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S20.E23: Live Eviction #7; Head of Household #8


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44 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I could be wrong, but I though I saw flexible hose connections for the sink.  Of course production could have avoided the sink falling if they had mounted it properly.  That dangerous situation could have easily been avoided.  I am surprised that scene made it to air, because it makes the "house" look cheap.

But is IS Blanche!  It IS cheap! 

BB reveals that Tyler is NOT as surfer dude!  Clutch the pearls, honey!  Say it ain't so!
That HOH comp looked like it was TOO easy for a couple of those hamsters.  Fozzy looked like he does this comp everyday.

I'm convinced that production told Angela and Brett "We need a fun villain.  Can you be an asshole for a few weeks?  It will kickstart your acting career post-BB".

CBS - why do you want to keep pushing crap shows during BB?  First it was the "Wipeout" clone, now we have a "Touched by an Angel", "Highway to Heaven", "Joan of Arcadia" ripoff, "God Friended Me".    CBS' summer season, where bad ideas inflict their tedium on America.

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said:

CBS - why do you want to keep pushing crap shows during BB?  First it was the "Wipeout" clone, now we have a "Touched by an Angel", "Highway to Heaven", "Joan of Arcadia" ripoff, "God Friended Me".    CBS' summer season, where bad ideas inflict their tedium on America.

The problem with CBS is that they aren't on any streaming sites.  They want you to buy theirs and it's basically the same price as Hulu where you can get tons of tv shows, movies, documentaries etc.  If they were on a streaming site people might watch their shows even if it's a third tier choice.

Just came back to say that RS shouldn't have had any idealized outcome of the eviction.  She fucked up big time.  She fucked herself and her alliance.  She had a chance to perhaps turn it all around and blew it.  

  • Love 2

Why do I watch BB when I know I'm going to root for the sincere, vulnerable, insecure nice(ish) guys, but the arrogant, needlessly cruel, mean-girl types are always the stars of the show?  Good game play or not, I can't like or even feel impressed by people like Angela & Brett who take so much glee in punching down.  

I started out the season loving Tyler & KayCee, but now they're barely above Brett & Angela on my List of Horrible Persons.
I started out hating Rockstar but grew to like her.  I think her OTT fashion, exaggerated accent & "bad ass bitch" act are just over-compensation for insecurity & other flaws she sees in herself.  (I feel like Lucy Van Pelt - The Doctor is In!) 

The only thing that makes me interested in watching once the cast is down to just L6 is - as a couple people already mentioned - the desire to see them turn on each other, in the hopes that at least some of them will experience a degree of the embarrassment and meanness they've dealt out along the way.

Amen. ( <---- added because I think this post sounds WAY more sanctimonious than I intended.  I really don't take this all that seriously.!)

  • Love 6

I had to watch in the early morning thanks to freaking football, so my thoughts are all scattered....

Laughed so hard at NonStar CRYING and assuring Kaycee that she's not the one who was supposed to go home. Oh honey....

And then the Mr. and Mrs. Smith crap. Is she serious??? She's almost so pathetic that I want to feel sorry for her, but then she starts bobbing and weaving and speaking with her blaccent and I just can't. 

Fessy and Haleigh are gross. Angela is a smug bitch, and I'm fine with keeping her around to protect Tyler, but I really want to see that smug look wiped right off her face at some point. I vacillate between being annoyed and humored by Brett. Kaycee does nothing for me either way. JC is just there. Sam is clueless and pathetic. I forgot Scottie was even in the house. 

I am not spoiled in the slightest, but I'm guessing Fessy wins HOH. Those long legs are going to give him a major advantage. And I don't find JC struggling to get up the walkway funny at all. 

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Angela’s goodbye messages are starting to amuse me because they’re just so unapologetically bitchy. Her and Brett aren’t doing themselves any favours with the jury though.

Right? If I were Brett, I would have tried to play it off like I was still Mr. Smith. "If you're seeing this RS, I don't know what happened. I thought we'd at least have Scottie, JC, and Sam on our side. I guess Tyler got to them, just like he gets to everyone else. I'll miss you, girl!" He probably could have pulled it off; she's that delusional. But I guess he can't resist going nasty. 


12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I'm still mind blown from the idea of Tyler, Professional Bowler. Of all sports I thought he would have played...

I thought it was totally unexpected and adorable. I loved hearing about how he and his dad bonded over bowling; but it was so sad that he gave it up when his father passed. 


12 hours ago, mojoween said:

Was that HOH sink connected to any plumbing?  It looked like it was just glued to the wall with no water anywhere.

That was some Real Housewives of NJ shady-ass construction going on. 

  • Love 7

Heh, Tyler was handling Sam like a sidepiece. "You're my girl but publicly I have to pretend like I'm with this other chick so you and me have keep our thing on the downlow." And Sam fell for it. Tyler's pimp game is strong.

I'm finding Kaycee's arrogance kind of off-putting. So far I don't think she's done much--that we've been shown anyway--to back that attitude up. Can't wait until Angela turns on her too.

So is Haleigh working Fessy? Is he working her? I can't figure out if that's a real showmance or not.

I thought Rockstar's eviction speech was too wordy to the point of being barely coherent. Guess she never heard of KISS. Not that it mattered.

Why didn't Julie call RS out on that ridiculous blaccent? Rockstar went full-tilt during her post-eviction interview. I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

Seems to me that HOH competition would favor people with strong cores and longer, stronger legs. I'm guessing Fessy or Tyler win it.


Did Julie zap Rockstar with a stun-gun?

No but maybe she should've and put the audience out of our misery.

  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So is Haleigh working Fessy? Is he working her? I can't figure out if that's a real showmance or not.

I can't figure them out either. All of her body language reads, "GET THE FUCK AWAY", to me. She seemed a lot more comfortable and genuinely interested when hanging out with Brett. So I would think she's using/working Fessy. But then she says in DRs that she does like him. She's saying this in a private setting where he can't hear her, so who would that benefit if she were lying? Make her look less gross to her daddy watching at home? Or maybe her jury game is THAT strong? 

I have no earthly clue. 

  • Love 2

I think Haleigh trusts Faysal in ways she can't trust Brett, so even though she really isn't that into him and thinks it's a bad idea, she's taking some easy comfort with him, even though she later regrets it in the DR.

May prove even more interesting/awkward now that they are, essentially, alone in the game.  (Scottie has mostly aligned with their side, but they don't really trust him, either.)  If Fessy wins HoH, it could be a very weird week in the suite.

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I can't figure them out either. All of her body language reads, "GET THE FUCK AWAY", to me. She seemed a lot more comfortable and genuinely interested when hanging out with Brett. So I would think she's using/working Fessy. But then she says in DRs that she does like him. She's saying this in a private setting where he can't hear her, so who would that benefit if she were lying? Make her look less gross to her daddy watching at home? Or maybe her jury game is THAT strong? 

I have no earthly clue. 


34 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

I think Haleigh trusts Faysal in ways she can't trust Brett, so even though she really isn't that into him and thinks it's a bad idea, she's taking some easy comfort with him, even though she later regrets it in the DR.

May prove even more interesting/awkward now that they are, essentially, alone in the game.  (Scottie has mostly aligned with their side, but they don't really trust him, either.)  If Fessy wins HoH, it could be a very weird week in the suite.

The great mystery of Hayleigh & Fessy...she tells him she likes him, but kisses him and immediately wishes she hadn't (and tells him so).  She leans away when he leans in.  She tells the DR that she likes him but then says "whatever" with a dismissive eye-roll.  I think she realizes that she's using him to further her game (as the only person she knows won't turn on her) so she's hesitant to tell him that she's just not that into him.  Meanwhile, she's got Brett, Tyler and Scottie all cozying up to her and I feel like her real attraction lies somewhere with one of those three but she can't cut Fessy at the risk of her own game.

TL;DR - she made her bed and now Fessy's in it.

  • Love 6

Brett and Angela are idiots. They're so far up their own asses they've forgotten how this show works. Although to be fair, it's entirely possible neither of them actually care about winning this game. They think by being "personalities" America will love them so much they'll be asked back again and again and get other offers from other shows too. That's the problem with Reality TV anymore - the important thing isn't to win, it's to make a name for yourself to stretch that fifteen minutes of fame out as long as possible. 

This seemed like an oddly random episode for Tyler's home package. He's neither on the block nor HoH and those used to be the criteria for who the show spotlighted. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

CBS - why do you want to keep pushing crap shows during BB?  First it was the "Wipeout" clone, now we have a "Touched by an Angel", "Highway to Heaven", "Joan of Arcadia" ripoff, "God Friended Me".    CBS' summer season, where bad ideas inflict their tedium on America.

At least they didn't make the hamsters sit and watch them; they've done that kind of thing before to sneak ad time into BB. I don't remember the last time I saw sets as cheap as on one of them; it made BB's look good, even with the sink that fell apart.

I have to say, one of the things I have been enjoying most of this season was the lack of showmances. And all it took for me to realize this was that scene of Fessy and Haleigh in bed with the cheesy music. It doesn’t seem genuine on Haleigh’s part. I think as her ally’s leave the house, she realized she needs Fessy now more than ever.

on the topic of Fessy, this HOH seems to be made for him. His huge body and long legs have him sailing down the grease. But who knows if he burns out towards the end and equally long legged Tyler can catch up.

I find myself on team Haleigh or Scottie. We don’t see a lot of Scottie during the week, but I am always rooting for his safety. 

Kaycee and Angela are awful and can’t go any day now. They’re so smug.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I could be wrong, but I though I saw flexible hose connections for the sink.  Of course production could have avoided the sink falling if they had mounted it properly.  That dangerous situation could have easily been avoided.  I am surprised that scene made it to air, because it makes the "house" look cheap.

But look at it this way; if they hadn’t used flexible hose, then steel or hard plastic water lines would’ve broken and flooded out the HoH Room - which is actually what I was hoping for when the vanity went kerblooey, but still....

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

For some reason I thought that all of the "special" food was taken away once his or her HOH reign is over.   I didn't know that they would get to keep that food once they were kicked to the curb..

Everything else - pictures, MP3 player, HoH robe, etc. - goes back, but the exiting HoH gets to keep the foodstuffs which don’t require refrigeration (not including beverages).

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, greyflannel said:

Doesn't the smaller container in the slip and slide comp usually have a larger cup in it instead of a cash prize? I don't recall if it was ever used with success though.

Sometimes the smaller container has a prize to entice houseguests who either believe they'll be safe or know they'll lose this comp; it could be like a slop-free pass for several weeks or other prize. But yes, many other times it has been a tool (a bigger cup, a cup without holes) to give someone an advantage. Perhaps since they (apparently) made the track a bit easier to navigate, they didn't feel the need to offer a helping tool.


6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

This seemed like an oddly random episode for Tyler's home package. He's neither on the block nor HoH and those used to be the criteria for who the show spotlighted. 

I guess technically he's the Veto winner this week (but when isn't he?!), so there's something, but yeah that was a bit blatant about production's preferred houseguest. If they have to use filler time for one segment of the eviction episodes, I'd rather bring back where Julie interviews the HOH upstairs. Then we would've known what adjective Hayleigh had planned for Julie this week!

  • Love 4

This episode confirmed my suspicion that RS's husband wasn't in favor of her doing the show not only because they have little kids, but because he knew how she'd act and while it's eccentric in the small circles they move in where everybody knows them and makes allowances, on a national stage it's going to be devastating.

  • Love 4

This season’s The Challenge is called “Final Reckoning” because it’s the final part of a trilogy, that they determined was a trilogy halfway through the second season, apparently.  

Also, Angela can keep her stank-ass the hell away from The Challenge.  Bad enough Natalie and incredibly annoying Paul (Caliafiore, Cody’s lesser brother) have invaded it.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, kassa said:

This episode confirmed my suspicion that RS's husband wasn't in favor of her doing the show not only because they have little kids, but because he knew how she'd act and while it's eccentric in the small circles they move in where everybody knows them and makes allowances, on a national stage it's going to be devastating.

Is he her husband? I thought he was just her boyfriend.

  • Love 1
On 2018-08-16 at 10:37 PM, Dewey Decimate said:

Deluded RS and her Dee Reynolds character acting. The gods have shown mercy and she is out, thankfully. (I do, though, have to give her credit for her snappy comeback when Julie asked who tanked her game.)

Fessy - damn, son, you KILLIN' it!!! He actually looks sleek and agile on that sploogy runway. If he does end up winning, I have to admit that were I Hayleigh I might just give him an Old Fashioned under the sheets in admiration and appreciation of what looks to be a stellar performance. I'd really like to see Hayleigh stick around a little longer; her convos with Tyler are like a mongoose and cobra circling each other - very fun. Though who am I kidding - should Fessy win, my bet is on Sam or Scottie getting evicted.


I had to look that up on Urban Dictionary! I thought maybe it was missionary....nope. 

For anyone else that's clueless....


  • Love 1
4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I am not sure what is going on with Fessy and Hayleigh.  When they were in bed together it looked incredibly forced and awkward, not the least bit romantic.

I know that I love a girl that gets insta-guilt and tells me how wrong it was after every romantic advance. "We shouldn't have done that. *turns away*

I'm sure in some parallel universe they are a scorching couple.

  • Love 2
On 8/18/2018 at 7:57 AM, mojoween said:

This season’s The Challenge is called “Final Reckoning” because it’s the final part of a trilogy, that they determined was a trilogy halfway through the second season, apparently.  

Also, Angela can keep her stank-ass the hell away from The Challenge.  Bad enough Natalie and incredibly annoying Paul (Caliafiore, Cody’s lesser brother) have invaded it.

I hope its coming back  in some revamped form.  They cant have so many MTVers unemployed at once lol

Can someone help me out here?  It's been awhile since these so-called alliances were formed.  

It's Level 6 versus the Other Side of the House (do they even have a name), right?

Near as I can tell the "Other Side of the House" at this point is just Haleigh and Faysell?

Level 6 is Angela, Kaycee, Tyler, Brett and Scottie?  Because I was under the impression that JC and Sam were pretty much floating and not part of an actual alliance, with Sam voting the way Tyler urged her to do.  

Thanks all.  Much appreciated.  

54 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Can someone help me out here?  It's been awhile since these so-called alliances were formed.  

It's Level 6 versus the Other Side of the House (do they even have a name), right?

The Other Side’s name is (at present) The Hive.  The Hive started out as FOUTTE (Scraggy, Hay, Fessy, Kaitlyn, and Pinky = Five Of Us ‘Til The End), grew to Sacred 6 (S6 = FOUTTE + Bae), and has kept shrinking ever since.  Steve and Scottie were not original members, but loosely associated outliers.  When S6 got down to four of its originals (Bae, Hay, Fessy and Pinky), Scottie was pulled in to become a full alliance member; this reconstituted group rechristened itself the Hive.



Near as I can tell the "Other Side of the House" at this point is just Haleigh and Faysell?

Hay, Fessy, and Scottie.



Level 6 is Angela, Kaycee, Tyler, Brett and Scottie? 

L6 started out as Tyler, Kaycee, Angela, Rachel, Brett and Winston.  Scottie has never been part of L6, although continuing disaffection with his Hive compatriots has pushed Scottie in L6’s direction in recent weeks.



Because I was under the impression that JC and Sam were pretty much floating and not part of an actual alliance, with Sam voting the way Tyler urged her to do. 

JC and Sam have been pretty constant outliers of L6, although never formal alliance members - much like Scottie and FOUTTE/S6.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Nashville said:

The Other Side’s name is (at present) The Hive.  The Hive started out as FOUTTE (Scraggy, Hay, Fessy, Kaitlyn, and Pinky = Five Of Us ‘Til The End), grew to Sacred 6 (S6 = FOUTTE + Bae), and has kept shrinking ever since.  Steve and Scottie were not original members, but loosely associated outliers.  When S6 got down to four of its originals (Bae, Hay, Fessy and Pinky), Scottie was pulled in to become a full alliance member; this reconstituted group rechristened itself the Hive.


Hay, Fessy, and Scottie.


L6 started out as Tyler, Kaycee, Angela, Rachel, Brett and Winston.  Scottie has never been part of L6, although continuing disaffection with his Hive compatriots has pushed Scottie in L6’s direction in recent weeks.


JC and Sam have been pretty constant outliers of L6, although never formal alliance members - much like Scottie and FOUTTE/S6.

Many thanks for the clarification and much appreciated!  Sometimes I only half hear the babble that comes out of the Hamsters' mouths.  

  • Love 1
On 8/20/2018 at 9:18 PM, Nashville said:

The Other Side’s name is (at present) The Hive.  The Hive started out as FOUTTE (Scraggy, Hay, Fessy, Kaitlyn, and Pinky = Five Of Us ‘Til The End), grew to Sacred 6 (S6 = FOUTTE + Bae), and has kept shrinking ever since.  Steve and Scottie were not original members, but loosely associated outliers.  When S6 got down to four of its originals (Bae, Hay, Fessy and Pinky), Scottie was pulled in to become a full alliance member; this reconstituted group rechristened itself the Hive.


Hay, Fessy, and Scottie.


L6 started out as Tyler, Kaycee, Angela, Rachel, Brett and Winston.  Scottie has never been part of L6, although continuing disaffection with his Hive compatriots has pushed Scottie in L6’s direction in recent weeks.


JC and Sam have been pretty constant outliers of L6, although never formal alliance members - much like Scottie and FOUTTE/S6.

JC thinks he is part of their alliance (even if he doesn't know the name of it), he's constantly given them information.

37 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

JC thinks he is part of their alliance (even if he doesn't know the name of it), he's constantly given them information.

JC is just giving the non-Hive people info.  He is loosely working with them (L6) but does not no of their existence as an still at this date.  He seems to imagine he has an alliance with Tyler but Tyler has made nothing official with him.  They others are just allies of convenience, a loose group with the same goal ... surviving and then taking down The Hive.

I guess the difference here is that JC does not have an official deal in place or official commitment to anyone nor does he know there is an official alliance either.  Kind of like Scottie with the other side for weeks on end except Scottie knew there was an actual alliance and even thought he was part of it even when he wasn't, heh.

Now it is entirely strange that JC has never figured out there is a structured alliance with a name and an official deal in place.  But then JC think he is running the house too.

It will be interesting what L6 and especially Tyler will do with JC.  Do they get him about before all 4 of them and possibly Sam?  Or does someone like Tyler use JC as a swing vote when L6 has to fight it out between them in the end?  Managing his jury vote will be a nightmare for Tyler in some scenarios.

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