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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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Apparently it's like a rule that within a year or so of having plastic surgery/butt implants/mommy makeovers that these bitches have to get knocked up again. So.much.stupid. (Hey Dr. Miami, if you give me free snap chat plastic surgery, I promise not to get pregnant again ever....)

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On 11/1/2017 at 7:49 AM, druzy said:

From People Magazine: 

Amber is pregnant

That is so bloody sad! Really Amber, you are how old now, have nothing much to do with the one you already gave birth to, and you could not use birth control?! With a loser as the father! Gary & Kristine going to raise this one, too??

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So according to her at the reunion that taped in June, she was still dating Matt but not engaged. When did they break up, does anyone know? Then in August she goes off her meds to just “see if she was unhappy” (what doctor would recommend that?) and within days or weeks she got pregnant by a man she had just started dating that month. I don’t understand how anyone could think this is a good idea? What is wrong with this man? I don’t know any normal man ever in the history of the earth that thinks it’s a good idea to have a baby with someone you have been dating for approximately 14 days. Something is obviously very wrong with him.

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Yes, there's all kinds of things wrong with that dude. To me so far, he seems like an overgrown man child. I'm thinking the little drawings, the love of cartoons, the way he was jiggling her boobs around in that video. Like he's a fifth grader who landed in a grown man's body like in Big or something. It's horrifying that these two will be raising an infant. She can't even take care of her dogs.

No one in their right mind would think this is a good thing. I'm sure Gary, Bubby, Kristina are privately super disturbed, but they can't show that to crazy Amber or they'll further destabilize the situation. They've had plenty of practice for this over the Matt years.

and I think this whole rebound relationship is a 100% big fuck you to Matt who doesn't even care anyway. Like others here, she has squandered my last shred of good will for her by allowing this pregnancy. Now I see her like Jenelle, and it's going to be the same thing: watching her play happy family on SM as all the cracks show through and we see into the darkness. That poor baby is so doomed. 

Edited by GreenlinetoHarlem
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This shits show (Teen Mom OG) needs to end and Other than Farrah .....and I'm no fan of hers.....the other three girls have done nothing to secure their futures.  They were given a wonderful opportunity to educate the public and use their MTV money to rise above their upbringings.  They let the money go to their heads and became arrogant and spent money  foolishly...buying homes, cars, vacations, boob jobs, started up bullshit clothing businesses, etc!  Not one of them furthered their education to secure a future after the show ends.  When Teen Mom OG ends...and it will eventually.....Maci, Amber and Catelynn Will slowly start selling off their homes and cars not realizing it won't be enough to maintain their current lifestyles...Amber will eventually move into one of Gary's rentals because he will feel bad for Leah's mom......Maci will sell her home for something cheaper and be all over Taylor to get a better paying job....and Cate and Tyler....they will use Carly for all they can get and sell stories to any rag mag that will listen to them....Tyler will bail and Cate and Nova will be in a trailer park with April...so sad.

Edited by Caracoa1
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I am very disappointed to hear this. Unlike Jenelle , Amber seemed self aware enough to know she was never going to be a real parent and was committed to not having any more kids. Why?!!! Just why??!!

Edited by Scarlett45
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She has two personality disorders, and she thinks she can manage without medication, and we can probably assume that she has not sought out therapy or upped the frequency of her psychiatrist appointments. Oh, and she’s up the pole. ??????‍♂️

Remind me, how log was her jel sentence? 5 years? And how long did she serve in jel? 

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3 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

"We're pregnant" drives me nuts. Pregnancy is a specific biological condition. It is exceedingly rare for both halves of a couple to be pregnant at the same time. "We're expecting," "we're having a baby," etc. are fine, but "we're pregnant" makes about as much sense as "we have cancer!" 

Yes. What Amber should be writing in the sand is, "We are both toxic." 

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On 11/2/2017 at 6:41 PM, GreatKazu said:

Andrew doesn't have a foot in Hollywood. He doesn't even have a toe. He is an independent contractor. People who work on crews are not like people who have steady work in the business. As we speak, he is canoodling at Amber's pad. Where is his home? He must not have one. He just doodles and watches cartoons. 


Doodling and canoodling!!  Ha!


9 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Maybe her boyfriend is a Scientologist. Just take some vitamins and you’ll be fine! 


“Matt, don’t be glib. You don’t know the history of psychiatry, I do.”

No but in all seriousness, this is very worrisome that she’s treating her very serious mental illness like a cold.  

Oh and I totally believe Simon’s claims about the producers, they are 100% behind this bullshit show.  They are disgusting, coddling the “talent” and creating a false narrative- all for ratings.  This show needs to end.  

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28 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Even Amber's brother is using PUBLIC SM to communicate with his sister. So sad.

Amber does not want to hear what her family has to say so that is probably why she's blowing them off.  On some level she has to know that what she's doing is wrong and she just doesn't want to hear it from them.

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On 11/4/2017 at 3:54 PM, ginger90 said:

Everyone else has been blocked.

But Amber, what was wrong with your 1st little family that you started?

And after #2 little family fails, will there be a #3 little family in the near future??

How many little families will you start before 1 of them sticks and you begin to


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On 11/3/2017 at 8:11 PM, druzy said:

Yet no mention of Leah at all - not even something about her being a big sister. Her own daughter, the original member of her already established "little family" (as crazy as it is).  Pisses me off. If Amber is too tired to wipe her own arse, I cannot imagine how (rightfully so) pissed off Leah will be when lazy Amber has baby #2. 

Maybe Jana Duggar will use this as a way to leave her crazy house & offer to be the nanny - now THAT would make Amber's scenes bearable!

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I am guessing the season about to air includes Matt? If so, it will be interesting to see if Amber continues to send love on Twitter during it. She must be really busy blocking people. Will she snap on Instagram? 

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19 hours ago, mittsigirl said:

Could this be a 'trap baby' for this new guy??

I don’t think she needed a baby to trap him, looks like he was already pulled into her den of misery and dog pee.  

Just wait until the rent is due and there is no money left.. Matt was able to scam his way into buying time, will this new guy be able to keep eviction at bay?

I can’t wait for her to be evicted and for all of her crap to be put on the sidewalk- all the busted up framed Marilyn posters and dirty couches- for all to see.  I’m sure this will happen, just not sure when.

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17 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I don’t think she needed a baby to trap him, looks like he was already pulled into her den of misery and dog pee.  

Just wait until the rent is due and there is no money left.. Matt was able to scam his way into buying time, will this new guy be able to keep eviction at bay?

I can’t wait for her to be evicted and for all of her crap to be put on the sidewalk- all the busted up framed Marilyn posters and dirty couches- for all to see.  I’m sure this will happen, just not sure when.

Truer words were never spoken.

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Can someone help me with the timeline? In June Amber said she was still dating Matt but not engaged. Today I read an article that says she is two months pregnant and has been dating Andrew for four months. In september she said their relationship is “up in the air” because she found out about his various restraining orders and they were “going slow” and “being smart.”




I guess I’m not clear on when she actually broke up with Matt and when she started dating this guy.  

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5 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Can someone help me with the timeline? In June Amber said she was still dating Matt but not engaged. Today I read an article that says she is two months pregnant and has been dating Andrew for four months. In september she said their relationship is “up in the air” because she found out about his various restraining orders and they were “going slow” and “being smart.”




I guess I’m not clear on when she actually broke up with Matt and when she started dating this guy.  

Amber probably doesn’t know either.

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I'm sure there were many other ways to safely clear her head but I'm glad to hear she felt like trying.  I have no doubt Matt (and his "pocket o' pills" dispensary) was keeping her drugged up.  He had to be.  I'm also sure she probably needs some meds and could have taken a little more time to get that straightened out.  Before a new guy and a baby.  Time will tell how it all works out for her.

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14 hours ago, poopchute said:

How do you go from “this is medication I will need for the rest of my life” to “I’m going to just stop and see how I feel!!” within a matter of weeks.

New dick.


The Baltierras were among the first to congratulate Amber.

“Congratulations babe I love you and can’t wait to see you a Friendsgiving,” Catelynn wrote on Twitter, while Tyler tweeted, “CONGRATS AMB! We are so happy for you & can’t wait to meet that little baby!”

(We have a feeling Amber and Andrew can expect a package of Tierra Reign clothing in the near future… whether they want it or not.)


Bahahaha, such shade! And, of course Cateler had to be the first to get their congratulations out there. Always have to be a part of everything. 



“I wish her all the best with her unplanned pregnancy and all of her bulls**t,” Farrah told In Touch Weekly at the wedding.


Farrah only says what we're all thinking. 

Edited by ghoulina
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On 11/4/2017 at 2:14 PM, Scarlett45 said:

I am very disappointed to hear this. Unlike Jenelle , Amber seemed self aware enough to know she was never going to be a real parent and was committed to not having any more kids. Why?!!! Just why??!!

Yes. I was actually more forgiving of her than some of the others because she seemed to know she should not be procreating.

Also, why this guy and not Matt, I wonder?

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7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yes. I was actually more forgiving of her than some of the others because she seemed to know she should not be procreating.

Also, why this guy and not Matt, I wonder?

Maybe given matt’s 689448845 children he never supported even AMBER couldn’t rarionalize it would be different with her. Does this guy have kids?

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10 minutes ago, mamadrama said:


"We're high!"

"We're insane!"

"We're losers!"

"We're lazy!" etc. etc. 

"We're all of the above." 


9 hours ago, MissMel said:

Amber's third child. Andrew likes to canoodle and doodle and watch cartoons without a job to support this child. 

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Gary Shirley Thinks Amber Portwood Needed “Time to Heal” From Split With Matt Baier (EXCLUSIVE)


We’re not sure Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood necessarily needed or wanted romantic advice from ex Gary Shirley, but he’s weighing in anyway! Amber Portwood rebounded from her breakup with fiancé Matt Baier with a new guy, Andrew Glennon, and Gary’s not sure that’s the best idea.

“I think she is less controlled now,” he tells In Touch exclusively. “With Matt, I think she needed to take time to heal, but it's her life, not mine.”

Amber certainly won’t have a lot of time for any self-reflection in the upcoming months — she’s pregnant with Andrew’s baby! The reality star announced the news in a Nov. 3 Instagram post, saying, “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together!”

Granted, Amber seems aware of all the side-eye she’s getting by moving on so fast. She has had to go on the defensive when she talked about Andrew, claiming they started dating three months after she and Matt hit the skids. (For the record, they met while she was filming Marriage Boot Camp in Los Angeles.)

Gary probably wasn’t thrilled to learn of Andrew’s brushes with the law, either — two arrests and one restraining order — but he’s also reserving some judgement. “I don’t know him [well] enough,” he exclusively told In Touch in August. “I’m not saying she should’ve waited on him. I think she should’ve dated. I think the last time they talked — I don’t know what they’re doing — but I think he was trying to relocate or something. I think she should’ve stayed single longer and really gotten to know herself and get over someone before getting with someone else because that’s how you do it, man. The correct way. You don’t need someone to make you feel like you’re living.”

Edited by druzy
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Wow, I hope this guy at least has semi decent parents, or someone that will look out for this child after Amber and this guy lose interest in him/her, which will most likely be about 5 seconds after the birth, until there are cameras around again.  I think this kid is going to be even worse off than one of Jenelle's kids.

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36 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Wow, I hope this guy at least has semi decent parents, or someone that will look out for this child after Amber and this guy lose interest in him/her, which will most likely be about 5 seconds after the birth, until there are cameras around again.  I think this kid is going to be even worse off than one of Jenelle's kids.

His family lives in California.  This kid will have no one in Indiana. 

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Just like most of us thought. No sane and normal guy would involve himself with Amber. Just another famewhore that miraculously dropped his "life" to move to Indiana.

Now another poor child will be brought into their clusterfuck of a life.

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19 hours ago, druzy said:

When Gary of all people (we all remember the Gary Time condoms right?) has become the voice of reason in this franchise. If only Amber didn't think she was better than him and would hear him out just one time.

I'm just going to assume Amber went off her meds and went straight into a manic phase, and this man child and pregnancy is the result. Bipolars are most at risk of going into a manic phase in times of high stress in their life, and Amber was dealing with the Matt break up and him stealing her money at the time she met this dude. Combine that with her quitting her meds, and you get this.  This should end well. ?

I really think her family, especially her brother, need to stop pussy footing around her and take her to the side and straight up tell her she's lost her damn mind. Yeah she'll get pissed and stop speaking to them but at least they will have tried and she won't be able to justify this in her mind that her family is okay with this. She'll have that nagging inner voice saying, "Maybe my family was right." 

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