  • Love 2

The funny thing is, you think Taylor would be the one trying to trap Maci.  She has all the money and Teen Mom fame.  I bet you the only people buying their stupid t-shirts are Maci fans.


If they do actually get married and divorced, she might have to pay him child support and alimony (if he got equal custody of the kids she has that are his).


I sometimes wish Jen and Larry could adopt Bentley, but realize they raised Ryan...and then not so much.

  • LOL 1
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Um, he has a job. He is a reality tv star and he has a t-shirt line. Don't you know? T-shirts with pockets on them! Or..something. Anyway.. 


Other than that..Maci..I don't know  obviously, I hope her speaking tours get cancelled because, she really should not be giving them anymore. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 2

Maci had to point out Ryan doesn't work. But, there is her man, Taylor, without a job himself. Ryan, Taylor AND Maci have the same exact job - being paid by MTV. So Maci can go fuck herself with her comments about Ryan not having a job. At least he is not bringing another child, or two, into the world.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

If he still believed she couldn't get pregnant after they had their baby, yes he's an idiot and no she didn't trap him.

All he has to do is look at the baby crawling around to know that yes, she can get pregnant.


I wasn't referring to Taylor believing her supposed inability to get pregnant - obviously she CAN get pregnant - what I'm saying is that Maci may have lied and told him she was on birth control pills "just to be on the safe side"  when she was not on BCPs or got a Rx for them to prove to Taylor she was "safe" and then flushed them. No need for a condom in a committed relationship if you believe the woman is on the pill and both have been tested for STDs.

Edited by happykitteh
  • Love 2

As far as the timeline: She posted her engagement 3 weeks ago. She said she found after she got engaged. Now I guess it's possible she had been engaged for a little while before she posted about it. She is 25 weeks pregnant tomorrow. There's a picture of her holding a beer from 6 weeks ago. I know that's not proof that she drank it but if she didn't know she was pregnant I'm sure she wasn't just posting pictures of herself holding beers she didn't drink.


Maci holding a beer and not drinking it? No fucking way. lol 


Let me get this clear. Maci finally gets Taylor to give her that ring on January 19th. She finds out she is pregnant three weeks later, around February 9th. She is due in May. She conceived in August 2015. She is trying to claim she was six months along at the time she "found out"? Fuck this bitch. She must be drunk all the time if she can't figure out she is pregnant and has a bulging tummy. I am not falling for this bogus bullshit. She thinks she can get over on people, and likely some people fall for it. Well, not me and apparently many others don't believe it either just going by the comments on her Instagram.

  • Love 7

So a May 30th due date means an ovulation or conception date of September 7th, give or take a few days (counting back 38 weeks from May 30). Maci would have gotten a positive pregnancy test by mid or late September.

I actually do believe her that this was unplanned and she probably didn't find out right away. I just don't see what's in it for her having another baby right away. Taylor didn't marry her after Jayde, and finding a willing babysitter for two babies is going to be a lot more challenging, so she can kiss those weekends in Vegas goodbye.

I bet she was further along then average, but maybe not as far along as she claims to have been when she found out. Post partum cycles can be really screwy. She and Taylor were irresponsible to not use protection but if she wasn't having regular cycles it probably didn't occur to her to be concerned about no periods for months. And if she doesn't get morning sickness (I didn't with either of my kids) she may not have had any reason to take a test.

Now, I would bet by 12 weeks, her body had changed enough for her to notice. I could be 12 weeks pregnant 5 months post partum and not notice a difference thanks to breastfeeding and a few pregnancy pounds remaining in the gut and boobs, but Maci was back to a size 0 at Cate's wedding.

I would bet Maci found out around November/December. I'm just speculating here, but I'm thinking she sat Taylor down and basically said shit or get off the Teen Mom pot. Then once she coerced an engagement (or a promise to propose in 90 days or less) she kept the pregnancy quiet so it wouldn't overshadow her upcoming engagement announcement.

I just really don't think Maci would either knowingly drink while pregnant or pretend to drink while pregnant.

  • Love 2

Congratulations Nordic!! My daughter also has one of each and she and her husband were both "fixed". They wanted to make damn sure there were no accidents.

What is your due date? From your post, I'm guessing July-ish?

Yay for babies! I'm so ready for a new grandbaby but my son isn't cooperating. I tried the " I'm your mother and I order you guys to have a baby" but that didn't work. It sucks when 30 year olds don't do as they're told.

Thank you, Maharincess and all of you!!!! I'm due July 15.

Maybe Maci "accidentally" got pregnant again because when Jayde failed to get her a ring, she had to try again for a boy, hoping that would get Taylor to propose. And while I jokingly say Maci "trap babied" Taylor, I agree that's NOT really the case....Taylor knows how babies are made and saw Maci have one and interacts with her other child all of the time. He knows it's not just possible, it's likely.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

I don't think Taylor cares about another trap baby. Maci is the one with money. He might end up being the one to get child support if they split up. He's also got a house with her and a business of his own. That trap might just backfire on her in the end.

I don't think he's joking when he talks about doing things for the show. He seems like a mooch and a bum to me.

  • Love 4

I don't think Taylor cares about another trap baby. Maci is the one with money. He might end up being the one to get child support if they split up. He's also got a house with her and a business of his own. That trap might just backfire on her in the end.

I don't think he's joking when he talks about doing things for the show. He seems like a mooch and a bum to me.


Yes. We all want love but I don't know why it's so hard for Maci and Amber to under this about their guys. The fact that neither of them have jobs and are only working/pursuing things through Maci/Amber's star-power should be proof enough of that. 

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