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S20.E20: Live Eviction #6. Head of Household #7


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You can't disrespect me!  LOL  Queen Bailey deserves no respect.

Hay is being smart keeping her mouth shut.  Until she doesn't.  hahaha

Is Granny the "No Stars" dude? 

My granny was an institutionalized paranoid schizophrenic. Thorazine eventually made her good for a few years until she went bi-polar. Then it got really weird.

They don't realize it's about Bay's (significant) power and being the hacker is just a smokescreen for L4.

Nobody owes Bay an apology.  

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There goes Rockstar in her fake voice. Earlier I had the feeds on and they were showing episodes of past seasons. There was one where someone was talking in the Diary Room and I thought "That really sounds like Rockstar!'  I looked to see who it was and it was Jocasta.

Bayleigh had a nice speech. 

Brett in his Granny sweater!  Ha! Tyler's vote was nullified.

KAYCEE - (I wonder if Peanut song will go while she's in the DR) - voted to evict Bayleigh

BRETT - voted to evict Bayleigh.

FESSY - voted to evict Bayleigh.

SCOTTIE - voted to evict Bayleigh.

HALEIGH - voted to evict Bayleigh. And ASTOUNDING is the word of the week!

SAM - voted to evict Rockstar.

JC - voted to evict Bayleigh.

Well there goes someone from my BB pool - two weeks in a row now!

Edited by Lamb18
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9 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

I hate the speeches the on the block people make.

I don't watch them live because they can spoil anyway, they are one of the worst parts of the eviction show.  I don't even look at those on the block as what they wear tells you who's going as well.  But then you get someone giving clues as to the vote as Sam was saying she wanted Bayleigh to stay, so you can't read threads live with the show either.

Edited by amazingracefan
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Bayleigh almost held it together on the live show... then  her arrogance and delusions came out.    It’s a fricking game with only one winner AND you had a not so secret power. Of course you were going home... and if there was any doubt, her meltdown at the house meeting sealed the deal

Edited by DEL901
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I’m loving this season! Not happy about Hay getting HoH since it means Tyler and Brett (who I have really come to like) will be in trouble but hopefully the Hacker will be helpful. It’s kind of nice though that it’s not one side of the house winning every week. Sounds like the audience was LOVING Hay though so I guess I’m in the minority.

Julie seemed much happier and looked beautiful tonight. (Who was it here who was trying to decipher Hay’s secret message? Tonight’s code word was “astounding”) I feel like her stylist is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Some weeks they want Julie to look gorgeous and other weeks they’re like “Wear this trash bag, bitch!”

Granny was hilarious! Was that the yeller guy? I love him!  “You’re not trying hard enough.” “You’re not dying fast enough.” LMAO!

So much for Hay being a good player. I thought her first DR, talking about keeping her Hacker moves secret, was so smart. Then she went and threw it all away. I mean, it was great television, but such a bad game move.

Bay is just plain batshit crazy. I’m so glad they showed the flashback of her and Tyler just to emphasize how nuts she is. (Also, I had already forgotten about that incident and was wondering why Tyler seemed so bitter towards Bay.) She really does live in her own world. I was a little annoyed at Julie telling her about Swaggy, they’re not supposed to get any news from the outside world. Now that she proclaimed her love for him, BB will mention their love story every chance they get. Ugh.

  • Love 13
Just now, Brian Cronin said:

What sucks for her is that the Hacker comp could really throw one hell of a wrinkle into things.

She'll have to do a backdoor. What would be ironic is if Tyler used his power and Haleigh never nominated him anyway. Because he has to use it before nominations, right?

No double eviction yet, I think she would have announced it.

2 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Not just another Magnum commercial, but one for Murphy Brown as well

That used to be my favorite show.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, dizzyd said:

So does Tyler use his power for the noms or does he wait for the veto so he's not backdoored?

Especially with the Hacker comp, I think Tyler has to hold off until POV. It'd be foolish to protect yourself from initial nomination when you could be the hacker nom AND the re-nom. 

If there was no hacker comp, that'd be one thing, but there is.

  • Love 4


This episode was EVERYTHING! It left me emotionally exhausted.

I'm so happy that Hayleigh won! I guess since she was so honest a higher power decided to grace her and us with her beign HOH. Thank ya JESUS! Now put up Tyler and force him to use his pwoer and reveal himself!

I watched the Bayleigh blow up like 4 times today and everytime it is GLORIOUS. Regardless of her being stuck up and all about herself, I wanted her gone because she wasted such a good power. All so she could be selfish and not think of her team.

Seeing Tyler cry about not being a villain was great. Dude you are to an extent, you go on about others hiding their powers but you been hiding and lyin this entire time! 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

There are two competitions where he could bring himself down. The Hacker comp AND the POV. There are too many options to get out of it this week for him to use it at initial nominations, while too many options for him to go up on the block anyways.

I would laugh if he got put up and didnt use his power and ended up going home thus finishing the trifecta of the powers being rendered useless.

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Bayleaf screaming so hard she busted a blood vessel in her tongue!  LOL!  Lawdt, da debil was in that child!  I was waiting for her to roll on the ground and start speaking in tongues!

She did look good in her dress tho'. So she got that goin' for her,... I guess.  Bayleaf "Oh I bet my family LOVED swaggy!  They 'bout as crazy as he is."
Haylee - "Julie, you look CROMULENT tonight!"  Julie - "Thanks Hacker, quit sucking up and just cast your damn vote."

Was Sam supposed to be a butcher version of Tom Cruise in Top Gun tonight?

The Granny was the NO STARS guy.  I kept waiting for Brett to say "Hello, Gramma NEWMAN!"  And the pills she spilled.. one was a jelly bean!  What?? No Werther's???

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Bayleigh really is nuts....girl went from zero to 5000 in ten seconds and then started bleeding in the mouth lol. Then, she get out of the house and chats with Julie like they go way back. I totally see how Bayleigh won Miss Congeniality. She can turn on the charm when she wants, but that temper......eek. 

Brett's goodbye message was stupid. A total misread of Bayeligh. Angela's was too fake, but I thought Tyler's was the best of the L6 group. He didn't pretend like they were best friends, but he played on her ego.. 

So happy that Hayleigh won HOH! She is one of the few who doesn't actively bug me. I'll even look past her stupidity in outing herself as the Hacker.

I would've been screwed in the Hacker comp and this HOH. Unscrambling words and phrases is not my thing.... AT ALL. 

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16 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:


Julie seemed much happier and looked beautiful tonight. (Who was it here who was trying to decipher Hay’s secret message? Tonight’s code word was “astounding”) 

Yeah, I mentioned that I think it's some sort of code. Extravagant, iconic, astounding, was there more?  The words start with vowels, and she has them planned out ahead of time. She is ready with the compliment before she even looks at Julie. And they're not normal words you would use to say how someone looks, like beautiful or fabulous.

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