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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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50 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

In the teeny tiny sneak preview for the reunion, Amber is shown yelling at Matt (to the camera), referencing his age, and coming off as her usual batshit crazy self with that angry face she puts on as if she is so badass. She is the one who chose that "46 year old" person. She mentioned all his baggage in the finale episode. Dude! You knew of that baggage early on, but chose to defend his "46 year old" ass. You talked about how much you love his chest (YUCK!!) and how badass he is. 

As for Maci, she needs to take several hundred seats. I'd love for her to talk to Farrah the way she talks to Mackenzie in this clip. Maci thinks she is so badass herself. I dare both of these twats to take that kind of attitude and talk somewhere else and see what happens. Maci has severed my last fucking nerve with her better-than-thou attitude. Bitch needs a good smack upside her big-ass forehead. Where is Tami Roman? 

Did Maci seriously call someone else full of shit? Maci who claimed her gyno told her she would never be able to get pregnant again? Maci who claimed she had no idea she was pregnant 20 weeks in, and changed her story numerous times about how she finally found out? Maci who claimed she couldn't in good conscience let her son be on the same TV show as Farrah, and then went on to allow him to appear? Maci who published a book bragging about her AA degree that she never actually completed?

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22 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Amber had no problem with his age when they got together. But that will be the first thing she brings up when they're fighting. I don't give a shit about Matt or his feelings, but Amber is totally the type to push you every button you've got. She fights dirty. 

I never get people who insult their exes. You picked him, dumbass! Whenever I hear a woman complain about her lazy SOB ex husband or a guy complain about his psychotic bitch of an ex wife, I want to say, well at one point you were perfectly fine with all their shortcomings, and now all the sudden your standards are super high?

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54 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Amber had no problem with his age when they got together. But that will be the first thing she brings up when they're fighting. I don't give a shit about Matt or his feelings, but Amber is totally the type to push you every button you've got. She fights dirty. 

Just like she did with Gary about his weight and calling him a lousy father. 

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17 minutes ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

Just like she did with Gary about his weight and calling him a lousy father. 

Oh Amber, that glass whorehouse needs no stones...

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57 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I never get people who insult their exes. You picked him, dumbass! Whenever I hear a woman complain about her lazy SOB ex husband or a guy complain about his psychotic bitch of an ex wife, I want to say, well at one point you were perfectly fine with all their shortcomings, and now all the sudden your standards are super high?

Exactly! Especially as many warnings and chances Amber was given... yes Matts a horrible person, but she doesn't get to play victim, she put herself in that situation. 

Side note- just to be clear I'm not saying that across the board for people in abusive relationships... in general I wouldn't say you can't be a victim if you stay because it's all complicated and I understand that and I don't want to trivialize anyone else's experience... in this case though Amber had every resource someone could hope to have to get help/get out, yet she chose to tell those trying to help to fuck off.

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


As for Maci, she needs to take several hundred seats. I'd love for her to talk to Farrah the way she talks to Mackenzie in this clip. Maci thinks she is so badass herself. I dare both of these twats to take that kind of attitude and talk somewhere else and see what happens. Maci has severed my last fucking nerve with her better-than-thou attitude. Bitch needs a good smack upside her big-ass forehead. Where is Tami Roman? 

" You're so full of shit, your eyes are brown"

Ugh. Nothing i hate more than a rehearsed read.

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1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

" You're so full of shit, your eyes are brown"

Ugh. Nothing i hate more than a rehearsed read.

I seriously loathe Maci and her superior attitude. The youngin' in me wants to take Maci out schoolyard style. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Amber's excuse that someone might sell her secrets in a 12 step meeting is bull.  No one is forced to share.  She could attend phone meetings and not even leave her couch. Anonymity is very important. There are famous folks in almost every 12 step program.  They can go to national conventions and speak and no one leaks a word.  

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On a lighter note, I found this on twitter.

Duh dun.....


Duh dunn....


Duh dunnnn dunnn....


A part of me felt bad posting, then I remembered the time she beat Gary, said strong women don't report DV, put Gary down for his looks constantly, etc etc. An awful moose knuckle on an awful person. Meh 

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19 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:



As I passed each photo and read your "duh dun" for each one, I kept wondering what it was I would see. 

Lol. Don't be surprised if tonight you dream of a camel chasing you. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:



As I passed each photo and read your "duh dun" for each one, I kept wondering what it was I would see. 

I was enjoying putting the "Jaws" theme with it as I read. A real horror show. 

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2 hours ago, AdorkableWitch said:

Amber's excuse that someone might sell her secrets in a 12 step meeting is bull.  No one is forced to share.  She could attend phone meetings and not even leave her couch. Anonymity is very important. There are famous folks in almost every 12 step program.  They can go to national conventions and speak and no one leaks a word.  

Seattle being who we are has a few "offbeat" celebrities that attend meetings. I can honestly say I have never heard anything that has been shared in a meeting by anyone remotely famous. It's just not done here.

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Secrets like Amber is in bed a majority of the time and her "rescue" animals destroy her rentals. She doesn't pay her bills and is a horrible excuse for a "mom" and a person in general. These other secrets must really be terrible. GTFOH Amber!

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I love how Amber is all upset that "all the bills are in Matt's name."

So, that means (besides the house, which she admits they're both on the lease), she can go stay with Shawn, her mom, or her grandma and basically ONLY be on the hook for owed rent (and we know she has no issue nor paying rent & MTV will probably come pay it for her or Matt and the dog army will get evicted.

If her name isn't on the gas/electric, insurance, car leases, cable/internet bill, cell phone, etc....then she has NO NEED to stay or talk to him. She can leave and have him stuck holding the bill(s). And it's not like this bitch pays past due bills anyway, but it's not like she's gonna lose everything if she just ups and leaves. Stay with Shawn or her mom or grandma until the next MTV check comes in and she can get one of them to hold her earnings & lease her a Cadillac, luxury home, etc. I'm sure MTV will help with the basics until then. Amber, you idiot, this is a GOOD thing that the bills are in his name and not yours as far as your ability to GTFO. He's already drained your bank account, leave him with even shittier credit by leaving him holding the bag for those bills.

Live a low-key, pre-paid by MTV cell phone type of life until your next MTV paycheck (they'll probably lease you a car and a new place as soon as filming starts anyway if you demand it). But since we know you don't grasp the gravity of having unpaid bills in your name (IRS, cough cough),you can't even see it's a positive that Matt is the one who stands to lose if you left him holding the bag for those bills. Ughhhh. Amber, what I'm trying to say is you can screw him over big time if you JUST LEAVE and say F the bills (since you don't pay bills anyway). You're missing your perfect chance to be a vindictive, spiteful bitch and further ruin Matt's credit, Amber!

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I love how Amber is all upset that "all the bills are in Matt's name."

So, that means (besides the house, which she admits they're both on the lease), she can go stay with Shawn, her mom, or her grandma and basically ONLY be on the hook for owed rent (and we know she has no issue nor paying rent & MTV will probably come pay it for her or Matt and the dog army will get evicted.

If her name isn't on the gas/electric, insurance, car leases, cable/internet bill, cell phone, etc....then she has NO NEED to stay or talk to him. She can leave and have him stuck holding the bill(s). And it's not like this bitch pays past due bills anyway, but it's not like she's gonna lose everything if she just ups and leaves. Stay with Shawn or her mom or grandma until the next MTV check comes in and she can get one of them to hold her earnings & lease her a Cadillac, luxury home, etc. I'm sure MTV will help with the basics until then. Amber, you idiot, this is a GOOD thing that the bills are in his name and not yours as far as your ability to GTFO. He's already drained your bank account, leave him with even shittier credit by leaving him holding the bag for those bills.

Live a low-key, pre-paid by MTV cell phone type of life until your next MTV paycheck (they'll probably lease you a car and a new place as soon as filming starts anyway if you demand it). But since we know you don't grasp the gravity of having unpaid bills in your name (IRS, cough cough),you can't even see it's a positive that Matt is the one who stands to lose if you left him holding the bag for those bills. Ughhhh. Amber, what I'm trying to say is you can screw him over big time if you JUST LEAVE and say F the bills (since you don't pay bills anyway). You're missing your perfect chance to be a vindictive, spiteful bitch and further ruin Matt's credit, Amber!


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2 hours ago, LunaMia said:

Oy vey. He said here's to a long weekend! His life is a long weekend, that bitch is allergic to work. Ratchet ass. 

I was about to say the same. Fucking grifter, his whole life is one long ass weekend. 

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11 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I don't get why she's even doing Marriage Boot Camp, I mean the list goes on and on for reasons she shouldn't. Oh well. I think the Farrah etc. one was filmed back in October? By the time this one is on, it will just be ridiculous. Any way........


Hmmm, ?

The sherlock in me is reading more into this tweet. It seems that Amber is DONE with Matt and is making an effort, in a jokingly way, to tell Farrah she still likes her and misses her. Just my $0.02.

Also, I wonder who that "drunk bimbo" is because it sounds like she's either a. Jealous of how much attention Matt is giving her based on the calling this woman a bimbo ( most girls call another a bimbo out of jealousy) b. This drunk bimbo is telling Amber what we all want to tell her about the Man she sleeps next to c. The drunk bimbo made fun of her onesie.


I'm dying to know the full cast. I really hope my theory about Amber hating Matt and welcoming Farrah back is accurate - I want Matt GONE!

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Matt's book sales update:

Maci's book, that hasn't been release, yet, has 632 sold books compared to Matts 101 already on sale books. Lol.






Edited by Calm81
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Marriage Boot Camp is probably hard for because I imagine everyone there isn't kissing her ass and validating her bullshit the way her production crew does. Panda never calls her out appropriately but I hope they are on this show.  


Also so ridiculous that she's filming this instead of spending time with Leah but no one is surprised about that.

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Funny, where are Amber's besties Cate and Maci?  If she wants to make amends with Farrah, good for her, but if I was Farrah idk if I'd accept it, I can forgive but idk if I'd forget. 

Marriage bootcamp films way ahead, there is still a season with Javi and Kail that was filmed last year and hasn't aired, I'm wondering if it was scrapped.

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I hope to God MBC with Kail was scrapped. Still, she got paid. I imagine she doesn't care whether it airs or not.

As for Amber, I am not at all a Twitter tech, but as I was scrolling her page, somewhere on there I came upon a Starcasm article she retweeted which has Michael discussing the beef that started with Farrah having Amber's back. The part where Michael says Farrah has Amber's best interest at heart and she can smell a rat, is why I think Amber retweeted the article. Just my gut feeling. Also, Michael also mentions what Farrah said after that finale show-down with Dr. David:


I think Farrah would be open to accepting an apology from Amber. Farrah has to know a lot of what Amber says and does is due to the gaslighting Matt does to her. That doesn't negate Amber's responsibility with all that she has done, but Farrah strikes me as someone who can forgive. She surely won't forget as that is how she operates. She reminds people of how they have hurt her as her defense mechanism.

Not sure if this was ever posted. It is the first time I am reading it. An interview with Michael about Farrah and Amber. sorry if this was posted before:


Edited by SPLAIN
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I think the conversation Farrah had with Amber was sincere on Farrah's part.

When Farrah was filming for Marriage Boot Camp, did she tweet about it? I don't recall, and find it odd that Amber would. The "cast" hasn't even been announced yet. I know Farrah tweeted while it was airing, I think they are required to do that.

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10 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I think the conversation Farrah had with Amber was sincere on Farrah's part.

When Farrah was filming for Marriage Boot Camp, did she tweet about it? I don't recall, and find it odd that Amber would. The "cast" hasn't even been announced yet. I know Farrah tweeted while it was airing, I think they are required to do that.

Farrah and Family filmed in October. Kail and Javi filmed in November.  Janelle originally had Farrah's spot but had to back out after Babs didn't want to appear. Alledgedly, Amber turned it down too.  Now that Matt has hemorrhaged all her money, she has to do the series. 

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It sounds like Amber is promoting MBC by her recent tweets. Matt would have already explained to Amber that Jeff was on a drinking binge and he was trying to save his friend. I don't remember Amber tweeting details about Matt cheating, she just called everyone haters and stated proudly that the victims were weak women. The allegations of Matt cheating and abusing women seem worse than Matt drinking again considering he already admitted he fell off the wagon, which he was never on.

I believe Amber and Matt went there to be the stars of the show and they are creating this drama. 

Edited by druzy
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You know, if Amber was that angry, she could easily do something about it. She could leave him. She always has these moments of being "badass" when Matt is not around.

Maybe that is what that grey onesie was supposed to be - her Super Badass hero costume. Instead of a cape, she had a hoodie.

Edited by GreatKazu
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She may sound immature on twitter but I'll take it!!!! ?

I've been hoping she'd dump his ass (hoping it isn't for MBC hype! But why would they be hyping up a show that won't be airing for a while? We still have Kailyns airing, first, unless it was cancelled.) for a long time so I can't be picky on how it plays out.

#pleasebereal #dontbeforhype #byematt #15minutesrup 

Btw, I'm purposely being Immature with the hashtags in light of the immaturity on twitter. ?

Edited by Calm81
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5 hours ago, poopchute said:

The "long weekend of getting dumped" is something a 16 year old would tweet, not a grown woman with a 7 year old daughter.

Agree, although, Amber appears to be mentally stunted. She admitted to having been an addict since she was 13 years of age. She has the attitude of a teenager because I think that is where her mind remains. She is a mother to a 7 year old, but even that 7 year old child seems to be more mature than her. 

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sooooo drinking wine is different from drinking liquor? soooooo are they already through with boot camp? Does this mean she did not pick to stay together and now she is mad that he is over someone else's house? Or did he not pick to stay together and is over someone else's house? And if that is the case, why is she surprised? First off she was fucking warned by Farrah and Gary that the dude is a liar. She should know by now that he isn't even an addict, drunk, whatever, but drinking wine was ok and having a relapse was ok? Around an addict? She is just beyond dumb. 

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In the words of Judge Judy, the courts don't want to get involved in the financial dealings of couples who "play house". So Amber is going to take Matt to court and say what? She gave him full access to her assets. Unless she can prove he literally stole from her, I cannot believe the courts would get involved in this dispute. She is wasting whatever little money she has left onb lawyers going after him. And even if she was successful in securing a judgement against him, does anyone seriously think he actually put money into a bank account. He spent every penny. And she let him put his name all over her stuff. She ought to be grateful that bills are in his name and they aren't married. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Wait....so marriage boot camp filming is complete already and she's home or headed home???

How long does filming take? How much does it pay? My hubby and I could probably take vacation time and I'm sure we could come up with a ratchet storyline and cause drama with the cast for a few days. I've watched Jenelle, Amber, Farrah, Leah, et al long enough to be able to ugly cry and mimic some epic dysfunction & personality disorder pretty darn well. I can always use a few grand to pay off some student loans & add to mini-Nordic's college funds.

(Oh, but that's the thing...we have to be here to parent the mini-Nordics....so Marriage Boot Camp is probably a no-go for us. We don't have a Gary or Butch or Barb to send our kids to for an extended period of time for something like a reality tv show & we'd miss them too much.)

Seriously, though...it really gets me that these chicks and Matt can make thousands in just a few days shooting some dumb reality show with no skills, education, etc. Gahhhh.

2 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

And the first thing she's going to do is drive over and give Bew Bew a biiiiig hug.

I laughed out loud at this, @Snarky McSnarky. Then I remembered that it's really not funny for poor Leah.

Plus, who would drive Amber over to Gary's anyway? If her tweet about her relationship with Matt being over (ha, doubt it) is true, that means she lost her chauffeur. Big Boss Lady Amber certainly can't drive herself. Plus, I'm sure the Boss Lady has soooo much work to catch up on laying bed in surrounded by the smell of dog urine & screeching cats on the roof, errr, I mean running her online boutique.

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