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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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I think besides the breast lift, the surgery is to remove past lose skin from her weight loss? I remember Amber lost a lot of weight in a short period of time in an early season of Teen Mom, so the surgery could be more for that than any actual losing of weight. 

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9 hours ago, poopchute said:

I'm so confused about the mommy makeover. The idea is ridiculous for anyone but I guess I could maybe understand it (actually, not really no) for women with multiple kids, so busy that they just do not have any time to work on improving their bodies.  Maybe, I guess.  But has Amber made any effort to lose weight like a normal person?  Not that we have seen. And she has one 7 year old daughter who she sees like 3 days a month so why can't she find 30 minutes a day to go on a walk? I just don't understand this at all. 

Also wouldn't a Mommy Makeover happen when you are done having children  ? Amber is only 25. Is she really ready to say n9 more children  ? 

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Apparently she didn't do a tummy tuck because she wants more children. I didn't know it intefered. Of all of the women on here, if Amber has another child, I will be sick. Sick for Leah, that is.

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Did Amber breastfeed?  I don't recall her or anyone but Kail even trying.

edit: I know you can still have saggy boobs but I thought breastfeeding was largely to blame (I type this as I nurse my baby ? )

Edited by poopchute
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The tummy tuck (excess skin removal and repairing Diastasis Recti) doesn't interfere with future pregnancies but the pregnancy it's self will cause that woman's stomach to stretch out all over again, therefore they may want this major surgery a second time. It's best to wait until you're finished having kids for that reason. Amber skipping the tummy tuck, and noticing the infant swing on their swing set is terrifying. The girl wants more kids. Fingers crossed Matt develops severe, incurable impotence.

Mommy Makeover is a combination of operations (breast augmentation, tummy tuck, lipo., and sometimes a Brazillian butt lift and labiaplasty). Kailyn had a tummy tuck, lipo., and Brazilian butt lift.

Edited by iheartla
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I was hoping Amber had a, er, birther makeover because she was done with being pregnant. 
Her weight goes up and down at an alarming rate. I know it's been said before, but I think she DOES sometimes take some kind of controlled substance. I would say something like or containing Phentermine but she's lazy AF. 

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Amber skipping the tummy tuck, and noticing the infant swing on their swing set is terrifying. The girl wants more kids.

I think that swingset was already in the backyard when they bought the house.

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17 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Apparently she didn't do a tummy tuck because she wants more children. I didn't know it intefered. Of all of the women on here, if Amber has another child, I will be sick. Sick for Leah, that is.

That shocks me.  Amber doesn't seem to like being a mother,  I just assumed she'd never want more children.  

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Matt needs an anchor baby. He most likely talked her out of any surgery that impacts her ability to carry a future child support check to term.  When they have a child together, he'll leave her soon after and fight for custody/money. 

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6 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Matt needs an anchor baby. He most likely talked her out of any surgery that impacts her ability to carry a future child support check to term.  When they have a child together, he'll leave her soon after and fight for custody/money. 

Ugh, that scenario is too horrible to contemplate. But sadly, it could be very plausible. 

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Oh, and he would flip it around with everything he knows to have a chance at receiving child support cheques/custody.

"Ambah, you sleep in until 10 every morning, what kinda crappy motha sleeps till 10? You barely take cara Leah. Ya have a physically abusive past, beat the shit outta Leah's dad in front of her, and are a former addict, yet you still take zoloft! That's a drug. Ya still an addict! I witnessed you drinking wine all those nights, ya an alcoholic and food addict, too! Ya have no business raising a kid. Yer dead to me! Why do ya think Gary has Leah? Ya house is a pig sty, ya live in a mess. Ya incapable and lazy" - Matt trying to explain why he deserves custody (child support)

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I'm actually surprised Amber isnt pregnant already.  I can't see Matt wanting to raise a child but definitely can see him using that as a threat to get money to secure his future.  I can't see Teen Mom being on the air much longer...maybe another season then the gravy train will be over.

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Didn't Amber admit she never wanted kids? Why is she acting like she wants more? it's so obvious in her demeanor and the way she interacts with Leah that she doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. It was obvious for years, even before her downward spiral. And that's okay. It's okay to admit you're not a motherly person and didn't want kids. It's okay to admit that your ex is the best candidate to raise your daughter and you're both better off if you're the non-custodial parent. I think it's possible to be a good parent even if you're not the one primarily raising your child. But you can't half-ass it, and that's exactly what Amber is doing. She keeps saying she wants Leah full-time, but can't be bothered to do anything with her on their days together. She keeps saying she's going to sue Gary for more custody, but as far as I know, nothing has happened. Girl, just admit you can't handle having a child full-time and let Leah live with Gary and Kristina. It's the best choice for everybody involved. 

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On 9/3/2016 at 0:37 PM, DNR said:

I cannot get the quote box to go away on my phone.


I always thought Amber had the SMALLEST amount of self awareness to know that she's just not cut out to be a full time parent and statistically she's not going to find another Gary who would accept that primary caregiver role. She says that she believes Matt has changed, but deep down inside she knows he's not the guy to have a baby with. 

Its okay for a woman not to want children, but don't figure that out after you've already had them! Amber has one child, focus on building a relationship with Leah and let it be. 

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Going back to the JFK canvas. I just remembered Matt mentioning JFK in the episode titled "Tweet Tweet". It is the episode where Gary is talking to Kristina about all the rumors are coming out about Matt. Matt is later shown talking about how lies are being said about him and it is sounding like a conspiracy. He then sarcastically says, "What's next? I will be accused of killing Kennedy?"

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2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Going back to the JFK canvas. I just remembered Matt mentioning JFK in the episode titled "Tweet Tweet". It is the episode where Gary is talking to Kristina about all the rumors are coming out about Matt. Matt is later shown talking about how lies are being said about him and it is sounding like a conspiracy. He then sarcastically says, "What's next? I will be accused of killing Kennedy?"

As if he thinks he's important enough to have conspiracy theories thrown around about him. More like "this bum did such an such..."

Hey Matt, don't confuse the fact that we talk about you as a sign of you being important. 

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

As if he thinks he's important enough to have conspiracy theories thrown around about him. More like "this bum did such an such..."

Hey Matt, don't confuse the fact that we talk about you as a sign of you being important. 

Seriously  ! Matt, you are soooo unimportant.All of them, all unimportant.

 I am reminded of Farrah'so celebrity sex tape, "Who's the celebrity?" ???

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6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Going back to the JFK canvas. I just remembered Matt mentioning JFK in the episode titled "Tweet Tweet". It is the episode where Gary is talking to Kristina about all the rumors are coming out about Matt. Matt is later shown talking about how lies are being said about him and it is sounding like a conspiracy. He then sarcastically says, "What's next? I will be accused of killing Kennedy?"

Well, does he have an alibi?

I met a woman once who was pregnant after a tummy tuck.  In her case they stitched her abs together so instead of a big basketball belly, it kinda went into her back.  She said she was in so much pain, and looked it too.  Smart of Amber to skip it if there is any chance of having future kids, and really she could almost have kids for another 20 years!

To me a Mommy makeover means tummy tuck.  She sounds like she doesn't want to just say she got a boob job (lift).

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I was looking at Twitter last night during the debate... Most people while tweeting about the debate will post something that indicates they are ati ally watching, whether it's an opinion, reaction to something said, support for a candidate. But the 2-3 I saw from Amber were simply "this debate is crazy" my guess is she just wanted to seem educated and either didn't watch at all, or did watch but didn't understand.

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Relaxing on my day off with a little Hulu and re-watched one of the Unseen Moments episodes.  It's the one where Kousin Krystal comes over and notices Amber's new engagement ring and is all about calling greasy Matt out on how quickly things are moving.  His response is, "It just seems like the natural progression of things."  Yes.  Yes it is when you're taking advantage of a young woman who is fresh out of jail and her footing is a little unsteady.   Gotta be quick in the "natural progression of things" before she realizes that you're a con artist grifter who is taking advantage of her. 

Now this low class con artist convinced Amber to allow his son to move in?  Amber, Amber, Amber, girlfriend, PLEASE do not marry this guy.  PLEASE.  You truly deserve better and believe it or not CAN do better than this guy.   Mr. Poor Dental Hygiene Matt was unemployed, abandoned how many kids, gave up his apartment (which he didn't tell Amber), moved in with her (knowing he could con her into agreeing), quickly proposed, cheated on her, then SHE bought a big house, and now his son has moved in?  Is Matt employed?  Because I'll bet any amount of money that he isn't.  I truly find the whole situation unfortunate and irritating to watch.  Dude is already subtly chasing down women in the neighborhood claiming it's "the dog".  Yeah okay there Skippy.

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32 minutes ago, Emmierose said:

  Amber, Amber, Amber, girlfriend, PLEASE do not marry this guy.  PLEASE.  You truly deserve better and believe it or not CAN do better than this guy.  

At this point I don't know that I'd agree. Other than her TM money, I'm not sure what Amber really brings to the table either.

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Yea, I might have said that right after she got out of prison and at the START of their relationship. I was actually rooting for her back then. She seemed to have really gotten her shit in order and was ready to make changes in her life. 

Not now. She may not be on pills anymore, but she's done absolutely nothing. She barely sees her daughter, even when it's her turn. And she allowed this skeeve that she barely knew to move in and take care of a young girl. Creepy! The longer Amber stays with Matt, and ignores all of the horrible things that have come out about him, the more I believe she's just as horrible as him.

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12 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


Wonder what show and who number 1 and 3 are?

Btw, in another tweet she stated she owns 2 companies besides being on the show. Busy busy !

She does. Matt Baier LLC and Matt Baier Inc.


In all serious, I would bet her "companies" are merely the title holders for when she purchases real estate. Anyone that pays the secretary of state the appropriate fee can register a corporation or limited liability company.

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On 10/8/2016 at 11:07 PM, iheartla said:

Oh, and he would flip it around with everything he knows to have a chance at receiving child support cheques/custody.

"Ambah, you sleep in until 10 every morning, what kinda crappy motha sleeps till 10? You barely take cara Leah. Ya have a physically abusive past, beat the shit outta Leah's dad in front of her, and are a former addict, yet you still take zoloft! That's a drug. Ya still an addict! I witnessed you drinking wine all those nights, ya an alcoholic and food addict, too! Ya have no business raising a kid. Yer dead to me! Why do ya think Gary has Leah? Ya house is a pig sty, ya live in a mess. Ya incapable and lazy" - Matt trying to explain why he deserves custody (child support)

Dude no. That had way too many big words for Matt to say any of it.

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On a more positive note, Simon says that his Teen Mom OG Snapchat videos brought in over 100,000 views and as a result he will be donating $10,000 to the Ronald McDonald House charity tomorrow. Hmmm… Drama for a cause? Not a bad idea!

Can it be confirmed if he followed through?

I don't mind that he called out Matt as a pedophile. We've been saying it for a long time now.

Matt mentioned his child support cases being dropped. Where are the sleuths on this page? Can you confirm what has happened in his court matters?

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I wandered over to Amber's instagram (slow work day...) and her bio says "Life is great sober and healthy", but doesn't she still drink? I guess if she no longer takes drugs she can call herself clean, though some may disagree, but sober? The definition of sober is to do with alcohol.

Also I've only just started following OG and one of the things that irritates me most is Amber's pet name for Leah, not once have I heard her acknowledge her child's actual name. "Hey BewBew!!!" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. 

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Simon: Amber, you let an unemployed deadbeat pedophile who has fathered and abandoned 9 kids, been accused of rape, and sent out a blanket proposition to every girl on your show into your house. What do you have to say for yourself?

Amber: He's not a pedophile, jackass

Simon: Well I guess you've got me there, Sunshine.

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Brooklynista posted the link / information above in her post.

Amber's friend, the one who helped them move into their home, has a shady and criminal past:


Edited by GreatKazu
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The weird thing is that Simon's comments to Amber, and the roast in general, makes me like FARRAH more. I can't explain it. I WISH it meant that she realizes she is a "character" and is in control of it. That maybe she's seen a lot of other reality shows and realizes that the over-the-top, bitchy people are the ones who generally become successful at this weird career. So she's milking it for all it's worth for the cameras yet, back at home, she and Simon are sitting around in their flannel PJs and fuzzy socks with Sophia, playing Scrabble or something. 

Yeah, yeah, I know this scenario is unlikely but it's a fantasy of mine. 

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